0:04 Kingdom of France 2:32 French Republic (First) 3:31 French Empire (First) 8:49 Kingdom of France (Bourbon) 11:09 Kingdom of the French 12:10 French Republic (Second) 14:22 French Empire (Second) 17:10 French Republic (Third) 19:45 French State 25:13 French Republic (Fourth-Fifth)
0:07 French Kingdom 2:32 First French Republic 3:32 French Empire 8:49 Bourbon Rostouration 11:10 July Monarchy 12:10 II French Republic 14:22 II French Empire 17:09 French Republic 19:44 Vichy France & 22:07 25:12 French Republic
History of France Provinces of France 77 - 1279 French Union 1279 - 1349 Colony of France 1349 - 1579 Voui of France 1579 - 1590 Kingdom of France 1590 - 1790 Government of France 1790 - 1795 French Republic 1795 - 1799 First French Empire 1799 - 1815 Buortoin Restoen 1815 - 1830 July Monarchy 1830 - 1848 Second French Republic 1848 - 1852 Second French Empire 1852 - 1870 Great French Empire 1870 - 1886 Greater French Empire 1886 - 1912 French Republic 1912 - 1940 Vichy France 1940 - 1944 Freedom France 1940 - 1944 France "2020"
Kingdom of France-1 First French Republic-2 First French Empire-3 Bourbon Restoration-4 July Monarchy-5 Second French Republic-6 Second French Empire-7 Third French Republic-8 Vichy France-9 Fourth & Fifth French Republic-10/11
Real history of France : Celtic Period Gallic Period Ist Roman Period Arvens State IInd Roman Period Gallic Empire IIIrd Roman Period Merovingian Dynasty Carolingian Dynasty Carolingian Empire West Francia Francia Capetian Dynasty Anjou Occupation Capetian Dynasty Valois Dynasty English Occupation Kingdom of France (Valois Dynasty) Kingdom of France (Bourbon Dynasty) Constitutionnal Kingdom of France (Bourbon Dynasty) Ist French Republic (National Assembly, Directory and Consulate) Ist French Empire Kingdom of France Restauration of French Empire Bourbon Restauration July Monarchy IInd French Republic IInd French Empire IIIrd French Republic Vichy State Provisional French Governement IVth French Republic Vth French Republic
@soldat du grand empire de Britannia sache que je suis français également et je peux t'affirmer que la première civilisation sur le territoire français était composée de tribus gauloises. Je me base sur la version la plus commune de l'histoire de france
@soldat du grand empire de Britannia je parle territorialement non ethniquement parlant. Si on se basait sur cela l'histoire de la france débuterait à l'avènement des Valois
@soldat du grand empire de Britannia en somme les francs saliens (clovis) étaient surtout germains. L'apparition des français est plus tardive mais oui elle vient du nord
Merci beaucoup pour vos recherches et partages. Fier d’être Français malgré toutes les guerres et invasions subies. Liberté. Égalité. Fraternité. Amitié. Sociabilité. Santé.
The map of the July Monarchy you showed was actually a map of the Frankish Empire, the same empire that was led by Charlemagne if I remember correctly.
0:04 French Kingdom 1590-1789 2:31 First French Republic 1795-1799 3:30 French Empire 1799-1815 8:48 Bourbon Restoration 1815-1830 11:08 July Monarchy 1830-1848 12:07 Second French Republic 1848-1852 14:17 Second French Empire 1852-1870 17:07 French Republic 1870-1940 19:42 Vichy France 1940-1944 25:10 French Republic 1944-Current
@I'M NOT CALIGULA'S HORSE. i never think Turkish people is want a hate to each other. I think they not bad. If you don't believe me Remember Turkey people want peaceful football match with Greece. .
@@ma.lizaantonettep.montalla498 figure toi que c'est vrai, mais ce n'est pas un défaut, a l'époque du royaume de France quand nous gagnons des batailles l'ennemi pour se rendre avait décidé d'attaquer un drapeau blanc symbole du Royaume de France pour les honoré et montré qu'il capituler. Et après c'est devenu le symbole de la défaite mais pour l'époque c'était honorifique pour la France. Après tout il y a ceux qui n'aime pas la France, et ceux qui connaissent son histoire.
Fanfiction Nerd I mean, Russia’s new Republic originally used the same anthem of the short-lived Russian Republic from 1917 in 1991 until Putin came, and that was a 74 year difference- I guess it was just because the original French Republic used it, so it was logical for them to use the same anthem to act as great as the republic that defended itself against all Europe.
Plus it is quite a "war anthem" that was used to rally revolutionnary troops , after the defeat in 1870 the french had to prepare the spirits for war and revenge. (which who happend in 1914)
Raven9 I would hardly call WW1 France’s revenge, France fought a Germany with no competent allies while France had Great Britain and the USA, in a one on one battle France would have had their teeth kicked in again.
@@TimeLord-rt7ku USA declared war in 1917, first troops arrived in end of 1917, and USA mobilised 2 M soldiers but only a million arrived in France and only 15 to 20% fought in first line. American troops became less invisible after the black thursday of the german army (mostly due to french army). The WWI is won mostly by France which received most of the impact during all the war and french troops were present on almost all front significantly : Africa, Middle East, Serbia, Italia (helped after the disaster of Caporetto), Romania (also saved by french troops from bolcheviks AFTER 1918 : France is the alone country to keep troops fighting during 4 to 5 years after armisitice and 3 to 4 years after the treaties : Romania, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Yougoslavia) ... No France, no win in WWI. Like in WWII, No USSR no win. USA has never been an important belligerant in WWI, hewas important but for other reasons : it was a full tank of resurces for France and her allies, the best thing americans brought to French in 1917 and 1918, they gave back moral to Frenchmen when they truly needed it, and that's not nothing, but saying USA was a main belligerant in 1914-1918 is totally wrong. (you shouldn't base your ideas about WWI on Battle Field 1, it's typically anglo-saxon to make a game based on WWI and not put France nor Russia in it, as if USA was the main participant and winner and France and Russia had not played the biggest role in allied camp ! ) To compare, in WWI, France mobilised 7,5 to 8 M soldiers, lost 1,4M KIA, about 4M injuried, excepted Russia, none of the allies lost more troops than France, Russia abandonned war due to a civil war (organised by Germans and they were not far to have a civil war in germany too because playing with the flames (communists) and you could well have the fire in your house).
history of France Francis 111 BC - 35 AC Roman France 35 AC - 479 Union of France 479 - 1391 State of France 1391 - 1590 Kingdom of France 1590 - 1649 French Kingdom 1649 - 1790 French Goverment 1790 - 1795 First French Republic 1795 - 1799 First French Empire 1799 - 1815 French Empire 1814 - 1815 Bourbon Restoration 1815 - 1830 July Monarchy 1830 - 1848 Second French Republic 1848 - 1852 Second French Empire 1852 - 1870 Third French Republic 1870 - 1940 Freedom France 1940 - 1944 Vichy France 1940 - 1944 France 1944 - NOW
French Kingdom 1590 - 1789 First French Republic 1790 - 1799 First French Empire 1799 - 1814 Bourbon Restoration 1814 - 1815 Hundred days France 1815 Bourbon Restoration 1815 - 1830 July Monarchy 1830 - 1848 Second French Republic 1848 - 1852 Second French Empire 1852 - 1870 Third French Republic 1870 - 1940 Vichy France 1940 - 1944 Free France 1944 - 1946 Fourth French Republic 1946 - 1958 Fifth French Republic 1958 present
11:42 I don't know too much about the July Monarchy, but i think you did the wrong map there, the map you did is of the Frankish Empire 14:35 Also with the Second French Empire. That is a map of the Gains of France after World War 1 . Not the Second French Empire
0:00: Kingdom of France (1590-1792): Vive Henri IV! -:--: Grand Dieu Sauve le Roi (1686-1792) 2:33: First French Republic (1792-1804): La Marseillaise. 3:33: First French Empire (1804-1815): Le Chant du Départ -:-- Veillions au salut de l'Empire (1809-1815) 8:49: Bourbon Restoration (1815-1830): Le Retour des Princes Français a Paris -:-- Chant de Jura (Vive le Roi) 11:10: July Monarchy (1830-1848): La Parisienne 12:12: Second French Republic (1848-1852): Le Chant des Girondins 14:22 Second French Empire (1852-1870): Partant Pour La Syrie 17:12: Third French Republic (1870-1940): La Marseillaise 19:45: Vichy France (1940-1944): La Marseillaise 22:22: Free France (1940-1944): Marechal, nous voila! 25:13: French Provisional Government (1944-1946), Fourth French Republic (1946-1958), Fifth French Republic (1958-Present): La Marseillaise.
I strongly agree, for me it goes like 1- First French Empire 2- July Monarchy 3- Second French Empire. I wish the Bonapartes or the Orleans come back one day...
The Real History of France East Francia 167 - 400 Francis 400 - 890 Frankish Kingdom 890 - 906 Frankish Empire 906 - 1001 State of France 1001 - 1032 Kingdom of France 1032 - 1590 French Kingdom 1590 - 1790 French Revolution 1790 - 1795 First French Republic 1795 - 1799 First French Empire 1799 - 1815 French Empire 1815 - 1815 Bourbon Restoration 1815 - 1830 July Monarchy 1830 - 1848 Second French Republic 1848 - 1852 Second French Empire 1852 - 1870 Third French Republic 1870 - 1940 Occupied France 1940 - 1944 Vichy France 1940 - 1944 Freedom France 1940 - 1944 French Republic 1944 - 1950 France 1950 - Present
Im fascinated that there was a probably person which lived through 9 frances in his lifetime, if he was born in 1780 and lived more than 90 years (dont forget the monarchy inbetween bourbon france and republic, it lasted from revolution itself until the king was killed, the flag was red white blue and king was only a figurehead)
history of france poland's republic of united kingdom of norway 1200 - 1245 yapan 1245 - 1256 italy republic of united arab republic of england and greenland 1256 - 1289 french union 1289 - 1506 china republic of norway 1506 - 1581 south korean of republic of korean union of france 1581 - 1590 french kingdom 1590 - 1756 french queendom 1756 - 1789 new france 1789 - 1789 first french republic 1789 - 1795 french empire 1795 - 1799 first french empire 1799 - 1803 second french republic 1803 - 1810 second french empire 1810 - 1835 third french republic 1835 - 1914 axis french republic 1914 - 1927 nazi france 1927 - 1938 fourth french republic 1938 - 1940 third french empire 1940 - 1942 axis nazi fiacst france 1942 - 1945 fourth french empire 1945 - 1998 french 1998 - 2007 fifth french republic 2007 - 2010 republic of france 2010 - 2017 france 2017 - 2019 - 2020 france 2017 - 2020
@@Frimpa-MJEB believe it or not, it technically wasn’t an empire until 1809. Napoleon still had the nation known as the “French Republic” well into his coronation
When you spend more time working on your anthem than a working government. It’s like spending more time on making the title to your paper than actually writing the paper
0:10 Royaume de France 2:34 Republic de Française 3:34 Imperative française 9:02 Bourbonnais Ferns 11:26 July Monarches 12:20 Second Française Republic 14:23 Second Française Imperative 17:12 Française Colonie Imperative 19:46 Vichy France 25:23 Française 5 Republic
French Kingdom 1590 - 1789 First French Republic 1790 - 1804 First French Empire 1804 - 1814 Bourbon Restoration 1814 - 1815 French Empire 1815 Bourbon Restoration 1815 - 1830 July Monarchy 1830 - 1848 Second French Republic 1848 - 1852 Second French Empire 1852 - 1870 Third French Republic 1870 - 1940 Vichy France 1940 - 1944 Free France 1944 - 1945 Fourth French Republic 1945 - 1958 Fifth French Republic 1958 present
🇫🇷 Nous étions le pays où la gloire étais inévitable. Notre empereur Napoléon, Jeanne d'Arc, de Gaulle, ... Désormais ce pays n'est plus rien à cause des parasites sociaux qui viennent grignoter la France à leur faim. Une faim immense que même la mentalité se fût détruire à cause de la nouvelle culture occidentale. Ma France, nous aimons pour toujours et ce que ta fais malgré les points négatif sur les colonies. Vive la France.
@@mei1610 voyons voir si quelqu'un arrivait chez toi, tuait ta famille et incendiait ta demeure en proclamant que désormais tous tes biens lui appartenait tu réagirais comment ?
@@tamanoir6474 ben ça n'as jamais été le cas, je vais rediriger ton exemple, admettons tu es un Alsacien heureux mais suite à la médiocre performances de l'armée de ton pays ton drapeau tricolore bleu blanc rouge deviens un drapeau noir blanc rouge, quel serait ta réaction? La colonisation n'est pas une appropriation, c'est juste une guerre, qu'ils ont perdu, on perd, on gagner mais vae victis
@@mei1610 non c'est plus complexe que ça enfaite ton exemple marche que sur l'Algérie avec la prise d'Alger mais regarde la colonisation en Asie ou en Afrique la plupart du temps y avait même pas de guerre, les européens débarquaient, prenaient les terres et implantaient des colons...etc Rajoute également les massacres (Namibie, Congo, Algérie), les délimitations administratives catastrophiques qui ont séparé des peuples entiers et qui ont participé à l'instabilité en Afrique et au Moyen Orient bah la colonisation est un acte barbare.
History of France French Union 477 - 907 French Republic of Unions 907 - 1467 Dutch Republic of France 1467 - 1546 French Empirical Republic 1546 - 1569 Kingdom of French Republics 1569 - 1590 French Kingdom 1590 - 1790 Grand Dutche of France 1790 - 1795 1st French Republic 1795 - 1799 French Empire 1799 - 1815 Bontourn Restosein 1815 - 1830 July Monchrey 1830 - 1848 French Republic 1848 - 1850 1st French Empire 1850 - 1852 2nd French Republic 1852 - 1870 2nd French Empire 1870 - 1886 3rd French Empire 1886 - 1913 4th French Empire 1913 - 1919 3rd French Republic 1919 - 1940 Vichy France 1940 - 1945 French Restoreain 1940 - 1946 French Republiilva 1940 - 1946 France 1946 - 2020 French Republic 2020 France "2020"
@@hendrikdependrik1891 Rosbeef When will you admit that we French people have the greatest number of military victories in the world, that our generals, our armies and our marshals have dominated all of Europe for several centuries? Remember how Louis XIV humiliated England to attack the Netherlands under Guillaume d'Orange. Remember during WWII, when the British army fled Dunkerque, from the Germans army, cowardly abandoning their allies. The white flag of the French monarchical restoration represents all that there is more pure. The white of royalty, the lys of the monarchy . Remember Jeanne d'Arc
Pour le Régime de Vichy vous vous êtes trompés d'hymne : La Marseillaise était très rarement jouée mais c'est "L'Hymne au Maréchal"... Beaucoup de confusions dans cette vidéo quand même...
@@x-a- thats true historically, but you gotta admit you found the inside joke funny. XD because of that flag France has been branded with the stereotype of "We surrender in wars everytime"
@@grimmthrashr1035 No that's the flag during the bourbon Restauration : upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/12/Royal_flag_of_France_during_the_Bourbon_Restoration.svg/1280px-Royal_flag_of_France_during_the_Bourbon_Restoration.svg.png And no, that's not because of that flag the the French surrender stereotype come from but from France refusing to join the US stupid war in Irak un 2003, USA decided to start making anti French propaganda (French Bashing)
*Vive Henri IV! ( 1590-1789) and (1815-1830)* _Vive Henri quarte Vive ce Roy valliant ,Ce diable à quarte A le triple talent De Boire Et d'être un vert galant De boire et de battre Et d'être un vert galant. Au diable guerres , Racunes et partis! Comme noc pères Chantons en vrais amis, Au choc des verres, Les roses et les lys. Au choc des verres, Les roses et les lys. Chantons I'antienne Qu'on chantera dans mille ans; Que Dieu maintienne Ex paix ses descendants Jusqu’à ce qu’on prenne La Lune avec les dents. Jusqu’à ce qu’on prenne, La L’une avec les dents. Viva La France! Vive Le roy Henri! Qu’à Reims on danse En distant comme Paris: Viva la France! Vive Le Roy Henri! Viva La France Viva Le Roy Henri!_ *La Marseillaise ( 1795-1799) ,(1792-Present), (1870-1940), and (1944-Present)also anthem of Vichy France ( Maréchal nous voilà is the anthem for Vichy France) FULL VERSION* _Allons! Enfants de la Patrie! Le Jour de gloire est arrivé! Contre nous de la tyrannies ,l’étendard sanglant est levé! L’étendard sanglant est levé! Entendez vous dans les compagnes, mugir ces féroces soldats? Ils viennent jusque dans vos bras, egorger vos fils, vos compagnes. Aux Armes citoyens! Formez vos battalions! Marchez, Marchez! Qu'un sang impur, abreuve nos sillons! Aux arms citoyens! Formez vos battalions! Marchons, Marchons, Qu'un sang impur, abreuve nos sillons!_ _Amour sacré de la Patrie, conduis soutiens nos bras venguers! Liberté! Liberté chérie, combats avec tes défenseurs! Combats avec tes défenseurs! Sous nos drapeaux que la victoire accoure à tes mâles accents! Que nos ennemis expirants, voient ton triomphe et notre gloire! Aux arms citoyens! Formez vos battalions! Marchez, Marchez Qu'un sang impur abreuve nos sillons! Aux arms citoyens! Formez vos battalions! Marchons, Marchons! Qu'un sang impur abreuve nos sillons!_ _Tremblez, tyrans et vous perfides, L’opprobre det tous les partis. Tremblez! Vos projets parricides, vont enfin recevoir leur prix! Vont enfin recevoir leur prix! Tout est soldat pour vous combattre, s`ils tombent, nos jeunes héros, La terre en produira de noveaux contre vous , tous , prêts à se battre! Aux armes, citoyens! Formez vos battalions! Marchez, Marchez! Qu'un sang impur, abreuve nos sillons! Aux armes citoyens! Formez vos battalions! Marchons , Marchons! Qu'un sang impur! Abreuve nos sillons_ ! *Marechal, nous vouila! ( Unofficial ) ( 1940-1944)* _ Une flamme sacrée Monte du sol natal Et la France enivrée Te salute, Maréchal! Tous tes enfants qui t’aiment Et vénèrent tes ans A ton appel suprême Ont Présent Maréchal, nous voilà Devant toi, le sauveur de la France Nous jurons, nous, tes gars De servir et de suivre tes pas Maréchal, nous voilà! Tu nous as reddone l’espérance La patrie renaîtra! Maréchal, maréchal, nous voilà! Quand ta voix nous répète Afin de nous unir: Français levons la tête, Regardons L'avenir! Nous, brandissant la toile Du drapeau immortel, Dans l'or de tes étoiles, Nous voyons luire un ciel: Maréchal, nous voilà! Devant toi, le sauveur of France nous jurons, nous, tes gars De servir et de suivre tes pas Maréchal, Nous Voilà! Tu nous as redonné l’espérance La patrie renaîtra_ ! Maréchal, nous voilà! *Le Chant Du Départ (1799-1815)* _La Victoire en chantant Nous ouvre la barrière. La liberté guide nos pas. Et du Nord au Midi La trompette guerrière A sonné l'heure des combats. Tremblez ennemis de la France Rois ivres de sang et d’orgueil. Le peuple souverain s’avance, Tyrans descendez au cercueil! La République nous appelle Sachons vaincre ou sachons périr Un Français doit vivre pour elle Pour elle un Français doit mourir. Un Français doit vivre pour elle Pour elle un Français doit mourir! Que le fer paternel armé la main des braves; Songez à nous au champ de Mars; Consacrez dans le sang des rois et des enclaves Le fer béni par vos vieillards; Et, rapportant sous la chaumière Des blessures et des vertus, Venez fermer notre paupière Quand les tyrans ne seront plus. La République nous appelle Sachons vaincre ou sachons périr Un Français doit vivre pour elle Pour elle un Français doit mourir. Un Français doit vivre pour elle Pour elle un Français doit mourrir. De Barra, de Viala le sort nous fait envie; Ils sont morts, mais ils ont vaincu. Le lâche accablé d'ans n'a point connu la vie: Qui meurt pour le peuple a vécu. Vous êtes vaillants, nous le sommes: Guidez-nous contre les tyrans; Les républicains sont des hommes, Les esclaves sont des enfants. La Republique nous appelle Sachons vaincre ou sachons périr Un Français doit vivre pour elle Pour elle Français doit mourir. Un Français doit vivre pour elle Pour elle Français doit mourir_ ! *Partant Pour La Syrie ( De Facto anthem 1852-1870)* _Partant la pour Syrie,Le jeune at beau Dunois, Venait prier Marie, De bénir ses exploits: Faites, Reine Immortelle,Lui dit-il en partant , Que j’aime , j’aime la plus belle Et sois le plus valiant. Que J’aime, j’aime la plus belle Et sois le plus vaillant Il trace sur la pierre Le serment de l’honneur, Et va suivre à la guerre Le comte son seigneur; Au noble vœu fidèle, Il dit en combattant: Amour, amour à la plus belle,Honneur au plus vaillant. Amour, amour à la plus belle,Honneur au plus vaillant. On lui doit la Victoire. Vraiment, dit le seigneur; Puisque tu fais ma gloire Je ferai ton bonheur De ma fille Isabelle, Sois l’Epoux a l’instant, Car elle, car elle est la plus belle,Et toi le plus vaillant. Car elle. , car elle est La plus belle, Et toi le plus vaillant!_
Kingdom of France: I Rule you drool. Russian Empire: you can shove ur baguettes up ur butt. (Later) 3rd French Republic: Help me Russia. Russian Empire: No. 3rd French Republic: Pleaaaaase. Russian Empire: Finnnnnnnnnne
0:04 Kingdom of France
2:32 French Republic (First)
3:31 French Empire (First)
8:49 Kingdom of France (Bourbon)
11:09 Kingdom of the French
12:10 French Republic (Second)
14:22 French Empire (Second)
17:10 French Republic (Third)
19:45 French State
25:13 French Republic (Fourth-Fifth)
Thanks Comrade
Thanks dictator 😰
Thx Yank ;)
thx dictator yank
Thanks stalin
0:07 French Kingdom
2:32 First French Republic
3:32 French Empire
8:49 Bourbon Rostouration
11:10 July Monarchy
12:10 II French Republic
14:22 II French Empire
17:09 French Republic
19:44 Vichy France & 22:07
25:12 French Republic
Bourbon flag is no joke
Why he not play Nazi occupid French anthem?
@Random Troll in the comments But this channel also play countries that have invasion/occupation history with their occupier anthem.
History of France
Provinces of France 77 - 1279
French Union 1279 - 1349
Colony of France 1349 - 1579
Voui of France 1579 - 1590
Kingdom of France 1590 - 1790
Government of France 1790 - 1795
French Republic 1795 - 1799
First French Empire 1799 - 1815
Buortoin Restoen 1815 - 1830
July Monarchy 1830 - 1848
Second French Republic 1848 - 1852
Second French Empire 1852 - 1870
Great French Empire 1870 - 1886
Greater French Empire 1886 - 1912
French Republic 1912 - 1940
Vichy France 1940 - 1944
Freedom France 1940 - 1944
France "2020"
Kingdom of France-1
First French Republic-2
First French Empire-3
Bourbon Restoration-4
July Monarchy-5
Second French Republic-6
Second French Empire-7
Third French Republic-8
Vichy France-9
Fourth & Fifth French Republic-10/11
The French Kingdoms anthem is so underrated it hurts, damn it slaps
Tsar Alexander Made all the way through Paris
Because this is not the best version of this anthem
@@lebronjeyms3648 why didnt he stay?
@@deadringer1009 yesn't
the lyrics are weird for a national anthem in that it trashes the founder of the regime
Everyone: What do you have france?
France: I have the Nice city.
France : we have nice city
Germany: That's why we ruled there
3:30 The French empire was really good Anthem
im french and im not agree
foxy de fnaf I actually think it sounds good
@@foxydefnaf3206 a Frenchie and a fnaf pfp, I don't think these 2 negatives make a positive.
I liked the first one the most he sounds so funny.
Chant du depart is it's name
Most relaxing and calming out of all the anthems
Heil D. Pedro I!
The irony too because the era taking place within the July Monarchy was the opposite of calming
@@ierburi5471 Pedro I is bad,
Hail Pedro II
@@ierburi5471 thankyou!!!
Real history of France :
Celtic Period
Gallic Period
Ist Roman Period
Arvens State
IInd Roman Period
Gallic Empire
IIIrd Roman Period
Merovingian Dynasty
Carolingian Dynasty
Carolingian Empire
West Francia
Capetian Dynasty
Anjou Occupation
Capetian Dynasty
Valois Dynasty
English Occupation
Kingdom of France (Valois Dynasty)
Kingdom of France (Bourbon Dynasty)
Constitutionnal Kingdom of France (Bourbon Dynasty)
Ist French Republic (National Assembly, Directory and Consulate)
Ist French Empire
Kingdom of France
Restauration of French Empire
Bourbon Restauration
July Monarchy
IInd French Republic
IInd French Empire
IIIrd French Republic
Vichy State
Provisional French Governement
IVth French Republic
Vth French Republic
@@MrRobertRue not free france
@soldat du grand empire de Britannia sache que je suis français également et je peux t'affirmer que la première civilisation sur le territoire français était composée de tribus gauloises. Je me base sur la version la plus commune de l'histoire de france
@soldat du grand empire de Britannia je parle territorialement non ethniquement parlant. Si on se basait sur cela l'histoire de la france débuterait à l'avènement des Valois
@soldat du grand empire de Britannia en somme les francs saliens (clovis) étaient surtout germains. L'apparition des français est plus tardive mais oui elle vient du nord
it is perfect that the Vichy French State anthem starts at 19:45
Lol this anthem was found in 1945
It's a mistake though. The Vichy anthem actually starts at 22:07
Still funny though
That means real Vichy France started in 1945?
UA-cam: Historical Anthem Of France
I know about french language but almost
France:Merci beaucoup grettings from France 🇫🇷❤️❤️❤️❤️
My grandmother was French
@@DaSniper406 nice
I’m Mongol but great-great grandparents from Russia 🇷🇺
Bourbon restoration is the most beautiful anthem ever! Thank you Tchaikovsky for this awesome version! Long live to the King Louis XX.
Ресторация Бурбонов была за ранее ужасным решением.
@@ЯгорЧарноў Haha restaurant
it actually is the same as the kingdom of France, just without the lyrics.
the best one is le chant du depart.
25:12 La Marseillais Red Army Chior [Soviet Union] Version
The starting sound much better
No wonder they sounded russian
Worker's Marseillaise
Soviet Onion
0:04 maximilien robespierre disliked this song
Doesn't sound that good anyway. British and Spanish had better music.
@@roskcity Maybe because this song was created in the 16th-17th century?
This music is way old.
0:05 is great for me somehow
@@roskcity nah
Merci beaucoup pour vos recherches et partages.
Fier d’être Français malgré toutes les guerres et invasions subies.
Liberté. Égalité. Fraternité. Amitié. Sociabilité. Santé.
The map of the July Monarchy you showed was actually a map of the Frankish Empire, the same empire that was led by Charlemagne if I remember correctly.
Almost all of the maps in this video are false or incomplete except for the Vichy regime and the 4th and 5th republic and the 2nd empire.
@@Bracus.Reghusk the 2nd empire is incorrect as well
What about the flag? Is the flag correct?
@@YuRiSunga yes it correct
The bourbon restoration one is named
"Le retour des princes français à Paris"
Using the melody of "Marche Henri iv"
That is some interesting shit
@@笨蛋-p1f yeah man not gonna lie
indeed @interesting shit
Because "marche henri iv" is the anthem during the bourbon monarchy and "le retour des princes...." is the bourbon restoration.
@@mrkslva4231 true
0:04 French Kingdom 1590-1789
2:31 First French Republic 1795-1799
3:30 French Empire 1799-1815
8:48 Bourbon Restoration 1815-1830
11:08 July Monarchy 1830-1848
12:07 Second French Republic 1848-1852
14:17 Second French Empire 1852-1870
17:07 French Republic 1870-1940
19:42 Vichy France 1940-1944
25:10 French Republic 1944-Current
First french republic 1792-1804
First french empire 1804-1814-1815
@@cleristonnaylon7378 nope
@@idklmaoooooooooooooooooooooooo yes he's right
@@ommsterlitz1805 You are late
@@idklmaoooooooooooooooooooooooo A wizard is never late, nor is he early. He arrives precisely when he means to.
0:05 French Kingdom 1590 - 1793
2:32 1st French Republic 1795 - 1799
3:31 Napoleon (1st french Empire) 1799 - 1815
8:49 Bourbon Restoration 1815 - 1830
11:09 July Monarchy 1830 - 1848
12:10 2nd French Republic 1848 - 1852
14:22 2nd French Empire 1852 - 1870
17:10 3rd French Republic 1870 - 1940
19:45 Vichy France 1940 - 1942
Nazi Germany 1942 - 1944
25:13 4th French Republic "1944"
Actually Comrade, we French, are in the 5th Republic system since Charles DeGaulle Election
The first french empire did not start in 1799, it was in 1804.
@@NB-or8rs i get it but why it says 1799 - 1815
@@Presentive because the guy who made the video doesn’t know any better
That 1945 in Vichy France Looks Sus
they help us in the izmir earthquake
love and respect from Turkey
@I'M NOT CALIGULA'S HORSE. i never think Turkish people is want a hate to each other.
I think they not bad. If you don't believe me Remember Turkey people want peaceful football match with Greece. .
Merci beaucoup 🇫🇷❤️🇹🇷
@I'M NOT CALIGULA'S HORSE. government threated france 1 time cause of Macron allows pictures that makes our prophet bad
@I'M NOT CALIGULA'S HORSE. They are the Turks you're talking about, ofc they say stuff like that.
Yasa mustafa lemuiqa shalasha
Wow the Bourbon Kingdom of France has an incredible and very complex flag, my personal favorite.
Its like a surrender flag
@@ma.lizaantonettep.montalla498 learn histrory please. And what is your country ?
@@ma.lizaantonettep.montalla498 figure toi que c'est vrai, mais ce n'est pas un défaut, a l'époque du royaume de France quand nous gagnons des batailles l'ennemi pour se rendre avait décidé d'attaquer un drapeau blanc symbole du Royaume de France pour les honoré et montré qu'il capituler.
Et après c'est devenu le symbole de la défaite mais pour l'époque c'était honorifique pour la France.
Après tout il y a ceux qui n'aime pas la France, et ceux qui connaissent son histoire.
25:12 the most amazing version of La Marseillaise I've ever heard
Its sung by the Red Army of the Soviet Union.
@@kaiserwilhelmii5109 imagine Lenin use this anthem instead of the internationale
@@JampingVan The Russian Republic actually used this anthem and changed it to Worker's Marseillaise
@@JampingVan They did for a time and Russian anthem is greatly inspired by it
Napoleon has the best anthem
I agree as a french
Which one? I or III?
@@julymonarchy7341 Good question but let's simply state that the bronze medal isn't in the list of great conquers owo
@ayden cool dude Napoleon destroyed serfdom and old monarchies system forever not only HRE
Napoleon anthem is good than God save the king.
Teacher: we are going on a trip to France 🇫🇷
Girls: OMG so romantic
Me and da Bois: 25:12
Adalard Richter That’s the Red Army Choir that’s singing.
More like 2:31
@@czechoslovakia7199 more like this 17:32
@@balaearom7331 wtf strange anthem looks like french anthem in 1200
Vive Napoléon 1er empereur des français!!!🇫🇷🇫🇷🇫🇷
le 1er empereur était charlemagne
@@aayhanfett894 Charlemagne était Empereur de Franks 🇫🇷🇩🇪.
La France n'existait pas encore
Teacher: So I hope you remembered we are going to France
Girls: I heard there a such cute boys
The boys: 26:01
The First French Empire anthem freaking slaps
The one by Duke of Canada is better
0:07 how you get this version
is called vive roi henri
@@tontschsven9480 thx
« Vive Henri IV »
@@labaguette3740 yeah
The anthem on 3:32 is like the version from @ Ianbedwick and @norwegianbaron
Le Chant du Dèpart?
3:32 back when France was feared by many European countries
Yup because of Napoleon Bonaparte
@Adalard Richter lol others have nukes like Russia and America commonly
France was beaten after seven coalitions :)
@Adalard Richter I agree. Militarily they are probably the hardest to take down in Europe today. They have learned from their mistakes lmao
@@galaxyred7 If we exept russia yes they've the strongest military " on the paper "
3:30 is really good one
Yess boyy
Oui les amis
The empire anthem is quite representative of the regime itself, impressive but with quite violent lyrics 😊
The map you show for the French Empire is a map of the provinces of the Kingdom of France
#8:57 Very creative flag.
@Adolf Hitler xd
Perfect flag for france
Real flag XDXD
Im writing write
The last one was the version of the Soviet Union Red Army Choir
I’m just impressed that in 1870 they decided to use an anthem that hadn’t been used for 71 years, that doesn’t make sense to me.
Fanfiction Nerd I mean, Russia’s new Republic originally used the same anthem of the short-lived Russian Republic from 1917 in 1991 until Putin came, and that was a 74 year difference- I guess it was just because the original French Republic used it, so it was logical for them to use the same anthem to act as great as the republic that defended itself against all Europe.
Plus it is quite a "war anthem" that was used to rally revolutionnary troops , after the defeat in 1870 the french had to prepare the spirits for war and revenge. (which who happend in 1914)
Raven9 I would hardly call WW1 France’s revenge, France fought a Germany with no competent allies while France had Great Britain and the USA, in a one on one battle France would have had their teeth kicked in again.
@@TimeLord-rt7ku euh no usa lmao. You did nothing it's france and great britain plus russia
@@TimeLord-rt7ku USA declared war in 1917, first troops arrived in end of 1917, and USA mobilised 2 M soldiers but only a million arrived in France and only 15 to 20% fought in first line. American troops became less invisible after the black thursday of the german army (mostly due to french army). The WWI is won mostly by France which received most of the impact during all the war and french troops were present on almost all front significantly : Africa, Middle East, Serbia, Italia (helped after the disaster of Caporetto), Romania (also saved by french troops from bolcheviks AFTER 1918 : France is the alone country to keep troops fighting during 4 to 5 years after armisitice and 3 to 4 years after the treaties : Romania, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Yougoslavia) ... No France, no win in WWI. Like in WWII, No USSR no win. USA has never been an important belligerant in WWI, hewas important but for other reasons : it was a full tank of resurces for France and her allies, the best thing americans brought to French in 1917 and 1918, they gave back moral to Frenchmen when they truly needed it, and that's not nothing, but saying USA was a main belligerant in 1914-1918 is totally wrong. (you shouldn't base your ideas about WWI on Battle Field 1, it's typically anglo-saxon to make a game based on WWI and not put France nor Russia in it, as if USA was the main participant and winner and France and Russia had not played the biggest role in allied camp ! )
To compare, in WWI, France mobilised 7,5 to 8 M soldiers, lost 1,4M KIA, about 4M injuried, excepted Russia, none of the allies lost more troops than France, Russia abandonned war due to a civil war (organised by Germans and they were not far to have a civil war in germany too because playing with the flames (communists) and you could well have the fire in your house).
The pattern of France having a kingdom then a republic then an empire two times is cool.
French history likes to go back and forth sometimes
history of France
Francis 111 BC - 35 AC
Roman France 35 AC - 479
Union of France 479 - 1391
State of France 1391 - 1590
Kingdom of France 1590 - 1649
French Kingdom 1649 - 1790
French Goverment 1790 - 1795
First French Republic 1795 - 1799
First French Empire 1799 - 1815
French Empire 1814 - 1815
Bourbon Restoration 1815 - 1830
July Monarchy 1830 - 1848
Second French Republic 1848 - 1852
Second French Empire 1852 - 1870
Third French Republic 1870 - 1940
Freedom France 1940 - 1944
Vichy France 1940 - 1944
France 1944 - NOW
Roman france is gaulic kingdoms. Before Rome it was the gaul tribes.
Actually, there has been two constitusions of France since 1944. The Fourth Republic 1947-1958 and Fifth Republic since 1958.
French Kingdom 1590 - 1789
First French Republic 1790 - 1799
First French Empire 1799 - 1814
Bourbon Restoration 1814 - 1815
Hundred days France 1815
Bourbon Restoration 1815 - 1830
July Monarchy 1830 - 1848
Second French Republic 1848 - 1852
Second French Empire 1852 - 1870
Third French Republic 1870 - 1940
Vichy France 1940 - 1944
Free France 1944 - 1946
Fourth French Republic 1946 - 1958
Fifth French Republic 1958 present
The map of Second Empire was the map of France in 1914,not in 1870.
11:42 I don't know too much about the July Monarchy, but i think you did the wrong map there, the map you did is of the Frankish Empire
14:35 Also with the Second French Empire. That is a map of the Gains of France after World War 1 . Not the Second French Empire
A big part of the maps aren't really correct, but I think that don't make sens.
It's true the map does look like Francia on 11:42
Are u sure map for july Monarchy wasnt the French Empire
The French empire controlled more territory including all of Slovenia, Italy (except sicily) and Germany (except Prussia)
2nd French Empire was True... see and why theres no Russian Republic or Bolsheviks? And theres only Russian Empire on it?
It’s all fun in games till dr. guillotine invents a new way of execution
Wait, Qing dynasty? Didn’t you fall apart to the RoC in 1912?
He or she did indeed
Go he was a doctor? Seems a bit hypocritical
@Countryball sure. Dibs on shanghai!
I. Will. Steal. Your. Spice.
0:00: Kingdom of France (1590-1792): Vive Henri IV!
-:--: Grand Dieu Sauve le Roi (1686-1792)
2:33: First French Republic (1792-1804): La Marseillaise.
3:33: First French Empire (1804-1815): Le Chant du Départ
-:-- Veillions au salut de l'Empire (1809-1815)
8:49: Bourbon Restoration (1815-1830): Le Retour des Princes Français a Paris
-:-- Chant de Jura (Vive le Roi)
11:10: July Monarchy (1830-1848): La Parisienne
12:12: Second French Republic (1848-1852): Le Chant des Girondins
14:22 Second French Empire (1852-1870): Partant Pour La Syrie
17:12: Third French Republic (1870-1940): La Marseillaise
19:45: Vichy France (1940-1944): La Marseillaise
22:22: Free France (1940-1944): Marechal, nous voila!
25:13: French Provisional Government (1944-1946), Fourth French Republic (1946-1958), Fifth French Republic (1958-Present): La Marseillaise.
Correction: free france: La Marseillaise
Vichy france: marechal nous voila
@@xOshiageMan The video was mistaken. Yes, Free France did use La Marseillaise, but so did Vichy France.
Bourbon restauration the best, giving hope
First Empire 1804-1814. C'est le consulat qui a dirigé la France de 1799 à 1804
@Germanien Empirie Is Napoléon in First Consul
the french empire was actually established in 1804
Only 1800’s kids remember these masterpieces.
American table has foods and/or drinks
French tables has sliced heads
The july monarchy and the two empires was the best of france
Ageeed, though the second empire was far ahead the best of them all
I strongly agree, for me it goes like
1- First French Empire
2- July Monarchy
3- Second French Empire.
I wish the Bonapartes or the Orleans come back one day...
First French Empire anthem is beautiful
The first one’s music is kinda good ngl. It’s surprising how we even have this anthem still
The actual anthem of First French Empire was Veillons au Salut de l'empire. Le Chant de depart as far as I know was the anthem during Consulate era.
The Real History of France
East Francia 167 - 400
Francis 400 - 890
Frankish Kingdom 890 - 906
Frankish Empire 906 - 1001
State of France 1001 - 1032
Kingdom of France 1032 - 1590
French Kingdom 1590 - 1790
French Revolution 1790 - 1795
First French Republic 1795 - 1799
First French Empire 1799 - 1815
French Empire 1815 - 1815
Bourbon Restoration 1815 - 1830
July Monarchy 1830 - 1848
Second French Republic 1848 - 1852
Second French Empire 1852 - 1870
Third French Republic 1870 - 1940
Occupied France 1940 - 1944
Vichy France 1940 - 1944
Freedom France 1940 - 1944
French Republic 1944 - 1950
France 1950 - Present
East Francia became the HRE, France was West Francia
Real history but the first half come from your imagination...
Merci beaucoup from France ❤️❤️❤️
Im fascinated that there was a probably person which lived through 9 frances in his lifetime, if he was born in 1780 and lived more than 90 years (dont forget the monarchy inbetween bourbon france and republic, it lasted from revolution itself until the king was killed, the flag was red white blue and king was only a figurehead)
Came for 17:30 and 22:15
Me too haha LOL
history of france
poland's republic of united kingdom of norway 1200 - 1245
yapan 1245 - 1256
italy republic of united arab republic of england and greenland 1256 - 1289
french union 1289 - 1506
china republic of norway 1506 - 1581
south korean of republic of korean union of france 1581 - 1590
french kingdom 1590 - 1756
french queendom 1756 - 1789
new france 1789 - 1789
first french republic 1789 - 1795
french empire 1795 - 1799
first french empire 1799 - 1803
second french republic 1803 - 1810
second french empire 1810 - 1835
third french republic 1835 - 1914
axis french republic 1914 - 1927
nazi france 1927 - 1938
fourth french republic 1938 - 1940
third french empire 1940 - 1942
axis nazi fiacst france 1942 - 1945
fourth french empire 1945 - 1998
french 1998 - 2007
fifth french republic 2007 - 2010
republic of france 2010 - 2017
france 2017 - 2019 - 2020
france 2017 - 2020
@@theresabryant2291 Nice joke 😄
Theresa Bryant *f r e n c h q u e e n d o m*
@@robertotheburrito6503 *QUEENDOOM OUIS*
Gloire à Napoléon notre unique empereur.
Vive le Roi et notre Vierge Souveraine.
The French Empire wasn’t created until Napoleon was crowned emperor in 1804
Eliseo Martinez
France was de-facto under Napoleon’s control since 1799
@@fahoodie1852 Yes, ... it wasn't the Empire, but the Consulate. Napoleon was 1st Consul of France and had 2 pro-consuls.
But technically Napoleon was ruler of France since 1799
@@michaelpocci1876 But technically it wasn't an empire until 1804.
@@Frimpa-MJEB believe it or not, it technically wasn’t an empire until 1809. Napoleon still had the nation known as the “French Republic” well into his coronation
3:32 coalition : why i heard boss music ?
17:10 i love how after many years the French said “let’s get OG France back”
First one with the drunk man singing was the best
imagine if they used do you hear the people singing as their anthem
2:38 l am French and *it is 1792-1802
French With Korean Coat of arms?
Ah mais you are french
Bonjour les amis
Quebec should be also independent as a second French country in North America.
yes! we are so lonely in north america..
The capital would still be Quebec City. Largest city would be Montreal itself
When you spend more time working on your anthem than a working government. It’s like spending more time on making the title to your paper than actually writing the paper
Funny when we know France had a very complete political system
The first anthem was my favorite
To the guillotine
Viva La France!
Vive la roi henri
@@아돌프히틀러-o7w A Korean that's in love with Germany? Seems legit.
0:10 Royaume de France
2:34 Republic de Française
3:34 Imperative française
9:02 Bourbonnais Ferns
11:26 July Monarches
12:20 Second Française Republic
14:23 Second Française Imperative
17:12 Française Colonie Imperative
19:46 Vichy France
25:23 Française 5 Republic
Flag for First French Republic is kinda wrong. The flag was flipped over. They initially flew it with the red on the left and the blue on the right.
French Kingdom 1590 - 1789
First French Republic 1790 - 1804
First French Empire 1804 - 1814
Bourbon Restoration 1814 - 1815
French Empire 1815
Bourbon Restoration 1815 - 1830
July Monarchy 1830 - 1848
Second French Republic 1848 - 1852
Second French Empire 1852 - 1870
Third French Republic 1870 - 1940
Vichy France 1940 - 1944
Free France 1944 - 1945
Fourth French Republic 1945 - 1958
Fifth French Republic 1958 present
🇫🇷 Nous étions le pays où la gloire étais inévitable. Notre empereur Napoléon, Jeanne d'Arc, de Gaulle, ... Désormais ce pays n'est plus rien à cause des parasites sociaux qui viennent grignoter la France à leur faim. Une faim immense que même la mentalité se fût détruire à cause de la nouvelle culture occidentale. Ma France, nous aimons pour toujours et ce que ta fais malgré les points négatif sur les colonies. Vive la France.
Oui mon pote
Pourquoi les colonies seraient un point négatif?
@@mei1610 voyons voir si quelqu'un arrivait chez toi, tuait ta famille et incendiait ta demeure en proclamant que désormais tous tes biens lui appartenait tu réagirais comment ?
@@tamanoir6474 ben ça n'as jamais été le cas, je vais rediriger ton exemple, admettons tu es un Alsacien heureux mais suite à la médiocre performances de l'armée de ton pays ton drapeau tricolore bleu blanc rouge deviens un drapeau noir blanc rouge, quel serait ta réaction?
La colonisation n'est pas une appropriation, c'est juste une guerre, qu'ils ont perdu, on perd, on gagner mais vae victis
@@mei1610 non c'est plus complexe que ça enfaite ton exemple marche que sur l'Algérie avec la prise d'Alger mais regarde la colonisation en Asie ou en Afrique la plupart du temps y avait même pas de guerre, les européens débarquaient, prenaient les terres et implantaient des colons...etc Rajoute également les massacres (Namibie, Congo, Algérie), les délimitations administratives catastrophiques qui ont séparé des peuples entiers et qui ont participé à l'instabilité en Afrique et au Moyen Orient bah la colonisation est un acte barbare.
Napoleon's anthem really fucking slaps.
Because he slapped Europe for 30 years straight
People come for 3:30
Me : 2:32
Me 00:06
History of France
French Union 477 - 907
French Republic of Unions 907 - 1467
Dutch Republic of France 1467 - 1546
French Empirical Republic 1546 - 1569
Kingdom of French Republics 1569 - 1590
French Kingdom 1590 - 1790
Grand Dutche of France 1790 - 1795
1st French Republic 1795 - 1799
French Empire 1799 - 1815
Bontourn Restosein 1815 - 1830
July Monchrey 1830 - 1848
French Republic 1848 - 1850
1st French Empire 1850 - 1852
2nd French Republic 1852 - 1870
2nd French Empire 1870 - 1886
3rd French Empire 1886 - 1913
4th French Empire 1913 - 1919
3rd French Republic 1919 - 1940
Vichy France 1940 - 1945
French Restoreain 1940 - 1946
French Republiilva 1940 - 1946
France 1946 - 2020
French Republic 2020
France "2020"
@@godsalcicha3154 I know
Someone was a bit drunk
Real and true France 17:09
Real and true flag of France 9:00
@@hendrikdependrik1891 lol what
@@hendrikdependrik1891 Rosbeef
When will you admit that we French people have the greatest number of military victories in the world, that our generals, our armies and our marshals have dominated all of Europe for several centuries?
Remember how Louis XIV humiliated England to attack the Netherlands under Guillaume d'Orange.
Remember during WWII, when the British army fled Dunkerque, from the Germans army, cowardly abandoning their allies.
The white flag of the French monarchical restoration represents all that there is more pure.
The white of royalty, the lys of the monarchy
Remember Jeanne d'Arc
3:32 everybody gangsta 'till this came up
@@hendrikdependrik1891 That's right, the Kingdom of France ans the Music are way better than USA, they are the best.
3:31 I love this First French empire anthem 😍😘😻
@SAPUL wrong platform, sir
0:46 PUBG?
Maybe xd
PUBG In 1590 be like:
Lol the map is almost the same xd just like Pubg
Pour le Régime de Vichy vous vous êtes trompés d'hymne : La Marseillaise était très rarement jouée mais c'est "L'Hymne au Maréchal"... Beaucoup de confusions dans cette vidéo quand même...
Francia de vichy,en general: 22:06
How many revolutions do you want?
France: *Y e s*
พี่ เพลงแรกเพลง
Vive henri iv
ราชวงค์ bourbon หรือเปล่าพี่
ทำนองคล้ายกันมาก แต่ช้า กว่า
เสริม Viva Henry ราชอาณาจักรฝรั่งเศส การฟื้นฟูราชวงศ์บูร์บง ชื่อเพลงชาติ การเสด็จนิวัตกรุงปารีสของเหล่าเจ้าชายฝรั่งเศส
8:54 That flag lol!
@Random Pepega in the chat No it's a googlplex (biggest countable number) better
White, the symbol of purity,monarchy and loyalty
I love anthem of first frence republic
I think Vichy France (état français) has the best anthem in my opinion.
Napoleon: what did you say to me you little prick
The first anthem is insane good lol
Yes, but there are better versions of it.
Did i heard accordian at the first one?
Why you didn't show the map of the First French Empire when it was at its peak, in 1812.
I like the 1st French Republics anthem (The current anthem of France)
All of these songs slap especially the French kingdom.
The first one was Defenetly the best
The second French empire has an anthem that sounds like a Christmas Carol
AAAND NOW WE ARE TO WITNESS THE MOST ORIGINAL FLAG IN EUROPE!!! HERE IT COMES!!!" "sees the white flag" "sniff" "its... beautiful..."
Historically it wasn't exactly that flag but had somekind of a fleur de lys on it, check at Wikipedia
@@x-a- thats true historically, but you gotta admit you found the inside joke funny. XD because of that flag France has been branded with the stereotype of "We surrender in wars everytime"
@@grimmthrashr1035 No that's the flag during the bourbon Restauration : upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/12/Royal_flag_of_France_during_the_Bourbon_Restoration.svg/1280px-Royal_flag_of_France_during_the_Bourbon_Restoration.svg.png
And no, that's not because of that flag the the French surrender stereotype come from but from France refusing to join the US stupid war in Irak un 2003, USA decided to start making anti French propaganda (French Bashing)
@@x-a- uhh..... just to tell you, my comment wasnt to be taken seriously
@@grimmthrashr1035 Yah I know, just learning you where that stereotype comes from.
The first royal anthem sounds like God Save the King
0:07 drunk guy singing
Momo Qin hahahaa
Explains why it sounds asian
@@ooka7705 clean your ears
Actually the lyrics are about the king of France being good at figthing, drinking and sex so 😅
Aeto sex wtf
*Vive Henri IV! ( 1590-1789) and (1815-1830)*
_Vive Henri quarte Vive ce Roy valliant ,Ce diable à quarte A le triple talent De Boire Et d'être un vert galant De boire et de battre Et d'être un vert galant. Au diable guerres , Racunes et partis! Comme noc pères Chantons en vrais amis, Au choc des verres, Les roses et les lys. Au choc des verres, Les roses et les lys.
Chantons I'antienne Qu'on chantera dans mille ans; Que Dieu maintienne Ex paix ses descendants Jusqu’à ce qu’on prenne La Lune avec les dents. Jusqu’à ce qu’on prenne, La L’une avec les dents. Viva La France! Vive Le roy Henri! Qu’à Reims on danse En distant comme Paris: Viva la France! Vive Le Roy Henri! Viva La France Viva Le Roy Henri!_
*La Marseillaise ( 1795-1799) ,(1792-Present), (1870-1940), and (1944-Present)also anthem of Vichy France ( Maréchal nous voilà is the anthem for Vichy France) FULL VERSION*
_Allons! Enfants de la Patrie! Le Jour de gloire est arrivé! Contre nous de la tyrannies ,l’étendard sanglant est levé! L’étendard sanglant est levé! Entendez vous dans les compagnes, mugir ces féroces soldats? Ils viennent jusque dans vos bras, egorger vos fils, vos compagnes. Aux Armes citoyens! Formez vos battalions! Marchez, Marchez! Qu'un sang impur, abreuve nos sillons! Aux arms citoyens! Formez vos battalions! Marchons, Marchons, Qu'un sang impur, abreuve nos sillons!_
_Amour sacré de la Patrie, conduis soutiens nos bras venguers! Liberté! Liberté chérie, combats avec tes défenseurs! Combats avec tes défenseurs! Sous nos drapeaux que la victoire accoure à tes mâles accents! Que nos ennemis expirants, voient ton triomphe et notre gloire! Aux arms citoyens! Formez vos battalions! Marchez, Marchez Qu'un sang impur abreuve nos sillons! Aux arms citoyens! Formez vos battalions! Marchons, Marchons! Qu'un sang impur abreuve nos sillons!_
_Tremblez, tyrans et vous perfides, L’opprobre det tous les partis. Tremblez! Vos projets parricides, vont enfin recevoir leur prix! Vont enfin recevoir leur prix! Tout est soldat pour vous combattre, s`ils tombent, nos jeunes héros, La terre en produira de noveaux contre vous , tous , prêts à se battre! Aux armes, citoyens! Formez vos battalions! Marchez, Marchez! Qu'un sang impur, abreuve nos sillons! Aux armes citoyens! Formez vos battalions! Marchons , Marchons! Qu'un sang impur! Abreuve nos sillons_ !
*Marechal, nous vouila! ( Unofficial ) ( 1940-1944)*
_ Une flamme sacrée Monte du sol natal Et la France enivrée Te salute, Maréchal! Tous tes enfants qui t’aiment Et vénèrent tes ans A ton appel suprême Ont
Présent Maréchal, nous voilà Devant toi, le sauveur de la France Nous jurons, nous, tes gars De servir et de suivre tes pas Maréchal, nous voilà! Tu nous as reddone l’espérance La patrie renaîtra! Maréchal, maréchal, nous voilà! Quand ta voix nous répète Afin de nous unir: Français levons la tête, Regardons L'avenir! Nous, brandissant la toile Du drapeau immortel, Dans l'or de tes étoiles, Nous voyons luire un ciel: Maréchal, nous voilà! Devant toi, le sauveur of France nous jurons, nous, tes gars De servir et de suivre tes pas Maréchal, Nous Voilà! Tu nous as redonné l’espérance La patrie renaîtra_ !
Maréchal, nous voilà!
*Le Chant Du Départ (1799-1815)*
_La Victoire en chantant Nous ouvre la barrière. La liberté guide nos pas. Et du Nord au Midi La trompette guerrière A sonné l'heure des combats. Tremblez ennemis de la France Rois ivres de sang et d’orgueil. Le peuple souverain s’avance, Tyrans descendez au cercueil! La République nous appelle Sachons vaincre ou sachons périr Un Français doit vivre pour elle Pour elle un Français doit mourir. Un Français doit vivre pour elle Pour elle un Français doit mourir! Que le fer paternel armé la main des braves; Songez à nous au champ de Mars; Consacrez dans le sang des rois et des enclaves Le fer béni par vos vieillards; Et, rapportant sous la chaumière Des blessures et des vertus, Venez fermer notre paupière Quand les tyrans ne seront plus. La République nous appelle Sachons vaincre ou sachons périr Un Français doit vivre pour elle Pour elle un Français doit mourir. Un Français doit vivre pour elle Pour elle un Français doit mourrir. De Barra, de Viala le sort nous fait envie; Ils sont morts, mais ils ont vaincu. Le lâche accablé d'ans n'a point connu la vie: Qui meurt pour le peuple a vécu. Vous êtes vaillants, nous le sommes: Guidez-nous contre les tyrans; Les républicains sont des hommes, Les esclaves sont des enfants. La Republique nous appelle Sachons vaincre ou sachons périr Un Français doit vivre pour elle Pour elle Français doit mourir. Un Français doit vivre pour elle Pour elle Français doit mourir_ !
*Partant Pour La Syrie ( De Facto anthem 1852-1870)*
_Partant la pour Syrie,Le jeune at beau Dunois, Venait prier Marie, De bénir ses exploits: Faites, Reine Immortelle,Lui dit-il en partant , Que j’aime , j’aime la plus belle Et sois le plus valiant. Que J’aime, j’aime la plus belle Et sois le plus vaillant Il trace sur la pierre Le serment de l’honneur, Et va suivre à la guerre Le comte son seigneur; Au noble vœu fidèle, Il dit en combattant: Amour, amour à la plus belle,Honneur au plus vaillant. Amour, amour à la plus belle,Honneur au plus vaillant. On lui doit la Victoire. Vraiment, dit le seigneur; Puisque tu fais ma gloire Je ferai ton bonheur De ma fille Isabelle, Sois l’Epoux a l’instant, Car elle, car elle est la plus belle,Et toi le plus vaillant. Car elle. , car elle est La plus belle, Et toi le plus vaillant!_
Teacher: we are going to France
Girls: Omg We are gonna meet the Cute Boy
Boys: 3:30
Kingdom of France: I Rule you drool.
Russian Empire: you can shove ur baguettes up ur butt.
3rd French Republic: Help me Russia.
Russian Empire: No.
3rd French Republic: Pleaaaaase.
Russian Empire: Finnnnnnnnnne
@Chhang Kim And then the great tsar made it to Paris
Dari Sabang sampai Merauke
Berjajar pulau-pulau
Sambung menyambung menjadi satu
Itulah Indonesia
😂 XD
Napoleon: I'm average height for the time and my anthem is average volume for the time!
July Monarchy (1831-1850)
I see the French kingdom flag is perfect for the design of my blanket
Well they used it for the kings clothes. I Guess it Works.
22:07 This is what I came for ;)
8:57 someone took a blank piece of paper and just said *THIS IS OUR FLAG NOW*
How to make bourbon restoration flag tip 1: get blank of paper your done
Literally the easiest flag to draw without drawing it
White is the color of French Monarchy