Blinn College District - Board Meeting - June 18, 2024

  • Опубліковано 31 гру 2024
  • The Blinn College District Board of Trustees consists of seven members who are elected by the citizens of Washington County. The seven elected trustees consist of one trustee from each Washington County Commissioner’s Precinct and three by place (at-large). The elected positions are six-year terms. A candidate for trustee representing a county precinct district must be a resident of that precinct he or she seeks to represent. Candidates for at-large trustee positions must be residents of Washington County. All eligible voters of Washington County vote on all trustees. Board elections are held in May of odd-numbered years.
    Regular meetings of the Board are normally held on the third Tuesday of each month at 10:00 a.m. in the Blinn College Board Room (Third Floor - Administration Building, 802 Green Street, Brenham, Texas), unless otherwise posted. Notices of all meetings are posted 72 hours prior to the scheduled time of the meeting at the Brenham Campus Administration Building, the Office of the Secretary of State, and on the Blinn College website.
    Public Comment is an opportunity extended to all citizens to address the Blinn College District Board of Trustees. The Board reserves the right to limit the amount of time for each speaker and to halt any speaker who disparages any person or fails to conduct himself/herself in an appropriate manner. All speakers must sign up prior to the time the meeting is called to order and the Board reserves the right to not allow any person to speak who has not correctly completed all required information prior to the meeting. The Board is not authorized to make any decisions or to deliberate on subjects not on the posted agenda. The Board may only respond to public comments with factual information or with a recitation of existing policy, if deemed appropriate.
    All Board meetings are wheelchair accessible. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request; interpreters for the deaf must be requested twenty-four (24) hours before the meeting by calling 979-830-4115 for assistance.