The Power of Story, Tim Lott & John Yorke

  • Опубліковано 12 вер 2024
  • This is the first in a new series looking at the power of story and myth in how we understand ourselves and the world, hosted by award-winning novelist and journalist Tim Lott.
    For this first episode he's joined by John Yorke, one of the UK's top TV writers and executives, and author of the seminal book on storytelling, 'Out of the Woods'.
    Tim says: "Stories are everywhere. Not only in books or films or dramas, but in politics, in advertising, in our very heads. They are ubiquitous because humans cannot live without them. But what is a story? What makes it work? Why is it so crucial to our sense of ourself that fortunes can be made by harnessing the power of story - as storytellers as diverse as JK Rowling, Hilary Mantel, George Lucas and Lin Manuel Miranda are proof of.
    Ever since humans emerged into self consciousness, they have told one another stories - at the highest collective level, in form of myth or religion. Many of us how think myths and religions are outdated fairy tales . But in fact they are world dreams, that offer us profound messages about who we are and help us make sense of the world and how we should live in it. Great stories are rooted deep in the human subconscious. An artist's job is not to create them, but excavate them.
    In this series of podcasts I will be trying understand the nature of stories and the craft of storytelling, with my guests from all branches of the arts, the cultural arena being the place which continues to generate story on a massive scale on a daily basis, globally. My first guest is John Yorke, author of ‘Into the Woods, not only one of the greatest story theorists of his generation, but the multiple Emmy award winning producer behind ’Shameless’, ‘Eastenders’ and many other BBC dramas. I'm Tim Lott, a novelist of 25 years standing and a veteran story teacher and mentor. Together we will examine the story of - story. Where stories come from - and what makes one come alive and speak to us all."
    The next episode of The Power of Story will be recorded live next Monday 5th July, with Will Storr, the author of 'The Science of Storytelling'. Will and Tim will be looking at the neuroscience of story and myth. Tim says: "Everyone has a story about how story works. Some think we source the great ancient myths, buried in the collective unconscious, in a new form when we tell a story. Others think it arises out of the wiring of the human brain - the thesi/antithesis/synthesis translating into Act 1 Act 2 Act 3. No-one really knows for sure, but Will Storr’s brilliant book ‘The Science of Storytelling’ attempts to get beyond the theories and into the hard empirical evidence about how the brain has evolved not only for story, but for character."


  • @RebelWisdom
    @RebelWisdom  3 роки тому +5

    The next episode of The Power of Story is next Monday 5th with Will Storr, the author of The Science of Story, who has made it his mission to understand how insights from neuroscience and psychology can help us understand story, ourselves and our lives in new ways. To join live - sign up as a member, or you can also book directly here:

  • @svetlanasokol4037
    @svetlanasokol4037 Рік тому

    Why has this become a political discussion instead of the art of storytelling. I came to listen and get a glimpse into how to tell a compelling story instead 80% it’s Republicans vs Democrats.

  • @milenakalea
    @milenakalea 2 роки тому

    Stories serve growth

  • @fraser_byrne
    @fraser_byrne 3 роки тому

    I'd love to see Tim continue this conversation with more guests... esp a Jungian analyst.

  • @lynnlavoy6778
    @lynnlavoy6778 3 роки тому

    Just wondering, the woman in Nomadland that saw the moose in Idaho, it was the end for her, so how can that be, and then, and then, and then? Unless u don't care about a homeless person, the okay, and then, you are just everyone else homeless people story are not that heroic or they would not be homeless. Just a ?

  • @MW1998
    @MW1998 3 роки тому


  • @Shalien333
    @Shalien333 3 роки тому

    My Favorite Storyteller.... Michael Meade

  • @janelvee1713
    @janelvee1713 3 роки тому

    The condescension of John Yorke towards religion and religious people was extremely unpleasant.

  • @jamesroperart1
    @jamesroperart1 3 роки тому +3

    Dr Martin Shaw would be a great voice to get on this channel with regards to story telling and myth, he'd introduce a lot more grounded soul to this sometimes overly intellectualised discussion

  • @geoffreynhill2833
    @geoffreynhill2833 3 роки тому

    Mathematical equations are stories. The great Indian mathematician Ramanujan believed his stories came to him from God. True or not, It's very important where they come from.
    PS: It seems unlikely that's where "punk" came from. Or Agatha Christie, or Chandler, or

    • @geoffreynhill2833
      @geoffreynhill2833 3 роки тому

      Most folk are simply looking for distraction and there are plenty of writers to provide it.

    • @geoffreynhill2833
      @geoffreynhill2833 3 роки тому

      Good art can create convincing answers or simply good questions.

  • @user-vw6xp5nl6t
    @user-vw6xp5nl6t 3 роки тому +1

    Story is wisdom passed down through the ages forewarning us that through the course of our lives we will both cause and suffer great tragedy and must find a way to overcome these things and live to pass on what was learnt to the next generation.
    It’s purpose to ease each generation through this cycle with an inner knowing that they will be ok in the end no matter what they are going through in both triumph (succeeding at playing your part in passing wisdom on) and tragedy (being prevented from passing it on) that is a normal part of the cycle of a full life in a sea of souls taking the same journey alongside us.

  • @becauseicount3483
    @becauseicount3483 3 роки тому

    Within every myth there’s a kernel of truth

  • @Clareffic
    @Clareffic 3 роки тому

    What sweeping generalisation, that the protagonist is the purpose of the story.

  • @Clareffic
    @Clareffic 3 роки тому

    I think maybe Aristotle got it from Aristophanes and the the early writing dramatistists.

  • @Louiseskybunker
    @Louiseskybunker 3 роки тому

    The 1837 Slave Act had infuriated those reactionary cruel Elders into creating a Manifesto of Protocols to control "story-telling" via modern industries... their crowning glory of all that control was Jimmy Savile. I'd suggest they know Christ is going to be a lot angrier than 2000 years ago with money tables in the church.

  • @Jojo_DeBo
    @Jojo_DeBo 3 роки тому

    Brian Rose is gaining more followers to rip off with third Grift. Difi.

  • @tiredman4540
    @tiredman4540 3 роки тому +1

    Some stories might not fit into the monomyth that well; the revenge story, the redemption story...

    • @AmidstTheLight85
      @AmidstTheLight85 3 роки тому

      I'd say the redemption story actually fits perfectly and Campbell even talks about it in the Hero with a Thousand Faces. The Art of Story channel did a pretty good video on the shortcomings of the Monomyth as a means of indoctrination of morals and rather showed how storytellers like the Cohen Brothers use a “moral mosaic” approach. That video doesn't really show how teachings morals can be a good thing as well and arguably as we see here as the foundation of stories. It is kind of ironic that Campbell was a moral and cultural relativist, yet his work has inspired moral objectivism for so many.

  • @forecast_hinderer
    @forecast_hinderer 3 роки тому

    Spoiler alert for the Labour Party. John Yorke tells how the left can win a general election.

  • @missh1774
    @missh1774 3 роки тому +1

    this is the 1st nonsense making session for rebel. the title should be "mixed media & storytelling"...

  • @Clareffic
    @Clareffic 3 роки тому

    I got banned for day for trying to share this on Facebook ( to remi g metro watch) . I hadn't even watched it yet, just sharing with the writing community I'm part of. Interested to watch it when bedtime for the little one comes round!

  • @strategicgamingwithaacorns2874
    @strategicgamingwithaacorns2874 3 роки тому

    Honestly surprised Jonathan Pageau wasn't invited on this stream since this is in his field of expertise.

  • @toddantill934
    @toddantill934 3 роки тому +5

    We are living in a pivotal times and there are so many opportunities for entrepreneurs who invest in reinventing low tech items such as household waste and learn sustainability . I have never comprehend how much a bunch of numbers floating around the spreadsheet can sustain human Life or soul. What will people eat when the food supply stops?

    • @delsineluwilussit3949
      @delsineluwilussit3949 3 роки тому

      I have secured financial freedom myself investing in bonds, equities, EFT's and some digital currencies.

    • @bonnieeden91
      @bonnieeden91 3 роки тому

      After the dip in price of Cryptocurrency from a higher level, some traders and investors view this as an advantageous time to buy or add to an existing position, I'd advice family and friends to trade rather than holding, because buying and holding doesn't guarantee maximum profit...

    • @markusbaldwin8282
      @markusbaldwin8282 3 роки тому

      That is why you need the help of a professional who trade and understand the market more to earn good income..,

  • @garycleave9565
    @garycleave9565 3 роки тому +1

    My mind imposes a stillness on a universe in motion
    A stillness that's just an illusion
    A source of confusion
    For a mind that beholds creature shapes in the clouds
    Thinking it strange when things change
    Wrapping them in death shrouds
    Forgetting that life is neither still nor a frame in a film
    But a dramatic motion picture show
    Watched by the observer within
    Who sees in everything
    A beginning, a middle and end

  • @garycleave9565
    @garycleave9565 3 роки тому +4

    What's your story
    You have one
    I have one
    Everyone has a tale to tell
    To make sense
    of our experience
    Past, present
    And what's yet to be
    A prophecy
    Not one told by an ancient sage
    One told by you
    To you
    With power
    To shape and guide
    The story you write on life's page

  • @carlwilson8859
    @carlwilson8859 3 роки тому

    The idea that caught my attention (at the start) was that a part of story-ing is to bypass rationality. Some would say that today we see altogether too much bypassing of rationality.

  • @mr_jc_1973
    @mr_jc_1973 3 роки тому +1

    This was great. I've got John's book, but hadn't got around to reading it yet. It's now jumped up the queue a few spots.

  • @shanedoyle8933
    @shanedoyle8933 3 роки тому +5

    Read this as Thom Yorke 😂. How good are Radiohead though

  • @joostengelsman4755
    @joostengelsman4755 3 роки тому

    Very interesting

  • @MarcusV90
    @MarcusV90 3 роки тому

    To integrate within the subconscious requires inspired belief- it’s what integrates the truth within our process of being.
    The factor of emotion.

    • @MarcusV90
      @MarcusV90 3 роки тому

      As the people raise in consciousness, the story has got to ring true as well- not just emotion.

  • @mellonglass
    @mellonglass 3 роки тому

    Life is stranger than fiction, stop writing fiction and pills of fear, and write fiction of life, the fiction of life is it is non linear and not of one mind.
    Today as yesterday, we would be disturbed at an animal that spent time reading books, and not living life’s experiences.
    The scribe has always dictated a repeated singular narrative, on a finite planet of chaotic ideas and a finite planet of chaotic capability, where as capability is collective intelligence beyond the individual trying to figure stuff out.
    One book takes an order of 5 or 20 humans and a sacrifice often of family function, loss of time and a publisher of patriarchal judgement.
    Where as the internet is a gift of the commons running for free, at the speed to communicate the same knowledge that is beyond the speed capability of consumer behaviour to profit.
    Therefore our removal of nature has matured a narrative devoid of our presence to rescue ourselves from disaster quickly approaching.
    It would seem society is in a silo of romance in self aggrandized economics that has no future to itself, even though we can communicate at the speed of light.
    Largely it appears the speed of repetition has no solution, yet the planet has always had all the time in the world, where as economics only has the virtues of corruption and speed based on a fictional currency/energy.
    Being present says, reading will not change anything in the mind of projections as the frame we exist in is of a fiction, even the calendar on the wall has days missing and leap years where the planet neither leaps, nor time itself miss entire days of poor calculative purpose designed for our economic comfort from decades of flat earth processes still used today.
    We still keep the lights on from fear of shadow, which consumes half the planets capability in energy use, because of economic theft and the belief in modernity.
    Decolonize the mind of fears and the correctness of scientism.

  • @randallsawyer4133
    @randallsawyer4133 3 роки тому +3

    Any thoughts on the significance of the recent wave of zombie stories?
    Speaking for myself, I have suspected that the zombie represents unconscious thoughts and beliefs permeating the culture which no longer serve us (game a?), but which are not yet aware of their obsolescence.
    If this is a viable interpretation, then aren't the human survivors in these stories the characters in an Exodus story, wandering through the wilderness to a new unknown promised land?

    • @MEGAHAN
      @MEGAHAN 3 роки тому +1

      John Vervaeke wrote a book on this topic. Check it out!

    • @twocoppercoins
      @twocoppercoins 3 роки тому

      Highly recommend that book by JV. He suggests the zombie is a relatively new mythology rife with all sorts of symbolic meaning

  • @michaelsophia7360
    @michaelsophia7360 3 роки тому +5

    What is a story? "Stories are units of knowledge weaponized for maximum transmit-ability. Or, stories are chains of cause and effect lassoed around the truth." -John "We're living in a sea of story" -Tim