Lance Wallnau Explains The Seven Mountains Mandate

  • Опубліковано 15 лип 2009
  • C. Peter Wagner Apostle & motivational speaker Lance Wallnau explains the origin of the 7 Mountains Mandate, in which Christians seeks to gain influence over the "mountains" of government, church, education, family, media, arts, and business. In other presentation of the Seven Mountains idea, Wallnau has explicitly stated that this can be done either overtly or covertly, as "infiltration."


  • @The.Alabama.Woodsman
    @The.Alabama.Woodsman Рік тому +23

    "My kingdom is not of this world..." - Jesus.

    • @RealJayGladney
      @RealJayGladney 11 місяців тому +2

      Still true.
      The kingdom of God is a completely different system than the kingdoms of this world.

  • @mlmallory2780
    @mlmallory2780 8 років тому +10

    As if the church doesn't get corrupted, give me a break!

  • @bruceewilson
    @bruceewilson  15 років тому +6

    In his talk at the Wasilla Assembly of God, Lance Wallnau stated that Christians in the movement can use both overt and covert methods to gain control of the seven mountains. To begin with.

    • @onlytruthmatters777
      @onlytruthmatters777 8 місяців тому

      I guess you didn't read the part in the bible where Jesus says "you will be hated because of me" and where we are told how Christians will be persecuted for their belief. What about where the antichrist comes onto the scene and demands worship to him. Those who do not have the mark on their right hand or forehead will not be able to buy or sell. This 7 mountain mandate is not biblical. It's nonsense. Beware of wolves in sheeps clothing.

  • @LauraJalbert51
    @LauraJalbert51 6 років тому +48

    Frightening. I will do my best on a daily basis to fight this nonsense.

    • @Raydensheraj
      @Raydensheraj 2 роки тому +2

      Like a real Patriot. Thank you.

    • @Raydensheraj
      @Raydensheraj 2 роки тому

      Today they won a victory.

    • @The.Alabama.Woodsman
      @The.Alabama.Woodsman Рік тому +3

      YES LAURA!!!!! I am with you. No where are we told to do any of this in His Word. Lance bends scripture and thought like Jim Jones!

    • @PiLLO360
      @PiLLO360 3 місяці тому

      @@Raydensherajwhat happened

  • @JohnDoe-ur7pm
    @JohnDoe-ur7pm 5 років тому +9

    Sounds like a different gospel and a different Jesus. When Christ comes back he will forcefully take the kingdoms of this world.

    • @boxesbinslidsllc
      @boxesbinslidsllc Рік тому

      Actually isn't a different Gospel we are called to be salt and light and the church has mainly hid its head in the sand while sin has grown. The entertainment mountain is influenced by lust, idolatry, witchcraft and a anti God agenda. When the righteous prosper the city rejoices.

  • @GTX1123
    @GTX1123 6 років тому +4

    Here is a STUNNING fact of history which should motivate every believer to walk out this message. Most people are familiar with Chicago's LONG legacy of corruption past and present from Al Capone to Rahm Emmanuel. But what most people don't know is that what became the very hub of corruption in the gangster days of Chicago was at one time a great hub of revival back in the late 19th Century. Within one generation what had been a center of revival was taken over by Al Capone.

  • @kyleleavy1621
    @kyleleavy1621 3 роки тому +30

    I pray that people will not become brainwashed by this.

    • @darrylhow554
      @darrylhow554 Рік тому

      YOU Can't serve two God's either you serve God or you're an advocate for Luciferians, Witchcraft, Satanism and all other manners of Lies and Deception . God is ❤️ Love ,Truth and Justice.

    • @noborderssports5434
      @noborderssports5434 Місяць тому

      ​@@darrylhow554who said anything about serving 2 gods?

  • @KingMarcRichardson
    @KingMarcRichardson 9 років тому +4

    Excellent constructive view of the mandate of the people of God. We must subdue the systems of men.

    • @stagegmom2012
      @stagegmom2012 8 років тому


    • @KingMarcRichardson
      @KingMarcRichardson 8 років тому +1

      The deliverance must begin in the minds of the people. The Church left it's rightful place in the earth. Throughout time we have lost our identity and it must be retained. Gen 1:28....subdue and multiply. When this happens then we will subdue kingdoms of this earth and they will be omega the Kingdom of our God.

  • @gollygeewillickersbatman1824
    @gollygeewillickersbatman1824 6 років тому +7

    John 6:28-29 states:
    Therefore they said to Him, “What shall we do, so that we may work the works of God?” Jesus answered and said to them, “This is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He has sent.”
    In other words, men should preach the Gospel or get out of the way, because the Gospel will transform whom it will. Yes, people desperately need God the Father, the Lord Jesus, the Spirit of God, and His Word. But they DO NOT NEED TO THE USELESS INFLUENCE OF SELF-APPOINTED MEN. Frankly, I find this Seven Mountains Dominionism business strange. So who are they? What is their agenda? And what do they want from you? I feel that these are 3 good questions for any fellow believer in Christ to be ask themselves. Thank you.

    • @The.Alabama.Woodsman
      @The.Alabama.Woodsman Рік тому

      Look up a UA-camr named Polite Leader. Look for his teachings on NAR. He explains the terrible leaders of the NAR who are at its core, 7 mo/ma agents. The 10 worst NAR leaders teachings will tell you all you need to know.

    • @letlovelastlonger
      @letlovelastlonger 2 місяці тому

      To take over the US government and other nations. Christian Nationalism. New Apostolic Reformation

  • @LeviNormandeau
    @LeviNormandeau 8 років тому +9

    "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law." How can you oppose a God who offers you love at no cost to you?
    Thank you for the vid, Christians are realizing that God made every mountain and entrusts us to steward them with love.

    • @gaian2000
      @gaian2000 4 роки тому +3

      This is the reason our media has been corrupted by Fox, Brietbart, Limbaugh, etc. This is the reason we have Fascists in way too many public offices, doing everything they can to overthrow our democracy and turn it into a theocracy. This is un-American.

    • @probrickgamer
      @probrickgamer Рік тому

      ​@@gaian2000 I mean the alternative you are offering is chemical castration of children, genital mutilation poverty and drugs. And to combat the increased crime rate that liberal policies cause, your solution is to stop funding the police. Genius stuff here

    • @andybrocco
      @andybrocco Рік тому

      God made none of these mountains. They are all man-made and indicative of world systems. Fallen man creates organizations, power structures. The Church is a Spirit-Life organism that does not operate by these power structures but by His Spirit.

  • @KalimaShaktide
    @KalimaShaktide 8 років тому +22

    Got Dr in theology means you can make whatever stuff up because in theology you don t need evidence for anything. Oh wait I see...selling seminars and books, $400 training sessions and $200 cds. Nice job if you can get it. When I hear the term Motivational Speaker I translate as in "Im going to motivate you to give me your money while you are going to feel good about it"

    • @anombrerose6311
      @anombrerose6311 8 років тому

      CRUZ AND RUBIO - argued that voters have no recourse to challenge a candidate over ineligibility
      in Fla Court

    • @margier1748
      @margier1748 8 років тому +3

      Excellent points! A lot of money is made with the training. We just need to study our bible, and we will know the truth. And the NAR is false teaching every bit of it. Not bible!

    • @matthewcraig8926
      @matthewcraig8926 3 роки тому

      Nothing new under the sun here.

    • @Braddha
      @Braddha 3 роки тому +1

      Free your minds... Save your souls...

  • @jauncel
    @jauncel 5 років тому +3

    All one can say is what Paul told the Galatian church who believed that the gospel of God is not enough to save them:
    ‘Foolish people, who has bewitched you!”
    What is clear from this: God did not speak to them, because He has already spoken in His Word the complete truth and we need nothing else to conquer the world. Twelve desciples who received the gospel first hand from our Lord Jesus, baptized in the Holy Spirit, took the message across the then known world and within 400 years became the dominant religion!
    Maybe if the knew of this new bewitching plan they could have avoided persecution, suffering and death!
    It is easier to dream up lies and put forth lies than to seek God on your knees and confront the unbelievers with the offensive gospel
    Watch out for the doctrine of demons!

  • @tomnanD3
    @tomnanD3 6 років тому +102

    People of logic, reason, and critical thought take heed of these psychopaths. This is no joke.

    • @gaian2000
      @gaian2000 4 роки тому +9

      This is why we are in the current unfolding disaster. These folks have NO understanding of ethics, reason, history, our form of government, etc.

    • @drerook2706
      @drerook2706 2 роки тому +12

      I literally googled this video just to keep tabs on these lunatics. Can't hope to change what you don't understand.

    • @scottslaughter7181
      @scottslaughter7181 2 роки тому +6

      "Covert re-education of culture" WHAT

    • @Raydensheraj
      @Raydensheraj 2 роки тому +1

      Christian nationalism is the most radical of the unamerican domestic terrorist ideologies....these are enemies of our republic.

    • @markusgarvey
      @markusgarvey 2 роки тому +8

      They are pushing it harder than ever right now.

  • @MrWholphin
    @MrWholphin 8 років тому +43

    Lance Wallnau clearly doesn't realise but he is outlining the false religious system that rises before the second coming of Christ, as prophesied in the Bible, Revelation 17:9:
    "Here is the mind which has wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sits"
    In context:
    "The beast that you saw was, and is not, and is about to come up out of
    the abyss and go to destruction. And those who dwell on the earth, whose
    name has not been written in the book of life from the foundation of
    the world, will wonder when they see the beast, that he was and is not
    and will come. "Here is the mind which has wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sits""

    • @SJissavedbygrace
      @SJissavedbygrace 8 років тому +3

      +boorah, I completely agree with you and was just saying this the other day in regards to Ted Cruzs dominion teachings and beliefs.

    • @SJissavedbygrace
      @SJissavedbygrace 8 років тому +2

      +booruh sorry I messed up the tag above. Just wanted to make sure you got it.
      God Bless

    • @ginbrooks2355
      @ginbrooks2355 8 років тому +5

      +booruh The point is we have TO TAKE BACK those mountains! We all have unique gifts that flow from passion, which is a gift from God!

    • @wisdomrules8474
      @wisdomrules8474 8 років тому +1

      +Sandy Johnson Do you know who originally came up with those false dominionist accusations against Cruz and his father? Anti-Christians like the HoffPo. Ted is a Christian and his father is a pastor, a man of God.
      Read "Stop Calling Ted Cruz a Dominionist":

    • @SJissavedbygrace
      @SJissavedbygrace 8 років тому

      You know nothing about me! For your information I am a child of God, washed and sanctified in the blood of Christ!!! You'd do well to stop passing judgement and read your Bible to see if those you are following are teaching you truth!!! I am a CHRISTIAN and I am a TRUE conservative!!!! Cruz is a Dominionist cult leader, both of them!!!

  • @andreapril6969
    @andreapril6969 2 роки тому +2

    where in the Bible new or old testament does Yahweh refer to this 7 mountains mandate?

  • @kevincarpiso8931
    @kevincarpiso8931 4 роки тому +3

    Right! Look at how Joseph was covert, a slave turned prince of Egypt! The reason most of the Bride of Christ doesn’t comprehend this is because it’s a new taste and they’ve been eating old manna from old moves of God and live in the movements those produced. Jesus is in Revelation while most of the bride is still in Matthew-John, and very disunified with Acts and completely misinterprets everything between His ascension and His return. There’s so much evidence of how He’s moving right now and it’s not in churches or denominations anymore but it’s really in individuals and families and communities who’ve been graced with the Kingdom heart - the restoration of the Hebraic roots, the commandments of God and His calendar, the baptism of the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit resting upon being united with the Bride saying “Come” revelation 22:17, the raising up of the davidic tabernacle who went straight into the glory of God in whose bloodline we are after. Notice not one bone was broken in the body of Jesus! Prophesy fulfilled. Jesus is the head, we are the body, NOT one bone broken but as it says in the psalms “my bones are out of joint”, the Bride has been disenfranchised and disunified for so long, but now...THE LORD IS RESTORING HIS ONE NEW MAN EPHESIANS 2:15.

  • @ArthurZdrinc
    @ArthurZdrinc 12 років тому +1

    I implore all of you to read the beatitudes of King Jesus! -Matthew 5:3-10- Be humbled and end your judgments toward each other beloved brothers and sisters. The Church Must Stand In One Voice. Through Gods Amazing Grace, and Ultimate Sovereignty, God Bless you ALL!

  • @ickytrip
    @ickytrip 7 років тому +34

    You forgot to include Mt. Doom. That's the one Frodo had to take the One Ring to in order to destroy it. I'm pretty sure that's in the Bible. If it's not it still sounds about as likely as what you're saying above.

  • @2sanctified
    @2sanctified 12 років тому +2

    True but the problem is most don't even have simple faith. Most Christians still believe they are sinners which is not even biblical. That's why most still practice sin in some form or another and they pick and chose what scriptures they want to live by. The body of Christ will be this way until they receive the revelation knowledge from God of kingdom mindedness.

  • @kkvz2228
    @kkvz2228 5 років тому +5

    I always wonder if these people really believe their bs or if it's just for the cash.

    • @megahedgehog8649
      @megahedgehog8649 3 роки тому +1

      That's a question frequently asked about the current crop of grifters in religion and politics. I suggest that it is not an either/or. People like this are so devoid of any real conscience or sense of morality that the difference between truth and lies is pretty meaningless to them. To get the riches and power they want, they need to convince a large number of very dumb people that they are sincere in their lies and bullshit, and they take on that role so thoroughly and effectively that it wipes out any sense of reality they ever had. When you become that detached from reality, it is an easy feat to believe whatever is convenient for you in the moment.
      Trump was a good example. He would sell a belief to himself and his moronic audience enthusiastically and wholeheartedly while he was speaking it, and 5 minutes later could sell a totally opposing belief just as well. Because he had no sense of the difference between truth and falsehood.
      The grifter preachers are like that. They have effectively severed the nexus between cause and effect, and abandoned common logic so thoroughly that instead of a rational thought process like: "This is true, therefore I must believe it" their thoughts say: "I believe it, therefore it must be true".
      And from there, it's a short step to: "I want this thing to be true, so I will believe it and proclaim it because believing it makes it true."
      Very few of them are actually sitting back thinking: "haha, those suckers, I can tell them anything and watch the cash roll in".
      Most of them think instead: "the cash is a sign I am God's favourite, I like being God's favourite bc it gives me gold jewelry and big houses and jet airplanes, cash is great, god is good, god is cash, cash is god, more, more, more, more....."
      They only apply logic to their accountkeeping.
      If you are capable of wiping any sense of what's true and what's not true from your mind, it is easy to believe that any old greedy drivel that slimes its way into your brain is indeed a direct message from god. Their real god is their Ego, it speaks to them and tells them they are special and deserve everything and they believe it and if they believe it, it must be true.
      What a dirty, festering mire their minds must be.

  • @vdub8647
    @vdub8647 4 роки тому +4

    Good insight glad I came across this.

  • @briansmutti
    @briansmutti 3 місяці тому

    Ephesians 6:12-13
    For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.

  • @ShadowPa1adin
    @ShadowPa1adin 11 років тому +16

    Lance Wallnau sure is a good Christian, trying to give Jesus what Satan promised him.

  • @claudiahudkins439
    @claudiahudkins439 4 роки тому +11

    This sounds like in Revelation 17:9-10 when Babylon falls. It's happening now. This is phenomenal!

    • @joshuascott3428
      @joshuascott3428 9 місяців тому

      The beast destroys Babylon so yes I agree with you this demonic kingdom will supplant the whore

  • @bethelshiloh
    @bethelshiloh 8 років тому +5

    This doesn't sound like true dominion theology (as I understand it). It sounds more like being salt on earth & occupying until He returns.

    • @bruceewilson
      @bruceewilson  8 років тому +2

      You may have missed what Wallnau says near the end of the video clip, that taking the 7 mountains can be either an overt or a covert project. The covert approach, claims Wallnau, reflects an aspect of God that Wallnau calls "Jehovah-sneaky".

    • @bethelshiloh
      @bethelshiloh 8 років тому

      +Bruce Wilson I will go back and re-listen, but I specifically asked him one time if he teaches dominionism and he said no.

    • @bethelshiloh
      @bethelshiloh 8 років тому +2

      +Bruce Wilson OK Bruce, I re-listened and in no way does that offend me. I would have to put a real spin on what he said to make something bad out of it

    • @saraharmstrong8742
      @saraharmstrong8742 8 років тому +1

      Why must we make living for Jesus so difficult? We can not reconcile the gospel to all of man's systems of learnings and beliefs.

    • @utubehound69
      @utubehound69 7 років тому +8

      Jehovah Sneaky? Really can you folks not see this for what it is?

  • @heknows5418
    @heknows5418 9 місяців тому

    He’s got plans of his own when sets up his throne,when HE returns- Bob Dylan

  • @bethelshiloh
    @bethelshiloh 8 років тому +5

    When Yeshua returns He will enforce His kingdom. Until then, we can influence.

    • @stagegmom2012
      @stagegmom2012 8 років тому +3

      +bethelshiloh - Yes influence as Jesus said but He said nothing about RULING until he COMES TO RULE AS OUR king AND ALL NATIONS WILL COME UNDER hIS RULE.

    • @bethelshiloh
      @bethelshiloh 8 років тому +1

      +stagefright2012 I agree with you, but I don't believe Wallnau is suggesting domination as in Kingdom Dominion.

    • @bethelshiloh
      @bethelshiloh 8 років тому +1

      Well, I have asked Wallnau to clarify. I hope he will respond.

    • @myra7730
      @myra7730 8 років тому +2

      +stagefright2012 I messaged LW and asked him directly if he is teaching dominion theology. He said he is not teaching we "TAKE THE WORLD BY FORCE." i didn't think he was, so I still agree with this message.

    • @margier1748
      @margier1748 8 років тому +5

      The NAR or Seven Mountain Mandate is about CONTROL of our government and every facet of it. It is DOMINIONISM to the fullest. It's a BIG deception in the church and has been for years. Cruz and his father are the closest it has dangerously come.

  • @deepashtray5605
    @deepashtray5605 7 років тому +46

    A philosophy remarkably similar to the fascism of 1920's Italy.

    • @nikushim6665
      @nikushim6665 6 років тому +15

      Its Dominionism, really their goal is to create a theocracy (which is effectively fascism).

    • @nikushim6665
      @nikushim6665 5 років тому +2

      Well, goes back further than that. Its basically a way of hijacking a government by using religion (Trying to create a theocracy). So in regards to Italy it started back in 754 rather than 1920.

  • @tacticalant3841
    @tacticalant3841 3 роки тому +1

    So whats the end result here, to bypass the prophecy of Revelation 13 where the 2 horned beast (nation) causes the whole world to worship the Antichrist? Or pave the way for the fulfillment of that prophecy?
    Also, some words from Jesus that do not fit this agenda: John 18:36 “...My kingdom is not of this world...”

  • @breathing4dummies
    @breathing4dummies 10 років тому

    Because according to a lot of Christians in America. This is the land of the free, you are free to believe and think as they do. And if you don't, your going to hell, no questions.
    Some loving father...

  • @feliciteleny3514
    @feliciteleny3514 21 день тому

    Thank you for the video, i ve seen its effect. ITS AMAZING !!!, all the Glory and the honor to God💯

  • @songshepherd
    @songshepherd 12 років тому +2

    @77terrafirma Jesus truned down the offer to rule the nations via submission to Satan as opposed to earning the right to rule via the cross.
    Scripture states that Jesus will rule with a rod of iron - meaning He will protect his sheep against wolves and thieves. He alone has earned that authority, because he alone yanked it out of satan's paws.

  • @gracesue4401
    @gracesue4401 7 років тому +19

    Jesus Christ does not need anyone to help Him with His Return!
    He Himself will see to it for He is God!
    Praise the Lord Jesus !

    • @tuttt99
      @tuttt99 4 роки тому

      You've been taking about his return for centuries. Hate to break it to ya pal, but you've been stood up!

  • @robertalmaguer259
    @robertalmaguer259 5 років тому +5

    Great explanation of the 7 mountains.

    • @moname56
      @moname56 Рік тому

      There is no such thing in scripture. Just sayin’. I wouldn’t take the dreamers like Bill Bright and call it good. EVERY thing MUST be tested. And how does one test? Scripture.

  • @SDSMJ
    @SDSMJ 7 років тому

    He who occupies the Top of these Mountains can shape history and form nations.

  • @TEAM-ME
    @TEAM-ME 12 років тому

    Two ways to answer that:
    1. For the same reason they didn't teach about microwaves. God did not release all and every truth onto the earth at the time of the Apostles. They established a vital foundation, but God still has more to say.
    2. Actually they *did* talk about it - it just wasn't presented in the way you're seeing it now.

  • @johncampbell1841
    @johncampbell1841 10 років тому +6

    I dont recall Jesus nor His Apostles teaching anything approaching this delusion of "the 7 mountain mandate." In these last days God speaks only through His Son. This teaching at first glance may make sense to some in that: "hey yea christians must take over the world!" It's really a lust for worldly power! In essence, it totally neglects the New Covenant we have been born again into by the blood of Christ. This teaching is carnal, man-centered and worldly, not Christ centered!! This teaching is anti Christ as it co-opts the gospel to make alliances with the world. Reminds me of the religious Zealots of Jesus day who rejected Him and wanted to overthrow Rome's rule. They ended up on Massada.... From what i understand this 7 mountain mandate is based on 1 verse in the old testament...... How are we to make un regenerated "mountaintop leaders" behave and think like regenerated christians? Jesus worked with others from "the bottom up; NOT "top down." When Christ is not the focus of ANY "mandate" given by anyone representing Him there is much room for Biblical error. With all due respect this teaching is very anti-Christ in nature. I have been part of the prophetic community since 1980 and this fad/false teaching is merely a distraction as nowhere is the testimony of Jesus ever heard with this 7 mountains thing...............

    • @glifewiteout
      @glifewiteout 9 років тому +1

      It's not about lust for worldly power it's about souls being saved

    • @martinzitter4551
      @martinzitter4551 9 років тому

      Lorenzo Covarrubias - I had a vision of your soul burning in an Eternal pit of fire.

    • @johncampbell1841
      @johncampbell1841 9 років тому

      You are obviously the hatchet man acting on demonic retaliation for the hyper- Calvinist whom Christ would describe as a " "White washed tomb" or a "wolf in sheeps clothing."
      Instead of a " mushy mystic" rational like the one you derived, i can describe; in strictly BIBLICAL terms why what you erroneously describe as my fate, perhaps really being the "wolf in sheep's clothing's" eternal destiny. It's ALL there right in the written witness of Holy Scripture!
      How could I make you that RAGEFUL?
      Impotent is the best description of your Biblical thought process.
      God bless and protect you....

  • @ephekt420
    @ephekt420 13 років тому +2

    Just how do you plan on "giving back" to society?

  • @alrotundo
    @alrotundo 9 років тому +5

    This guy is a LOON. You know, Rick Perry called himself a prophet too. LOL

    • @SJissavedbygrace
      @SJissavedbygrace 8 років тому +3

      +Al Rotundo exactly and now Ted Cruz is on this same band wagon. Dangerous Man running for POTUS.....and its not TRUMP.

    • @chaplainstudent768
      @chaplainstudent768 8 років тому +1

      +Sandy Johnson - Cruz might be, but Trump IS dangerous for sure.

  • @michellepozzie
    @michellepozzie 3 роки тому

    This feed of comments is a perfect example of how many are just lost and cynical. Why watch a video that you will only leave comments condemning it's message? I mean, what pulls someone to watch a video they KNOW they disagree with? Furthermore, what makes someone comment to the same affect? Sure, its your right. But wouldn't you have better things to do with your time? I think its the unction of the Holy Spirit peaking your curiosity. I will continue to pray for all of us, especially those who do not yet have a relationship with Jesus.

    • @gregtowle8830
      @gregtowle8830 3 роки тому

      Do not get involved in this teachings. This is evil .

  • @DaveMartinCanuck
    @DaveMartinCanuck 12 років тому +1

    @DaveMartinCanuck also another point, scaling the mountain of Education was attempted and what methods were used? TO lie about Of Pandas and People , Creationism and I.D. , who funded the distribution of the "textbook". Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District . Glaring grammar mistakes and spelling errors aside the book and the people behind it were deceptive.

  • @johnmichaelrichards
    @johnmichaelrichards Рік тому +4

    Q: Rather than speak to just two people in isolation, with no witnesses, why didn't omniscient, omnipotent God speak unto all people of Earth in unison?

  • @breathing4dummies
    @breathing4dummies 10 років тому +1

    Why would you want to control this world if even in your own religious texts, it's going to be destroyed?

  • @eddypetitbois
    @eddypetitbois 3 роки тому +3

    Anybody that have spiritual ears let him here what the Lord is saying this is so deep

    • @The.Alabama.Woodsman
      @The.Alabama.Woodsman Рік тому +4

      The Spirit says, "Live by faith..." and "My kingdom is not of this world." and "Seek ye first the kingdom of God" and many more verses that turn the 7 mo/ma on its ear. This is not biblical.

  • @remysf1349
    @remysf1349 4 роки тому +1

    Be in the world but be not of it!

  • @TiborMeszarosTM
    @TiborMeszarosTM 6 років тому +5

    Is that the final biblical argument, Mr. Wallnau: "if economies fail, democracies fail" as the crux of 7MD? And its found in the OT or NT? Or maybe apocryphal books? Instead of drawing vain charts, a quick bible reading will renew your mind, reconnect you to the HS & maybe even help you escape tribulations and stand one day before the Son of Man.
    God bless you, Mr. Wallnau. You seem to be a very nice person. Please do not forfeit your salvation for dark empty Gnosis. Prophecies reinforce the validity of God's Word. They do not add nor subtract. How I wish apostle Paul would be here. He fought tooth and nail against such heresies. I'm not sure what charts he might draw in response to yours but I'm sure that his love, his wisdom, his spirit filled heart would definitely make you think twice of your words, your intentions and how they compare to God's view.
    You're on my prayer list, Mr. Wallnau. Shalom

  • @ShadowPa1adin
    @ShadowPa1adin 14 років тому

    Bruce, you need to start adding annotations to these videos explaining that you do are not with the dommies. You post these here to promote awareness of what the dommies are doing but folks stumble across these vids and downrate them mistakenly thinking you are promoting dominionism, making people less likely to come across these vids and waking up to the threat.

  • @nhansen197
    @nhansen197 7 років тому +4

    The Roman Catholic Church seceded in controlling all seven mountains and it gave us the Dark ages. One body controlling all aspects of life is quickly subverted.

  • @TheSunShinesbyGrace
    @TheSunShinesbyGrace 12 років тому +2

    @yesushiai the word "apostle" means a sent one. They were sent to see Heaven's will done on earth. The apostles transformed cities for Jesus!.

  • @anthrop7998
    @anthrop7998 6 років тому +12

    This is a false doctrine re-hashed from Latter Rain theology. This is NOT true. This is evil. Please read your bible, not the messages of man. We are not to take-over. Christ has the keys to life and death. We are not supposed to "fight" or take over ANYTHING as Christians. This teaching is evil and ungodly. We are only supposed to do ONE THING- MAKE DISCIPLES!

    • @JaejoongPrincess
      @JaejoongPrincess 5 років тому

      Really? Chridtians is supposed to take authority over the earth, not our enemies. We're not put into the earth to sit somewhere in the corner reading scriptures and letting the enemy rule over and take over everything.....and we wonder why the world is the way it is.

    • @mpthewizard
      @mpthewizard 5 років тому

      He did not say “take over”, he said INFLUENCE. Think about the mountain of education...we no longer influence that mountain, why? Because Prayer has been taken OUT of schools, so there is no influence there in fact you can be sued or fired if you bring Christianity too or in a school. But, Islam, slowly but surely is being assimilated into your kids schools and you don’t even fight it. And yes we are to fight...scripture says to “fight” the good fight of faith.

    • @John4.23-24
      @John4.23-24 5 років тому

      This teaching originated in occultism of Theostophy. Look up seven rays of theostophy

  • @Andria8633
    @Andria8633 12 років тому

    Please refer to Dr. Bill Hamon's Book, Day of the Saints to give further insight. Page 92 where he discusses ministers in the marketplace and government. When there is a move/restoration of God, not everyone catches on to it because it is not what they are accustomed to. Acts 6 and 8 discusses seven men were released by the apostles to be businessmen or the ministry of decons. The twelve apostles were involved in trade and business.

  • @jfsfrnd
    @jfsfrnd 12 років тому +1

    Good Luck - most of the public are so sick of bossy, bullying, dominating, Christians all you are going to do is meet resistance.

  • @nathanaelmorton2530
    @nathanaelmorton2530 8 років тому +4

    Am i the only one who sees the correlation between these seven mountains and the 7 hills from the book of revelation? Im not saying there is a connection there.

    • @rosesdf
      @rosesdf 4 роки тому +2

      on point

    • @andybrocco
      @andybrocco Рік тому

      Rome is the city on 7 hills. This is simple historical fact, and it was known as such in ancient times. The Roman Catholic "church" is the obvious suspect here. She sits in luxury in that 7 hilled city even today, decked in Gold and priceless art and antiques.
      The number 7 is common in Scripture and normally denotes completeness, as in the 7th day of Genesis.
      The problem with this "prophesy" is that is doesn't have a strong foundation in the Apostles Doctrine, the New Testament. What I am saying is that there is zero evidence that the Apostles strategized anything based upon this model, so there is zero mandate in reality for the Church today to now base our actions and activity on this model.

  • @TheMeefmaster
    @TheMeefmaster 13 років тому +1

    @ephekt420 actually ive met him and fine talking to/hanging out with all types of people, hes not trying to shove anything down your throat, i dont get why you would be so hostile.

    • @rosesdf
      @rosesdf 4 роки тому +1

      Any attempt to shed light in darkness almost always draws hostility and resistance...check out what was done to Yeshua The Messiah aka Jesus. And sadly that attempt to destroy begins with and is fuelled by ignoramus RELIGIOUS partially informed persons, WHO DO NOT TAKE TIME TO SEARCH OUT TRUTH, but are ready to condemn everything that does not fit into or resemble their NARROWLY concocted worldviews. That is why they chose Barabas, a murderer, over Yeshua The Messiah, and 1900 years later their request was granted...he took out 6,000,000 of their descendants. When will we learn to go to Almighty God for clarity when we do not fully understand a thing? Let Him be the judge, and stop employing our inferior human ego to deal with things that are in essence grander and of a higher order than we ourselves are? Study the base text of this teaching and you will see the truth as well as the relevance of it. Happy studying.

  • @josephstrong1638
    @josephstrong1638 2 дні тому

    This is why we can’t have nice things

  • @EmeraldCoastWithCasey
    @EmeraldCoastWithCasey 8 років тому +21

    SMH...these comments. Keep singing this little light of mine while Jesus passes you by, and raises up some Joshua's & Calebs that are not afraid to take some mountains. 👊🏻☝🏻️😬

    • @koryc7543
      @koryc7543 8 років тому +4

      Awesome attitude! let's do this, we can take the land!

    • @saraharmstrong8742
      @saraharmstrong8742 8 років тому +7

      Forgive my ignorance and simplicity but isn't this what the Jews thought Christ came to do and he answered My kingdom isnot of this world?

    • @smokeodorelimination8016
      @smokeodorelimination8016 7 років тому +1

      World in Greek means world system, look it up my friend.

    • @margier1748
      @margier1748 7 років тому +7

      The main idea of the Seven Mountains control by the church, is to set God's kingdom before he returns for his church. The Lord Jesus Christ will rule from Jerusalem for a thousand years and he doesn't need anyone to set up anything for him, for he is God Almighty. This whole plan by NAR is as FALSE as it gets.

    • @carolchristoffel1075
      @carolchristoffel1075 6 років тому

      You are correct and further: Can't argue Jesus is God and God can do anything but Jesus can't come back until...........Not logical. IF Jesus is God it would follow that He can do anything and does not need us to try to "make it " happen.

  • @tanner030056
    @tanner030056 12 років тому

    This is more of a preferred lifestyle less of a religious teaching. I do not want to rule over anyone

  • @nehemiasvision
    @nehemiasvision 12 років тому +1

    Yes Iv’e ben sarcastic…This seven mountains is written as a prophecy in Proverbs 7 read it…The Light is on but nobody is home...

    • @rosesdf
      @rosesdf 4 роки тому

      most probably caught in the elevator that got stuck on the thirteenth floor!

  • @johncass3641
    @johncass3641 7 років тому +3

    The problem is not Democracy, but Capitalism and human constructed Religion.

  • @christurner4878
    @christurner4878 2 місяці тому

    Guys calm down. He's just saying you can preach the kingdom outside of the church. You can preach the gospel with your business friends or media friends etc. overtly or covertly. DL Moody led over 1 million souls to Christ said this "preach the gospel always, when necessary use words"

  • @KennethEUpgegrove
    @KennethEUpgegrove 11 років тому

    I agree with Bruce Wilson, Lance Wallnau is a Dominionist. But it was Augustine who invented this doctrine and has been a Catholic doctrine ever sense, and was very visible during the middle ages. This Catholic Partial Preterism (Eschatology) Dominionism flowed into many of the Protestant groups as they left the Pope. The ecumenical movement is all about bringing these near Catholics back under the Pope. Do a web search on my name to find my articles on this subject

  • @isaiah4christ1
    @isaiah4christ1 12 років тому +7

    he isnt talking about controlling everything yall... he is saying that if we (Christians) are at the top of the mountain, then we can influence more people for Christ!

  • @billcoburn5187
    @billcoburn5187 7 років тому

    while I'm somewhat sympathetic to the idea discipling All Nations I'm a little hesitant in that too seems to be essentially a Protocols of the Learned Elders of Calvary, not to be tongue in cheek about it. as Lord Acton put it power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. while as Christians we are to attempt to uphold the highest moral standard we are not Christ and we have a fallen nature. even the Apostle Paul says that I would not I do and that I would do I do not and if even he can fall short because of the flesh I shudder to think what a conglomerate of Fallen men might do

  • @overcamehim
    @overcamehim 7 років тому +6

    I beheld and the same horn made war with the saints and preveiled against them until the Ancient of Days came and judgement was given to the saints of the Most High and the time came that the saints possessed the kingdom. Daniel 7:21. See also Daniel 8:24 and 12:7. Jesus warned against false teachers and prophets in the last days. Don't be deceived by men who lust after power and authority for themselves. The Kingdom is the Lord's. He alone is the builder and maker. His Kingdom will be restored when Jesus returns, not before. If you get involved in man's efforts to bring in the kingdom, you will be opposing God. Jesus will say to you, Depart from me I never knew you. Seek the Kingdom, don't try to join a movement that seeks to build it. Deny yourself, take up your cross and follow Jesus alone. The unveiling of the scriptures is taking place. Shalom.

  • @shanfaith5826
    @shanfaith5826 Рік тому


  • @KesselRunner606
    @KesselRunner606 12 років тому +1

    Yeah Politics and Religion, because that always worked.

  • @tuttt99
    @tuttt99 4 роки тому +11

    The doublespeak is strong in this one!

    @TheADAMCURTIN 11 років тому +1

    Romans 12:2

  • @NicolaPolizzyCarbonelli
    @NicolaPolizzyCarbonelli 10 років тому you know "Dr. Phil Ming Xu"?Who built a kingdom strategy for us all to be united by love and reclaim the 7 mountains. His vision is to build a "storehouse", i.e. Kingdom Card, ?like Joseph to prepare for the 7-years famine, and to build a transition kingdom before the tribulation time and millennium kingdom.

  • @maevahanisi
    @maevahanisi 4 роки тому

    Wea can i get full video, thanks

  • @Roboto8088
    @Roboto8088 13 годин тому

    From Revelations ch 7 (The Wore of Babylon):
    [3] So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having *seven heads* and ten horns.
    [9] And here is the mind which hath wisdom. *The seven heads are seven mountains,* on which the woman sitteth.

  • @bethelshiloh
    @bethelshiloh 8 років тому +2

    Cultish??? No way. This is a good message. We are to be lights on hills. Salt on earth. Occupying until He returns.

    • @martinzitter4551
      @martinzitter4551 8 років тому +1

      Strobes on hills, salt on fish, He's not coming back.

    • @smpeace2683
      @smpeace2683 2 роки тому

      @@martinzitter4551 Oh yes He is coming back ! Are you still alive?

    • @martinzitter4551
      @martinzitter4551 2 роки тому

      @@smpeace2683 ~ Yup! I'm still healthy, wealthy, and wise and nobody's coming back.

    • @smpeace2683
      @smpeace2683 2 роки тому

      @@martinzitter4551 You should watch Brenda Weltner on youtube. And also Gene Kim. They might change your mind.

    • @smpeace2683
      @smpeace2683 2 роки тому

      @@martinzitter4551 Your unbelief makes me sad. I will pray for you.

  • @kjboy27
    @kjboy27 15 років тому

    It seems to me that a good way in which to limit the power that these christianist and some other religious groups seem to have is to tax them all. All take advantage of the public commons (streets, parking lots, communications, etc.) so they should pay taxes as well as most individuals do. Many of them "preach" political agendas therefore, once again, they should pay taxes. These religious organizations have much money at their disposal and are not to be trusted one iota.

  • @C_James_O
    @C_James_O 2 роки тому

    The reformed post millennialist in me agrees with this

  • @ephekt420
    @ephekt420 13 років тому +1

    He has the same rights and liberties as the next person... that is, unless the next person is gay, wishes to retain their reproductive privacy, wishes to exercise self-ownership/self-determination over their body, or doesn't believe as he does - then you're just fodder for the Dominionist's statist concession-seeking.

  • @ShadowPa1adin
    @ShadowPa1adin 13 років тому +1

    Outhouses are more helpful than churches, and they are less full of shit.

  • @Chiyo1967
    @Chiyo1967 14 років тому +1

    Correction; Your God is still demanding human sacrifices; Which is the meaning of Matthew 10;38 and 16;24. As well as; Matthew 20;22.
    So, it should be be no surprise when his followers demand blood sacrifice too. Revelation 6:9-11
    As to why I watched this video? - Because it's wise to keep ones friends close and the enemy closer. I'm looking at your battle plans and making my decisions accordingly.

  • @banjobanjo2
    @banjobanjo2 12 років тому +1

    I really don't want to live in a country where this insane version of Christianity rules.

  • @Bascomb55
    @Bascomb55 12 років тому +2

    Where does the WORD of GOD teach this? Psalm 138:2 !!!! Seven Mountains is bogus......

    • @rae_of_light
      @rae_of_light 3 роки тому

      There is a seven mountain teaching alright. The harlot sits on top the seven mountains in revelation 17:9 😳

  • @marshamcarthur6028
    @marshamcarthur6028 8 років тому +7

    This message is even more important today than the day Lance recorded this message, the importance of going to the mountain of God and get the revelation of the Lord for our mountain of influence is a now word. Look at Isa. 2:2-3

  • @kellywilson8308
    @kellywilson8308 2 місяці тому

    Like the ten commandments..5 for life as to man's living with each other in righteousness and laws, the other 5 are dealing in religious spiritual living and Knowledge of christ deeply

  • @christopherleemcn3776
    @christopherleemcn3776 4 роки тому +1

    Forgot trash can for markers.

  • @nehemiasvision
    @nehemiasvision 12 років тому

    If I post something against this video, you will judge me because I didn't watch it. NO NO NO NO you will not!….yeah right. the only reason for us to watch it is because is the only way to have a good understanding of your message and not been bias. I try to watch it with an open mind and all I hear is man’s wisdom, worldly mindsets. No Instructions of how to be a good disciple.
    A disciple will do exactly what hi master do.

  • @rgdwn1
    @rgdwn1 10 років тому

    I would suppose that could fall under Education.

  • @sebajo82
    @sebajo82 14 років тому +3

    Amazing teaching.

  • @stagegmom2012
    @stagegmom2012 8 років тому

    I think this is powerful information just much too late to change now. Jesus will set up the Kingdom when He returns to earth personally, then we rule and reign WITH Him not without Him. The Gospel will cover the whole earth then and there will be prosperity and peace.

    • @bethelshiloh
      @bethelshiloh 8 років тому

      Yeshua said for us to occupy until He returns. I have wondered what all that means & can't say I know for sure, but I encourage all of us believers to make an effort.

    • @joewhlm
      @joewhlm 8 років тому +1

      +stagefright2012 I thought Jesus said something like, my kingdom is not of this world. His kingdom came with His death on the cross. He died, went into hell then went to heaven and will come back to judge the living and the dead. It seems to me to be pretty simple.

    • @bethelshiloh
      @bethelshiloh 8 років тому

      +joewhlm What did He mean when He be salt? it's not one OR the other. It's both.

    • @margier1748
      @margier1748 8 років тому

      The Lord Jesus Christ will set up his own kingdom on earth from Jerusalem for a thousand years and he needs NO help from anyone; he is God.

    • @margier1748
      @margier1748 8 років тому

      "Occupy" means to be about our Father's business, being a servant of the Lord and doing what his word says.
      Luke 19:10-14 10 For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost. 11 And
      as they heard these things, he added and spake a parable, because he
      was nigh to Jerusalem, and because they thought that the kingdom of God
      should immediately appear. 12 He said therefore, A certain nobleman went into a far country to receive for himself a kingdom, and to return. 13 And he called his ten servants, and delivered them ten pounds, and said unto them, Occupy till I come.

  • @o4-a224
    @o4-a224 5 років тому +1

    Glory be to Our CREATOR for Good News in CHRIST Our Coming KING of Kings LORD of Lords SAVIOR of all Humanity Forever LIVE

  • @KesselRunner606
    @KesselRunner606 12 років тому

    "We will make such a chase as shall be accounted a marvel
    among the Three Kindreds:
    Elves, Dwarves and Men. Forth the Three Hunters!"
    Like a deer he sprang away. Through the trees he sped.
    On and on he led them, tireless and swift,
    now that his mind was at last made up.
    (you quote the Bible to me like it makes a point, I'll quote Lord of the Rings)

  • @TheMeefmaster
    @TheMeefmaster 13 років тому

    @ephekt420 well i could use the same argument against you. I wasnt apologizing, simply stating what i learned about his personality and character. It seems your comments are a bit more personal than attacking "dominionism" and you were saying he's just some horrible guy so i thought i would let you know first hand. But, whatever you can believe my perception or not.

  • @Ali74
    @Ali74 8 років тому +3

    Preachers need to earn a basic living wage, biblical texts need to be free, seminars done freely. The problem is religion is riddled with shysters (especially in the US) who fleece the gullible public. This immorality is what drives many away from religion.

    • @utubehound69
      @utubehound69 7 років тому

      They do cause the Name of Jesus to be Blasphemed this is NOT what Christ Jesus Died for JESUS Was Clear MY Kingdom is NOT of This WORLD If it were MY people Would FIGHT !
      It is Not about Taking Over the Gov. / World so they can make it good enough for Jesus to Return this is what they teach . We are to pray for those in authority over us in Gov. but not be "Sneaky" as he said in the video he even used God name in that conjunction w/Sneaky truly Blasphemous.
      Don't let these Jesuit Knight of Malta put you off of Jesus & The Gospel. This is what is called New Apostolic Reformation aka N.A.R. these ppl are dangerous. They Know NOT the The Truth The Way & The Life.
      They Preach another gospel another jesus working in another spirit. Just look up NAR Exposed you are sure to find many entries these along w/the CNP aka Council on National Policy members exposed not many entries exposing the CNP which is the Right "christian" version of the Left's CFR Council on Foreign Relations. This has been planned since 1990 the details the plan go's back much much further.

    • @thrashgordon1312
      @thrashgordon1312 2 роки тому

      They do and it's tax free

  • @willishall1812
    @willishall1812 5 років тому +1

    All belongs to "Jesus." He will set up his "Kingdom." Not the NAR, ect. Read, DANIEL ch. 2 The "7 Mountain Mandate" will also be crushes by the "Stone, cut out without hands", ignornant men are trying to establish.

  • @FinaleGoofups
    @FinaleGoofups 11 років тому +1

    This guy looks so much like the Pentecostal guy who molested me when I was a kid it's creepy. Not the same name, so unless that guy changed his name... But still, creeps me out.

  • @bruceewilson
    @bruceewilson  13 років тому

    @bobdevo - Why? Do you think he doesn't have the same civil rights as other Americans?

    • @gaian2000
      @gaian2000 4 роки тому

      He is advocating the overthrow of our democracy and replacing it with a theocracy. I was wounded in combat to protect the freedoms we cherish in this nation. Theocracy (using force to grow a religious cult) is NOT freedom. Bless your heart.

  • @w.scottwomer2416
    @w.scottwomer2416 5 років тому +1

    People who believe in what the Bible says won't fall for this heresy.

  • @ChrisAdwar
    @ChrisAdwar Рік тому

    Jehovah Sneaky? Wow! Deception truly is sneaky.

  • @flamingrobin5957
    @flamingrobin5957 5 років тому

    so drawing pictures has replaced teaching sound doctrine and bible prophecy? I THINK NOT!! the seven mountains are where mystery babylon sits..........the seven heads of the beast she rides.

  • @eutue
    @eutue 12 років тому

    i believe Science & Real Estate should be 2 mountains, while Media & Arts should be combined ibto 1 mountain. that'd seem more accurate to me. just saying.

  • @ephekt420
    @ephekt420 13 років тому

    The difference is that your assessment of his personality IS subjective if not arbitrary, and also fallacious when used as you did (e.g., appeal to emotion). My statements are the exact opposite - not personal at all, but rather directed at his dangerous ideology. Secular society has no reason to trust these "influence" campaigns due to the very very long history of religous collectivist employing statist coercion in order to realize their dogmas.

  • @dhkitson1
    @dhkitson1 3 роки тому


  • @macmajii
    @macmajii 13 років тому

    @twmcgill They already have become one: its called 501c3 status. Look it up. So where's that warning shot?