This is an awesome idea. I like you explaining the HND by floors with different services and features. Hopefully, you would use the same format introducing other airports when you visit other cities. Thanks.
Please read, understand and focus on this publication carefully. Have you ever thought about the One who created you, who created man, the animals and the plants, who created the heavens and the earth, the sun and the moon, who created the night, the day and the sea, and who shakes the earth? when he wants and reveals it to you? Did you know that Islam is the true religion of God? What is the benefit of this life if you are not a Muslim? Why did God create us if we don't worship Him? The religion with God is Islam. How do you meet your Lord after your death when he asks you about Islam? Did you know that Islam is a religion of mercy, happiness, love, tolerance, cooperation, justice, benevolence, equality among humanity and obedience to parents? Did you know that Islam prohibits murder, injustice, deceit, envy, transgression, theft, lying, usury, bribery, adultery, the consumption of alcohol and drugs and everything that exposes a person and destroy it? Did you know that everything in Islam is positive and everything that is said negative in Islam is a lie from other people and religions who want to distort the reputation of Islam? Did you know that Islam gives women full rights? Did you know that in Islam your life changes for the better? Did you know that all current sciences in medicine, technology and everything else were provided by Islam 1455 years ago at a time when technology did not exist? Did you know that the prophet Jesus recommended following the prophet Muhammad? He said, "He will come after me." Did you know that God gave the prophet Muhammad everything related to past, present, future and post-death revelations? So this is the Islamic religion that you don't know. If you read this post and think carefully about my words, answer my question. Why do you teach and know the truth and don't want to convert to Islam? Embracing Islam is the greatest achievement you will achieve in your life, and the benefit to you is greater than the wealth of the world. If Islam is fought, it will intensify, and if it is abandoned, it will expand, and Allah is attentive to whoever is repelled, and He is free from those who turn away, and His power against criminals cannot be avoided, not even If the enemy has been prepared, then God cannot defeat him, so renew faith, renew God, unite God and strengthen the ranks. He is hot
Please read, understand and focus on this publication carefully. Have you ever thought about the One who created you, who created man, the animals and the plants, who created the heavens and the earth, the sun and the moon, who created the night, the day and the sea, and who shakes the earth? when he wants and reveals it to you? Did you know that Islam is the true religion of God? What is the benefit of this life if you are not a Muslim? Why did God create us if we don't worship Him? The religion with God is Islam. How do you meet your Lord after your death when he asks you about Islam? Did you know that Islam is a religion of mercy, happiness, love, tolerance, cooperation, justice, benevolence, equality among humanity and obedience to parents? Did you know that Islam prohibits murder, injustice, deceit, envy, transgression, theft, lying, usury, bribery, adultery, the consumption of alcohol and drugs and everything that exposes a person and destroy it? Did you know that everything in Islam is positive and everything that is said negative in Islam is a lie from other people and religions who want to distort the reputation of Islam? Did you know that Islam gives women full rights? Did you know that in Islam your life changes for the better? Did you know that all current sciences in medicine, technology and everything else were provided by Islam 1455 years ago at a time when technology did not exist? Did you know that the prophet Jesus recommended following the prophet Muhammad? He said, "He will come after me." Did you know that God gave the prophet Muhammad everything related to past, present, future and post-death revelations? So this is the Islamic religion that you don't know. If you read this post and think carefully about my words, answer my question. Why do you teach and know the truth and don't want to convert to Islam? Embracing Islam is the greatest achievement you will achieve in your life, and the benefit to you is greater than the wealth of the world. If Islam is fought, it will intensify, and if it is abandoned, it will expand, and Allah is attentive to whoever is repelled, and He is free from those who turn away, and His power against criminals cannot be avoided, not even If the enemy has been prepared, then God cannot defeat him, so renew faith, renew God, unite God and strengthen the ranks. He is hot
天空之泉真的是紅眼航班的好朋友! 傍晚到出發層寄放行李,然後去樓上吃飯逛街,深夜再去天空之泉泡湯休息消除疲勞,待到一點前出來免收深夜料金,再去便利商店買些吃的,晃一下領行李差不多就開櫃可以報到了,回到台灣還可以直接上班!超讚👍 我上一趟就是這樣搞48小時快閃,超充實。
謝謝分享! 6月會到羽田機場出入日本; 剛剛看到這個介紹, 妳真棒的! 讓我清清楚楚地預早作出安排!
@@MerryJourney 😂
感謝妳的視頻分享, 内容非常....清楚易明, 還有介紹的Thing..的網頁也很好, 也即時登記成為會員!再一次多謝妳的視頻❤❤❤😊😊
感謝詳細介紹。我正好需要在羽田轉機,有15小時的等候時間。 現在可以放心了。
This is an awesome idea. I like you explaining the HND by floors with different services and features. Hopefully, you would use the same format introducing other airports when you visit other cities. Thanks.
這個訂房網好方便 已收下,感謝推薦
謝謝你詳細的講解, 可惜我只是一個人孤獨旅遊, TsugiTsugi的酒店顯得就比較貴了!
有去過泉天空之湯 我覺得它最大缺點是休息的躺椅太少了
所以要進去泡湯休息的話 我覺得不要使用到深夜加價時段 就會好一點
很感谢你的介绍 这个视频真的对新手太友好啦! 我尝试用这个网站订房,但是看到现在可以选的入住日期只有到8月底. 如果想九月末或者十月份的时候去日本,这个优惠是不是用不了😢
要搭單軌電車可以使用JR PASS WIDE嗎
清晰易懂~對退休第一次去東京自由行,企圖重啟體力記憶力及膽量的老兩口很有幫助。 TsugiTsugi 也很熱門,我昨晚正式想預定住5晚,但都滿了。 不知哪裡可以找到續住優惠的資訊?
山編 布剪 oh yes~
請問山編 前往箱根 ㄧ樣第三航廈嗎
謝謝妳們的分享,非常受用。請問成田機場往返東京市區,skyliner 的票可以一起都兌換起來嗎?那是不是回成田機場的票, 時間也要先決定好?謝謝
山編做的機場到市區的攻略很讚! 請問山邊有做過北海道的嗎?道南道央
本身APPLE手機裡有 SUICA卡了,可以直接不用購買車票,掃描手機IC卡直接快速搭車嗎?
這次第一次去東京是訂成田 準備27號飛 下一次羽田機場也納入考慮好了
请问可以在机场买21天JR Japan pass 全日本的。?还是需要线上购买比较安全?
女神山編 ❤ 謝謝資訊啊
@@MerryJourney 謝謝山編,好看又好裝的包包,也要來去買,呵😃😃😃
請教一下,用乘換案內查詢,搭 monorail往濱松町或搭京急往品川都是在第2月臺,是同一個位置嗎??,還是MO的入口與KK的不同呢?
請問若從羽田機場可以搭利木津巴士去銀座嗎?如果不能, 該如何從機場去Ginza? Thanks!
可以跟你說 店都沒開喔 只有泉天空之湯 還有幾間24小時營業的超商跟餐廳而已
坐紅眼就是這樣 不管來回都是看到深夜的羽田 店都沒開
你可能打通電話給東急說 我要拍水蜜桃企劃 就有房哩 😆
請問24、48小時的周遊券Tokyo Subway tickets 可乘坐單軌火車由羽田機場到東京站嗎?
謝謝分享,請問2樓領取jr pass機器有幾台?
@@MerryJourney 謝謝回答
Please read, understand and focus on this publication carefully.
Have you ever thought about the One who created you, who created man, the animals and the plants, who created the heavens and the earth, the sun and the moon, who created the night, the day and the sea, and who shakes the earth? when he wants and reveals it to you?
Did you know that Islam is the true religion of God?
What is the benefit of this life if you are not a Muslim? Why did God create us if we don't worship Him? The religion with God is Islam. How do you meet your Lord after your death when he asks you about Islam?
Did you know that Islam is a religion of mercy, happiness, love, tolerance, cooperation, justice, benevolence, equality among humanity and obedience to parents?
Did you know that Islam prohibits murder, injustice, deceit, envy, transgression, theft, lying, usury, bribery, adultery, the consumption of alcohol and drugs and everything that exposes a person and destroy it?
Did you know that everything in Islam is positive and everything that is said negative in Islam is a lie from other people and religions who want to distort the reputation of Islam?
Did you know that Islam gives women full rights?
Did you know that in Islam your life changes for the better?
Did you know that all current sciences in medicine, technology and everything else were provided by Islam 1455 years ago at a time when technology did not exist?
Did you know that the prophet Jesus recommended following the prophet Muhammad? He said, "He will come after me."
Did you know that God gave the prophet Muhammad everything related to past, present, future and post-death revelations?
So this is the Islamic religion that you don't know.
If you read this post and think carefully about my words, answer my question.
Why do you teach and know the truth and don't want to convert to Islam?
Embracing Islam is the greatest achievement you will achieve in your life, and the benefit to you is greater than the wealth of the world.
If Islam is fought, it will intensify, and if it is abandoned, it will expand, and Allah is attentive to whoever is repelled, and He is free from those who turn away, and His power against criminals cannot be avoided, not even If the enemy has been prepared, then God cannot defeat him, so renew faith, renew God, unite God and strengthen the ranks. He is hot
錯誤百出的影片 笑死😂
Please read, understand and focus on this publication carefully.
Have you ever thought about the One who created you, who created man, the animals and the plants, who created the heavens and the earth, the sun and the moon, who created the night, the day and the sea, and who shakes the earth? when he wants and reveals it to you?
Did you know that Islam is the true religion of God?
What is the benefit of this life if you are not a Muslim? Why did God create us if we don't worship Him? The religion with God is Islam. How do you meet your Lord after your death when he asks you about Islam?
Did you know that Islam is a religion of mercy, happiness, love, tolerance, cooperation, justice, benevolence, equality among humanity and obedience to parents?
Did you know that Islam prohibits murder, injustice, deceit, envy, transgression, theft, lying, usury, bribery, adultery, the consumption of alcohol and drugs and everything that exposes a person and destroy it?
Did you know that everything in Islam is positive and everything that is said negative in Islam is a lie from other people and religions who want to distort the reputation of Islam?
Did you know that Islam gives women full rights?
Did you know that in Islam your life changes for the better?
Did you know that all current sciences in medicine, technology and everything else were provided by Islam 1455 years ago at a time when technology did not exist?
Did you know that the prophet Jesus recommended following the prophet Muhammad? He said, "He will come after me."
Did you know that God gave the prophet Muhammad everything related to past, present, future and post-death revelations?
So this is the Islamic religion that you don't know.
If you read this post and think carefully about my words, answer my question.
Why do you teach and know the truth and don't want to convert to Islam?
Embracing Islam is the greatest achievement you will achieve in your life, and the benefit to you is greater than the wealth of the world.
If Islam is fought, it will intensify, and if it is abandoned, it will expand, and Allah is attentive to whoever is repelled, and He is free from those who turn away, and His power against criminals cannot be avoided, not even If the enemy has been prepared, then God cannot defeat him, so renew faith, renew God, unite God and strengthen the ranks. He is hot