Czy ci nastolatkowie są z prywatnego liceum? Tam, skąd pochodzę w Kanadzie, szkoła średnia kończy się w wieku 16 lat, a następnie idziemy na kilka lat na studia przeduniwersyteckie (pomost między szkołą średnią a uniwersytetem). Jest to unikalne dla francusko-kanadyjskiej prowincji Québec. Byłem zbyt niedojrzały, by zrobić coś takiego. Teraz, gdy o tym myślę, zajmowałem się teatrem. Ale byłem nieśmiały i zdecydowanie nie trzymałem kobiet za ręce w liceum, haha!
To jest państwowe liceum:) W Polsce dzieci zaczynają naukę w wieku 7 lat. System nauki to: szkoła podstawowa, która trwa 8 lat, potem liceum 4 lata, więc młodzież kończąca liceum ma ok. 19 lat:) Potem studia licencjackie 3-3,5 roku lub studia magisterskie trwające 5 lat. Tak więc kończymy naukę w wieku 24 lat:) Poloneza tańczą 19-latkowie :)
In Poland, high school ends at the age of 18/19. The polonaise is a traditional court dance. In the past, the polonaise began balls in the palaces and manors of the Polish nobility, but nowadays it is only danced at the end of high school.
The first polonaise was composed by Michał Kleofas Ogiński in the 18th century (the polonaise was then also known as "farewell to the homeland"). However, the version we hear was composed by Wojciech Kilar. Wojciech Kilar was also the composer of the music for the film "Bram Stoker's Dracula" from 1992 and many other films, so you might recognize his music from other films in this version of the polonaise.
This particular musical composition that you are hearing was written by Wojciech Kilar for the film "Pan Tadeusz", which premiered in 1997. There are also other polonaise compositions (e.g. Ogiński's Polonaise called "Pożegnanie ojczyzny" (or "Les adieux à la Patrie"), which was once probably the most popular version of the polonaise performed at proms ("studniówka"). Currently, Kilar's polonaise is used at proms exclusively. Of course, you can dance this dance not only at proms - I also danced it at the ball at the end of primary school, junior high school, and even at my friend's wedding. I recommend watching a scene from the aforementioned film (which is of course an adaptation of an epic poem that is the core of Polish fiction - "Pan Tadeusz" by Adam Mickiewicz.).
Studniówka to zabawa zawsze organizowana w szkołach średnich, na sto dni przed egzaminami. Przed maturą. Studniówki zawsze rozpoczynają się polonezem, który jest polskim tańcem narodowym. Później jest już normalna zabawa, z poczęstunkiem. Starszy pan i jego partnerka, którzy tańczyli w pierwszej parze to zapewne dyrektor i jedna z nauczycielek. Oni prowadzą taniec i tańczą tylko symbolicznie przez kilka pierwszych kilka taktów. Taka tradycja.
The Polonaise is a Polish national dance. It originated around the 16th century. It was danced by magnates mainly on the occasion of opening balls or other important ceremonies. Nowadays, it is mainly danced at balls ending high schools or other important ceremonies.
Po ośmioletniej szkole podstawowej jest 4 lub 5 letnia szkoła średnia. Po uzyskaniu świadectwa maturalnego można studiować na wyższej uczelni 4 do 6 lat w zależności od specjalizacji
Polonaise is the beginning of adulthood, the historical beginning of a ball, a breakthrough. Everyone in Poland dances it once in their life. These hand gestures are to teach that a man should hold himself up straight and protect a woman
Michała Kleofasa Ogińskiego polonez a-moll, znany pod tytułem „Pożegnanie Ojczyzny” lub „Les Adieux à la Patrie”, jest kompozycją niezwykle popularną i powszechnie w Polsce
1. School currently lasts: 8 years of primary school (starts from age 7 to 15) and high school 3 years (starts from age 16 to 19) or instead of high school you can choose technical school, which is longer because it lasts 4 years because people additionally learn a profession (also starts from age 16 to 20). 2. A few years ago school lasted longer because there was a different course of study: primary school 6 years (from age 7 to 13), middle school 3 years (from age 14 to 16) and high school/technical school 3/4 years (from age 17 to 20/21). 3. The prom is a tradition. There is one dance at the beginning of the party, which is learned at school, in the graduating class. The party takes place about a hundred days before the school's final exams. In other words, the so-called "adulthood exam". 4. The old people at the end are not parents, because parents don't go because it's a "coming of age" party and they're there alone because they're all adults. It may happen that some parents are asked to come to keep order, but that's a few people, teachers are usually on their own. All these people are teaching staff. At the beginning you can see them start the old man with a mustache dance and it's the school principal who starts it all.
Polonez - The polonaise Farewell to the Homeland (Pożegnanie Ojczyzny; Les adieux à la Patrie) in A minor is a composition for solo piano, commonly attributed to the Polish composer and politician Michał Kleofas Ogiński. This piece was allegedly written around 1794, after the Kościuszko Uprising, which the composer participated in. Farewell to the Homeland is extremely popular and recognizable in Poland.
Polonez is most famous as the opening dance in studniówka, yes, but its not the only occassion its danced - first of all, wedding parties! not always but it is often there. as it cannot be choreographed beforehand, this kind is more simple ofc - other school balls, end of 3rd grade of middle school (back when those were a thing), for the 6th grade primary ball (these days primary ends in 8th grade but i bet theyre still there) and even..... kindergarten graduation! 5-6 can learn an easy choreo with enough practice, if u guys trained on every PE lesson for almost whole year i bet ur 16 yo self would also do it
To Polonez w kompozycji Wojciecha Kilara skomponowany do filmu Andrzeja Wajdy ,,Pan Tadeusz'' na podstawie utworu z XIXw. o tym samym tytule pisanego wierszem przez polskiego wieszcza nr.1 Adama Mickiewicza.
I don't know if you'll want to watch it but I recommend it - it's the beginning of polonaise dancing - an old Polish tradition :
7:40 - Here it was executed a little badly. Couples should join hands at the top and form something like a roof of hands, and couples passing under this "roof" should lean significantly. As for the music. This is a polonaise composed in 1999 for the film "Pan Tadeusz" by Wojciech Kilar. Before 2000, at the prom, the polonaise was danced to the sound of music composed by Chopin. In 1999, however, it was determined that this composition was so amazing that from now on it would be the one to dance to.
I recommend reacting to the centuries-old history of the Wieliczka salt mine, first a 3-minute recording for introduction: And the second recording after the first:
Czy ci nastolatkowie są z prywatnego liceum? Tam, skąd pochodzę w Kanadzie, szkoła średnia kończy się w wieku 16 lat, a następnie idziemy na kilka lat na studia przeduniwersyteckie (pomost między szkołą średnią a uniwersytetem). Jest to unikalne dla francusko-kanadyjskiej prowincji Québec. Byłem zbyt niedojrzały, by zrobić coś takiego. Teraz, gdy o tym myślę, zajmowałem się teatrem. Ale byłem nieśmiały i zdecydowanie nie trzymałem kobiet za ręce w liceum, haha!
No, it is a State High School.
To polonez Wojciecha Kilara, polskiego kompozytora, który skomponował go do filmu Pan Tadeusz
To jest państwowe liceum:) W Polsce dzieci zaczynają naukę w wieku 7 lat. System nauki to: szkoła podstawowa, która trwa 8 lat, potem liceum 4 lata, więc młodzież kończąca liceum ma ok. 19 lat:) Potem studia licencjackie 3-3,5 roku lub studia magisterskie trwające 5 lat. Tak więc kończymy naukę w wieku 24 lat:)
Poloneza tańczą 19-latkowie :)
W Polsce szkoła średnia kończy się w wieku 19 lub 20 lat.
To szkoła państwowa, jak większość w Polsce. Bal odbywa się 100 dni przed maturą, w każdej szkole średniej, w każdej uczniowie wymyślają swój układ.
In Poland, high school ends at the age of 18/19. The polonaise is a traditional court dance. In the past, the polonaise began balls in the palaces and manors of the Polish nobility, but nowadays it is only danced at the end of high school.
We learn Polonez in school . its nice dance .Greetings from Poland
The first polonaise was composed by Michał Kleofas Ogiński in the 18th century (the polonaise was then also known as "farewell to the homeland"). However, the version we hear was composed by Wojciech Kilar. Wojciech Kilar was also the composer of the music for the film "Bram Stoker's Dracula" from 1992 and many other films, so you might recognize his music from other films in this version of the polonaise.
This particular musical composition that you are hearing was written by Wojciech Kilar for the film "Pan Tadeusz", which premiered in 1997. There are also other polonaise compositions (e.g. Ogiński's Polonaise called "Pożegnanie ojczyzny" (or "Les adieux à la Patrie"), which was once probably the most popular version of the polonaise performed at proms ("studniówka"). Currently, Kilar's polonaise is used at proms exclusively. Of course, you can dance this dance not only at proms - I also danced it at the ball at the end of primary school, junior high school, and even at my friend's wedding. I recommend watching a scene from the aforementioned film (which is of course an adaptation of an epic poem that is the core of Polish fiction - "Pan Tadeusz" by Adam Mickiewicz.).
Studniówka to zabawa zawsze organizowana w szkołach średnich, na sto dni przed egzaminami. Przed maturą. Studniówki zawsze rozpoczynają się polonezem, który jest polskim tańcem narodowym. Później jest już normalna zabawa, z poczęstunkiem. Starszy pan i jego partnerka, którzy tańczyli w pierwszej parze to zapewne dyrektor i jedna z nauczycielek. Oni prowadzą taniec i tańczą tylko symbolicznie przez kilka pierwszych kilka taktów. Taka tradycja.
Pozdrawiam z POLSKI 😊
The Polonaise is a Polish national dance. It originated around the 16th century. It was danced by magnates mainly on the occasion of opening balls or other important ceremonies. Nowadays, it is mainly danced at balls ending high schools or other important ceremonies.
Hi, greetings from Poland.
Po ośmioletniej szkole podstawowej jest 4 lub 5 letnia szkoła średnia. Po uzyskaniu świadectwa maturalnego można studiować na wyższej uczelni 4 do 6 lat w zależności od specjalizacji
Polonaise is the beginning of adulthood, the historical beginning of a ball, a breakthrough. Everyone in Poland dances it once in their life. These hand gestures are to teach that a man should hold himself up straight and protect a woman
W Polsce edukacja trwa dłużej i ludzie są lepiej wykształceni.
W Polsce szkołę średnią kończy się mając przeważnie 19 lat
Polonez, The Polonaise, a Polish folk dance, reigned supreme in all the courts of Europe in the 16th century. So powerful was Polish culture.
Zobaczcie sobie POLONEZA z filmu Pan Tadeusz 😊
To nie rodzice tylko nauczyciele którzy ich uczyli w szkole średniej. Ręka u góry oznaczała że Mężczyzna chroni głowę kobiety.
To polonez Wojciech Kilara, polskiego kompozytora, a studniówka, dlatego że odbywa się zazwyczaj 100 dni przed egzaminem maturalnym
Michała Kleofasa Ogińskiego polonez a-moll, znany pod tytułem „Pożegnanie Ojczyzny” lub „Les Adieux à la Patrie”, jest kompozycją niezwykle popularną i powszechnie w Polsce
1. School currently lasts: 8 years of primary school (starts from age 7 to 15) and high school 3 years (starts from age 16 to 19) or instead of high school you can choose technical school, which is longer because it lasts 4 years because people additionally learn a profession (also starts from age 16 to 20).
2. A few years ago school lasted longer because there was a different course of study: primary school 6 years (from age 7 to 13), middle school 3 years (from age 14 to 16) and high school/technical school 3/4 years (from age 17 to 20/21).
3. The prom is a tradition. There is one dance at the beginning of the party, which is learned at school, in the graduating class. The party takes place about a hundred days before the school's final exams. In other words, the so-called "adulthood exam".
4. The old people at the end are not parents, because parents don't go because it's a "coming of age" party and they're there alone because they're all adults. It may happen that some parents are asked to come to keep order, but that's a few people, teachers are usually on their own. All these people are teaching staff. At the beginning you can see them start the old man with a mustache dance and it's the school principal who starts it all.
Teraz liceum trwa 4 lata a technikum 5 😉
matura to egzamin dojrzałości
W sumie trwała tyle samo. Szłam tym drugim tokiem (z gimnazjum) i maturę zdawałam jak miałam 19 lat.
Zazwyczaj kończąc szkołę średnią w Polsce ma się 19 lub 20 lat.
raczej 18-19
@@marzenakowalczyk1669 Raczej 19 -20
@@marzenakowalczyk1669 5lat technikum 15-20
Polonez - The polonaise Farewell to the Homeland (Pożegnanie Ojczyzny; Les adieux à la Patrie) in A minor is a composition for solo piano, commonly attributed to the Polish composer and politician Michał Kleofas Ogiński. This piece was allegedly written around 1794, after the Kościuszko Uprising, which the composer participated in. Farewell to the Homeland is extremely popular and recognizable in Poland.
It's not Tschaikovsky's masterpiece. This polonez is a part of the "Pan Tadeusz" movie soundtrack, composed by famous Polish composer Wojciech Kilar.
8:51 There are not parents, these are the teachers + the principal :D
Azaliż Dyro uronił łezkę?
@@markow4427 Być może. Nie znam tej szkoły 😆
This people have 18 years old.
Or 19 years old
yt - Polonaise debutants Opera Ball 2014 in Vienna
Polonez is most famous as the opening dance in studniówka, yes, but its not the only occassion its danced
- first of all, wedding parties! not always but it is often there. as it cannot be choreographed beforehand, this kind is more simple ofc
- other school balls, end of 3rd grade of middle school (back when those were a thing), for the 6th grade primary ball (these days primary ends in 8th grade but i bet theyre still there) and even..... kindergarten graduation! 5-6 can learn an easy choreo with enough practice, if u guys trained on every PE lesson for almost whole year i bet ur 16 yo self would also do it
Polonez. Sto par. Wilno
dziękuję! wspaniały! wiele figur, które widziałam pierwszy raz
To Polonez w kompozycji Wojciecha Kilara skomponowany do filmu Andrzeja Wajdy ,,Pan Tadeusz'' na podstawie utworu z XIXw. o tym samym tytule pisanego wierszem przez polskiego wieszcza nr.1 Adama Mickiewicza.
Wojciech Kilar - Polonaise
I don't know if you'll want to watch it but I recommend it - it's the beginning of polonaise dancing - an old Polish tradition :
Polonez or polonaise. Chopin loved this country, it is not known why.
Poland. They 17 18 and music is Wojciech Kilar
Next reaction: kabaret Ani mru mru - studniówka 😂
7:40 - Here it was executed a little badly. Couples should join hands at the top and form something like a roof of hands, and couples passing under this "roof" should lean significantly.
As for the music. This is a polonaise composed in 1999 for the film "Pan Tadeusz" by Wojciech Kilar. Before 2000, at the prom, the polonaise was danced to the sound of music composed by Chopin. In 1999, however, it was determined that this composition was so amazing that from now on it would be the one to dance to.
Wcześniej tańczono do Poloneza Ogińskiego pt. pożegnanie Ojczyzny.
@zadzior1976 rzeczywiście, mój błąd
Wszystko zależy od układu... Te mogą być różne
I recommend reacting to the centuries-old history of the Wieliczka salt mine, first a 3-minute recording for introduction:
And the second recording after the first:
Wojciech Kilar, "Polonez" z filmu "Pan Tadeusz" Andrzeja Wajdy To nie jest polonez Ogińskiego!
To polonez Huzarski znanego polskiego kompozytora Wijciecha Kilara skomponowany do filmu Pan Tadeusz
with an orchestra, in costumes on the cathedral square
Poloneza czas zaczæ¢ looks profesional polonez version
Wszyscy tacy smutni w tym Polonezie