TASTE TESTING CZECH FOOD // Trying out some Czech specialties in Prague

  • Опубліковано 1 жов 2024


  • @DeFelth
    @DeFelth 4 роки тому +289

    Tlačenka je super s cibulkou, octem, chlebikem a pivkem. Mnammm.

    • @LelouchLamperouge235
      @LelouchLamperouge235 4 роки тому +21

      ještě pepř a sůl :D

    • @BladeCZE
      @BladeCZE 4 роки тому +3


    • @rudolf315
      @rudolf315 4 роки тому +1

      tak hlavně kočka slíbila, že to uvidíme na konci videa jak se jí tlačenka

    • @mihulalukas
      @mihulalukas 4 роки тому

      přesně tak

    • @jankudla9334
      @jankudla9334 4 роки тому +5

      a ostravská klobása, která je hnusná ji chutná...

  • @vitdostal4116
    @vitdostal4116 4 роки тому +58

    You are possibly the first non-Czech person to have ever liked the Romadur. I love it but 99% od foreigners do not 😀

    • @jirikunc1956
      @jirikunc1956 4 роки тому +2

      actually i would not eat it just like she do, just alone. I need slices on good bread and butter, otherwise, flavor of romadur is to strong for me :) but with buttered bread its delicious.

    • @namenotfound8029
      @namenotfound8029 4 роки тому +1

      Já jsem Češka a taky ho nejím xddd

    • @vitdostal4116
      @vitdostal4116 4 роки тому

      @@namenotfound8029 Však já taky netvrdím, že všem Čechům chutná, ale jsem si skoro jistý, že vetsina cizinců ho nenávidí 😅

    • @vitdostal4116
      @vitdostal4116 4 роки тому +1

      @@jirikunc1956 I would eat it even as it is 😀 But I agree that with good bread it can be significantly better 😍

  • @nataliehavlikova4918
    @nataliehavlikova4918 4 роки тому +194

    Tlačenka se jí s cibulí a octem🙂 Samotné je to nic moc.

    • @ArepasforDinner
      @ArepasforDinner  4 роки тому +22

      Ano ... Dívali jste se do konce ..? Moji manželé to tak snědli!

    • @robinsebelova7103
      @robinsebelova7103 4 роки тому +18

      @@ArepasforDinner you have more than one husband? 😄

    • @demonofmordor4405
      @demonofmordor4405 4 роки тому +3

      já radši gothaj s cibulí a octem :)

    • @davidstutz6204
      @davidstutz6204 4 роки тому +1

      @@ArepasforDinner YOU WILLLLLLLL!!!!! :D

    • @estisochorcova977
      @estisochorcova977 4 роки тому +4

      @@ArepasforDinner you have two husbands? nice😆 but i appreciate that you tried to write czech

  • @dianakrejci6868
    @dianakrejci6868 4 роки тому +245

    Já sem věděla že tlačenka bude špatná. Já ji taky nemám ráda😂😂😂😂

    • @BonelessEar
      @BonelessEar 4 роки тому +39

      baby vite prd co je dobry :D

    • @BonelessEar
      @BonelessEar 4 роки тому +4

      @rpx mob a na nehty a vlasy

    • @vitcenek8611
      @vitcenek8611 4 роки тому +16

      Tlačenka je super, ale ne na sucho.
      Sladkokyselý nálev, cibule (hodně), tlačenka na kostky. To vše do hlubokého talíře.

    • @samuelmusician5271
      @samuelmusician5271 4 роки тому +3

      Hnus xd

    • @standawot5579
      @standawot5579 4 роки тому +12

      Ono také není tlačenka jako tlačenka. V supermarketech je věštinou hnus a ne tlačenka. U řezníka kvalitně dělaná je lahoda i samotná.

  • @estisochorcova977
    @estisochorcova977 4 роки тому +30

    btw try tvarůžky its a tipical czech cheese much more interesting than romadur

    • @redraven8482
      @redraven8482 4 роки тому +2

      Teď jsem jí to chtěl napsat.. ta by asi odpadla. :DDDD

    • @fanofweirdart1584
      @fanofweirdart1584 4 роки тому +4

      Když necháš odležet romadur a syreček na týden tak romadur je větší smrťák ale jakmile necháš syreček tak dva týdny tak je ještě větší. (do té formy kdy se dá mazat)
      Romadur se po dvou týdnech dá sice mazat taky ale už je nepozivatelny

  • @drawingmaniacsterben7144
    @drawingmaniacsterben7144 4 роки тому +39

    Everybody dips the roll in those "salads" here lol. We are bunch of savages hehe

  • @Beeblebr0x
    @Beeblebr0x 4 роки тому +24

    "I am not sure if you can eat the outside ... I am going to eat the outside." I love your attitude :D. Yes it's edible :)

  • @petrvacek3597
    @petrvacek3597 4 роки тому +9

    Utopenci nejsou dobrý kupovaní z obchodu, ale domácí jsou perfektní.. 😄

  • @conangreen6938
    @conangreen6938 4 роки тому +17

    Líbí se mi, jak tam poctivě opsala název zelnýho salátu s řepou.... slovensky. Kapustový šalát s cviklou. A pochválila jim Oštiepok. Proč ne, já ho taky rád.

  • @eydmqou
    @eydmqou 4 роки тому +76

    Taste "cibulky" (mini onions) tastes really good and its in the same cup as kysané zelí

    • @tsnovak20
      @tsnovak20 4 роки тому

      Adamkoeu that’s for cocktails

    • @danielkochanicek6906
      @danielkochanicek6906 3 роки тому

      @@tsnovak20 Blobost :D

    • @danielkochanicek6906
      @danielkochanicek6906 3 роки тому

      Jar, ne cup.

    • @tsnovak20
      @tsnovak20 3 роки тому

      @@danielkochanicek6906 google it 😉

    • @danielkochanicek6906
      @danielkochanicek6906 3 роки тому

      @@tsnovak20 To v čem to je , když to koupíš v globusu a má to šroubovací víčko je Jar, když to je jako sklenička s nacvakavacím víčkem jako měla kdysi hořtice je to cup.
      Cup je samozřejmě i nádoba ze které se pije, ale může to být i plastová odměrka. Nemusím to googlit, žil jsem v Anglii, a tam si myslím anglicky umí dobře.

  • @anca_majda1665
    @anca_majda1665 4 роки тому +19

    Tlačenka mi chutná, ale jenom s octem.💕💕💕 I LOVE YOU!!🤤💝

  • @DaweSlayer
    @DaweSlayer 4 роки тому +40

    Salads (pomazánky) from shops in plastic boxes are bad, all of them are "cheated" too much. But if you buy it at the counter, where they sell it by weight (like a ham and sausages) they used to be good.

    • @tvojeprezuvky
      @tvojeprezuvky 4 роки тому +3

      These pomazánky that you buy at the counter come from the same manufacturers which make the small boxed versions. Don't get fooled. It's the same cheap shit. Btw I strongly recommend buying packaged stuff rather than going to the counter... scary things happen behind the counter.

  • @michalbazant8634
    @michalbazant8634 4 роки тому +6

    Hi, nice video, one thing I have to say though: the main problem of some of these foods (especially tlačenka, utopenci, but even kysané zelí and česneková pomazánka) is, that the one that is homemade taste a lot different that the one you buy in the shop. Actually, in some cases, the bought ones are just a parody to those traditional dishes. I have never bought tlačenka in the shop, that tastes similar to something we do at home.

    • @ArepasforDinner
      @ArepasforDinner  4 роки тому

      Agree 100%

    • @stevemcgowen
      @stevemcgowen 3 роки тому

      I have had it at Plzensky Restaurant at Andel. It was sliced very thin and was a lot better than I expected it to be. A friend I was with who is Czech ordered it because he said it's good on a hot day. It was pretty good.

  • @adelahlavacova2833
    @adelahlavacova2833 4 роки тому +33

    Sleduju tena tiktoku a jsi fakt super😆

  • @olokix
    @olokix 4 роки тому +8

    Tlačenka is the best "homemade" I don't like the one from a supermarket... also next time try it with onion, vinegar and bread, it gonna be much better

  • @ormitomimus
    @ormitomimus 4 роки тому +35

    Oh, I'm probably savage as well, sometimes when I'm really hungry, I eat rohlík + pomazánka like your husband. XD

    • @ArepasforDinner
      @ArepasforDinner  4 роки тому +4

      Hahaha I needed to hear that from a girl tbh haha

    • @ormitomimus
      @ormitomimus 4 роки тому +4

      @@ArepasforDinner Told that to my mum and she told me that once she took rohlík, pomazánka and spoon and my brother asked her, "what is she taking the spoon for. She can just eat it straight with rohlík" :DDDD Have you ever had bramboráky? :3 I'm now craving all types of czech dishes thanks to you Q_Q

  • @spokeshave5415
    @spokeshave5415 4 роки тому +19

    Oštiepok is from Slovakia

    • @MrMajsterixx
      @MrMajsterixx 3 роки тому

      no hlavně že se deš podívat sem protože máme skoro to stejný a pak pičuješ, že něco není český :D

    • @spokeshave5415
      @spokeshave5415 3 роки тому

      @@MrMajsterixx Nebuď zas toxic, však já nic proti nemam. Tak nepičuj ;D

    • @cheguevara5560
      @cheguevara5560 3 роки тому

      , Wallachians shepherds introduced '' salasnictvo '' to Moravia and Slovakia and even cheese in Romanian language is BRENZA , so perhaps try to do more research mr.Ostiepok , you may learn something new

    • @mikulasdug6306
      @mikulasdug6306 2 роки тому

      @@cheguevara5560 Možno by si mal tiež niečo naštudovať. Valasi prišli na Slovensko v 13. storočí, podobne ako Nemci. 700 rokov je myslím dosť dlhá doba aby sa jedlá i zvyky dali považovať za tradičné. Mimochodom Valašsko bolo od 6. storočia obývané i Slovanmi a Slováci tam žijú dodnes, takže je otázne kto čo a kam doniesol, pretože ani slovo Valach neznamená automaticky Rumun. Osobné nemám rád ak sú jedlá označované ako národné, pretože stredoeurópska kuchyňa je vzájomné premiešaná a u každého jedla by sme mohli nájsť vplyv niekoho ďalšieho.

  • @robinsebelova7103
    @robinsebelova7103 4 роки тому +22

    Your expression when eating tlačenka was great! XD But don´t be sad, a lot of czechs don´t like it too.
    Yes, in Česnekovo-sýrová pomazánka, the base is usually a mayonnaise, but there is also sometimes available version based on quark (tvaroh). I would recommend you to try Tvaroh (quark) without any flavors, as it is a base for lot of czech food like fruit filled dumplings (ovocné knedlíky - ask your family to make them, don´t buy!), cakes (either filling (tvarohový štrůdl/štóla, koláče, frgály), or cold-make cake (tvarohový dort, no baking)).
    From sausages, yes, ostrava is very good, but you should also try Trvanlivé salámy (salams which can be left out of cold for 21 days) like Hercules or Uherák. Špekáčky are special type of sausage to cook on direct fire eaten hot with bread and mustard. Any smoked meat is very good with mustard. I would recommend the Kremžská hořčice (Mustard from Krems an der Donau, Austria) which is actually czech speciallity.
    For cheeses - Czech speciallity is fried cheese Eidam (origin in Holland - Edammer) made in trojobal (á la Wiener-schnitzel, first soft flour, then egg, then breadcrums), slovak sheep cheese oštěpek (you ate smoked version in this video), czech salty one called jadel and a lot of czech dairies make camembert type cheeses with white mold (the older, the more liquid and tasty) called Hermelín.
    For baked sweets, best come to Moravia, there often are some types of celebrations/pilgrimages with good sweets like hruškové frgály, tvarohové koláče, perníková srdce. For example you can make trip to sv. Hostýn in Zlínský kraj cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Host%C3%BDn

    • @dp949
      @dp949 4 роки тому

      ☝️☝️☝️these are some lovely recommendations! def gonna try

    • @Richard-Vlk
      @Richard-Vlk 4 роки тому

      "Tvaroh" is "curd" in english, not "quark".

    • @robinsebelova7103
      @robinsebelova7103 4 роки тому

      @@Richard-Vlk en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quark_(dairy_product)

    • @Richard-Vlk
      @Richard-Vlk 4 роки тому

      @@robinsebelova7103 Thanks for the correction. I've been taught that "quark" is a neologism used to denote a subatomic particle - obviously wrongly.

  • @demonofmordor4405
    @demonofmordor4405 4 роки тому +1

    actually black tlačenka is not that bad, and I'm saying that as a person who also doesn't like the regular one :D and if you want some really hardcore Czech food, try a slice of bread with olomoucké tvarůžky, kremžská hořčice (mustard) and onions... well thinking about it, that could be a good way to keep social distancing in the current situation :D

  • @rhhvu
    @rhhvu 4 роки тому +3

    Hlavní je vědět jak se to má jíst a s čím se to má jíst :) viděl jsem video až do konce. Váš manžel to jedl správně. Také záleží, jestli si koupíte tlačenku ze supermarketu nebo od soukromého řezníka, ten rozdíl v chuti je velký. Ale i tak to někomu nechutná. Kdyby všem chutnalo to stejné, nemusel by být v obchodech takový výběr. Ještěže to tak je :)

  • @selfishgirlie7354
    @selfishgirlie7354 4 роки тому +12

    I’m honestly Inlove with your facial expressions!!!

  • @gabrielad5745
    @gabrielad5745 4 роки тому +3

    czech republic is very nice, i live in cz- Valašsko, omg this nature!!! amazing. Next taste sweet...(frgál).
    Have a nice day. XOXO

  • @stepansvoboda8345
    @stepansvoboda8345 4 роки тому +1

    Ahoj 🙋 výborná recenze jídla ale tlačenka je top 🔝 ale každý má rád něco jiného😉😀👍

  • @salamanter2327
    @salamanter2327 4 роки тому +3

    Just try to eat „Vepřo knedlo zelo“, that's porn😂😂😂

  • @davidpelc
    @davidpelc 4 роки тому +2

    Actualy the gabbage you have eaten was not sauerkraut/kysané zelí, it was as we say sladko-kyselé/sweet-sour cabbage, kysané zelí is usualy sold in 250-500g bags and just rarely in jars and its really the same as german one. ;) Anyway...another very nice video. :)

    • @ArepasforDinner
      @ArepasforDinner  4 роки тому +1

      Thank you!! And thanks for watching!.. I like the sladko-kyselé very much

  • @TeresaSvk
    @TeresaSvk 3 роки тому +1

    Meat jelly or tlačenka must be of a good quality, and it is the best thing to eat after few shots of Borovička, or other home made destilate.
    I would never cut it in these huge chunks tho, we always eat it sliced up like ham, put on a bread with mustard and onions, and drops of lemon juice. 🥳 thats golden

  • @smajla82
    @smajla82 4 роки тому +4

    Hello, just to clarify and maybe enlighten you ;) You choosed to called those spreads in english Salad/Creams, correct word for it is spread(pomazanka) saláty /salads is something completly else.
    A salad is a dish consisting of a mixture of small pieces of food, usually vegetables or fruit, but if you crush em in mixer then it becomes salad no more, its spread. Many people nowdays thinks that salads are only mix of vegetables which is incorrect.
    Well your husbands eat them with roll straight from the box, most man(like myself) when in rush/lazy do that ;) But they are designed to be spread on the top of pastry usualy. Same it goes for salads(example below) you can eat them with the roll straight from the box, but they were designed to be put on top of "chlebicek" fe.
    Many Czech people nowdays uses pomazanka on top of their chlebicek, but i hate it :D Only "real Chlebicek" for me is with salat(usually bramborovy, but parizsky ,vlassky, feferonkovy are super nice as well)
    I hope i made it more clear for you ;)
    pomazanky/spreads : thepioneerwoman.com/food-and-friends/6-spreads-to-elevate-your-sandwich/
    salaty/salads : inkitchenopen.blogspot.com/2019/10/pochoutkovyparizsky-salat-retro-podle.html
    inkitchenopen.blogspot.com/2019/11/pfeferonovy-feferonovy-salat-retro.html ----the best salat ever ever ever made in history of CSSR :D
    Very nice video btw, have a nice day.

  • @vitissz22
    @vitissz22 4 роки тому +3

    Miluju klobásy 😎 nejlepší je s hořčicí s cibulí a chlebem 😋

  • @TaanStari
    @TaanStari 4 роки тому +2

    You are supposed to cover the Romadur with a glass (so it wont contaminate the room with smell) and let it ripe for few days at a room temperature. It develops very rich flavor and becomes almost runny in center. Cannot compare to the fresh from the fridge stuff you had.

  • @ancskap
    @ancskap 4 роки тому +1

    Romadur je nejlepší rozmazat na chleba s máslem. ❤️ Ale v ledničce bych to moc nenechávala, to se musí sníst hned po koupení, jinak pak smrdí celá lednice. Čím smradlavější, tím lepší!
    Tlačenku mám ráda, ale jen od mýho dědy, kupované v Globusu bych se bála. Líbí se mi jak jsi jedla to kysané zelí syrové. :D Já vždycky ujídám a dokonce se napiju i té vody... prej je to zdravý. :D

  • @Merry357
    @Merry357 4 роки тому +2

    Maybe the utopenci wasn't good becouse the brend you choose, mostly don't make quality products ( for example low meat contant)

  • @lucienovakova6195
    @lucienovakova6195 4 роки тому +4

    You should eat the meat jelly with vinegar and onion :) it's not the best taste ever, but without it it's terrible, that's the real Czech thing :D

    • @ArepasforDinner
      @ArepasforDinner  4 роки тому +1

      Yes!! Check the end of the video!! My husband ended up eating it!..

  • @rudasontof1040
    @rudasontof1040 4 роки тому +1

    utopenci only with beer x))

  • @dark_flash2626
    @dark_flash2626 4 роки тому +1

    I know why you hate the tlačenka beacuse, you need too put it on ocet and onion but you have to cut it into cubes and then it taste realy goood 😘😘😍

  • @loverroblox8639
    @loverroblox8639 4 роки тому +2

    Jde vám strašně dobře čeština👍👍👌👌👌

  • @SrgDreaD
    @SrgDreaD 4 роки тому +2

    Super video, když ti vadí konzistence tlačenky dá se rozpusti i na pánvi s trochu vody a je to super :D vpodstatě je ve stavu jako když se vyrábí:D

  • @tomasvrkoslav5364
    @tomasvrkoslav5364 4 роки тому +1

    Za ten romadur máš u mě velké plus.

  • @tadeasondracek7001
    @tadeasondracek7001 4 роки тому +2

    Hi im from czech i Hope you Will like more😁 foodd

  • @TelevizeDaliborek
    @TelevizeDaliborek 4 роки тому

    More better food with high quality was in Czechoslovakia..fresh bread,good sausages and salami with 80% meat..all food and lemonades was better 😊

  • @justdejv2946
    @justdejv2946 4 роки тому +1

    jo super videjko

  • @zshalenkovice1946
    @zshalenkovice1946 4 роки тому +2

    Maybe you should try zavináče :)

  • @nataliegajdosikova4980
    @nataliegajdosikova4980 4 роки тому +1

    Try Olomoucké tvarůžky, it stinks badly, but the taste is not so bad 😁

    • @ArepasforDinner
      @ArepasforDinner  4 роки тому

      Hahaha ok will give it a try!! Thanks for recommending me :)

    • @non9886
      @non9886 4 роки тому

      but salty af :-) but i like them too...

  • @nellci.k0bz0va
    @nellci.k0bz0va 4 роки тому +3

    I don't like ,,tlačenka'',but ,,oštěpok" are good with cranberries

  • @jakubchal
    @jakubchal 4 роки тому +1

    You should have tried Olomoucké tvarůžky, which is simillar to romadur, and also HOMEMADE pickled sausages (utopenci), it is quite a difference

  • @simontade1061
    @simontade1061 4 роки тому +1

    Provluvyš nekdy po slovensky

  • @FlourEater
    @FlourEater 4 роки тому

    I was never a fan of tlačenka either, but I love me some utopenec. We also make like pickled (in oil tho) cheese, like hermelín or camembert and those are super good and many people are doing their own, like I do, but you can also buy them from a store.

  • @angeecelinova7760
    @angeecelinova7760 4 роки тому

    I love utopenci. But sadly its made with the cheapest sausages you can find. But it's just so good to have it with sourdough bread and the onions ☺ it's the only meat I eat! I just get craving for it every once in a while

  • @domcalul.6952
    @domcalul.6952 4 роки тому +1

    I recommend eating Romadur with glass of milk and ROHLIK ;)

  • @robertkiene4073
    @robertkiene4073 2 місяці тому

    I love Romadur, but my Czech wife hates it. When she lets me buy it she makes me keep it in a sealed jar in the refrigerator. I think it's a woman vs. man thing. 🤣

  • @tinanicholson9557
    @tinanicholson9557 4 роки тому +2

    I love the facial expressions you make when you don’t like something

  • @PavelSkollSuk
    @PavelSkollSuk 4 роки тому

    What's wrong with so many foreigners to cook/fry a cheese?
    Tlačenka - Pepper, onion and vinegar. Otherwise it is disgusting. Ask your husband to do it.
    Romadur - thin slices, onion, mustard (kremžská), bread and beer. Still smells bad, but it is awesome.
    Samami - No sane people buy soft salami... It is a hell.
    Utopenci - Avoid Kostelecké uzeniny (I am avoiding it as much as possible). It is stolen from the original owner, owned by our prime minister and it is disgusting (price oriented). Make them yourself.
    Sauerkraut - Using Efko. A little bit spicier and if you buy a pot for it, you can do it. Seeds - kmín (caraway seeds/cumin).
    "Saláty" - You can make them home. All bought are too salty.

  • @felixdidunyk9762
    @felixdidunyk9762 4 роки тому +1

    I know you From tiktok
    Znám tě z tiktoku 😄

  • @mikamu515
    @mikamu515 4 роки тому +1

    Musíš zkusit i štramberské uši.
    Jsou fakt dobré 😃

  • @tamarabaumanova2078
    @tamarabaumanova2078 4 роки тому +1

    U utopence nesmíš jíst jen maso míchá se to jinak o ničem
    PS miluji utopence

  • @VanDerHaalan
    @VanDerHaalan 4 роки тому

    Ostravská klobása is also a little bit of joke. Its outside dark look is reference to fact, there were lot of coal mines in Ostrava and Ostrava is famous for their mines, steelworks and heavy industry and also air pollution :D. Klobasa become from meat processing company in village Martinov near Ostrava, where was invented by former private butcher František Pekárek, probably in 1960s.

  • @VanDerHaalan
    @VanDerHaalan 4 роки тому

    Best "Utopenci" (drowned men) are in some old school czech pubs. Or home made. This ones from shop are not good. Maybe, You can make some with Your husband according to this crazy man: ua-cam.com/video/-iBwPf4RPoU/v-deo.html
    P.S. Guy in video is really good chef and average punk musician :D :D

  • @NaraelNico
    @NaraelNico 4 роки тому

    Meatjelly or tlačenka its good if it´s from local farmers market or from good local butcher shop. The best one is fresh from zabijačka which is kind of celebration when pig is shot and processed to goods typicaly by familly who rised it. Tlačenka is always made with leftover meat from other products, but it´s not mean it´s contains bad things as many corporate meat copanies means. You can also have tlačenka only with lean meat, but it loosing the purpouse to process and preserve the leftover cuts of pork meat. I think if you can drink few beers like 4-5 you´ll find it surprisingly tasty. Try it again in good local pub served properly. It´s much better.

  • @monikak4418
    @monikak4418 4 роки тому +3

    Mě třeba tlačenka chutná strašně moc😂😊💞

  • @angeecelinova7760
    @angeecelinova7760 4 роки тому

    Oh, you should try syrecky/tvarůžky. And I hate Czech "salads like those you have shown. Apart from potato salad. And the garlic one. But I would never buy it store bought.

  • @ritchma3911
    @ritchma3911 4 роки тому

    From what I understand meat jelly is something that used to be popular because it's very cheap and people used to make it at home. It's something younger people don't really eat that much. It's terrible and trust me you are very lucky you bought it in globus because that's much higher quality than some other ones you can get. Ostiepok is slovak cheese and for some reason I don't even know what it tastes like. Romadur is another czech food I've never tried even though I grew up in czech. If somethings smells bad I don't eat it. Same as olomoucke syrecky (try that next time if you like smelly cheeses). Never tried.
    Utopenci especially kostelecke uzeniny used to be amazing. Unfortunately when our prime minister the biggest crook took over the company the quality went downhill. Stay away from kostelecke uzeniny if you care about quality.

  • @zajdancosmic868
    @zajdancosmic868 4 роки тому

    Hey girl, You will not enjoy the original taste of czech products when You will buy products from corporacy like is Kostelecké uzeniny, Opavia and similar low-end.

  • @vladislavpolzer4133
    @vladislavpolzer4133 3 роки тому

    Very good pronunciation ,, In the market, you do not buy a good "tlačenka" good is only homemade from the village, or from a small butcher, where it is honest and tasty. Tlačenka (with vinegar and onion) and utopenec must be served with beer;)

  • @HarleyDavidsonRoute66
    @HarleyDavidsonRoute66 4 роки тому

    Tlačenka is not good for a lot of Czech. Romadur is good with onion and bread.

  • @apoc9ify
    @apoc9ify 4 роки тому

    That is probably fake salmon i.e. cod at the best. True salmon meat would be expansive. I don't like too much these premade "pomazánka", because they add lot of additives and make them sour. I like more homemade. When it comes to "tlačenka", there are different kinds some are better. I personally eat them with good pickled cucumbers.

  • @StupidLittleRedFox
    @StupidLittleRedFox 4 роки тому

    The cabbage you ate was just pickled, not fermented, but if you ate real sourkraut, which we do as well, we usually cook it before serving, adding sugar and other stuff to make it good, because it is too strong for its own good :D sometimes we even rinse it to lessen the sour part of it.
    And I was really terrified when you put so much tlačenka into your mouth at once :D not pleasant.

  • @heya5428
    @heya5428 4 роки тому

    Iam sure, that it wasn't salmon cream, but „aljašská pomazánka”, which is from salty cod and thať's why it's so salty.😇

  • @cheguevara5560
    @cheguevara5560 3 роки тому

    Saurekraut is not pickled in vinegar , it is fermented cabbage with lots of salt ,If you like saurekraut try to get fresh one from local market , the one in the jar is not the same . Fresh one is a real Mc Coy , In some regions they even ad up the apples in order to balance the flavor
    Buen provecho !

  • @aswler
    @aswler 4 роки тому

    Tlačenka is eaten with onions and vinegar + bread. It tastes better that way. Try sulc instead for a finer texture! Romadur is best eaten after several days at room temperature. It reminds me of durian...

  • @pavelhujar4266
    @pavelhujar4266 4 роки тому

    When you said, that you don't like pikantní utopenci I immediately smiled. I dont like them at all and I´m Czech.

  • @Dejvuslol
    @Dejvuslol 4 роки тому

    Tlačenka MUST be with onion, vinegar, salt and pepper. Nobody eats it plain like this.

  • @tomasjanota1454
    @tomasjanota1454 4 роки тому

    ostrava sasusage is absolutly garbage :D u should try sausage with high percentage of meat.... like some deer sausage :)

  • @MSochyno
    @MSochyno 4 роки тому +13

    Líbí se mi že odepisuješ česky:D

  • @deedd4401
    @deedd4401 4 роки тому

    the proper way to eat romadur is to lock it into a jar of glass..... and once it gains sentience and starts writing its' own name on the wall of the jar ..... it's finally ready :)

  • @soniquecat4745
    @soniquecat4745 4 роки тому

    The meat jelly (tlačenka) is better from farmer's market. The ones they have in the supermarket are not that good. Try a farmer market one and eat it the proper way :)

  • @jaroslavbily5410
    @jaroslavbily5410 4 роки тому +1

    Hodně těchto věcí má výraznou chuť, protože se jí s chlebem. Sýr Romadur , Utopenci (pickled sausage) a hlavně tlačenka (meat jelly) to se bez chleba nedá ani jíst. Takže to zkus s chlebem a uvidíš, že to není tak hrozné. :D

    • @strakos66
      @strakos66 4 роки тому +1

      Dá se jíst i jen tak. Dcera které je 9 si ukrojí špalek tlačenky a vrní spokojeností.

    • @martinprochazka4717
      @martinprochazka4717 4 роки тому

      @@strakos66 i já :-D Ale není tláča jako tláča.

  • @Jara739
    @Jara739 4 роки тому

    But Homemade tlačenka Is the best food And you need to eat bread with tlačenka

  • @WhiteStudioCZ
    @WhiteStudioCZ 4 роки тому


  • @RA-Redacted68
    @RA-Redacted68 5 місяців тому

    Cook Romadur in the grill as you would with Camembert.

  • @profa3240
    @profa3240 4 роки тому +2

    I want to eat all these food with you xd

  • @michalboushy4263
    @michalboushy4263 4 роки тому

    Tlačenka must eat with ocet(i dont know how say in english) and onion. Write in google “tlačenka s octem a cibulí”. And Ostravská Klobása is very good to cook in hot water with mustard, ketchup and bread (chléb).

  • @Slovakia-collecting
    @Slovakia-collecting 4 роки тому

    Na Slovensku chleba z masťou a cibuľou to je slovenský Hamburger a ešte skús našu bryndzu 😉🤔🤔 a halušky slovenské národné jedlo s žinčicu 😉😉😉

  • @rtr_kuba7444
    @rtr_kuba7444 4 роки тому

    I really dont like tlačenka too. And can u try tvarůžky Its super smlly too

  • @Confusedcattt
    @Confusedcattt 4 роки тому +1

    My mom puts opened romadur in a glass jar so the whole fridge doesn’t smell like it :D

  • @jessicasoukupova5001
    @jessicasoukupova5001 4 роки тому

    You should try Rumcajs😄 It’s salat like the salomon one but a little bit different, because there are pieces of salam and vegetables and I love it😋

  • @theluc1f3r93
    @theluc1f3r93 4 роки тому

    Yes it smells like ass..literelly (Romadur) :D but its best cheese in CZ. Especially on fresh bread with butter and bit salt or fried alone or in meatball (fried or cooked) and on pizza too.

  • @pavel-wolfdog6846
    @pavel-wolfdog6846 4 роки тому +1

    To nebyl salám z Boloni ale z Lyonu. Takže nemá nic společného s Itálií ale je to salám francouzského typu. A tedy nemá nic společného ani s Čechami a není to žádná česká specialita.

    • @ArepasforDinner
      @ArepasforDinner  4 роки тому


    • @pavel-wolfdog6846
      @pavel-wolfdog6846 4 роки тому

      @@ArepasforDinner to jsou ale zcela zkreslené informace. Ten salám nemá s Boloňou naprosto nic společného any typem. Má v názvu "Lyonský" a je to ovšem spíše salám německého typu. To, co pochází z oblasti Boloni, je mortadella. To je všem zcela jiný typ výrobku, kde jsou nejen kousky tuku (tedy spíše jako nás salám Gothaj) ale podle typu i třeba pistácie, olivy apod.

  • @egioch
    @egioch 4 роки тому

    Tlačenka tastes awesome with horseradish dip (křen)

  • @non9886
    @non9886 4 роки тому +1

    now, after this video you are just few steps to be certified as half czech :-) you are brave woman...

  • @kvr_adventure940
    @kvr_adventure940 4 роки тому

    Which language do you use in shopping center or similar places?

  • @Futka23
    @Futka23 4 роки тому

    lately, the quality of food has fallen greatly. you would have enjoyed it twenty years ago. I apologize for the bad English language. I'm glad someone shares our dishes. good luck in the future. :-)

  • @jirsova.m
    @jirsova.m 4 роки тому +9

    Ten pocit, když neumím anglicky 😂😂

    • @ArepasforDinner
      @ArepasforDinner  4 роки тому +1

      Aaaww ale můžete přidat titulky

    • @oldtapa1
      @oldtapa1 4 роки тому

      To jo já něco rozumím se snažím dívám se na filmy s titulky tak něco pochytím naši pani učitelku odstavili když nás učila jenom třeba barvy anglicky to mi pak moc pomohlo při stavění kitů letadel nás odstřihli od světa

    • @jirsova.m
      @jirsova.m 4 роки тому

      @@ArepasforDinner ano, ale titulky jsou pouze anglicky 😂😂

    • @maruskahanslova
      @maruskahanslova 4 роки тому

      Taky žejo 😂😂😂

    • @ondrejmimranek652
      @ondrejmimranek652 4 роки тому


  • @sansik9920
    @sansik9920 4 роки тому

    I say all the time, czech is one of best states with good food 😅 but need to say i don't like Tlačenka too

  • @katerinahavlikova7139
    @katerinahavlikova7139 4 роки тому

    Ahoj chci se zeptat jestli budeš natáčet nějaké video v češtině?máš strašně krásně videa na TIKTOKU mám je ráda 😉😊

  • @melicherpeter
    @melicherpeter 4 роки тому

    ramadur je dobrý naložený v pive...u čierneho vola na hradčanoch super...

  • @tomikbramburka
    @tomikbramburka 4 роки тому

    Škoda že dělá prezentaci našich chuťovek koupených v marketu. Možná ten romadur byl ok. Ale jinak to je pěkně natočené.

  • @petrskalak5070
    @petrskalak5070 2 роки тому

    Hey, Andrea. Im happy you've tried all the local food either from shops or restaurants. As many have already mentioned, certain foods are really way better made at home such as Utopenec or Kysané zelí compared to shops. Especially the spreads from the shop are very cheapened out if you do not buy them at a counter. Huge kudos to you for trying Romadur :D :D. I never got through the smell.

    • @ArepasforDinner
      @ArepasforDinner  2 роки тому

      Yes!!! One day I wanna make a video trying my in laws czech food that is certainly amazing! But they are a bit camera shy not sure they would be happy with that hahaha 💜💜

  • @LORD-if8pi
    @LORD-if8pi 4 роки тому

    I'm from Czech Republik

  • @siebensunden
    @siebensunden 4 роки тому

    Grilled oštiepok is best when put on a bread and topped with a small amount of cranberry marmelade. You should definitely try Olomoucké tvarůžky (low fat cheese made from curd), jelito and jitrnici. You can also buy beetroot salad with horse radish which is in my opinion much better than the one with a cabbage.

    • @ArepasforDinner
      @ArepasforDinner  4 роки тому +1

      I love that cheese with the cranberry jam. Really!!!!! It’s all I eat in the Christmas markets 😂

  • @minniemouse4081
    @minniemouse4081 4 роки тому

    If I can tell my opinium.. some things are disgusting (like utopenci or tlačenka) from supermarkets. Czechs are excelent at home made many food and it has really different taste. Like I said, many supermarkets things are horrible, but if u will try it home, they are amazing. Try it with some recipe or I can give u my. :)

  • @johannessugito1686
    @johannessugito1686 4 роки тому +1

    Try the other meat jelly, the ones with chicken meat or ham. There is also jelly with only vegetables. The one you had is made of gelatine from bones and all left over pieces of meat, usually from the head.
    A mistake often made: sauerkraut is not cabbage with vineger. It is cabbage with salt, which due to the fermentation process becomes sauer. Shreded cabbage with salt is kept in a jar for a certain time, this is how sauerkraut is made. Sometimes some sugar and apple is added.

    • @ArepasforDinner
      @ArepasforDinner  4 роки тому +1

      I will do it for sure!! Anyone I’m not over meat jelly. I always try things 5/6 times before really declaring that I don’t like them jaja

    • @michalgajdos1317
      @michalgajdos1317 4 роки тому

      And the right way to eat meat jelly is with lot od choped onion and winegar optionaly with black pepper too.