The most satisfying win I got was when the guy clearly had a Misty deck and set his starmie but no benched Pokémon. I had an electric deck and went second. Nicely drew a Giovanni and ended things right there.
Still wondering how they could fail so bad on designing this card. If you want it to enable blastoise or lapras just change it's effect to "double you current water energy attached to a water pokemon"
The most satisfying win I got was when the guy clearly had a Misty deck and set his starmie but no benched Pokémon. I had an electric deck and went second. Nicely drew a Giovanni and ended things right there.
didnt work lol
How to use Misty the right way.
Step 1: Hit at least one heads
Step 2: Concede
My optimal strategy is to beat Charlie with Blaine's Ninetales so he calls me a dirty little rat.
Still wondering how they could fail so bad on designing this card. If you want it to enable blastoise or lapras just change it's effect to "double you current water energy attached to a water pokemon"
This is brilliant. Ask Pokemon to hire you please😭🙏