I have been studying nay flute (the main wind instrument within middle eastern music) for about 8 years.. despite not being either an arab, or turkish, or bereber.. I feel so proud of the fact that a bit of this marvelous culture is inside me because Spain brougth it over here .. Love from Mexico to all my friends and brothers from Middle East! I could not help falling in love with your music!
es una mujer que NO es necesario verle su cuerpo, simplemente te limitar a verle, su rostro transmite una pureza y un noble espíritu que te cautiva, CANTA muy lindo, en honor a la verdad no entiendo lo que dice, pero la melodía es bonita y como canta lo es aún más, saludos desde Ecuador
@@ghrtfhfgdfnfg mix exist more in Morocco, cuz jews and muslims Iberian many have flee there after the fall down of islamic khalifa and inquisition, we have the Bono, Frejilino families and more in Morocco all of them are descents of Andalusian families that settled in Morocco since centuries.
@@ghrtfhfgdfnfg *BUt a beautiful one...Arabic music is beautiful...Also where did Latin people get their huge buttocks from, curly hair????? :) Arab blood is mixed all the way to Latin America....Spainairds went to Latin America....*
Wow... what beautiful woman... It makes me cry...because this music reminds of what I miss of my half Cypriot roots.. my heart goes out to all the Syrians who have their homeland destroyed 💔❤
The strongest song I ever heard .. I really don't understand what the lyrics about but as a musician all I can say it is a speechless performance. It's a song beyond comprehension
Asala is always a special case for all musicians even the Arabs themselves, she has an unbelievable vocal control, her father is one of the most famous Arab Syrian singers of all time.
She is clever, skilled and beautiful! There are many clever and good musicians and singers in the arabic world. It is a shame that we never hear of them in Europe unless we seek them on the net!
Flamenco in Spanish means Flemish of Flanders in Belgum and Holland old territories of Spain in the court of Carlos V. The "dance of flamenco or Flemish is mix dances of diferents part of Europe and cultures, no only Arab.
For those of you who say it is Spanish music, I would like to kindly correct you: when the Muslims conquered Spain, they influenced much of the Spanish music, they brought with them their drums, their lutes, and their music style. All the drumbeats you see in modern Latin music are actually Arabic drumbeats, and much of their style is actually the Arabic style.
As a Spaniard, fist of all, I want to say sorry because of the insults that some of my stupid compatriots are saying here, but, fortunately, not all the spaniards we are like them. Secondly, and as a Spaniard too, I have to say that I'm so proud of my culture, culture that includes, without any doubt, arabic influences (do not listen to those people who deny that, Spanish Culture wouldn't be the same without arabic and muslim influences), as well as my culture has, for example, roman, sephardic or gypsian roots... Thanks to arabs, my country has some extraordinary valuable heritage, not only in music, but also in architechture, literature, agriculture... So I must thank too, according to what I said before, sephardics, romans, gypsians, greeks, fenicians, visigoths, iberians, celts, byzantines, etc because of the heritage they provided to my country. Thanks to all of those civilizations, spanish culture is one of the most vary and richest all over the world ;) Stop arguing about if this is flamenco or not, about arabic music and culture, or about who is the best, and enjoy this beautiful music! (Sorry for my english)
+IgnacioZgzSpain ُEsta la veridad. I agree with you totally. Thanks for your wise words......... Je vous plussoie, cher Ignacio. Et désolé de ne pouvoir le dire en espagnol. Je ne parle qu'arabe, français et anglais.
Lionantic Merci! Bon, pas de problème, Je ne peux pas le dire en arabe, car, plus ou moins, nous sommes dans la même situation. S'on change l'arab pour l'espagnol on a le même problème ;) Mes paroles ne sont que la vérité, grace a la culture arabe (aussi que des autres comment la culture romaine, celte, etc), mon pays est très riche culturellement parlant et je suis très heureux pour sa. C'était un plaisir de parler avec vous! ;)
+IgnacioZgzSpain Muchas gracias Ignacio. Ce fut un plaisir pour moi aussi. Excellente journée. Vive l'amitié entre les peuples. Y viva España tam bièn!
faut dire qu'on a (les arabes) un don pour les langues étrangères :) tous ceux que je connais sont polyglottes, et mieux encore; la plupart n'ont meme pas un accent particulier, de vrai caméléons :)
Las culturas del mediterráneo tienen rasgos muy similares, han convivido juntos durante siglos, se han enriquecido gracias a la fricción entre sí y las influencias recíprocas que han ejercido unas sobre otras. Hoy en día, con las manipulaciones mediáticas que distorsionan los hechos, se nota más antipatía y agresividad entre los pueblos que pertenecen a esas diferentes culturas del mediterráneo, alimentadas por la difusión de la ignorancia hacia el prójimo. La vía más eficaz y noble para conocernos unos a otros es la del arte, que desempeña un papel importante en el acercamiento de las diferentes culturas y en la creación de la unidad.
I'm currently taking a Latin American Music class at my university & I can tell you this:Flamenco came from the Arabs who conquered Spain in the 8th century(711 AD-1491 AD).During that time Muslims,Jews, and Christians co-existed peacefully.The Jews influenced the Flamenco but not as much as the Moors.Also,the gypsies who immigrated to Spain influenced it.So it has 3 main influences:Arabs,Jews and Gypsies.The music however is purely Arabic with the guitar. "Oud" is the guitar's grandfather.
Even the word "Flamenco" is derived from Arabi "فلاح منكوب" according to Maestro Juan Serrano. It means "Down and out Peasant". The style "Soleà" is, for example, derived from "Sala" that means prayer; "Olé" comme from "Allah" and the Arab andalucians always pronounce "a" as "o" in their dialect. That's documented too. There countless indicators of the very deep influence of the Moors who resided in Spain for 8 centuries.
Added to 'start my day' songs. amazing voice. what a performance. good job filming. the arabic and spanish influences are beautiful and create something unique and modern. thank you for sharing. American fan.
Well said & heralded my brother Spaniard. I, myself love Spanish Flamenco. From Algerian born in Constantine, Algeria; now residing in Dallas Fort Worth, Texas USA.
Ok thank you now I know what she's saying. I grew up in Spain and i could pick up Arabic music at night on my radio plus the flamenco I listen to has Arabic influence in it. I really enjoy it.
Para mí todo "el mundo árabe"(por llamarle de alguna forma a próximo y medio oriente) es la mejor influencia artística que nos pueda dar el mundo. Y esta influencia es directa sobre otro país gigante artísticamente que es España. Y a mi país (México) le llega la influencia española directa y la árabe de forma indirecta gracias al arte español. Que exquisitez 😍😍 Grande Assala Nasri, también Balqees y Nancy Ajram entre muchos artistas de todo ese "hermoso mundo".
I think that "arabes" sing "flamenco" deeper and more melodiously than the Gypsies of Spain, because that style of music is directly derived from Arabian music and way of singing.
She sings inside a historic landmark, a Roman theater built in 202 BC, and she wears the dress of the Numidian kingdom.Some peoples were naked and never discovered cloth
There are styles of music in the Maghreb called "Andalucian Music" that were brought back by the Arabian refugees from Spain post 1492. Some of them bear a very strong resemblance to Flamenco. In fact, Flamenco is but one style that emerged from an original Arabian style of music and evolved later carried by the large number of Moriscoes, the Muslims who did not flee and were forced to abjure their religion under Inquisition laws and kept the faith secretly, and kept their culture alive secretly. Many of them lived in caves in the Sierras. The result of all that oppression is a cry of pain; that's Flamenco's Cante Jondo.
Well, to be fair, flamenco comes from Arabic music. Without Arabic music, there wouldn't be flamenco. The influences are as obvious as sand in the Sahara.
well, the gypsy culture that arrived to spain has been track back to India. the music, rhythms and structure has been proved similar to modern flamenco.
It is true that this not pure flamenco but Andalucia, where flamenco was born was Arabic for hundreds of years therefore as an Andalusian I can appreciate the Arabic influence in flamenco music. As for Mr. Madrid's comment bellow, he is very mistaken saying that Arabs only invented belly dance to the contrary humanity has gained a wealth of knowlege from Arabic societies as shown by the history if the Andalusi Kingdom. Please be informed before posting ignorant comments.
Estas un poco confundida, xq el flamenco no llegó a España desde Arabia... Fue una misturanza entre los gitanos llegados de India y músicas existentes en la Península Celtíberica (y observa lo de Celt, xq mucho más de la mitad de la Península lo fue). X cierto, esto no es flamenco. Lleva reminiscencias, pero no lo es, te lo aseguro.
les premier école de music dans l'histoire sont inventé par les arabes en Andalousie ( des école de music au moyen âge pour apprendre la music andalous et la poésie ) et cet ecole de la music andalous existe toujour chez nous (les descendant des andalous ) a l'ouest d'Algérie a tlemcen et l'este du Maroc
@@anamariacarballo3514 Flamenco has its origin in the Phoenicians from the Levant, and they are the cousins of the Arabs, and they were the first to lay the foundations of civilization in the Iberian Peninsula. Yes, the Gypsies added a little.
Arabs ruled Spain and Portugal (Al-Ándalus) for 800 years! In this period of time with high flexibility we were able to change everything not just within Spanish culture! But in all the European culture and whole world, Language, Philosophy, Music, Sciences and Food. Latin music of today is highly influenced by Arabic Music, Guitar was as a result of Arabian Oud Instrument. Spain with Arabs was the paradise of earth. ALANDALUS.
Howard Mobley You ignorant old pork chop, if you want to generalize about us, then we can also say that the medieval Crusaders who killed Muslims and eastern Christians alike ... represent you, as well as all the European colonizers of the world who killed between 150 and 500 MILLION Red Indian, 7 million Algerians by the French, 7 million Iraqis by the Americans, more than 250,000 Palestinians because of European non-Semitic Jews, and more than 100 million Africans on the way to slavery in the Americas or after arrival!!!! YET YOU DARE TO CALL ***US*** TERRORISTS?????????????????????????????? FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SwordSuccessor Ok, Sword Man. Since you guys are so civilized, explain me why women have to cover up their faces and they can't drive, talk, observe, or fart? However. I have a question for all of you middle easterners. What is the difference between a Turk and an Arab? Please enlighten me, I am ignorant on these matters.
homesanto who are you to dare talk about arabs layer...Arabs invented....even the numerals which leeds Humanity to what it is now....fool ignorant egypt is an arab country and its your greece who took from it....rome!!!! what kind of knowledge ? about persia they still use the arabic alphabet tel now.
@@walaajn4582 No she's saying ( يا مجنون مش انا ليلى ) Ya Majnoon mish ana Layla Referring to the Arabic classical love story of ( Majnoon and Layla) 😑
Hola. Yo soy argentina y nieta de sirios. tuve la posibilidad y el regalo de Dios de conocer España. Además de la belleza de sus paisajes y lo interesante de su cultura, los españoles me parecen gente maravillosa. Como buena nieta de sirios fui a Granada a conocer la Alhambra y doy fe que les españoles se sienten orgullos de la mezcla de culturas. En mi paìs hay mucha corrupciòn, eso quiere decir que yo soy corrupta? Uno es bueno o malo porque es bueno o malo, no por su nacionalidad, religiòn sexo o color de piel, es hermoso poder compartir y enriquecerse de las diferencias del otro. Aprovecho para agradecerles a los españoles el càlido acogimineto en su paìs esas maravillosas vacaciones del 2013, Dios quiera que pueda volver pronto...
La belleza y la melodia.. fucionadas en un solo sentido musical.. no hay palabras para calificar a la vocalista que le pone todo en el escenario... me encantaria que la subtitularan en español.. felicidades desde Guayaquik Ecuador....
As an Israeli with Sephardic roots who emigrated to Morocco in 1492 and we lived together Arabs, Christians and Jews for most of the years in peace, and we all enjoy this Andalusian music. Does anyone know the name of the wonderful singer?
Israeli born of proud Sefardi Castilian family roots in Toledo Spain where we lived 400 years in peace with the Arabs, I love this music. Too bad hate and bloodshed has replaced coexistence as culturally we are one.
As a Spaniard I have to say that this is simply wonderful, great musical fusion and fantastic voice of the singer.
Arabic language + flamenco music= a masterpiece 😍❤️💫💫
I have been studying nay flute (the main wind instrument within middle eastern music) for about 8 years.. despite not being either an arab, or turkish, or bereber.. I feel so proud of the fact that a bit of this marvelous culture is inside me because Spain brougth it over here .. Love from Mexico to all my friends and brothers from Middle East! I could not help falling in love with your music!
Art dictionary doesn't contain the word :border
One love ✊🙏
We love Latin Americans too
This is one of the most powerful and soulful musical performances I have ever heard .
I am Arab and have a big respect to the Spanish culture with big love to Spain And Andalusia.
Hello from Baghdad.
هاي تالية اللواگة صار لك سنة محد عبرك بلايك😂😂😂😂
خخخخخخ لا صار 3 لايك
@@hazeem5608 نعمة فضيلة😂😂
@@husseinalfreji210 صارو٢٦🤣🤣
Assalamu Alaikum. I am also of Arab and Andalucian ancestry
es una mujer que NO es necesario verle su cuerpo, simplemente te limitar a verle, su rostro transmite una pureza y un noble espíritu que te cautiva, CANTA muy lindo, en honor a la verdad no entiendo lo que dice, pero la melodía es bonita y como canta lo es aún más, saludos desde Ecuador
Beautiful I can see our Arab mix blood in Spain ! We have so much in common !
It is not a genetic mix just a cultural one
@@ghrtfhfgdfnfg mix exist more in Morocco, cuz jews and muslims Iberian many have flee there after the fall down of islamic khalifa and inquisition, we have the Bono, Frejilino families and more in Morocco all of them are descents of Andalusian families that settled in Morocco since centuries.
@@ghrtfhfgdfnfg *BUt a beautiful one...Arabic music is beautiful...Also where did Latin people get their huge buttocks from, curly hair????? :) Arab blood is mixed all the way to Latin America....Spainairds went to Latin America....*
Wow... what beautiful woman... It makes me cry...because this music reminds of what I miss of my half Cypriot roots.. my heart goes out to all the Syrians who have their homeland destroyed 💔❤
All the love from damascuse ❤️
My heart goes out for the victims of Syria
All the love from Cham ,,damascus.
I love you Assala Nasrim...from Mexico City
she's beautiful !!! .... and VERY talented woman.
I am Indian and do not understand the lyrics but what a great singer and orchestra!
The strongest song I ever heard .. I really don't understand what the lyrics about but as a musician all I can say it is a speechless performance. It's a song beyond comprehension
Harry Rhodes she's singing in reference to Laylah (old poem) but thru discourse she has with a love-crazed suitor, "madman"
Asala is always a special case for all musicians even the Arabs themselves, she has an unbelievable vocal control, her father is one of the most famous Arab Syrian singers of all time.
"Ya magnoon (You madman/crazy), I'm not Layla."
I am 51 yr .white male from Adirondacks of northern NY USA. I professed metal , hard rocker. I simply love this. Love. Love. Love
Music is universal ☺️
Un homme blanc ? Pourquoi nous ont est noir ? Les arabes sont un peuples sémite de majorité blanche. Et bien sur des noir descend d'esclavage africain
She is clever, skilled and beautiful! There are many clever and good musicians and singers in the arabic world. It is a shame that we never hear of them in Europe unless we seek them on the net!
Viva a música e cultura árabe, que sejam eternos os laços de amizade entre os lusos falantes e os povos árabes.
+Sam Hamiche stuped and ignorant
+maya luz ,You think so maya,i am not sweetie,i am just honest i like the truth,and the truth sometimes hurts,..
where are you from !!!!!!
She sing very bad, like a cat, desafine, desafine...not is Spanish, Europe.
Flamenco in Spanish means Flemish of Flanders in Belgum and Holland old territories of Spain in the court of Carlos V. The "dance of flamenco or Flemish is mix dances of diferents part of Europe and cultures, no only Arab.
For those of you who say it is Spanish music, I would like to kindly correct you: when the Muslims conquered Spain, they influenced much of the Spanish music, they brought with them their drums, their lutes, and their music style. All the drumbeats you see in modern Latin music are actually Arabic drumbeats, and much of their style is actually the Arabic style.
@@user-pc1lu4vx3n Very incorrect. Music changed based on the region even in the Arab lands from Iraq to Morocco
true but it started before the arab conquest. it begins witn the phenecians, carthage ....
As a Spaniard, fist of all, I want to say sorry because of the insults that some of my stupid compatriots are saying here, but, fortunately, not all the spaniards we are like them. Secondly, and as a Spaniard too, I have to say that I'm so proud of my culture, culture that includes, without any doubt, arabic influences (do not listen to those people who deny that, Spanish Culture wouldn't be the same without arabic and muslim influences), as well as my culture has, for example, roman, sephardic or gypsian roots... Thanks to arabs, my country has some extraordinary valuable heritage, not only in music, but also in architechture, literature, agriculture... So I must thank too, according to what I said before, sephardics, romans, gypsians, greeks, fenicians, visigoths, iberians, celts, byzantines, etc because of the heritage they provided to my country. Thanks to all of those civilizations, spanish culture is one of the most vary and richest all over the world ;) Stop arguing about if this is flamenco or not, about arabic music and culture, or about who is the best, and enjoy this beautiful music!
(Sorry for my english)
+IgnacioZgzSpain ُEsta la veridad. I agree with you totally. Thanks for your wise words......... Je vous plussoie, cher Ignacio. Et désolé de ne pouvoir le dire en espagnol. Je ne parle qu'arabe, français et anglais.
Lionantic Merci! Bon, pas de problème, Je ne peux pas le dire en arabe, car, plus ou moins, nous sommes dans la même situation. S'on change l'arab pour l'espagnol on a le même problème ;)
Mes paroles ne sont que la vérité, grace a la culture arabe (aussi que des autres comment la culture romaine, celte, etc), mon pays est très riche culturellement parlant et je suis très heureux pour sa.
C'était un plaisir de parler avec vous! ;)
+IgnacioZgzSpain Muchas gracias Ignacio. Ce fut un plaisir pour moi aussi. Excellente journée. Vive l'amitié entre les peuples. Y viva España tam bièn!
faut dire qu'on a (les arabes) un don pour les langues étrangères :) tous ceux que je connais sont polyglottes, et mieux encore; la plupart n'ont meme pas un accent particulier, de vrai caméléons :)
Las culturas del mediterráneo tienen rasgos muy similares, han convivido juntos durante siglos, se han enriquecido gracias a la fricción entre sí y las influencias recíprocas que han ejercido unas sobre otras. Hoy en día, con las manipulaciones mediáticas que distorsionan los hechos, se nota más antipatía y agresividad entre los pueblos que pertenecen a esas diferentes culturas del mediterráneo, alimentadas por la difusión de la ignorancia hacia el prójimo. La vía más eficaz y noble para conocernos unos a otros es la del arte, que desempeña un papel importante en el acercamiento de las diferentes culturas y en la creación de la unidad.
I am an Indian...though i dont understand the language but everytime i listen to this song i can feel layla's beauty.....
It's Arabic Egyptian accent
1 of the most beautiful sons ever heard ! absolitely art ! 10/10 points !!!
Amazing performance! My first time listening to her... Totally impressed!
I'm currently taking a Latin American Music class at my university & I can tell you this:Flamenco came from the Arabs who conquered Spain in the 8th century(711 AD-1491 AD).During that time Muslims,Jews, and Christians co-existed peacefully.The Jews influenced the Flamenco but not as much as the Moors.Also,the gypsies who immigrated to Spain influenced it.So it has 3 main influences:Arabs,Jews and Gypsies.The music however is purely Arabic with the guitar. "Oud" is the guitar's grandfather.
Even the word "Flamenco" is derived from Arabi "فلاح منكوب" according to Maestro Juan Serrano. It means "Down and out Peasant". The style "Soleà" is, for example, derived from "Sala" that means prayer; "Olé" comme from "Allah" and the Arab andalucians always pronounce "a" as "o" in their dialect. That's documented too. There countless indicators of the very deep influence of the Moors who resided in Spain for 8 centuries.
My wife is from Algeria and they play a unique version of Flamenco in Algeria in particular in and around Annaba near the Tunisian border region.
ONE love...
ONE mother earth....
One heart....
Music Unites the world.... 🕉️♥️🌍
Namaste 🙏
Magnifique, merci, ana maria(Argentina)
maria maria
بدعت شو بحبها وبحب ضحكتها العفوية تسعدلي قلبي وتمليني سعادة صولا وبسسسس
Added to 'start my day' songs. amazing voice. what a performance. good job filming. the arabic and spanish influences are beautiful and create something unique and modern. thank you for sharing. American fan.
Well said & heralded my brother Spaniard. I, myself love Spanish Flamenco.
From Algerian born in Constantine, Algeria; now residing in Dallas Fort Worth, Texas USA.
spanish or arabic doesn't matter. i like it. I like the singer even more
Ok thank you now I know what she's saying. I grew up in Spain and i could pick up Arabic music at night on my radio plus the flamenco I listen to has Arabic influence in it. I really enjoy it.
You could pick up Moroccan signals?
Assala Nasri, Hermosa composición, linda voz.
Para mí todo "el mundo árabe"(por llamarle de alguna forma a próximo y medio oriente) es la mejor influencia artística que nos pueda dar el mundo. Y esta influencia es directa sobre otro país gigante artísticamente que es España. Y a mi país (México) le llega la influencia española directa y la árabe de forma indirecta gracias al arte español. Que exquisitez 😍😍 Grande Assala Nasri, también Balqees y Nancy Ajram entre muchos artistas de todo ese "hermoso mundo".
2 more songs
الفلامنكو عربي تم نقله الى اسبانيا عندما كان العرب المسلمون يحكمون اسبانيا لمدة ثمان قرون
I think that "arabes" sing "flamenco" deeper and more melodiously than the Gypsies of Spain, because that style of music is directly derived from Arabian music and way of singing.
Anduls had Arabs and Spanish not just Spanish
Cross cultures can create such beautiful music, thank you very much.
Preciosa dama, tiene una sonrisa inigualable. Canta precioso. Ella es encantadora...!!!
Very . very beautiful flamenco. Voice beautiful!
Always liked this voice!!!!! Bravo Asala!!!!
What beautiful music and singing, and what a beautiful woman! Saludos desde Irlanda! xx
she's "assala nasri" the most talented artist in arab world ♥
What's the song's name? I was searchin and cannot find this one in Spotify. Please, i need it 😍😍
it's name " ya majnoun " ♥
@@nawardaabous9745 thanks a lot 🥰 more people like u please 🤞
اي والله الصوت العربي الاول صوت ام خالد
@@nawardaabous9745 sorry i come from Indonesia, are that's mean ya majnoon is oh crazy in English ?
she is gorgeous and has an amazing voice. thank you.
The traditional dress she wears dates back to the time of the Numidian state in 202 BC, which was a powerful kingdom the size of the Roman state
She sings inside a historic landmark, a Roman theater built in 202 BC, and she wears the dress of the Numidian kingdom.Some peoples were naked and never discovered cloth
impresionante musica no entiendo el idioma pero veo magnifica interpretacion saludos de Trujillo Peru
Yo tampoco entiendo, pero amo la cultura árabe, me gustaría hablar su idioma. Es una hermosa voz y interpretación. Saludos desde Chile.
Pretty impressive, enchanting. She’s so talented.
Music - the Universal language. We can all appreciate beauty.
Tres belle fleur, comme une jour de printemps. A very beautiful Queen!
Great singer, nice song, and beautiful flamenco Guitar inclusion!
There are styles of music in the Maghreb called "Andalucian Music" that were brought back by the Arabian refugees from Spain post 1492. Some of them bear a very strong resemblance to Flamenco. In fact, Flamenco is but one style that emerged from an original Arabian style of music and evolved later carried by the large number of Moriscoes, the Muslims who did not flee and were forced to abjure their religion under Inquisition laws and kept the faith secretly, and kept their culture alive secretly. Many of them lived in caves in the Sierras. The result of all that oppression is a cry of pain; that's Flamenco's Cante Jondo.
I like how she sing's she has her own vibrations wavering around... it takes talent to grab a audience.
Hi from USA. Great song, great and beautiful singer. Love it.
Well, to be fair, flamenco comes from Arabic music. Without Arabic music, there wouldn't be flamenco. The influences are as obvious as sand in the Sahara.
well, the gypsy culture that arrived to spain has been track back to India. the music, rhythms and structure has been proved similar to modern flamenco.
Yes ✔️ that is true
@@yanauta and reggaeton and dancehall music, because it was popularised in the West Indies by Indian immigrants
TheNumidian Alger Arabic music
Wonderful voice ....and the music is stunning ....Greetings from Germany 👍💖👍
Sie hat zweifellos eine wahnsinnig starke Stimme
Stimmt genau....schönes Wochenende 🎶💥🙋♀️
@@tinaselka8155 Ich höre Assala fast jeden Tag. Danke. Das wünsche ich Ihnen auch :)
Syrian Singer
Egyptian accent
Algerian crowd
Spanish Tones
I am Sudanese 😁
هههه يا عمك
Now I know why I don’t understand a word she is saying
Moors are in morocco
Und ich Jugoslawien...😀
algerian arab and proud
Fière de quoi ? Vos origines song dd Yémen
@@Daniel_HAMOU et après ? vous êtes qui pour décider qui est Algérien et qui ne l'est pas ?
@@Daniel_HAMOU "La haine ,c'est la colère des faibles" ;) continuez avec vos insultes ça vous rend plus crédible lol
@@echo-utis5243 c est la vérité . Comprends comme tu veux . Vous êtes champions de victimisation et de faux. ..
@TheNumidian Alger I'm Moroccan Arab Andalusian
الامازيغ خرافة لهجة راية وتاريخ وعرق كذوووب
It is true that this not pure flamenco but Andalucia, where flamenco was born was Arabic for hundreds of years therefore as an Andalusian I can appreciate the Arabic influence in flamenco music. As for Mr. Madrid's comment bellow, he is very mistaken saying that Arabs only invented belly dance to the contrary humanity has gained a wealth of knowlege from Arabic societies as shown by the history if the Andalusi Kingdom. Please be informed before posting ignorant comments.
Estas un poco confundida, xq el flamenco no llegó a España desde Arabia... Fue una misturanza entre los gitanos llegados de India y músicas existentes en la Península Celtíberica (y observa lo de Celt, xq mucho más de la mitad de la Península lo fue).
X cierto, esto no es flamenco. Lleva reminiscencias, pero no lo es, te lo aseguro.
les premier école de music dans l'histoire sont inventé par les arabes en Andalousie ( des école de music au moyen âge pour apprendre la music andalous et la poésie ) et cet ecole de la music andalous existe toujour chez nous (les descendant des andalous ) a l'ouest d'Algérie a tlemcen et l'este du Maroc
Mr. Madrid is an ignorant man. Do not concern yourself with the ignorant man, said the wise man.
@@anamariacarballo3514 Flamenco has its origin in the Phoenicians from the Levant, and they are the cousins of the Arabs, and they were the first to lay the foundations of civilization in the Iberian Peninsula. Yes, the Gypsies added a little.
اصالة نصري 😍
Asala Nasri 😍
she is syrian womman 😘
name of the song please
@@zbthlpz280 ua-cam.com/video/0RJgiPCCH38/v-deo.html
@@anascougar6869 thank u. Greetings
الفلامنكو العربى الاصيل - - - شكرا - - من الجزائر - -
Tiene una voz espectacular y la guitarra y el ritmo todo ..
Wow!!!!!what a singer lovly my favourite Assala love u alot 😚😚😘😘😘😘😍😍😙😙😙😙❤❤❤❤❤lovly soft song
J'adore musique grande chanteuse belle vidéo j'adore grand merci beaucoup gros bisous de Belgique surtout guitares
THIS is WHAT musical genuine SHOULD sound like....im LOVING IT. too the MAX.....Allah U AKBAR.....
Syrian singer 🇸🇾 Spanish tones 🇪🇸 Egyptian accent 🇪🇬
how beautiful ❤
Andalusian tones **
It’s north african or andalusian tones not spanish
سما not north African dumbass it's Arabian for sure not African,
power Corporation jolie 🍎
Wow !! Best voice and wonderful performance bravo👍💯💯💯💯💯❤❤❤❤❤❤👏👏👏👏✋
Arabs ruled Spain and Portugal (Al-Ándalus) for 800 years! In this period of time with high flexibility we were able to change everything not just within Spanish culture! But in all the European culture and whole world, Language, Philosophy, Music, Sciences and Food. Latin music of today is highly influenced by Arabic Music, Guitar was as a result of Arabian Oud Instrument.
Spain with Arabs was the paradise of earth. ALANDALUS.
+Howard Mobley
Thats because (Arabs) are the Gods of yours. we can make it a paradise 🌿as well as a hell 🔥whenever we want to.
Very true Arabs are gods true chosen people. They changed the world.
Howard Mobley You ignorant old pork chop, if you want to generalize about us, then we can also say that the medieval Crusaders who killed Muslims and eastern Christians alike ... represent you, as well as all the European colonizers of the world who killed between 150 and 500 MILLION Red Indian, 7 million Algerians by the French, 7 million Iraqis by the Americans, more than 250,000 Palestinians because of European non-Semitic Jews, and more than 100 million Africans on the way to slavery in the Americas or after arrival!!!! YET YOU DARE TO CALL ***US*** TERRORISTS?????????????????????????????? FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SwordSuccessor Ok,
Sword Man. Since you guys are so civilized, explain me why women have to cover up their faces and they can't drive, talk, observe, or fart?
However. I have a question for all of you middle easterners. What is the difference between a Turk and an
Arab? Please enlighten me, I am ignorant on these matters.
homesanto who are you to dare talk about arabs layer...Arabs invented....even the numerals which leeds Humanity to what it is now....fool ignorant egypt is an arab country and its your greece who took from it....rome!!!! what kind of knowledge ? about persia they still use the arabic alphabet tel now.
Maravillosa cantante y bella hay esta la raíz del flamenco 👏✨️🧚♂️💕😅😍💕👏🧚♂️💕
By the way "oh Majnon i'm not layla" it's like saying "oh Romeo i'm not Juliet"
LOL, you're so right!
maylo kin thank you 🙏🏻
she says
Oh crazy "Majnon ", which is an adjective, not a person's name
you are not mine
She doesn't say Laila's name
"Lia" you are not mine
No she's saying ( يا مجنون مش انا ليلى )
Ya Majnoon mish ana Layla
Referring to the Arabic classical love story of ( Majnoon and Layla) 😑
That's absolutely beautiful song I love it .
I love ARABIC Andalusia MUSIC ♥️
Hola. Yo soy argentina y nieta de sirios. tuve la posibilidad y el regalo de Dios de conocer España. Además de la belleza de sus paisajes y lo interesante de su cultura, los españoles me parecen gente maravillosa. Como buena nieta de sirios fui a Granada a conocer la Alhambra y doy fe que les españoles se sienten orgullos de la mezcla de culturas. En mi paìs hay mucha corrupciòn, eso quiere decir que yo soy corrupta? Uno es bueno o malo porque es bueno o malo, no por su nacionalidad, religiòn sexo o color de piel, es hermoso poder compartir y enriquecerse de las diferencias del otro. Aprovecho para agradecerles a los españoles el càlido acogimineto en su paìs esas maravillosas vacaciones del 2013, Dios quiera que pueda volver pronto...
+Silvima Possenti Por eso se habla de España?
ella OS del cantante árabe
música árabe
España consiguió su música, la cultura de los árabes
eso es todo
Just enjoy that beautiful flamenco being performed by that great voice
Stop racial , political bullshit , please
respect from me
from me also💕
memphis slim
Понятно почему гаремы были. Такую красоту созерцать. Божественная красота и голос.
Hermoso,Bello. El sonido de las guitarras y la voz de la intérprete son extraordinarias
Jaime Castrmooo o
Buen cancion de buen chica.
que interpretacion que acompanamiento es tan bella como la vocalizasion
me encantaría poder tener más temas de ella, es maravillosa !!!!!!
Asalah means genuineness in Arabic. yes she is genuine and noble this Damascene artist who supports our revolution.
it is like a fusion between arabic music and spanish ..
Fun fact
Arabs ruled Spain and Portugal 800 years
01.05.2023 Very bautiful arabic
song. Thank you for the best song
and for the video.
Brava !! Woow, bravissima e pure belissima !!🌷🌷🌷💖💖💖..Bravoooooooo !!👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏..
Gracias por la mucica
Arabian beauty and rendition intoxicating..
Arabic music is the most melodius music in world. prove is arabic classics were played usually lasting around 1 hour.
La más bella melodía de mis ancestros.
La belleza y la melodia.. fucionadas en un solo sentido musical.. no hay palabras para calificar a la vocalista que le pone todo en el escenario... me encantaria que la subtitularan en español.. felicidades desde Guayaquik Ecuador....
Amazing Asalah. Thank you for your great talent.
WOW! Lively stuff! What an artist.
sure she is asala nasrri she is from the biggest singer in arabic
Assala first time I heard your lovely voice... you're beautiful too
une pure merveille de tout les temps , le paradi les freres ; une voix je te dis pas very Nice
Огоньком глаз окрыляет,веру в себя мужщинуудваивает.В ней самой здравий дух души.Спасибо тебе жрица вина и любви.
asala has a beautiful voice
اصالة الوطن العربي بمعني الكلمة 🤍🤍🤍🤍
Very beautiful music!
Don’t know what this women is saying but she can surely sing. Wow. You go girl.
As an Israeli with Sephardic roots who emigrated to Morocco in 1492 and we lived together Arabs, Christians and Jews for most of the years in peace, and we all enjoy this Andalusian music. Does anyone know the name of the wonderful singer?
Assala nassri she’s from Syria , I’m also Moroccan ✋👋
Free Palestine 🇵🇸
Da frumoasa mai este si mare cintareata !inzestrata de dumnezeu !
*Arabic language and music is such a Romantic music.....You cant deny it....Its like honey....Will you say its no sweet??*
Linda a música Árabe!
Excellent vocal technique!!!
Israeli born of proud Sefardi Castilian family roots in Toledo Spain where we lived 400 years in peace with the Arabs, I love this music. Too bad hate and bloodshed has replaced coexistence as culturally we are one.
❤ اصالة العشق دائما مع الملحفة الشاوية الجزائرية 🎉❤
I love the sound it started like johnny guitar,
Asaala what a voice 💜