@@badgrfan1256 What, they look pretty basic and helpful! Posture correction. Gentle, slow stretches; bridges, planks, a step exercise (don't go so high). They're miraculous.
Nice video content! Sorry for the intrusion, I would love your initial thoughts. Have you ever tried - HootBack.xyz ? It is a great one off guide for relieving back pain in just 16 minutes minus the normal expense. Ive heard some decent things about it and my friend Sam after many years got amazing success with it
3 роки тому
@@20cashdotxyz76 i bet sam has got a good success too
I fell in love with calisthenics the moment I saw your videos here in youtube, I wanted to be able to move my body freely like you guys do it effortlessly, your strength and the way you guys control your bodies always amazes me everytime. I don't want to be like most body builders who are stiff and slow, I want to be like you guys. I want to be strong and flexible like you guys but I have this back injury that's always been bothering me, I got this 5 years ago and it never left me since. I raptured my disc between my L3 and L4 vertebrae. The pain comes and goes and I still believe I can fully heal, I'm just 26 years old and I truly believe our body has this gift of healing even the most f ucked up injuries or sickness. I wish you guys would make a video on how to deal with an herniated disc and make exercises to strengthen the lower back and maybe fix the disc itself💪 more power to this channel and keep inspiring, God bless🤘
I live in serbia and people in my country are not educated enough about this.Thanks for these tips I usually train street workout but I did improper exercises and it came to this.
That sounds hopeful. Thx for noting that. (Arch holds to strengthen glutes.) I assume you mean the bridges? I need to work harder at this to support my joints before they get wrecked.
This can take years to fix, especially if there's scar tissue. I've been using the Lacrosse ball for 4 years, and am just barely able to get into a squat position. The pain was excruciating during the time I was rolling. I still hurt like crazy when bending over in the morning. But now it's decreasing slowly, day by day. Don't get discouraged if this takes forever. Great video!
I've had back pain since I've started sleeping on my stomach and it hurts really bad but I'm trying to do these exercises and hopefully I won't have it anymore😭😭
Hi i have an exercise that is very good for back pain I wish to help you with your back I am confident it will help Mind go check it out in my channel?
@l3054 If sleeping on your stomach became a habbit then i might take some time getting used to it. You could also try to take a pillow and but it under your upper legs to get your back flat (thats the best for your lower back). Or use a pillow to lean against and prevent you from going to your stomach.
My lower back was in pain for two days straight. Within 5 minutes after these stretches, my lower back pain felt better. I will continue to follow these stretches dailies. Much appreciate the instructions, very helpful.
this is the best ever video that YT has suggested me. I am having back pain problem from 1 month when i started gymming and anterior pelvic twist since a long time. Now I know how to fix anterior pelvic twist and get rid of back pain at same time. TYSM GUYS U R DOING A GREAT JOB AND MY WISHES ARE ALWAYS WITH U.
1 00:00:01,682 --> 00:00:03,698 Is your back bothering you? 허리 때문에 괴로우신가요? 2 00:00:03,820 --> 00:00:06,151 If yes, then we got a good medicine. 만약 그렇다면 우리가 가진 좋은 처방을 알려드리겠습니다. 3 00:00:06,278 --> 00:00:10,989 But first of all, we should take a look on how lower back pain is caused. 하지만 먼저 허리 통증이 어떻게 일어나는지 살펴보아야 합니다. 4 00:00:11,124 --> 00:00:14,513 Besides a herniated disc which is another topic, 또 다른 주제가 되는 추간판(disc) 탈출증 뿐만 아니라, 5 00:00:14,560 --> 00:00:17,409 a lot of problems occur with three issues. 많은 문제들이 세 가지 원인으로 발생합니다. 6 00:00:17,479 --> 00:00:20,483 1) Shortened and 2) weak muscles around the hip area, 엉덩이 부위를 둘러싼 근육들이 1) 짧아지고 2) 약해지는 현상과, 7 00:00:20,536 --> 00:00:26,657 and 3) a wrong coordination and control of these muscles to put the body parts in the right alignment. 3) 이 근육들의 협응과 제어가 잘 안되어 몸체 각 부분들을 똑바로 정렬하지 못하는 것. 8 00:00:26,777 --> 00:00:32,093 The muscles that tend to weakness are the Abs, the Hamstrings and the Glutes. 약해지기 쉬운 근육들은 배 근육, 뒤 넙다리근 그리고 엉덩이 근육입니다. 9 00:00:32,252 --> 00:00:39,024 And on the other side the Erector Spinae and the Hip Flexors tend to a shortening. 그리고 그 반대쪽에 있는 척추기립근과 엉덩관절 굽힘근 들은 짧아지기 쉽습니다. 10 00:00:39,159 --> 00:00:42,445 These conditions leads to an anterior pelvic tilt 이러한 조건들로 골반은 앞쪽으로 과도하게 기울어지고(anterior pelvic tilt) 11 00:00:42,470 --> 00:00:48,265 which causes a lumbar lordosis and an uneven load of the inter-vertebral discs. 이 때문에 척추 전만증(lumbar lordosis)을 일으켜 추간판(척추 디스크)에 하중이 고르지 않게 실립니다. 12 00:00:48,321 --> 00:00:50,407 Either this causes the pain itself 이것 자체로 통증이 발생하거나 13 00:00:50,434 --> 00:00:54,811 or the body contracts all the muscles around that area to prevent it from damage 아니면, 우리 몸이 손상을 예방하려고 해당 부위를 둘러싼 모든 근육들을 수축하게 되며 14 00:00:54,836 --> 00:00:57,901 which causes muscle tenseness and pain. 그로 인해 근육 긴장과 통증이 발생합니다. 15 00:00:57,926 --> 00:01:02,724 To help you with these problems we got three tips that you can follow easily. 이 문제들을 해결하기 위해 쉽게 따라 할 수 있는 세 가지 방법을 알려드리겠습니다. 16 00:01:02,812 --> 00:01:05,027 1) Coordination The first tip is really simple. 1) 협응 첫 번째 방법은 진짜로 단순합니다. 17 00:01:05,357 --> 00:01:09,586 Just do the opposite of the movement which causes your lower back pain. 단지 허리 통증을 일으키는 동작에 반대되는 동작을 하십시오. 18 00:01:09,640 --> 00:01:15,061 Instead of an anterior pelvic tilt, go for a posterior pelvic tilt. 골반을 앞쪽으로 기울이지(anterior pelvic tilt) 말고, 뒤쪽으로 기울이십시오.(posterior pelvic tilt) 19 00:01:15,179 --> 00:01:20,865 Try to align your spine in a neutral position to get the right feeling for that movement. 척추를 중립 자세로 정렬하려고 노력하여 이 동작을 올바르게 느끼십시오. 20 00:01:20,890 --> 00:01:28,124 Imagine your pelvis is a bucket and move it to pour the water out of your back. 골반이 물 양동이라 생각하면서 허리 뒤쪽으로 물을 쏟아내기 위해 양동이를 기울인다고 상상하십시오. 21 00:01:28,658 --> 00:01:31,033 You can do this in different positions. 이 동작을 여러 가지 자세에서 해보십시오. 22 00:01:31,114 --> 00:01:35,320 In some positions, it's harder to adjust your posture. And some it's easier. 어떤 자세에서는, 몸체 자세를 조정하는 것이 더 어렵습니다. 어떤 자세에서는 더 쉽고요. 23 00:01:35,399 --> 00:01:40,045 But all positions will help you to get the right coordination for that movement. 하지만 모든 자세가 이 동작을 올바로 협응 하는 데 좋습니다. 24 00:01:40,142 --> 00:01:46,662 2) Stretching The second tip is to stretch the shortened muscles which are responsible for the excessive anterior pelvic tilt. 2) 스트레칭 두 번째 방법은 골반이 과도하게 앞으로 기울어지는 원인이 되는 짧아진 근육들을 늘려주는 것입니다. 25 00:01:46,796 --> 00:01:51,279 We can do this with the knee to chest stretch in different positions. 여러 가지 자세에서 무릎을 가슴으로 당기는 스트레칭을 하면 됩니다. 26 00:01:51,350 --> 00:02:19,612 As you can see, the tucked position will eliminate the arch in the lower back and will stretch your erector Spinae. 보시다시피 웅크린 자세는 허리의 아치(arch, 활 모양으로 구부러짐)를 없애고 척추기립근을 늘리게 됩니다. 27 00:02:20,151 --> 00:02:23,454 Another good exercise is the lunge stretch. 또 하나의 좋은 운동은 런지(lunge, 창 찌르기) 스트레칭입니다. 28 00:02:23,486 --> 00:02:28,907 With that you try to eliminate the arch in your lower back and aim for a neutral spine. 런지를 할 때는, 허리의 아치를 없애려고 노력하면서 척추 중립 자세를 목표로 하십시오. 29 00:02:29,034 --> 00:02:32,343 With this movement you will stretch your hip flexors. 이 동작으로 엉덩 관절 굽힘근들을 늘리게 됩니다. 30 00:02:32,714 --> 00:02:43,471 Of course you have to stretch both sides equally to avoid imbalances. 물론 불균형을 예방하려면 왼쪽 오른쪽 모두 균등하게 늘려야 합니다.
Man this is amazing! Definitely helped my back pain problem. I am suffering from slip disc for couple of years but couldn't find a permanent solution. Tried different exercises and yoga poses but of very little help. Your exercises are simple and very effective. God bless you guyz. Thank you.
I looked in the mirror and my anterior pelvic tilt really does not look like it is dramatically tilted nonetheless when I moved it forward into a posterior tilt my pain had gone away. 11 months of sacroiliac joint pain solved with 1 easy movement thanks so much dude. I still have problems sitting for long periods but it is nice to be able to walk and run again pain-free.
I love you man... Today i got lower back pain due to weight lift.. i cant stand straight. After watching your video and practicing the same i got 80% relief from massive pain. Specially roller on back helped a lot. I used baseball bat for rolling.. after 15, 20 mins i can stand straight. Thank you once again.
Hi i have an exercise that is very good for back pain I wish to help you with your back I am confident it will help Mind go check it out in my channel?
Thnkx calisthenics movement. I needed information about that because I always have lower back problems (sciatic nerve). And stretching is a big part on exercising.
This is exactly correct. I worked out of an old back injury by strengthening the same muscle groups he targeted, and my posture did exactly his before and after, and my back feels great. Years of pain, gone.
WOW! I found the video that supports all i thought..During a 6 month plank challenge my horrible back pain started to go away.This lead me to the idea i had a weak back and not because i was getting old..I figured to continue the plank along with hips and glutes exercises similar to yours and now no more back pain!..I even did the pressure exercises but didn't use a ball, i used the tiger balm jar and rolled around laying in bed and felt so much better.. its so cool to run into this video! Thanks for the extra tips!
Thank you guys for such a great job you are doing, I've been suffering lower back pain for years ( herniated disk) this exercises definitely helps to ease the pain, even my physiotherapist wasn't able to help me ! he advised me the worst exercise ever, bend forward on straight legs even if I told him this movement definitely gonna give me a massive pain.
Use those resistant bands that strap around your ankle and do jump squats. Work on leg muscles. And try a weighted vest to build your leg muscles up. I use to high jump and had to do those and more.
Great Vid! It's so satisfying seeing him perform the correct postures on point. These "physio" exercises are Legit. I've read a beautiful article over a decade ago by one of the leading physiotherapists guys, and the ones he suggested are here too. You can't go wrong with all these! 👌🏼
Thanks a million.... Very effective and worthy advice. I've been suffering from lower back pain for more than a year. I'll give you a feedback over my improvement
great to see an implementable plan for dealing with an issue rather than just highlighting it, which is often the case. May I add a great cue to ensure that people can maintain anterior pelvic tilt when performing variations if the glute bridge, imagine pushing the floor away from your self with your heel/s, maybe even lifting the front of the foot from the floor. great channel guys.
Hey CM, das ist das beste und kürzeste Video über das Thema und ich musste das alles aus dutzenden Videos raussuchen haha, könntet Ihr noch Videos über rounded shoulders, nerd neck und scapula winging machen? Wäre super :)
Beast boy I m also aaa fast bowler explain how long I do this exercise and I have this problen since for four months I eat medicine rest but no relief from pain plzzz tell me
I have seen a lot videos for Lower Back Problem & in every videos showing different Exercises.. Just confused how to start...And also in comments in every videos- It's helpfull to me..
How come the majority haven't joined the calisthenic movement yet, let alone know what it is. Why is calisthenics not taught at all schools, educating children to be aware of their body and letting them know what they are capable of? Why aren't there more calisthenicsparks around the world, so people can have fun together in open air doing the movements they are designed to do. Why is this easily accessible movement, which is already inside of us, so unknown?
Everyone has their own thing. Though I think most parks don't have proper calisthenic equipment for the same reason there's few proper gyms, good free movement exercises seem hard and dangerous, also take at least a bit of effort - the result is parks with useless exercise equipment and gyms full of idiot-proof machines.
You've gotten the mentality that calisthenics is the paramount of all active movement. I kind of thought like that for while until I realised that calisthenics in its general form - use of bars and mostlu upper body pulling and pressing - is just an inferior gymnastics. And both calisthenics and gymnastics have lots of problems they pose towards the human body. We can point and say but the natural man thousand of years ago did calisthenics, ergo we should also. BUT the natural man did not stand beside a bar, do 5x10 reps of chin ups then move to his l-sit progression. With this in mind, we begin to see that all forms of movement and activity are good for us as humans, weights included. Use of free weights is great for the development of strength, and deadlifts even will help to prevent lower back issues. Dance and martial arts, climbing, etc. Etc. I'd suggest you don't think in terms of 'why isn't calisthenics everywhere?' but rather why are humans sitting at desks all day. Calisthenics is on great avenue out of that, don't think it's the best or only avenue. Peace
You do realize education doesn't give a fuck about individuals, it's based on mass production to keep the system flowing, you get the basics.. rest is up to individual to discover. God bless internet.
everyone prefers a rapid result... calisthenics can be a compound exercise, gives you a best body strength, blah blah . but still it takes a long time to produce a results. that's y weight training is been recommended and encouraged by most of us
You said a herniated disc is a different topic. Will there be a video addressing what one should (or, most likely, should not) do with herniations? Can we get a video on how to strengthen back muscles for people who have no strength? Or is that beyond the scope of calisthenic training?
You can also do this exercises with a herinated disc BUT it depends if your doctor will choose a operation or a conventional treatment. If your doctor choose the conventional treatment (injury is not acute anymore) and you give you the "permission" to train you can start with these exercises.
I've been doing a fair amount of research on HERNIATED DISKS and this dr seems to have great knowledge and skill to PREVENT BACK SURGERY. ua-cam.com/video/Ak1rcIs_7U0/v-deo.html
Hi i have an exercise that is very good for back pain I want to help you with your back I am confident it will help Mind go check it out in my channel?
You probably have chronic back pain like me and I havent had a correct diagnosis in 8 years. Maybe you can find a doctor that knows what they're doing. Get xrsyd and MRI.
Some really good stretches I have not seen before, thanks for sharing. I have suffered back pain most of my life but the only way I was able to manage it and could keep exercising is to stretch regularly and use a roller foam. I have scoliosis pretty bad but am still able to play basketball 6 days a week at nearly 50. Couldn't do it without the yoga stretching and roller foam (I never did the surgery although it was suggested...all those who did it experienced more pain after the surgery, so....).
I love those guys for workout, but this, this is another topic. There is no as such as back pain or shoulder. it's all in our mind. please search about TMS/PPD pains or search the initiator of this idea Dr. Sarno. Nothing will heal you except your mind. Those guys have the perfect body built, so their mind think they are perfect so they don't suffer from those pains.
I am going to use this video to help fix my lower back pain. I am pretty sure strengthening my back will prevent my lower back from getting injured again. Thanks!
Quite the opposite can happen. I am a good runner and calisthenics practicioner and yet I am having an episode of severe lower back pain. Pelvis is locked into posterior rotation. Reseaching this, it has turned out it is caused by very shortened posterior chain (especially hamstrings). It appears some other muscles most likely in the hip flexor chain are motion limited and go into occasional violent spasms pulling on the spine (in my case also resulting in a sideways tilt). After a two week struggle I found out hamstring stretches are probably the key to recovery and so far it has brought great relief. Not over yet but it appears the affected muscles need to heal and sort of reset themselves. This type of back pain was a real catch-22 because resting nor moving helps! Remarkably I have had two episodes of this problem spaced three years apart and in pretty identical circumstances: middle of winter, also cycling a lot (shortening the muscles further), never doing any real stretching. This time around it happened shortly after a competition run where I was also not dressed enough for the cold.
Do ab exercises slower, strict and gradually heavier.. so heavy you cant do more than 10 to 12 reps. High reps wont get the fast twitch muscles (they're the ones that get bigger in circumference). Make sure you GRADUALLY PROGRESS or YOU WILL INJURE YOURSELF.
Doing deadlifts with inflammation in the back muscle.. Not good idea. Yes deadlifts will build strength. However doing things shown in video won't put as much impact on the back.. Part of balance work out 😁
I think the deadlift (with weights) is a great excersize for a later stadium. Remember that the M. Erector spinae is tighten and that this muscle is also in use during the deadlift excersize. Therefore I am refering to deadlifts with weights. It is possible to practice the deadlift technique already by using a wooden pole or something light.
The repetitive physical movements of Muslim prayer rituals can reduce chances of lower back pain if performed properly, according to new research. The study found that not only does quiet prayer eliminate physical anxiety, but that proper knee and back angles can be an effective clinical treatment.
I fixed my chronic lower back pain recently. Its been killing me for like 5 years. I bought a dirtbike and started riding daily and now im as good as new.
Just fabulous 👌 I had issues when i started gym eventuallly i did couple of these and i came to know these exercises are pretty useful. Now you teach me many of other to do when i have any pain in my back or somewhere else. Thank you again 😘😘😘
I found it much easier to use a double lacrosse ball for massage standing up, by rolling the ball against a wall or the inside of a door frame. When your lower back hurts, getting down to and up from the floor is hard. Thanks for this video!
I've had an anterior pelvic tilt for years. What has really helped me is changing the way that I position my weight above my feet. When my heels take the weight, my tilt comes back. But when I load the balls of my feet with most of the weight, the tilt eases up. I'm still going to try this stuff, though!!
Clear, Fast, No Bullsh!t. perfect tutorial
Go ahead and do these if you want to get a lower back injury
@@badgrfan1256 You have to be in shape to do these kinds of workouts. Food for thought.
The German way.
@@badgrfan1256 What, they look pretty basic and helpful! Posture correction. Gentle, slow stretches; bridges, planks, a step exercise (don't go so high). They're miraculous.
Absolutely. All the other videos are just nonsense, longwinded, complicated and confusing.
It's so satisfying seeing the spine go into a posterior tilt
KnuckleMan indeed
Nice video content! Sorry for the intrusion, I would love your initial thoughts. Have you ever tried - HootBack.xyz
? It is a great one off guide for relieving back pain in just 16 minutes minus the normal expense. Ive heard some decent things about it and my friend Sam after many years got amazing success with it
@@20cashdotxyz76 i bet sam has got a good success too
I fell in love with calisthenics the moment I saw your videos here in youtube, I wanted to be able to move my body freely like you guys do it effortlessly, your strength and the way you guys control your bodies always amazes me everytime. I don't want to be like most body builders who are stiff and slow, I want to be like you guys. I want to be strong and flexible like you guys but I have this back injury that's always been bothering me, I got this 5 years ago and it never left me since. I raptured my disc between my L3 and L4 vertebrae. The pain comes and goes and I still believe I can fully heal, I'm just 26 years old and I truly believe our body has this gift of healing even the most f ucked up injuries or sickness. I wish you guys would make a video on how to deal with an herniated disc and make exercises to strengthen the lower back and maybe fix the disc itself💪 more power to this channel and keep inspiring, God bless🤘
I live in serbia and people in my country are not educated enough about this.Thanks for these tips I usually train street workout but I did improper exercises and it came to this.
Another brilliant video. What really helped me was strengthening my glutes and hamstrings with arch holds.
That sounds hopeful. Thx for noting that. (Arch holds to strengthen glutes.) I assume you mean the bridges? I need to work harder at this to support my joints before they get wrecked.
Just the perfect time.
This can take years to fix, especially if there's scar tissue. I've been using the Lacrosse ball for 4 years, and am just barely able to get into a squat position. The pain was excruciating during the time I was rolling. I still hurt like crazy when bending over in the morning. But now it's decreasing slowly, day by day. Don't get discouraged if this takes forever. Great video!
G Kuljian ua-cam.com/video/DWmGArQBtFI/v-deo.html
I've had back pain since I've started sleeping on my stomach and it hurts really bad but I'm trying to do these exercises and hopefully I won't have it anymore😭😭
Hi i have an exercise that is very good for back pain
I wish to help you with your back
I am confident it will help
Mind go check it out in my channel?
@@dianamocanu4882 Sleeping on your stomach is the worst thing. Sleep on your back or your side.
@l3054 If sleeping on your stomach became a habbit then i might take some time getting used to it. You could also try to take a pillow and but it under your upper legs to get your back flat (thats the best for your lower back). Or use a pillow to lean against and prevent you from going to your stomach.
My lower back was in pain for two days straight. Within 5 minutes after these stretches, my lower back pain felt better. I will continue to follow these stretches dailies. Much appreciate the instructions, very helpful.
I love the simplicity of your videos, well explained and professional. Thank you You're awesome
this is the best ever video that YT has suggested me.
I am having back pain problem from 1 month when i started gymming and anterior pelvic twist since a long time. Now I know how to fix anterior pelvic twist and get rid of back pain at same time.
00:00:01,682 --> 00:00:03,698
Is your back bothering you?
허리 때문에 괴로우신가요?
00:00:03,820 --> 00:00:06,151
If yes, then we got a good medicine.
만약 그렇다면 우리가 가진 좋은 처방을 알려드리겠습니다.
00:00:06,278 --> 00:00:10,989
But first of all, we should take a look on how lower back pain is caused.
하지만 먼저 허리 통증이 어떻게 일어나는지 살펴보아야 합니다.
00:00:11,124 --> 00:00:14,513
Besides a herniated disc which is another topic,
또 다른 주제가 되는 추간판(disc) 탈출증 뿐만 아니라,
00:00:14,560 --> 00:00:17,409
a lot of problems occur with three issues.
많은 문제들이 세 가지 원인으로 발생합니다.
00:00:17,479 --> 00:00:20,483
1) Shortened and 2) weak muscles around the hip area,
엉덩이 부위를 둘러싼 근육들이 1) 짧아지고 2) 약해지는 현상과,
00:00:20,536 --> 00:00:26,657
and 3) a wrong coordination and control of these muscles to put the body parts in the right alignment.
3) 이 근육들의 협응과 제어가 잘 안되어 몸체 각 부분들을 똑바로 정렬하지 못하는 것.
00:00:26,777 --> 00:00:32,093
The muscles that tend to weakness are the Abs, the Hamstrings and the Glutes.
약해지기 쉬운 근육들은 배 근육, 뒤 넙다리근 그리고 엉덩이 근육입니다.
00:00:32,252 --> 00:00:39,024
And on the other side the Erector Spinae and the Hip Flexors tend to a shortening.
그리고 그 반대쪽에 있는 척추기립근과 엉덩관절 굽힘근 들은 짧아지기 쉽습니다.
00:00:39,159 --> 00:00:42,445
These conditions leads to an anterior pelvic tilt
이러한 조건들로 골반은 앞쪽으로 과도하게 기울어지고(anterior pelvic tilt)
00:00:42,470 --> 00:00:48,265
which causes a lumbar lordosis and an uneven load of the inter-vertebral discs.
이 때문에 척추 전만증(lumbar lordosis)을 일으켜 추간판(척추 디스크)에 하중이 고르지 않게 실립니다.
00:00:48,321 --> 00:00:50,407
Either this causes the pain itself
이것 자체로 통증이 발생하거나
00:00:50,434 --> 00:00:54,811
or the body contracts all the muscles around that area to prevent it from damage
아니면, 우리 몸이 손상을 예방하려고 해당 부위를 둘러싼 모든 근육들을 수축하게 되며
00:00:54,836 --> 00:00:57,901
which causes muscle tenseness and pain.
그로 인해 근육 긴장과 통증이 발생합니다.
00:00:57,926 --> 00:01:02,724
To help you with these problems we got three tips that you can follow easily.
이 문제들을 해결하기 위해 쉽게 따라 할 수 있는 세 가지 방법을 알려드리겠습니다.
00:01:02,812 --> 00:01:05,027
1) Coordination
The first tip is really simple.
1) 협응
첫 번째 방법은 진짜로 단순합니다.
00:01:05,357 --> 00:01:09,586
Just do the opposite of the movement which causes your lower back pain.
단지 허리 통증을 일으키는 동작에 반대되는 동작을 하십시오.
00:01:09,640 --> 00:01:15,061
Instead of an anterior pelvic tilt, go for a posterior pelvic tilt.
골반을 앞쪽으로 기울이지(anterior pelvic tilt) 말고, 뒤쪽으로 기울이십시오.(posterior pelvic tilt)
00:01:15,179 --> 00:01:20,865
Try to align your spine in a neutral position to get the right feeling for that movement.
척추를 중립 자세로 정렬하려고 노력하여 이 동작을 올바르게 느끼십시오.
00:01:20,890 --> 00:01:28,124
Imagine your pelvis is a bucket and move it to pour the water out of your back.
골반이 물 양동이라 생각하면서 허리 뒤쪽으로 물을 쏟아내기 위해 양동이를 기울인다고 상상하십시오.
00:01:28,658 --> 00:01:31,033
You can do this in different positions.
이 동작을 여러 가지 자세에서 해보십시오.
00:01:31,114 --> 00:01:35,320
In some positions, it's harder to adjust your posture. And some it's easier.
어떤 자세에서는, 몸체 자세를 조정하는 것이 더 어렵습니다. 어떤 자세에서는 더 쉽고요.
00:01:35,399 --> 00:01:40,045
But all positions will help you to get the right coordination for that movement.
하지만 모든 자세가 이 동작을 올바로 협응 하는 데 좋습니다.
00:01:40,142 --> 00:01:46,662
2) Stretching
The second tip is to stretch the shortened muscles which are responsible for the excessive anterior pelvic tilt.
2) 스트레칭
두 번째 방법은 골반이 과도하게 앞으로 기울어지는 원인이 되는 짧아진 근육들을 늘려주는 것입니다.
00:01:46,796 --> 00:01:51,279
We can do this with the knee to chest stretch in different positions.
여러 가지 자세에서 무릎을 가슴으로 당기는 스트레칭을 하면 됩니다.
00:01:51,350 --> 00:02:19,612
As you can see, the tucked position will eliminate the arch in the lower back and will stretch your erector Spinae.
보시다시피 웅크린 자세는 허리의 아치(arch, 활 모양으로 구부러짐)를 없애고 척추기립근을 늘리게 됩니다.
00:02:20,151 --> 00:02:23,454
Another good exercise is the lunge stretch.
또 하나의 좋은 운동은 런지(lunge, 창 찌르기) 스트레칭입니다.
00:02:23,486 --> 00:02:28,907
With that you try to eliminate the arch in your lower back and aim for a neutral spine.
런지를 할 때는, 허리의 아치를 없애려고 노력하면서 척추 중립 자세를 목표로 하십시오.
00:02:29,034 --> 00:02:32,343
With this movement you will stretch your hip flexors.
이 동작으로 엉덩 관절 굽힘근들을 늘리게 됩니다.
00:02:32,714 --> 00:02:43,471
Of course you have to stretch both sides equally to avoid imbalances.
물론 불균형을 예방하려면 왼쪽 오른쪽 모두 균등하게 늘려야 합니다.
자막 만들어주셔서 감사합니다!
별 말씀을요... ㅎㅎ. 마침 허리가 아픈 사람이 있어서요. 답글 감사합니다.
정말 감사합니다. 많은 도움이 되었습니다!!
Man this is amazing! Definitely helped my back pain problem. I am suffering from slip disc for couple of years but couldn't find a permanent solution. Tried different exercises and yoga poses but of very little help. Your exercises are simple and very effective. God bless you guyz. Thank you.
I looked in the mirror and my anterior pelvic tilt really does not look like it is dramatically tilted nonetheless when I moved it forward into a posterior tilt my pain had gone away. 11 months of sacroiliac joint pain solved with 1 easy movement thanks so much dude. I still have problems sitting for long periods but it is nice to be able to walk and run again pain-free.
I love you man... Today i got lower back pain due to weight lift.. i cant stand straight. After watching your video and practicing the same i got 80% relief from massive pain. Specially roller on back helped a lot. I used baseball bat for rolling.. after 15, 20 mins i can stand straight. Thank you once again.
Now I've relieve of my back pain. Thank you man...
Hi i have an exercise that is very good for back pain
I wish to help you with your back
I am confident it will help
Mind go check it out in my channel?
@@fixbackpain390 your a piece of shit stealing people's content
I have a pelvic tilt in my back.i started doing stepper 4 days back.happy to see this video promotes stepper exercise. Thank u
Send me a pair of blue shorts so I can feature them next week, kthx.
haha :D
FitnessFAQs Daniel you need the matching zero drop shoes for this.
Thnkx calisthenics movement. I needed information about that because I always have lower back problems (sciatic nerve). And stretching is a big part on exercising.
This is exactly correct. I worked out of an old back injury by strengthening the same muscle groups he targeted, and my posture did exactly his before and after, and my back feels great. Years of pain, gone.
2:06 Wow, Slav squat helps with back pain.
As a Slav, I confirm
I love How you teach How to fix imbalances and to workout in a safe and effective way Thank you very much
Thank you! Worked immediately, feeling great
Working out was taboo in my comfort zone. The zone that drives the need to workout. But you shifted my paradigm. Thank you.
Love your videos please keep them coming!!!
13 Year Old Bodybuilder Photos | Multihacks | Abdullah Naeem
Thank you so much! You made my lower back pain go away!!! Thank you again, you're a hero.
Thumbnail LOL. Great video btw
Having never seen that guy show any expression in his face makes it even funnier to see.
WOW! I found the video that supports all i thought..During a 6 month plank challenge my horrible back pain started
to go away.This lead me to the idea i had a weak back and not because i was getting old..I figured to continue the plank along with hips and glutes exercises similar to yours and now no more back pain!..I even did the pressure exercises but
didn't use a ball, i used the tiger balm jar and rolled around laying in bed and felt so much better..
its so cool to run into this video! Thanks for the extra tips!
You have helped me again Saitama!
Thank you guys for such a great job you are doing, I've been suffering lower back pain for years ( herniated disk) this exercises definitely helps to ease the pain, even my physiotherapist wasn't able to help me ! he advised me the worst exercise ever, bend forward on straight legs even if I told him this movement definitely gonna give me a massive pain.
This guy is pure animation :X
At last. A clear, fast, no nonsense explanation.
Finally this video came out
Thank god!!!
Ariesgod83 I love this safe reminder-thanks Alex
Underpants Mr im
charles ndunguru shit ass bone on oi
One of the most concise videos on an important subject
Can you make a video about developing vertical jump?
juho äikiä just listen to criss kross
Use those resistant bands that strap around your ankle and do jump squats. Work on leg muscles. And try a weighted vest to build your leg muscles up. I use to high jump and had to do those and more.
You cant get a better explanation this is perfect. Thanks guys 👍🏻
Muchas gracias están muy buenos los ejercicios
Best guy for exercises . No wasting of time for theoretical talks.
The taekwondo tattoo on your back makes me happy as a Korean.
@HEAV¥HAND it says taekwondo
Great Vid! It's so satisfying seeing him perform the correct postures on point. These "physio" exercises are Legit.
I've read a beautiful article over a decade ago by one of the leading physiotherapists guys, and the ones he suggested are here too. You can't go wrong with all these! 👌🏼
Your picture wasn't a clickbait, but it was hilarious so I clicked
Thanks for the excellent video.
I will try this religiously and see if it can help , suffering lower back pain since three years !!!
Enjoyed the video. Curious what those blue foot covers are.
those are shoes. Link in the description
Take a look in the description.
*forehead slap* doh!
Those are some expensive gloves for your feet.
nothing in the description
I like this dude! No bullshit talking, no wasting time ... everything is clear!
Thanks for the info! I really admire u
Thanks a million....
Very effective and worthy advice.
I've been suffering from lower back pain for more than a year.
I'll give you a feedback over my improvement
Any improvement Saish??
2:09 This is my brain all time
great to see an implementable plan for dealing with an issue rather than just highlighting it, which is often the case.
May I add a great cue to ensure that people can maintain anterior pelvic tilt when performing variations if the glute bridge, imagine pushing the floor away from your self with your heel/s, maybe even lifting the front of the foot from the floor.
great channel guys.
For anyone wondering about that dope background music it's: Mile Soul by Da Tooby
You're welcome :)
I'm amazed these high-quality videos are available for free. You guys are great!
Hey CM,
das ist das beste und kürzeste Video über das Thema und ich musste das alles aus dutzenden Videos raussuchen haha, könntet Ihr noch Videos über rounded shoulders, nerd neck und scapula winging machen? Wäre super :)
Improve your posture kommt in den nächsten Wochen :D
super helpful. Feel like so many people have this problem
I,m a fast bowler and i,m getting pain in my left of lower back so can i get free by that pain doing this exercises
Beast boy I m also aaa fast bowler explain how long I do this exercise and I have this problen since for four months I eat medicine rest but no relief from pain plzzz tell me
that expression in thumbnail 😂😂
Malik Mair as if someone doing a doggy for him..
I have seen a lot videos for Lower Back Problem & in every videos showing different Exercises.. Just confused how to start...And also in comments in every videos- It's helpfull to me..
How come the majority haven't joined the calisthenic movement yet, let alone know what it is.
Why is calisthenics not taught at all schools, educating children to be aware of their body and letting them know what they are capable of?
Why aren't there more calisthenicsparks around the world, so people can have fun together in open air doing the movements they are designed to do.
Why is this easily accessible movement, which is already inside of us, so unknown?
Everyone has their own thing. Though I think most parks don't have proper calisthenic equipment for the same reason there's few proper gyms, good free movement exercises seem hard and dangerous, also take at least a bit of effort - the result is parks with useless exercise equipment and gyms full of idiot-proof machines.
You've gotten the mentality that calisthenics is the paramount of all active movement. I kind of thought like that for while until I realised that calisthenics in its general form - use of bars and mostlu upper body pulling and pressing - is just an inferior gymnastics. And both calisthenics and gymnastics have lots of problems they pose towards the human body. We can point and say but the natural man thousand of years ago did calisthenics, ergo we should also. BUT the natural man did not stand beside a bar, do 5x10 reps of chin ups then move to his l-sit progression.
With this in mind, we begin to see that all forms of movement and activity are good for us as humans, weights included. Use of free weights is great for the development of strength, and deadlifts even will help to prevent lower back issues. Dance and martial arts, climbing, etc. Etc.
I'd suggest you don't think in terms of 'why isn't calisthenics everywhere?' but rather why are humans sitting at desks all day. Calisthenics is on great avenue out of that, don't think it's the best or only avenue. Peace
You do realize education doesn't give a fuck about individuals, it's based on mass production to keep the system flowing, you get the basics.. rest is up to individual to discover. God bless internet.
We get over one hundred days over 100 degrees here in the desert. I think we'd all die. haha
everyone prefers a rapid result... calisthenics can be a compound exercise, gives you a best body strength, blah blah
. but still it takes a long time to produce a results. that's y weight training is been recommended and encouraged by most of us
I am amazed how you put up good tutorials like these for free. kudos to you sir!
You said a herniated disc is a different topic. Will there be a video addressing what one should (or, most likely, should not) do with herniations? Can we get a video on how to strengthen back muscles for people who have no strength? Or is that beyond the scope of calisthenic training?
You can also do this exercises with a herinated disc BUT it depends if your doctor will choose a operation or a conventional treatment. If your doctor choose the conventional treatment (injury is not acute anymore) and you give you the "permission" to train you can start with these exercises.
I've been doing a fair amount of research on HERNIATED DISKS
and this dr seems to have great knowledge and skill to PREVENT BACK SURGERY.
InsolubleToaster t HH you rrititiiyyitiyitiyitiygi
Hi i have an exercise that is very good for back pain
I want to help you with your back
I am confident it will help
Mind go check it out in my channel?
His physical control is very impressive. Thank you
From the pic of the vid i really tough this was Jonny Sins
My back has been messed upsince the ARMY and this is the best vid i've seen on how to work on it!
2:57 ok how this relates to "never roll your lower back"? I've seen videos where ppl state that foal rolling your lower back is generally bad.
Thanks a LOT!!!
From Russia - with LOVE!
2:05 Indians do this daily
Just watching the video gave me relief to some extent ..!
This guy's head reminds me of the alien in the indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal skull. Lol
One of the best information about lower back pain.
Thank you so much!!
Been trying these for a long time , with barley any results. Is it just me or does the process take like years or something
I guess it depends on the type of pain, I had instant success. My pain came from carrying heavy stuff.
You probably have chronic back pain like me and I havent had a correct diagnosis in 8 years.
Maybe you can find a doctor that knows what they're doing. Get xrsyd and MRI.
thank you saved my life my back pain was killing me couldn't find anything to fix it on Google amazing
Why dont they ever have a heavy set person doing these exercises? Were the ones with alot of back issues.
Does it matter? Do the exercise anyway! And...you can film yourself while doing it and upload it to YT...good luck
Also lot of uninformed weightlifters
Some really good stretches I have not seen before, thanks for sharing.
I have suffered back pain most of my life but the only way I was able to manage it and could keep exercising is to stretch regularly and use a roller foam. I have scoliosis pretty bad but am still able to play basketball 6 days a week at nearly 50. Couldn't do it without the yoga stretching and roller foam (I never did the surgery although it was suggested...all those who did it experienced more pain after the surgery, so....).
that thumbnail though! lol
So so helpful, i wreck my back at work but now i totally realize it’s because i tilt my hips weird when I’m tired! Hope to strengthen those muscles!
That's exactly how I stay and I can't control that omg...😭😭😭 it hurts...
Edit: I'll try those exercises and I hope it works😊😭
I love those guys for workout, but this, this is another topic. There is no as such as back pain or shoulder. it's all in our mind. please search about TMS/PPD pains or search the initiator of this idea Dr. Sarno. Nothing will heal you except your mind. Those guys have the perfect body built, so their mind think they are perfect so they don't suffer from those pains.
No nonsense....Very simple and clear... Thanks man
I am going to use this video to help fix my lower back pain. I am pretty sure strengthening my back will prevent my lower back from getting injured again. Thanks!
Also strengthen your glutes and hamstring so basically your lower body
That thumbnail
Pablo Clavo
Quite the opposite can happen. I am a good runner and calisthenics practicioner and yet I am having an episode of severe lower back pain. Pelvis is locked into posterior rotation. Reseaching this, it has turned out it is caused by very shortened posterior chain (especially hamstrings). It appears some other muscles most likely in the hip flexor chain are motion limited and go into occasional violent spasms pulling on the spine (in my case also resulting in a sideways tilt). After a two week struggle I found out hamstring stretches are probably the key to recovery and so far it has brought great relief. Not over yet but it appears the affected muscles need to heal and sort of reset themselves. This type of back pain was a real catch-22 because resting nor moving helps!
Remarkably I have had two episodes of this problem spaced three years apart and in pretty identical circumstances: middle of winter, also cycling a lot (shortening the muscles further), never doing any real stretching. This time around it happened shortly after a competition run where I was also not dressed enough for the cold.
Абожаю смотреть видео с названием на русском, но с озвучкой на английском.
Google translate for you the name
the knee to chest stretches have given me instant results. way less pain. but need to do these everyday for some time to normally fix
Haneef K Minds look at this www.coachmag.co.uk/exercises/get-a-six-pack/3925/how-to-get-a-six-pack-27-abs-foods
Do ab exercises slower, strict and gradually heavier.. so heavy you cant do more than 10 to 12 reps. High reps wont get the fast twitch muscles (they're the ones that get bigger in circumference).
thank you a lot! 앞으로 꾸준히 이 영상을 따라해서 건강을 회복할것입니다.
Not to play for the other side but Deadlifts solve plenty of back problems, including lower back problems.
This and backing off on the ab training a bit
Gabriel Rangel they might do so but there's nothing like using the bodyweight
Back therapy is best without weights.
Doing deadlifts with inflammation in the back muscle.. Not good idea. Yes deadlifts will build strength. However doing things shown in video won't put as much impact on the back.. Part of balance work out 😁
I think the deadlift (with weights) is a great excersize for a later stadium. Remember that the M. Erector spinae is tighten and that this muscle is also in use during the deadlift excersize. Therefore I am refering to deadlifts with weights. It is possible to practice the deadlift technique already by using a wooden pole or something light.
I appreciate your videos. I have watched several over and over.
I don't have any thought about the thumbnail... not at all
Thanks for posting this video , just by doing 3 exercises I got away my lower back pain ❤️
The repetitive physical movements of Muslim prayer rituals can reduce chances of lower back pain if performed properly, according to new research.
The study found that not only does quiet prayer eliminate physical anxiety, but that proper knee and back angles can be an effective clinical treatment.
Jibby786786 😂😂😂
13 Year Old Bodybuilder Photos | Multihacks | Abdullah Naeem
"quiet" prayer on loudspeakers
I fixed my chronic lower back pain recently. Its been killing me for like 5 years. I bought a dirtbike and started riding daily and now im as good as new.
Thumbnail looks like an app for gay meetings.
It looks like the scene from spongebob where the back of squidward hurts
@@BigeuleLP omg it does!
I really loved your taekwondo and parkour videos from 2008
When u dont know what to comment to get likes ....
Amine Bedrani not that.
I don't have any low back pain thanks to yoga .Rharesh a medical college boy. Thanks for sharing the in4.
Just fabulous 👌
I had issues when i started gym eventuallly i did couple of these and i came to know these exercises are pretty useful.
Now you teach me many of other to do when i have any pain in my back or somewhere else.
Thank you again 😘😘😘
You mimic the position of my spine perfectly, and I have low back pain, lol. Thank you for the great info.
Alex thanks some issues with lower back def relief much appreciated
Благодарю! У тебя очень качественные уроки!
I found it much easier to use a double lacrosse ball for massage standing up, by rolling the ball against a wall or the inside of a door frame. When your lower back hurts, getting down to and up from the floor is hard.
Thanks for this video!
I joined yesterday from Kenya Africa,,,it's so benefitial
About the massage ball, works with tennis balls to
I've had an anterior pelvic tilt for years. What has really helped me is changing the way that I position my weight above my feet. When my heels take the weight, my tilt comes back. But when I load the balls of my feet with most of the weight, the tilt eases up. I'm still going to try this stuff, though!!
Thank you for these helpful videos. 🌱🙏