A government is the system by which a state or community is controlled. In the case of this broad associative definition, government normally consists of legislators, administrators, and arbitrators. Government is the means by which state policy is enforced, as well as the mechanism for determining the policy of the state. Forms of government, or forms of state governance, refers to the set of political systems and institutions that make up the organisation of a specific government. Governments control the economy, social freedoms, and political systems, and may or may not be voluntary. In the Commonwealth of Nations, the word government is also used more narrowly to refer to the ministry (collective executive), a collective group of people that exercises executive authority in a state or, more narrowly, the governing cabinet as part of the executive. This usage is analogous to what is called an "administration" in American English. Furthermore, especially in American English, the concepts of the state and the government may be used synonymously to refer to the person or group exercising authority over a politically organized territory. Finally, government is also sometimes used in English as a synonym for governance. In addition to the above political meanings, in grammar and theoretical linguistics, government or rection refers to the relationship between a word and its dependents.
My professor for my intro to politics course is absolute trash, and for someone who has come in with little or no understanding of basic politics or vocabulary this has been the most helpful thing to get me on track, thank you
The roots of oligarchy in the USA were planted when the Constitution was ratified in 1789. That power of Congress to, "borrow money on the credit of the United States" without limitations imposed is the source of oligarchy control. It will never end in this country, or any other, until the Constitution is amended as follows: Congress shall have power to borrow money on the credit of the United States for any specific purpose, and issue secureties for that purpose which must be retired during a period not to exceed fifty years by general taxation and/or user fees.
I basically disagree with your view of anarchy because this assumes that all people are sociopaths which they are acutually not. Theoratically democracy is good but only if anyone is in charge. But this also has its downsides because if you try to democratically rule a big country where everyone is in charge for the country as a whole there are everytime a bunch of people who not get what want or deserve. So there will ever be an gap between the people. That make it possible for people to group up and the intentinally abuse their majority to control the others. More critically it gets when you elect people to rule over you because then you give them the permission to force their will on everybody else. This is not really a difference to monarchy/dicatorship or an oligarchy because the basic intend that somebody who is in charge obuses their power to impose their opinion on you didn't change at all. So in my opinion we can only achieve true freedom and peace if we stop to believe that humanity needs someone in charge to be peaceful and cooperative. Just thing about our current situation on the world and look what happens due to this democray or better pseudo democracy? You will soon recognize that the basic problem is the thinking in states, countries or anything else leads to rip off others which are weaker than you. And the sad thing at the end is that only a small amount of people are benefit from this conflicts. In anarchy for example anyone is indivual in the first place but this didn't mean that humans cannot group up, be cooperative and achieve some creater goals like and great infrastructure. It just means that anyone is responsive for their own and has to respect the property of someone else because you also want that others respect your property. What you mentioned with the movie "Sons Of Anarchy" or to make it more clear the general view of anarchy which is basically shown in movies where the government collapses are totally not what anarchy really is. This is just based on our current governmental view because the people thing that they need to get the most of this crisis until a new government is elected to ensure a greater wealth after this. The basic reason for this is capitalism which needs an government to actually exists. But i digress a bit from my basic intention... To sum up, I would say that if you really thing that you need and government to rule or atleast let the majority decide what is the best for humanity at all didn't mean that this is really the best what could happen. And if people don't have the correct moral opinions to live indipendently together in peace, harmony and work cooperatviely to achive a greater goals, why should this be possible if only the majorty, a small group or at least a single person decide? If humanity is immoral at all than no ruling system will work at all because everytime immoral beeings are in charge. Then for example the decisions of the majority of the people in a democracy are equally immoral or worse than in an anarchy. And anarchy don't mean that there are no rules at all it just mean that you are not ruled by other beeings. There is a common misunderstanding in anarchy because it is set equally with chaos but it just means that no one rules you. If you mean the absence of social norms, rules or peaceful cohabit between people than it is anomie what you are thinking about. But this is only one thing that is totally twisted by our media and general education. At the end just a simple question to you: Do you really would harm and rob innocent people just because there is no government which will punish you? I suppose your answer will be "No" as it is for the majority of the people. We are just educated to believe that we need an government to live in peace with other people.
You guys should read some anarchist literature. Anarchists do in fact believe in government, just not a state (a monopoly of violence). They want to eliminate or flatten all unnecessary hierarchy, so many advocate for a bottom-up system of confederate democracies so as to remove the governmental class and disperse its power as widely as possible. Examples include Rojava, Catalonia (formerly), the Zapatistas, the Black Army in Ukraine, and many Native American tribes. Anarchism is the maximal left-wing libertarian ideology. Their arch-enemies are fascism and imperialism. Somalia, on the other hand, could be best understood as approaching Anarcho-Capitalism. Ancaps are against both states AND government. They believe that the best system to for organizing society is unregulated, laissez-faire capitalism. Every single program that was once governmental becomes private (police, firefighters, ambulances, militaries, roads, prisons, courts, etc). Hierarchies still exist along the lines of bourgeois and proletariat. Anarcho-Capitalism is the maximal right-wing libertarian ideology. Their arch-enemy is Marxist-Leninists.
I get it, I was just curious if it was something different or the text boxes. Really neat idea, reminds me of a ESPN topic side bar. Thanks for the help, you stuff is great. Hoping to start incorporating more flipped learning.
Tom, I took your idea of the PTI display and played around with it. I used your government slides just as a base (don't worry I plan on changing the wording). I redesigned it and made it look more like PTI. Feel free to use it if you'd like. Keep up the good work. docs.google.com/presentation/d/1wVuQSjiBc0zdUI9MbmggIaEtgyANnXAqBDPvHKJnTBA/edit?usp=sharing
Pakistan too has theocracy. We hold Elections like democracy n run our country the way democratic countries do. But besides we believe, the supreme Power bekongs to God Almighty.
Only one particular groups of people who perfected or almost perfected democracy or democratic form & running of government that is the City state of Athens in Greece! But not in all parts of Greece like the Sparta, Thebes, & other it's city states. Why only Athens have achieved real & true democracy?!, That was because Athens was populated by properous or wealthy Merchants or businessman and they were highly educated & intelligent! They can challenge the power of Monarchial ruler, they beaten & expelled & deport their King & royal families & other aristocracy who were seen them a threat & dangerous to their democratic way of living. But why it's not prosper in Sparta & other city states? Maybe their situation, economic, belief, cultures, etc & other situational reason we're different or not the same as in Athens so democracy is not applicable to them maybe for the survival of their people & other reasons. Sparta was a militarist, most of it's population were poor peasants or zelots & slaves. Economically compared to Athens they were poor. In our modern times sometimes democracy or capitalist or even so called socialist or communist is not applicable in some or in all countries in a good running of good governance of government! It must be conformed to their situation needs, Religious, beliefs,culture, education,economic etc. Why? We have a reason of Relativity, meaning, to the others it is good but to the other it is bad! For the example in our country in the Philippines why democracy does not work for the real or true democratic gov't?it never uplift the economic welfare of the people, only the rich became richer & the majority of our people became more poorer. Even we love Democracy which we cherish & enjoyed political & civil rights & liberties for so long, we now begin to question it, even the US said democracy is the best, we can answer now! Not really or no it's not true for a long time we suffer!,we experienced & we are unhappy. We want to change our government system that applicable, maybe socialist form then gradually change to democracy we foresee the better if presidential Federal form but many resisted when we advocate, we also think maybe we begin in revolutionary form first then socialism fix first all ills & defects of inequality especially in economic & social aspects!
Totalitarian Dictatorship is not the same as Authoritarian Dictatorship...
The Law
A Republic
Examples include: Ancient Rome, The United States of America.
A government is the system by which a state or community is controlled.
In the case of this broad associative definition, government normally consists of legislators, administrators, and arbitrators.
Government is the means by which state policy is enforced, as well as the mechanism for determining the policy of the state.
Forms of government, or forms of state governance, refers to the set of political systems and institutions that make up the organisation of a specific government.
Governments control the economy, social freedoms, and political systems, and may or may not be voluntary.
In the Commonwealth of Nations, the word government is also used more narrowly to refer to the ministry (collective executive), a collective group of people that exercises executive authority in a state or, more narrowly, the governing cabinet as part of the executive.
This usage is analogous to what is called an "administration" in American English.
Furthermore, especially in American English, the concepts of the state and the government may be used synonymously to refer to the person or group exercising authority over a politically organized territory.
Finally, government is also sometimes used in English as a synonym for governance.
In addition to the above political meanings, in grammar and theoretical linguistics, government or rection refers to the relationship between a word and its dependents.
thank for showing the big picture
Inaccurate in that a republic is not a form of democracy
Do anyone have information on regency governments and how they run?
And a Republic?
My professor for my intro to politics course is absolute trash, and for someone who has come in with little or no understanding of basic politics or vocabulary this has been the most helpful thing to get me on track, thank you
The roots of oligarchy in the USA were planted when the Constitution was ratified in 1789. That power of Congress to, "borrow money on the credit of the United States" without limitations imposed is the source of oligarchy control. It will never end in this country, or any other, until the Constitution is amended as follows: Congress shall have power to borrow money on the credit of the United States for any specific purpose, and issue secureties for that purpose which must be retired during a period not to exceed fifty years by general taxation and/or user fees.
Excellent! I will use it for my class!
Very well explained Thanks!
This is great, very basic and informative.
I basically disagree with your view of anarchy because this assumes that all people are sociopaths which they are acutually not. Theoratically democracy is good but only if anyone is in charge. But this also has its downsides because if you try to democratically rule a big country where everyone is in charge for the country as a whole there are everytime a bunch of people who not get what want or deserve. So there will ever be an gap between the people. That make it possible for people to group up and the intentinally abuse their majority to control the others. More critically it gets when you elect people to rule over you because then you give them the permission to force their will on everybody else. This is not really a difference to monarchy/dicatorship or an oligarchy because the basic intend that somebody who is in charge obuses their power to impose their opinion on you didn't change at all.
So in my opinion we can only achieve true freedom and peace if we stop to believe that humanity needs someone in charge to be peaceful and cooperative. Just thing about our current situation on the world and look what happens due to this democray or better pseudo democracy? You will soon recognize that the basic problem is the thinking in states, countries or anything else leads to rip off others which are weaker than you. And the sad thing at the end is that only a small amount of people are benefit from this conflicts. In anarchy for example anyone is indivual in the first place but this didn't mean that humans cannot group up, be cooperative and achieve some creater goals like and great infrastructure. It just means that anyone is responsive for their own and has to respect the property of someone else because you also want that others respect your property. What you mentioned with the movie "Sons Of Anarchy" or to make it more clear the general view of anarchy which is basically shown in movies where the government collapses are totally not what anarchy really is. This is just based on our current governmental view because the people thing that they need to get the most of this crisis until a new government is elected to ensure a greater wealth after this. The basic reason for this is capitalism which needs an government to actually exists. But i digress a bit from my basic intention...
To sum up, I would say that if you really thing that you need and government to rule or atleast let the majority decide what is the best for humanity at all didn't mean that this is really the best what could happen. And if people don't have the correct moral opinions to live indipendently together in peace, harmony and work cooperatviely to achive a greater goals, why should this be possible if only the majorty, a small group or at least a single person decide? If humanity is immoral at all than no ruling system will work at all because everytime immoral beeings are in charge. Then for example the decisions of the majority of the people in a democracy are equally immoral or worse than in an anarchy. And anarchy don't mean that there are no rules at all it just mean that you are not ruled by other beeings. There is a common misunderstanding in anarchy because it is set equally with chaos but it just means that no one rules you. If you mean the absence of social norms, rules or peaceful cohabit between people than it is anomie what you are thinking about. But this is only one thing that is totally twisted by our media and general education. At the end just a simple question to you: Do you really would harm and rob innocent people just because there is no government which will punish you? I suppose your answer will be "No" as it is for the majority of the people. We are just educated to believe that we need an government to live in peace with other people.
Now know what answer. Thanks.
You guys should read some anarchist literature. Anarchists do in fact believe in government, just not a state (a monopoly of violence). They want to eliminate or flatten all unnecessary hierarchy, so many advocate for a bottom-up system of confederate democracies so as to remove the governmental class and disperse its power as widely as possible. Examples include Rojava, Catalonia (formerly), the Zapatistas, the Black Army in Ukraine, and many Native American tribes.
Anarchism is the maximal left-wing libertarian ideology. Their arch-enemies are fascism and imperialism.
Somalia, on the other hand, could be best understood as approaching Anarcho-Capitalism. Ancaps are against both states AND government. They believe that the best system to for organizing society is unregulated, laissez-faire capitalism. Every single program that was once governmental becomes private (police, firefighters, ambulances, militaries, roads, prisons, courts, etc). Hierarchies still exist along the lines of bourgeois and proletariat.
Anarcho-Capitalism is the maximal right-wing libertarian ideology. Their arch-enemy is Marxist-Leninists.
Lol all rulership is the same: one person or group imposing there will on everyone else and using violence against anyone who opposes them. .the end.
What program are you using to have the preview bar at the bottom of the page? Is it just a form of powerpoint?
I get it, I was just curious if it was something different or the text boxes. Really neat idea, reminds me of a ESPN topic side bar.
Thanks for the help, you stuff is great. Hoping to start incorporating more flipped learning.
Thanks, I have been following your work for a while and really like what you have done, especially the gamification model.
Tom, I took your idea of the PTI display and played around with it. I used your government slides just as a base (don't worry I plan on changing the wording). I redesigned it and made it look more like PTI. Feel free to use it if you'd like. Keep up the good work.
Mathew Barker Can you shoot me an email when you get a chance? I have a couple ideas to run by you. I am at thdriscoll@gmail.com
Tom, my email was returned with an invalid email address notification. You can email me at barkerm33@gmail.com. Thanks.
thank you this video was really helpfull. I learned many things
Who’s here for apwh 2021 lol
Pakistan too has theocracy. We hold Elections like democracy n run our country the way democratic countries do. But besides we believe, the supreme Power bekongs to God Almighty.
Very useful
Only one particular groups of people who perfected or almost perfected democracy or democratic form & running of government that is the City state of Athens in Greece! But not in all parts of Greece like the Sparta, Thebes, & other it's city states. Why only Athens have achieved real & true democracy?!, That was because Athens was populated by properous or wealthy Merchants or businessman and they were highly educated & intelligent! They can challenge the power of Monarchial ruler, they beaten & expelled & deport their King & royal families & other aristocracy who were seen them a threat & dangerous to their democratic way of living. But why it's not prosper in Sparta & other city states? Maybe their situation, economic, belief, cultures, etc & other situational reason we're different or not the same as in Athens so democracy is not applicable to them maybe for the survival of their people & other reasons. Sparta was a militarist, most of it's population were poor peasants or zelots & slaves. Economically compared to Athens they were poor. In our modern times sometimes democracy or capitalist or even so called socialist or communist is not applicable in some or in all countries in a good running of good governance of government! It must be conformed to their situation needs, Religious, beliefs,culture, education,economic etc. Why? We have a reason of Relativity, meaning, to the others it is good but to the other it is bad! For the example in our country in the Philippines why democracy does not work for the real or true democratic gov't?it never uplift the economic welfare of the people, only the rich became richer & the majority of our people became more poorer. Even we love Democracy which we cherish & enjoyed political & civil rights & liberties for so long, we now begin to question it, even the US said democracy is the best, we can answer now! Not really or no it's not true for a long time we suffer!,we experienced & we are unhappy. We want to change our government system that applicable, maybe socialist form then gradually change to democracy we foresee the better if presidential Federal form but many resisted when we advocate, we also think maybe we begin in revolutionary form first then socialism fix first all ills & defects of inequality especially in economic & social aspects!
Good vid educational