velleekwitay The FemShep trailer is identical to the one with male Shepard, they only swapped one character model. My guess is it would be too expensive to render Kaidan as a replacement for Ash as the cinematic trailers are costly and usually made by third parties, he's also a biotic, which would require some extra animation for his powers (unless they'd just have him stand there with a gun), Ash is far less complicated to work with in this sense. Also, having two leading ladies in the trailer tickles the fancy of the feminist audience out there and enforces the message of "Girls can play video games too." But Kaidan's been on a whole lot of other promotional content (screenshots, wallpapers etc.) and in gameplay trailers both with FemShep and male Shepard. All in all, I think he's been featured in more ME3 promos than Ash was, she, on the other hand, was heavily featured in ME1 promos.
Femshep is awesome and what's interesting is that Shepard is so emotionally reserved in their body language that femshep comes of as a stone cold tomboy badass. She's pretty intimidating to be honest. One of the best warrior women in fiction.
FemShep works so well because they never bring up bullshit like "uuhuhu female power", "strong female character", they never made femShep Mary Sue and never made other characters act like idiots. Instead we saw that Shepard is super competent and badass while also take advices from rest of the team and rest of the team is also super competent but all of them including Shepard also have flaws and are no perfect. On top of that Jennifer Hale did great job especially with renegade lines she sounds amazing and even scary at some times.
@@Extreme96PL The first reason i played as FemShep was because of Jennifer Hale, She is probably the best voice "actor" alive, Secondly when i played as FemShep i found her the perfect balance of being capable of compassion and total malice, Thirdly i never got past Eden Prime playing as MaleShep because he just does not sound sincere(No disrespect to Mark Meer because he is very good, Just hear all the Hanar an Vorcha in the games), Lastly, For me FemShep is cannon Shep but i know i am in a minority. BTW is that the Mattock our girl is holding? Or the Cerberus Harrier?
@@Extreme96PL I get a kick out of how offensive people find women that flaunt their gender but don't have a single problem with how casually men do it in literally everything. It's sad that a male character can be iconic just be being a dude, but it takes a female character shedding any identity as a woman for people to accept them as a badass. For some reason, a man can just be a man/warrior at the same time, because they're perceived as synonymous in most context of a game. But a woman has to be either a woman OR a warrior, or it's heresy.
@@Warrior_Culture this is not true or if someone thinks that way he/she is idiot flaunting gender is totally unecessary. Good written character will be good written character, bad written character will be bad written character no matter if character is man or woman.
@@Extreme96PL That's like saying water is wet. Of course a well written character is a well written character. But writing a good male and a good female character is NOT done the same way. Any good writer knows this. And it's not about what's "necessary". If you want to take that route then a ton of characterization isn't "necessary". But writing a good character with any depth and completely ignoring any differences in gender isn't good writing. It's safe writing, intended to please sensitive masses that get triggered by politics. Shepards entire script is written ambiguously to fit a character that's either a man or a women and people like you call it good writing because you think expressing masculinity is fine but expressing femininity isn't. You have a double standard that you justify as just keeping out what isn't "necessary". But a woman behaving like a man for an entire game just so everyone thinks she's a badass, and because society accepts masculine women more than it accepts feminine men, is only a "well" written character in the sense that most people won't care. But read any real book with deep characters and gender plays a huge role, and it doesn't have to be in an over-the-top "look I have tits" or in a marry-sue sort of way. But they don't need to be tomboys or tough or devoid of a gender identity either. Femshep is literally an exact copy of male shep, but with tits. Shepard as a character in general is well written, but femshep is not a well written female character.
I get goosebumps; i love the idea of Joker leading the bombing run. I think it's cos Mass Effect so perfectly makes it seem like a team effort; Sheperd has the best squad in the galaxy and everyone is indespensible
After finishing ME2 a few weeks ago (once on Normal and once on Insanity), and starting y first play through of 3, I have to agree. I think it's because you see the dumb default Shepard everywhere and it gets boring even this long after initial release.
Rikimaru LDR Well even though the default Jane Shepard is seen a lot too, she's still better than the default male one. With all respect to Mark Meer, he just can't pull it off like Jennifer Hale can. I'll be playing as a female character in the new game too when it eventually comes out on PS4.
+Riza Hawkeye Ash and Miranda both have long hair covering there faces and it bugs the hell out of me. I'm totally fine with them having long hair but tie it back for the love of god
Dude, I have super long hair like, down to my waist and let me tell you it is a bitch and a half when I do anything even remotely active when it's down. I cant even fathom fighting reapers and collectors like that.
How the hell have I never seen this until now? Also, I love the fact that the cinematic graphics of this trailer could easily just be actual gameplay in a modern game. On a side note the only critical thing I can think of about this trailer is that the in the scene that showed the Reapers shadow going over the little girl, then is shows the Reaper, it should of had that (now) classic Reapers Deep WOOOOOOOO siren sound.
So many years later, still so awesome. I replayed the entire series with recommended mods (especially for the ending with Citadel DLC as an epilogue of sorts). Simply brilliant
@@garyg9815 Maybe but Turians come to human aid before anyone else after Shepard helps on the Palaven moon and rescues Victus. Plus, Garrus pretty much made them a fan-favorite species in the trilogy with Saren being a good villain. So I wouldn't be surprised if those were purposeful Turian fighter ships.
I just finished playing the entire franchise. And I got way to emotionally attached with my Shepard. I felt her pain and desperation at the 3rd game and was shattered when the ending took place. But unfortunately it was needed. Not everything has to end like a star wars movie.
Welcome to the club of us ME lovers! Bioware did exactly what it set out to do if you have that deep connection with the characters in the game. You my friend, cherished the journey and appreciated the end sacrifice. :)
It's not a game, it's an experience. That's something I get from a game with really good storytelling like the Mass Effect series and Wing Commander which I don't get from books or movies. The ability to shape a character with my actions creates that attachment to what's really a sprite on the screen. And yes, not everything has to have a happy ending. After all the snarky renegade dialog and fun but pointless side quests, Mass Effect was about self-sacrifice for the greater good. I loved how there was no real black and white morality in the end, just shades of gray.
***** on that I do agree with you. When I played the final scene it did feel rush, my Shepard actually shot the kid, but because I didn't have the extended version nothing happened and I ended up taking the one from the right. However if you ask me how was the ending to your Shepard story, easy, she's a hot headed person who wants to save everyone. Therefore she got impatient and shot the kid ghost, not agreeing to him. He gets mad then said, have it your way the cycle continues. Her stubbornness cost the extinction to a lot of species. It's said and I was a bit sad but when in life do we always get what we want. Just sharing my ending.
Flamey Bree Kaidan was kind of a weak character, imo. I chose Ashely. She's a better soldier...and in Mass need good soldiers for backup. And since I have never been able to save Wrex from getting killed off in ME1, Ashley fills the gap; as Garrus isn't strong enough in the first game. Liarra and Ash are my focus squad, I keep them well armed and armored.
I can see why people would work with her, I always found Kaidan's biotics more helpful than Ashley though. I had a good shooter already, Garrus. XD I didn't feel like I really needed her.
Flamey Bree I don't doubt your need for biotics, but Liarra is hands down the most powerful Biotic that you have on your crew. With Shep's biotics and Liarra's biotics, it leaves room for a tank. Wrex was the best, because he could deal lots of damage AND use biotics; however, if you are unable to retain him during the game...Ash has the highest combat experience. I like Garrus in ME2 and 3, but in ME1 he gets killed way too easy. I guess that's why I don't choose him.
Gavin MacDierney Why? I'm sorry, i don't judge. But i can't understand such things, explain it to me. If i play it and go through every part of the game experiencing so many things, that i'm actually feeling like the character because i was him, because i experienced what he experienced. Then why shouldn't i feel as he was my representant, why should i be represented by a female, i just can't understand it. I'm sorry again, nothing about you, I just can't understand this.
I didn't know mark meer was an "actress" like jeniffer hale. But anyway, constantly speaking in a low pitch dramatic whisper wouldn't make it very far in real life. At least people can hear what monotone maleshep is saying.
Selina Hazel There is no such thing as a real life female hero like that portrayed in mass effect. It's unbelievable and ridiculous. And the constant low pitch deep voice isn't talent, it's what any voice actress can do believe it or not. If you think I'm deaf maybe you should get a neurological check up.
"There is no such thing as a real life female hero like that portrayed in mass effect." Ah yes, of course, I forgot about the /male/ real life hero that was able to save the whole galaxy from a synthetic-organic race that threatened to harvest all sentient life! Seriously, just shut the fuck up. I can't even take you serious. Besides, you were the one saying you couldn't hear what female Shepard was saying while no one else seems to have that problem, so I think you should get hearing checked.
InnerFire6213 i hear it was intially because the male characters were supposed to implement their voices into the game ,which is why the mals voice is so monotone and complete shit. i could be wrong
I love Mark Meer’s acting, always gives Maleshep a stoic hero personality who stays strong for his crew. Hale’s voice acting is great as well as she perfectly captures the emotion in a lot of impactful situations that would really take a serious toll on someone.
@@huhtorro I agree. I play MaleShep as paragon because of the whole hero vibe while I play FemShep as renegade (but not the genocidal maniac Mordin murderer kind of renegade) because FemShep as renegade is hilarious and witty with her roast like when she was threatening the batarian "Drink it... or I will blind you one eye at a time."
I feel the same, I just can't play male for more than an hour or 2 because the male shepard sounds so stiff and unhuman, female shepard has way more emotion
Oh the memories! I know the ending didn't satisfied me, but I will always be a fan of the Mass Effect series no matter what. I wonder what BioWare got for us in Mass Effect 4.
I didn't mind the ending. the only thing I didn't like is no matter how you played all the endings where the same, BUT no other developer attempted this on a scale spanning 3 games so credit goes to them.
still floored at the amazing trailer quality...thought its now a bit outdated..really amazing how in 12 years ago this was one of the most realistic cgi
+Nguyen Duong Now that I'm seeing this I totally remember getting the feeling that would happen as he watched the Normandy fly away. Who knows how he'd live but hey, Shepard did suffocate in space and get burned being pulled into a planet's atmosphere. In my eyes, Illusive Man having this up his sleeve would've been cool.
+Nguyen Duong You know how if you don't rescue Jack in time, Cerberus brainwashes her and you have to fight her when you assault Cerberus HQ? What if Cerberus dropped by the collector base after you blew it up/irradiated it and snatched up the bodies of your squadmates who died and resurrected them like they did with Shepard, but with a control chip to make them mindless slaves. Then when you assault Cerberus HQ, all your fallen comrades confront you with your failure! Because in the second game, you _could_ save them all, but you DIDN'T!
God, i think I just died a bit. How come I've never seen this before? This was truly amazing. Terrifying but Shep was beautiful as ever. Love her incarnation here. Loved this trailer!
convoy81 Well even if they made an ME movie it wouldn't be possible to have Shepard in it.. and could have nothing to do with Shepard's story either.. Why? Cause they'd only be able to please half of their fans, while the other half would be furious cause it wasn't their Shepard's gender..^^
I regret so much that I wasn't playing Mass Effect back then! such a wonderful game series and my music nerd self is so happy to hear His Two Steps From Hell in the trailer
Female version of Commander Shepard looks much more badass then the male version.Well...maybe because there was not enough female protagonist in the gaming media(especially scifi).Its just my opinion. So dont Troll me over this,OK?
Hey I love playing as the female Shepard, she is much more better and badass, the voice acting is also better in my opinion. She manages to give that hard bitch attitude more convincingly.
Evil Tigz Femshep has more depth and life to her character, regardless of Paragon or Renegade gameplay. Broshep is just kinda bad. His dialogue is flat and his entire demeanor is that of the muscle jock at the gym, just without the yelling. If I play broshep, it feels like I'm just here to shoot things and blow stuff up. Femshep gives off an attitude field that makes you feel like you're doing it for a reason.
Yeah I agree, I played the male shep like twice and both times found his voice very bland. The female is more fun to play with and I felt story wise I felt the character progression with the female just felt more grounded experience. I do not care what people think, the female shep rocks.
What if someone made a really good Mass Effect movie. If that happened, I wonder which Commander Sheperd would they focus on the. Is female Sheperd more popular than the male Sheperd?
+James Roper ofc male..actully there is a talk going abt a mass effect movie, with the male voice actor for sheperd being the actor for me fem shepard looks more badass & cooler..kinda fits the scene more then male sheperd..
Flux Lore Which actress do you think could play the role of Commander Sheperd? I think Milla Jovovich, Scarlett Johansson or Kate Beckinsale would be perfect.
Grimmon Luetterforst Like they worked on me3, right? Sure, unless it's the original team from Montreal i doubt anything within the franchise will ever be good. As is, it's a failure from the start. It's an ego jerk for that shithead Casey.
I love Femshep, but I hated the re-design of her face in ME 3. She looks like a painted model, not a battle-weary soldier. Her previous model was attractive, but she looked like a woman over 30 who had seen some shit.
The Overlord Feminism is a hate mob. There, I invited the lash out. That said, I agree with you entirely. War is ugly, even more so when it's a losing war for survival. But people can look nice just by nature.
***** Last I checked, there wasn't a definitive "default" Femshep until ME3. (In ME 1 & 2, the closest you could get was just choosing the first pre-existing configuration that showed up, which isn't the same.)
+ScattySafari I don't remember where exactly i saw it, but there's a moded version of the default femshep without makeup and it looks pretty good, looking badass but still attractive
ScattySafari well she did save the galaxy twice so she has an excuse to look a bit taxed in the 3rd game but they still made the default female Shepard look pretty good not bad for 2012 graphics
Male Shepard has his lines where he's significantly better than the FemShep. As you're trying to close the door during the ME2 "suicide mission" Meer really barks out in a way that is actually good, commanding voice acting. That's one example of maybe 10 in the whole franchise, though. As a whole Hale did much better.
Bioware: “Good news. If at the end of ME2, you had a 100% renegade Shepard, who was 100% loyal to Cerberus, then you will be happy to know it's not canon full stop” A lot of people complain about the ending. But the truth is that Bioware, fucked up in the first 30 seconds. I’m not saying ME3, didn't have its moments but that whole fuck you if you played renegade thing left a bad taste in my mouth the whole game.
Agreed. Renegade doesn't mean "I'm evil, lol!" It meant being able to make the "hard choice" in difficult situations, albeit through a rather myopic "Heinlein-ian" lens. Expediency in favor of realistic goals, that is what it means to play the Renegade path.
And the fact that you never really fight back to take Earth...the premise of the game is that no matter how much effort you put into the entire series, there's nothing you could have done and in the end have to rely on the 3 options given to you in the last few minutes of the game.
Oh good .conveniently enough I got a notification off Jennifer hale (female commander Shepard voice actress ) twitter acount because she retweeted something when you replied to me
Femshep all the way. Seriously... the voice of maleshep turns me off so badly. [/so bland, so emotionless] Jennifer Hale's voice acting, and voice itself, is just so much better in my opinion. u.u Though I do wish I could have romanced Tali. Oh well. Garrus has an amazingly sexy voice and those scars. 8'D
Garrus was the first one I flirted with, he's so cute and his voice is indeed sexy :P. I like the way he gets so nervous when he talks with Shepard about get it it on xD. I would have romanced Jack because, poor thing, and Miranda because she's such a bitch
I think maleShep developed a lot since the first game, but still, by the ending, Jennifer Hale still does an amazing job, that makes her easily the best.
After having played this trilogy with both options I can say that fem shep voice acting is far more satisfying. I've been enjoying every line in each dialogue. It was that wonderful time back when female characters were badass as hell and totally deserved being picked not because of some douchebag political agenda forcing you to, but because of wonderful acting and good writing.
I find myself physically unable to play as male shepard for longer than an hour or 2 because the voice acting is too hard-arse like and has like no emotion compared to female shepard
@@ColossalReaperN7 you couldn't have said it any better. I wanted to play a male sheperd for the sole purpose of romancing tali. but the voice acting just tortures me. it's like he's monotonous on every dialogue unlike the femsheperd
@@Alex-pq1sj ikr I've felt the exact same and wanted to do a male playthrough for that reason but I just can't, femshep just has so much emotion and its so easy to really get *in* to the game
@@ColossalReaperN7 if by emotion you mean breathing every single line of dialogue like she has lung cancer than yes femshep emotes better 🤣 I just love the way she says "we need to stop the reapersh." Not tryhard at all.
Trailer has 2 problems: First is that it shows a bunch of Hammerheads and there isn't a single one you see in ME3 Second is that it shows the Mattock (my fav rifle) as a fully auto when it's actually a semi-auto (never liked fully auto rifles)
Aickavon the Techpriest I use the Mattock since ME2 as it ensures u don't waste ammo instead of just mindlessly firing and realising you just wasted an entire clip on one enemy.
Wow not even Femshep saved Kaiden.
velleekwitay The FemShep trailer is identical to the one with male Shepard, they only swapped one character model. My guess is it would be too expensive to render Kaidan as a replacement for Ash as the cinematic trailers are costly and usually made by third parties, he's also a biotic, which would require some extra animation for his powers (unless they'd just have him stand there with a gun), Ash is far less complicated to work with in this sense. Also, having two leading ladies in the trailer tickles the fancy of the feminist audience out there and enforces the message of "Girls can play video games too." But Kaidan's been on a whole lot of other promotional content (screenshots, wallpapers etc.) and in gameplay trailers both with FemShep and male Shepard. All in all, I think he's been featured in more ME3 promos than Ash was, she, on the other hand, was heavily featured in ME1 promos.
This is supposed to be ash? She looks so different since the time she set of that nuke. Never saw her again after that
Kaidan is a more boring character than Ashley by far to keep alive..
Bioware turned Ashley into a bimbo in ME3
A hot one.
Femshep is awesome and what's interesting is that Shepard is so emotionally reserved in their body language that femshep comes of as a stone cold tomboy badass. She's pretty intimidating to be honest. One of the best warrior women in fiction.
FemShep works so well because they never bring up bullshit like "uuhuhu female power", "strong female character", they never made femShep Mary Sue and never made other characters act like idiots. Instead we saw that Shepard is super competent and badass while also take advices from rest of the team and rest of the team is also super competent but all of them including Shepard also have flaws and are no perfect. On top of that Jennifer Hale did great job especially with renegade lines she sounds amazing and even scary at some times.
@@Extreme96PL The first reason i played as FemShep was because of Jennifer Hale, She is probably the best voice "actor" alive, Secondly when i played as FemShep i found her the perfect balance of being capable of compassion and total malice, Thirdly i never got past Eden Prime playing as MaleShep because he just does not sound sincere(No disrespect to Mark Meer because he is very good, Just hear all the Hanar an Vorcha in the games), Lastly, For me FemShep is cannon Shep but i know i am in a minority.
BTW is that the Mattock our girl is holding? Or the Cerberus Harrier?
@@Extreme96PL I get a kick out of how offensive people find women that flaunt their gender but don't have a single problem with how casually men do it in literally everything. It's sad that a male character can be iconic just be being a dude, but it takes a female character shedding any identity as a woman for people to accept them as a badass. For some reason, a man can just be a man/warrior at the same time, because they're perceived as synonymous in most context of a game. But a woman has to be either a woman OR a warrior, or it's heresy.
@@Warrior_Culture this is not true or if someone thinks that way he/she is idiot flaunting gender is totally unecessary. Good written character will be good written character, bad written character will be bad written character no matter if character is man or woman.
@@Extreme96PL That's like saying water is wet. Of course a well written character is a well written character. But writing a good male and a good female character is NOT done the same way. Any good writer knows this. And it's not about what's "necessary". If you want to take that route then a ton of characterization isn't "necessary". But writing a good character with any depth and completely ignoring any differences in gender isn't good writing. It's safe writing, intended to please sensitive masses that get triggered by politics.
Shepards entire script is written ambiguously to fit a character that's either a man or a women and people like you call it good writing because you think expressing masculinity is fine but expressing femininity isn't. You have a double standard that you justify as just keeping out what isn't "necessary". But a woman behaving like a man for an entire game just so everyone thinks she's a badass, and because society accepts masculine women more than it accepts feminine men, is only a "well" written character in the sense that most people won't care. But read any real book with deep characters and gender plays a huge role, and it doesn't have to be in an over-the-top "look I have tits" or in a marry-sue sort of way. But they don't need to be tomboys or tough or devoid of a gender identity either. Femshep is literally an exact copy of male shep, but with tits. Shepard as a character in general is well written, but femshep is not a well written female character.
4 years later and the goosebumps are still there.
Commander Shepard If you have a problem with minorities, fuck you.
The only problem with this trailer is that who the fuck tries to melee a brute?
6 years later and still :D
@@musacan00747 6,5 years
7 years in spring of 2019.
8 years later and still one of the best games I have ever played!
If only a 4th one came out...
nothin ever came close to Mass Effect
3 wasn't a very good game
This game blew compared to the second
@@candlestyx8517 I think you got that backwards. 2 blew compared to 3; ME3 is still the best of the trilogy, followed by the first one.
The voice actress of fem shep just nailed it. What an amazing performance
She is also the voice actor for Female Trooper in Swtor!
@@hawkwood9257 and Bastila Shan in KOTOR and Satele Shan in SWTOR too. :)
@@hawkwood9257 And RIVET in Ratchet and Clank PS5 which is also science fiction and alternate version character.
@@hawkwood9257 and Sylvari Female and Queen Jennah in guild wars 2 :P
Jennifer Hale is awesome 👌 😎
The best part is just imagining Joker doing those maneuvers on the Normandy
I get goosebumps; i love the idea of Joker leading the bombing run. I think it's cos Mass Effect so perfectly makes it seem like a team effort; Sheperd has the best squad in the galaxy and everyone is indespensible
So where the hell is Garrus in this
+Jordan Hargraves or Liara
Or Tali.
or Miranda
Or Blasto
you know were he is... calibrating the Normandy weapons systems before combat
"Five cans of hairspray."
-Commander Jane Shepard, Alliance Navy
Ashamed to say how late I am to this franchise but just completed all 3 games playing female shepard. I preferred her so much more
+Eddy Gonna buy and play them for the first time next week. cant wait :)
+Eddy I refuse to play as male Shepard. Hearing Jennifer Hale's amazing acting skills, makes the story so much better to me. Femshep all the way!! :)
After finishing ME2 a few weeks ago (once on Normal and once on Insanity), and starting y first play through of 3, I have to agree.
I think it's because you see the dumb default Shepard everywhere and it gets boring even this long after initial release.
Rikimaru LDR Well even though the default Jane Shepard is seen a lot too, she's still better than the default male one. With all respect to Mark Meer, he just can't pull it off like Jennifer Hale can. I'll be playing as a female character in the new game too when it eventually comes out on PS4.
i have played played yhe mass effect games several times but always with femshep. I think her voice actor is better then maleshep
All I can think when I see Ashley is "Please put your hair up you're on a battlefield come on Ash this is why Kaidan is alive and you're not."
+Riza Hawkeye Ash and Miranda both have long hair covering there faces and it bugs the hell out of me. I'm totally fine with them having long hair but tie it back for the love of god
Dude, I have super long hair like, down to my waist and let me tell you it is a bitch and a half when I do anything even remotely active when it's down. I cant even fathom fighting reapers and collectors like that.
+Riza Hawkeye hahah nice
+Riza Hawkeye I love Kaidan! :D
I keep thinking "I can't wait for this to release" even though it released 5 years ago.
Now its 6
@@pascalheinrich3990 now its 8. Lotta time has passed lol
Personally, i think this game is the best in the trilogy, a beautiful game , a good gameplay and an unsinkable story
I've played the shit out of it. still have it.
in my time line mass effect is going to have a remaster for ps4 generation, and there is a teaser of a new mass effect game aparently
How the hell have I never seen this until now?
Also, I love the fact that the cinematic graphics of this trailer could easily just be actual gameplay in a modern game.
On a side note the only critical thing I can think of about this trailer is that the in the scene that showed the Reapers shadow going over the little girl, then is shows the Reaper, it should of had that (now) classic Reapers Deep WOOOOOOOO siren sound.
That's exactly what I was thinking! That sound still sends shivers down my spine.
So many years later, still so awesome. I replayed the entire series with recommended mods (especially for the ending with Citadel DLC as an epilogue of sorts). Simply brilliant
I love the small moment near 2:46 where the turian ships just join formation with the Normandy like It's nobody's business.
Turian ships and human ships look very similar, so maybe it was a mistake in editing.
@@garyg9815 Maybe but Turians come to human aid before anyone else after Shepard helps on the Palaven moon and rescues Victus.
Plus, Garrus pretty much made them a fan-favorite species in the trilogy with Saren being a good villain. So I wouldn't be surprised if those were purposeful Turian fighter ships.
I'm so glad they chose to start with losing earth. Seeing it happen live. Makes coming back and seeing what happened, and saving it, so much better
damn I wanna see Garrus in this trailer, with those graphics
I just finished playing the entire franchise. And I got way to emotionally attached with my Shepard. I felt her pain and desperation at the 3rd game and was shattered when the ending took place. But unfortunately it was needed. Not everything has to end like a star wars movie.
hahaha so true
Welcome to the club of us ME lovers! Bioware did exactly what it set out to do if you have that deep connection with the characters in the game. You my friend, cherished the journey and appreciated the end sacrifice. :)
It's not a game, it's an experience. That's something I get from a game with really good storytelling like the Mass Effect series and Wing Commander which I don't get from books or movies. The ability to shape a character with my actions creates that attachment to what's really a sprite on the screen.
And yes, not everything has to have a happy ending. After all the snarky renegade dialog and fun but pointless side quests, Mass Effect was about self-sacrifice for the greater good. I loved how there was no real black and white morality in the end, just shades of gray.
Blessed be your words good ser !
***** on that I do agree with you. When I played the final scene it did feel rush, my Shepard actually shot the kid, but because I didn't have the extended version nothing happened and I ended up taking the one from the right. However if you ask me how was the ending to your Shepard story, easy, she's a hot headed person who wants to save everyone. Therefore she got impatient and shot the kid ghost, not agreeing to him. He gets mad then said, have it your way the cycle continues. Her stubbornness cost the extinction to a lot of species. It's said and I was a bit sad but when in life do we always get what we want. Just sharing my ending.
seeing the Normandy flying like that with the fighters in formation is epic. imagine being stood under her as she flew over!
morale boost + 1000
Why is there never any love for Kaidan in these trailers? XD
Least ch squadmate in trilogy among gaming community at 1.5%
Flamey Bree Kaidan was kind of a weak character, imo. I chose Ashely. She's a better soldier...and in Mass need good soldiers for backup. And since I have never been able to save Wrex from getting killed off in ME1, Ashley fills the gap; as Garrus isn't strong enough in the first game. Liarra and Ash are my focus squad, I keep them well armed and armored.
I can see why people would work with her, I always found Kaidan's biotics more helpful than Ashley though. I had a good shooter already, Garrus. XD I didn't feel like I really needed her.
Flamey Bree I prefered the sexual tension between my femshep and her.
Flamey Bree
I don't doubt your need for biotics, but Liarra is hands down the most powerful Biotic that you have on your crew. With Shep's biotics and Liarra's biotics, it leaves room for a tank. Wrex was the best, because he could deal lots of damage AND use biotics; however, if you are unable to retain him during the game...Ash has the highest combat experience. I like Garrus in ME2 and 3, but in ME1 he gets killed way too easy. I guess that's why I don't choose him.
I like to play as the female Shepard in these them more of an epic feel.
hell yeah
I'm a dude, and I refuse to play the male character in pretty much every game were I get a choice!
Gavin MacDierney Agreed :)
I play as both
Gavin MacDierney Why? I'm sorry, i don't judge. But i can't understand such things, explain it to me. If i play it and go through every part of the game experiencing so many things, that i'm actually feeling like the character because i was him, because i experienced what he experienced. Then why shouldn't i feel as he was my representant, why should i be represented by a female, i just can't understand it. I'm sorry again, nothing about you, I just can't understand this.
Femshep had a far superior voice actress.
I didn't know mark meer was an "actress" like jeniffer hale. But anyway, constantly speaking in a low pitch dramatic whisper wouldn't make it very far in real life. At least people can hear what monotone maleshep is saying.
Bullshit. If you can't hear what Femshep is saying, maybe you should buy yourself a hearing aid.
Nope it was perfect
Selina Hazel There is no such thing as a real life female hero like that portrayed in mass effect. It's unbelievable and ridiculous. And the constant low pitch deep voice isn't talent, it's what any voice actress can do believe it or not.
If you think I'm deaf maybe you should get a neurological check up.
"There is no such thing as a real life female hero like that portrayed in mass effect." Ah yes, of course, I forgot about the /male/ real life hero that was able to save the whole galaxy from a synthetic-organic race that threatened to harvest all sentient life!
Seriously, just shut the fuck up. I can't even take you serious.
Besides, you were the one saying you couldn't hear what female Shepard was saying while no one else seems to have that problem, so I think you should get hearing checked.
I still get chills over my spine when I watch this!
me too man
You can argue that it was too little too late but I am glad that BioWare put some effort into promoting FemShep for Mass Effect 3.
I always prefer female shepard as her voice acting is so much better
InnerFire6213 i hear it was intially because the male characters were supposed to implement their voices into the game ,which is why the mals voice is so monotone and complete shit. i could be wrong
I love Mark Meer’s acting, always gives Maleshep a stoic hero personality who stays strong for his crew. Hale’s voice acting is great as well as she perfectly captures the emotion in a lot of impactful situations that would really take a serious toll on someone.
@@huhtorro I agree. I play MaleShep as paragon because of the whole hero vibe while I play FemShep as renegade (but not the genocidal maniac Mordin murderer kind of renegade) because FemShep as renegade is hilarious and witty with her roast like when she was threatening the batarian "Drink it... or I will blind you one eye at a time."
I feel the same, I just can't play male for more than an hour or 2 because the male shepard sounds so stiff and unhuman, female shepard has way more emotion
I love femshep and ME series.
Ive played and beaten this game a thousand times but this trailer still gives me goose bumps
9 years later and this game is still the best
I wish They put Liara instead of Ashley
+bcount1 Or anyone alien, (no human)... Like Garrus, Tali...
She was on Mars doing research on the Crucible.
Oh the memories! I know the ending didn't satisfied me, but I will always be a fan of the Mass Effect series no matter what. I wonder what BioWare got for us in Mass Effect 4.
I didn't mind the ending. the only thing I didn't like is no matter how you played all the endings where the same, BUT no other developer attempted this on a scale spanning 3 games so credit goes to them.
Dimitri Soto
Yeah, I guess so.
What I didnt like was the confusion that they left us with. ...Thanks god they fixed it later with a free dlc thing
I think their are actually four endings
You can choose the three different crucible endings or you can shoot the catalyst
Well, as long as they give us a complete game and not a ton of DLC's i'm happy :/
still floored at the amazing trailer quality...thought its now a bit outdated..really amazing how in 12 years ago this was one of the most realistic cgi
Male shepard looked more badass, female shepard looks more ferocious. Can't decide which is better.
So this is what happens to London after Brexit then...
Reaper production has been upped here in mainland Europe already
You just have to make everything political, don't you?
No, that's London after the Islamic Caliphate has been established.
no, thats europe's future, brexit saved themselves from that shit
2:51 man, that shot of FemShep jumping on that alien with her Omni-Blade out tho. so badass.
If only Kaidan dead and come back, became Kai Leng, Winter Soldier style.
+Nguyen Duong Now that I'm seeing this I totally remember getting the feeling that would happen as he watched the Normandy fly away. Who knows how he'd live but hey, Shepard did suffocate in space and get burned being pulled into a planet's atmosphere. In my eyes, Illusive Man having this up his sleeve would've been cool.
+Nguyen Duong That would have been an amazing plot twist.
+Shadows82 Agreed.
+Nguyen Duong You know how if you don't rescue Jack in time, Cerberus brainwashes her and you have to fight her when you assault Cerberus HQ?
What if Cerberus dropped by the collector base after you blew it up/irradiated it and snatched up the bodies of your squadmates who died and resurrected them like they did with Shepard, but with a control chip to make them mindless slaves.
Then when you assault Cerberus HQ, all your fallen comrades confront you with your failure! Because in the second game, you _could_ save them all, but you DIDN'T!
+ZachValkyrie Tell me if I'm wrong but... if you blew it up, all the bodys were destroyed, right? :/
I remember seeing this trailer back in 2012 and thinking, "hmm. Mass Effect. Never heard of it." Look where I am now.
Skavoc I remember thinking mass effect was just gonna be another cheap halo/ cod knock off. How wrong I was
Ahaha I was absolutely blown away by this. Took me two years before I finally got to this installment but I'm glad I did.
Sound weird but I just watched the trailer over a hundred times in a row.
Music and animation are so wonderful here especially on headphones.
Just finished the trilogy for the second time. Goosebumps.
Awks when u left Ashley in virmire
Cant believe it has been pretty much 9 years. I'll never forget the reaper noises and the ravager sounds. Still blows my mind. Those banshees tho 😭
This has been out for almost a year, and I still get shivers watching the trailer.
2021 and can't wait for Legendary edition
I’m going to stay positive that they’re going to give us a remastered version of the first three mass affect game for PlayStation 4...🥺🥺🥺🥺
Keep up the hope, a remaster has been rumored!
@@og-cryoman1842 Don't do that. Don't give me hope
Your positivity paid off !
and xbox...
@@spartans7694 yes and Xbox too (ᗒᗨᗕ)
God, i think I just died a bit. How come I've never seen this before?
This was truly amazing. Terrifying but Shep was beautiful as ever. Love her incarnation here.
Loved this trailer!
One of the best games I have ever played. The trailer is simply amazing. But it also says that kaiden wasn't supposed to live 😂😂
@@sabinoalves8034 welp. My femshep couldn't be gay I'm ME1 so that's that out the window
I love how the default female Shepard looks *.* Badass levels are high here.
don't massage my shoulders...
Damn, FemShep and Ash are such babes. I can never get over that.
Fem Shepard is so bad ass!!!!
Eh, my canon Shep is a gal cause I like the voice actress more. But that's the point. Every gamer has his own version of the Mass Effect story line.
1:23 human engineer trying to solo platinum coop map
....if only the ending was as epic as this trailer......if only the ending WAS this trailer!
4 years later and I feel like I did when I watched this for the first time. I'd forgotten how frigging epic this trailer is!
I can't imagine playing any other shepard other than my own ^_^ like if you feel the same :p
yeah feels weird watching custom sheps on here
This why a ME movie cannot be done...never!
nah fuck you and your shepard
Yaranaika Hatsune love u too
convoy81 Well even if they made an ME movie it wouldn't be possible to have Shepard in it.. and could have nothing to do with Shepard's story either..
Why? Cause they'd only be able to please half of their fans, while the other half would be furious cause it wasn't their Shepard's gender..^^
I regret so much that I wasn't playing Mass Effect back then! such a wonderful game series and my music nerd self is so happy to hear His Two Steps From Hell in the trailer
Female version of Commander Shepard looks much more badass then the male version.Well...maybe because there was not enough female protagonist in the gaming media(especially scifi).Its just my opinion. So dont Troll me over this,OK?
Hey I love playing as the female Shepard, she is much more better and badass, the voice acting is also better in my opinion. She manages to give that hard bitch attitude more convincingly.
Evil Tigz Femshep has more depth and life to her character, regardless of Paragon or Renegade gameplay. Broshep is just kinda bad. His dialogue is flat and his entire demeanor is that of the muscle jock at the gym, just without the yelling. If I play broshep, it feels like I'm just here to shoot things and blow stuff up. Femshep gives off an attitude field that makes you feel like you're doing it for a reason.
Yeah I agree, I played the male shep like twice and both times found his voice very bland. The female is more fun to play with and I felt story wise I felt the character progression with the female just felt more grounded experience. I do not care what people think, the female shep rocks.
I agree totally with the other comments. Fem Shepard is the better. Just romance Liara or/and your crew and there will only be up-sides :)
Both are boring and badly written its just that Jennifer Hale is a better voice actor
8 years old and this trailer still beats most modern trailers.
*sweats* I love Mass Effect.
Coming in from 2020 and still gaming strong in this universe
I still get goosebumps! Just love this game.
Commander Shepard will always be the most badass woman in the entire universe in my opinion.
What if someone made a really good Mass Effect movie. If that happened, I wonder which Commander Sheperd would they focus on the. Is female Sheperd more popular than the male Sheperd?
+James Roper ofc male..actully there is a talk going abt a mass effect movie, with the male voice actor for sheperd being the actor for me fem shepard looks more badass & cooler..kinda fits the scene more then male sheperd..
Flux Lore I prefer female Sheperd over the male one. Her actions and personality feels more convincing.
Flux Lore Which actress do you think could play the role of Commander Sheperd? I think Milla Jovovich, Scarlett Johansson or Kate Beckinsale would be perfect.
+James Roper damn, if you imagine shephard's make up on kate beckinsale, she'd be pretty good
Oni-Ray What about Michelle Rodriguez?
So, this is where Disney's Wreck-It-Ralph's idea of "Hero's Duty" came from.
I kind of wish they'd done FemShep and Kaidan, but I this is still awesome.
six years ago but it still gives me goosebumps
imagine mass effect 4 actual gameplay looks like this, i will be blown out
Good joke! Actually made me laugh.
Grimmon Luetterforst Like they worked on me3, right? Sure, unless it's the original team from Montreal i doubt anything within the franchise will ever be good. As is, it's a failure from the start. It's an ego jerk for that shithead Casey.
it will come close I bet...I mean infamous second son looks extremely good and mass effect will undoubtly look better
I love Femshep, but I hated the re-design of her face in ME 3. She looks like a painted model, not a battle-weary soldier. Her previous model was attractive, but she looked like a woman over 30 who had seen some shit.
The Overlord Feminism is a hate mob. There, I invited the lash out.
That said, I agree with you entirely. War is ugly, even more so when it's a losing war for survival. But people can look nice just by nature.
***** Last I checked, there wasn't a definitive "default" Femshep until ME3.
(In ME 1 & 2, the closest you could get was just choosing the first pre-existing configuration that showed up, which isn't the same.)
+ScattySafari I don't remember where exactly i saw it, but there's a moded version of the default femshep without makeup and it looks pretty good, looking badass but still attractive
ScattySafari well she did save the galaxy twice so she has an excuse to look a bit taxed in the 3rd game but they still made the default female Shepard look pretty good not bad for 2012 graphics
10 years later, i still cry when I play the ME games
to be honest first of all ashley looked hot in this trailer and second of all female shepard is more badass than male shepard
I disagree with your second point.
I like to play with a renegade female shepard...She is savage as fuck.
Macho Nacho It's spelt "Shepard".
she seems more into it then the male voice actor
Male Shepard has his lines where he's significantly better than the FemShep. As you're trying to close the door during the ME2 "suicide mission" Meer really barks out in a way that is actually good, commanding voice acting. That's one example of maybe 10 in the whole franchise, though. As a whole Hale did much better.
Bioware: “Good news. If at the end of ME2, you had a 100% renegade Shepard, who was 100% loyal to Cerberus, then you will be happy to know it's not canon full stop”
A lot of people complain about the ending. But the truth is that Bioware, fucked up in the first 30 seconds. I’m not saying ME3, didn't have its moments but that whole fuck you if you played renegade thing left a bad taste in my mouth the whole game.
Agreed. Renegade doesn't mean "I'm evil, lol!" It meant being able to make the "hard choice" in difficult situations, albeit through a rather myopic "Heinlein-ian" lens. Expediency in favor of realistic goals, that is what it means to play the Renegade path.
And the fact that you never really fight back to take Earth...the premise of the game is that no matter how much effort you put into the entire series, there's nothing you could have done and in the end have to rely on the 3 options given to you in the last few minutes of the game.
5 Years later still gives me chills anyone else
I feel sad Kaidan is not there. I feel maybe Garrus (or other squadmates that can coexist with others) could have been there.
Girls save universe
Yes ! 🙅🙆🙇👧👭👸👰👯👱👼💁💇
i think one emoji is enough
Turkish Spaghettie sorry, 😆
warren byrne it's ok
Oh good .conveniently enough I got a notification off Jennifer hale (female commander Shepard voice actress ) twitter acount because she retweeted something when you replied to me
I remember watching this trailer 10 times in a roll before the ME3 launch lol
Even FemShep saved Ashley in first game)
Femshep all the way. Seriously... the voice of maleshep turns me off so badly. [/so bland, so emotionless] Jennifer Hale's voice acting, and voice itself, is just so much better in my opinion. u.u Though I do wish I could have romanced Tali. Oh well. Garrus has an amazingly sexy voice and those scars. 8'D
Garrus was the first one I flirted with, he's so cute and his voice is indeed sexy :P. I like the way he gets so nervous when he talks with Shepard about get it it on xD. I would have romanced Jack because, poor thing, and Miranda because she's such a bitch
omg i totally agree...i dont mind male shep voice but in terms of actin he is so bad....female shep is legit acting
lily not in the third game, male Shep had by far the best voice acting of the two in that
I think maleShep developed a lot since the first game, but still, by the ending, Jennifer Hale still does an amazing job, that makes her easily the best.
Male Shepard had a great voice in all the three games. You're being annoying but I'll respect your opinion since it's not a fact but an opinion.
Shep is so physical here, I can't stop imagining Astartes fighting their sword-and-pistol war alongside her against these xenos.
After having played this trilogy with both options I can say that fem shep voice acting is far more satisfying. I've been enjoying every line in each dialogue. It was that wonderful time back when female characters were badass as hell and totally deserved being picked not because of some douchebag political agenda forcing you to, but because of wonderful acting and good writing.
I find myself physically unable to play as male shepard for longer than an hour or 2 because the voice acting is too hard-arse like and has like no emotion compared to female shepard
@@ColossalReaperN7 you couldn't have said it any better. I wanted to play a male sheperd for the sole purpose of romancing tali. but the voice acting just tortures me. it's like he's monotonous on every dialogue unlike the femsheperd
@@Alex-pq1sj ikr I've felt the exact same and wanted to do a male playthrough for that reason but I just can't, femshep just has so much emotion and its so easy to really get *in* to the game
@@ColossalReaperN7 if by emotion you mean breathing every single line of dialogue like she has lung cancer than yes femshep emotes better 🤣 I just love the way she says "we need to stop the reapersh." Not tryhard at all.
@@tesseractbutterflyeffect5861 say what you want, people prefer femshep
I like how the game was nothing like this.
I know it, it was better. necro reply :D
This is why a mass effect show or movie would look so cool
Imagine Mass Effect (4) will look just like this... in-game.
Maybe get a PS4? Thats what I'm gonna do :)
oh honey...
Have you guys seen the trailer? It will look even better!
This one didn't age well :P
Alamandorious little did they know lmao
i've always played as Femshep. even now when i try to start new games as maleshep i'm always like "nah, femshep is the real shepard."
both of them are
Over a year later and this trailer still gives me chills.
Damn even FemShep didn't save Kaiden
Bioware just didn't want to model him
2014 still loving this fucking game
My playthrough now. I am having a blast replaying as Jane. A new game really.
Who's here for remaster hype?
We need a fucking mass effect movie
It's a bad idea
This prerendered cut scene looks so amazing, when are our games (rendered in real time) going to looks like this?
There is a male Shepard?
This is the FemShep Lauch trailer.
Billy Drake I know. I was kidding.
Markus Criticus Alright, I was getting worried. ;)
Edit: Oh, crap. I thought it said 'where' not 'there'. Haha.
You are idiot
Assoluto Cosmico
Wait there is a female Shepard
if only if only the graphics were this good in game :o
i think my computer would immediately combust tho
Mass Effect Trilogy will be one of the best game series ever made. Female Shepard is my Shepard.
It's so awesome seeing those Turian ships joining the Normandy
one of the best games i ever played ! still playng 2016
whenever i watch the mass effect trailers I just get feels.
They dont make games like this anymore, I miss good story telling.
And good world building
i agree this was the last of the really good game series, everything that came after was just meh
@@Wazujimoip yes lore is incredibly important as this series showed
FemShep default looks way better in full-rendered.
I dig how you put your watermark on a video you didn’t make and don’t own…
Trailer has 2 problems:
First is that it shows a bunch of Hammerheads and there isn't a single one you see in ME3
Second is that it shows the Mattock (my fav rifle) as a fully auto when it's actually a semi-auto (never liked fully auto rifles)
fun fact, cerberus use the Mattock as fully auto.
I think shepard just keeps it at semi-auto because shepard is a badass.
Aickavon the Techpriest I use the Mattock since ME2 as it ensures u don't waste ammo instead of just mindlessly firing and realising you just wasted an entire clip on one enemy.
They should've put Kaidan instead of Ash in this version.
My Kaidan died.
merathy everyone's Kaidan died ^^
Agreed. Kaidan's the best character
Better than Ash, but the best is Garrus ;D
Ina Telva Tali ftw.
Wow! I thought it was the trailer of the remake, it looked so good. I saw the date just at the end.
i wish they would of put Kaidan in this one