Suwalki Gap: The Most Vulnerable Place in Europe to Putin? - TLDR News

  • Опубліковано 12 вер 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 1,5 тис.

  • @VictorECaplon
    @VictorECaplon 2 роки тому +1285

    As much as an attack on Ukraine is possible, an attack on the gap is much less likely. Because the Countries attacked are both in NATO and the EU. With France and other EU members pushing for an EU Army and common defense territory, I simply cannot see the EU nations allow a foreign attach on EU territory without going to war, as this would mean the end of the EU.

    • @Hilariusgamer
      @Hilariusgamer 2 роки тому +180

      attack on this gap would basically mean start of World War 3 but attack on Ukraine probably not

    • @rufanuf1
      @rufanuf1 2 роки тому +12

      Yes look at the way those polticians reacted to Brexit. "WE must protect the dingle market (ourselves)." Theyd start a war over anything once they have an army. Just like America.

    • @zbigniewp1810
      @zbigniewp1810 2 роки тому +8

      EU will end then

    • @lovelyhomeboy1584
      @lovelyhomeboy1584 2 роки тому +8

      @@rufanuf1 not reallyamerica would never attack a nation which would start ww3

    • @diablo5028
      @diablo5028 2 роки тому +61

      @@zbigniewp1810 😂😂 I’ve seen you comment on other videos you Russian bot

  • @janvalasekcz
    @janvalasekcz 2 роки тому +1065

    There is a huge difference between Donbas and Suwalki Gap. Suwalki Gap would mean directly attacking NATO and EU countries without any justification (no russian minority in Poland). That would basically be a start of WW3 and that can go only two ways: a) nuclear holocaust (everybody loses) or b) protracted conventional war where as history has always shown us the economically stronger bloc wins.

    • @pexadico
      @pexadico 2 роки тому +90

      Yeah like bruh. I'm Polish and it's the first time im hearing about the concept of closing it lmao. Doesn't make sense for Russia to attempt that

    • @Toonhai
      @Toonhai 2 роки тому +13

      Poland is American territory for this moment. And you do not f..k with USA.

    • @zbigniewp1810
      @zbigniewp1810 2 роки тому +31

      @@pexadico you don't read much on the matter then. In military/defense circles it's a topic for like 15 years now - read some historical NTW, Polska Zbrojna, and Raport WTO articles. General conclusion of these (and later, including current) articles is that right now there is no way to stop Russia of they pull the trigger, and once they stop their advance and dig in it, is highly unlikely to be met with an armed retaliation. NATO would probably settle on ceasefire like in Donbas in 2015 (why the French or Germans would die for Suwałki?)
      The only way to prevent that from happening is not letting them succeed in the first place, but that'll require a 180 shift from current approach and serious investments into defensive infrastructure. In turn that'd make little economic sense as the area is easy to encircle, hard to reinforce and very open to Russian airpower and ballistic missile fire - in case of all out war a total waste of resources.
      I'd say the key now is to stop Putin in Ukraine - if he gets what he wants there, you are guaranteed 100% that there will be an attack on the Gap, and it will very likely be a russian success. At least without a major shift in Wests approach that is.

    • @vijaykumarnadaraja531
      @vijaykumarnadaraja531 2 роки тому +37

      That fascist thug, Putin, is a nightmare. I support you Poles in countering that devil.

    • @vladyslavpidlisnyi
      @vladyslavpidlisnyi 2 роки тому +2

      Because they're clearly had justification in Donbas back than

  • @pontifexbenedictvs5793
    @pontifexbenedictvs5793 2 роки тому +486

    You are wrong about Lukashenko’s willingness to unite with Russia. The idea of a unitary state came up in the first place in the time of his wild political ambitions, when he looked for a way to become a Russian president (that was before Putin and due to Yeltsin’s low popular support it wasn’t very crazy idea)
    But after Putin ended up in Kremlin, the whole idea started working another way. Belarus started borrowing more and more from Russia, and the whole ‘Unitary State’ idea just became a tool to drain more money in exchange for ‘pleasing’ Putin’s imperial ambitions, always ending up rolled back.
    For example just about year and a half ago we had those ‘roadmap talks’ on uniting different areas like taxes, parliaments and currency, basically the whole sovereignty was discussed behind the closed doors (imagine the fact that the public doesn’t know what this roadmaps are about yet). All the media had been talking for about 3 months that there is only 1 roadmap left to discuss before suddenly all the talks halted and the idea left to rot. But Lukashenko got his another 3 billion check :)
    I hope it explains a bit how our despotic politics work.
    Your Belarusian viewer.

    • @markusz4447
      @markusz4447 2 роки тому +40

      Sad for you guys. Is it extremely difficult for belarussians to migrate into the EU? or are many of you just really fond of your home and thus not leaving?

    • @sssd3461
      @sssd3461 2 роки тому +13

      Thanks for so info hope you are safe

    • @kapudanuderya
      @kapudanuderya 2 роки тому +4

      Do you think there would be a unification in the future and is it viable?

    • @pontifexbenedictvs5793
      @pontifexbenedictvs5793 2 роки тому +69

      @@markusz4447 thanks for your support. It’s possible to migrate to Poland with their governmental program - if you have Polish roots (a lot of us do), and if you learn Polish on a basic level + pass an exam and collect a pile of documents, you’ll get so-called ‘Pole’s card’. It’s something like semi-passport that gives you free healthcare, education and a lot more inside Poland + free movement within the EU.
      But in reality it almost entirely depends on your qualifications. If you are not earning much in Belarus (starting from around 1500€, whilst our average salary is around 300-400€), you won’t even accumulate enough money for a head start in a new country.
      About patriotism - I do believe we had a national resurrection back in 2020, in a way - we developed a lot of organisations that helped coping Covid (Lukashenko is an ardent Covid-denier, he told we can treat it with vodka), helped to pay fines during the protests, identified people in special police forces, we even had an app that lets you scan any product in a supermarket to identify if the manufacturer is supportive of the regime or not. So naturally a lot of people have a strong bond with the country and their fellow countrymen, so I believe when the time comes, there will be a big wave of repatriation.

    • @pontifexbenedictvs5793
      @pontifexbenedictvs5793 2 роки тому +34

      @@kapudanuderya no, honestly I don’t think so. In this scenario Lukashenko needs to be both without money and without any ways to get it. For now we have a lot of assets he could sell to bail himself out - whole set of automobile plants (we have at least 3 important), and a big potash fertilizer producer, accounting for 20% of global supply, so it worths like hundreds of billions of dollars, whilst our GDP is only around 60 billions.
      Putin won’t annex Belarus - we’re serving him too well as a buffer zone between EU and Russia. He just wants to have a strong hook on our regime, so whatever happens it stays pro-Russia. Otherwise he’s left with no allies in Europe.

  • @phylismaddox4880
    @phylismaddox4880 2 роки тому +215

    Are you kidding? It's not a mountain pass that could be defended - taking a road on a plain between two hostiles is insane. The Russians would have to make significant incursions into both Lithuania and Poland in order to be able to hold the territory. Otherwise the hostiles can just harass them with artillery until they leave. So they either start a war with NATO or get embarrassed by Poland and Lithuania.
    Without having first annexed the anything but reliable Belarus. That's more like Risk being played by a couple of 5 year olds.
    This whole thing is looking increasingly like an exercise in annoying NATO.

    • @kamilszadkowski8864
      @kamilszadkowski8864 2 роки тому +2

      I really love internet military experts like you. You have a point about the possibility of starting a war with NATO but the rest of your comment doesn't make a lick of sense.
      The current conclusion of the Polish military and experts is that the Suwałki gap is virtually indefensible since it would be very easy to encircle any major force trying to either protect it or counterattack.
      In fact, the current conclusion is that once Russians stop their advance and dig in it, is highly unlikely to be met with an armed retaliation. NATO would probably settle on a ceasefire like in Donbas in 2015 After all why would the French or Germans die for Suwałki?

    • @joas3324
      @joas3324 2 роки тому +4

      @@kamilszadkowski8864 Co ty bredzisz Kamilku???

    • @Bambim8
      @Bambim8 2 роки тому +10

      @@kamilszadkowski8864 LMAO
      P.S. Russian bot

    • @kamilszadkowski8864
      @kamilszadkowski8864 2 роки тому +2

      @@Bambim8 Apparently Polish experts like Ph.D. Bartosiak or Prof. Sykulski are Russian bots now. Because I'm basically summarizing their opinions.

    • @TheLuuuuuc
      @TheLuuuuuc 2 роки тому +17

      @@kamilszadkowski8864 Probably because they are part of NATO and literally the whole point of it is to protect member states that are attacked, like when a foreign power dicides to take a stripe of their land?

  • @ZTanMURReneRs
    @ZTanMURReneRs 2 роки тому +141

    An attack on any EU or NATO country is something entirely different to an attack on Ukraine. These are both.The comparison is absurd. If Russia does anything there it will have to deal with the entirety of the NATO and the EU. And it could never win that.
    The idea that Putins willingness to use force in Ukraine shows he would be willing to attack a NATO or EU country is quite simplistic I think.
    Ukraine is a very specific scenario exactly because it is not in NATO or the EU yet.

    • @exlibrisas
      @exlibrisas 2 роки тому +2

      I do not have hope to get NATOs and West's help in a time of crisis for us here in the Baltics. They are more concerned about making a sweet dolla and using the correct pronouns, than having a strong spine against despotism. But who knows.

    • @MrVeryfrost
      @MrVeryfrost 2 роки тому +3

      I think it all comes to NATO and EU softness. Let's not forget there was an obligation by UK and France to defend Poland prior to WW2. If Putin finds that he can bring NATO to diplomatic talks after a quick invade of the Suwalki corridor, then Putin most certainly goes for it.

    • @BernasLL
      @BernasLL 2 роки тому +3

      Ukraine being invaded was seen as preposterous a few years ago, and almost every war that ever existed was seen as unlikely in the scale it escalated to. Be mindful that games are being played by power players who will see the risk / reward analysis very differently to people minding their own business.

    • @sinoroman
      @sinoroman 2 роки тому +1

      after 1991, NATO pretty much became a group to protect US interests at the Atlantic. Yugoslavia. Libya. Now Ukraine. Going beyond member states

    • @MrVeryfrost
      @MrVeryfrost 2 роки тому +1

      @@sinoroman US interests align with western interests. So it works well. Most Yugoslavians wanted there to have their own independently ruled nations - again it aligned with US and NATO interests too as NATO was built to protect democratic countries. Don't see a conflict with this.
      Ukrainians want to EU and NATO. NATO , ES and US stand for their wishes.

  • @tinhov1
    @tinhov1 2 роки тому +138

    I honestly cannot imagine, lithuania or poland not triggering article 5 of the NATO treaty in case, russian troops try to secure the gap.
    Putin would be an idiot to think otherwise. The other question is though, would NATO respond or just give it up.
    I am not sure, if Putin wants to gamble on that.

    • @tomaszzalewski4541
      @tomaszzalewski4541 2 роки тому +34

      Poland will never give a part of it's territory. Especially to Russia

    • @QuentinWatt
      @QuentinWatt 2 роки тому

      If NATO nations get nervous and fire first, that’s all Russia needs to look innocent and say it acted in self defence.

    • @tinhov1
      @tinhov1 2 роки тому +19

      @@QuentinWatt I can't imagine NATO "fire" first, as it is a defensive alliance. They don't attack as an alliance. If Poland or Lithuania attack first, NATO should not intervene militarily according to the treaty. That said, a false flag operation by either side is still possible.

    • @MrVeryfrost
      @MrVeryfrost 2 роки тому +2

      "Lithuanian terrorists exploded Russian train crossing Lithuania territory. 250 Russian casualties on the board. Russia's military must protect the safety of movement of Russian peaceful citizens".
      Do you think Portugal or Greece would go to war with Russia for the 100Km line when Putin tells "calm down, we only stay here to ensure stability (like in Padniestre), not expanding anymore. It's your territory but we will ensure the safety of movement between the two Russian countries, at least until the official investigation ends. How about that? Can we have a friendly chat instead of starting a nuclear war?"

    • @jonb914
      @jonb914 2 роки тому +3

      @@MrVeryfrost Sure, they can refuse the call and be kicked out of NATO. Now they can be on their own in a rapidly heating world. Portugal might be fine since there is literally no one but Spain touching them but not sure I'd want to be Greece.

  • @almerindaromeira8352
    @almerindaromeira8352 2 роки тому +107

    You are overestimating Kaliningrad. Nuclear weapons have strategic value but no tactical one. Also the Russian Baltic fleet can't keep up with Swedish+NATO's fleet

    • @brutester
      @brutester 2 роки тому +5

      There are a lot of modern anti-ship missiles that can deny passage of any vessel in 100s of miles. This is the same problem in the strait of Hormuz - in case of conflict Iran can close it.

    • @almerindaromeira8352
      @almerindaromeira8352 2 роки тому +11

      @@brutester that applies to both sides. The difference being that Kaliningrad is an enclave with limited supplies. Once the logistics are disrupted it's only a question of time until NATO establishes superiority in the baltic sea

    • @HellDuke-
      @HellDuke- 2 роки тому +1

      @@almerindaromeira8352 the problem is all in the pacing. They need only to close the corridor and the Baltic sea for a short while to capture the Baltic states. Once that is done they can move resources directly via land with no way for NATO to disrupt the supply chain.

    • @brutester
      @brutester 2 роки тому

      @@almerindaromeira8352 yes that is true. That is why the russians are stockpiling military equipment in there. @HellDuke already replied with the tactics. The problem for us (in NATO) is that Baltic states are isolated from the main forces. With modern armor russian tanks can run over the countryside in hours - destroying all supply lines for cities and opning a land bridge to Kaliningrad.

    • @ionnanskilliorus6877
      @ionnanskilliorus6877 2 роки тому +6

      @@HellDuke- Hahaha What fantasy are you living in? If Putin tries to capture the Baltic states, it won't be just NATOs navy he'll have to deal with. It will be the full force of land sea and air and believe me his supply chains will not just be disrupted, they will be obliterated.

  • @pauliucasp
    @pauliucasp 2 роки тому +93

    This feels like a weak topic, sorry. Russia has no claims for the Suwalki gap and it would mean attacking Nato countries (PL and LT).
    Just after Belarus started sending imigrants to these countries both Poland and Lithuania greatly increased patrols around their borders. This would be an all out war declaration to take this path with not much strategic advantage, if you are going down all of Nato anyway.

    • @HanSolo__
      @HanSolo__ 2 роки тому +3

      God, we are waiting here in Poland for them to do it, and we will die willingly to obliterate Russian forces for stepping at Polish soil once again.
      If you think Russians are mad Poles are beyond insane.

    • @outerspace7391
      @outerspace7391 2 роки тому +1

      This is messed up. They see Russia as unreasonably aggressive and prepared to do crazy shit, yet not a single word has been said regarding NATO's invitation of neutral European nations like Finland, Sweden and Austria to join. NATO is looking to gain a new northern front and contain CSTO even further, wouldn't that require a video on... How do they name such videos? Oh yes... "TLDR explains: Biden's NEXT target?"
      I guess not. After all, America's cause is the establishment of peace.

    • @fanbuoy9234
      @fanbuoy9234 2 роки тому +7

      @@outerspace7391 Sweden and Finland are more or less NATO members in everything but name and have been openly discussing the pros and cons of formally joining for a long time, with public opinion swinging increasingly in favor of it. It's not like NATO is on some frenzied recruitment spree.

    • @outerspace7391
      @outerspace7391 2 роки тому +1

      @@fanbuoy9234 For real? I don't know, Sweden has been keen on staying neutral since the end of the Napoleonic wars, while Finland had signed an agreement with the Soviet Union to remain neutral during the heated Cold War era.

    • @fanbuoy9234
      @fanbuoy9234 2 роки тому +1

      @@outerspace7391 For real. I'm Swedish, so I tend to keep track of the situation :) Public opinion is evenly split between joining and staying out (with about 30% undecided), while 4 out of 8 parties in the parliament are in favor of joining (not a majority of seats though). If Putin invades Ukraine or does something similarly adventurous, I think opinion will switch firmly in favor of joining.
      As for Finland, I don't have the same insight, but my understanding is that they have a similar debate. And while I don't think there is a formal agreement, there is a bit of an accepted understanding that one nation won't join without the other, so it's likely a package deal or nothing.

  • @michaelritzen8138
    @michaelritzen8138 2 роки тому +287

    Highly militarised or not, a combined NATO naval fleet would still be able to secure and defend the Baltic sea. So complete isolation of the Baltic states would be very hard to achieve. Also, NATO at this point enjoys the position of having troops on both sides of Kaliningrad, which would make a push from Belarus difficult and potentially very costly.

    • @HidingAllTheWay
      @HidingAllTheWay 2 роки тому +42

      Yeah, plus Ukraine is one thing, but invading countries that are NATO and EU members are a completely different kettle of fish diplomatically.

    • @timogul
      @timogul 2 роки тому +4

      Well, in a military sense this is true, they couldn't shut off those states completely, but from a practical standpoint, having a convenient land route is very significant to trade and just general quality of life. Blocking off that crossing or putting some sort of other restrictions on it would make life a lot harder for people living in those countries. It would be like what England did to the UK in Brexit.

    • @joerourke8393
      @joerourke8393 2 роки тому

      Yeah - those Kaliber missiles wouldn't be able to touch them!

    • @valipunctro
      @valipunctro 2 роки тому +2

      The assumption was that NATO will just let them.

    • @exlibrisas
      @exlibrisas 2 роки тому +4

      Yah, I just wish NATO had more than 2 tanks and 5 planes here in the Baltics...

  • @generalamsel437
    @generalamsel437 2 роки тому +227

    Unfortunatly TLDR is placing a lot more into Russia's military capabilites then it actually has, especially by hpyothetically declaring that the Russian Baltic fleet will somehow be able to combat the entire combined fleets of NATO on its own. Russia is not suicidal, and they only reason they would ever make a serious play for this region is when NATO either A. Just does not exist, or B. Is in such a state that it cannot physically respond to outside aggression, at which point it may as well not exist.

    • @Matrix27594
      @Matrix27594 2 роки тому +3

      NATO can't use all of its naval forces in the Baltics. If they did, Taiwan would become Chinese, Iran could start new wars and Russia could rampage in the Black Sea and Mediterranean

    • @djroguefireify
      @djroguefireify 2 роки тому +41

      @@Matrix27594 You forget that NATO isn't just the United States - European NATO also has a navy that overpowers their Russian counterparts.
      And besides the US navy has multiple navy theatre commands for a reason.

    • @generalamsel437
      @generalamsel437 2 роки тому +6

      @@Matrix27594 they don't have to, they only need some of it, I was just saying that in the end, any hope of Russia gaining control of the Baltic sea on its own is a pipe dream.

    • @Slavic_Goblin
      @Slavic_Goblin 2 роки тому

      Or C, a Russo-NATO war has already started. ;)
      But at that point nukes are already in the air, so it's a moot point. ;)

    • @iamaloafofbread8926
      @iamaloafofbread8926 2 роки тому +2

      That is because they got what we call a "biased perspective."

  • @mossowski96
    @mossowski96 2 роки тому +240

    While the Suwałki Gap is just a line on a map, Russia can't simply overtake a line. To move anything through there they would have to add annex some territory (even as little as a few meters to build a road or a railway) which would automatically trigger NATO's mutual defense clause. Attacking Ukrainie is one thing, since it's not a member country Putin mostly risks sanctions, not war with NATO. Attacking two NATO members is completely different.

    • @Mr.Nichan
      @Mr.Nichan 2 роки тому +5

      I can see NATO only responding in the actual gap, though, to avoid escalation because of fear of a world war.

    • @550077
      @550077 2 роки тому +6

      @@Mr.Nichan The only scenario in which this is possible is when a world war is already happening. Thus avoiding escalation is meaningless.

    • @Mr.Nichan
      @Mr.Nichan 2 роки тому

      @@550077 Not true. War does not automatically mean total war. Even if all NATO countries were at war with Russia, that would not mean they'd have to fight big battles: They could make peace after Russia was out of Suwałki gap (like how the 1991 Gulf War ended when Iraq was out of Kuwait). I feel pretty sure that both sides would want to avoid using nuclear weapons at least until the war entered a more central place to one of the nuclear powers, and, even then, they would probably try to limit their use of nuclear weapons.
      Hot wars entail high levels of mutual suspicion, even more than cold wars. Mutual suspicion tends to lead conflicts to escalate more and more over time if not controlled, so I'm not certain our leaders would SUCCEED at minimizing a war betwen such powers, but I can hardly believe they wouldn't try when countries with such huge nuclear arsenals are involved. Biden isn't going to immediately nuke all major Russian cities just beause Russian troops took over a road in the Baltic.

    • @550077
      @550077 2 роки тому +2

      @@Mr.Nichan I can’t recall of any situation when a NATO country ceded some of its territory to a foreign country. Maybe it has happened and I just don’t know about it.

    • @Mr.Nichan
      @Mr.Nichan 2 роки тому

      @@550077 That's irrelevant. Perhaps you misread my reply. I never suggested NATO would let Russia hold on to the Suwałki gap.

  • @txrx1060
    @txrx1060 2 роки тому +27

    Potential war in europe.
    TLDR Europe videos: 📈📈📈

    • @msms7434
      @msms7434 2 роки тому +2

      Be afraid! Fear fear fear!

  • @addymant
    @addymant 2 роки тому +36

    Kaliningrad is _not_ a semi-enclave. A semi-enclave borders only one nation. The term you're looking for is _exclave,_ a region not attached to the bulk of a country's territory.

    • @filipkogut8533
      @filipkogut8533 2 роки тому +5

      Idk who writes scripts for tldr, but it has lots of such annoying minor mistakes.

    • @klyplays
      @klyplays 2 роки тому +4

      @@filipkogut8533 I think they do it intentionally as to increase comments and outrage for more views.

  • @daa3930
    @daa3930 2 роки тому +70

    5:40 Why you are highlighting EU countries, when you are talking about Nato and using Nato emblem on the map? For instance Finland and Sweden are not Nato members while UK, Norway and Iceland are. Highlighting the wrong countries makes the map REALLY misleading.

    • @pavlovsdog2551
      @pavlovsdog2551 2 роки тому +15

      There are so many elementary errors in this video, it is hard to imagine TLDR know anything at all about the subject.

    • @iamaloafofbread8926
      @iamaloafofbread8926 2 роки тому +2

      @@pavlovsdog2551 They are biased

  • @EricZucchini
    @EricZucchini 2 роки тому +36

    5:18 what? How is it ambiguous? How would anyone annex a line without annexing any territory? Would they be taking it over with one-dimensional tanks and one-dimensional soldiers with no area?

    • @szpoti
      @szpoti 2 роки тому +1

      I found it hilarious too.

    • @juanvelasco6028
      @juanvelasco6028 2 роки тому +1


    • @pankajahuja9792
      @pankajahuja9792 2 роки тому

      that line is 65 km wide

    • @Pawel274
      @Pawel274 2 роки тому

      @@pankajahuja9792 65 km wide, i.e. the distance between Kaliningrad and Belarus. They talk about the seizure of the border line, and there is no such thing. You have a border between countries and the territory of Poland is on one side and Lithuania is on the other. There is no magic territory between these two nations that Russia could hijack without attacking them simultaneously.

  • @piotrwojdelko1150
    @piotrwojdelko1150 2 роки тому +64

    I was born and raised in Suwalki Gap you spell it nice and well explained problem .As a child I remember Suwalki very backward town called the end of the world .Before 1989 I remember barbed wire fences plenty of soldiers ending roads and railways 'kind of mutual friendship between USSR and Poland ' . You even couldn't buy a car my parents travel far to get anything .Suddenly I discovered that you can see something on the other side of the border .Now they are building motorways and railways connecting with Finland and there is huge traffic .I remember also that after the WW2 Russians wanted to hand out Kalingrad Oblast to Lithuania but Lithuania refused because they were afraid of being minority in their own country. I want to mention that Russians colonised that region perfectly what Germans left behind with electrified towns .I was told that people saw quite exotic views of Russians heading with camels .They settled down not understanding how to use certain equipment ..

  • @emib6599
    @emib6599 2 роки тому +33

    For what every information said about Kaliningrad, we can say is also the weakest point of Russia, it has the less support towards Putin, the population tends to not consider the neighbours enemies and it has the biggest concentration of russian with passports.

    • @pavlovsdog2551
      @pavlovsdog2551 2 роки тому +6

      There has even been an independence movement, which has had varying degrees of support over the years.

    • @RoScFan
      @RoScFan 2 роки тому +8

      @@pavlovsdog2551 I do hope Kaliningrad becomes independent. What Stalin did to East Prussia was disgusting genocide. A minimum of historical correction would be for Kaliningrad to become independent.

  • @kosa9662
    @kosa9662 2 роки тому +78

    Fun Fact: in area around Suwałki there is huge deposit of iron, titan and rare minerals ore. During WW2 Germans compasses in plains were malfunctioning when were flying abouve these deposit. Also in region which border WhiteRus there are deposits of uraniun.

    • @Toonhai
      @Toonhai 2 роки тому +3

      These resources don't have economic sense to mine. Otherwise it would already been exploated.

    • @adamradziwill
      @adamradziwill 2 роки тому +3


    • @kosa9662
      @kosa9662 2 роки тому +8

      @@adamradziwill Belarus means White Rus. At the same time in White Rus there is historic region called Black Rus

  • @wolski7447
    @wolski7447 2 роки тому +25

    The argument that the Suwałki line is one dimensional so it technicaly would be an incursion is so stupid.
    Unless Russia or Belarus would use one dimensional troops it still would be a incursion of foreign troops in two NATO members' territory.

    • @Bambim8
      @Bambim8 2 роки тому +1

      one dimensional troops XD

  • @copacelu93
    @copacelu93 2 роки тому +71

    If you're gonna make more videos on the Ukraine situation, any chance you can talk about the Budapest Memorandom? The deal made between Ukraine and USA, Russia + the UK, in which Ukraine would remove it's nuclear weapons, on the condition that the other countries respect its borders and will protect it in the event of an attack? I don't see manY people talking about this and I think it's a huge subject.

    • @jakesmall8875
      @jakesmall8875 2 роки тому +3

      Because that means the u.s and uk have to declare war on Russia

    • @Yara-ox5my
      @Yara-ox5my 2 роки тому +1

      An interesting fact is that at that time Ukraine had the third largest nuclear arsenal of weapons. but the West did not consider Ukraine an adequate country and forced it to give up all its weapons to Russia in exchange for financial assistance and guarantees of territorial integrity

    • @greutera
      @greutera 2 роки тому

      Very good point. Russia acknowledged Ukraine as an independent state and Ukraine did give up their nuclear weapons.

    • @matikramer9648
      @matikramer9648 2 роки тому

      I would like to see it too

    • @brianbrecknock9625
      @brianbrecknock9625 2 роки тому +1

      I would, really like to see a video on this topic,,as I feel Ukraine has been set up to fight a proxy war by NATO

  • @mangachu3626
    @mangachu3626 2 роки тому +39

    It's completely ludicrous to suggest that Russia would attack two European Union and NATO countries.

    • @paul1979uk2000
      @paul1979uk2000 2 роки тому

      Yep, this is quite a poor video on the subject, still it would be entertaining if Russia tried because I think the Russian people need a major wake-up call when it comes to Putin and Russia's power in the world which in today's world boil down to the economy, the bigger that is, the more power you've got in the country in question chooses to divert resources to arms and high-tech weapons, basically, Russia wouldn't stand a chance in that game unless it uses nukes but then both sides lose and Russia likely more so.

    • @outerspace7391
      @outerspace7391 2 роки тому +2

      @@paul1979uk2000 the entirety of the western world needs a "major wake-up".

    • @paul1979uk2000
      @paul1979uk2000 2 роки тому +2

      @@outerspace7391 True, especially when it comes to countries like Russia and China which are power hungry, threatening other countries and using hardline tactics, it's high time the countries that can put their foot down on this.
      Also, maybe a democracy club could be formed where those countries get a lot more benefits on economics, politics and stability.

    • @outerspace7391
      @outerspace7391 2 роки тому +2

      @@paul1979uk2000 No that's not what I'm saying, I'm not really that fond of going to war. What I meant is that the western people need a "major wake-up" and reform the corrupt pseudo-democracies they live under.

    • @paul1979uk2000
      @paul1979uk2000 2 роки тому

      @@outerspace7391 I agree, democracy is only as good as the people voting or not voting and in western countries, they do a poor job at that but that's not the system's fault, that's the people's fault, politics is a reflection of the people, unless the people change, why should governments?

  • @jameswelsh1019
    @jameswelsh1019 2 роки тому +12

    Your map of NATO was actually a map of the EU, the UK and Norway are in NATO but not the EU, and Ireland, Sweden and Finland are not in NATO but are in the EU.

    • @impact0r
      @impact0r 2 роки тому

      TLDR incompetent?! No! That cannot be!!!

  • @karolpalion2883
    @karolpalion2883 2 роки тому +22

    Only the northern half of East Prussia was annexed by the Russian SFSR. The southern part is now Poland's Warmia-Masuria region.
    Also, how do you fit 2M people into a line with no area?

    • @pontiuspilates
      @pontiuspilates 2 роки тому +6

      Also, the Northern part, the Memelland is now Lithuania.

    • @pavlovsdog2551
      @pavlovsdog2551 2 роки тому +3

      TLDR don't actually know what the Suwalki Gap is...

    • @MichaelScottRamming
      @MichaelScottRamming 2 роки тому

      GIS buffer around the polyline???

    • @Carewolf
      @Carewolf 2 роки тому +1

      @@pontiuspilates Well it was Lithuania before WW2 as well. They lost it, and then got it back during the cause of the war

    • @TheZett
      @TheZett 2 роки тому +1

      @@Carewolf And it was Prussia before WW1, Luthiania only owned it after WW1 (and once again after WW2).

  • @lelouchvibritannia7809
    @lelouchvibritannia7809 2 роки тому +9

    Nobody realizes that the Baltic states have resisted Russia (and Germany at the same time) before and with much more powerful allies, can do it again.

  • @gabrielbulle819
    @gabrielbulle819 2 роки тому +15

    Watching this from Latvia right now and not pleased to hear this. :D

    • @aleksisvargers7494
      @aleksisvargers7494 2 роки тому +1

      Visi tēlo gangsterus līdz divdūjiņas gaisā skrien ;)

  • @UtamagUta
    @UtamagUta 2 роки тому +18

    For the record, Lithuania never had any interest in bringing Trojan horse in, aka the Kaliningrad. Neither did during soviet times.

    • @outerspace7391
      @outerspace7391 2 роки тому +2

      Lithuania was once asked if it wanted to annex it but refused

    • @ararune3734
      @ararune3734 2 роки тому

      @@outerspace7391 Because they would then be a minority in their own country and that doesn't seem like a particularly good idea.

  • @Kafei01
    @Kafei01 2 роки тому +31

    Solution : take back Königsberg and restore East Prussia as intendependant state.

    • @geraldmeehan8942
      @geraldmeehan8942 2 роки тому +14

      The problem with that is the population is 98% Russian today although I bet a great number of them would like to be out from under Putin's thumb

    • @holgerlinke98
      @holgerlinke98 2 роки тому +7

      poland wouldn't give up it's 2/3 of east prussia, also prussia wouldn't be prussia if inhabited by poles and russians. it might even be more viable to transfer the area back to germany. :D

    • @XxthetanklordxX
      @XxthetanklordxX 2 роки тому +6

      No, lmao. There are no germans there anymore, and germans in the area was a problem in the past.

    • @mrmosaic7996
      @mrmosaic7996 2 роки тому +6

      As a Russian, totally would move to Kaliningrad if it were an independent state. Since it would be the best of two worlds:
      1. Your country joins EU eventually
      2. You're not a foreigner
      Sadly, Belarus is nowhere close to joining the EU and Ukraine is plain hostile to Russians and considers you an alien.

    • @Kafei01
      @Kafei01 2 роки тому

      Everyone :calm down this was not serious.

  • @lukask2489
    @lukask2489 2 роки тому +18

    This sounds more like scare mongering than anything else to be fair.

    • @tinaforbes1059
      @tinaforbes1059 2 роки тому +2

      Agreed. President Putin is not as stupid as eu's politicians . All he's got to do is switch off the Gas supply into the eu . That will end the eurocrat's net zero Bullshits.

    • @tinaforbes1059
      @tinaforbes1059 2 роки тому +3

      @R Yes, I'm sure you will. At the same time calling yourself the green nutters champion. How very eu . Hypocrites lot .

    • @MeidoInHebun
      @MeidoInHebun 2 роки тому

      @R If you want to pay 5x times as much for gas, go ahead lol.

    • @tomaszzalewski4541
      @tomaszzalewski4541 2 роки тому

      @@tinaforbes1059 and cripple one if the main sources of Cash for already struggling Russian economy. What a great idea. I wonder why did Putin shut that idea down when Lukashenko wanted to do it😉

    • @Anonymint-vj7bt
      @Anonymint-vj7bt 2 роки тому

      Now we have the justification as Lithuania has violated the free passage agreement for Russian supplies.

  • @eisbergsyndrom5010
    @eisbergsyndrom5010 2 роки тому +11

    Russia: I hate being disconected from Kaliningrad.
    Germany: First time?

  • @nostromo2244
    @nostromo2244 2 роки тому +8

    You need to fix your graphics. At 5.41 you show a map of "NATO", but it is actually an EU map, not a NATO one. Because the UK and Norway are shown as not being in NATO, whereas Sweden and Finland are shown as being in NATO, even though they aren't.

    • @pavlovsdog2551
      @pavlovsdog2551 2 роки тому

      This entire video is appallingly inaccurate, beyond redemption...

    • @MeidoInHebun
      @MeidoInHebun 2 роки тому +1

      It's not a mistake if it's done to mislead on purpose.

  • @TheOneWhoMightBe
    @TheOneWhoMightBe 2 роки тому +9

    The Suwalki Gap might have an area of zero, but a tank sitting on top of it does not.

  • @akalion213
    @akalion213 2 роки тому +20

    Living in Lithuania feeling kinda sus right now

    • @icorcka76
      @icorcka76 2 роки тому +3

      At least it's better than living in Ukrainian east close to Russian border

    • @akalion213
      @akalion213 2 роки тому +1

      @@icorcka76 Well obviously lol

    • @enriquedp9356
      @enriquedp9356 2 роки тому +2

      @@icorcka76 would say even with potential war, belarus is in a much worst state and living there must be horrible.

    • @tomaszzalewski4541
      @tomaszzalewski4541 2 роки тому +4

      Well, I guess we are all in the same boat

    • @icorcka76
      @icorcka76 2 роки тому

      @@enriquedp9356 that's true, Belarus and Russia are in worse situation because possibility of war is at minimum at this exact moment, but possibility of economic collapse of this two guys is high

  • @sisiamigomio
    @sisiamigomio 2 роки тому +3

    3 weeks ago.... so far back

  • @8ig0r86
    @8ig0r86 2 роки тому +7

    Poland remembering the Polish Corridor back in 1939: "Hey, I've seen this one! It's a classic!"

  • @Poopdahoop
    @Poopdahoop 2 роки тому +60

    I'm always baffled by analyses of Russia vs NATO states like this, it's as if in these last 30 or so years we've all forgotten what a war between NATO and Russia would really mean. These are two nuclear powers (USA, UK, and France on one side, Russia on the other).
    In any of these scenarios there is only one outcome: total nuclear anhelation of both sides. How have we forgotten that all these countries still have nukes pointed at eachother? How is it that no one EVER takes this into account when discussing this stuff?
    While I'm sure it's nice indulging in imagining we're still living in a pre-nuclear WW2 style strategy world, you have to do some real geopolitical gymnastics to wish away the role that nuclear weapons play in the relations between these countries.

    • @philipkoene5345
      @philipkoene5345 2 роки тому +18

      I think with the concept of "assured mutual destruction", everyone assumes that a war would be conventional and not nuclear. However, I could imagine at least Russia could do a hail-mary nuclear attack, once it is clear that a conventional war is lost.

    • @zbigniewp1810
      @zbigniewp1810 2 роки тому +3

      Except it doesn't mean MAD anymore. At least not when only a small portion of NATO border is attacked.

    • @nadasabbagh6273
      @nadasabbagh6273 2 роки тому

      I try to imagine what it would look like if Russia or the US were to use nuclear weapons. The aggressor would annihilate but would there be a nuclear retaliation. I would think so but if that happens, we can say goodbye

    • @Bambim8
      @Bambim8 2 роки тому +4

      "In any of these scenarios there is only one outcome". No? There can be a war without nukes.

    • @Matrix27594
      @Matrix27594 2 роки тому +2

      They don't have to use nukes. A conflict could be limited

  • @fukuokaball
    @fukuokaball 2 роки тому +11

    Stay Strong Ukraine & EU! 🇰🇷💖🇺🇦🇪🇺

  • @UNKN0WN_1
    @UNKN0WN_1 2 роки тому +5

    Attack on Suwałki Gap, would ment an open war with Poland, and technically NATO, since Allied forces are stationed there.
    It would escalate beyond reasonable, quickly for Russia.

  • @deusgiff
    @deusgiff 2 роки тому +5

    1:45 as a person who is from Lithuania and, I believe, has some knowledge about the situation in Kaliningrad, I think the way you put it that Kaliningrad was technically administrated by Lithuania is not true. We did not have our hands into any of that. The only time we got closer to Kaliningrad was when Khrushchev offered our communist leadership to include Kaliningrad region into the Lithuanian SSR which it refused. Correct me if am wrong here but I am truly hearing that for the first time.

  • @nelyrions1838
    @nelyrions1838 2 роки тому +31

    Having Russia as a neighbour is just pure headache at this point. We've had peace and stability in the region for many years and then Putin comes into power and sh*t just hits the fan on a constant setting. NATO and EU's reluctance to secure its interest and their weak state of being unable to unify a response in a reasonable time leaves everyone vulnerable to a dictator that can order 100.000 troops to a border in matter of a day.

    • @tomaszzalewski4541
      @tomaszzalewski4541 2 роки тому +15

      Yeah, no matter how much Russian trolls try to tell "it's all Nato" it were their own actions that pushed my country into NATO. Them trying to pretend like they did nothing wrong is really sick. Their mentality is basically "so what that our economy is collapsing we have Crimea and it's 100% not the fault of our ruling oligarchs". Thet are stuck in their dream of soviet empire

    • @ccouch713
      @ccouch713 2 роки тому +10

      @@tomaszzalewski4541 This!
      It's the same with Sweden, Russia is flying in our airspace repeatedly and then play the victim when our politicians start talking about joining Nato...

    • @2772giggs
      @2772giggs 2 роки тому +2

      USA interference around the world is the worst, look at how many poeple died more than 10 million from Clinton to Trump.

    • @Cptnbond
      @Cptnbond 2 роки тому +6

      @@2772giggs All superpowers and historical colonial empires have blood on their hands, but that is a distraction and does not justify current Kremlin behavior in any way.

    • @Doochos
      @Doochos 2 роки тому +5

      @@2772giggs nice whataboutism

  • @george.rendiuc
    @george.rendiuc 2 роки тому +6

    Since 2016 the bilateral agreement for visa free local border traffic between the Kaliningrad region and EU has been suspended. So russians in the region actually need visas to travel through the neighbouring EU countries.

  • @mab9614
    @mab9614 2 роки тому +55

    Whether it’s bluffing or not, I still remember what happened in 2014.
    For those who grew up in the late 2000s and early 2010s, you might be familiar with this quote:
    “Victory cannot be achieved without sacrifice Mason. We, Russians, know this better than anyone.”

    • @nathanhale4328
      @nathanhale4328 2 роки тому +1


    • @mab9614
      @mab9614 2 роки тому +3

      @@nathanhale4328 “Have faith! Comrade.”

  • @Abcflc
    @Abcflc 2 роки тому +2

    Fun fact: Kaliningrad was offered (informally) back to Germany in 1990 but the government said no because unifying the West and East was the priority.

  • @moneyshark5510
    @moneyshark5510 2 роки тому +15

    I love that people are pretending that old Russian and Belarussian equipment (with a few new models mostly for show) sponsored by economy the size of Spain can pose a threat to either EU or USA... But I guess the "Russia will conquer half of the EU" content made for people that believe in that stuff will always be clicked on...

    • @michaelm7158
      @michaelm7158 2 роки тому +1

      Russia has undergone military reform, but this is part of the propaganda that Russia is so strong.

    • @pavlovsdog2551
      @pavlovsdog2551 2 роки тому

      Putin intends to lead the Russian Army into battle riding a Siberian tiger -- without his shirt...

    • @anguswaterhouse9255
      @anguswaterhouse9255 2 роки тому +1

      You're going to get a LOT of comments about the t-14 armata tank

  • @Spacemongerr
    @Spacemongerr 2 роки тому +2

    Ridiculous, Russia would never try to occupy a border between two NATO countries.

  • @MrMaxStepanov
    @MrMaxStepanov 2 роки тому +5

    I wonder what you mean when you say 'Suwalki visa waiver'? There are trains running across Lithuania you can use to go to/from Kaliningrad without visa, but if you drive from mainland Russia to Kaliningrad -- visa is still required.

  • @choonbox
    @choonbox 2 роки тому +15

    You're laughing. Königsberg fell to the Russians *and you're laughing!"*

  • @carlossaraiva8213
    @carlossaraiva8213 2 роки тому +4

    By the way, hypersonic doesnt mean they are superfast but that they have very good maneuverbility at supersonic speeds.

    • @emanuelcozmanciuc8561
      @emanuelcozmanciuc8561 2 роки тому +1

      it also means that they are superfast (mach 5 or about twice as fast as what is the norm today)

  • @augustus331
    @augustus331 2 роки тому +5

    Ha! Let the Russians try. They'll quickly find out just how strong the Polish and Baltic militaries have become.
    Oh and there's NATO.

  • @Pyriold
    @Pyriold 2 роки тому +3

    I don't think that putin would risk triggering a whole NATO response by violating the border of either poland or lithuania, both NATO allies. And while the gap may have zero width, troops can not live on zero width. They have to violate borders of one or the other country.

  • @walterweiss7124
    @walterweiss7124 2 роки тому +5

    the Suwalki region was already depopulated by the soviets few months after WWII in the Augustów roundup (Obława augustowska)

  • @neonbunnies9596
    @neonbunnies9596 2 роки тому +3

    Forget the Fulda gap, the Suwalki gap is the newest gap on the block

  • @andrewcrus
    @andrewcrus 2 роки тому +10

    Finally, a new series of fantasy arrived in time. I propose ideas for the next series - "Wake up the Yellowstone supervolcano is Putin's real goal?"

    • @outerspace7391
      @outerspace7391 2 роки тому +3

      Stay tuned until next episode, where we discuss Lukashenko's real plans to become supreme leader of Denmark!

    • @andrewcrus
      @andrewcrus 2 роки тому +2

      @@outerspace7391 How Putin staged a genocide of dinosaurs, herding them into gulags in Russia and processing them into oil and gas.

    • @007furious
      @007furious 2 роки тому +1

      lol...right. These people are delusional.

  • @patangaha
    @patangaha 2 роки тому +3

    Letting USSR keep Königsberg was a mistake

  • @Gigacat2137
    @Gigacat2137 2 роки тому +4

    That area is guarded by both Lithuanian and Polish militaries, taking it would trigger a war.

  • @theSultanofSquares
    @theSultanofSquares 2 роки тому +14

    Am I the only one who's a bit confused about the minimizing of the Suwalki Gap to a line with "an area of zero"? That's just the border between Poland and Lithuania. If Russia attacked to take the Suwalki Gap, they would be taking enough of the area (yes, with area of more than zero) to create a traversable corridor. Even if they took an area only large enough for a 2 lane road, they would still necessarily take some amount of the sovereign territory of Poland/Lithuania/both. I feel like it is really intellectually dishonest to say that is zero. And am I alone in thinking that this would ABSOLUTELY trigger a NATO response? Regardless of if a NATO defense of the Suwalki Gap would be a success, this would absolutely be a an attack on NATO members Poland and Lithuania. Not responding to such an attack would basically totally sour relations within NATO.
    This sounds very suspect to me. A VERY strange way to frame the potential harm in such an invasion. If this is the new logic, we may as well just say that Russia isn't trying to invade Donbas, but just taking an infinitely many lines of zero area chopping up the region - ergo, no unlawful stealing of Ukrainian territory. Bam, easy out. I guess we can revise the rules of geometry and logic.

    • @aightm8
      @aightm8 2 роки тому +3

      It's an incredibly moronic point in the video. Forming a land bridge means annexing territory with an area greather than 0. Tanks are 3 metres wide

    • @nian60
      @nian60 2 роки тому

      No you're right. I think whomever made this video didn't think things through and applied logic. Of course Russia would need to take actual land to take the Suwalki Gap.

  • @tienshan9819
    @tienshan9819 2 роки тому +5

    I think NATO would need to be significantly more internally divided than it is at present for this to work.

  • @davidbenger2396
    @davidbenger2396 2 роки тому +3

    This just sounds like paranoia. Russia's interests in Ukraine and Belorus are because many Russians consider these to Republics to be part of the Russian heartland and really should not have been allowed to become independant. The Suwalki gap is certainly not important enough for Russia to start a war over.

  • @nickpn23
    @nickpn23 2 роки тому +1

    Suwalki, Augustow, Alytus: how many times have nation states flowed across this land? And the ethnic mix - the german poet Johannes Bobrowski writes of the people caught between the mighty states, whatever their origins.

  • @uranusneptun5239
    @uranusneptun5239 2 роки тому +4

    It's so funny because Putin is justifying the Ukraine's invasions with it being historically Russia or the Soviet Union but if we are playing this game, the EU could invade Kaliningrad, because it used to be German...

    • @pavlovsdog2551
      @pavlovsdog2551 2 роки тому +2

      Both Crimea and Kaliningrad have only achieved their Russian majority populations due to Stalin's genocides in the 1930s and 1940s. It is likely that Putin's illegitimate invasion of Crimea will bring Russian control of _both_ these territories into review at some future time...

  • @VforArt
    @VforArt 2 роки тому +1

    heh, where i heard of that before?
    1.anschluss of Belarus
    2.sudetenland in donbass
    3.exteritorial highway through foregin territory

  • @aurris
    @aurris 2 роки тому +4

    Suvalkija - is Lithuanian cultural region (for polish is Suwalki ). This corridor is not called because of Suwalki town in Poland

    • @brygadasfm
      @brygadasfm 2 роки тому

      I love Lithuania but dude... you're wrong. It's just called Suwałki Gap because of the town of Suwałki and this is why it's spelled in Polish, not in Lithuanian

  • @rwalker7076
    @rwalker7076 2 роки тому +2

    Kaliningrad is actually German Konigsburg. It's been under Russian occupation since 1945. The Russians should have returned it to Germany in 1996, but didn't. Konigsberg remains under Russian occupaton.

    • @HellenicMapping
      @HellenicMapping 2 роки тому +1

      Germany doesn't want it anymore. German Königsberg is gone, so are its inhabitants. Get over it.

    • @demo9299
      @demo9299 2 роки тому +1

      @@HellenicMapping using your logic, we can say same about Constantinople is gone?. Get over it?.🤷

    • @HellenicMapping
      @HellenicMapping 2 роки тому

      @@demo9299 When did I ever say anything about that? Got anything to say other than falsely judging me just because of my nationality?

    • @Theorimlig
      @Theorimlig 2 роки тому

      Germany has pledged to never expand eastward again. Even if Kaliningrad wanted to be a part of Germany (there are almost no germans there, and no-one is seeking unification with Germany) Germany could not and would not accept it.

  • @filipevaz9328
    @filipevaz9328 2 роки тому +14

    So summarising the video, Poland might get invaded again starting a WW. I guess some things never change...

  • @jonswift6173
    @jonswift6173 2 роки тому +2

    Suddenly very relevant

  • @mrp1326
    @mrp1326 2 роки тому +6

    There are surely not "2 million Poles in the area" - it is almost combined population of both nearest voivodeships. It is more like 200k people in Suwalszczyzna region.
    And it is not a "gap" to be closed, but territories of two independent countries, so I don't get the whole speculation. It is rather unnecessary.

    • @joas3324
      @joas3324 2 роки тому

      Dokladnie...Bredzi jakies farmazony kolejny zachodniak ignorant

  • @stevejohnson3357
    @stevejohnson3357 2 роки тому +2

    All we can hope for at this point is steady hands and sober minds. But considering the number of moving parts and divergent interests involved in the current political climate, that is a hard thing to ensure.

  • @napoleonibonaparte7198
    @napoleonibonaparte7198 2 роки тому +22

    Would’ve been avoided if Germany pressed for the return of Königsberg during their unification agreement.

    • @SouthPeter98
      @SouthPeter98 2 роки тому +16

      Germans were long gone from there, that would be a silly request which would have been laughed at

    • @h4xorzist
      @h4xorzist 2 роки тому +2

      They did they pushed for most of the pre WW2 borders but east Prussia was part of Poland and the poles in turn were expelled from their own land too by Russia.
      To be honest, the EU should rearm and march units to Königsberg as that seems to be the language Putin speaks.

    • @XxthetanklordxX
      @XxthetanklordxX 2 роки тому +5

      @@h4xorzist no they shouldn't. Germany doesn't want that region. Why would you want such a big Russian minority?

    • @kuravje484
      @kuravje484 2 роки тому +2

      No way Russia would have left Kaliningrad. Even the video states it's the only warm-water port on the Baltics for them. If you know anything about Russian history, getting warm-water ports is the main goal of their entire geopolitics since the early 18th century.

    • @lindsaycole8409
      @lindsaycole8409 2 роки тому

      @@kuravje484 True enough. Crimea gives complete control of Sevastopol, and guarantees access to Rostov-on-don which could be developed further as a port. It also explains their ambivalence to Climate change, with the potential for a benefit of the line of "warm water" ports moving north. Big obvious win there would be St Petersburg going permanently warm water, instead of the borderline status it has now.

  • @stevebarmore3509
    @stevebarmore3509 2 роки тому +2

    Don't ask where all the Germans went its an embarrassing war crime

  • @And-lj5gb
    @And-lj5gb 2 роки тому +6

    I don't know what this channel tries to suggest. Attempting to take the Suwałki Gap would only make sense for Russia if they ALREADY were at a full scale war with NATO (or at least planning to do so imminently). Otherwise it's just too much cost for so little gain.

    • @Spacemongerr
      @Spacemongerr 2 роки тому +3

      Yeah. It's making Russia out to be some crazy enemy NATO is in the middle of being invaded by. Silly and basically fear-stoking propaganda.

  • @tomchumko5536
    @tomchumko5536 2 роки тому +2

    Putin probablycan’t ever go outside again

  • @robmiller1964
    @robmiller1964 2 роки тому +4

    Thank you! I am so pleased I live in New Zealand, a long way away from the Dictators of Europe; Putin and his sidekick Lukashenko!
    Why have these countries not modernized, democratized! I am so glad that Russia isn't our next door neighbor! Its sort of like having a bullyboy on your border, but with guns and tanks etc.

    • @torrokasparov2210
      @torrokasparov2210 2 роки тому +3

      You are not only very far from Russia, your even further away from the facts regarding Russia.

    • @outerspace7391
      @outerspace7391 2 роки тому +2

      Thank God your neighbors down there are all for democracy! Like Fiji and Australia, one that had a military coup a few years back and Australia which is basically a police state.
      Oh, that doesn't sound so democratic. Well that's okay, at least they are friendly towards New Zealand!

    • @robmiller1964
      @robmiller1964 2 роки тому

      @@torrokasparov2210 Yes we are very blessed that we don't have a bully boy right on our door step! Thanks be to God! Amen!

  • @tukaes6651
    @tukaes6651 2 роки тому +2

    The author of that mixed Kaliningrad visa with Suwałki. The inhabitants of Kaliningrad Oblast has no any special rights to cross border between Poland and Lithuania.

  • @naczelnyrabin7011
    @naczelnyrabin7011 2 роки тому +4

    I do not really understand what you mean by "closing Suwalki Gap" ... Putin would have to go for whole Poland or Lithuania because none of them would give him an inch of land like Ukraine did. Without using the nukes Putin most likely would loose conflict with Poland or Lithuania supported by NATO ... he couldn't take 200k city in Ukraine so every bigger city in Poland or Lithuania he would have to take with millions of soldiers which he do not have or raze them completely to the ground which is completely out of sense.

  • @alm9322
    @alm9322 2 роки тому +2

    Next September: Russia demands an exterritorial higway through Poland to have an access to Kaliningrad oblast.

  • @robertmifkovic6325
    @robertmifkovic6325 2 роки тому +3

    I wonder if Belarus would really stand next to Russia in case of war. What is the domestic support for Lukashenko right now? One thing is what politicians say, the other if people and the army are willing to fight for it. The protests were quite huge and I can imagine this conflict with the West could be the last nail in the coffin of Lukashenko.

    • @UtamagUta
      @UtamagUta 2 роки тому

      because he doesn't care what his people want. Otherwise he would've stopped being a "president" since 2006. We, neghbors, call him a cockroach - will survive anything

    • @pavlovsdog2551
      @pavlovsdog2551 2 роки тому

      Lukashenko made an interesting speech a few days ago where he made it clear Belarus would only support Russia in war if the territory of the Russian Federation is directly attacked.

    • @robertmifkovic6325
      @robertmifkovic6325 2 роки тому

      @@pavlovsdog2551 and you trust his promises 🤣

    • @MrKakibuy
      @MrKakibuy 2 роки тому +1

      Depends where you ask. Belarus has a west/east divide similar to Ukraine, where most people in the east are Russian speakers who want to remain close to Russia

  • @AmazinglyAwkward
    @AmazinglyAwkward 2 роки тому +1

    Take a shot every time he says “suwalki GAP!”

  • @elsebas1978
    @elsebas1978 2 роки тому +4

    There are no 2million Poles in Suwalki. It is a small town with the population approximately 70 thousands.

  • @j2174
    @j2174 2 роки тому +2

    Aren't there US forces in Poland, Canadian and British and ?French? forces in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania?

  • @user-yx5pd7yi8o
    @user-yx5pd7yi8o 2 роки тому +10

    One little mistake. You called it Kaliningrad instead of Königsberg.

    • @menmikimen
      @menmikimen 2 роки тому +6

      Actually it's Królewiec

    • @valdasnetavo8746
      @valdasnetavo8746 2 роки тому +5

      No, it's Karaliaučius.

    • @redacted7060
      @redacted7060 2 роки тому +4

      Because it's not Konigsberg anymore

    • @marmac83
      @marmac83 2 роки тому +1

      That's what happens when you lose a world war.

    • @MrKakibuy
      @MrKakibuy 2 роки тому

      If you are a German, I don't care if you pretend in your head that Kaliningrad is Konigsberg. But when you arrive, you will be met with a Russian border guard.

  • @ragerancher
    @ragerancher 2 роки тому

    Appreciate how quickly you turn these videos around but does anyone actually watch the videos before they go out? Some very obvious recording and presentation errors in pretty much every video.

  • @dee-jay45
    @dee-jay45 2 роки тому +12

    A lot of military actions make geo-political sense. But they still rarely happen. Russia still hasn't invaded Ukraine and we've been talking about that possibility for the past 6 months.

  • @krecikpasztecik
    @krecikpasztecik 2 роки тому +2

    I'm sorry but this is very poorly researched. To make sure that suwalki gap is secured Russia have to annex polish territory( just look on the map ). Moreover they have to have control of area near that territory so no military action treated the corridor or Kaliningrad. Basically this is all out war against Poland and Lithuania. In video there is not one mention of Poland reaction as if Kaliningrad or eastern belarus will be safe. The assumption is complete inaction of Polish and Lithuanian forces. In summary this is wishful thinking.

  • @tomaszzalewski4541
    @tomaszzalewski4541 2 роки тому +9

    Personally I m interested how exactly would "the little green men" look in Poland.

    • @duraluminiumalloy9248
      @duraluminiumalloy9248 2 роки тому

      "Patriotic guards" that already are "training" in eastern forests in Slovakia. There is always enough traitors in population for RuSSia to pull this out.

    • @MrKakibuy
      @MrKakibuy 2 роки тому +1

      @@duraluminiumalloy9248 what jibberish is this?

  • @DestroyerOfLiberasts
    @DestroyerOfLiberasts Рік тому +1

    Kaliningrad is now completely surrounded by NATO and is in short distance of countless NATO military bases. NATO could level Kaliningrad in hours and there would be no "gap" to close. What few troups existed in Kalinnigtrad before were all sent to be slaughtered in Ukraine last year. Kaliningrade is a sitting duck now. All these discussions about closing Suwalki gap now are just delusional.

  • @petergaskin1811
    @petergaskin1811 2 роки тому +4

    At least, from a UK perspective, the Gap has moved eastwards. In my day it was the Fulda Gap. But, again, that was when the frontier with Russia was the "Iron Curtain".

    • @pavlovsdog2551
      @pavlovsdog2551 2 роки тому +1

      Mind the Gap.

    • @janhula2534
      @janhula2534 2 роки тому

      Since end of WWII, USSR coexisted in peace w NATO for 45 yrs, had numerous opportunities to attack, nearly double population and pupetted whole central and eastern Europe. Todays Russia is in much weaker position while NATO gets stronger by enlargement into former USSR buffer states. Russia will get crippled if they do so.

  • @tomekk.2620
    @tomekk.2620 2 роки тому +1

    I think its not. Simply - attack on Suwałki gap means direct war against Poland - much better equipped than Ukraine, and even stronger than Królewiec and Belarus altogether. Putin cannot send all his armies from whole Russia, that would be an invitation to China to just take them from... well, rear. And Russia is a great present for China - big empty space and lots of resources. Other way is to go thought Baltic countries - light defense, but anyway, all of them are NATO countries, so it should activate NATO protocols. And maybe then Russia would loose Królewiec (ros Kaliningrad), which could be taken back by Poland after so many years.

  • @QuentinWatt
    @QuentinWatt 2 роки тому +12

    Belarus has already tested their border with Poland using migrants.
    The response was increased military build up on the Polish and Lithuanian borders.
    If Russia poke and prod hard enough, they could almost find a reason to blame the EU and NATO for firing first rather than the other way around.
    It only takes one NATO nation to make a nervous mistake. Like Turkish forces have already done by firing at Russian forces near Syria.
    One day, with more context we’ll be able to find out if the migrant crisis was related to aggression or not.

    • @Bambim8
      @Bambim8 2 роки тому

      "If Russia poke and prod hard enough, they could almost find a reason to blame the EU and NATO for firing first rather than the other way around."
      You're saying this as if the West would believe Russian propaganda. They don't, so why would this matter.

    • @QuentinWatt
      @QuentinWatt 2 роки тому

      @@Bambim8 victim mentality. It’ll matter to the people who feel they were wronged first.

  • @timefliesaway999
    @timefliesaway999 2 роки тому +1

    Petition to make wars a VR game, instead of playing in the real world

  • @rzu1474
    @rzu1474 2 роки тому +3

    Ehm... How does one "take" a line with width 0?
    That doesn't make sense. It would involve invading Poland and Lithuania

  • @eljanrimsa5843
    @eljanrimsa5843 2 роки тому +1

    The military analysis is off. He can try to blow up the highways or something like that to isolate the Baltic States, but he cannot magically annex a line on a map.

  • @chepulis
    @chepulis 2 роки тому +3

    Help. I'm in this picture and i don't like it.

  • @barteksz932
    @barteksz932 2 роки тому +1

    I was on a swimming trip last holidays at the suwalki gap and our lifeguard told us that if we take a wrong turn we will end up arrested by belarussian guards with machine guns and that they would hold us for a few days and then transport us to Olsztyn

  • @krw1999
    @krw1999 2 роки тому +3

    That awkward moment when the EU realizes they should have left Germany at its ww1 boarders to curb Russia

    • @andw2638
      @andw2638 2 роки тому +3

      I expect Poland and Lithuania would have vetoed it...

    • @krw1999
      @krw1999 2 роки тому

      @@andw2638 personally I think Poland should have encompassed much of the Ukrainian and Belorussian lands instead like what was originally proposed by the Kaiser. And Lithuania and the rest of the Baltic nations would have made a much better unified nation. I kinda see pan slavism and for lack of a better term pan balticism as a better alternative for the west to curb future Russian ambitions then what we saw in our own world with many different nationalist and independence movements cropping up producing many nations in the east that are all more or less unstable or unprepared for war. Tbh this original comment was a joke but I genuinely do believe that the world would have been much more influenced by the concept of nationalism on a more (once again for lack of a better term) ethnic identity Basis if World War One would have ended differently. I’ve written a whole alternate history about it for fun lol

  • @syriuszb8611
    @syriuszb8611 2 роки тому +1

    Poland would never allow that, it would just mean war, no ifs or buts. Remember, that the direct reason why III Reich invaded Poland in 1939 was that we refused similar corridor to the Gdańsk (Danzig at the time). Of course it was just a pretext, but still, we don't take Chamberlain politics kindly... Previously I never thought about the Suwałki gap, but thinking about it, this may be the reason why Biden repeated many times, that the NATO will not give up even an inch, maybe he was referring to this. Of course, it may be just a general message, it seemed like that at the time, and still does, but maybe not, who knows.

  • @Sagar_Sinha01._
    @Sagar_Sinha01._ 2 роки тому +25

    Despite the economic crisis its still a good time to invest in Gold and crypto 💯

    • @louisfernandez5983
      @louisfernandez5983 2 роки тому

      Wise words 👌 thats why I trade with my professional broker Mrs Michelle Rene lucy her strategies are working for me at the moment

    • @Whats-App3
      @Whats-App3 2 роки тому

      I wanted to trade crypto but got confused by the fluctuations in price

    • @Whats-App3
      @Whats-App3 2 роки тому

      I heard her strategies are really good

    • @Whats-App3
      @Whats-App3 2 роки тому

      How do I contact Mrs Michelle Rene lucy

    • @Whats-App3
      @Whats-App3 2 роки тому

      Thanks for the info

  • @neiker234
    @neiker234 2 роки тому +1

    I don't really see the point on this video. Rusia will never directly attack a NATO member, that will create an open war with whole NATO alliance

  • @tulenik71
    @tulenik71 2 роки тому +7

    This is such a bullshit :D according to this "logic", Belarus is a part of Russian Federation.
    In Russia, nobody is interested even in having hardline Ukrainian nationalists in one country.
    And what is going on is the fact Russia don't want to have any other NATO member in the close vicinity. Annexation of Ukraine would lead precisely to that (border with Poland, Slovakia, Romania).
    For Russia, best case scenario was a band of neutral countries between them and NATO (FIN/SWE, at those times Baltic states, Ukraine, former Czechoslovakia, AUT, Yugoslavia - basically Yugoslavia was destroyed because it was leading member of the Non-Aligned Movement and the interest of the West was drag Middle/Eastern Europe into NATO to encircle Russia by showing them futility of neutrality).
    Most of these problems started after an attempts to drag Ukraine (which was happily neutral from 1992 to 2008) into NATO.
    Not having any natural defence from the west, to have at least neutral countries if not allies on the W border is vital for russian security.

    • @marklalonde7996
      @marklalonde7996 2 роки тому +2

      No one cares. Get over it. It's a defensive alliance. You don't get to decide what other countries can or can not choose for their own security.

    • @tulenik71
      @tulenik71 2 роки тому

      @@marklalonde7996 only if your definition of defence is preemptive killing of anything you want to consider a threat and anything distantly similar to it.

    • @AshiRonin
      @AshiRonin 2 роки тому

      @@tulenik71 you are joking right? Joining to NATO is crucial for Ukraine to exists and prosper. Russia at best can take east part of Ukraine and it will end in farther antagonizing whole nation and world.

  • @michaelesq.atpcfii.9862
    @michaelesq.atpcfii.9862 2 роки тому +1

    500k US troops into Europe will fix the problem very quickly.

  • @WolfyOfHonor
    @WolfyOfHonor 2 роки тому +4

    This would end Russia faster than any Ukraine related sanctions could do.

  • @2772giggs
    @2772giggs 2 роки тому

    Historians indicate that Kaliningrad was not annexed by Russia. No one wanted to claim it after WWII and thus Russia took over control.