MoniL At the time, it was reported that she was completely banned from the United States Figure Skating Association. It was even stated that she couldn’t be a sanctioned coach when people brought that up. If she can’t be aUSFSA/ISU sanctioned coach, then there’s no point. Surya Bonaly’s mom was 1 of her coaches, but because she wasn’t sanctioned, she couldn’t act as a coach at events like worlds or the Olympics.There’s nothing stopping Tonya from giving lessons, though.
@@ralphkramden2089 100% agreed! The sport of figure skating exploded worldwide because of HER! It’s a simple fact that is never acknowledged. But it’s cool. They all know!!
Yeah, except Tonya was part of a plan to assault her Competitor...then was a Joke at the Olympics and showed hiw Trashy some sore -loser athletes can be. She knew she couldn't beat NANCY fairly so she was in on a "Hit.".... OH, and Figure Skating was Always popular in tv Ratings. TONYA brought the Jerry Springer audience. No thanks!
This was the only time she completed as a professional. She was banned from USFSA sanctioned competitions, but this competition was held by ESPN and unsanctioned, so she was able to compete. There aren't many unsanctioned events, so there were not a lot of opportunities for her to skate more often.
Well soon after this she also attacked her boyfriend Darren Silver with a hubcab, he had to go to hospital, and she was charged. This I think also stopped her from being invited to more events, since she proved she was still prone to violence when she didnt get her way. I think without that she gets invited to more events, and the USFSA possibly drops its ban.
Everyday domestic incidences occur to many people across this country. Just because she was involved in one (and I believe the boyfriend may have hit her first and/or provoked the incident in someway) doesn't indicate she was prone to anything. It was unfortunate timing for her, because she had just come back to skating in this event and if it affected things negatively for her then thereafter it is even more unfortunate. But I don't think it is fair to judge her negatively on that because lots of people are involved in these types of incidents all the time. She was just in the spotlight on that when it is something that should have been more private.
wow!! i’ve become so immersed in her story since i saw the movie, and i thought she had stopped skating since her ban, but this was such an amazing thing to see! i’m glad she got a chance to compete again even if it wasn’t with the association. they really fucked up by banning her but i’m glad she’s still skating to this day :)
The skating association really fucked up by banning her? Oh hell no! Park skating association did the right thing because of the way they acted like police in that they are protecting their athletes. The only shame was that she was not brought up to trial.
She seriously has to be one of the best spinners ever in the sport. The crowd loved her! And I believe people still love her skating. Unfortunate she never had the right people on her side to create good career moves.
To be honest, there isn't an American figure skater in the elite levels that WASN'T a great spinner, it's the US aesthetic. Not unlike Canadians and fancy feet during mundane sequences of their routines.
I love Tonya’s energy in all her performances and the fact that she gets so excited after them is just fantastic, you can tell she really loves what she does. That’s what matters at the end of the day.
I really wish they'd bring pro competitions back. Tanya showed them how tough she was making her return. There are skaters now that are washed up after 16 and heres a 28 year old who hadn't skated in years slaying it! #TeamTonya
You can see the passion that Tonya has for skating. It's great to see her smile and for her to have performed and continued to perform for many years. Iconic.
What a lot of people don't know is is that Tonya was scheduled for 2 more "made-for-tv" competitions, but a few days after this event, Tonya was arrested for attacking her then BF with a hubcap to the face. And that alone torpedoed her professional "comeback" forever. Because at that point she was actually starting to establish a possible professional career in figure skating and maybe start to earn what most people don't get: a second chance. And once again, she threw it away.
She is not guilty I'm very sure .. Look at her eyes look at her big smile .. The eyes and the smile like that is not came from bad person .. She is a very strong woman .. Wonder woman .. Salute to her .. She choose to live hell and survive .. Good job girl .. God never sleep .. I'm so proud of you 😇😇😇
Firman Fauzie her ex husband and bodyguard had orchestrated the attack but as always, The wrong person gets the blame and she was pointed at and what could she do??? She was then wrongly pushed out of her dream. Her life story is so inspiring!!! No other skater in the world could actually compare to her
EUROPEAN BURMESE yes but later on. Not during the event. She came to know about it later on and THEN didn't admit. But she was at first clueless this was going to happen. Therefore she deserved better. Yes she was guilty but at first she definitely was innocent. She definitely deserved better.
saumashree De look up the Good Morning America interview she did recently where Tonya admits she had been there when her husband and bodyguard planned on taking out her competition. She knew they were planning to attack someone, she lies so much it's hard to believe she didn't know it was Nancy, especially when she made it known back then how much she didn't like Nancy. The movie is good but it's mostly from Tonyas version of events, and her story changes every time she tells it. I'm not saying she's a bad person, she clearly was surrounded by toxic people in a toxic competition where everyone was horrible to her, her dream was in reaching difference. But she's not innocent. At the very least we know she admits to knowing it was going to happen, at the most I think we can guess she probably even was a part of the plan.
Amazing!! So happy that she got to have this. She deserved every bit of it and she killed it. To hear those young girls chanting her name at the end was so endearing. Love!!
Wow at 29 she's still has it. why when I see her skate I'm on pins and needles, like land, please land. I didn't know she skated in 1999. Wow I remember watching her at 13 and 14 years old. ironic person. I just saw the movie and it took me back like in a time warp. wooow!
Very few skaters are doing triples at this age. Elaine Zayak had a brief comeback at that age...and what Tonya did was amazing too. She was the greatest of them all.
Tonya was banned by the USFSA, meaning she couldn't skate in their sanctioned events. The ESPN Pro Championships was not one of those events, so Tonya was free to skate in it. However, not long after that event, Tonya got into a drunken fight with a boyfriend, and she assaulted him with a hubcap, and after that, no one was willing to book her for an event.
Sadly, I suspect that my have been a PTSD response after she messed with his motorcycle and he went after her. She probably thought he was going to beat the snot out of her.
I think she should appeal her sentence. It's been so long. She could coach and I think she would be good at it. I never liked Nancy, but what happened should not have happened.
well, not to be that person, but just because of Tonya's natural talents it doesnt mean she'd know how to apply that knowledge to others. you have plenty of former skaters, world and olympic champions who try coaching and they're just unable to do so. however i dont think Tonya at this point wants to have anything in common with figure skating, she's not really invested in this sport.
@@hannibaljustincase9985 What makes you a professional in figure skating, much less a CRITIC?! Nobody CARES what you think. It’s clearly obvious that you don’t know SQUAT, so you should probly CAN IT!
Best woman figure skater ever. Her power, grace, incredible jumps and spins. If she had better people around her......She put this sport on the map forever. Ever skater getting paid since 1994 needs to bow to Tonya for the opportunity she was denied by the pompous powers to be in skating.
Crazy she's doing this here at 29 years old. In professional skating, that is way past retirement age. Heck, many female skaters these days are retiring before they hit 21.
i love watching how her face would light up when she landed jumps and how happy she would look when she finished a skating routine and it went well. I truly love her so much
Phenomenal. Every time she graces an ice rink. So so so much joy. And she shares it so generously! You'll never have any competition. never have.
This reminds me of Ali when he was banned from the sport of boxing for 3 and a half years and came back at age 29 as well and was clearly not at his peek as he once was, but was still mile ahead of the other competitors. Such a shame to see such a talent stopped short in both cases. Unfortunately, and unlike Ali, Tonya never got her second chance. The What if? factor will always remain over her.
Tonya is such a joy to watch perform on ice, she is sweet hearted, kind and loving, it shows who she is, she is the athlete who gives over 100% of herself, everytime, she truly loves people. Rock on Tonya! Skating queen extraordinaire! You are only 39 yrs old this year 2019 still very young!
Yamaguchi and Ito were my favorites for the 92 Olympics and Tonya should have been the heir apparent for the 94, but the establishment seems to have pushed for Kerrigan (including Yamaguchi stepping aside even though she was still competitive in 94) bc she had the more underdog compelling story complete with the sob side story of a blind mother off to the side unable to see her daughter perform - the networks loved milking that shot off ice. By 94, Tonya's 3A was also getting shaky so it was all about "sweetheart" Kerrigan who lacked the personality and showmanship of Bauil, but she showed that she was a poor loser at the ceremonies and bitchy at Disneyland, yet she managed to retain that false "sweetheart" narrative whereas poor Tonya hasn't been forgiven yet. I hope the new movie "I, Tonya" redeems her a bit bc the ice establishment has been cruelly cold.
patimuse I'll never forget Peggy Fleming & Dorothy Hamil fawning over Kristi before the Olympics, saying how she would join the 'sisterhood'. Tonya out skated Kristi any day, but the east coast elites closed ranks & shut Tonya out. Ive never heard one of them acknowledge Tonya's considrrable talent. I knew Peggy was snobby & looked down on Harding, but I had always liked Dorothy before that. It really changed my opinion of her.
patimuse , during that time we got sick of seeing the media milking Nancy's mom, sitting 1 inch from the tv. We would all be rolling our eyes. I always wondered if her mom was a big bitch too.
Nancy was not a bitch and neither was her mother. You form an all too pitiful arrogant and hateful feeling towards Nancy Kerrigan based on partial film clips that are shown here on You Tube. Those who knew her and skated with her all say she was a very nice and thoughtful person. I get a feeling that you hate the all American girl sweetheart image. She was for real and you along with many others on these videos are too quick to judge. The tabloids were having a field day fueling the feud and to bring down an ice princess in a way the thugs couldn't do just made their day. You ate it all up in your mind You wouldn't be so gracious if you had been cheated out of a gold medal that she did deserve and the Communist judges made up the majority and they have always given Americans lower scores than they deserve. Oksana did not skate as well as you think. She missed too many landings and her performance wasn't near as difficult as Nancy's was. I saw all that stuff back then. Don't get too carried away with her marrying her coach. She was his second wife and they were legally separated. That marriage was falling apart Nancy or no Nancy. At least this one has lasted.
you can see and you can feel what Tonya is putting in her performance, and it's passion. Seriously she's amazing, it would've been a man with not even the same grade of talent it would have been a complete different story!
Garland English no seriously, who is the hater here? If I follow your logic - which is sick - she should have won gold (because she was the BEST) but she could have never (because of COMMUNISM) so it's Tonya's fault. *WHAAAT???*
she do that at 29 . When she goe on ice today she still good. She had a real talent and that sad what happen to her. Everything go wrong on her life except figure skating, she succeed at this. But everyone stay on the nancy Kerrigan case. I know it’s very bad what happen to her , but we saw the real face of Nancy at the JO , she wasn’t the victim victim. We have to forget tonya et appreciate her amazing talent
Our lovely Tonya Harding deserves a Presidential pardon, clearing her of any wrong doing, she should not have had to pay out over $100,000 do 100 hours of service and other privleges stripped , she should have kept her National wins /titles they occured prior to the incident that Tonya as fully innocent of.. Tonya deserved to be able to continue to skate, there are athletes who take steroids and get a slap on the hand and continue to compete. This young lady was over prosecuted and the fact is she is the world's best skater. Go back to her 1991 /94 etc performances and put then in slow motion she is reaching heights of 4 ft . for triple axle another feat she does she lowers her head almost to ice and throws herself into the air over 4 feet, watch it in slow motion, her strength , heart and soul and competitiveness is amazing to say the least. I would say she is the best athlete I have ever watched , she also has a photo shoot you can see how strong she truly is, and she worked for everything she has gotten in life. God bless her and may she be happy and content. America should forgive and forget the past and quit blaming this young lady .. People are still picking on her, harrassing her to this day.. very cruel.
Lol, didn't know she returned as a professional! She is even more beautiful here! Less hard jumps but her spins are just as fast as they were in 1994. Did she continue with a career as a professional?
Professional skating was winding down by 1999. Tonya missed the major explosion after 1994 when you couldn't channel surf on a Sunday afternoon without wall-to-wall professional competitions. Tonya wasn't needed at that point, though she could have been invited. Pro competitions have nothing to do with the USFSA or the ISU. Nobody wanted to touch that scandal, though and they were more interested in luring Nancy Kerrigan than Tonya. By this point in time, most of them had closed up shop and this was one of the few left. Even the *actual* World Professional Championships (typically aired in prime time on a major network), once the Olympics of the pro world, were discontinued permanently after 30 years in 2002. ESPN probably brought her on as a risk due to the competition's dwindling ratings. Unfortunately, there wasn't a sport for Tonya to really come back to professionally... the boon was over. Strangely, pro skating maintained popularity from the early 1970s, through the 1980s and gained steam in the 1990s. But by the turn of the century, it was a dead section of the sport. Even now, there is truly *no* professional skating scene. Just the Olympic-level competitions. Most of the touring companies went bankrupt. Nobody holds televised competitions. I think it's kind of strange it was unable to sustain itself at all after it really became mainstream...
@sbe .... It was the Pro-Am competitions that killed the Professional championships. The rules were changed so that "amateurs" or Olympic-eligible competitors could also compete (and make money) in the Pro-Ams, which is short for Professional-Amateurs. Once the currently competing Olympic-level figure skaters were competing, the professionals .... older, some in their 30s and 40s ... hadn't kept up with the competition. And why should they? Their role was to maintain interest at a lower level of technique, but continuing to develop their artistry, their charisma, their audience connection, their musical ability. I remember reading one review where Michelle Kwan was competing in a Pro-Am. . This was 1998; Michelle had just won the Olympic silver medal and was World Champion. Kristi Yamaguchi was the youngest "pro" competitor, and thus was more competitive with Michelle than the others, some of whom hadn't even done triple jumps in their Olympic eligible competitive days. Anyway, Kristi took it seriously, trained hard, did her best, but couldn't come close to doing what Michelle was doing. And that is how the Professional Championships were killed. I also heard Kurt Browning say that all the professionals were discouraged after the first Pro-Am, for the very same reasons. Men or women, what had won them medals in the past was no longer competitive.
Really interesting, Carla. I hadn't read any of this prior. Even still, there is no place now for recently retired amateurs to go. I only know of one serious pro-am still in existence, which is... perhaps the American Open, US Open... something like that.
I remembered Tonya's name, and her skating big show, her dresses and I eveb didnt remember the name of nancy kerrigan, but until I saw the movie, I ignores the whole story. They took her away the permission to compete, but they couldnt take off her talent and the admiration of people.
Tenía otra percepción de Tonya, ahora la admiro por su talento a pesar que le destruyeron su carrera, lo que ella más amó en su vida. A pesar de eso, no deja se ser una bella mujer en todos los aspectos, se nota en su ser.
É tão triste saber que o quanto uma pessoa pode arruinar a sua vida. A Tonya tinha tanto talento e um futuro esplêndido pela frente; eu não acredito que ela tenha participado daquele atentado, pode-se ver o quão arrasada ela estava por tudo o que estava acontecendo. Ela sofreu tanto nas mãos da mãe e vem um homem horroroso e destrói a sua carreira.
When you consider that Michael Vick was welcomed back to the NFL, I don't think its right that Tonya can't even coach.
She should just go aboard and coach in the UK. I’m sure she’ll make so much money
Jen S totally agree
ClaudiaLeBebe I think the ISU May have banned her as well or backed the USFSA.
She can coach. She was banned from competiting not coaching. Maybe with the success of the movie she'll consider it
MoniL At the time, it was reported that she was completely banned from the United States Figure Skating Association. It was even stated that she couldn’t be a sanctioned coach when people brought that up. If she can’t be aUSFSA/ISU sanctioned coach, then there’s no point. Surya Bonaly’s mom was 1 of her coaches, but because she wasn’t sanctioned, she couldn’t act as a coach at events like worlds or the Olympics.There’s nothing stopping Tonya from giving lessons, though.
To do all this at age 29 after being out of comission for so long is incredible. So talented!
i thought she was banned from ever skating again??
mango smoothie no just the national skating and olympics
they were the ones behind her being excommunicated in my opinion and the actions of those on nancy Kerrigan. They wanted her out.
She's nearly 50 and she was on Entertainment Tonight still skating like it was 1991 and doing Triple Lutzs and other jumps.
?! Is there a video of this?! I want to see it!! TT_TT
My heart melts when she smiles. She loves this so much! And she's so incredibly talented!
She placed herself forever in American figure skating history. Every skater will always know who she is.
It was HER that drew MILLIONS to an otherwise BORING sport! Thank you Tonya!
@@ralphkramden2089 100% agreed! The sport of figure skating exploded worldwide because of HER! It’s a simple fact that is never acknowledged. But it’s cool. They all know!!
Yeah, except Tonya was part of a plan to assault her Competitor...then was a Joke at the Olympics and showed hiw Trashy some sore -loser athletes can be. She knew she couldn't beat NANCY fairly so she was in on a "Hit.".... OH, and Figure Skating was Always popular in tv Ratings. TONYA brought the Jerry Springer audience. No thanks!
To still physically do triples at 28 is pretty amazing. She's so adorable!
I heard she can still do triples
No, it isn’t. You must not know much about skating.
@@MrOu83 Um yeah it is. Todays skaters (especially ladies) start losing their jumps even earlier due to injury and growth...
@@MrOu83 You should use your REAL NAME so that we can all watch you and your fantastic skating abilities, no? GTFO
@@anjaradonjic2316Nancy Kerrigan is still better
The only figure skater I can watch without getting bored. That's how talented she is
She lights up the ice whenever she's on it. Most exciting female skater ever, with iconic jumps and excellent spins.
This was the only time she completed as a professional. She was banned from USFSA sanctioned competitions, but this competition was held by ESPN and unsanctioned, so she was able to compete. There aren't many unsanctioned events, so there were not a lot of opportunities for her to skate more often.
Well soon after this she also attacked her boyfriend Darren Silver with a hubcab, he had to go to hospital, and she was charged. This I think also stopped her from being invited to more events, since she proved she was still prone to violence when she didnt get her way. I think without that she gets invited to more events, and the USFSA possibly drops its ban.
Everyday domestic incidences occur to many people across this country. Just because she was involved in one (and I believe the boyfriend may have hit her first and/or provoked the incident in someway) doesn't indicate she was prone to anything. It was unfortunate timing for her, because she had just come back to skating in this event and if it affected things negatively for her then thereafter it is even more unfortunate. But I don't think it is fair to judge her negatively on that because lots of people are involved in these types of incidents all the time. She was just in the spotlight on that when it is something that should have been more private.
I was just about to ask why she was here when she was banned in 1994, so thank you for the info!
@@russianskatingfan As if the PIG didnt deserve it! Good for her for not allowing a POS do beat her up!
@@auntiechercher4266 Oh wow, I never heard about that before...violence begets violence, what a vicious cycle.
wow!! i’ve become so immersed in her story since i saw the movie, and i thought she had stopped skating since her ban, but this was such an amazing thing to see! i’m glad she got a chance to compete again even if it wasn’t with the association. they really fucked up by banning her but i’m glad she’s still skating to this day :)
Carlos Del Angel Me too, she has so much talent.. I have been a fan since seeing her skate in 91!!
The skating association really fucked up by banning her? Oh hell no! Park skating association did the right thing because of the way they acted like police in that they are protecting their athletes. The only shame was that she was not brought up to trial.
She skated on Ellen Degeneres' show.
Crystal Price I have come to like Tonya but yes I agree with you. Incredible athletically but she was guilty as hell back in 94
She seriously has to be one of the best spinners ever in the sport. The crowd loved her! And I believe people still love her skating. Unfortunate she never had the right people on her side to create good career moves.
Nancys spins were better.
To be honest, there isn't an American figure skater in the elite levels that WASN'T a great spinner, it's the US aesthetic. Not unlike Canadians and fancy feet during mundane sequences of their routines.
This made me cry just a bit
Me too she touches my heart . This girl 🧡
I am so glad UA-cam has posted these historic performances.
I love Tonya’s energy in all her performances and the fact that she gets so excited after them is just fantastic, you can tell she really loves what she does. That’s what matters at the end of the day.
She quit skating for boxing
Greatest skater EVER... and girlfriend STILL has it going on to this date! I will always love Tonya!!!
I really wish they'd bring pro competitions back. Tanya showed them how tough she was making her return. There are skaters now that are washed up after 16 and heres a 28 year old who hadn't skated in years slaying it! #TeamTonya
Exactly. Mariah Bell just retired and I'd love to see her in a professional competition.
Nancy would have made this routine look graceful.
You can see the passion that Tonya has for skating. It's great to see her smile and for her to have performed and continued to perform for many years. Iconic.
She beat up her boyfriend and got arrested again after this.
@@canadianbeef1958Jeff deserved it, he put her through hell and ruined her career.
@@Miscellaneous_master she beat up a different boyfriend, not Jeff
What a lot of people don't know is is that Tonya was scheduled for 2 more "made-for-tv" competitions, but a few days after this event, Tonya was arrested for attacking her then BF with a hubcap to the face. And that alone torpedoed her professional "comeback" forever. Because at that point she was actually starting to establish a possible professional career in figure skating and maybe start to earn what most people don't get: a second chance. And once again, she threw it away.
I just love all of the passion she has for the sport and how happy she looks when she skates.
Like a dinosaur on ice?
She still had it! She is talented!
She is not guilty I'm very sure .. Look at her eyes look at her big smile .. The eyes and the smile like that is not came from bad person .. She is a very strong woman .. Wonder woman .. Salute to her .. She choose to live hell and survive .. Good job girl .. God never sleep .. I'm so proud of you 😇😇😇
Firman Fauzie her ex husband and bodyguard had orchestrated the attack but as always, The wrong person gets the blame and she was pointed at and what could she do??? She was then wrongly pushed out of her dream. Her life story is so inspiring!!! No other skater in the world could actually compare to her
saumashree De she was involved and didn't tell the truth. She was rightfully punished. She could've beat Nancy without being involved
EUROPEAN BURMESE yes but later on. Not during the event. She came to know about it later on and THEN didn't admit. But she was at first clueless this was going to happen. Therefore she deserved better. Yes she was guilty but at first she definitely was innocent. She definitely deserved better.
saumashree De look up the Good Morning America interview she did recently where Tonya admits she had been there when her husband and bodyguard planned on taking out her competition. She knew they were planning to attack someone, she lies so much it's hard to believe she didn't know it was Nancy, especially when she made it known back then how much she didn't like Nancy.
The movie is good but it's mostly from Tonyas version of events, and her story changes every time she tells it.
I'm not saying she's a bad person, she clearly was surrounded by toxic people in a toxic competition where everyone was horrible to her, her dream was in reaching difference. But she's not innocent. At the very least we know she admits to knowing it was going to happen, at the most I think we can guess she probably even was a part of the plan.
I have seen the interview.....but I still believe that she should have been pardoned....ok maybe not immediately but sooner or later.
I am so beyond sorry for my judgement. I am dying, and I watch you skate, unbelievably awesome.
You are a gift from god
Shes a legend she deserves a gold for every performance
Why? They all suck. Especially compared to Nancy Kerrigan.
Her artistry/presentation took a big leap forward in these five years. Very expressive and she seems much more comfortable in her skin.
Amazing!! So happy that she got to have this. She deserved every bit of it and she killed it. To hear those young girls chanting her name at the end was so endearing. Love!!
Wow at 29 she's still has it.
why when I see her skate I'm on pins and needles, like land, please land. I didn't know she skated in 1999. Wow
I remember watching her at 13 and 14 years old. ironic person.
I just saw the movie and it took me back like in a time warp. wooow!
Very few skaters are doing triples at this age. Elaine Zayak had a brief comeback at that age...and what Tonya did was amazing too. She was the greatest of them all.
That's simply not true, anyone can do it at this age.
Aww all these positive comments bring a tear to my eye. We love you Tonya! ❤️
I feel so happy for her in this video. She was so talented
Very talented
@@shanitrahan9904at hitting people
this made me cry when she smiled at the end, she's fought so hard for so long even after he was banned.
She always did triple toes so well. Love her!
Have followed her her since the early 90s loved her then and love her now!
Wow, didn't know Tonya ever skated competitively after the 1994 scandal. Good for her. Sorry she didn't continue.
idolfan9495 she was banned for life
idolfan9495 I didn’t either !!!
Tonya was banned by the USFSA, meaning she couldn't skate in their sanctioned events. The ESPN Pro Championships was not one of those events, so Tonya was free to skate in it.
However, not long after that event, Tonya got into a drunken fight with a boyfriend, and she assaulted him with a hubcap, and after that, no one was willing to book her for an event.
Sadly, I suspect that my have been a PTSD response after she messed with his motorcycle and he went after her. She probably thought he was going to beat the snot out of her.
@@CapricornNJ For real??? If so
Immensely talented.
Simply beautiful. I love her strength & style. The best of all time.
She looks so much better now and this was redemption. She deserved it!
Tonya is a wonderful woman! She always stayed true to who she was as a person. Never changed for the world.
That's what landed her 2 arrests
That's what I'm talking about! they're cheering for her I'm proud of her and she won 1st place!
Tonya Harding is such a rock star! So strong, so precise, and lovely to look at!
When she jumps, he JUMPS!!! 👍🏼🤗
I can't believe how well she manager to do here after everything and those lost years, shows skating is her passion, she never stopped practising.
Beautiful and gorgeous skating attire! Just wow!
I think she should appeal her sentence. It's been so long. She could coach and I think she would be good at it. I never liked Nancy, but what happened should not have happened.
Nancy is stiff, mechanical and cold
I agree to both comments!
well, not to be that person, but just because of Tonya's natural talents it doesnt mean she'd know how to apply that knowledge to others. you have plenty of former skaters, world and olympic champions who try coaching and they're just unable to do so. however i dont think Tonya at this point wants to have anything in common with figure skating, she's not really invested in this sport.
@@hannibaljustincase9985 What makes you a professional in figure skating, much less a CRITIC?! Nobody CARES what you think. It’s clearly obvious that you don’t know SQUAT, so you should probly CAN IT!
@@ralphkramden2089 calm down public school
She’s still special in every way! I’m so glad she has a happy life now. She should have never endured the unjust justice!
Loved watching this. Thanks for posting
Tonya really is one of the best skaters of her time! Simply amazing
I was thinking myself the same thing
Mediocre at best
Tonya Harding is America.
Her speed is still incredible at this performance, especially during the spins
I love her spins. So natural
I love this woman. Wow!!!
Best woman figure skater ever. Her power, grace, incredible jumps and spins. If she had better people around her......She put this sport on the map forever. Ever skater getting paid since 1994 needs to bow to Tonya for the opportunity she was denied by the pompous powers to be in skating.
I love that little clap she does after she's done a good job. Lol. I love Tonya.
Wonderful, and I liked her costume, she always wore beautiful ones but this was quite nice too 😊
This IS... PURRRfukinFECTION!!! LoveYA Tonya!!!!!
Such an understated look for her. Looks good.
I still love her!
Crazy she's doing this here at 29 years old. In professional skating, that is way past retirement age. Heck, many female skaters these days are retiring before they hit 21.
i love watching how her face would light up when she landed jumps and how happy she would look when she finished a skating routine and it went well. I truly love her so much
Very Awesome Ice Skater /Well Done Tonya ☆
Phenomenal. Every time she graces an ice rink. So so so much joy. And she shares it so generously! You'll never have any competition. never have.
She's so beautiful. It was nice to see her face light up.
Love her!
Perfect spin I've ever seen in my 37 years😮 so glad they got that recorded❤
I am so glad that she was able to skate in 1999. She was the first to do a triple lutz from the United States
First woman. Men do it all the time.
This reminds me of Ali when he was banned from the sport of boxing for 3 and a half years and came back at age 29 as well and was clearly not at his peek as he once was, but was still mile ahead of the other competitors. Such a shame to see such a talent stopped short in both cases. Unfortunately, and unlike Ali, Tonya never got her second chance. The What if? factor will always remain over her.
Tonya is such a joy to watch perform on ice, she is sweet hearted, kind and loving, it shows who she is, she is the athlete who gives over 100% of herself, everytime, she truly loves people.
Rock on Tonya! Skating queen extraordinaire!
You are only 39 yrs old this year 2019 still very young!
She's 49 not 39!
@@janetdishler3039 yeah she's Gen X like me..still not old lol
39? Try older than that for sure!
Yamaguchi and Ito were my favorites for the 92 Olympics and Tonya should have been the heir apparent for the 94, but the establishment seems to have pushed for Kerrigan (including Yamaguchi stepping aside even though she was still competitive in 94) bc she had the more underdog compelling story complete with the sob side story of a blind mother off to the side unable to see her daughter perform - the networks loved milking that shot off ice. By 94, Tonya's 3A was also getting shaky so it was all about "sweetheart" Kerrigan who lacked the personality and showmanship of Bauil, but she showed that she was a poor loser at the ceremonies and bitchy at Disneyland, yet she managed to retain that false "sweetheart" narrative whereas poor Tonya hasn't been forgiven yet. I hope the new movie "I, Tonya" redeems her a bit bc the ice establishment has been cruelly cold.
patimuse I'll never forget Peggy Fleming & Dorothy Hamil fawning over Kristi before the Olympics, saying how she would join the 'sisterhood'. Tonya out skated Kristi any day, but the east coast elites closed ranks & shut Tonya out. Ive never heard one of them acknowledge Tonya's considrrable talent. I knew Peggy was snobby & looked down on Harding, but I had always liked Dorothy before that. It really changed my opinion of her.
patimuse , during that time we got sick of seeing the media milking Nancy's mom, sitting 1 inch from the tv. We would all be rolling our eyes. I always wondered if her mom was a big bitch too.
Nancy was not a bitch and neither was her mother. You form an all too pitiful arrogant and hateful feeling towards Nancy Kerrigan based on partial film clips that are shown here on You Tube. Those who knew her and skated with her all say she was a very nice and thoughtful person. I get a feeling that you hate the all American girl sweetheart image. She was for real and you along with many others on these videos are too quick to judge. The tabloids were having a field day fueling the feud and to bring down an ice princess in a way the thugs couldn't do just made their day. You ate it all up in your mind You wouldn't be so gracious if you had been cheated out of a gold medal that she did deserve and the Communist judges made up the majority and they have always given Americans lower scores than they deserve. Oksana did not skate as well as you think. She missed too many landings and her performance wasn't near as difficult as Nancy's was. I saw all that stuff back then. Don't get too carried away with her marrying her coach. She was his second wife and they were legally separated. That marriage was falling apart Nancy or no Nancy. At least this one has lasted.
you can see and you can feel what Tonya is putting in her performance, and it's passion. Seriously she's amazing, it would've been a man with not even the same grade of talent it would have been a complete different story!
Garland English
no seriously, who is the hater here?
If I follow your logic - which is sick - she should have won gold (because she was the BEST) but she could have never (because of COMMUNISM) so it's Tonya's fault.
The most talented skater ever.
Love her! Beautiful,strong and amazing woman❤️
She is the best! 💞💞💞💞💞
I am glad she got this chance.
★★★ Tonya Still Got It ★★★ YES !!!
Great presentation!!!
Way to go Tonya.. I have always been a fan!! Spectacular!!!✨✨🎆🎇💓
Really liked her performance. And the nude or beige boot worked well with that look.
You could see the height and power of her jumps. Very rare.
The best to ever do it! THE GREATEST
Greatest at hitting people
Amazing skater. Her backwards skating and spins are so fast and powerful.
she do that at 29 . When she goe on ice today she still good. She had a real talent and that sad what happen to her. Everything go wrong on her life except figure skating, she succeed at this. But everyone stay on the nancy Kerrigan case. I know it’s very bad what happen to her , but we saw the real face of Nancy at the JO , she wasn’t the victim victim. We have to forget tonya et appreciate her amazing talent
Our lovely Tonya Harding deserves a Presidential pardon, clearing her of any wrong doing, she should not have had to pay out over $100,000 do 100 hours of service and other privleges stripped , she should have kept her National wins /titles they occured prior to the incident that Tonya as fully innocent of.. Tonya deserved to be able to continue to skate, there are athletes who take steroids and get a slap on the hand and continue to compete. This young lady was over prosecuted and the fact is she is the world's best skater. Go back to her 1991 /94 etc performances and put then in slow motion she is reaching heights of 4 ft . for triple axle another feat she does she lowers her head almost to ice and throws herself into the air over 4 feet, watch it in slow motion, her strength , heart and soul and competitiveness is amazing to say the least. I would say she is the best athlete I have ever watched , she also has a photo shoot you can see how strong she truly is, and she worked for everything she has gotten in life. God bless her and may she be happy and content. America should forgive and forget the past and quit blaming this young lady .. People are still picking on her, harrassing her to this day.. very cruel.
Tonya's my girl!! I love her and always will!
Lol, didn't know she returned as a professional! She is even more beautiful here! Less hard jumps but her spins are just as fast as they were in 1994. Did she continue with a career as a professional?
Vanya Staleva no
Professional skating was winding down by 1999. Tonya missed the major explosion after 1994 when you couldn't channel surf on a Sunday afternoon without wall-to-wall professional competitions. Tonya wasn't needed at that point, though she could have been invited. Pro competitions have nothing to do with the USFSA or the ISU. Nobody wanted to touch that scandal, though and they were more interested in luring Nancy Kerrigan than Tonya.
By this point in time, most of them had closed up shop and this was one of the few left. Even the *actual* World Professional Championships (typically aired in prime time on a major network), once the Olympics of the pro world, were discontinued permanently after 30 years in 2002. ESPN probably brought her on as a risk due to the competition's dwindling ratings. Unfortunately, there wasn't a sport for Tonya to really come back to professionally... the boon was over.
Strangely, pro skating maintained popularity from the early 1970s, through the 1980s and gained steam in the 1990s. But by the turn of the century, it was a dead section of the sport. Even now, there is truly *no* professional skating scene. Just the Olympic-level competitions. Most of the touring companies went bankrupt. Nobody holds televised competitions. I think it's kind of strange it was unable to sustain itself at all after it really became mainstream...
@sbe .... It was the Pro-Am competitions that killed the Professional championships. The rules were changed so that "amateurs" or Olympic-eligible competitors could also compete (and make money) in the Pro-Ams, which is short for Professional-Amateurs. Once the currently competing Olympic-level figure skaters were competing, the professionals .... older, some in their 30s and 40s ... hadn't kept up with the competition. And why should they? Their role was to maintain interest at a lower level of technique, but continuing to develop their artistry, their charisma, their audience connection, their musical ability. I remember reading one review where Michelle Kwan was competing in a Pro-Am. . This was 1998; Michelle had just won the Olympic silver medal and was World Champion. Kristi Yamaguchi was the youngest "pro" competitor, and thus was more competitive with Michelle than the others, some of whom hadn't even done triple jumps in their Olympic eligible competitive days. Anyway, Kristi took it seriously, trained hard, did her best, but couldn't come close to doing what Michelle was doing. And that is how the Professional Championships were killed. I also heard Kurt Browning say that all the professionals were discouraged after the first Pro-Am, for the very same reasons. Men or women, what had won them medals in the past was no longer competitive.
Really interesting, Carla. I hadn't read any of this prior. Even still, there is no place now for recently retired amateurs to go. I only know of one serious pro-am still in existence, which is... perhaps the American Open, US Open... something like that.
Tonya, was truly the BEST!
She's amazing. Great resilience!!
Such a beautiful woman! Very inspiring
Nice to see. Love the dress. Very understated.
I love that Tonya Harding
She was a fabulous skater ❤️❤️🕊🥇
Amazing. Good for her.
I like that kind of skating outfit better than some of the sparkly ones.
love her forever
Nope...I could be wrong but I believe this was the only professional event that she competed.
those spins she is my fave female skater,
Slow the motion down on her triple axle and at 1:12 , & 1:36, 2:29 and again at 2:54 the angel who flies on ice.
1besieged they said it was a double axel though? i thought it was a triple tho
I remembered Tonya's name, and her skating big show, her dresses and I eveb didnt remember the name of nancy kerrigan, but until I saw the movie, I ignores the whole story. They took her away the permission to compete, but they couldnt take off her talent and the admiration of people.
Wow still has a lot of power
Tenía otra percepción de Tonya, ahora la admiro por su talento a pesar que le destruyeron su carrera, lo que ella más amó en su vida. A pesar de eso, no deja se ser una bella mujer en todos los aspectos, se nota en su ser.
Tonya Harding ... you are a good mom. kiss you
É tão triste saber que o quanto uma pessoa pode arruinar a sua vida. A Tonya tinha tanto talento e um futuro esplêndido pela frente; eu não acredito que ela tenha participado daquele atentado, pode-se ver o quão arrasada ela estava por tudo o que estava acontecendo. Ela sofreu tanto nas mãos da mãe e vem um homem horroroso e destrói a sua carreira.