This storyline was well written & brilliantly acted....Marcy was beyond emmy worthy! However the idea of the doctor being the rapist was the one part I thoroughly disliked. I thought it was too sad & took over from the actual rape violation with the baby plot being driven by the rapist. A was stellar also...& completely had it nailed as the husband who didn't know what to do especially difficult being a police officer. Thanks for posting...I am re-watching once again!
This storyline was well written & brilliantly acted....Marcy was beyond emmy worthy! However the idea of the doctor being the rapist was the one part I thoroughly disliked. I thought it was too sad & took over from the actual rape violation with the baby plot being driven by the rapist. A was stellar also...& completely had it nailed as the husband who didn't know what to do especially difficult being a police officer. Thanks for posting...I am re-watching once again!
I remember when Eden found out who raped her. gave me the chills.