This was a very enriching conversation although I did not hear anything on the disabled vulnerable student population. I am from Africa, a woman, a person with acquired disability and a caregiver having raised two adult daughters born with congenital disability. I am educated and a disability advocate, passionate about pursuing disability research in NTNU. What stands in my way is funding. Is there a well laid procedure to secure funding for PhD in NTNU especially for persons with disability in Africa other than waiting for a job application opening
This was a very enriching conversation although I did not hear anything on the disabled vulnerable student population. I am from Africa, a woman, a person with acquired disability and a caregiver having raised two adult daughters born with congenital disability. I am educated and a disability advocate, passionate about pursuing disability research in NTNU. What stands in my way is funding. Is there a well laid procedure to secure funding for PhD in NTNU especially for persons with disability in Africa other than waiting for a job application opening