You have been given free will , especially a Rabbi that is misguided and if you're agree with him , Then go ahead I'm not stopping no one , I'm expressing my view , as a little voice that will bring you light 🕯️ but I got my answer to address this false issue in Prayer be bold and say jesus is not my name . And the people will start opening up their ears and know my real name , YAHSHUA !
is God Jesus or The Father who is The God that we Should Love fully and Obey is he Jesus or The Father Please answer 😭 and should we Really believe Trinity or not Please answer😭
@@krssco Jesus is the fullness of God, Jesus is the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit all in One, Jesus is the Trinity, read Isaiah 9:6 it will explain who Jesus really is... Blessings to you...
Any one 🕐 who believes you Australia 🦘 mate should book a flight and follow you your misinformation is misleading lots of lost souls but I guess you're money 💰 interest mean more to you than Our SAVIOR YAHSHUA !
They were right; traditional sacrifices had been replaced by the blood of the lamb, Jesus Christ. God allowed the destruction of the temple because the sacrifices were no longer needed. BTW, thank you for your teaching. Your perspective, along with Jonathan Cahn’s teaching, are priceless gifts from God.
Blessed be the Name of Y’shua! Oh how great is is love that he was will to suffer so that we may be set free from sin and death. It is so wonderful to finally hear someone will to preach in his given name; Yeshua! I saw you on an interview and heard you say Yeshua. It’s what brought me here. May Yahweh continue to speak the truth through you. Blessings ❤️🙏❤️
I'm glad you have pointed out how the term 'christianity' came into being! I dont use it anymore but call myself a Believer! Am grateful you are teaching more about how Rabbinical Judaism came about as I also follow Rav Yehezqel and have learned alot from him as well. ♡
This just where they started to call them Christian but like you mentioned because they were Christ follwers.......Then Barnabas departed for Tarsus to seek Saul. And when he had found him, he brought him to Antioch. So it was that for a whole year they assembled with the church and taught a great many people. And the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch. Acts 11:25-26 NKJV
So, Nicodemus was a Pharisee, and he said on behalf of the Pharisees, “Rabbi, we KNOW you are a teacher who has come from God.” (John 3:2) In John 10:24,25, they came right out and asked, “If you’re the Messiah, tell us plainly,” and Jesus said “I did...” When Jesus was born, the angels made a grand announcement about Him that a Savior was born: “Messiah, the Lord!” (Luke 2:11) Demons, as well, knew and declared on the Sabbath in the synagogue, in the hearing of many religious people that Jesus was “the Holy One of God”. (Mk.1; Lk. 4) (Interesting: Besides the prophets’ foretelling, and Jesus’ own claims about himself being the Messiah, there were also angels AND demons, BOTH supernatural witnesses for God from beyond our earthly realm proclaiming the same!) When the tomb guards reported to the religious leaders about the angel that appeared at Jesus’ tomb and resurrection, it seems the Chief Priests believed them! They had to plan a big cover-up that would last a LONG time. (Mt. 28) Is there any chance that the religious leaders KNEW Jesus was the Messiah and actually WANTED to kill Him anyway? He was doing all the good that the prophets had said He would, but when it came down to Him and His kingdom actually threatening THEM and THEIR way of life, they didn’t like the idea of a Messiah anymore? (Jn. 11:47-53; Mk. 1:22) (...hmmm, kinda sounds like some religious and “Christian” people today too, doesn’t it? ...yikes! 😬) When He died, they must have been horrified with the freaky, supernatural tearing of the thick, tall temple curtain during the earthquake..when it was black outside in the middle of the day...with dead people awaking in the cemeteries...and the pagan soldiers declaring, “Surely this was the Son of God!” (Mt. 27:51-54). They MUST have known by this point that they actually HAD killed their Messiah? ...Talk about “Woe is me!!” As a religious leader, what do you do with that?!? You just destroyed all that the prophets and people had been hoping and looking for, for thousands of years!!! Were they filled with dread and fear? Or just glad he was gone? After His resurrection, he appeared to people over a period of 40 days; once to more than 500 people at one time-possibly at the temple-giving “many convincing proofs that He was alive” (1 Cor. 15:6; Acts 1:3). Is there ANY chance that the religious leaders missed all of this? They had been on him like ants on sugar when He was alive the first time, and now somehow they “didn’t know anything” about the commotion going on all over Jerusalem about His resurrection?? I don’t think so! In Luke 24:18-27 when Jesus appeared to some friends walking on the road to Emmaus, “One of them, named Cleopas, asked him, ‘Are you the ONLY ONE visiting Jerusalem who does not know the things that have happened there in these days?’” So, it’s pretty clear that EVERYONE knew what was going on...the religious leaders included!! When they saw Him alive again, oh, how they must have started to shake!! After all that was done to murder Him-all the torture and will this now alter all of the formerly understood prophesies?! Or worse yet, their future relationship with the their Father, God? How absolutely terrifying! Acts 3 and 4 clearly show that the exact people who plotted Jesus’ death, now realized that He was somehow alive and working through His disciples-and that their problem wasn’t over, or going away anytime soon. Solution?: Deny the Messiah-at all costs-Deny Him!! Persecute any, and all who refuse to deny Him. Do everything possible to make it appear like it never even happened. If they really DID realized that He WAS the Messiah, and that they had KILLED Him, there is NO POSSIBLE WAY that they could ever admit, or let anyone ever know that they knew or believed it!! ...EVER... ...and with God’s providential assistance, they succeeded! Most Jews don’t know, or believe it to this very day! ... for the most part, temporarily “blinded” and “broken off”. 🙁 ...but they DEFINITELY knew back then...!!! It’s interesting, that the very thing they tried to prevent from happening by killing their Messiah, happened anyway-the Romans came and took away their place, temple and nation. However, the nation has, and is regrouping; plans and furnishings for the temple and Sanhedrin are in place; the spirit of antichrist is obviously here, alive and well, setting himself up in God’s temple (the body of Christ) proclaiming himself (ourselves) to be God (2Thess. 2)...known as “the Rebellion”... I don’t think it will be too long before the anti-Messiah (man of sin and lawlessness) reveals himself and deceives the majority of the world, bringing first, peace, but then ushering in God’s prophesied chaos, distress, trouble and disaster unequaled from the beginning of time! (2 Thess. 2; Mt. 24) When, then our true Messiah will return and rescue His faithful ones in the nick of time, destroying everything and everyone left, judging the souls of the world, creating a new heaven, new earth, and new Jerusalem for His people, His Bride, TRUE Israel who have, by faith, believed, followed, obeyed, and accepted Him as their only hope of rescue-both spiritually from sin, AND physically from death, the grave and hell...Messiah! ...oh, how I love You! 😌 “Heaven must receive him UNTIL the time comes for God to restore everything, as he promised long ago through his holy prophets.” (Acts 3:21) Hang on! It won’t be long now!! Come Lord Jesus!! Maranatha: “Our Lord has come; Come our Lord.” (...translated from Hebrew, it means BOTH...because He has, and because He will!)
Jesus came to save everyone. Christ saves all, by forgiving us of our sins, but only if we show true faith and love in Christ. If we let him walk into our life. Keep spreading the message of Christ, Rabbi!
The Jews will never get his name right , though They are 💯 percent right in the TORAH with YAHWEH ELOHIM and Moses but the son who came to fullfil the TORAH his name is not Yeshua ? Does Yes sound like YAH ?
Yahweh himself was behind the destruction of the Temple. It was all in his plan since the Temple worship was no longer needed because Yeshua the lamb of God was sacrificed, buried and resurrected. Also Jews didn't start Christianity neither did the Apostles of Yeshua. Jesus never taught or created Christianity. The Faith was called "The Way" by the Apostles and early Church and the believers/disciples were called sons of light or sons of the day or saints of God or sons of God.
The destruction of the Temple was the punishment for not repenting. The Second Temple suffered the same fate as the First Temple because of the same pattern of behaviour. If the Holy One was opposed to the Temple He would not have allowed it to be built in the first place, nor would He have allowed His Dwelling Presence to exist there. During the millennial reign there will be a Third Temple constructed on the earth. It isn’t until the New Heaven and New Earth are revealed that there will be no more need for a Temple because the LORD Himself will be the Temple.
@@JudahCub1981 Sounds like you are adding to what ive said my friend for indeed we all know that it was because of the hard hearts of the Jewish people why God did away with the temple. Yahweh himself said to David (ultimately all Israel) "For will you build me a temple/dwelling place oh Israel? All these years I have traveled with you have I not dwelt among thee". Then the prophet says " For the Most High does not live in temples made by the hands of men. So what does all of this mean? Yahweh's desire and design was always to live in the hearts of mankind not in a stoned monument. Yes indeed God had the people build a temple but all of this was a shadow of his real intent. For as Paul says "we are God's temple, God's building in which he indwells with Yeshua being the Chief cornerstone. The Millennial Temple is also a shadow for it too will pass away and make way for the new heaven and earth where God and the Lamb shall be the temple. We must understand that the Temple that God and Yeshua shall be for us is not a Temple like what Solomon built or like the Millennial Temple hence why John records in Revelation 21 vs 22 ... I saw no temple in it (The New Jerusalem) .... Why did John not see a Temple like the one he was used to in Israel? It is because God is in direct opposition of what mankind understands to be a temple in our finite thinking. What the Jews made the temple to be in their error (Not the actual building) but their understanding and corrupt use of it was never God's intention. God was by way pointing his people to Yeshua because Yeshua and God are Temple hence why John said what he said in Rev 21 vs 22. So does God want a man-made temple for persons to worship him? The answer is a clear NO! Praise Yeshua hallelujah!!!!! Even Yeshua himself affirmed this when he said to the woman at well. For time is coming and is now here when God seeks true worshippers, those who will worship him in Spirit and in Truth. The woman had previously stated that you Jews say we all must worship in Jerusalem. Jesus corrects her making it clear that God is doing away with Temple worship by explaining to her what God's perfect will was by saying to her "A time is coming when you will worship The Father neither on this mountain NOR in Jerusalem. Hallelujah !!!! Yahweh be praised!!!. So to finish answering your reply my friend the Holy one opposed to man-made temple worship since as you say then why did God allow it to be built in the first place? God did all of this to lead his people unto himself and Yeshua so that they would be ready to offer up True Worship from Spirit who indwells them and The Truth, for Yeshua and God are the Temple.
Correction Christianity term is not created by the church fathers but the people around them who witness the faith of the disciples to Jesus Christ as the messiah saviour thats the Christianity came from in Acts 11:26.
Stay positive in your ministry sir. I follow many ministries online and most have about the same following. Maybe a few thousand views per video. The impact is real. Peter brought several thousand jewish believers to Christ on pentecost in the book of Acts. Just wanted to encourage you good sir. Shalom from Atlanta!
Amen & Amen! ...this is the season where “out of twain He is going to create one new man!” The timing is coming together. ABBA bless you for these awesome teachings 🙏
Traditionally, the Hebrew people are the descendants of Eber/Heber, who was one of the descendants of Noah’s son Shem. The name Jew was associated with the Israelites after they were sent into Babylonian and Assyrian captivity. The title Jew doesn’t not only apply to the descendants of Judah, because for instance the apostle Paul was a descendant of Benjamin; John the Baptist was a Levite and Anna the prophetess was from the tribe of Asher, yet they were all “Jews”.
@@JudahCub1981 There are Jews by theology, and there WERE Jews by geography (from Judea). Jacob was 'father' of the Israelites, while slave-tradin' (Gen 37:26), hooker-huntin' (Gen 38:15-17), self righteous, sperm-donor, baby-daddy (Gen 38:26) 'Jewdah' was 'father' of the Jews. Problem: Prophesied Messianic progenitor Judah (Gen 49:19; Isa 65:9), left father Jacob and the other eleven other Israelite patriarchs in Hebron, to marry a "Canaanitess" that his Adullamite pimp friend Hirah, hooked him up with (1Chr 2:3; Gen 38:1-2, 12). Judah's marriage was contrary to Abraham's infamous quest for a wife for Isaac (Gen 24:3), opposed to Isaac's marital instruction to Jacob (Gen 28:1-4)... later categorically forbidden by God/Moses (Deu 7:1-5), and considered a "great trespass" according to Ezra (Ezra 9:1, 2, 7), that culminated in philandering Judah being posthumously and personally DISOWNED by prophet Malachi in the last book of the Tanaks/OT, no less (Mal 2:11, 12). Quite a namesake there, Judah's Jews. Motive to dissociate? Judah's third and surviving (hint) son Shelah, thereby, became 'father' of the "Shelanites" arriving childless in Egypt (Num 26:20; Gen 46:12), their 'hometown' (John 8:33). Judah's undoubtedly circumcised Shelanite descendants began following the oral law of Moses, since Passover/Pesach in Egypt, journeyed alongside the Israelites during the Exodus, and were present during the conquest of the Promised Land. Were those Shelanites, Israelites? Jews, perhaps? Rightful heirs to Judah's Abrahamic Promised Land in Judah/Judea, encompassing Jerusalem? As was King David, Jesus was expressly a Pharzite descendant of Judah and Tamar's eldest 'illegitimate' twin son "Pharez" (Gen 38:28-30; Mat 1:3-6; Luke 3:30-33), 'father' of the "Pharzites" (Num 26:20). Their 'illegitimate' twins Pharez/Zerah were conceived in harlotry (necessitated by Judah's philandering) by Judah's betrothed (to Shelah, Gen 38:11) daughter-in-law, contrary to several later Levitical Laws, noted by Ezekiel (Lev 18:15; 19:20; 20:12; 21:9; even Eze 22:11). Were those Pharzites/Zarhites, Israelites? Jews? Were they even eligible heirs to Judah's Covenant Promised Land in Judah/Judea/Jerusalem? By the arrival of Jesus, those circumcised Shelanites had usurped the ancestral title 'Jew' (1Chr 4:1, contrasted with 4:21), squatted Judah's covenant land including Jerusalem, 'got religion' following the Torah/Books of Moses (Mat 23), and became the Torah-thumping Pharisees insisting circumcision and Mosaic Law as prerequisites to salvation, that had previously infiltrated the Israelite synagogues, and were then infiltrating the Christian churches (Acts 15:1-5). Jesus spilled the beans on their lies, hypocrisy and ancestry (Mat 23; John 8:12-59; Rev 2:9; 3:9), so those circumcised, Pharisaic Shelanite 'Jews' plotted Pharzite JEWISH Jesus' crucifixion (John 11:45-53), followed by some of their deluded Pharzite/Zarhite crucifixion tagalongs (John 11:1). So, there are Jews by theology (typically following the wicked Babylonian Talmud), and there WERE Jews by geography (from Judea). But, the ONLY ancestrally authentic Jews, were/are Pharzites/Zarhites, period, the proverbial lost sheep of the house of Israel. And, my Abrahamic Covenant adoption papers were signed in the precious blood of the Lamb, a PHARZITE Jew... not chiseled in stone.
Week after week Rabbi, God works through you to deliver powerful, meaningful and useful understanding of The Word. Thank you Rabbi and Thank You God! 🙏🏻❤️
Okay? So now I am really someone truly seeking God and Jesus, where does this leave me? I am part of Noah’s lineage... not sure whether from the good sons or the cursed one...but what does that make me? A God-loving-Christ-follower? I am not making light. I am honestly confused. Observe Torah and all the Feasts? Don’t, because Jesus came...but He didn’t come for me now? Please help... ❤️🙏 Sincerely seeking...
Chapter 15 of the book of Acts addresses this for you. The saved Jews were trying to tell Paul that the gentiles should be circumcised and they should be taught to follow the law. Paul, Peter, James and others prayed and Peter spoke and said why are you trying to make them do something that you cant do and your forefathers couldn't do (follow the law). James then said dont eat meat offered to idols or drink blood offered to idols and be sexually clean or moral. Jesus said go love your God and brother and the law falls into place on its own. Colossians teachers us not to let others judge us by the meat we eat or drink or holiday or sabbath. All you gotta do is listen to the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will lead you to be more like Christ. In my case i found it started with love. When i love my God i honor His day, honor His name, and honor Him by putting no other God before Him. When i love my brother, i dont steal from him, or covet his belongings, or lust after his wife. Love will fulfill the law. It's easier to remember to love than it is to memorize 600 plus laws. You are not under the law. Grace and truth came thru Jesus Christ. Grace means undeserved favor. Kinda like this: you didnt earn this gift and you definitely don't deserve it, but simply because God loves you, He gives you the free gift of eternal life. Now, go and love your God and brother and you will become more like Christ each day. And remember this: you are loved and favored greatly by God. And i love you too.
Maxwell max My sweet beloved brother, thank you so much for your thoughtful and caring response. Clears up a ton of confusion for me... I sincerely appreciate you taking the time. Be blessed and safe... much love from Arizona. ❤️🙏 Thank you, thank you!!
kindofpurple22 Thank you my kind friend for your heartfelt and clear response. It is most appreciated. Thank you, thank you... much love fromArizona ❤️🙏
james james Thank you, my beloved brother, for such encouraging words. I appreciate you thinking of me... I am blessed by the caring responses from all you sweet folks. Thank you, thank you... much love from Arizona ❤️🙏
God bless ,and Amen thank you for this profound teaching , really giving me some understanding of our Jewish Brothers and Sisters in Christ , powerful , thank you . Amen enjoying the teaching , and I thank God for Jesus fading up Apostle Paul , glory to God and thank you Jesus. Elder P . Roland
Rabbi, I believe your words because they are backed by The Word of God. Your explanation rings true in my spirit, which is being confirmed, by the Holy Spirit. The peace of God be with all those who love the Lord Jesus Christ.
Thank you very much for this explanation rooted in historical and cultural context. I have one question: what about the curse of the law that God puts away with BECAUSE Jesus fulfilled the law? Is there possibility to reconcile Jesus and the law without the curse?
Im sorry, but i am unable to understand your question. You see to me, the law is perfect and Jesus is perfect. We need reconciled to God. Ok, lets see if i can explain this. Help me Abba, please and thank you. Moses was instructed to slay a lamb and mark the door post with blood on the left and right side and then above the door. Draw a straight line from mark to mark and you will get a rightside up triangle. Man being at the bottom God being at the top. Man trying to reconcile himself to God through the law. But Jesus came and God marked the cross with blood. A mark on that old rugged cross from His left hand. A mark on the cross from His right hand. A mark at the bottom from His feet. Draw a straight line from His hands and then to his feet and you get an upside down triangle. God being at the top and man at the bottom. God is reconciling man to Himself through His annointed Son Yeshua ha Messiach. Now put these two triangles together and you will see the star of David. Praise Jesus. I hope that helps.
Annelies, the explanation given, is from The Word of God, listen again carefully, take note of the Sciptures, read them. Study Galatians, chapter 3: you will see there, that Christ, the Messiah, purchased our freedom, (redeeming us) from the curse of the Law by (Himself) becoming a Curse for us, for it is written (in the Sriptures), Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree (is crucified), (Deut 21:23). So, if you are willing to accept, believe, that Jesus became a curse for you in order to set YOU free from that curse, than you are free indeed, and come under GRACE (God' unmerited favor) which comes by and through your faith in Him. If you understand this, then you will have the answer to your last query. Read also Acts 4:11-12. To the only wise God be glory forevermore through Jesus Christ (the Anointed One)!
Abraham Isaac and Jacob were Hebrews. All the twelve tribes are Hebrew. Juda is one of those tribes. All those born in Juda's bloodline are Jews and they are Hebrew because they come from Abraham and Juda.
I just learned that all of Istael took the name Jew after the exile. Probably, im thinking, probably because ten tribes were lost and that left Benjamin, Judah, and some levites who would have ben priest; and Judah was the larger tribe. I think Judah may have been the largest tribe out of the twelve. But i might be wrong.
@@maxwellmax9586 I personally believe that just like abraham was abram until the Lord gave him a promise then fulfilled it. A new ppl get new names. The hebrews were slaves then God the Father gave them a promise then began the fulfillment and took the name Jew & left the hebrew name in the dust
Did Rabbi ever reconcile with his parents and family? He spoke about how they were upset about him professing Jesus. I've seen a lot of his videos, but never heard a follow up story.
Today's generation is not aware of the facts of that time because those priests passed on the message of ignoring Jedus generation after generations, but one thing i don't understand, the generation that existed that very time, why didn't they support Jesus and not those priests? There were only a couple of priests who were jealous and insecure, after the tragedy, whole jew nation stand with those priests, why?
I am Christian because I follow Christ, the Messiah. I love Jews. Salvation came from Jews. Ex-Hindu worshiping idols to Worshiper of one True God of Israel. God bless Israel.
I've always been confused at how insular Judaism seems to me, especially since we all came from Adam and Eve and we are all God's children. I've always found it odd that there was one group of people that was God's chosen people out of all of His children, especially as He is no respecter of persons. I've really been trying to find the disconnect between modern-day religion and the Bible. After all, if we were actually following Jesus, we would lay hands on the sick and the prayer offered in faith would make the sick person well. Yet even those who claim to be healing in their ministries don't have a high success rate like Jesus and the apostles. What was their success rate? 100 percent, save one for the apostles when they couldn't heal the demoniac, but Jesus did, no shock there. And once the Holy Spirit came and they were baptized by Him, they are never seen to fail at healing. People will often bring up Trophimus, but the word used meant feeble, so it could have been a feebleness from being persecuted. That makes sense, whereas leaving someone sick doesn't, given Jesus' command. I often wonder if the separation that happened between Judaism and Christianity could be partly, at least, why our lives don't look as they should.
The term Christian is used in Acts. The believers were first called Christian at Antioch. My concern as a gentile believer stems from so much Greek and Roman thought influencing our basic church doctorine, beginning with early church father's writings that were anti semetic, and totally against the Jewish believers. Our current foundational doctorines have been clouded with this influence, and most of us are unaware of how this deception has taken place. I want to get back to how the followers of the Way believed.
Because of the Catholic church and all of the churches that came out of her who follow non biblical worship, such as keeping sunday as a sabbath, celebrating christmas and easter, praying to mary and statues, eating unclean animals, serving an illegitimate priesthood, etc. Jews cannot be convinced that Jesus is Jewish because these unbiblical practices are done in His name. Jews associate Jesus with Catholicism without knowing that the Christian churches stole His name and claim it but do not obey Him. Like the prophecy about the women who say, "We will eat our own bread and wear our own apparel, but let us be called by Your name to take away our reproach."
I get confused when Jewish people claim Christian’s believe in multiple gods- when clearly we believe Yeshua is G-d in flesh made manifest- not three gods- ONE GOD ,HaSHam in human form, and the Holy Rauch that witness’ of Him. Our G-d is ONE - the same one that was revealed to Abraham..
The problem comes down to the oral laws - The Traditions of men, They not only rejected the Messiah who came under the written law, but killed him , in the same way they have been killing the Prophets sent to them earlier, & bang their heads for a Messiah under their man made oral laws which but is to the serpents lie "Ye be as gods" (without God) Man as God leading to the Abomination of Desolation as spoken by Daniel
@@EugeneVerster What is false easy answer , You know their has never been the letter J in Aramaic or Hebrew language . The name Jesus is False , Romans we're punishing. Anyone who said his correct name YAHSHUA so the Greeks got together with the Pope of the Catholic Church and totally change his name to Fake name of Jesus and discuss the way the people could be fooled by using latin word only the pope understand so he went further in scripture and invented a place in the middle called Purgatory he made himself out to be YAHWEH on earth 🌎 and be the Elohim of the world so he twisted the Torah in disagreement and came out with this new Religion called Catholics where if you donate enough money 💰 you can have a loved out of Purgatory and into. The kingdom , I have spent my whole life investigation of who made us in his own image etc. I grew up in Catholic school and Church and my parents before me , I've tried to tell everyone who would listen that the creator is YAHWEH and his dear son YAHSHUA and ELOHIM in a vision gave me The White STONE , while fully awake! With a new name Written on it , only I know . What the new name is Read Revelation , Chapter 2 verse 17 He is the way, the truth and the life , Mr. Eugene Verster Fulfilment of the Mosaic Torah so sacredly adored by the The real Israelites that he has chosen .! And all the names changed like Gideon, Caleb, and Joshua in the king James Bible and so on ETC.
@@enriquesepulveda9303 so much nonsense from your mouth, so first off this video has nothing to do with catholicism, if you watched you would know, additional this preacher continually says jesus never came to start a new religion, next he often refers to jesus by his hebrew name as yahshua if you watched you would know that, next it is common for people of different languages to pronounce names differently to what is easier for them, that is not false or even wrong if you read the Bible it specifically addresses topics such as that. Last you trying to act special as of you have a special revelation that was given only to you, be gone Satan.
@@EugeneVerster All I can you is the Truth question ❓ Why do you believe that living Preacher Al most of them have PRIVATE JETS, MILLION DOLLARS, AND LIVE IN MANTIONS IS TAKING ME MORE THAN 70 YEARS OF INVESTIGATION OF THE TRUTH AND I HAVE NOT CHARGED ONE RED CENT , Did you read Revelation chapter 2 verse 17 it's the hidden manna
It is as important what Jesus taught as WHY he came to teach. We find the reason in the history of Israel in the Old Testament. Christianity does not talk about it at all, although it specifically makes a valid content for the Gospel.
Is this a generally believed change in the Jewish faith? (full disclosure - I'm a Christian and have wondered why the Jewish people don't believe in Jesus and as the Messiah)
Powerful & dangerous message in modern times. I'm sure you have a verbal & literal orthodox target on your back, but the truth must be told. At least you won't have to worry about being crucified.
Perhaps I understand the difference between being Hebrew(race,I'm not) and being Jewish (dogma, I chose). Too many people don't understand the difference. Mafia families: you said 1980's, I was thinking 1930's. 50yrs of Mafia Families. But now... almost 100yrs. Really? MLK (Martin Luther King) honourable as he was, his race was not the 1st enslaved. In our own Bible-kjv ot. We are told that the Hebrew were enslaved. Not the Jewish, but ALL Hebrew. May 29, 2021
is God Jesus or The Father who is The God that we Should Love fully and Obey is he Jesus or The Father Please answer 😭 and should we Really believe Trinity or not Please answer😭
Yeshua (Jesus) the Messiah made the pharisee's jealous. And that jealousy made them hard hearted and spirtually blinded. This is why Jesus the Messiah is both hated by modern Judaism and loved by believers in HIM (Both Jews and Gentiles)!
You lost me on two things: 1. You first make the point I believe much: Jesus dis not come to establish a religion and you start pushing Judaism. Where do you leave most of the new testament teachings? 2. You started yelling
@@radostinvasilev599 explain why it matters? Perhaps you can begin with defining how from you extremely limited knowledge on the creation of the universe, and even understanding creation and the nature of GOD and everything, how you feel it matters. Then also perhaps have a read in genesis when it states "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.”
@@radostinvasilev599 be clear, why does the gender role of God matter? Whether God is masculine or feminine, how and why does it matter? If God is both masculine and feminine or one or neither how does that effect ones salvation? We are not here to discover secrets of the universe or unlock hidden mysteries, we are here only for the glory of God and to serve God. It needs to be explained why your question matters ? I will answer for you, it does not matter.
I worship the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. I'm a Gentile believer in Jesus the Messiah. Redeemed by His presious blood... Hallelujah...
I do to same one , but it's been changed with out our Fathers and son permission
You have been given free will , especially a Rabbi that is misguided and if you're agree with him , Then go ahead I'm not stopping no one , I'm expressing my view , as a little voice that will bring you light 🕯️ but I got my answer to address this false issue in Prayer be bold and say jesus is not my name . And the people will start opening up their ears and know my real name , YAHSHUA !
is God Jesus or The Father who is The God that we Should Love fully and Obey is he Jesus or The Father Please answer 😭
and should we Really believe Trinity or not Please answer😭
@@krssco Jesus is the fullness of God, Jesus is the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit all in One, Jesus is the Trinity, read Isaiah 9:6 it will explain who Jesus really is... Blessings to you...
@@giovannilevoci941 Thank you😍 Godbless 🥰
“God! Redeem Isra’el
from all their troubles!” Psalm 25:22
Soooooo Powerful & The Ruach Hachodesh Is Really Speaking Through This Bratha. Amen.
Good message! I am looking forward to the other episodes!!
I had to save this video in one existing Playlist of Rabbi Schneiders teachings as well as a new one !! Wow, what incredible information.
Amen!!! Thank you so much for sharing! God bless you all! 🙏
This is so interesting!!! I love all of your teachings. You are so smart
Any one 🕐 who believes you Australia 🦘 mate should book a flight and follow you your misinformation is misleading lots of lost souls but I guess you're money 💰 interest mean more to you than Our SAVIOR YAHSHUA !
or perhaps, you are so gullible
They were right; traditional sacrifices had been replaced by the blood of the lamb, Jesus Christ. God allowed the destruction of the temple because the sacrifices were no longer needed. BTW, thank you for your teaching. Your perspective, along with Jonathan Cahn’s teaching, are priceless gifts from God.
Amen... Preach it in JESUS name
Thank you ,Rabbi Schneider, your teaching is opening my eyes and is a gift from God.
If Jesus’s a Jew, then Jews are antisemitic, even though many aren’t Semites or Levantines.
Very impactful - thank you ODB 🙏🏼🙌🏼
Blessed be the Name of Y’shua! Oh how great is is love that he was will to suffer so that we may be set free from sin and death.
It is so wonderful to finally hear someone will to preach in his given name; Yeshua! I saw you on an interview and heard you say Yeshua. It’s what brought me here. May Yahweh continue to speak the truth through you. Blessings ❤️🙏❤️
I'm glad you have pointed out how the term 'christianity' came into being! I dont use it anymore but call myself a Believer! Am grateful you are teaching more about how Rabbinical Judaism came about as I also follow Rav Yehezqel and have learned alot from him as well. ♡
This just where they started to call them Christian but like you mentioned because they were Christ follwers.......Then Barnabas departed for Tarsus to seek Saul. And when he had found him, he brought him to Antioch. So it was that for a whole year they assembled with the church and taught a great many people. And the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch.
Acts 11:25-26 NKJV
Love the teachings, you made it so plain
Truth. Praise Jesus 🙏
As always! Wonderful teaching Rabbi.
God bless you
So, Nicodemus was a Pharisee, and he said on behalf of the Pharisees, “Rabbi, we KNOW you are a teacher who has come from God.” (John 3:2)
In John 10:24,25, they came right out and asked, “If you’re the Messiah, tell us plainly,” and Jesus said “I did...”
When Jesus was born, the angels made a grand announcement about Him that a Savior was born: “Messiah, the Lord!” (Luke 2:11)
Demons, as well, knew and declared on the Sabbath in the synagogue, in the hearing of many religious people that Jesus was “the Holy One of God”. (Mk.1; Lk. 4)
(Interesting: Besides the prophets’ foretelling, and Jesus’ own claims about himself being the Messiah, there were also angels AND demons, BOTH supernatural witnesses for God from beyond our earthly realm proclaiming the same!)
When the tomb guards reported to the religious leaders about the angel that appeared at Jesus’ tomb and resurrection, it seems the Chief Priests believed them! They had to plan a big cover-up that would last a LONG time. (Mt. 28)
Is there any chance that the religious leaders KNEW Jesus was the Messiah and actually WANTED to kill Him anyway? He was doing all the good that the prophets had said He would, but when it came down to Him and His kingdom actually threatening THEM and THEIR way of life, they didn’t like the idea of a Messiah anymore?
(Jn. 11:47-53; Mk. 1:22)
(...hmmm, kinda sounds like some religious and “Christian” people today too, doesn’t it? ...yikes! 😬)
When He died, they must have been horrified with the freaky, supernatural tearing of the thick, tall temple curtain during the earthquake..when it was black outside in the middle of the day...with dead people awaking in the cemeteries...and the pagan soldiers declaring, “Surely this was the Son of God!” (Mt. 27:51-54).
They MUST have known by this point that they actually HAD killed their Messiah? ...Talk about “Woe is me!!”
As a religious leader, what do you do with that?!? You just destroyed all that the prophets and people had been hoping and looking for, for thousands of years!!!
Were they filled with dread and fear? Or just glad he was gone?
After His resurrection, he appeared to people over a period of 40 days; once to more than 500 people at one time-possibly at the temple-giving “many convincing proofs that He was alive” (1 Cor. 15:6; Acts 1:3).
Is there ANY chance that the religious leaders missed all of this? They had been on him like ants on sugar when He was alive the first time, and now somehow they “didn’t know anything” about the commotion going on all over Jerusalem about His resurrection?? I don’t think so!
In Luke 24:18-27 when Jesus appeared to some friends walking on the road to Emmaus, “One of them, named Cleopas, asked him, ‘Are you the ONLY ONE visiting Jerusalem who does not know the things that have happened there in these days?’”
So, it’s pretty clear that EVERYONE knew what was going on...the religious leaders included!!
When they saw Him alive again, oh, how they must have started to shake!! After all that was done to murder Him-all the torture and will this now alter all of the formerly understood prophesies?! Or worse yet, their future relationship with the their Father, God? How absolutely terrifying!
Acts 3 and 4 clearly show that the exact people who plotted Jesus’ death, now realized that He was somehow alive and working through His disciples-and that their problem wasn’t over, or going away anytime soon.
Solution?: Deny the Messiah-at all costs-Deny Him!! Persecute any, and all who refuse to deny Him. Do everything possible to make it appear like it never even happened.
If they really DID realized that He WAS the Messiah, and that they had KILLED Him, there is NO POSSIBLE WAY that they could ever admit, or let anyone ever know that they knew or believed it!! ...EVER...
...and with God’s providential assistance, they succeeded! Most Jews don’t know, or believe it to this very day! ... for the most part, temporarily “blinded” and “broken off”. 🙁
...but they DEFINITELY knew back then...!!!
It’s interesting, that the very thing they tried to prevent from happening by killing their Messiah, happened anyway-the Romans came and took away their place, temple and nation.
However, the nation has, and is regrouping; plans and furnishings for the temple and Sanhedrin are in place; the spirit of antichrist is obviously here, alive and well, setting himself up in God’s temple (the body of Christ) proclaiming himself (ourselves) to be God (2Thess. 2)...known as “the Rebellion”...
I don’t think it will be too long before the anti-Messiah (man of sin and lawlessness) reveals himself and deceives the majority of the world, bringing first, peace, but then ushering in God’s prophesied chaos, distress, trouble and disaster unequaled from the beginning of time! (2 Thess. 2; Mt. 24)
When, then our true Messiah will return and rescue His faithful ones in the nick of time, destroying everything and everyone left, judging the souls of the world, creating a new heaven, new earth, and new Jerusalem for His people, His Bride, TRUE Israel who have, by faith, believed, followed, obeyed, and accepted Him as their only hope of rescue-both spiritually from sin, AND physically from death, the grave and hell...Messiah! ...oh, how I love You! 😌
“Heaven must receive him UNTIL the time comes for God to restore everything, as he promised long ago through his holy prophets.” (Acts 3:21)
Hang on! It won’t be long now!!
Come Lord Jesus!!
Maranatha: “Our Lord has come; Come our Lord.”
(...translated from Hebrew, it means BOTH...because He has, and because He will!)
Linda Newhouse AMEN!! I wish I could save this comment 👏🏾 👏🏾 👏🏾
Jesus came to save everyone. Christ saves all, by forgiving us of our sins, but only if we show true faith and love in Christ. If we let him walk into our life. Keep spreading the message of Christ, Rabbi!
Mr. ILikeFoxesMB remember his real name is very very important! Trust me , and it's not jesus christ investigate it and you will be delighted
The Jews will never get his name right , though They are 💯 percent right in the TORAH with YAHWEH ELOHIM and Moses but the son who came to fullfil the TORAH his name is not Yeshua ? Does Yes sound like YAH ?
Yahweh himself was behind the destruction of the Temple. It was all in his plan since the Temple worship was no longer needed because Yeshua the lamb of God was sacrificed, buried and resurrected. Also Jews didn't start Christianity neither did the Apostles of Yeshua. Jesus never taught or created Christianity. The Faith was called "The Way" by the Apostles and early Church and the believers/disciples were called sons of light or sons of the day or saints of God or sons of God.
The destruction of the Temple was the punishment for not repenting. The Second Temple suffered the same fate as the First Temple because of the same pattern of behaviour. If the Holy One was opposed to the Temple He would not have allowed it to be built in the first place, nor would He have allowed His Dwelling Presence to exist there. During the millennial reign there will be a Third Temple constructed on the earth. It isn’t until the New Heaven and New Earth are revealed that there will be no more need for a Temple because the LORD Himself will be the Temple.
@@JudahCub1981 Sounds like you are adding to what ive said my friend for indeed we all know that it was because of the hard hearts of the Jewish people why God did away with the temple. Yahweh himself said to David (ultimately all Israel) "For will you build me a temple/dwelling place oh Israel? All these years I have traveled with you have I not dwelt among thee". Then the prophet says " For the Most High does not live in temples made by the hands of men. So what does all of this mean? Yahweh's desire and design was always to live in the hearts of mankind not in a stoned monument. Yes indeed God had the people build a temple but all of this was a shadow of his real intent. For as Paul says "we are God's temple, God's building in which he indwells with Yeshua being the Chief cornerstone. The Millennial Temple is also a shadow for it too will pass away and make way for the new heaven and earth where God and the Lamb shall be the temple. We must understand that the Temple that God and Yeshua shall be for us is not a Temple like what Solomon built or like the Millennial Temple hence why John records in Revelation 21 vs 22 ... I saw no temple in it (The New Jerusalem) .... Why did John not see a Temple like the one he was used to in Israel? It is because God is in direct opposition of what mankind understands to be a temple in our finite thinking. What the Jews made the temple to be in their error (Not the actual building) but their understanding and corrupt use of it was never God's intention. God was by way pointing his people to Yeshua because Yeshua and God are Temple hence why John said what he said in Rev 21 vs 22. So does God want a man-made temple for persons to worship him? The answer is a clear NO! Praise Yeshua hallelujah!!!!! Even Yeshua himself affirmed this when he said to the woman at well. For time is coming and is now here when God seeks true worshippers, those who will worship him in Spirit and in Truth. The woman had previously stated that you Jews say we all must worship in Jerusalem. Jesus corrects her making it clear that God is doing away with Temple worship by explaining to her what God's perfect will was by saying to her "A time is coming when you will worship The Father neither on this mountain NOR in Jerusalem. Hallelujah !!!! Yahweh be praised!!!. So to finish answering your reply my friend the Holy one opposed to man-made temple worship since as you say then why did God allow it to be built in the first place? God did all of this to lead his people unto himself and Yeshua so that they would be ready to offer up True Worship from Spirit who indwells them and The Truth, for Yeshua and God are the Temple.
Correction Christianity term is not created by the church fathers but the people around them who witness the faith of the disciples to Jesus Christ as the messiah saviour thats the Christianity came from in Acts 11:26.
That was so thought provoking and answered questions I didn't even know I had! Amazing message Rabbi!
So very helpful. Thank you for this excellent video.
Thanks. This Chanel was required to clarify certain doubts.
Love this teaching😍
Praise the Lord, oh my soul.. Ohh my soul. Worship His Holy Name. 🙏🏼❤️ May God bless us all and open our hearts toward His will…
Stay positive in your ministry sir. I follow many ministries online and most have about the same following. Maybe a few thousand views per video. The impact is real. Peter brought several thousand jewish believers to Christ on pentecost in the book of Acts. Just wanted to encourage you good sir. Shalom from Atlanta!
Amen & Amen! ...this is the season where “out of twain He is going to create one new man!” The timing is coming together. ABBA bless you for these awesome teachings 🙏
Great teaching! 👍
Jesus was also considered Hebrew.
you mean a jew.
@@TheMissgaol no He was a Hebrew and a Jew. Hebrew because of Abraham. Jew because of Juda.
Traditionally, the Hebrew people are the descendants of Eber/Heber, who was one of the descendants of Noah’s son Shem. The name Jew was associated with the Israelites after they were sent into Babylonian and Assyrian captivity. The title Jew doesn’t not only apply to the descendants of Judah, because for instance the apostle Paul was a descendant of Benjamin; John the Baptist was a Levite and Anna the prophetess was from the tribe of Asher, yet they were all “Jews”.
@@JudahCub1981 thank you for this info.
@@JudahCub1981 There are Jews by theology, and there WERE Jews by geography (from Judea). Jacob was 'father' of the Israelites, while slave-tradin' (Gen 37:26), hooker-huntin' (Gen 38:15-17), self righteous, sperm-donor, baby-daddy (Gen 38:26) 'Jewdah' was 'father' of the Jews.
Problem: Prophesied Messianic progenitor Judah (Gen 49:19; Isa 65:9), left father Jacob and the other eleven other Israelite patriarchs in Hebron, to marry a "Canaanitess" that his Adullamite pimp friend Hirah, hooked him up with (1Chr 2:3; Gen 38:1-2, 12).
Judah's marriage was contrary to Abraham's infamous quest for a wife for Isaac (Gen 24:3), opposed to Isaac's marital instruction to Jacob (Gen 28:1-4)... later categorically forbidden by God/Moses (Deu 7:1-5), and considered a "great trespass" according to Ezra (Ezra 9:1, 2, 7), that culminated in philandering Judah being posthumously and personally DISOWNED by prophet Malachi in the last book of the Tanaks/OT, no less (Mal 2:11, 12). Quite a namesake there, Judah's Jews. Motive to dissociate?
Judah's third and surviving (hint) son Shelah, thereby, became 'father' of the "Shelanites" arriving childless in Egypt (Num 26:20; Gen 46:12), their 'hometown' (John 8:33). Judah's undoubtedly circumcised Shelanite descendants began following the oral law of Moses, since Passover/Pesach in Egypt, journeyed alongside the Israelites during the Exodus, and were present during the conquest of the Promised Land.
Were those Shelanites, Israelites? Jews, perhaps? Rightful heirs to Judah's Abrahamic Promised Land in Judah/Judea, encompassing Jerusalem?
As was King David, Jesus was expressly a Pharzite descendant of Judah and Tamar's eldest 'illegitimate' twin son "Pharez" (Gen 38:28-30; Mat 1:3-6; Luke 3:30-33), 'father' of the "Pharzites" (Num 26:20). Their 'illegitimate' twins Pharez/Zerah were conceived in harlotry (necessitated by Judah's philandering) by Judah's betrothed (to Shelah, Gen 38:11) daughter-in-law, contrary to several later Levitical Laws, noted by Ezekiel (Lev 18:15; 19:20; 20:12; 21:9; even Eze 22:11). Were those Pharzites/Zarhites, Israelites? Jews? Were they even eligible heirs to Judah's Covenant Promised Land in Judah/Judea/Jerusalem?
By the arrival of Jesus, those circumcised Shelanites had usurped the ancestral title 'Jew' (1Chr 4:1, contrasted with 4:21), squatted Judah's covenant land including Jerusalem, 'got religion' following the Torah/Books of Moses (Mat 23), and became the Torah-thumping Pharisees insisting circumcision and Mosaic Law as prerequisites to salvation, that had previously infiltrated the Israelite synagogues, and were then infiltrating the Christian churches (Acts 15:1-5).
Jesus spilled the beans on their lies, hypocrisy and ancestry (Mat 23; John 8:12-59; Rev 2:9; 3:9), so those circumcised, Pharisaic Shelanite 'Jews' plotted Pharzite JEWISH Jesus' crucifixion (John 11:45-53), followed by some of their deluded Pharzite/Zarhite crucifixion tagalongs (John 11:1).
So, there are Jews by theology (typically following the wicked Babylonian Talmud), and there WERE Jews by geography (from Judea). But, the ONLY ancestrally authentic Jews, were/are Pharzites/Zarhites, period, the proverbial lost sheep of the house of Israel. And, my Abrahamic Covenant adoption papers were signed in the precious blood of the Lamb, a PHARZITE Jew... not chiseled in stone.
Wow, I have learned so much from Rabbi Schneider.
Week after week Rabbi, God works through you to deliver powerful, meaningful and useful understanding of The Word. Thank you Rabbi and Thank You God! 🙏🏻❤️
Love your work
Praise the Lord Jesus. Amen.
Okay? So now I am really someone truly seeking God and Jesus, where does this leave me? I am part of Noah’s lineage... not sure whether from the good sons or the cursed one...but what does that make me? A God-loving-Christ-follower? I am not making light. I am honestly confused. Observe Torah and all the Feasts? Don’t, because Jesus came...but He didn’t come for me now? Please help... ❤️🙏 Sincerely seeking...
Chapter 15 of the book of Acts addresses this for you. The saved Jews were trying to tell Paul that the gentiles should be circumcised and they should be taught to follow the law. Paul, Peter, James and others prayed and Peter spoke and said why are you trying to make them do something that you cant do and your forefathers couldn't do (follow the law). James then said dont eat meat offered to idols or drink blood offered to idols and be sexually clean or moral. Jesus said go love your God and brother and the law falls into place on its own. Colossians teachers us not to let others judge us by the meat we eat or drink or holiday or sabbath.
All you gotta do is listen to the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will lead you to be more like Christ. In my case i found it started with love. When i love my God i honor His day, honor His name, and honor Him by putting no other God before Him. When i love my brother, i dont steal from him, or covet his belongings, or lust after his wife. Love will fulfill the law. It's easier to remember to love than it is to memorize 600 plus laws.
You are not under the law. Grace and truth came thru Jesus Christ. Grace means undeserved favor. Kinda like this: you didnt earn this gift and you definitely don't deserve it, but simply because God loves you, He gives you the free gift of eternal life. Now, go and love your God and brother and you will become more like Christ each day. And remember this: you are loved and favored greatly by God. And i love you too.
Maxwell max My sweet beloved brother, thank you so much for your thoughtful and caring response. Clears up a ton of confusion for me... I sincerely appreciate you taking the time. Be blessed and safe... much love from Arizona. ❤️🙏 Thank you, thank you!!
@@myrajackson-rain5483 Praise Jesus. Mighty is our King. I am glad he helped you. God bless you and yours.
kindofpurple22 Thank you my kind friend for your heartfelt and clear response. It is most appreciated. Thank you, thank you... much love fromArizona ❤️🙏
james james Thank you, my beloved brother, for such encouraging words. I appreciate you thinking of me... I am blessed by the caring responses from all you sweet folks. Thank you, thank you... much love from Arizona ❤️🙏
God bless ,and Amen thank you for this profound teaching , really giving me some understanding of our Jewish Brothers and Sisters in Christ , powerful , thank you . Amen enjoying the teaching , and I thank God for Jesus fading up Apostle Paul , glory to God and thank you Jesus.
Elder P . Roland
Preach Rabbi!
Love Jesus and Jews ! We are for our KING 👑 JESUS HANDS DOWN !
God bless you brother
Rabbi, I believe your words because they are backed by The Word of God. Your explanation rings true in my spirit, which is being confirmed, by the Holy Spirit.
The peace of God be with all those who love the Lord Jesus Christ.
Thank you very much for this explanation rooted in historical and cultural context. I have one question: what about the curse of the law that God puts away with BECAUSE Jesus fulfilled the law? Is there possibility to reconcile Jesus and the law without the curse?
Im sorry, but i am unable to understand your question. You see to me, the law is perfect and Jesus is perfect. We need reconciled to God.
Ok, lets see if i can explain this. Help me Abba, please and thank you. Moses was instructed to slay a lamb and mark the door post with blood on the left and right side and then above the door. Draw a straight line from mark to mark and you will get a rightside up triangle. Man being at the bottom God being at the top. Man trying to reconcile himself to God through the law. But Jesus came and God marked the cross with blood. A mark on that old rugged cross from His left hand. A mark on the cross from His right hand. A mark at the bottom from His feet. Draw a straight line from His hands and then to his feet and you get an upside down triangle. God being at the top and man at the bottom. God is reconciling man to Himself through His annointed Son Yeshua ha Messiach. Now put these two triangles together and you will see the star of David. Praise Jesus. I hope that helps.
Annelies, the explanation given, is from The Word of God, listen again carefully, take note of the Sciptures, read them. Study Galatians, chapter 3: you will see there, that Christ, the Messiah, purchased our freedom, (redeeming us) from the curse of the Law by (Himself) becoming a Curse for us, for it is written (in the Sriptures), Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree (is crucified), (Deut 21:23).
So, if you are willing to accept, believe, that Jesus became a curse for you in order to set YOU free from that curse, than you are free indeed, and come under GRACE (God' unmerited favor) which comes by and through your faith in Him.
If you understand this, then you will have the answer to your last query. Read also Acts 4:11-12.
To the only wise God be glory forevermore through Jesus Christ (the Anointed One)!
Absolutely mindblowing! Woooowww😲😲😲😲😲😭😭😭😭😭 💜👑🐑👑💜 Toda Rabbi!
I agree with what I heard so far, except what you say about circumsion being performed only on Abraham's seed.Gen 17:13 on other points I agree.
I thought the hebrews were another term for the Jewish ppl when they were in bondage in Egypt..?
Abraham Isaac and Jacob were Hebrews. All the twelve tribes are Hebrew. Juda is one of those tribes. All those born in Juda's bloodline are Jews and they are Hebrew because they come from Abraham and Juda.
I just learned that all of Istael took the name Jew after the exile. Probably, im thinking, probably because ten tribes were lost and that left Benjamin, Judah, and some levites who would have ben priest; and Judah was the larger tribe. I think Judah may have been the largest tribe out of the twelve. But i might be wrong.
@@maxwellmax9586 I personally believe that just like abraham was abram until the Lord gave him a promise then fulfilled it. A new ppl get new names. The hebrews were slaves then God the Father gave them a promise then began the fulfillment and took the name Jew & left the hebrew name in the dust
I am so glad to find this teaching today. I have always known that it started with Jewish background
Did Rabbi ever reconcile with his parents and family? He spoke about how they were upset about him professing Jesus. I've seen a lot of his videos, but never heard a follow up story.
Amazing interpretation, thank you Rabbi Schneider
Baruch Hashem!
The Stone which the builders rejected is become the chief of the corner.
Today's generation is not aware of the facts of that time because those priests passed on the message of ignoring Jedus generation after generations, but one thing i don't understand, the generation that existed that very time, why didn't they support Jesus and not those priests? There were only a couple of priests who were jealous and insecure, after the tragedy, whole jew nation stand with those priests, why?
Judgement is coming soon be ready to meet Jesus in clouds at second Congo of jesus
I am Christian because I follow Christ, the Messiah. I love Jews. Salvation came from Jews.
Ex-Hindu worshiping idols to Worshiper of one True God of Israel. God bless Israel.
I've always been confused at how insular Judaism seems to me, especially since we all came from Adam and Eve and we are all God's children. I've always found it odd that there was one group of people that was God's chosen people out of all of His children, especially as He is no respecter of persons. I've really been trying to find the disconnect between modern-day religion and the Bible. After all, if we were actually following Jesus, we would lay hands on the sick and the prayer offered in faith would make the sick person well. Yet even those who claim to be healing in their ministries don't have a high success rate like Jesus and the apostles. What was their success rate? 100 percent, save one for the apostles when they couldn't heal the demoniac, but Jesus did, no shock there. And once the Holy Spirit came and they were baptized by Him, they are never seen to fail at healing. People will often bring up Trophimus, but the word used meant feeble, so it could have been a feebleness from being persecuted. That makes sense, whereas leaving someone sick doesn't, given Jesus' command. I often wonder if the separation that happened between Judaism and Christianity could be partly, at least, why our lives don't look as they should.
Baruch Hashem Adonai. Amen!
The term Christian is used in Acts. The believers were first called Christian at Antioch. My concern as a gentile believer stems from so much Greek and Roman thought influencing our basic church doctorine, beginning with early church father's writings that were anti semetic, and totally against the Jewish believers. Our current foundational doctorines have been clouded with this influence, and most of us are unaware of how this deception has taken place. I want to get back to how the followers of the Way believed.
It was more the Sadducees that were against the Messiah. Because the concept of a Messiah is a Pharisaic theological concept.
Because of the Catholic church and all of the churches that came out of her who follow non biblical worship, such as keeping sunday as a sabbath, celebrating christmas and easter, praying to mary and statues, eating unclean animals, serving an illegitimate priesthood, etc. Jews cannot be convinced that Jesus is Jewish because these unbiblical practices are done in His name. Jews associate Jesus with Catholicism without knowing that the Christian churches stole His name and claim it but do not obey Him. Like the prophecy about the women who say, "We will eat our own bread and wear our own apparel, but let us be called by Your name to take away our reproach."
If I saw someone, "raise someone from the dead," I would think that the person wasn't dead to begin with. Be intellectuall honest.
I get confused when Jewish people claim Christian’s believe in multiple gods- when clearly we believe Yeshua is G-d in flesh made manifest- not three gods- ONE GOD ,HaSHam in human form, and the Holy Rauch that witness’ of Him.
Our G-d is ONE - the same one that was revealed to Abraham..
I love them all anyway but I'm curious I guess
The problem comes down to the oral laws - The Traditions of men, They not only rejected the Messiah who came under the written law, but killed him , in the same way they have been killing the Prophets sent to them earlier, & bang their heads for a Messiah under their man made oral laws which but is to the serpents lie "Ye be as gods" (without God) Man as God leading to the Abomination of Desolation as spoken by Daniel
Whether he is right or wrong, i don`t know, but he is a charismatic preacher.
Everything he says so far is biblical
Preach it Rabbi. The truth be told. So love'n this message. Powerful! Thank you.♥️
He is not a good preacher he is a decieving people in
@@enriquesepulveda9303 how is he deceiving people?
What is he saying that is false?biblically?
@@EugeneVerster What is false easy answer , You know their has never been the letter J in Aramaic or Hebrew language . The name Jesus is False , Romans we're punishing. Anyone who said his correct name YAHSHUA so the Greeks got together with the Pope of the Catholic Church and totally change his name to Fake name of Jesus and discuss the way the people could be fooled by using latin word only the pope understand so he went further in scripture and invented a place in the middle called Purgatory he made himself out to be YAHWEH on earth 🌎 and be the Elohim of the world so he twisted the Torah in disagreement and came out with this new Religion called Catholics where if you donate enough money 💰 you can have a loved out of Purgatory and into. The kingdom , I have spent my whole life investigation of who made us in his own image etc. I grew up in Catholic school and Church and my parents before me , I've tried to tell everyone who would listen that the creator is YAHWEH and his dear son YAHSHUA and ELOHIM in a vision gave me The White STONE , while fully awake! With a new name Written on it , only I know . What the new name is
Read Revelation , Chapter 2 verse 17 He is the way, the truth and the life , Mr. Eugene Verster Fulfilment of the Mosaic Torah so sacredly adored by the The real Israelites that he has chosen .! And all the names changed like Gideon, Caleb, and Joshua in the king James Bible and so on ETC.
@@enriquesepulveda9303 so much nonsense from your mouth, so first off this video has nothing to do with catholicism, if you watched you would know, additional this preacher continually says jesus never came to start a new religion, next he often refers to jesus by his hebrew name as yahshua if you watched you would know that, next it is common for people of different languages to pronounce names differently to what is easier for them, that is not false or even wrong if you read the Bible it specifically addresses topics such as that.
Last you trying to act special as of you have a special revelation that was given only to you, be gone Satan.
@@EugeneVerster All I can you is the Truth question ❓ Why do you believe that living Preacher Al most of them have PRIVATE JETS, MILLION DOLLARS, AND LIVE IN MANTIONS IS TAKING ME MORE THAN 70 YEARS OF INVESTIGATION OF THE TRUTH AND I HAVE NOT CHARGED ONE RED CENT , Did you read Revelation chapter 2 verse 17 it's the hidden manna
Powerful message.
How about the Sadducee?
I would like to know why the pharesees of Jesus time did not write anything about the life of Jesus?
It is as important what Jesus taught as WHY he came to teach.
We find the reason in the history of Israel in the Old Testament. Christianity does not talk about it at all, although it specifically makes a valid content for the Gospel.
Praise Jesus king of Jews glory to only son jesus
Amen and amen.
Is this a generally believed change in the Jewish faith?
(full disclosure - I'm a Christian and have wondered why the Jewish people don't believe in Jesus and as the Messiah)
God cares for the Jewish people today because Jesus the King of the Jews, sits on the Fathers right hand.
Powerful & dangerous message in modern times. I'm sure you have a verbal & literal orthodox target on your back, but the truth must be told. At least you won't have to worry about being crucified.
Perhaps I understand the difference between being Hebrew(race,I'm not) and being Jewish (dogma, I chose). Too many people don't understand the difference.
Mafia families: you said 1980's, I was thinking 1930's. 50yrs of Mafia Families. But now... almost 100yrs. Really? MLK (Martin Luther King) honourable as he was, his race was not the 1st enslaved.
In our own Bible-kjv ot. We are told that the Hebrew were enslaved. Not the Jewish, but ALL Hebrew.
May 29, 2021
Toda rabah Rabbi Schneider !
Jeremiah 31: it!
Good answer
is God Jesus or The Father who is The God that we Should Love fully and Obey is he Jesus or The Father Please answer 😭
and should we Really believe Trinity or not Please answer😭
I pray and praise, worship the God of Israel 🇮🇱 and his begotten son yeshua who redeemed us to the father Yaheweh by dying and rising again for us.
Brother they live in the old tradition n custom as they were before
Yeshua (Jesus) the Messiah made the pharisee's jealous. And that jealousy made them hard hearted and spirtually blinded. This is why Jesus the Messiah is both hated by modern Judaism and loved by believers in HIM (Both Jews and Gentiles)!
You lost me on two things:
1. You first make the point I believe much: Jesus dis not come to establish a religion and you start pushing Judaism. Where do you leave most of the new testament teachings?
2. You started yelling
Why God is male? Is there any reason or elaboration around that?
Does it matter?
@@EugeneVerster everything matters
@@radostinvasilev599 explain why it matters?
Perhaps you can begin with defining how from you extremely limited knowledge on the creation of the universe, and even understanding creation and the nature of GOD and everything, how you feel it matters.
Then also perhaps have a read in genesis when it states "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.”
@@EugeneVerster Jesus said that the holy spirit will be reviling more information. It matters, because only knowing God brings eternal life.
@@radostinvasilev599 be clear, why does the gender role of God matter? Whether God is masculine or feminine, how and why does it matter? If God is both masculine and feminine or one or neither how does that effect ones salvation?
We are not here to discover secrets of the universe or unlock hidden mysteries, we are here only for the glory of God and to serve God.
It needs to be explained why your question matters ?
I will answer for you, it does not matter.
He is high priest
You guys have no clue what u talk about what Bible version u use 😂😂😂
They follow blind leaders
Pharisees were hypocrites
U guys write story from your imagination
So no to Jesus!