Hägglunds Bandvagn 206 Stuck in the mud being towed.

  • Опубліковано 7 лют 2025


  • @alangordon3283
    @alangordon3283 Місяць тому +1

    Nice training exercise

  • @miguelalgarra3285
    @miguelalgarra3285 3 місяці тому +7

    Jeg er glad jeg var i marinen

    • @staffeyx
      @staffeyx 3 місяці тому

      sjösjuka, nej tack

  • @svenakejohnson63
    @svenakejohnson63 3 місяці тому +9

    För låg fart över hålet ! Min Fanjunkare Norman T3 Sollefteå hade fått ett Gott skratt

  • @steppenwolf7958
    @steppenwolf7958 2 місяці тому +3

    This is the gear you need to survive doomsday.

  • @johahill8758
    @johahill8758 2 місяці тому +2

    With a little bit of steering around he probably could have gotten out alone.
    But i already killed 2 transmissions in my BV206.
    So i would have used the assistance too. 😉

  • @richardpaine5923
    @richardpaine5923 2 місяці тому +4

    Surely a sane person would have avoided a mud patch.

    • @Keiseru
      @Keiseru 27 днів тому +2

      It's so rare they get stuck so people intentionally try looking for the hardest patches to cross XD

    • @afberglund2764
      @afberglund2764 27 днів тому +1

      It's training, that mudhole is always there and someone take the wrong part and get stuck. They then get experience towing

  • @walterpleyer261
    @walterpleyer261 2 місяці тому +5

    This must be the mother of all swamps, if even a BV 206 gets stuck

    • @kitewinds663
      @kitewinds663 2 місяці тому +1

      Inget ovanligt. De fastnar i diken och andra korta branta sänkor, behöver inte vara så djupt. Det är en gammal svag konstruktion.

    • @Keiseru
      @Keiseru 27 днів тому +1

      @@walterpleyer261 military version is heavier though...

  • @michaelmcclure8673
    @michaelmcclure8673 Місяць тому

    Someone buy that cameraman a drink for getting a booter . 😊😊

  • @ВадимЗвездин
    @ВадимЗвездин Місяць тому

    Солдаты на расслабоне. А теперь представьте, что начался обстрел, летят дроны, все горит и взрывается. Будут ли они что-то вытаскивать?

  • @hasse8181
    @hasse8181 3 місяці тому +2

    Vilken gegga moja

  • @Emil_Akesson
    @Emil_Akesson 3 місяці тому +3

    Spolplattan kommer att bli geggig haha

  • @JohanAhlgren-vm3km
    @JohanAhlgren-vm3km 3 місяці тому +1

    At 1:58 we can hear a bystander say: ”Du skulle haft stövlar med!” [you should have brought rubber boots]. Obviously this is supposed to be humoristic by Swedish standards. Well, is it? Im not sure.

  • @janinsweden8559
    @janinsweden8559 3 місяці тому +5

    När vi bärgade (med andra fordon dock) så hängde vi vapenrockar över vajern för att dämpa snärten om vajern brister.

    • @bennylloyd-willner9667
      @bennylloyd-willner9667 3 місяці тому +4

      Tänkte också på det, offroadare rekommenderar sånt. Ännu hellre använda moderna syntetiska linor, men jag antar att försvaret har ett stort gäng gamla stålwire som fortfarande är funktionella och att de successivt byts ut.

    • @thurbine2411
      @thurbine2411 2 місяці тому

      Vi gjorde aldrig det men då drog vi stridsvagnar så kan tänka mig att på mindre fordon som 206an kan det hjälpa något

  • @afberglund2764
    @afberglund2764 27 днів тому

    Vanliga hålet på Villingsberg om man håller höger där?

  • @Nels921
    @Nels921 3 місяці тому +4

    Varför köra rakt i dypölen? Jag hade kört runt... men det var en övning och man lär sej alltid något.

    • @marcusgustafsson9558
      @marcusgustafsson9558 3 місяці тому +1

      Så ere - utbildning vettu.

    • @bennylloyd-willner9667
      @bennylloyd-willner9667 3 місяці тому +1

      Precis. Ingen större idé att öva på ren grusväg😃

    • @andersjohansson7888
      @andersjohansson7888 3 місяці тому

      Kortaste vägen mellan två punkter är alltid en rät linje.

    • @bennylloyd-willner9667
      @bennylloyd-willner9667 3 місяці тому +1

      @andersjohansson7888 den här linjen var inte rät heller dock...
      Rakt fram, rakt fram, rakt fram
      ...djupt ner i surhålet, stanna o sen upp på marknivå med hjälp. Från sidan är det en rejäl böj nedåt😁

  • @frodej6640
    @frodej6640 2 місяці тому

    Trikset vi brukte var å kutte små trær og legge under beltene. Men det har vel blitt forbudt å gjøre sånt.

    • @andreaseriksson8803
      @andreaseriksson8803 2 місяці тому

      Knappast förbjudet på försvarets mark. Inga pinnar, träd eller stockar hjälper i det där krondiket. Flera dm djup lersörja

  • @ted996
    @ted996 3 місяці тому +19

    Återställning av våtmarker?

    • @valverdeout2972
      @valverdeout2972 3 місяці тому +2


    • @bennylloyd-willner9667
      @bennylloyd-willner9667 3 місяці тому +2

      Övning på begränsat område för att klara uppgifter som t ex att rädda nödställda i naturkatastrofer? BV206 har varit stor hjälp över hela världen vid översvämningar o liknande, även här i landet har de räddat nödställda som inte gått att komma åt annars.

    • @ted996
      @ted996 3 місяці тому +5

      @@bennylloyd-willner9667 Har självaste Benny någon gång hört talas om sarkasm?

    • @bennylloyd-willner9667
      @bennylloyd-willner9667 3 місяці тому

      @ted996 jeep, har självaste du hört talas om miljömuppar som inte tänker länge än den biodynamiskt odlade näsan de har?
      Svårt att skilja dem och din självaste sarkasm åt på tre ord i en enda mening😄

    • @bennylloyd-willner9667
      @bennylloyd-willner9667 3 місяці тому

      ​​@@ted996 mitt svar på datorn verkar inte ha fastnat så här kanske en gång till:
      My bad. Har självaste ted996 hört talas om miljömuppar som inte tänker längre än sin biodynamiskt odlade näsa? Med en mening på tre ord är det svårt för mig att se skillnaden på dem och självaste sarkasmen😊
      Som sagt. My bad (o bandvagnens bad...)

  • @Stefan_Boerjesson
    @Stefan_Boerjesson Місяць тому

    Nu vet de om ytterligare en begränsning.....

  • @Toto_Meister_01
    @Toto_Meister_01 2 місяці тому

    So what use do these have in the German army? They APCs/battle taxies, cause I can’t see them being used on the front lines?

  • @petter5721
    @petter5721 3 місяці тому +4

    Snart blir det nya motorer/växellådor i dessa maskiner👍🏻

    • @Nubbe999
      @Nubbe999 3 місяці тому +2

      Det är bra. Såg att det fanns något kanadensiskt bolag som byggde om gamla och satte i betydligt kraftfullare motorer och låda. Så bra om det görs i totalförsvaret också.

    • @afberglund2764
      @afberglund2764 27 днів тому

      ​@@Nubbe999 dieselfyra 2,8 liter cummins och bättre automat. De funkar otroligt bra. De gamla ford v6 är törstiga

  • @MrJokkoma
    @MrJokkoma 3 місяці тому +1

    Han gav ju upp alltför tidigt.

    • @Nubbe999
      @Nubbe999 3 місяці тому

      Jag blev lite besviken att den behövde dras up. Hade också viljat se några försök till.

    • @bennylloyd-willner9667
      @bennylloyd-willner9667 3 місяці тому

      Kanske inte filmade från början?

    • @MrJokkoma
      @MrJokkoma 3 місяці тому

      ​@@bennylloyd-willner9667Det var troligen nån utbildning i hur man blir bärgad, alla som kört midjestyrda fordon, typ skogsmaskin,hjullastare etc vet att man bara håller stålet och vevar fulla styrutslag, då kommer man upp. Han gjorde ju bara små ryck med styrningen det ger inget. Det är inte kört förän man hänger på underredet.

  • @andersjohansson7888
    @andersjohansson7888 3 місяці тому

    Trode dom var osänkbara.

    • @tessjuel
      @tessjuel 3 місяці тому +2

      Ikke helt. Norge har fortsatt noen gamle BV 202-vogner de bruker der an BV 206 ikke kommer fram.

  • @bennylloyd-willner9667
    @bennylloyd-willner9667 3 місяці тому

    Ähh, skulle haft Subaru😂

  • @labtrp
    @labtrp 3 місяці тому


  • @janh12340
    @janh12340 3 місяці тому +1

    Wtf was that? Scared of getting dirt on your gear? If that had been a NATO praksis the war judge had judged you lost in battle for that nonsens! 😅

    • @bennylloyd-willner9667
      @bennylloyd-willner9667 3 місяці тому

      Yeah, keeping clean and dry isn't at all how you keep performing the best...

    • @tessjuel
      @tessjuel 3 місяці тому +2

      It's not about dirt. If the ground is too soft for a BV 206, it's too soft to stand on. The photographer got away with it because he moved fast and was lucky. If the driver had tried to stand on the ground while he attached the wire, he would have sunk down to his knees before the job was done and then he would have needed rescue too.

    • @bennylloyd-willner9667
      @bennylloyd-willner9667 3 місяці тому +1

      @tessjuel I think janh thinks the only manly/military thing to do is getting soaked, rather than being smart and keep being able to work well for hours 😊

    • @aritakalo8011
      @aritakalo8011 2 місяці тому

      @@tessjuel and most likely camera person felt for support while going along. One gets used to it on swamp marching. Feel along is there support and noping out on it getting too soft. If it had got too soft, they would have called it quits. Plus as one can see they still got boot deep in the mud.
      However having done some BV206 transports in Finnish conscript service, you are on that carrier and then you step of.... You are high up and can't really feel for the ground. You step off.... and one time I stepped off, BV was sitting nice high (way less nasty ground than this here filmed) and up and first step off the carrier, I was knee deep in swamp mud. It is genuine worry one is specially on little bit stepping of/jumping of the carrier *waist* deep in mud and now you are the rescue subject and not just the carrier.
      It is crazy where tracked light boyant carrier can go where nothing else. If BV is having trouble, it is sign "everybody and everything else, proceed with extreme caution unless you want to be claimed by the swamp monster"

  • @TimoIivonen
    @TimoIivonen 3 місяці тому

    Hello how are you? I want to share you
    This is a message from your loving God.
    God is a loving God and want to save us all.
    God dont want anybody to suffer or have a hard life. Meaning of life is love and that's what God wants. Thats the meaning of life. If we would take care and love each other that would solve all the problems. But world is not like that. World is a sinful world. God dont destroy this world but we humans do. His immediately ready if you want to serve him. God will show you the right path what leads to life. Its a path of love. God made us and have eternal love and mercy. This world is not what God wanted. But he gave us free will. You can choose good or bad. Thats why he send he's only son Jesus that we had mercy. Jesus is God too because he is God's only son. Now this world have went to very wicked and our God is crying. So many peoples are on the path of destruction. World have allways been wicked but now is extremely bad times going on. God want's peoples to come back to serve him and he wants to give forever life and happiness. God is a God of love, mercy, justice and a judgment.
    He love us peoples as much as hes son Jesus.
    There is one big lie going on this world. Its an evolution lie. First please think this thing. Why all the fruits, berrys and vegetables taste so good? Anybody can go to own home kitchen and try to do the same taste. Then look up please and watch those extremely beautiful birds. Do you really believe birds came from dinosaurs? We need very light bones, right size, correct shape, a bird's beak and feathers. And the same time birds are very beautiful. I send only these two questions to evolution professor and nothing came back(Why berries taste so good and how those little birds survived without wings)
    Then they say evolution gave animals camoflash to survive. Well if we look black panther. They say it's black because it's a night-time hunter and that black color also give it protection during night-time. First thing: evolution dont have brains and it gave that black color they say. Second thing: Please think how many shades of colors are and all animal have to be black.
    Third thing: Then they say there were many panthers with another color also and the best color was left. Because it's the best color in the nigh time. This is a lie also because: if you think like evolutionist's: the animals system also have to know to do black anymore. Rabbit is also brown when it's a summer and white when it's a winter. We need intelligence to do that.
    They say also evolution develops animals or Humans what kind of element we live. Why then fish have gills and whale have lungs? They say first came the first cell and that was finally a fish. And then finally fish came to land and it was frog or something.
    But thats inpossible because gills should also transform to lungs under the water. They brake their own logic when they say that. And how about a whale. Whale proves also God is real because it have lungs. Theory of evolution tells everything started from ocean.
    They also say that plants came from ocean and thats why we have now.
    Thats a lie because:
    The plants have an underwater pollination system. If something comes to the beach it will die for it. And they are breaking their logic again. Fish and other water animals and plants belong to sea.
    Only our loving God can create life and everything what we humans and animals need. People can try to think but the deeper we try to dig the more lost we are. We cant ever create life from nothing.
    A simple car engine also needs its maker, parts, fuel and the right structure to work.
    I had health problems about six years ago. Finally it was so bad i thought im gonna die. My heart was beating fast. My blood pressure was high. Then i started to lose my energy. When i try to walk my legs felt heavy and my stamina went very bad also. Then i started losing my sleep. Eventually i crashed a little into the road and asked God and Jesus to help. Finally I started to run in the toilet all the time too. Then the very awful thing came. I lost fastly almost all my ability to sleep and I started to loose my weight. Blood came out of my nose and I started to lost my hairs too. I visit hospitals and private hospitals too but they couldn't help me. They gave me beta blockers to my heart and finally medicine to my high blood pressure too. I wanted to get inside the hospital but they refused to take me in. In private hospitals they couldn't understand why they dont take me in the main hospital. Finally I contact to other country and I asked can you take me in the hospital. Then they asked where are you here? I told im in the other country and I need a help. But they told me we cant take you in because you dont live here. So I can tell you money didnt help me. Later I told my family im gonna die very soon because I felt completely awful. Finally I asked again God to help me. Then finally my Mother saw one Angel vision and three Jesus vision. After that it took few days and my health came back. I got my sleeping back and my heart started to calm down. I started to gain weight. Blood pressure went back to normal and finally I got all my hairs back. This Is very short version what happend to me but I was close to death. God Is real and loves us very much. When you begin to seek God you Will find True love. Read the Bible too please because its a perfect book. Thats how you know God Is real💕🙏. Read what Jesus told because its perfect talk💕🙏