The A2 is my favorite of the bunch. I use it daily for PVP and PVE; it's a more effective gun boat than the hammerhead with the size 5's and capacitor difference.
@@rupert456 I think part of the problem with the HH is the lack of things to do as the pilot. Essentially you just watch while your gunners kill things. In contrast, the A2 can nuke planetary structures and low flying craft from low orbit and the pilot has 2 s5 guns to control while maneuvering.
@@tcpilot6995 for all my reviews it's usually the same, and in video description: I Don't See the Branches, I See the Leaves by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence ( Source: Artist:
@Guanlun Lu that's because alot of people underestimate armor, weapon hard points and cargo capacity on a combat vessel that can become an industrial ship that has the ability to yield a considerable amount outside of battle. This is why I invested in the A2. I understand the steep asking price but if you work the ccu's "especially in the past" you could have bagged an A2 for $375 or less. I paid $350.
@@durtyred86 As a $255 BMM owner, I concur with the CCU. One thing I will give to the A2 is that it handles like no other for the firepower it is carrying. The 7367 aUEC/$ pledge value hurts, CIG needs to increase the in-game price, at least match it with the Hammerhead.
As a largely non-combat citizen, and one who appreciates comfort as much as competence, the C2 is a ship that you'd expect would be a cornerstone of my fleet. And, for a good while, it was -- but the reason I had one was primarily for its vehicle-transportation ability, above cargo hauling. It shouldn't be a surprise, then, that I shifted my focus towards Anvil's Liberator when it became available. It also ends up being . . . well . . . despite being well laid out and QUITE fun to fly, it's just not my first choice, even when it comes to cargo hauling. The main reason is because of its size. It can definitely carry a huge bellyful of cargo, but as you noted, the cost and risk involved with a full C2, not to mention the time invested filling it with the best cargo, means there's a lot riding on every trip, in a 'verse that can often be as unstable as it is hostile, and even cautiously only putting half my wealth into a given cargo haul, that's a lot of risk. Second, well ... is also because of its size. As you've noted, it's a heck of a lot of ship to handle, and while I pride myself on having learned to land a C2 smoothly and effectively, making one fit where it needs to fit can be troublesome. Its footprint, if you're just hauling goods, can be smallish for its size - but as soon as you bring vehicles into the mix, you need a really big spot of flat ground to land her, and getting a C2 to fit in a hangar can occasionally be a challenge as well. My hat's off, by the way, to your video clips of very smooth, elegant landings. You've clearly had practice.
I absolutely adore both this, and the concept for the Liberator. For the time being, I've been using a C2 as a bootleg carrier for my friends to stuff Arrows and Pisces' onto, and... It surprisingly kinda works haha.
Can't wait for this style of video on the vulture. I already have it in the hanger for when 3.18 comes out, but I would still love to see what you think.
It should be noted that the visibility on the C2 cockpit is actually just the MISC Ships, like the Freelancer MAX, but flipped top/down. Meaning if you look at the two ship's cockpits from the pilot's seat, they will be identical EXCEPT for the central obscuring part of the ship, which is on the top in the MISC Series ships rather than the bottom in the C2.
The C2 was part of my CCU chain to get a 600i Explorer. But I filled in the chain up to the C2 around Luminalia 2951 and didn't fill in the rest of the 600i's chain until Invictus 2952. And by then, I'd fallen in love. When the Hercules released, I had toured all three variants (IAE 2951?) and this was the first time *ever* that I didn't choose the military/militarized variant. I just love the living spaces and interior design of the Hercules. My one complaint is that the C2 could easily be a 3-person ship with the bedroom being split in two. Which is the same complaint that I have of the Mercury. The Corsair has *4* private bedrooms. The Mercury and C2 Hercules have communal bunks even though they're both massively larger than the Corsair.
@@Farrister If CIG introduced (pets) to fill the void until NPC crew members arrived, it would be a winner im sure, seeing as their are without doubt many pet owners playing the concept. Can't imagine the AI being that complicated, if so, a Goldfish perhaps?
Really the perfect ship in my opinion. Does a bit of everything, can very easily be flown solo, and provides vehicle carrying capabilities that no other current ship can match. All that while looking absolutely gorgeous.
I really enjoy your videos, i only come to you for reviews. I did go for C2 over M2 for this reason, I own a carrack, a Polaris, hammerhead, redeemer, if I need to go in to a hot zone, I will hire escorts and get out asap. I want a dedicated cargo ship.
@@Farrister O and I play Sea of Thieves pretty religiously and watch many streamers on there, many of them are talking about coming over to SC to do Tucking and sneaking on ships. I think things are about to get very very very interesting. I told them to hide in ships bathrooms and wait to leave the stations and kill from within lol
The M2 variant is something I will get in-game. I want the option to pick up transport contracts for military orgs, whether it be cargo, personnel, or vehicles. Although the C2 has that flat screen TV.
Armour isn’t implemented yet, so the M2 is basically a C2 with an extra turret and less cargo, the A2 is an M2 with big bombs, lots more guns and less cargo. I’m 95% a solo player, so my C2 n A2 are hanger queens, that I only use for 9Tail lockdowns. I prefer a Carrack for bunker missions that need a ground vehicle, and a Connie for bounty hunting. But with a few other players on board, the A2 will shred Hammerheads in a straight fight.
Yeah, I'd be using the M2 only if I got a job that required it. I don't see it becoming a daily driver or anything unless I actually start hauling stuff daily like that. And again, it's for the future or final game, so the M2 would be for roleplaying anyway (civilian contractor, etc). And I may never earn enough aUEC again to buy one in-game anyway.
@@Fletchman1313 lol, most of my ships are bought in-game, as I maxed out my PvE bounty hunting rep, so I can earn 500k AUEC/hr. I’ve planned what to do after 3.18 drops, so will bounty hunting, combat beacons, Orison platform FPS and the new Crusader outposts. A C2 is now the fifth ship on my acquisition list. Hauling won’t be very profitable in 3.18, but cargo refactor will be improved in later patches.
@@shawnc5188 Well I have ways of making money. The question is whether I'm going to try that hard after the next wipe. In 3.16 I was able to buy a crapload of ships, including the M2, A2, Constellation Phoenix, as well as a Defender, Cutlass Black, Cutlass Red, Freelancer, and whole bunch of ships that I only flew once. There isn't anything else compelling for me to buy (in-game), especially after experiencing two IAE's and an Invictus where you could rent everything for free. After the 3.18 wipe I'd probably get another Phoenix before getting an M2 or C2, and even then I'm probably not going to try that hard. There aren't any ships I want except a C8X (because everyone should own at least one of those), so the gameplay has to improve for me to make it interesting. When they start putting up cargo transport missions, escort missions, and piracy missions maybe things will get interesting. But as it is now I'm in a slump.
One of my favorite flyable ships available now. Just a quick correction though, the M2 and A2 have the turret under the chin, The C2 just has the upper and lower sort of central turrets. 🙂
Greetings my friend Farrister. Thank you for the great video on the Crusader C2 Hercules. This is a fantastic cargo ship, in my opinion. It has a huge capacity and everything is totally enclosed within the hull. I hate to admit that I've never flown it, but I have been in several as passengers. It being one of the only ships capable of transporting the Nova Tank and the 3 Anvil Atlas Platform vehicles, the Spartan, the Centurion, and the Ballista, I really like the ship. I wish I had the budget for it and it's other 2 variants, the M2 and the A2. I guess I'll have to rely on our Org mates that have them, to transport me. The styling is nice and aerodynamic for atmospheric operations, and heavy lift. Not to mention troop transport in the M2 variant. It gets in, delivers it's payload and gets out while still able to defend itself in the process. You did it justice. Keep up the great work on your videos. Take care, fly safe, and I'll see you in the verse.
It's a sod to land in cockpit view. Hope they add some kind of visual landing aid a la Elite Dangerous or X4. I don't like using external cameras because immersion!
I was so ready to land a couple ships in the hold of the C2 and when we couldn't I upgraded to the A2 because it can fit the same vehicles and bought a Liberator instead.
The Hercules is my favorite Crusader ship. I’ll have to test out the cargo refactor with the C2 in the 3.18 PTU. I might also throw a C8R on the cargo deck for group bunker missions.
@@Farristerhonestly after all this time an A2 with a C8R and an Ursa is still one of the best daily drivers for me. Especially when playing with friends. Although who am I lying to? A2 owners don't have friends, they all run away when you are trying to land xD
With the current warbond CCU for the C2 going on, I finally had to put some money down on it. For the last several patches it has been the very first ship that I grind for. Well, no more I say.
The C2 is a joy to fly. It is a great ship. I just wonder how log will it take the AI to load it when the full cargo game play comes into regular gameplay?
C2 is my go-to for hauling cargo. We'll have to see how it settles into the new features of 3.18. It's a shame that cargo hauling isn't in a better shape though.
Watching this after 3.23 has released, the C2 in-game is now way more expensive than when this video was made: the C2 is now just a shade under 19 million aUEC, up from 4.9 million (with the M2 up at over 29 million from 5.2 million; and the A2 hugely increased at over 44 million up from 5.5 million).
Question from a new player to be: would it be possible to put a small fighter like the 325A or the gladius in the cargo hold to negate some of the less favorable combat aspects? Or are the doors too small to make something like that work?
So very short (not tall) snubs would fit, things like the Merlin, or the MISC Razer, or the M50 - all of which use up cargo space if they're aboard. The 325A and Gladius are just too tall. The issue is vertical clearance.
Always pondered on buying a c2... Never got in to trading. I have a constellation Andromeda probably can chain up to this. You think it's worth upgrading to it?
Nice video as always, I have the mole, MSR, but looking to add a large cargo or Vanguard heavy fighter ...basically to add a game loop....are you making decent aeuc from cargo in large vessels(stock availability) or having to fly not neat capacity.....the actual money isn't the issue it's whether I will show good profits per hour....thanks ahead of time....keep pumping out the videos....
Thanks - I tend not to do cargo hauling for my preferences, I only dig out the big boys for selling mining profits. It feels just too risky to spend money when it's easy enough for another player to ruin your week! But that's personal preference
The C2 has by far the most throught through recreational area i've yet to see on a ship. Not wasting too much space (could be a tad more efficient but hey) but it features all the essentials with dining, a sofa and a TV plus some books. And you get a private desk in your "bedroom". I just don't get, how sometimes a ship features a pool table in space (don't get me wrong i love pool) but not a proper couch + TV setup for a good movie night with the crew...
Hopefully cig can fix the turrets ability to converge and fire both at one target when able. Really makes a difference. Too bad it broke within a couple patches. Maybe a good time to IC report that.
I'd love to have one now but if the ingame price is indicative of what you can get one for when released I can wait.. I already have a bunch of haulers Hull A, B and E, Taurus and BMM and a Carrack (and another BMM available on buyback for the original price, it would make sense to get that over the C2 Herc') I can definitely see myself getting one ingame for the solo able hauling capacity.
I really wish the middle portion of the upper deck was fitted with a smaller recreational area instead of the bulky component and storage. Component and storage could still be there, there is room enough. I would just like to see maybe a seat area with a table and for crew to relax at and also where guests could sit down during a trip. I get the 600i vibes here where to much space is wasted with none functional features instead of practical use.
How the hell do you get such smooth performance?? I am running an 3090 TI, I9-12900ks, 32GB RAM and SSD etc and I can barely get a consistent 45 fps at 1080p!! I have tried all the UA-cam and forum guides on tweaking game settings, page file size, windows settings etc and I can never get it to be a smooth-ish 60fps...
I'm not a fan of Crusader Ships, though I am somewhat taken by the two fighters (purely due to their MSR like asymmetry) On the whole I'm a Drake man. I like and enjoy your videos, and perhaps we are due a 3.18 Starter Series, now the Cutter is a Starter Package. Whattaya think Mr Farrister?
I like the look of it, very C5 Galaxy. I think I'd want a lot of escort if I actually filled it up, though. Or maybe only run partial cargo holds and have some fighters held in the bay as a surprise for any would-be pirates. I bet it can hold a handful of decent ships in that massive cargo deck.
I 'upgraded' my C2 to the M2 variant, when I thought the BMM was getting closer to a release. *sigh* Still, I don't regret that, as with the engineering gameplay loop coming someday plus cargo refactors (if you decide to load it yourself), I found that two people, won't be enough to crew the C2 in the long-term. Not between cargo, and repairs. The M2 will be better suited for long-duration trips. But that's my opinion, I'm sure someone able to multi-task better will still find the C2 suitable. It's more spacious on the inside, as a bonus. Speaking of long-duration though. Have to counter Farrister's constant recommendation of always putting Military Quantum drives in his ships. Please, do not on your C2. Unless it's an A2 and you're not carrying cargo. (Bonus if your org is paying the fuel bill). Any self-respecting trader or vehicle hauler knows quantum fuel loss = less profits and/or more operating costs, if transporting vehicles. And the Hercules will drain thousands of UEC with fast suckers, at the minimum. (Especially if Quantum ever gets into full gear and the fuel prices actually fluctuate to disastrous rates in some systems) Stick to the Industrial grades. For now, we only have B's, but they'll still save you in fuel costs. This is especially important to get you in the habit for the time when we get larger systems (like Pyro) and the ability to go through them without stopping will be paramount. Again, mil spec is bad for trading/transport craft. Fuel economy and distance are your friends. Not ADD speed addiction and constant stops to drain your wallet.
I use Mil-A in all my ship, except my full Stealth-A Eclipse, and as I only use my C2 for 9Tails Lockdown events, the TS-2 QT saves a lot of time on the Med supply shuttle run. Also use AD4B pilot guns to discourage red team.
If you were young enough to actually start a ''4 yr Engineering Apprenticeship'' now, and complete it by 2027, that (engineering gameplay loop) still wont be ingame.
I Don't See the Branches, I See the Leaves by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence ( Source: Artist:
The issue I have with all these panels/compartments and buttons, is that it's totally tedious to interact with, with mkb. I expect that one day/decades they'll have proper VR to allow fluid interactivity..
The Starlifter series leaves a lot of smaller haulers in an interesting spot in my mind. With bulk being effectively the only way to make a profit, while simultaneously having difficulty selling said stock all at once with many products; I really hope that hauling becomes more lucrative across the board soon, as the 'mechanic' is absolutely in a bit of a strange place all around.
I also hope they do something for group payouts, because flying with a friend pays less than doing it solo. It's not cargo specific either, this is true for almost any activities in the game.
I Don't See the Branches, I See the Leaves by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence ( Source: Artist:
The C2 is vexingly attractive for its feature richness especially regarding carrying ground and space vehicles and still plenty of cargo. And I got a $10 CCU from the Phoenix that I would really like to turn into store credit but have to keep as long as CIG is silent about how much they will improve the Phoenix's interior appeal. And the autoturret is still missing, too. The main weirdness is how the C2 with its size and weight is more maneuverable than any Connie variant. Also, if the Kruger snubs had at least a micro QD for very short hops, that would make a tremendous difference. (Maybe even without host refueling if that is hard to make believable.) 1:10 Uh, I really wouldn't call that the left side, and even though you somewhat less ambiguously said the left side on the front of the ship (even though you should have said "of"), it makes it worse to say port side, because that's not referring to a perceived side but the side of a ship. You are approaching the ship from the starboard side on the front. 10:24 I miss Port Olisar! I really hope CIG has the ministation concept return. PO felt 'homely' whereas the progen R&Rs now feel like container castles.
I love my C2. EXCEPT for the fact that it should be a 3 person. How you going to have 2 turrents that can only be controlled 1 at a time by your 1 copilot
too much waste of space in the C2... only 2 bed where the A2 have room for 8... I think that all hercules should even more have 8 beds since they have more room for vehicles in to transport... if you are to carry even just 2 tonks... you gonna need room for them to sleep and live while you are travelling.... I wish they gonna allow those to be modularized and changed in the future... essentially, the C2 should have the 2 beds on starboard, with the kitchen there instead as for the 8 beds... while the other side would have the 8 beds with kitchen... for all the carried vehicle's crews, or at least enough seats in the recreation room to accomodate 8 passengers... the idea would be to have starboard being for the private quarter, while the portboard would be the passengers quarter. the A2 as a bomber is fine as it is. the M2 which is a deployment ship should has aswell the Turret of the A2... no armory but the turret opperation seats beside the jumpseats area, because it should have turrets to support the deployment of troops is zone of combat, otherwise it's just a siting duck,.. or whale in that case; while the starboard would remain a 3 beds with a livingquarter/kitchen there for the 3 crews instead, for millitary purpose in space soldier would surelly share beds as shift rotation, no waste of space... soldiers are mostly expected to not sleep more than 6 hours so you can have 4 soldiers per beds, maximizing the space use, that's spartan but that the army, you ain't there to be cozy; so 3 beds is enough for the crew of the ship including gunners, since a millitary ship if in operation would always have crews on duty, they would make rotation of beds... with 3 bed they can make rotation of 8hours shift and have a crew of 9... so always 6 active and 3 sleeping, with that in mind I would make it into 2 room, one for the 3 beds and personnal storage, the other for the living quarter with kitchen and toiletshowers
@@Farrister well if you transport vehicles you got to have room for the crew of those vehicles... the Hercules is meants for long range transports aswell..... so if you are to bring vehicles to another starsystem and go on a journey of many days... where are all those vehicles crews gonna sleep? in their vehicles!!??? when considering all the wasted space it doesn't make sense. since it's a transport ship it shouldn't have living quarter as if it was the personal residence of the crew of that ships... so to have only 2 beds in the C2 is irrational. even if it can be used to haul cargo... the basic function of the design is to transport vehicles... and the two ramp accesses imply the need of fast deployment, otherwise it wouldn't waste structure integrity for that... That's why I really think the C2 should have a Private quarters for 2 on starboard and portboard, near the access elevator... the "guess" quarters for those that you are transporting the vehicles. Now I understand that for game purpose the dev would want to limit the amount of beds (that another issue tho) so still to make that recreation quarter able to accomodate at least a dozen of people... with many more seat and tables, turning it into a small diner.
now about the issue of beds, I think that issue is bound to the idea of "bed logout" which at first glance make sense... but not when you consider full persistancy. if you are to consider that you character stay persitent as a NPC, then login out in a bed become irrelevant... and it's the board manifest (translating that from french dunno the proper word in english) along the life support capacity become the limit of passenger the ship can support and thus login out anywhere on board of a ship wouldn't change much of that since your character would just be taken over by the AI then. so as I mentionned the amount of bed can in a sense determine the hard limit of "confort rest". because someone could technically sleep in the pilot chair, or anywhere on a mats, or on the kitchen's bench, the quality of rest wouldn't be the same tho, in dire situation (like evacuating refugee from a warzone) that would be still viable. an that's why I'm always talking about multiple people login out of the same bed. the Idea is Industrial ships are meant to be working... there is no reason a compagny would want one of their ship to stay Idle for 8h while people are sleeping... they would have a 3 shift rotation, of 8 hour of bed, and 16h of work... and workers would do that... so an industrial mining ship with a crew of 3 would should have the lifesupport capacity for 9... so to have the ship always active, time is money. and sleeping quarters would be isolated from kitchen & showers to optimize the sleep of the workers... without being disturbed by those who are on duty. Military is even more relevant for that and they usualy don'T sleep 8h... 6 is enough. so would have life support capacity 4 time the beds available... that way in make sense for the Idris to be down to only 16 beds... that imply life support for 64 peoples... it doesn't mean that would be filled... the captain is more likely to not share his quarter, but for those who know working in hospitals... it's not uncommun for them to sleep in free room when doing sometime 3 shift in a row. In space such reality would become even more important, since waste of space imply more weight and more fuel consumption... there is no reason to give a room to crew member. unless it's a civilian ships in wich case, that's mainly for confort and a luxury thing. but even in ships like the Corsair... the isolated room make it versatile... you can use it as a military ship, with 4 crews rotation per rooms, or a 3 crews rotation... or it can be a civilian use where you got individuals or couple personal quarter... it can hardly qualify as a "luxury" ship but still to have your own private room on a spaceship IS a luxury by itself, lllluxury that most industrial or military ships wouldn't afford.
I like when a review takes you on a detailed tour of the interior of the ship.
Beautiful video, and an excellent walk though of the Hercules. Thank you for the time and effort you put into your work, Farrister!
Thanks, as ever Snaggletoof!
Brother. Your my number one for ship tours and key details. Must say this vessel is amazing as a daily work horse.
The A2 is my favorite of the bunch. I use it daily for PVP and PVE; it's a more effective gun boat than the hammerhead with the size 5's and capacitor difference.
I got the Polaris during IAE. You get the HH as a loaner. Took it out a couple of times and have to say, it is incredibly underwhelming
@@rupert456 I think part of the problem with the HH is the lack of things to do as the pilot. Essentially you just watch while your gunners kill things. In contrast, the A2 can nuke planetary structures and low flying craft from low orbit and the pilot has 2 s5 guns to control while maneuvering.
Lots of A2 love out there!
@@Farrister bro song of background 0:00?
@@tcpilot6995 for all my reviews it's usually the same, and in video description: I Don't See the Branches, I See the Leaves by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence (
The A2 Hercules is my favorite of the trio. It's a high end multi-role vessel.
The A2 is a weird one, not too much more expensive than C2 in-game. Yet cost as much as a Polaris to pledge.
@Guanlun Lu that's because alot of people underestimate armor, weapon hard points and cargo capacity on a combat vessel that can become an industrial ship that has the ability to yield a considerable amount outside of battle. This is why I invested in the A2. I understand the steep asking price but if you work the ccu's "especially in the past" you could have bagged an A2 for $375 or less. I paid $350.
Morph's Bane
@@durtyred86 As a $255 BMM owner, I concur with the CCU. One thing I will give to the A2 is that it handles like no other for the firepower it is carrying. The 7367 aUEC/$ pledge value hurts, CIG needs to increase the in-game price, at least match it with the Hammerhead.
Quite a few A2 enjoyers out there!
As a largely non-combat citizen, and one who appreciates comfort as much as competence, the C2 is a ship that you'd expect would be a cornerstone of my fleet. And, for a good while, it was -- but the reason I had one was primarily for its vehicle-transportation ability, above cargo hauling. It shouldn't be a surprise, then, that I shifted my focus towards Anvil's Liberator when it became available. It also ends up being . . . well . . . despite being well laid out and QUITE fun to fly, it's just not my first choice, even when it comes to cargo hauling.
The main reason is because of its size. It can definitely carry a huge bellyful of cargo, but as you noted, the cost and risk involved with a full C2, not to mention the time invested filling it with the best cargo, means there's a lot riding on every trip, in a 'verse that can often be as unstable as it is hostile, and even cautiously only putting half my wealth into a given cargo haul, that's a lot of risk.
Second, well ... is also because of its size. As you've noted, it's a heck of a lot of ship to handle, and while I pride myself on having learned to land a C2 smoothly and effectively, making one fit where it needs to fit can be troublesome. Its footprint, if you're just hauling goods, can be smallish for its size - but as soon as you bring vehicles into the mix, you need a really big spot of flat ground to land her, and getting a C2 to fit in a hangar can occasionally be a challenge as well. My hat's off, by the way, to your video clips of very smooth, elegant landings. You've clearly had practice.
I absolutely adore both this, and the concept for the Liberator. For the time being, I've been using a C2 as a bootleg carrier for my friends to stuff Arrows and Pisces' onto, and... It surprisingly kinda works haha.
Excellent video. Thanks for sharing. Gotta love this ship.
Tips to land a c2 or a a2, toggle open ur front cargo bay as a 'extra leg'
I found this inexplicably funny.
Then pray there’s no one waiting to run up into your ship lmao
Can't wait for this style of video on the vulture. I already have it in the hanger for when 3.18 comes out, but I would still love to see what you think.
Me too, I'm very excited to try it out
It should be noted that the visibility on the C2 cockpit is actually just the MISC Ships, like the Freelancer MAX, but flipped top/down. Meaning if you look at the two ship's cockpits from the pilot's seat, they will be identical EXCEPT for the central obscuring part of the ship, which is on the top in the MISC Series ships rather than the bottom in the C2.
Oh wow, I hadn't realised that!
I have C2 and Freelancer Max. You are right!
I keep thinking of Eddie Murphy in The Nutty Professor.." Herculese, Herculese, Herculese!!" 😂😂
thank you! love your videos
Thank you for another great video.
Thank you!
The C2 was part of my CCU chain to get a 600i Explorer. But I filled in the chain up to the C2 around Luminalia 2951 and didn't fill in the rest of the 600i's chain until Invictus 2952. And by then, I'd fallen in love. When the Hercules released, I had toured all three variants (IAE 2951?) and this was the first time *ever* that I didn't choose the military/militarized variant. I just love the living spaces and interior design of the Hercules. My one complaint is that the C2 could easily be a 3-person ship with the bedroom being split in two. Which is the same complaint that I have of the Mercury. The Corsair has *4* private bedrooms. The Mercury and C2 Hercules have communal bunks even though they're both massively larger than the Corsair.
Well the M2 is a 3 person ship, so there's definitely room. But 2 people feels like a sweet spot for a pure cargo hauler
@@Farrister If CIG introduced (pets) to fill the void until NPC crew members arrived, it would be a winner im sure, seeing as their are without doubt many pet owners playing the concept. Can't imagine the AI being that complicated, if so, a Goldfish perhaps?
Really the perfect ship in my opinion. Does a bit of everything, can very easily be flown solo, and provides vehicle carrying capabilities that no other current ship can match. All that while looking absolutely gorgeous.
I really enjoy your videos, i only come to you for reviews. I did go for C2 over M2 for this reason, I own a carrack, a Polaris, hammerhead, redeemer, if I need to go in to a hot zone, I will hire escorts and get out asap. I want a dedicated cargo ship.
Fair enough! And thank you :)
@@Farrister BUT I will say this, you did get me thinking, with this "Pirate" update coming, things are about to get spicy on the cargo routes.
@@Farrister O and I play Sea of Thieves pretty religiously and watch many streamers on there, many of them are talking about coming over to SC to do Tucking and sneaking on ships. I think things are about to get very very very interesting. I told them to hide in ships bathrooms and wait to leave the stations and kill from within lol
@@The_PaleHorseman Sadly, yes...
The M2 variant is something I will get in-game. I want the option to pick up transport contracts for military orgs, whether it be cargo, personnel, or vehicles. Although the C2 has that flat screen TV.
M2 owner represent!
Armour isn’t implemented yet, so the M2 is basically a C2 with an extra turret and less cargo, the A2 is an M2 with big bombs, lots more guns and less cargo. I’m 95% a solo player, so my C2 n A2 are hanger queens, that I only use for 9Tail lockdowns. I prefer a Carrack for bunker missions that need a ground vehicle, and a Connie for bounty hunting. But with a few other players on board, the A2 will shred Hammerheads in a straight fight.
Yeah, I'd be using the M2 only if I got a job that required it. I don't see it becoming a daily driver or anything unless I actually start hauling stuff daily like that. And again, it's for the future or final game, so the M2 would be for roleplaying anyway (civilian contractor, etc). And I may never earn enough aUEC again to buy one in-game anyway.
@@Fletchman1313 lol, most of my ships are bought in-game, as I maxed out my PvE bounty hunting rep, so I can earn 500k AUEC/hr. I’ve planned what to do after 3.18 drops, so will bounty hunting, combat beacons, Orison platform FPS and the new Crusader outposts. A C2 is now the fifth ship on my acquisition list. Hauling won’t be very profitable in 3.18, but cargo refactor will be improved in later patches.
@@shawnc5188 Well I have ways of making money. The question is whether I'm going to try that hard after the next wipe. In 3.16 I was able to buy a crapload of ships, including the M2, A2, Constellation Phoenix, as well as a Defender, Cutlass Black, Cutlass Red, Freelancer, and whole bunch of ships that I only flew once. There isn't anything else compelling for me to buy (in-game), especially after experiencing two IAE's and an Invictus where you could rent everything for free. After the 3.18 wipe I'd probably get another Phoenix before getting an M2 or C2, and even then I'm probably not going to try that hard. There aren't any ships I want except a C8X (because everyone should own at least one of those), so the gameplay has to improve for me to make it interesting. When they start putting up cargo transport missions, escort missions, and piracy missions maybe things will get interesting. But as it is now I'm in a slump.
Lovely ship with great capacity!
A great video!
Thanks, agreed!
One of my favorite flyable ships available now. Just a quick correction though, the M2 and A2 have the turret under the chin, The C2 just has the upper and lower sort of central turrets. 🙂
Ah I found that difficult to explain, but yes!
the crusader ships gotta be my favourite
Very stylish ships
Nice review CMDR! O7
Thanks, although I never ventured into ED!
i love my c2 its just beautiful
I'm an M2 owner, but yes xD
Keep up the awesome content
Thank you!
Greetings my friend Farrister. Thank you for the great video on the Crusader C2 Hercules. This is a fantastic cargo ship, in my opinion. It has a huge capacity and everything is totally enclosed within the hull. I hate to admit that I've never flown it, but I have been in several as passengers. It being one of the only ships capable of transporting the Nova Tank and the 3 Anvil Atlas Platform vehicles, the Spartan, the Centurion, and the Ballista, I really like the ship. I wish I had the budget for it and it's other 2 variants, the M2 and the A2. I guess I'll have to rely on our Org mates that have them, to transport me. The styling is nice and aerodynamic for atmospheric operations, and heavy lift. Not to mention troop transport in the M2 variant. It gets in, delivers it's payload and gets out while still able to defend itself in the process. You did it justice. Keep up the great work on your videos. Take care, fly safe, and I'll see you in the verse.
Thanks Koron, I'm also a fan of the M2!
Love the A2 - makes JT really fun...
I'm not going there lol
It's a sod to land in cockpit view. Hope they add some kind of visual landing aid a la Elite Dangerous or X4. I don't like using external cameras because immersion!
Oh I don't find it too bad, with the cockpit right at the front. It's just the nose wobble that takes a little practice
I was so ready to land a couple ships in the hold of the C2 and when we couldn't I upgraded to the A2 because it can fit the same vehicles and bought a Liberator instead.
Looks wise, this is my favorite ship.
Looks great!
Thanks. I've been wondering if my Merchantman loner was worth installing for. Sounds like a fun ship for what I wanna play around with in 4.0.
Things have changed somewhat with manual loading recently, you might want to test it for free fly during IAE 2954
THANKS for making this I love trading in my imperial cutter in elite dangerous i will buy the c2 hercules for trading
Expensive though!
The Hercules is my favorite Crusader ship. I’ll have to test out the cargo refactor with the C2 in the 3.18 PTU.
I might also throw a C8R on the cargo deck for group bunker missions.
That C8R though...
@@Farrister You don't like it?
@@delc82 no, I absolutely do!
@@Farristerhonestly after all this time an A2 with a C8R and an Ursa is still one of the best daily drivers for me. Especially when playing with friends. Although who am I lying to? A2 owners don't have friends, they all run away when you are trying to land xD
i love this ship!
I just upgraded my pledge to this ship and omgosh, I literally got a spaceboner seeing it in real the first time :D
Haha, I can imagine!
With the current warbond CCU for the C2 going on, I finally had to put some money down on it. For the last several patches it has been the very first ship that I grind for. Well, no more I say.
The C2 is a joy to fly. It is a great ship. I just wonder how log will it take the AI to load it when the full cargo game play comes into regular gameplay?
Will be interesting to see
C2 is my go-to for hauling cargo. We'll have to see how it settles into the new features of 3.18. It's a shame that cargo hauling isn't in a better shape though.
Will watch with interest
Watching this after 3.23 has released, the C2 in-game is now way more expensive than when this video was made: the C2 is now just a shade under 19 million aUEC, up from 4.9 million (with the M2 up at over 29 million from 5.2 million; and the A2 hugely increased at over 44 million up from 5.5 million).
Question from a new player to be: would it be possible to put a small fighter like the 325A or the gladius in the cargo hold to negate some of the less favorable combat aspects? Or are the doors too small to make something like that work?
So very short (not tall) snubs would fit, things like the Merlin, or the MISC Razer, or the M50 - all of which use up cargo space if they're aboard. The 325A and Gladius are just too tall. The issue is vertical clearance.
Always pondered on buying a c2... Never got in to trading. I have a constellation Andromeda probably can chain up to this. You think it's worth upgrading to it?
Nice video as always, I have the mole, MSR, but looking to add a large cargo or Vanguard heavy fighter ...basically to add a game loop....are you making decent aeuc from cargo in large vessels(stock availability) or having to fly not neat capacity.....the actual money isn't the issue it's whether I will show good profits per hour....thanks ahead of time....keep pumping out the videos....
Thanks - I tend not to do cargo hauling for my preferences, I only dig out the big boys for selling mining profits. It feels just too risky to spend money when it's easy enough for another player to ruin your week! But that's personal preference
@@Farrister thanks for the response and am leaning towards your same conclusion about large hauling being too risky for me....keep up the great videos
@@Meta_Man at least, for now ;) thank you, will do my best!
I had enough aUEC to get this or the MSR. I picked the MSR not knowing it was currently broken. Had I known I would of gotten this.
MSR imo has more "utility", but C2 is more ideal for transport and cargo
The C2 has by far the most throught through recreational area i've yet to see on a ship. Not wasting too much space (could be a tad more efficient but hey) but it features all the essentials with dining, a sofa and a TV plus some books. And you get a private desk in your "bedroom". I just don't get, how sometimes a ship features a pool table in space (don't get me wrong i love pool) but not a proper couch + TV setup for a good movie night with the crew...
I have a weird fictional brand loyalty to crusader and im not entirely sure why
Me too, but it's because I own a couple of their ships, I think!
The buttons and top beam in the cockpit do not light up for me. Has this been changed or am I looking over something?
Isn't the most capacity the weird ship in an X form when loaded ?
The Hull series? Maybe in the future, but the only one currently in game is the Hull A, which carries a lot less than the C2
A2 all the way still able to fit a tank and a snub ship and let's not forget how hard that fire power can put down fully crewed
A lot of A2 lovers out there!
Landing seems a lot more stable each time I activate the VTOLs
Might be just because it's going slower?
How do you engage VTOL?
@@markosedlarik9553 press the VTOL button
Hopefully cig can fix the turrets ability to converge and fire both at one target when able.
Really makes a difference. Too bad it broke within a couple patches. Maybe a good time to IC report that.
You forgot to review that floating button @4:50
Ah yes... it happens sometimes!
I'd love to have one now but if the ingame price is indicative of what you can get one for when released I can wait.. I already have a bunch of haulers Hull A, B and E, Taurus and BMM and a Carrack (and another BMM available on buyback for the original price, it would make sense to get that over the C2 Herc') I can definitely see myself getting one ingame for the solo able hauling capacity.
I always try to advocate buying in-game rather than spending real cash - whatever happens with ship prices
Going to use my c2 for logistics getting orgs to hire me to transport weapons, armor, food, medical, and vehicles to their org bases
Would be cool to see all of that in game!
I haven't been able to land this thing without planting its nose into the ground. One of two reasons I haven't picked one up.
It takes a lot of practice!
I hope there is gonna be the option to auto land in the future.
why is the button floating in the middle of an open door?
I must have missed that one!
I really wish the middle portion of the upper deck was fitted with a smaller recreational area instead of the bulky component and storage. Component and storage could still be there, there is room enough. I would just like to see maybe a seat area with a table and for crew to relax at and also where guests could sit down during a trip. I get the 600i vibes here where to much space is wasted with none functional features instead of practical use.
New variant idea? :)
Sucks they got rid of the door lock for the cockpit and the escape pods don't work at all.
At least, not yet
I forgot about the c2 i just upgraded to the ironclad but i cant uograde to the c2 why
How the hell do you get such smooth performance??
I am running an 3090 TI, I9-12900ks, 32GB RAM and SSD etc and I can barely get a consistent 45 fps at 1080p!! I have tried all the UA-cam and forum guides on tweaking game settings, page file size, windows settings etc and I can never get it to be a smooth-ish 60fps...
I don't know what to say - your specs are better than mine! I often server hop to get best performance, but also usually 45-55 FPS
This pig is awesome!
"pig" xD
I'm stuck between the C2, and the M2. I'll probably go C2 since it's more affordable.
And also has more cargo capacity
I'm not a fan of Crusader Ships, though I am somewhat taken by the two fighters (purely due to their MSR like asymmetry)
On the whole I'm a Drake man. I like and enjoy your videos, and perhaps we are due a 3.18 Starter Series, now the Cutter is a Starter Package. Whattaya think Mr Farrister?
We're absolutely due a 3.18 starter guide - I usually do one every year!
I like the look of it, very C5 Galaxy. I think I'd want a lot of escort if I actually filled it up, though. Or maybe only run partial cargo holds and have some fighters held in the bay as a surprise for any would-be pirates. I bet it can hold a handful of decent ships in that massive cargo deck.
Get into Piracy, its exciting, rewarding and has a big future, especially when Pyro opens up. Cargo is kinda dull
unless they changed it, the vtol is incredibly powerful with afterburners
It's fairly strong, albeit I've never really tried with afterburners!
I 'upgraded' my C2 to the M2 variant, when I thought the BMM was getting closer to a release. *sigh*
Still, I don't regret that, as with the engineering gameplay loop coming someday plus cargo refactors (if you decide to load it yourself), I found that two people, won't be enough to crew the C2 in the long-term. Not between cargo, and repairs. The M2 will be better suited for long-duration trips. But that's my opinion, I'm sure someone able to multi-task better will still find the C2 suitable. It's more spacious on the inside, as a bonus.
Speaking of long-duration though. Have to counter Farrister's constant recommendation of always putting Military Quantum drives in his ships. Please, do not on your C2. Unless it's an A2 and you're not carrying cargo. (Bonus if your org is paying the fuel bill). Any self-respecting trader or vehicle hauler knows quantum fuel loss = less profits and/or more operating costs, if transporting vehicles. And the Hercules will drain thousands of UEC with fast suckers, at the minimum. (Especially if Quantum ever gets into full gear and the fuel prices actually fluctuate to disastrous rates in some systems) Stick to the Industrial grades. For now, we only have B's, but they'll still save you in fuel costs. This is especially important to get you in the habit for the time when we get larger systems (like Pyro) and the ability to go through them without stopping will be paramount. Again, mil spec is bad for trading/transport craft. Fuel economy and distance are your friends. Not ADD speed addiction and constant stops to drain your wallet.
Fellow M2 owner here, I'm quite happy with it! Still plenty of cargo storage aboard
I use Mil-A in all my ship, except my full Stealth-A Eclipse, and as I only use my C2 for 9Tails Lockdown events, the TS-2 QT saves a lot of time on the Med supply shuttle run. Also use AD4B pilot guns to discourage red team.
If you were young enough to actually start a ''4 yr Engineering Apprenticeship'' now, and complete it by 2027, that (engineering gameplay loop) still wont be ingame.
I'm seeing about going with something other different than my redeemer but nothing seems worth it. Can't be a stocked fridge and 2 size 3 shields 😅
Which ship is cheaper C2 or Caterpillar (in-game money)??
At the moment, Caterpillar is cheaper, although only marginally (~6%)
Is this ship good for cargo delivery?
I look in my hangar and see the "Still Not the BMM"
I currently use a C2 and while expensive to fill. If you manage it well the profits are very nice.
I can imagine!
BACKGROUND SONG!!!!!!!?????????????????????
I Don't See the Branches, I See the Leaves by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence (
idk should i upgrade my Corsair? ;-;
I dunno - expensive to consider!
@@Farrister not that expensive only 400 USD Considering I have the Argent paint selected too
The issue I have with all these panels/compartments and buttons, is that it's totally tedious to interact with, with mkb. I expect that one day/decades they'll have proper VR to allow fluid interactivity..
The Starlifter series leaves a lot of smaller haulers in an interesting spot in my mind. With bulk being effectively the only way to make a profit, while simultaneously having difficulty selling said stock all at once with many products; I really hope that hauling becomes more lucrative across the board soon, as the 'mechanic' is absolutely in a bit of a strange place all around.
I also hope they do something for group payouts, because flying with a friend pays less than doing it solo. It's not cargo specific either, this is true for almost any activities in the game.
I know what you mean.. and the risk will only increase in 3.18
@@readyforlol For things like cargo it gives you the choice of more profit solo or less with employing gunners/escorts which add to the fun imo.
Song name??????
I Don't See the Branches, I See the Leaves by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence (
The C2 is vexingly attractive for its feature richness especially regarding carrying ground and space vehicles and still plenty of cargo. And I got a $10 CCU from the Phoenix that I would really like to turn into store credit but have to keep as long as CIG is silent about how much they will improve the Phoenix's interior appeal. And the autoturret is still missing, too.
The main weirdness is how the C2 with its size and weight is more maneuverable than any Connie variant.
Also, if the Kruger snubs had at least a micro QD for very short hops, that would make a tremendous difference. (Maybe even without host refueling if that is hard to make believable.)
1:10 Uh, I really wouldn't call that the left side, and even though you somewhat less ambiguously said the left side on the front of the ship (even though you should have said "of"), it makes it worse to say port side, because that's not referring to a perceived side but the side of a ship. You are approaching the ship from the starboard side on the front.
10:24 I miss Port Olisar! I really hope CIG has the ministation concept return. PO felt 'homely' whereas the progen R&Rs now feel like container castles.
I do like the c2, even if it does make some creepy noises. It doesn't have the character and atmosphere of the caterpillar though
Haha thought the noises was just me!
I love my C2. EXCEPT for the fact that it should be a 3 person. How you going to have 2 turrents that can only be controlled 1 at a time by your 1 copilot
Linked turrets? Maybe? Who knows!
o7 😎👍
o7 sir!
The front reminds me of Boeing
port is left, starboard is right
@@Farrister you were mistaken in the start of your video
Ah yes, the USS Planet Express Ship.
too much waste of space in the C2... only 2 bed where the A2 have room for 8... I think that all hercules should even more have 8 beds since they have more room for vehicles in to transport...
if you are to carry even just 2 tonks... you gonna need room for them to sleep and live while you are travelling....
I wish they gonna allow those to be modularized and changed in the future...
the C2 should have the 2 beds on starboard, with the kitchen there instead as for the 8 beds...
while the other side would have the 8 beds with kitchen... for all the carried vehicle's crews, or at least enough seats in the recreation room to accomodate 8 passengers...
the idea would be to have starboard being for the private quarter, while the portboard would be the passengers quarter.
the A2 as a bomber is fine as it is.
the M2 which is a deployment ship should has aswell the Turret of the A2... no armory but the turret opperation seats beside the jumpseats area,
because it should have turrets to support the deployment of troops is zone of combat, otherwise it's just a siting duck,.. or whale in that case;
while the starboard would remain a 3 beds with a livingquarter/kitchen there for the 3 crews instead, for millitary purpose in space soldier would surelly share beds as shift rotation,
no waste of space...
soldiers are mostly expected to not sleep more than 6 hours so you can have 4 soldiers per beds, maximizing the space use, that's spartan but that the army, you ain't there to be cozy;
so 3 beds is enough for the crew of the ship including gunners, since a millitary ship if in operation would always have crews on duty, they would make rotation of beds... with 3 bed they can make rotation of 8hours shift and have a crew of 9... so always 6 active and 3 sleeping, with that in mind I would make it into 2 room, one for the 3 beds and personnal storage, the other for the living quarter with kitchen and toiletshowers
An interesting idea! I kinda saw them more as vehicle transporters than troop transports
@@Farrister well if you transport vehicles you got to have room for the crew of those vehicles... the Hercules is meants for long range transports aswell..... so if you are to bring vehicles to another starsystem and go on a journey of many days... where are all those vehicles crews gonna sleep? in their vehicles!!???
when considering all the wasted space it doesn't make sense.
since it's a transport ship it shouldn't have living quarter as if it was the personal residence of the crew of that ships... so to have only 2 beds in the C2 is irrational.
even if it can be used to haul cargo...
the basic function of the design is to transport vehicles... and the two ramp accesses imply the need of fast deployment, otherwise it wouldn't waste structure integrity for that...
That's why I really think the C2 should have a Private quarters for 2 on starboard and portboard, near the access elevator... the "guess" quarters for those that you are transporting the vehicles.
Now I understand that for game purpose the dev would want to limit the amount of beds (that another issue tho)
so still to make that recreation quarter able to accomodate at least a dozen of people... with many more seat and tables, turning it into a small diner.
now about the issue of beds, I think that issue is bound to the idea of "bed logout"
which at first glance make sense...
but not when you consider full persistancy.
if you are to consider that you character stay persitent as a NPC, then login out in a bed become irrelevant...
and it's the board manifest (translating that from french dunno the proper word in english) along the life support capacity become the limit of passenger the ship can support and thus login out anywhere on board of a ship wouldn't change much of that since your character would just be taken over by the AI then.
so as I mentionned the amount of bed can in a sense determine the hard limit of "confort rest".
because someone could technically sleep in the pilot chair, or anywhere on a mats, or on the kitchen's bench, the quality of rest wouldn't be the same tho, in dire situation (like evacuating refugee from a warzone) that would be still viable.
an that's why I'm always talking about multiple people login out of the same bed.
the Idea is Industrial ships are meant to be working... there is no reason a compagny would want one of their ship to stay Idle for 8h while people are sleeping...
they would have a 3 shift rotation, of 8 hour of bed, and 16h of work... and workers would do that...
so an industrial mining ship with a crew of 3 would should have the lifesupport capacity for 9... so to have the ship always active, time is money.
and sleeping quarters would be isolated from kitchen & showers to optimize the sleep of the workers... without being disturbed by those who are on duty.
Military is even more relevant for that and they usualy don'T sleep 8h... 6 is enough.
so would have life support capacity 4 time the beds available...
that way in make sense for the Idris to be down to only 16 beds...
that imply life support for 64 peoples...
it doesn't mean that would be filled...
the captain is more likely to not share his quarter, but for those who know working in hospitals... it's not uncommun for them to sleep in free room when doing sometime 3 shift in a row.
In space such reality would become even more important, since waste of space imply more weight and more fuel consumption...
there is no reason to give a room to crew member.
unless it's a civilian ships in wich case, that's mainly for confort and a luxury thing.
but even in ships like the Corsair... the isolated room make it versatile...
you can use it as a military ship, with 4 crews rotation per rooms, or a 3 crews rotation...
or it can be a civilian use where you got individuals or couple personal quarter...
it can hardly qualify as a "luxury" ship but still to have your own private room on a spaceship IS a luxury by itself, lllluxury that most industrial or military ships wouldn't afford.
She said thank you my I have another😅
With 3.18 those powerful shields will be 90% useless
Quite possibly!
I honestly don't really like that ship, it just looks too much like a real plane to have such short wings, it just feels wrong to me.
Ok but who asked
@@DanteHaroun Apparently you, or why else would you answer?
Fair enough! I quite like the style!
*_Losses are also higher than any other ship when the game crashes._*
First like and comment lol
So it seems!
😂 why he commentating like this is a real aircraft for the army..,cuz it’s just a game
Wait, it's just a game?
@@Farrister I know right, it seems pretty real to my bank account...
@@FxMoto haha
Elevetor bug not work and let any one on ship shilps need get old Hp turentrs systems and bubbel shild nowntheu use 30%shild power