as i often do these days and in the past i sit here in my room. its not so dark right now, but when they are in everyday life i have these moments where i scream inside like the chorus is saying, as an battlecry to roar the pain away,. like there is no other way to express what i am feeling. this great loneliness,. this emptiness,. i loathe this feeling like no other. But then this helps me to release some of that dark cloud out. Now i can cope with life, i can go back to work without a mask on, i can be with my kids truly happy and be present. Music is a wonderful thing. Qujanaq Angajo Frederillu.
Small hearts can also feel immencely Greaf is the price of love You alone need to change the things you would like to change on this earth All that I would like to say my life Sometimes the best answer is to be silent
Ilumut isumaarunnerup nalaani tusarnaarlugu nunamut tuallannattartoq,nipilersuutipajuk.Angajo.Frederik-lu pisuunnguutigaassi,Kalaallit Nunatsinni.💙👍
Fredrick has an amazing voice and you have amazing piano skills! Much love from Nashville, Tennessee
@@kaaleerannguaqheilmann6527 ahh thank you
Perfect combo, isn’t? Incredible
What a heartfelt tune, almost brought a tear to my eye listening in here from Sweden. Keep up the great work!
as i often do these days and in the past i sit here in my room. its not so dark right now, but when they are in everyday life i have these moments where i scream inside like the chorus is saying, as an battlecry to roar the pain away,. like there is no other way to express what i am feeling. this great loneliness,. this emptiness,. i loathe this feeling like no other.
But then this helps me to release some of that dark cloud out. Now i can cope with life, i can go back to work without a mask on, i can be with my kids truly happy and be present.
Music is a wonderful thing.
Qujanaq Angajo Frederillu.
I'm not Inuit. But my god your voice takes me somewhere else. ps...Pukatawagan Cree.
"Nalugassingaaaaaaaaa!, jej, torrak, det er min utikajaaq massakkorpiaq! JAAAAAAAR, fedt nummer!
Cool deaL! I had no idea Frederik Elsner was going to be singing in this video. Nice surprise.
More Greenlandic music! Oh, my God. I am so happy. It is Christmas, now!
Nuannaringaarakku ullormut tusaaqqaarnissaa pisariaqartittarpara, aamma musikvideo-taani oqaatsit allanneqarsimasut atuassallugit pisariaqartittarakkit. :)
"Nalugassinga, paasinngilarsinga, ILUNNI NILLIASUNGA!!" :') 3 *-*
Pilerpunga kisimiillunga, akiussutissaqarnanga.
Kiinat tamarmik uannut saallutik pilersimallutik.
Nalungassinga oh oh oh paasinnilaarsinga.
Ilunni nilliasunga.
Pissaaneq ilunniittoq pinngorpoq, oqarusulluni saperani.
Anersaaq inngerpalaaq, assingiinngissuseq.
Nalungassinga oh oh oh paasinnilaarsinga.
Ilunni nilliasunga.
Nalungassinga oh oh oh paasinnilaarsinga.
Nammineerusuppunga oh oh oh akiuukkusuppunga.
Inngernera malungiuk.
Dejligst når det dejligst ;-)
So talented! Thank you :D
Taallai isumalerujuit qattuttassaananilu 💜
Nuannersormiuna, taalliortua eqqarsarluarsimassooq inuppassuit amerlanerit immaqa taamak misingisarput.
Kaar, nuanneq
Mantap dowh lagu ni. Terbaik dari ladang, habaq hang!
+verygrammatic I too am a foreigner here.
Well hello there fellow foreigner
verygrammatic But we are from different countries. How did we both end up in Greenlandic music I wonder?
James Vander Vegt I'm brazilian. It is Groenlandic?
Andrei V6 On lyrics translate it had a translate request for Greenlandic for this song.
So great to see Frederik Elsner there.
Saa flot saa flot 💖
God piano lyd, og sangen :)
😔❤ Nuanneq, soorluli uanga misigisakka...
- åh, hvor smukt ...
Tusarnaarlugu qatsutassaanngitsoq. 💝💙👼❤
With Christian K. Elsner, very good
Hi Fernando Faria, It’s Christian Elsner’s brother Frederik in this video. :)
Angajo Lennert-Sandgreen, oh thanks! I don't know who was who in Nanook, greetings from Brazil
Ilumum torrak!
I love you much music
I want to die, I want to love, I want to belong.....
Astridag 💖😞
Angajo! Qujanaq!
Qujanartuassooq :)
What do the words on screen translate to? Si prefieres español, también lo puedo traducir.
Small hearts can also feel immencely
Greaf is the price of love
You alone need to change the things you would like to change on this earth
All that I would like to say my life
Sometimes the best answer is to be silent
Obligatory comment about how the view count is more than four times the population of Greenland.
Patiffiit suuppat?
Uannoqqissaarun sanagavit? Eqqorteqqaqaanga! :'(
Appittaqattaarlugu nuannertaqingami💞🎀
Nuannarineqarluartoq Ullum tamaasa nuannersoq
nuannersormiuna taanna erinaq
Det var smukt. Qujanaq
Nuuk pass
Aaar, imatut: qujan, eqqorpiarpiarp!!!
Assaa Nuanneq
Assaa eqqortinnaq. Qiarusukkaanni..
Eqqumiik kalaalerpass
qanu mr.bean nipilersortalerpat imma aamma tusaamasanngussaaq
Nann... .
Suli torrappoq