For the Valentine's Day blind trading, you guys should make pink (and maybe red for hearts) +1 point. Other than that, here's a power-up idea: Name: Will you be my Valentine? Any time The user asks the other, "Will you be my Valentine?" If the item that they landed on is over 4, you say yes, and if it's 4 or under, you say no. Then, the standard deal or no deal is applied. Please like so Jon can see, and if he does, love the vids, Jon!
POWER-UP FOR NEXT THEMED SUNDAY Love Letter Before the game starts, write down a number from 1-8. That will be your oponent's turn you activate this power-up. With that, when the turn comes, pick the number generator up, put it on 1-8 and roll; multiply the number you with the number of the turn you chose. With the result, go to that row (if it passes the last row just re-roll) and you have to give your oponent the best item in that row Like so Jon can see 👍 many thanks :)
@TheAmazingCraft thanks! :D I have the same ""problem"", so I always try to be original and creative. I had some more before but it's for Jon to choose them xd
Power up “Stacked” You choose a row and roll for the number and what ever number you get you go down to that row and get the first item that is stacked. But you only get 2 out of the stack
Jon I have been watch your blind trading series since the first ever episode and there’s something about it that calms me. I love this series and I watch it all with phantom sotus and Athena. Keep going with this series it will never die down ❤️
If you don’t have Valentine’s Day power ups already here is a few: Cupid’s arrow: This power up is just like sniper. You roll your row and pick your column and you can go to a max of spaces in any direction to land your item Heart: As many people are probably thinking of making a heart of the items (the best you can) and you get those items (from the row and column you make) Doctor love: This item you roll for a row Twice and you get the best item in that row (2 because the doctor of love pairs two people together haha) Defensive power up- broken heart: Once you activate this you roll 1-7. If the numbers are odd the player gets the keep the item and then if it’s even the person who used this power up gets to choose what they want them to do These are some ideas! Edit: must call the heart and doctor love before you roll!
This is for blind trading I’ve got you in my sights: Do a normal roll then what you land on is the top of the whole page then roll 1-7 3 times and whatever column you land on the best item is picked and the same for all the other columns rolled Please like so Jon can see :) Defensive Can be used on this power up in which case whichever column the defensive is used on the person has to then roll a number 1-5 and whichever one they land on after that is what they get (Even if it is the same item as before) Edit: My bad, if defensive is used roll 1-4 not 1-5
Power up for valentines episode: Name is box of chocolates. It works like this: Whoever’s turn it is rolls for for a row and that row will be the bottom. Then on the bottom row you get the item in slot 4 then on the three rows above that you do 3rd row 1-7 for an item 2nd row 1-7 for an item and top row 1-7 twice to get 2 items. In total its a 5 item power up. Hope to see it on the episode and much love jon!
Valentines Power-Ups: This defensive Power-Up is called Cupids Arrow and it's a almost like Basher from the Harry Potter themed Blind Trading, but instead of going to left or right it will go down or up. When you call this defensive Power-Up it will protect the item and then the defender have to roll a row.
Power-up: "Heart" - Start of turn. You pick row 3, 4, or 5. Where you land becomes the 2nd row of the screen and you draw a heart from there. You get the one you land on, diagonal L and R in row 1, skip a space and get L and R in row 2, diagonal L and R in row 3, same as initial column in row 4.
Powerup: Cupids bow So the item you land on is the front of the bow so you have 2 diagonal up left and 2 diagonal down left After you put two left from the point (The item you landed on)so if the question marks are the items the pluses are what you get ? ? ? + ? ? ? ? ? ? ? + ? ? ? ? ? + + + ? ? ? ? ? + ? ? ? ? ? + ? ? ? But you can choose wheather the bow faces left or right So its a big 7 item powerup Ps:Love your vids Jon
Heres a power up. Its called Cupid's Arrow. You roll a number (one through however many rows your opponent has) now what ever row they land on make it the middle of the screen. Now they roll a number 1-5 for what item you start with (because 6 and 7 would not work) now go three to the right 2 from the right of what they landed on and on the 3rd item go up and left and then from the third item again go down and left (THIS SHOULD MAKE AN ARROW) Also they get all 5 items automatically. Thanks
My puppy died last night from a freak seizure he was only 2 and I’m bummed but when I watch your vids my world around me dissapeirs thank you for helpin me out
Great video! I was trying to get a bigger inventory to do this with my friends, got scammed today sadly. Lost a lot of items. Makes me happy to see u still do it, really enjoyed it! ❤️
You know we gotta hit em with the big boy power up: ⬛⬛🔴⬛🔴⬛⬛ ⬛🔴⬛🔴⬛🔴⬛ ⬛⬛🔴⬛🔴⬛⬛ ⬛⬛⬛🔴⬛⬛⬛ Heart shape of items. 8 items. Has to be in middle and nuber rolled is the top row
The DC episode. The flash power up = Zigzag thing, Item u land on + down + left or right + down + down. Arrow power up = a Arrow, Item u land on and up + up + diagonal down left + right. Supergirl/ up up 'n' away = Up + up + skip one and that item after. Bee - boo Item in the first and last colum* on the row u land on. And a defensive. Man of steal. 2 rounds of rock paper cissors and the deffender has to win both and the other one only has to win one to get the item. If the deffender wins the other person re-rolls. Sorry for the bad english but hope you understand. Love your content BTW
Here’s a powerup idea - The point stealer. This powerup is called at the start of the other player’s turn, and however many points they get is given to you. So during that turn, higher scores lose more points obviously
Valentines power up: "Shot through the heart" - Item you land on, you choose 3 items up,down,left or right, and then from that item diagonal left and diagonal right. Its like a love arrow xD.( Its 6 items power up)
Heart power up.... You can only pick column 3, 4, or 5. What ever you roll for a row is the bottom of the screen. ( If you roll 1-3, you need to reroll) Then you get the item you land on and the items that form a heart. For Example: Top Row X X Second Row X X X Third Row X X Rolled Row X To make it more clear, you get the item you land on, then the item top left and top right of the original item. Then follow the example shown above to form the heart. There should be 2 columns that you did not get an item from using this power up. This power up give the individual 8 total items, so you may need to do Triple Redemption.
Power-up Defensive: Scramble After the roll the defender can call this power up, what this does is when it is used. The person's inventory get ticked onto Most Recent instead of Alphabetical, this is only for one round though! You still keep your roll, so you may get something even better than the original!
Cupid's bow: (6 item power up) pick collum 4 and roll a row and can either point his bow up, down, and can go 1 to the left then diaganle (up or down) left or right. Until it hits the top or the bottom of screen from the row
Power up idea it is called the heart, you land on a item and go up right and up left than do it once more than switch it to up left or up right so it makes a heart
Amors arrow of love: You roll and the number you get is the top of your screen. Then you form a heart from the top of your screen down to the bottom. 8 item power up, if that is to much just make the hart smaller or something. Use your imagination, much love❤️❤️ Like so Jon can see and you like the power up (:
Defensive Power Up: Swiper no swiping = Offense picks a number 1-5 the defender must roll that number in 3 attempts to save the item. Offensive Powerups: Take out the map: Call anytime. See a 3x3 grid of the item you landed on...But you dont know which of the 9 is the exact one you landed on....then can deal or no deal. Backpack Backpack - Before - Roll a row. Make it top/bottom. Then set numbers 1-28 and roll for 7 or (x) amount of items.
Here’s a power up: Tic Tac Toe 3x3 area. The number you roll is the top left of the box. After, it’s simple. Play tic tac toe. The player who is getting the items goes first. If you win, you get to choose which items you want. Either the ones you chose, or the ones your opponent chose. If you choose the opponents, you get to choose one more. If you lose, your opponent get to chose the items you take. Same thing applies. If they chose their own, you get to choose another one. If it’s a draw, you roll a number between 1-4. If it’s a 1, you get your own, if it’s a 2, you get your opponents. If it’s a 3, you get to choose which ones you want, 4 your opponent gets to choose. 5 item power up
Hey John! You should add the powerup called 4-square. Roll a number to get a row and that number becomes the top row. Then, pick the best item in the four corners of the board👍
Power up: KISS, in the shape of a kiss pick the item with the most points - - - - - - So six items total and you have to pick the best item in the kiss which would be 1/2 items and around the kiss which would be 1/6
I have a cool power up, call before, whatever you land on you get one to the left and one to the right, and then you go two down and do the same thing. You get 6 items
8 item power up: heart. Make a heart. Go up and to the left twice, up to the right, down to the right, up to the right, down to the right, and finally down to the left twice.
Cupid's arrow: start on column 4 so you're in the middle. Roll a number and from there pick up, down, left, right or any diagonal direction, and move 3 times in the direction you choose and collect your 4 items.
This is for Blind Trading (a power-up) I call it the singles power-up. Since there are probably more singles than couples rn this powerup is like the big boy/girl/it power up. You roll a row and that becomes your bottom row. Now, every SINGLE SINGLE number. (the first row of 1-7 on the screen and every item in the first column on the screen) is what you are playing for. So, first you get all of the first column (1,2, 1,3, 1,4) not including (1,1) , and then for the first row you get to role 3 times (1-7) and you get those three items. In total 6 items. Hope this gets picked.
Defensive Power-up!! "Picking left overs" If this power-up is called then the person who calls it changes the item filters to rare and very rare only. Then the person whose turn it is rolls a new row and collumn. And gets that rare or very rare item instead of a import, black market or an exotic. This power-up can still be good for the person whose turn it is.. Depending on the item, but i think this would fit into blind trading.
Power-up for the Valentines episode Cupids Heart (7 item power up) Before the start of the episode, write a number between 1-8 on a piece of paper. Must call before you roll, can only pick column number 3,4,5. Roll for a row, the number you land on becomes the top of the page. To make the heart, you start in the second row on the column you selected. You then make a trail creating a heart starting on the item in row 2 of column selected, go up-left, down-left, down-right,down-right, up-right, up-right, up-left. Once all items are selected and the heart is created, the other person displays the number they wrote down prior to the episode, they then get to protect this item. Like so Jon can see, Thanks!
Power Up: Cupid’s arrow, you pick a Column and roll a row. That item becomes the bottom or top (chosen by player) of the screen and pick a diagonal direction to shoot the arrow giving you those 4 items.
You should give this huge power-up a shot! It’s called the “middle heart” You roll a number and that number row you land on will be the top row. You aren’t able to choose the column or anything but the other person has to create a heart directly in the middle. So you would start with the bottom of the heart in column 4 row 4, then column 3 row 3, then column 2 row 2, then back to column 3 But row 1, then column 4 again row 2, then column 5 and row 1, then column 6 row 2, column 5 row 5 for the last one. This should create you a heart! It might be a little too complex but I hope you understand! This would be a huge power up that would be so exciting to have! I hope you like it :)
hIT oR miss Love Power Up (Before): You write down 3 colum numbers , she tries to guess those columns, if she gets column(s) right its a auto 3 pointer if she does not u roll like normal and get whatever u get in those columns
GREAT POWER UP IDEA-> Roll the row which is the top line, then you roll 1-28 which starts at the top left and goes all the way to the bottom right left to right for 1 item!
Hey john. I have a powerupfor you. Its called the triangle. You role a numver for the top row of the 4 rows. Then you take the item in the bottom left, The bottom right and the top on column 4 creating the triangle effect and you get those 3 items
Power-up for next episode: For Athena: Pink Queen - Have to call it before rolling. Item you will (normally) roll becomes top of the screen and you don't get this item, but you get all pink ones on the screen. Risky, because you can end up getting nothing, but you can as well get 3-4 items. For John: Purple King - Same as Pink Queen, but with purple You can change colour if you don't like purple :P
Defensive powerup "match made in heaven": you write down a number 1-7 before the episode. When you use the powerup, they have to roll 1-7 and if they get the number you wrote down, they get the best item in the row. Any other number gets them the worst item in the row.
New power-up idea! Called "M" So it is 5 items power-up. It can be used only in column 1-2-3. How it works: Let's imagine that Jon decided to go column 2 with it. So he gets an item that is in position (column - 2 / row - 4), next item will be in (column - 2 / row - 1), then in (column - 4 / row - 3), after that he gets an item that is in (column - 6 / row - 1) and finally an item that is in (column - 6 / row - 4). I tried to explain, but hope you will see that :D
Jon, for the next valentine power-up, you should have one where they get a black market, you give them a exotic (your choice), exotic give import, and they get an import, you don't have to give anything. I'd be a defensive power-up that I think would be cool. call it "love hurts" I don't know what I do with my life sometimes
For a power up idea you could do something called the mini heart. It is a 8 item power up. The item you land on becomes the middle slash top item of the heart. You get the rest of the items that makes the full mini heart. Keep the vids coming. I always enjoy the blind tradings. Hope my power up gets chosen!!
Obviously gotta go with a power up called Cupid's Arrow: A 6 item before power up in the shape of an arrow. Example: If you choose column 4 and get row 4, you will get the items in 4 4, 4 3, 4 2, 4 1, 3 3, and 5 3 if the arrow is pointing upwards. You can choose what direction you want the arrow to be pointing before you choose the column and row. If you choose to go left or right then you must choose column 4 to get every item possible. (This part about the choose direction thing is up to you guys because it might this power up a bit op.)
Cupid’s touch this is a big power up you basically roll a row and you get what ever the item to the right, left, up or down then three items and then two to form a heart based on the persons choosing. Hi Jon
Valentines Day Power-Ups: Home is where the Heart is: Use prior to starting your turn (second turn or later). Go back to the most recent item you received from a normal roll. Create a box around it, then roll 1-9 to get one item from the box. Used as a RNG sniper, but you have an idea of what you're around. All My Heart: call before rolling, pick a row 3-5. You will receive the item you landed on and make a LARGE heart shape from that original item. From the item received, go diagonally up and to both the right/left. From those you will go diagonally down, in an outward direction.Then from those, go Diagonally inwards. Continue this diagonal inwards trend until they touch at a point. TOTAL OF 8 ITEMS. (Example of Columns/rows received: If starting item is 3/2, then go to 2/1 and 4/1, then 1/2 and 5/2, then 2/3 and 4/3, last 3/4) Cupid's Arrow: Used as a sniper. Roll normally, then choose to fire your arrow left/right/up/down. The arrow fires 3 spaces away. you get the item you landed on and the item you shoot to. Be my Valentine: Get the item you landed on, then choose one item to the left or the right of it. (basically pick between the date to the right or left to take with you) Bad Date: Defensive power-up. Roll from 1-10. Defender must get a 7 or lower to force either a deal or no deal. If they roll an 8 or higher, attacker can choose whether to deal or no deal. (Favors the defender, giving attacker only 30% chance to win). Flowers: normal roll, you then get the two items above the original item, and the items to the left and right of the highest item received. Total 5 items. Love Triangle: roll normally, you then can choose to go up/down/left/right from the original item. You would then move two spaces away, and then receive the items to the left and right of that item that is two spaces away. Should make an isosceles triangle. Total 3 items If you see this thanks Jon for using my Bellagio Fountains in today's blind trading! Didn't think you'd even see my comment and it was the coolest experience to watch an episode knowing you helped the creators. Hopefully one of these sparks your fancy. Love your stuff man and hope to see you in a cupid outfit. All the best, -kromag (Patrick)
New game mode- When you pick a row and roll you go to that space for example but the next roll you stay on that item and count down the number of spaces even though you re rolled but you can still pick a different row.
New Power Up for Valentine's day: Love Splash (5 items) The person rolls a row then that row becomes at the top of the screen. Then the person will roll a new row from 1-4 and roll an item from 1-7 within the row. The item that you landed on will be taken and the 4 items around it from every direction. Re-roll if there are blanks like the last row unless the last row is filled perfectly until 7 items * * * * *
I know its a bit late but Here is a power up! Your Hearts Desire Power Up: (only Rows 2-6) form a heart from the item you land on, and you get the best 2 items in the heart. (I hope this helps the x are the items you choose from) OOXOXOO OXOXOXO OOXOXOO OOOXOOO
BEFORE YOU ROLL POWERUP. Name of Powerup Cupid's Love Arrow!!! you make a bow (Takes 7-8 items to make the bow, and you can make it up, down, left or right) and you have the arrow (one item in the direction the way the bow faces) The item that you hit has a chance to double in points (you roll 1-8 to find out) as cupids love arrow worked and helped you find love (same item and points) (arrow can travel up to 4 spaces)
The Switcheroo: It is a defensive powerup that also gives you an item. You call it and then you roll 1-2 if you roll a 1 the person gets the item if you roll a 2 than you go up or down 10 spaces and that is what they get.
Love your videos Jon. I have a power up idea for you. Cupid’s Arrow. Use anytime, you get the item you landed on then you can choose to go diagonal 2 spaces in any direction and get that item as well. Defensive power up, True Love. The person that rolled the row has to guess the point value of that item that they rolled. If they are right they get the item plus can choose left right up or down to get a second item. If they are wrong, they loose the item and get 2 automatic 3 pointers.
New power up it's called the bull you can use it anytime : so u roll a row and u make that item u land on the middle of the screen then get that item u land on then u can choose to go all the way to the bottom of the screen or to the top or left and right.
I know this is 8 items but you need a heart power up for Valentine’s Day: roll a row, this will be second from the top. In the top row you get items 3 and 5, 2nd row you get items 2,4 and 6. 3rd row is items 3 and 5. Row 4 is the item in column 4. So 8 total items called the heart
Jon, I have a great power up idea for valentines day. first, you only roll for a row then you make that the bottom row. you start at column four and make a heart shape and the person gets all the items in that heart formation
Anytime power up ‘14th of February’ sniper power up and basically get to deal the item you land on and move 14 spaces from where you are, 2point power up, very simple but could be used best sniping for major items
Who is winning the Superbowl today?!?
Jon Sandman ramsss
Rams, hopefully
Jon Sandman pats
Jon Sandman Go LA!
For the Valentine's Day blind trading, you guys should make pink (and maybe red for hearts) +1 point. Other than that, here's a power-up idea:
Name: Will you be my Valentine?
Any time
The user asks the other, "Will you be my Valentine?" If the item that they landed on is over 4, you say yes, and if it's 4 or under, you say no. Then, the standard deal or no deal is applied. Please like so Jon can see, and if he does, love the vids, Jon!
Koree Cooper
Maybe add purple, the chance of not getting any of those colours is to high
Jon, heres an idea: make a theme song for blind trading!
Kestutis Markevicius like pimp my rocket league ride?Good idea!
The greatest idea has come
Love Letter
Before the game starts, write down a number from 1-8. That will be your oponent's turn you activate this power-up. With that, when the turn comes, pick the number generator up, put it on 1-8 and roll; multiply the number you with the number of the turn you chose. With the result, go to that row (if it passes the last row just re-roll) and you have to give your oponent the best item in that row
Like so Jon can see 👍 many thanks :)
Guilherme Lourenço lo
Good idea!
@TheAmazingCraft thanks! :D I have the same ""problem"", so I always try to be original and creative. I had some more before but it's for Jon to choose them xd
Actually a sick idea?assuming its for Vday
@@reubenkotey3239 it is, thanks! :D
9:25 “Woah don’t go down there” hahaha😂 John that’s what she said
Power up
You choose a row and roll for the number and what ever number you get you go down to that row and get the first item that is stacked. But you only get 2 out of the stack
I love Jon. Athena is counting and he is just flapping around
Jon I have been watch your blind trading series since the first ever episode and there’s something about it that calms me. I love this series and I watch it all with phantom sotus and Athena. Keep going with this series it will never die down ❤️
damn i’m rlly watching all these back
31:50 lmao "If she Busts" I'm actually weak right now
Athena’s smokin hot in the thumbnail damn
*Rizzo enters the chat*
*You leave the chat*
It's not her actual body... it's photoshopped for the vegas theme.
ontopofbottom Dont know if i should woosh or if you made another joke
@@ontopofbottom her face is still gorgeous
If you don’t have Valentine’s Day power ups already here is a few:
Cupid’s arrow:
This power up is just like sniper. You roll your row and pick your column and you can go to a max of spaces in any direction to land your item
As many people are probably thinking of making a heart of the items (the best you can) and you get those items (from the row and column you make)
Doctor love:
This item you roll for a row Twice and you get the best item in that row (2 because the doctor of love pairs two people together haha)
Defensive power up- broken heart:
Once you activate this you roll 1-7. If the numbers are odd the player gets the keep the item and then if it’s even the person who used this power up gets to choose what they want them to do
These are some ideas!
Edit: must call the heart and doctor love before you roll!
This is for blind trading
I’ve got you in my sights: Do a normal roll then what you land on is the top of the whole page then roll 1-7 3 times and whatever column you land on the best item is picked and the same for all the other columns rolled
Please like so Jon can see :)
Defensive Can be used on this power up in which case whichever column the defensive is used on the person has to then roll a number 1-5 and whichever one they land on after that is what they get (Even if it is the same item as before)
Edit: My bad, if defensive is used roll 1-4 not 1-5
Jon please use this in a recent blind trading and if you do good luck!
Stop spamming this is on other videos of his as well
Mr Clash dude...calm down with the spam, if he doesn’t respond the first time, then he won’t respond the eighth time
4:44 I like the way his voice got deep as he went down
I think one power up should be cupids arrow which shoots across the row and you get all 7 items.
Luv you too Jon! This has been my favorite type of video to watch ever since you started blind trading with phantom
What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas
Power up for valentines episode:
Name is box of chocolates. It works like this:
Whoever’s turn it is rolls for for a row and that row will be the bottom. Then on the bottom row you get the item in slot 4 then on the three rows above that you do 3rd row 1-7 for an item 2nd row 1-7 for an item and top row 1-7 twice to get 2 items. In total its a 5 item power up. Hope to see it on the episode and much love jon!
Me 2023 still watching jon blind trading 🤡
I love it how Jon doesn’t just make the video for the money.he has passion and makes the video having fun and not barley reaching 10 min. Love you Jon
Valentines Power-Ups:
This defensive Power-Up is called Cupids Arrow and it's a almost like Basher from the Harry Potter themed Blind Trading, but instead of going to left or right it will go down or up. When you call this defensive Power-Up it will protect the item and then the defender have to roll a row.
No one gonna talk about how Athena has over 50 normal pairs of zombas lmao
Power-up: "Heart" - Start of turn. You pick row 3, 4, or 5. Where you land becomes the 2nd row of the screen and you draw a heart from there. You get the one you land on, diagonal L and R in row 1, skip a space and get L and R in row 2, diagonal L and R in row 3, same as initial column in row 4.
Cupids bow
So the item you land on is the front of the bow so you have 2 diagonal up left and 2 diagonal down left
After you put two left from the point (The item you landed on)so if the question marks are the items the pluses are what you get
? ? ? + ? ? ?
? ? ? ? + ? ?
? ? ? + + + ?
? ? ? ? + ? ?
? ? ? + ? ? ?
But you can choose wheather the bow faces left or right
So its a big 7 item powerup
Ps:Love your vids Jon
Heres a power up. Its called Cupid's Arrow. You roll a number (one through however many rows your opponent has) now what ever row they land on make it the middle of the screen. Now they roll a number 1-5 for what item you start with (because 6 and 7 would not work) now go three to the right 2 from the right of what they landed on and on the 3rd item go up and left and then from the third item again go down and left (THIS SHOULD MAKE AN ARROW) Also they get all 5 items automatically. Thanks
My puppy died last night from a freak seizure he was only 2 and I’m bummed but when I watch your vids my world around me dissapeirs thank you for helpin me out
I'm sorry for you
Nice, you want a cookie
MrRiceAndBeans my puppy died a week ago
It ran out in front of a car😔
I'm feel sorry, I know how you feel.
Great video! I was trying to get a bigger inventory to do this with my friends, got scammed today sadly. Lost a lot of items. Makes me happy to see u still do it, really enjoyed it! ❤️
You know we gotta hit em with the big boy power up:
Heart shape of items. 8 items. Has to be in middle and nuber rolled is the top row
The DC episode.
The flash power up = Zigzag thing, Item u land on + down + left or right + down + down.
Arrow power up = a Arrow, Item u land on and up + up + diagonal down left + right.
Supergirl/ up up 'n' away = Up + up + skip one and that item after.
Bee - boo Item in the first and last colum* on the row u land on.
And a defensive. Man of steal. 2 rounds of rock paper cissors and the deffender has to win both and the other one only has to win one to get the item. If the deffender wins the other person re-rolls. Sorry for the bad english but hope you understand. Love your content BTW
Here’s a powerup idea - The point stealer. This powerup is called at the start of the other player’s turn, and however many points they get is given to you. So during that turn, higher scores lose more points obviously
Valentines power up: "Shot through the heart" - Item you land on, you choose 3 items up,down,left or right, and then from that item diagonal left and diagonal right. Its like a love arrow xD.( Its 6 items power up)
Jon when are you buying the magic 8 ball
khan omair oh yeah yeah
He was mind gaming you.
Scooby got waves 🌊
Heart power up....
You can only pick column 3, 4, or 5.
What ever you roll for a row is the bottom of the screen. ( If you roll 1-3, you need to reroll)
Then you get the item you land on and the items that form a heart.
For Example:
Top Row X X
Second Row X X X
Third Row X X
Rolled Row X
To make it more clear, you get the item you land on, then the item top left and top right of the original item. Then follow the example shown above to form the heart. There should be 2 columns that you did not get an item from using this power up. This power up give the individual 8 total items, so you may need to do Triple Redemption.
9:22 "wow can you stay away from down there?" i know jon, rizzo is busy with his tournament lately..
Power-up Defensive:
After the roll the defender can call this power up, what this does is when it is used. The person's inventory get ticked onto Most Recent instead of Alphabetical, this is only for one round though! You still keep your roll, so you may get something even better than the original!
Today I jumped off the wall and did the sickest own goal
Electric Man lol
I always get insane own goals that I can never do on the opponent's goal 😢 #FeelsBad
Scrumptious Waffle I feel your pain bro
At first i thought u meant irl😂
I binge this series and still am not tired of it. Keep em coming!
"Bum bum bum bum bum Mr. Sandman bring me a drink!"
It’s a dream, not a drink
Cash me Outside no shit..
Cupid's bow: (6 item power up) pick collum 4 and roll a row and can either point his bow up, down, and can go 1 to the left then diaganle (up or down) left or right. Until it hits the top or the bottom of screen from the row
I want to see you as Cupid! ^^
Power up idea it is called the heart, you land on a item and go up right and up left than do it once more than switch it to up left or up right so it makes a heart
Do more rocket league bingo!
😂😂 haha I love the commitment of both of them acting like they can see each other when they talk. Haha 🤣
Amors arrow of love: You roll and the number you get is the top of your screen. Then you form a heart from the top of your screen down to the bottom. 8 item power up, if that is to much just make the hart smaller or something. Use your imagination, much love❤️❤️
Like so Jon can see and you like the power up (:
Oh yeah yeah
Power up: Opposites attract. Basically 4 corners. Column 1 and 7 are on opposite sides of the inventory.
Another idea you do black markets and exotics only and roll a row and collum
Defensive Power Up:
Swiper no swiping = Offense picks a number 1-5 the defender must roll that number in 3 attempts to save the item.
Offensive Powerups:
Take out the map: Call anytime. See a 3x3 grid of the item you landed on...But you dont know which of the 9 is the exact one you landed on....then can deal or no deal.
Backpack Backpack - Before - Roll a row. Make it top/bottom. Then set numbers 1-28 and roll for 7 or (x) amount of items.
BLIND TRADING:. Indian edition! Everything is cheap!
samama muhammad wow
@@jameskawasaki1173... Its the truth.
it'ld would be fun but doesn't make a difference
Here’s a power up:
Tic Tac Toe
3x3 area. The number you roll is the top left of the box.
After, it’s simple. Play tic tac toe. The player who is getting the items goes first. If you win, you get to choose which items you want. Either the ones you chose, or the ones your opponent chose. If you choose the opponents, you get to choose one more.
If you lose, your opponent get to chose the items you take. Same thing applies. If they chose their own, you get to choose another one.
If it’s a draw, you roll a number between 1-4. If it’s a 1, you get your own, if it’s a 2, you get your opponents. If it’s a 3, you get to choose which ones you want, 4 your opponent gets to choose.
5 item power up
Your iq
The likes already surpassed mine....
Don’t try to get me to like
I love your videos Jon and I watch all your blind trading Videos and I cheer for u every episode
DJDEN1 Z or were u U never know?
Hey John! You should add the powerup called 4-square. Roll a number to get a row and that number becomes the top row. Then, pick the best item in the four corners of the board👍
Power up: KISS, in the shape of a kiss pick the item with the most points
- -
- -
- -
So six items total and you have to pick the best item in the kiss which would be 1/2 items and around the kiss which would be 1/6
I have a cool power up, call before, whatever you land on you get one to the left and one to the right, and then you go two down and do the same thing. You get 6 items
26:25 they both have jonsandman disease xD
8 item power up: heart. Make a heart. Go up and to the left twice, up to the right, down to the right, up to the right, down to the right, and finally down to the left twice.
Cupid's arrow: start on column 4 so you're in the middle. Roll a number and from there pick up, down, left, right or any diagonal direction, and move 3 times in the direction you choose and collect your 4 items.
This is for Blind Trading (a power-up)
I call it the singles power-up. Since there are probably more singles than couples rn this powerup is like the big boy/girl/it power up.
You roll a row and that becomes your bottom row. Now, every SINGLE SINGLE number. (the first row of 1-7 on the screen and every item in the first column on the screen) is what you are playing for. So, first you get all of the first column (1,2, 1,3, 1,4) not including (1,1) , and then for the first row you get to role 3 times (1-7) and you get those three items. In total 6 items.
Hope this gets picked.
Sometimes you really just need to like your own comment to get it started lol
Defensive Power-up!!
"Picking left overs"
If this power-up is called then the person who calls it changes the item filters to rare and very rare only. Then the person whose turn it is rolls a new row and collumn. And gets that rare or very rare item instead of a import, black market or an exotic. This power-up can still be good for the person whose turn it is.. Depending on the item, but i think this would fit into blind trading.
Power-up for the Valentines episode
Cupids Heart (7 item power up)
Before the start of the episode, write a number between 1-8 on a piece of paper.
Must call before you roll, can only pick column number 3,4,5. Roll for a row, the number you land on becomes the top of the page. To make the heart, you start in the second row on the column you selected. You then make a trail creating a heart starting on the item in row 2 of column selected, go up-left, down-left, down-right,down-right, up-right, up-right, up-left. Once all items are selected and the heart is created, the other person displays the number they wrote down prior to the episode, they then get to protect this item.
Like so Jon can see, Thanks!
Power Up: Cupid’s arrow, you pick a Column and roll a row. That item becomes the bottom or top (chosen by player) of the screen and pick a diagonal direction to shoot the arrow giving you those 4 items.
You should give this huge power-up a shot!
It’s called the “middle heart”
You roll a number and that number row you land on will be the top row.
You aren’t able to choose the column or anything but the other person has to create a heart directly in the middle. So you would start with the bottom of the heart in column 4 row 4, then column 3 row 3, then column 2 row 2, then back to column 3 But row 1, then column 4 again row 2, then column 5 and row 1, then column 6 row 2, column 5 row 5 for the last one. This should create you a heart! It might be a little too complex but I hope you understand! This would be a huge power up that would be so exciting to have! I hope you like it :)
hIT oR miss Love Power Up (Before): You write down 3 colum numbers , she tries to guess those columns, if she gets column(s) right its a auto 3 pointer if she does not u roll like normal and get whatever u get in those columns
GREAT POWER UP IDEA-> Roll the row which is the top line, then you roll 1-28 which starts at the top left and goes all the way to the bottom right left to right for 1 item!
Get spined, row the roll. The number you get is the top row. You get collumn 3,4 and 5. Is anexos after power up
Really enjoyed this vid jon keep up the amazing work mutch love
Hey john. I have a powerupfor you. Its called the triangle. You role a numver for the top row of the 4 rows. Then you take the item in the bottom left, The bottom right and the top on column 4 creating the triangle effect and you get those 3 items
Power-up for next episode:
For Athena: Pink Queen - Have to call it before rolling. Item you will (normally) roll becomes top of the screen and you don't get this item, but you get all pink ones on the screen. Risky, because you can end up getting nothing, but you can as well get 3-4 items.
For John: Purple King - Same as Pink Queen, but with purple
You can change colour if you don't like purple :P
Defensive powerup "match made in heaven": you write down a number 1-7 before the episode. When you use the powerup, they have to roll 1-7 and if they get the number you wrote down, they get the best item in the row. Any other number gets them the worst item in the row.
New power-up idea!
Called "M"
So it is 5 items power-up.
It can be used only in column 1-2-3.
How it works: Let's imagine that Jon decided to go column 2 with it. So he gets an item that is in position (column - 2 / row - 4), next item will be in (column - 2 / row - 1), then in (column - 4 / row - 3), after that he gets an item that is in (column - 6 / row - 1) and finally an item that is in (column - 6 / row - 4).
I tried to explain, but hope you will see that :D
You turn on the painted filter and if what you roll is Crimson (heart color) it’s double points!
And Jon… much love 😉
25:55 I legit guessed you would say those 3 numbers
Jon, for the next valentine power-up, you should have one where they get a black market, you give them a exotic (your choice), exotic give import, and they get an import, you don't have to give anything. I'd be a defensive power-up that I think would be cool. call it "love hurts"
I don't know what I do with my life sometimes
For a power up idea you could do something called the mini heart. It is a 8 item power up. The item you land on becomes the middle slash top item of the heart. You get the rest of the items that makes the full mini heart. Keep the vids coming. I always enjoy the blind tradings. Hope my power up gets chosen!!
Power up idea for Valentine’s Day: Cupid’s Arrow; Call before, pick a column, roll then choose the item and then 2 to the left or 2 to the right
Obviously gotta go with a power up called Cupid's Arrow:
A 6 item before power up in the shape of an arrow.
Example: If you choose column 4 and get row 4, you will get the items in 4 4, 4 3, 4 2, 4 1, 3 3, and 5 3 if the arrow is pointing upwards.
You can choose what direction you want the arrow to be pointing before you choose the column and row. If you choose to go left or right then you must choose column 4 to get every item possible. (This part about the choose direction thing is up to you guys because it might this power up a bit op.)
Cupid’s touch this is a big power up you basically roll a row and you get what ever the item to the right, left, up or down then three items and then two to form a heart based on the persons choosing. Hi Jon
Valentines Day Power-Ups:
Home is where the Heart is: Use prior to starting your turn (second turn or later). Go back to the most recent item you received from a normal roll. Create a box around it, then roll 1-9 to get one item from the box. Used as a RNG sniper, but you have an idea of what you're around.
All My Heart: call before rolling, pick a row 3-5. You will receive the item you landed on and make a LARGE heart shape from that original item. From the item received, go diagonally up and to both the right/left. From those you will go diagonally down, in an outward direction.Then from those, go Diagonally inwards. Continue this diagonal inwards trend until they touch at a point. TOTAL OF 8 ITEMS. (Example of Columns/rows received: If starting item is 3/2, then go to 2/1 and 4/1, then 1/2 and 5/2, then 2/3 and 4/3, last 3/4)
Cupid's Arrow: Used as a sniper. Roll normally, then choose to fire your arrow left/right/up/down. The arrow fires 3 spaces away. you get the item you landed on and the item you shoot to.
Be my Valentine: Get the item you landed on, then choose one item to the left or the right of it. (basically pick between the date to the right or left to take with you)
Bad Date: Defensive power-up. Roll from 1-10. Defender must get a 7 or lower to force either a deal or no deal. If they roll an 8 or higher, attacker can choose whether to deal or no deal. (Favors the defender, giving attacker only 30% chance to win).
Flowers: normal roll, you then get the two items above the original item, and the items to the left and right of the highest item received. Total 5 items.
Love Triangle: roll normally, you then can choose to go up/down/left/right from the original item. You would then move two spaces away, and then receive the items to the left and right of that item that is two spaces away. Should make an isosceles triangle. Total 3 items
If you see this thanks Jon for using my Bellagio Fountains in today's blind trading! Didn't think you'd even see my comment and it was the coolest experience to watch an episode knowing you helped the creators. Hopefully one of these sparks your fancy. Love your stuff man and hope to see you in a cupid outfit.
All the best,
-kromag (Patrick)
I can tell my friends that JonSandman is my Valantine now... Yay?
I no joke stood up laughing out loud when jon rolled an eight at the end
New game mode- When you pick a row and roll you go to that space for example but the next roll you stay on that item and count down the number of spaces even though you re rolled but you can still pick a different row.
I gotta be honest, love your blind tradings with athena, you 2 are hilarious
New Power Up for Valentine's day:
Love Splash (5 items)
The person rolls a row then that row becomes at the top of the screen.
Then the person will roll a new row from 1-4 and roll an item from 1-7 within the row. The item that you landed on will be taken and the 4 items around it from every direction. Re-roll if there are blanks like the last row unless the last row is filled perfectly until 7 items
* * *
15k likes....Jon didn't give any timeliness for how long we had.
I know its a bit late but Here is a power up!
Your Hearts Desire Power Up: (only Rows 2-6) form a heart from the item you land on, and you get the best 2 items in the heart.
(I hope this helps the x are the items you choose from)
BEFORE YOU ROLL POWERUP. Name of Powerup Cupid's Love Arrow!!!
you make a bow (Takes 7-8 items to make the bow, and you can make it up, down, left or right) and you have the arrow (one item in the direction the way the bow faces) The item that you hit has a chance to double in points (you roll 1-8 to find out) as cupids love arrow worked and helped you find love (same item and points) (arrow can travel up to 4 spaces)
The Switcheroo: It is a defensive powerup that also gives you an item. You call it and then you roll 1-2 if you roll a 1 the person gets the item if you roll a 2 than you go up or down 10 spaces and that is what they get.
Love your videos Jon. I have a power up idea for you.
Cupid’s Arrow. Use anytime, you get the item you landed on then you can choose to go diagonal 2 spaces in any direction and get that item as well.
Defensive power up, True Love. The person that rolled the row has to guess the point value of that item that they rolled. If they are right they get the item plus can choose left right up or down to get a second item. If they are wrong, they loose the item and get 2 automatic 3 pointers.
New power up it's called the bull you can use it anytime : so u roll a row and u make that item u land on the middle of the screen then get that item u land on then u can choose to go all the way to the bottom of the screen or to the top or left and right.
I know this is 8 items but you need a heart power up for Valentine’s Day: roll a row, this will be second from the top. In the top row you get items 3 and 5, 2nd row you get items 2,4 and 6. 3rd row is items 3 and 5. Row 4 is the item in column 4.
So 8 total items called the heart
Same power up i posted on your episode with sodus. Ultimate Knight: Move the way a knight would in chess. You get everything that is within the move.
Heart powerup: row+roll. Then where you landed on is the center. 1 down. Left up and right up from the center to make a heart. Sort of
One power up should be if you land on an item that they have multiple of you get them all, you have to call it before you roll
Jon, I have a great power up idea for valentines day. first, you only roll for a row then you make that the bottom row. you start at column four and make a heart shape and the person gets all the items in that heart formation
New Ability Cupid's Bow
Makes an Arrow on the screen
* * *
You can chose whether it points left or right before you role!
The day i watch the superbowl before a blind trading episode lol keep it up jon
This episode went rly slowly and I enjoyed it!!!
Anytime power up ‘14th of February’ sniper power up and basically get to deal the item you land on and move 14 spaces from where you are, 2point power up, very simple but could be used best sniping for major items