The show ran during the early 90's probably '91-'92 and saw about 4 different variations. It was performed by three different casts of singer/dancers and was a mixed company of Americans and Japanese. The footage was all shot during that time and I was recently able to digitize the analog video and then took to adobe premiere to edit the show into what made the most sense.
Tozaigo isn't really English or Japanese, yet it is both. If you break it down in Japanese, it would probably be easiest to use the Kanji. Most would expect to see, 西(west) and東 (east) and that implication is simple and clear. The last part would not be as easy, it could be "go" as in language but that doesn't fit the concept. I like the way in Japanese will out of nowhere add English or some other foreign language, thus the English "Go" is what I was going for. Japaglish is the answer!
The show ran during the early 90's probably '91-'92 and saw about 4 different variations. It was performed by three different casts of singer/dancers and was a mixed company of Americans and Japanese. The footage was all shot during that time and I was recently able to digitize the analog video and then took to adobe premiere to edit the show into what made the most sense.
I will do my best but it may take a while before I can get back to this project
can you upload the full show please?
Where and when did take place this when you recorded this?
Tozaigo isn't really English or Japanese, yet it is both. If you break it down in Japanese, it would probably be easiest to use the Kanji. Most would expect to see, 西(west) and東 (east) and that implication is simple and clear. The last part would not be as easy, it could be "go" as in language but that doesn't fit the concept. I like the way in Japanese will out of nowhere add English or some other foreign language, thus the English "Go" is what I was going for. Japaglish is the answer!
Can you post all of the original footage without edits? Thanks!
Is this english or japanese, TOZAIGO?