21 Awesome Web Features you’re not using yet

  • Опубліковано 29 тра 2023
  • A breakdown of the most useful new features for web developers using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Learn about native dialog windows, WebGPU, CSS container queries, and more.
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КОМЕНТАРІ • 1 тис.

  • @Fireship
    @Fireship  11 місяців тому +352

    Does your app need authentication? Check out Clerk - their platform is super impressive clerk.com

    • @skifli
      @skifli 11 місяців тому +4

      Ima just grab first reply rq

    • @jasontfrom713
      @jasontfrom713 11 місяців тому

      @@skifli no I'm first

    • @KWifler
      @KWifler 11 місяців тому +1

      It takes even less time to say uwu ! ooowooo!

    • @Vampirat3
      @Vampirat3 11 місяців тому

      Now That's what I'm TALKIN BOUT !!!!!
      Fireship be 🔥

    • @truthfuturist
      @truthfuturist 11 місяців тому

      Can make a pwa with teleporthq in magic minutes 🪄

  • @armoredvortex
    @armoredvortex 11 місяців тому +4033

    Fireship rolling out videos so fast, even javascript frameworks can't keep up.

  • @professordragon
    @professordragon 10 місяців тому +328

    This is insane, I can't wait to use all of these features in 9 years when they're fully implemented and everyone's browser is updated

      @IIARROWS 9 місяців тому +28

      This...The real problem.

  • @heyitsdross
    @heyitsdross 11 місяців тому +828

    2:54 "... and the WebGPU version is far more majestic!"
    Me, who sees no difference: "Oh, yes indeed!"

    • @mahmoudayoub9168
      @mahmoudayoub9168 11 місяців тому +40

      I thought the same lol

    • @chazbertino6102
      @chazbertino6102 11 місяців тому +48

      Majestic may not have been the best word... At least for the example, but webGPU will offer MAJOR performance gains and new abilities such as ray tracing.

    • @komi5018
      @komi5018 11 місяців тому +35

      me watching in 240p: "Oh, yes indeed!"

    • @HorstKirkPageKian
      @HorstKirkPageKian 11 місяців тому +44

      Pretty sure it was meant kind of sarcastic.

    • @preston7376
      @preston7376 11 місяців тому +8

      @@chazbertino6102 webGPU doesnt have support for hardware raytracing right now

  • @unlimitedbytes-random
    @unlimitedbytes-random 11 місяців тому +1079

    0:00 Intro
    0:30 Native HTML Dialog
    1:20 Sponsor
    2:03 Popover
    2:29 WebGPU
    3:11 Container Queries
    4:00 Color-Mix
    4:28 CSS Nesting
    4:44 Color Fonts
    5:11 Vitals Extension
    5:35 Array. prototype. at
    5:57 Deep Copy
    6:56 TransformStream
    7:01 Import maps
    7:06 Json Imports
    7:12 Transform Props
    7:19 Trig Functions
    7:26 Initial Letter
    7:32 Viewport Units
    7:38 :focus-visible
    7:45 Inert Prop
    7:54 View Transition API
    8:02 Animation-Timeline
    8:14 Outro

    • @sTryskaCz
      @sTryskaCz 11 місяців тому +41


    • @justamanofculture12
      @justamanofculture12 11 місяців тому +26

      Not all heroes wear capes, some are named random.

    • @user-gz9mw3yr2x
      @user-gz9mw3yr2x 11 місяців тому

      Ffffffff I'll just use markdown now 😂

    • @Harmxn
      @Harmxn 11 місяців тому +4

      @@sTryskaCz 7:23 Circumsize

    • @imdanielmartinez
      @imdanielmartinez 11 місяців тому +10

      UA-cam should add a save comment button before other comments bury this one.

  • @JC-jz6rx
    @JC-jz6rx 11 місяців тому +537

    That structured clone for objects one is definitely one I’ll be using a lot. And will probably help new devs. It’s not as hard now that I know what reference types are. But at the beginning I remember having a hard time tracking down bugs due to me changing objects directly

    • @Muaddibkhan
      @Muaddibkhan 11 місяців тому +2

      Same bruh

    • @Henry14arsenal2007
      @Henry14arsenal2007 11 місяців тому +21

      I cant believe JS didnt have a proper copy semantics all this time, JS bad I guess.

    • @peanut3645
      @peanut3645 11 місяців тому +39

      Why no Object.clone but global function, meh.

    • @Hasnain1F
      @Hasnain1F 11 місяців тому +5

      @@peanut3645 Yes, I have worked in WordPress/PHP and Vue among other things. I really dislike how you have to keep global functions and variables in your mind.

    • @ChamplooMusashi
      @ChamplooMusashi 11 місяців тому +8

      Don't forget to footgun yourself by cloning an object with a custom prototype and spend a week debugging random bullshit

  • @rendon2959
    @rendon2959 11 місяців тому +84

    Best addition for me is #17 with the new viewport units. Implementing a fullscreen design that considers the toolbar is actually possible now.

  • @raz0229
    @raz0229 11 місяців тому +210

    06:48 I wouldn't be surprised if _structuredClone_ is basically just:
    const structuredClone = (object) => JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(object))

    • @anj000
      @anj000 11 місяців тому +63

      That would be hilarious, but (un)fortunately it is not the case.
      structuredClone has an ability to parse Maps, Sets or Dates for example, that would crash the simple JSON hack.

    • @Zhuclam
      @Zhuclam 11 місяців тому +7

      Also functions. The JSON hack doesn't work for them

    • @ctdesing
      @ctdesing 11 місяців тому +1

      why can't you clone by: newObj = { ...oldObj } ?

    • @conan3211
      @conan3211 11 місяців тому +14

      The object spread only works on the first level, If oldObj has properties which are non primitives e.g. objects, dates, functions, arrays then those would still point to the same memory in newObj as in oldObj

    • @rand0mtv660
      @rand0mtv660 11 місяців тому +17

      @@ctdesing it's explained in the video starting from 6:15

  • @KrutonPL
    @KrutonPL 11 місяців тому +94

    There's also those non-mutating functions of arrays such as .toSorted() or .toReversed() that do the same as the equivalent but they make a full copy of the object

  • @TheJort123
    @TheJort123 11 місяців тому +101

    Very nice to be kept up-to-date this way, please do more of this :D

  • @BlueJDev
    @BlueJDev 11 місяців тому +162

    Behind the scenes:
    Export function structuredClone(input){
    Return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(input));
    "Now it's not a hack."

    • @FaultyTwo
      @FaultyTwo 11 місяців тому +8

      **bruh sound effect**

    • @kryyto6587
      @kryyto6587 11 місяців тому +3

      Probably not too far of the truth

    • @cyber_chris
      @cyber_chris 11 місяців тому +27

      just in case anyone believes it, this is of course not true and the function does not behave in exactly the same way

    • @kryyto6587
      @kryyto6587 11 місяців тому +2

      @@cyber_chris obviously

    • @lucasa8710
      @lucasa8710 11 місяців тому +1

      javascript be like....

  • @somerandomguy001
    @somerandomguy001 11 місяців тому +18

    just got a job at google after showing your certificate 🙌🙌
    I'm very grateful. now I just need to learn html

    • @DemPilafian
      @DemPilafian 11 місяців тому +1

      *HTML is the best programming language ever!*

    • @Dead-Not-Sleeping
      @Dead-Not-Sleeping 11 місяців тому +1

      That was you? I just LOST my job at Google because some schmuck showed up with one of those damn certificates! Thanks a lot.

  • @ysmdev
    @ysmdev 11 місяців тому +107

    1. 0:32 - element
    2. 2:08 - popover attributes
    3. 2:30 - WebGPU
    4. 3:12 - container queries
    5. 4:00 - color-mix
    6. 4:28 - CSS Nesting
    7. 4:46 - Color Fonts
    8. 5:12 - Web Vitals Extension
    9. 5:37 - Array.prototype .at
    10. 5:59 - Deep Copy (structuredClone)
    11. 6:57 - TransformStream
    12. 7:02 - import maps
    13. 7:06 - json imports
    14. 7:12 - transform props
    15. 7:19 - trig functions
    16. 7:26 - CSS initial-letter property
    17. 7:33 - viewport unit (svh, lvh)
    18. 7:39 - :focus-visible
    19. 7:45 - inert attributes
    20. 7:54 - View Transitions API
    21. 8:03 - animation-timeline

    • @Dev-Siri
      @Dev-Siri 11 місяців тому +7

      this.replace("TL;DR", "TL;DW");

    • @Crossfirev
      @Crossfirev 11 місяців тому

      ​@@Dev-Siri nice

    • @goodshiro10
      @goodshiro10 11 місяців тому +3

      after 10, fireship went too fast just reading the names of the features lmao

    • @SirWolf2018
      @SirWolf2018 10 місяців тому +2

      It should be called ToC, not TL;DR. The latter implies that you summarize what is said, this ain't no summarization. This is just the table of contents.

    • @vishnusidharth9309
      @vishnusidharth9309 8 місяців тому

      99 likes... Hmm i'm going to fix it.
      100 now! 🎉🎉

  • @treebeard2416
    @treebeard2416 11 місяців тому +52

    I always thought json imports using asserts keyword was supported everywhere but I guess it's supported by only chrome. Excited about view transitions api, been waiting for it and hopefully css-intrinsic-size and content-visibility get major support so we can finally get rid of virtualized tables just like we did with dialog and need for js based modals.

  • @bruh-qi7ue
    @bruh-qi7ue 11 місяців тому +9

    CSS Nesting is actually so sick because it is so needed LMFAO

    • @ludwig2345
      @ludwig2345 11 місяців тому +1

      Hell yeah, it's fucking amazing.
      Nesting was the main reason I used SCSS.

  • @jediampm
    @jediampm 10 місяців тому +18

    Hi @fireship, a correction: deep copy, more specific struturedClone is browser / window specific method, not part of ES / ECMAScript. As such will not be available in js runtime like nodejs, they have to implement.
    And this feature exist and available to all browser almost more than two yrs, because already use it last yr.
    And others few js things mention may also be browser / client specific too. ;)
    And you forget to mention another cool feature very useful also like dialog, which is details ( to mimic accordions in booostrap), this exist since 2020 and already use in my website.

  • @abeidiot
    @abeidiot 11 місяців тому +86

    can't wait to use these new html features and find 99% users never updated their browser

    • @ZoharYosef
      @ZoharYosef 11 місяців тому +39

      That's why modern browsers update themselves without even asking you

    • @nullbeyondo
      @nullbeyondo 11 місяців тому +1

      True, my browser forced me to update a few days ago lol.

    • @rumfordc
      @rumfordc 11 місяців тому +3

      turns out malware had it right all along!

    • @theodorealenas3171
      @theodorealenas3171 11 місяців тому +2

      This is why I don't want to be obsessed over new features, it's unethical in a way for the client.

    • @BusinessWolf1
      @BusinessWolf1 10 місяців тому +2

      You can't just not innovate because some people don't want to keep up. They'll learn to keep up.

  • @mohammadimran2219
    @mohammadimran2219 11 місяців тому +27

    If I hadn't subscribed and enabled notifications for Fireship, I would have definitely learned about these Web features months later.

  • @danielhalachev4714
    @danielhalachev4714 10 місяців тому +11

    If I had known the new native HTML dialog and popup features just two weeks earlier, it would have made my life so much easier!

  • @artu-hnrq
    @artu-hnrq 11 місяців тому

    Being updated with a summary of newest web features is awesome! Thanks for that

  • @roid1510
    @roid1510 11 місяців тому +1

    Having dealt with popovers and dialogs lately, im so happy to see these additions

  • @54peace
    @54peace 11 місяців тому +159

    Look at how realistic these AI-made videos are!

    • @devdemo467
      @devdemo467 10 місяців тому +7

      Look at how realistic these AI-made comments are!

    • @gokuvegeta1626
      @gokuvegeta1626 10 місяців тому +5

      Look at how realistic these AI-made replies are!

    • @electroaddiction
      @electroaddiction 10 місяців тому +2

      Look at how realistic these AI-made are

    • @raghavgupta1799
      @raghavgupta1799 10 місяців тому +5

      Look at how realistic these AI

    • @mrtomithy
      @mrtomithy 10 місяців тому +4

      Look realistic AI

  • @devsDojo
    @devsDojo 11 місяців тому +3

    The only UA-cam channel so far where I fear if I need to slow down the playback speed.
    Anyway, thanks for keeping us updated and I love your video styles. ❤

  • @JakobEriksen
    @JakobEriksen 7 місяців тому +1

    Inert is such an awesome feature in terms of accessibility - it can completely hide entire sections of e.g. a navigation without having to toggle tabindex on every single focusable element... Also one of the cool things included in Dialog (it will give you inert out of the box)

  • @javadmnjd
    @javadmnjd 10 місяців тому

    the timing for dialog was perfect for me, didn't know it even existed, now I'm gonna use it! thanks jeff!

  • @TelmaFrege
    @TelmaFrege 11 місяців тому +8

    The first one got me crying of happiness. Building modals was always so annoying and time consuming! I’m excited about many of these new features!

  • @helloimtim
    @helloimtim 11 місяців тому +28

    Container queries are a huge win! Way overdue. Unfortunately, they have a ways to go. Right now they are a challenge to work with within web components and still require Google's polyfill which Google recently abandoned. FireFox support is also iffy.

    • @whatsanimesh
      @whatsanimesh 11 місяців тому

      Polyfill is superseeded by Lit

    • @helloimtim
      @helloimtim 11 місяців тому +1

      @@whatsanimesh Thanks - Lit is great for Web Component development, but it doesn't solve the CSS Container Query issue

  • @renzotorr537
    @renzotorr537 11 місяців тому

    i've heard about most of these but it's amazing to know that they're finally supported everywhere

  • @thapthoptheep2076
    @thapthoptheep2076 10 місяців тому +1

    Very nice.
    Am currently hacking a hot mess together in Laravel fighting with the JS at times - some of these features are exactly what I need.

  • @stefanm3280
    @stefanm3280 11 місяців тому +16

    This sounds awesome. Many of the CSS improvements remind me of Sass. And a lot of the js improvements remind me of lodash.
    Edit: Thank you for a gpt-free video.

  • @outis99
    @outis99 10 місяців тому +5

    It's insane that it took so long to get those new viewport units, I remember I used to do such weird hacks and still do to fix this issue on mobile

  • @williamikennanwosu
    @williamikennanwosu 10 місяців тому +2

    Very engaging, high quality videos Fireship! You are doing great!

  • @bryku
    @bryku 11 місяців тому +7

    Finally, some good css updates!!!
    I have been waiting for containers and nested css!
    The new sizes are good to, mobile was always a pain to deal with the bars.

  • @BlurryBit
    @BlurryBit 11 місяців тому +26

    One of the rare channels (I got two or three max on youtube lol) that when I start watching, I first pause, take a notebook, like the video, then unpause and start watching. ❤
    To be honest it took me quite some time to get used to these fast paced videos coz I am a slow learner. But it ultimately grew up on me and these days, I would rather watch these “concentrates” rather than fluffy and gimmicky ones. I just pause/unpause/rewind/slow down etc.. 😂
    Seriously, I can’t thank you enough for your contributions man. Just know that there is atleast one person who likes these. Haters gonna hate anyway.

    • @tarcisiosmelo
      @tarcisiosmelo 11 місяців тому +1

      You can slow down the video.

    • @BlurryBit
      @BlurryBit 11 місяців тому

      @@tarcisiosmelo wow, yes I guess.

  • @DavidPrenticeJr
    @DavidPrenticeJr 8 місяців тому

    These were actually all amazing!

  • @chetangiradkar
    @chetangiradkar 10 місяців тому

    This(dialog) is (was) an actual problem I was solving. Glad I subscribed to this channel
    This video is a gem

  • @scienc3tv
    @scienc3tv 11 місяців тому +3

    if you were asking what the arabic text at @05:06 means:
    لما كان الإعتراف بالكرامة المتأصلة في جميع
    it translates to: for what was the recognition of the inherent dignity of all
    (it's incomplete sentence tho)
    thank you :D

  • @rubennijhuis
    @rubennijhuis 11 місяців тому +100

    I wonder how libraries will be updated with these new web standard features. I use certain modal libraries for example and hope they will either not be needed or be way smaller as they won't need to recreate a lot of the features. Could you make a video on when to write it yourself vs using a library?

    • @YuriG03042
      @YuriG03042 11 місяців тому +25

      just use a maintained library, they will update eventually and you won't have to rewrite your code. they might already handle accessibility for you now, which you might just miss if you attempt to implement the new stuff yourself. Libraries also tend to implement progressive development, which will show the new stuff on supported browsers and the old stuff on the rest, handling a lot of the boring logic for you

    • @aayush_karna
      @aayush_karna 11 місяців тому +3

      Third-party libraries like modal, tooltip, accordion, ... became popular because they handled tedious things like animations and accessibility (keyboard friendly, screen reader/SEO friendly, not blocking the main thread, user preferences like reduced motion, dark/light theme, touch friendly). The problem with it was that they gave very little to no configuring on how it looks and feels or if it matches the project theme. Now, with new web standard features, we can build accessible web components with cool animations on our own that are highly customizable at the same time. You can build your own components once and use them across multiple projects.

    • @TheQuinn50
      @TheQuinn50 11 місяців тому +4

      Hope so, biggest issue ive found with the native dialog tag is the fact it doesn't use z-index it uses the new "Top layer" system and as such most component libraries who still use z-index for dropdowns and similar don't work at all with the new dialog component as they'll just show up under the dialog. Otherwise I think it's a nice feature.

    • @TesterAnimal1
      @TesterAnimal1 6 місяців тому

      Won’t ever work. Nothing can go on top.

  • @oretanbarnabas7768
    @oretanbarnabas7768 11 місяців тому +1

    Awesome.... 🎉 This is insightful.. lol, I am anxious... I feel the gush to start using these in my projects 😂

  • @loneshadow0844
    @loneshadow0844 10 місяців тому

    Fireship, you videos are helping me so much complete a Coding Bootcamp. I can understand more easily, even though its only week 6 of 10

  • @MasayaShida
    @MasayaShida 11 місяців тому +6

    Ok somehow that mobile toolbar visibility css thing is what i see as most exciting

    • @bryku
      @bryku 11 місяців тому

      Css has been lacking, many of these things have been requested for 10+ years.
      I remember in 2007 reading a book in the library that talked about how css needs nested styles...
      Mobile has been pretty difficult with every device being different and js d8dnt really make it better sometimes.

  • @Robin_Goodfellow
    @Robin_Goodfellow 10 місяців тому +8

    I love seeing native JS and HTML absorbing framework features. Half of the reason that JS frameworks experience so much churn is that they're constantly trying to make up for the lack of native features.

  • @lofirelax
    @lofirelax 9 місяців тому +1

    Wow, so much new features making coding easier, Thanks Fireship!

  • @XDarkGreyX
    @XDarkGreyX 11 місяців тому

    Sometimes I check caniuse not for support for a specific features but for the new ones that come out. Pretty exciting. now I just need to not suck.
    But I totally missed the nesting. I don't know how yet I am so here for it.

  • @truvc
    @truvc 10 місяців тому +3

    My favorite thing about the dialog element is native focus trapping

  • @sevdalink6676
    @sevdalink6676 10 місяців тому +10

    I remember writing my own deepcopy function using recursion to create a decoupled new object.
    JS has some really stupid holes in the development tooling. Deepcopy and the last array element accessing are great examples.

    • @illyias
      @illyias 10 місяців тому

      It's all so shit though. Anyone have a clue on why they didn't implement the array[-1] syntax, and rather opted to add a new .at() method to every array?

    • @nandanreddy
      @nandanreddy 8 місяців тому

      @@illyias .findIndex() returns -1 if it can't find the element we are looking for. I don't know for sure but that might be the reason.

    • @bensge1
      @bensge1 8 місяців тому +1

      @@illyias If they changed the behavior of the existing syntax (array subscript), that would break many websites and libraries that rely on the fact that currently array[negative_number] returns undefined. Unfortunate situation, but you can only ever add new APIs, never change the behavior of APIs that are already out in the wild.

  • @comaecod
    @comaecod 10 місяців тому

    Great. I knew '-1' of the features mentioned. Lifesaver ♥

  • @ihspan6892
    @ihspan6892 11 місяців тому

    Nicely put together, thank you!

  • @jthoward
    @jthoward 11 місяців тому +3

    Something new that’s gonna be pretty cool is HTTP’s new QUERY method

  • @peterszarvas94
    @peterszarvas94 11 місяців тому +2

    Fun fact, in my language (Hungarian), we say "double v" instead of "double u". However, for a url, we say "v". Huge time saver. 🤯

    • @jocospeed98
      @jocospeed98 11 місяців тому +1

      Pont ezt akartam kommentelni lol

  • @DriftingDraftsman
    @DriftingDraftsman 11 місяців тому

    7:33 Made my day. Just added mobile support for my web game. It's only played in landscape mode, the toolbar allowing you to scroll bothered me to no end.

  • @TheDorac1
    @TheDorac1 11 місяців тому +4

    I absolutely love your content. I am a passionate front-end web developer and this is fantastic!

    • @princeadigwe3764
      @princeadigwe3764 11 місяців тому

      You are passionate about the frontend. I have never heard anyone say that. What particularly draws you... Is it the writing of complex algorithms or the css or js

    • @the-iter8
      @the-iter8 11 місяців тому +1

      ​@@princeadigwe3764well, now you've heard it. First of all not a lot of people are actually "passionate" they say for some reason to convince their brain maybe. Secondly, yes people can be actually passionate about frontend development, for me personally its about how you can build your own stuff, easily and quickly.

    • @dipanjanghosal1662
      @dipanjanghosal1662 11 місяців тому

      @@princeadigwe3764 I mean I can understand people enjoying building shiny UI and front end of web pages/SPAs

    • @TheDorac1
      @TheDorac1 10 місяців тому

      @@princeadigwe3764 I've been a developer on the front-end for a good 15 years. At first, i was given a psd document and told to develop a functional php website that was compatible on all browsers at the time, including the dreaded IE8. Despite the frustration, there was a level of satisfaction that it finally worked. That, and using JS / Jquery to make the page do something sparked interest. I've enjoyed continuing to learn new web technologies, libraries and frameworks, new css features, etc. There's something magical about creating a good user experience (although i am not a fan of the actual designing aspect) and using (and understanding) different front end libraries and frameworks to achieve it.
      Also, channels such as Fireship do a really good job at getting one excited to trying new things and exploring new territory.

    • @danielhalachev4714
      @danielhalachev4714 10 місяців тому

      ​​@@princeadigwe3764 I also really like creating front-end, with as little JS as possible. It's really satisfying managing to hide classes and code behind something beautiful and responsive. My enthusiasm was ruined three days ago when I delivered my university course project and they didn't appreciate my team had created an actual working prototype instead of a sketch in Figma.

  • @yashkhd1100
    @yashkhd1100 11 місяців тому +5

    I'm wondering how you able to track all these developments and roll out videos so quickly. A video around keeping track of all these things would be great for Fireship Community..!!

  • @andresarrieche522
    @andresarrieche522 11 місяців тому

    I didn't know about the dialog HTML element! Gotta make sure to use it in my future projects

  • @barte.sr.7744
    @barte.sr.7744 11 місяців тому

    LOVE THE TIPS VIDEOS. do more. and about your sponsor, cleark i think i gonna use it

  • @Eren_Sumer
    @Eren_Sumer 11 місяців тому +3

    Love your content.

  • @Jakob-mf8us
    @Jakob-mf8us 11 місяців тому +4

    5:20 Nothing to see there, just normal goat weed.

  • @abhaykumar9806
    @abhaykumar9806 11 місяців тому

    Some great features there that I'll use are dialog, color-mix and structuredClone. I already knew about dialog.

  • @RandomPlaythrough831
    @RandomPlaythrough831 10 місяців тому

    I love your videos man, it's always cool content that I actually don't know. It's fast but not overwhelming, and it's also funny. keep it up !

  • @peachezprogramming
    @peachezprogramming 11 місяців тому +6

    I’m a new Web Developer and feel a bit overwhelmed by the massive amount of stuff I need to learn

    • @TheScoobysteve
      @TheScoobysteve 11 місяців тому +8

      Welcome to the club. That feeling does not do anything other than worsen - embrace it. There's always going to be orders of magnitude more things you don't know than things you do.

    • @dafarii
      @dafarii 11 місяців тому +6

      Thankfully you don't need to know it all.

    • @lorddesert
      @lorddesert 11 місяців тому +1

      Same here. Just keep going and do stuff you like the most. xD

    • @IvanRandomDude
      @IvanRandomDude 11 місяців тому +1

      Now imagine how would you feel if you actually picked something more challenging

    • @cucumberwithketchup
      @cucumberwithketchup 11 місяців тому

      Tbh, you don't need to learn all the stuff available out here. In most cases as web dev you will write pretty simple things, but will have to fuck with other unrelated to this stuff (like not working third party tool, random shitty bug from the internal library that you are not allowed to touch or fix, etc.). And keep in mind that most businesses will require you to use old-fashioned things to achieve maximum support for the old browsers.
      And also let's not forget that nowadays you can use AI tools to ask how to do things in modern way, like bing, phind or perplexity AI powered search engines.

  • @SanjeevGhosh
    @SanjeevGhosh 10 місяців тому

    Super helpful video. Always excited to watch your content. Very rewarding.

  • @jakobgarde6769
    @jakobgarde6769 11 місяців тому +1

    Awesome video! Thanks for all the great tips! 🙏

  • @_sevelin
    @_sevelin 11 місяців тому +5

    HTML got a huge update!

  • @HartleySan
    @HartleySan 11 місяців тому +4

    I remember a time (not that long ago) when all bleeding-edge features were just "fantasy web" things with the hope that some of the features may actually be useful in 2-3 years. With Chrome, Edge and Firefox (and Mobile Safari to a lesser extent) staying pretty up to date with this stuff though, it all feels usable now or in the near future.

    • @lawrencedoliveiro9104
      @lawrencedoliveiro9104 11 місяців тому +3

      The death of Microsoft Internet Explorer has been very liberating, shall we say.

  • @adekunleoshiyoye1872
    @adekunleoshiyoye1872 10 місяців тому

    Love the video! So many useful new features. At 6:00 you mentioned JS is pass-by-reference, isn't it pass-by-value?

  • @jamesfoo8999
    @jamesfoo8999 9 місяців тому

    "structuredClone" wow this was so needed!

  • @refuzion1314
    @refuzion1314 11 місяців тому +3

    Why does FireshipX actually look good lol

  • @grandtheftautoexpert2040
    @grandtheftautoexpert2040 11 місяців тому +6

    I am going to be honest and say I saw absolutely no difference between the webgl and webgpu stuff you showed 😅

  • @ozzyfromspace
    @ozzyfromspace 11 місяців тому

    Damn bro, that Clerk ad was actually really compelling. I use NextAuth rn, but I'm lowkey intrigued. Also, this video was fire(ship)!

  • @shoppy-wizard
    @shoppy-wizard 11 місяців тому +3

    Fireship Should be CEO of Space X.

  • @Dev-Siri
    @Dev-Siri 11 місяців тому +19

    I like how JS and CSS are becoming more of "something to avoid" while HTML is just getter better & better.
    Can't wait for the day where JS & CSS bundles are at 200kb & the actual HTML document is 1MB (Brotli)

    • @user-fr2fm3ri3w
      @user-fr2fm3ri3w 11 місяців тому +13

      its always been like this why make a hacky js function that breaks accessibility and iphones instead of using the correct html tag

    • @lawrencedoliveiro9104
      @lawrencedoliveiro9104 11 місяців тому +1

      On the contrary, these new features are increasingly tied into CSS.

  • @kwe4117
    @kwe4117 10 місяців тому

    Bruh, I was about to create a custom modal for a project and came across this video. You are a champion amongst men.

  • @mcpecommander5327
    @mcpecommander5327 8 місяців тому

    I’m probably going to use all the css ones when making my next CSS only web app

  • @rickdg
    @rickdg 11 місяців тому +3

    Can't wait for all of these to come to Safari in 2030, but not before a few of them silently break with an OS update. Isn't web development fun?

    • @fakenameforgoogle9168
      @fakenameforgoogle9168 11 місяців тому +1

      Safari supports all of them except WebGPU and view transitions -- firefox is actually the main one lagging behind

  • @shoppy-wizard
    @shoppy-wizard 11 місяців тому +4

    Kids drink Tea 🍵 in Morning
    Men drink Coffee ☕
    Legends drink Beer 🍺
    Valademir Putin drinks Vodka 🍷
    Fireship (🔥 🚢 ) drinks this 5:20 📯 🐐 ☘️

  • @realdaly
    @realdaly 10 місяців тому +2

    I asked for a sticky pseudo class in the official Google Chrome Developers channel, this will be useful to check if an element is sticky or not and apply styles accordingly. Surprisingly Una Cravets replied and said sticky will be the first state implemented for state queries

  • @taiwojolomi2638
    @taiwojolomi2638 10 місяців тому

    Almost forgot that this one of the most awesome channels on UA-cam.. Fireship 🔥🔥

  • @ronp5615
    @ronp5615 3 дні тому

    Also - great to see the GL. Of course, we had that with Molehill around 2011.

  • @andrewkolansky5348
    @andrewkolansky5348 11 місяців тому +1

    Love this video. Thanks for making it!

  • @berkayatatop1181
    @berkayatatop1181 11 місяців тому

    Easily one of the most useful videos that I watched in a while.

  • @carlhandy
    @carlhandy 11 місяців тому

    Been waiting to be able to import json in js for yearssssssss. Excited about that one

  • @pwnsensei
    @pwnsensei 11 місяців тому

    Thank you, lots of new things I didn't know about

  • @zeldaplayergl11
    @zeldaplayergl11 11 місяців тому

    Fireship is definitely excited about everything... The first 10 were slow and in detail... But the rapid fire others caught me off guard 😂

  • @Neoh53
    @Neoh53 10 місяців тому

    OMG that's right ! You can use the stringify + parse to deep copy !
    No more custom recursive copy function ! Thank you ! It might seem basic but a game changer for me ! I will give this old forgotten project a new live !

  • @shgysk8zer0
    @shgysk8zer0 11 місяців тому

    The one thing I didn't know was the vitals Chrome extension because I don't use Chrome much. I've written polyfills and libraries for many of the others... Wish `inert` was a thing long ago because it makes the `` polyfill a whole lot easier (since there's accessibility to doing it correctly).

  • @pwan3971
    @pwan3971 10 місяців тому

    Finally, one more certificate! thanks Fireship!

  • @adamjamiu6764
    @adamjamiu6764 9 місяців тому

    Thanks for the update. You give me the inspiration to stay up to date in web technologies. Can you please do a video on ViewTransitionsAPI

  • @BrianClincy
    @BrianClincy 11 місяців тому

    The sarcasm gets me everytime... The first Character is awesome!!! Thanks for the info

  • @kipchickensout
    @kipchickensout 7 місяців тому

    that first one hit hard, i once wanted to make something because i barely ever do any web stuff, and thought "okay, so first I need a modal dialog, can't be hard right?"

  • @hupa1a
    @hupa1a 8 місяців тому

    Great one!

  • @OurDivineKing
    @OurDivineKing 10 місяців тому

    Fire hose ending.... lol. Great stuff.

  • @igorlerinc3510
    @igorlerinc3510 10 місяців тому

    This channel is God sent. Such quality content , what I need

  • @landsman737
    @landsman737 10 місяців тому

    effective recap, thank you!

  • @awesomedude3247
    @awesomedude3247 10 місяців тому

    Been working on a website with lots of pop ups and the diolouge fewture is a game changer for me

  • @UzairAli001
    @UzairAli001 11 місяців тому

    Great video.
    Please make video on more new JavaScript APIs

  • @shriharikulkarni07
    @shriharikulkarni07 9 місяців тому

    10th one is the most needed one. It took two freaking days for me to know and debug that issue of pass by reference in JS

  • @johnadriandodge
    @johnadriandodge 11 місяців тому +1

    Thank you for sharing Jedi Fireship! I have not yet included dialog or popover, among so many others new features which you generously have shared, but am looking forward to it sometime hopefully and LORD willing soon.

  • @ayushchaudhary4649
    @ayushchaudhary4649 11 місяців тому

    Thanks, That was a great video and I got to learn many things, please keep uploading these types of videos instead of the ai company battles(Bard vs ChatGPT) constantly

  • @pujanparikh7149
    @pujanparikh7149 11 місяців тому +1

    this is incredibly helpful. how does one find about about new stuff like this?

  • @automateddude
    @automateddude 11 місяців тому

    Cool fireship! these will help me a lot!!