Come Follow Me LDS - The Politically Incorrect Family Proclamation

  • Опубліковано 21 жов 2024


  • @tappingflamingo
    @tappingflamingo 2 роки тому +28

    I remember when this first came out. I was a mother of 4 young children. It was like, "Well, duh....Of course." It is amazing how 25 plus years later we NEED this proclamation to clarify exactly what the family is, what our Heavenly Father intends the family unit to be. That Gender is something that we were born with and cannot be changed. Gender is essential and important. Now, all that being said, there are situations beyond our control...death of a spouse, for instance, that makes the family unit a little different, but it is important that we know our roles. I've never felt that I was less because I was a woman who stayed home to raise her children while my husband went outside the home to work. Society wants to demean women like me. Stay at home moms are not demeaning work. When the proclamation came out, mothers were still encouraged to be stay at home moms. It is interesting how you don't ever hear that anymore. Very few are at home with the children, most are being raised in day care. I know this is a touchy subject, because there are times when certain families do not have a choice.....but I do know, for most, it is possible, with sacrifice, for someone other than day care to raise our kids.

    • @sistermarch660
      @sistermarch660 2 роки тому +8

      Sadly this is rarely brought up within the Church either.
      The most powerful thing I can do is Christian sacrifice for my husband and children within my own home. Nothing holds up to the legacy we create when we raise our own children.

  • @carlatamanczyk3891
    @carlatamanczyk3891 2 роки тому +39

    We have discussed this subject in Bishop's meetings many times.
    We agree that political correctness does not square with gospel teachings. Neither are there gray areas in the gospel. The gospel is clear.

  • @tjkasgl
    @tjkasgl 2 роки тому +29

    I have never once thought of the Proclamation as policy. The night present Hinckley read it in really society meeting the spirit was so strong and testified of the truthfulness of the words. Also policy never ends with a direct warning, only commandments do

  • @gowokegobroke2905
    @gowokegobroke2905 2 роки тому +21

    Thanks for the discussion. Surprised this isn’t part of the Doctrine and Covenants. I believe it is doctrine. Not policy. Pure doctrine.

  • @Maurinusa
    @Maurinusa 2 роки тому +22

    The family proclamation is a beautiful piece of doctrine. The truths contained in it used to be obvious and common sense. It shows how far and how quickly our culture has fallen that it is controversial in any way

  • @BettyHorn
    @BettyHorn 2 роки тому +19

    I, too, will (and have) defend the Family Proclamation. It is truth. I also came from a broken home. Not raised in the church. I have fought my way through most of my life trying to figure out how to make this ideal a reality in my life. I always believed it. This came out 3 months after the death of my older son. My other boy had died 4 years prior. I had been through 3 horrendous marriages. But there was hope. And always will be. My current husband and I apply those principles in our lives and despite all, these past 27+ years have been the happiest of our lives. All because of the principles of the gospel, one of which is the Family Proclamation. All because of Christ.

    • @sherigraham3873
      @sherigraham3873 2 роки тому +3

      Betty, you are my inspiration and I admire and respect you very much! You've certainly been through the refiners fire and you stay strong and not fold! Truly an inspiration to many of us! ❤️

    • @BettyHorn
      @BettyHorn 2 роки тому +2

      @@sherigraham3873 thank you. I don't try to put myself out there. Many people have suffered in silence much more than I have. I just know I must stand for truth. If we don't start standing for truth, we will lose it.

    • @sherigraham3873
      @sherigraham3873 2 роки тому

      Absolutely, but I'm not the best at suffering in silence. I have work to do. But as far as truth, it's of the greatest importance!

  • @patrickluchycky1172
    @patrickluchycky1172 2 роки тому +14

    As a baptized Roman catholic, and as a youngster who went to methodist and Lutheran churches before joining the church, the Bible and other Christian denominations during the 60s, 70s and 80s were each very clear on the Lord's standards, instructions, expectations and teachings regarding the family unit, marriage, standards of sexual purity and roles of men and women in society and the family. The proclamation of the family should not be shocking, misunderstood, ambiguous or obscene to a disciple of Christ. For those in the church who see it as merely policy I think is to be worried about the world's standards, expectations and culture. Like you said, I support the ideal and encourage others to do so as well. The great thing is that some of our brothers and sisters from other denominations share the same belief.

  • @spencer4164
    @spencer4164 2 роки тому +22

    I was married and we had one child together. My wife decided she no longer wanted to be with me. I tried everything to keep the marriage together, but she refused. It was so confusing to me that she didn't want to even attempt to try to make it work for our young child. I realized there was nothing I could do unfortunately. Now I must make the best of the situation but it is not ideal.

    • @carlatamanczyk3891
      @carlatamanczyk3891 2 роки тому +2

      I understand kind of what you are dealing wiith.

    • @Electross
      @Electross 2 роки тому +2

      I feel your pain. It happened to me too. At least I'm at peace with trying to do my best to keep the marriage together.

    • @natandjoec
      @natandjoec 2 роки тому +3

      That's happened to a few of my friends. Satan is working hard on the women.

  • @maryfranjeppesen8932
    @maryfranjeppesen8932 2 роки тому +7

    The Gospel raises human kind to a high level than the world!! How many problems would go away if this were lived by everyone? It's so beautiful!!🙏🙏

  • @TypeAndShadow
    @TypeAndShadow 2 роки тому +9

    Couldn't agree more when you said "I believe there is an ideal, an ideal we can all reach, whether in this life or the next." Amen! We need to be teaching church members and nonmembers alike that God expects us to reach His lofty ideals and that it is possible. Teaching someone that they have divine potential is truly empowering. It provides a sorely "can-do" attitude to our current culture of victimhood.

    • @CwicShow
      @CwicShow  2 роки тому +1

      Well said!

    • @chrysanthemum-roses777
      @chrysanthemum-roses777 2 роки тому +1

      Just like Elder Gilbert's talk ("Becoming More in Christ: The Parable of the Slope") from this past conference where in he talked about his experience encouraging inner-city youth in Boston to rise up to God's standards. Good and wise counsel, I felt, but it seems hard truth to some today.

  • @germanslice
    @germanslice 2 роки тому +14

    Its not Church Policy this is Doctrine.........God had already decided these things in the pre-earth council.

    • @donnacrimmins789
      @donnacrimmins789 2 роки тому +4

      LOVE this statement. I am one of those uneducated and poor that hung it on the wall.

  • @raeannaroylance5401
    @raeannaroylance5401 2 роки тому +5

    I have sacrificed so much worldly comfort to follow the doctrine of The Proclamation, and I now know that sacrifice brings forth the blessings of heaven!❤️🙏

  • @richardrubert1359
    @richardrubert1359 2 роки тому +12

    Thank you for this discussion. I see so much of this, even in our own family. What a guideline.

  • @dfre102
    @dfre102 2 роки тому +8

    Hey Greg, I know this is a late comment on this video, but I wanted to come on and share with you what happened in my singles ward this last Sunday when we did this lesson. My ward is definitely "woke". I've been in it for almost 2 years now. It's a great ward, but being a singles ward with college aged students right by UVU and not too far from BYU, there are a lot of "intellectuals" in my ward.
    Right at the beginning of the lesson, the teacher remarked that this was a difficult lesson for him. Then he immediately followed that up with saying that he believes the Family Proclamation is outdated and was ONLY relevant up until the year 2000. He continued on saying that it was written by old men of previous generations, and that we now have "more knowledge and understanding". This was just the beginning...
    His first question to the class was asking each person to define what a family means to them. Multiple answers were given all about what each person "feels" a family is, and the teacher proceeded to conclude that a gay family is just as much of a family as what the Proclamation puts forth as the ideal.
    Then we got into gender, to which the teacher and multiple people in the class began to speak about how gender is a "social construct" and based on what society says it is, and that a man can act like a woman, and a woman like a man. It continued on saying that the Family Proclamation is incorrect in its teachings on men and women.
    There were many "I feel" statements and "(this) doesn't sit right with me, so I think (this) instead" comments throughout the lesson. Very little on doctrine or what the Family Proclamation actually says unless it was used to dismiss it as old and outdated.
    The majority of the class was legitimately just false doctrine and bashing on the Proclamation. My bishop was not in the room during that meeting, but the one member of the bishopric that was there actually ended up going along with what the class was saying.
    There were really only a few people in the class that spoke up in defense of and in testimony of the Proclamation. 2 of the most outspoken were myself (which as I've shared before on comments, I'm a gay member of the church who has found a very strong testimony and love of doctrine and the Family Proclamation), and another sister in the ward who is a convert to the church and was baptized 3 years ago. She was actually engaged to another woman at the time, but they both were exposed to the gospel, converted, called off their marriage, and became active and devoted members. Her testimony of the Family Proclamation is very strong and her and I sat together and both expressed excitement for the lesson before it even began, not knowing what direction the lesson would actually go.... She's a wonderful sister and I'm lucky to have her in the ward.
    I ended up reaching out to my bishop afterwards to seek counsel and advice because I genuinely fear for my generation and worry about the members of my ward embracing false doctrine, but my bishop (he's a wonderful man and I love him) is pretty clueless and ignorant on issues like this and ended up siding with the teacher and class, saying "it's better to have them at church than to not". But if they're actively teaching false doctrine? My bishop is a good man and has helped me on things in my life. But he's a bit too lenient on issues, especially regarding LGBT issues, to have a really big impact on me in that regard. He has posted pictures of himself online wearing socks with the Pride flag for example.
    Anyway I wanted to share this story with you because, while there has already been false doctrine taught in my ward, I was genuinely shocked at how bad it was this last Sunday. And I know that the teacher did not enjoy me being so outspoken in defending the Proclamation. This shift, Satan's grasp on even the very elect, it's real. I see it in my ward. I hurt for and worry about the people in my ward, and the influence they have on others. And I was genuinely confused as to why a gay man and recent convert lesbian woman in my ward were the most outspoken in defending doctrine and the Family Proclamation while the rest of my ward was busy bashing it. I pray that God can turn their hearts, but I feel somewhat lost in how to really help my ward because the woke doctrines are deeply rooted there. I've been called as a elders quorum instructor in that ward, and felt a very strong prompting that I needed to incorporate raw scripture and doctrine into my lessons as much as possible, but I don't know if that's enough.
    I could share other stories as well about things going wrong in my ward, but this last Sunday was the most shocking for me. And because your channel has helped me grow an interest and gain a knowledge of deeper doctrines, I felt to share it here with you as well to give you an insight to what's really going on and being taught.

    • @CwicShow
      @CwicShow  2 роки тому +1

      Unfortunately, this doesn't surprise me. Even comments like, "old men" and "outdated" are very common. Kind of like calling the prophet Elisha, "baldy" haha.
      There is a fight coming within Church. I hate to say that and I am not trying to be divisive and I am certainly not instigating that fight. I wish it weren't so.

    • @ruckin3
      @ruckin3 2 роки тому +1

      Thank you for sharing. And keep standing up for what you know is right. And know that this is happening in a lot of wards. I’m seeing things that are very disturbing and sometimes I speak out when I should and I often feel like I’m the outlier. But know this… A lot more people agree with you than you know. Many Who were silent or even appeared to be going along with the false doctrine, have come up to me afterwards and thanked me for standing up. There’s so much pressure to conform. Continue to be stalwart. Your kind of Courage is in short supply.

    • @randallbateman3418
      @randallbateman3418 2 роки тому +3

      How is it better to have someone at church spreading false doctrine and leading people astray?

    • @natandjoec
      @natandjoec 2 роки тому +1

      Oh wow! I had no idea it was that bad! I left Utah about 7 years ago, and things have changed so much. Our area is pretty conservative here on the Texas/new Mexico border, but we do have a few members here too that have bought into this ideology. I teach early morning seminary and the teacher I teach with got the Sodom and Gomorrah lessons. The seminary manual very clearly laid out what we were to say and reference the family proclamation, but she skipped over all of it. She said Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed due to the Ezekiel scripture calling them proud, lazy and didn't help the poor. Yes, that was part of it, but no mention of their sexual sins! Which was more than just homosexuality. I went home and cried and then brought it up in my next meeting with the stake leader. He didnt care at all. He said she must have been being sensitive to a child in the class who has problems in that area. Wow!
      I really appreciated your comment. I read it to my husband. He was like, "so the two people who defended the family proclamation, and the Lords words on family, were two people who had the most reason to not want to support it. What an amazing and beautiful testimony! Thank you for everything you are doing. Time is short. Stay the course, much love.

    • @ladyjade6446
      @ladyjade6446 Рік тому +1

      People think tolerance is compassion. It’s wrong.

  • @TRM520
    @TRM520 2 роки тому +8

    I love the proclamation and will always stand by the eternal truths it contains. Thank you for the video.

  • @mca4093
    @mca4093 2 роки тому +8

    I love it. Society needs to aim for the ideal. We know from extensive scientific study and revealed doctrine that children are healthiest in a home with a good mother and a good father.
    Many other arrangements have managed to work, but are not optimum. If we fail to strive for a lofty ideal, we will always fall far short of an acceptable situation.

  • @magapefarmshomestead6453
    @magapefarmshomestead6453 2 роки тому +8

    Preside means lead, leadership! It doesn't mean dictator, dictatorship, totalitarian, totalitarianism. There is NO 'I preside over this family so you will do as I say' relationship. Anyone who believes in this or this way is wrong, doing things in a way that is against the will and law of God!
    If we are living by the guidance of the prophets and apostles the example set in the church is of counsels. As husband and wife we are to counsel with each other and God to make appropriate decisions for each family. If done properly there should be unanimous accordance on the decisions, as the first presidency and the quorum of the twelve. That unity of decision usually comes through much study and, most importantly, prayer. Prayer is inviting God to help us with these decisions by giving us the inspiration and direction we need for ourselves and our family. Marriage in God's plan and sight has NEVER been just between a man and a woman but has ALWAYS included Him as a partner for the success of the marriage and family.

  • @Pulmonox
    @Pulmonox 2 роки тому +5

    "Oh, we can dismiss this because it seems to only be adopted by the poor."
    Gee... where have I heard THAT reasoning before? It's not like the whole escapade to the Zoramites touched upon this kind of thing...

  • @LatterDayBean
    @LatterDayBean 2 роки тому +3

    Many people defend their beliefs when it comes to this but capitulate when the government begins to wear out their freedom.

    • @natandjoec
      @natandjoec 2 роки тому +1

      Oh how true, and yet ironic. My guess is that it's because one ideology is backed by the great and spacious building.

  • @jaredshipp9207
    @jaredshipp9207 2 роки тому +4

    The Proclamation on the Family has come to serve as a great sifter, exposing and separating the tares from the rest of the Church.

  • @cynthiacarter7988
    @cynthiacarter7988 2 роки тому +3

    I learned this week that the meaning of the word preside is to sit with in council and to listen to each person. I thought that that is a more eternal definition of that word than what I have always thought that it meant.

  • @markwilde2391
    @markwilde2391 2 роки тому +5

    Bottom line, the Lord gives us the opportunity to know, accept, and live his will. Thank goodness for that.

  • @joepiloto
    @joepiloto 2 роки тому +16

    Those who try to parse this document are just not able to bear 'hard things' and are 'slow to observe'. I know this because at times I have struggled to understand doctrine - which this is. It becomes clear once you accept it and turn your heart. I'm just waiting to see this become a section. It is already set up for the verse numbers.

  • @jmjm4860
    @jmjm4860 2 роки тому +11

    Study Joseph smith's vision of the celestial kingdom in section 137, combined with 138 and you can see God's patriartical order of the family as defined by the Lord himself. Father, mother, son and daughter are the divine parts, our heavenly father and mother being the first. Anyone who is not willing to accept the family as such can receive another glory... The Lord loves us all.

  • @thomaspaine9420
    @thomaspaine9420 2 роки тому +2

    As a marriage therapist I was interested in your comments on men presiding over the family. I see it as God understanding that men in their natural state either over preside or under preside. The priesthood teaches men the importance of Christ like leading, battling ego and selfishness, and learning to have power but use it sparingly and in concert with a marital consensus. D&c 121 and this paragraph are huge indictments to men fighting their natural man state.

  • @aerickw
    @aerickw 2 роки тому +2

    Excellent! Preach, brother.

  • @carlatamanczyk3891
    @carlatamanczyk3891 2 роки тому +20

    Solutions to our social calamities and ills will never be solved by political decisions... only by seeking and obedience to God's laws.

    • @tomasina10
      @tomasina10 2 роки тому

      My attorney daughter…unlike the Ridiculous idea of uneducated people liking the Proclamation…said that this alone has brought her a testimony of The Gospel . After mentoring and loving minority children in poverty , it is easy to see how obedience to this one COMMANDMENT would bring an end to much of the poverty and discord We see in the Country . The foresight President Hinckley had is beyond anything anyone But a Prophet could know . The culture that has developed since 1995 has destroyed families and lives . The solution is ALWAYS Christ and His gospel .

  • @RichardChappell1
    @RichardChappell1 2 роки тому +2

    Your last statements about where you see yourself and how you plan to act are very well done. Thanks for sharing your testimony.

  • @bobwilkinson1217
    @bobwilkinson1217 2 роки тому +4

    To me, the Spirit's confirmation with Doctrine is deep and innate, filling me with light and fullness of gratitude. Policy generates a feeling of enthusiasm and confirmation of inspired leadership, which is different than the deep confirmation of eternal doctrinal truth.

  • @cindyhills5593
    @cindyhills5593 2 роки тому +4

    Excellent!! Thank you!

  • @sherigraham3873
    @sherigraham3873 2 роки тому +8

    Your doing an excellent work! I love your take on working towards the ideal and that's something people don't think of. Instead they take offense, if they don't have the ideal. They defend their non ideal situations. To my thinking, that's also what's changed a great deal. A lack of humility and the ability to clearly see the ideal, and acknowledge it.

  • @rbweekes1732
    @rbweekes1732 2 роки тому +3

    Well done!

  • @admcdona
    @admcdona 2 роки тому +4

    I've found it interesting this week as I've prepared for our "family lesson" of Come Follow Me, that I am far more worried about teaching this lesson than I was for any other lesson throughout the year. I thought talking to my kids about polygamy for the first time would have been the hard one. This one feels much harder. Much more sensitive. Much more important. My oldest daughter's friend group at school has every letter of LGBTQIA covered except the "I". I'm glad she's friends with them. I've gotten to know many of them. Many have REALLY hard home lives. I get the sense they are doing the best they can with the cards they've been dealt in life. I suspect it'll be difficult to teach the ideal...without hurting. I know this is true doctrine though. I will teach it to the best of my ability.

    • @sistermarch660
      @sistermarch660 2 роки тому +1

      You are not alone. It is so common now. Abigail Shrier's book is so important in understanding and navigating these matters. If you haven't read it, consider getting a copy, and perhaps reading some with your daughter. God bless.

    • @admcdona
      @admcdona 2 роки тому +2

      @@sistermarch660 Thanks for the reminder. I follow Abigail on Twitter and I'm really familiar with her work...primarily through podcasts and UA-cam vids. I'll have to pick up her book though.

    • @drewhanna9057
      @drewhanna9057 2 роки тому +1

      Praying for you and your family! You are doing a wonderful job. Your kids will surprise you. This proclamation will save them from a lot of pain in their life.

    • @elizacragun4697
      @elizacragun4697 2 роки тому +1

      Similar situation to you (as are many parents of teens these days). As I thought about this and how to teach it, I felt inspired to see the bigger picture of the Proclamation which is this...Families are REALLY important!! Especially mothers and fathers. We need to honor them and support them and we need to make families more of a priority in our lives. So many people are hurting, looking for love and acceptance and belonging but there is so much confusion and many are looking for it in the wrong places. The gospel of Jesus Christ can heal our hearts and homes.

  • @albertatundra
    @albertatundra 2 роки тому +4

    Any part of the proclamation on the family IS doctrine and eternal truths. No one has yet to prove with the scriptures that any part of the document is anything less.

  • @empowermybirth7917
    @empowermybirth7917 2 роки тому +2

    Spot on my friend.

  • @gms5089
    @gms5089 2 роки тому +1

    Critical note at 33:03 citing Elder Oaks’s 2017 statement dispelling the notion that the Family Proclamation is simply policy. Thank you for this discussion!

  • @couragecoachsam
    @couragecoachsam 2 роки тому +19

    I agree that many more wives would happily ease into their divine role if their husbands did better jobs of being worthy of it. Respect and admiration for a respectable, admirable man is given effortlessly

    • @natandjoec
      @natandjoec 2 роки тому +2

      As a woman, I disagree. I have a wonderful husband and I love and respect him, but the adversary today teaches women to be upset with men for basically everything. Women are upset for being mother's, wives, homemakers, gentle, loving, or kind. They are told to be loud, mean and aggressive. Despite everything a good man could give his wife, they are becoming dissatisfied with the good parts.

    • @kristenthompson962
      @kristenthompson962 2 роки тому

      Couldn’t disagree more as a woman, your husband shouldn’t have to earn your respect! Anymore then you have to earn his? Reverse your comment A man doesn’t have to be a good husband until your a good wife!

  • @scottolson6858
    @scottolson6858 2 роки тому +2

    You are spot-on, sir!

  • @suzannaylor653
    @suzannaylor653 2 роки тому +3

    I also agree that most women want their husbands to preside in the family. Sometimes that is interpreted as the husband getting the final say, but I am sure we can agree that that doesn't fall under the category of "in love and righteousness". That's not what they teach in Elders Quorum! Traditionally, men have left the lion's share of "family business" up to the wife and therefore it causes an undue burden on their backs. To preside in righteousness means to participate in family matters and to take responsibility in family matters. That would lift a heavy burden from the wives, that's for sure! Call the family for prayer once in a while! Then the wife won't feel like she's forcing you, too!

    • @suzannaylor653
      @suzannaylor653 2 роки тому +1

      That is, of course, an oversimplification on my part 😜

    • @CwicShow
      @CwicShow  2 роки тому

      A simple truth.

  • @rob-kj4ep
    @rob-kj4ep 2 роки тому +4

    When comes to presiding I usually kid that I preside but my wife conducts. Presiding does not mean that you are always the one out front. I believe and think that when it comes to presiding all it means is when the rubber meets the road I'm the one under the tire

  • @kristic4472
    @kristic4472 2 роки тому +1

    I love the Family Proclamation! It's just as much an official proclamation as the Manifesto, and the Priesthood ones.

  • @coreypillen4739
    @coreypillen4739 2 роки тому +5

    I've seen The Family Proclomation
    In all strata of incomes displayed in homes.The person who made this
    comment sounds like one of the accusers mocking saints trying to
    hold to the rod.

    • @rconger384
      @rconger384 2 роки тому

      Ridicule is one of their methods.

  • @gaibowlercannon8140
    @gaibowlercannon8140 2 роки тому +2

    Thank you. We must be defenders of truth in a kind way.

  • @paulblack1799
    @paulblack1799 2 роки тому +11

    Personal thought. If men weren't commanded to 'preside' we would naturally take a back seat in the family. Many do this anyway. Women in general can do it better. But men need to step up and thus earn the admiration and trust of wives and children. We all benefit from this.

    • @sarahpeacock9686
      @sarahpeacock9686 2 роки тому +2

      Well said! My husband is a good man. But he is content to take a backseat. Because of it, our children trust and come to me more. It makes me sad.

    • @miketemple7686
      @miketemple7686 2 роки тому

      @@sarahpeacock9686 I have seen this in a few fathers attitudes. Have you spoken to your husband about this? I’m curious to his reasoning for taking a backseat.

    • @sarahpeacock9686
      @sarahpeacock9686 2 роки тому

      @@miketemple7686 He's just a very quiet person who does not like to share his feelings very often. He also has a fear of actually doing so.

    • @randallbateman3418
      @randallbateman3418 2 роки тому

      @@sarahpeacock9686 perhaps you should question why.

  • @theluminousmind8297
    @theluminousmind8297 2 роки тому +1

    I never realized the seriousness about the Family on the Proclamation and felt that the gender portion was kind of silly and restating the obvious. Then out of nowhere my teen daughter came out as a “gay transgender man.” These ideas came after some time online and after joining LGBQT groups on Reddit. At first, we tried to be supportive of her decision and of course allowed her to present however she felt comfortable. Despite this, her attitude towards us and particularly me, her mother change to a horribly negative and full of bitterness. She treated me very misogynistic. Luckily because of her attitude and how it was tearing our family apart, some of my non-member liberal friends gave me some reading materials from scientists that understand this situation as a Rapid Onset of Gender Dysphoria that has been severely impacting our daughters who have grasped onto the latest social contagion. These ideas of transgenderism and transitioning children are supported and encouraged in our schools, health care provider and societies at large. Only a few brave professional dare try to call the warning alarms as they see tens of thousands of young adults (who’s brains are finally mature) desist from these idea and go back to their natural sex. However, these ideas comes at a cost of infertility and irreversible damage with mutilated bodies. This Proclamation is a powerful warning and many highly liberal families are starting to understand how dangerous these ideas against the family and our natural sexes. I now have a testimony that we need to boldly spread these ideas and help young people see their unique Divine Nature and how their natural sex brings heavenly blessings. If we don’t stand up very few will and the world need us to be strong!

  • @lindathomas2350
    @lindathomas2350 2 роки тому +4

    I am so thankful that our heavenly father does not apologize for the truth and doctrines of the eternities. The proclamation of the family is the basis of our heavenly fathers children. Satan of course would love to destroy this basic unit, but call truth what you will, truth is always truth!

  • @nolynstarbuck1935
    @nolynstarbuck1935 2 роки тому +4

    Are you aware of the Finnish pastor, named Pohjola, who is on trial for publishing a tract about his church's beliefs regarding chastity and marriage? He and his father are being charged with 'hate speech' for publlshing a booklet that explains basic Christian views. The prosecutor claims they are inciting hatred.

    • @rconger384
      @rconger384 2 роки тому

      Projection. It's what they do.

  • @rschow1747
    @rschow1747 Рік тому +1

    If someone wishes to be exalted in the Celestial Kingdom, support for the proclamation is critical. It is just that simple. If someone is content to be in the terrestrial realm...well that is your choice.

  • @allmight9840
    @allmight9840 2 роки тому +14

    Love the family proclamation to the world. It really gave us a firm foundation to stand on in a world of pronouns and confused LGBTQ+ (along with the MAPs).

    • @carlatamanczyk3891
      @carlatamanczyk3891 2 роки тому

      The Proclamation grounds us too. It never changes with the whims of the world.

    • @sistermarch660
      @sistermarch660 2 роки тому +1

      I agree. Except we should never use the garbage nice word "MAPS."

  • @lancebroshar5818
    @lancebroshar5818 2 роки тому +3

    I don't know why we have to explain the meaning of the Proclamation of the Family. Marriage is between a man and a woman and is ordained of God. Just as I know that God lives and Jesus is the Christ, I also know that Proclamation of the Family is inspired by God.

  • @kevinferrin5695
    @kevinferrin5695 2 роки тому +1

    All of pre-eternity is a process of learning to align ourselves with reality, with truth, in essence. It's a striving to achieve the optimum and not be satisfied with where we are or to try to establish our perceptions as the measure of eternity.

  • @dukeball4ever1
    @dukeball4ever1 2 роки тому +1

    It's amazing how the Prophets are watchers on a Tower. the Lord lets them know what needs to be done AHEAD of time. Testimony builders time and time again

  • @coreypillen4739
    @coreypillen4739 2 роки тому +3

    Hopefully church members, BYU
    Faculty will realize that in some areas eg.The Proclomation, CRTheory etc. could be close to kicking against the Pricks as explained in Doctrine and Covenants
    121 Verse 38.

    • @rconger384
      @rconger384 2 роки тому

      BYU CRT is apostate.

    • @randallbateman3418
      @randallbateman3418 2 роки тому

      It would help if the Brethren would stand up and address it.

  • @Davis0682
    @Davis0682 2 роки тому +7

    It's extremely hard for Me to believe any member of this church would think of the proclamation as outdated" or speak out against it. Sad to see the very elect getting led astray, and worse for try to lead others astray as well.

    • @jaredshipp9207
      @jaredshipp9207 2 роки тому +3

      You'll notice those members who say that tend to already have one foot out the door.

    • @Davis0682
      @Davis0682 2 роки тому +2

      So True, just one offense away from not going to church. This is such an amazing time in history to be alive....but also one of the most confusing and chaotic. So many want to stray from our core beliefs embedded into making the Gospel what it is, into simply what it is not.

    • @tomasina10
      @tomasina10 2 роки тому

      There are many , I have heard them . Along with those members claiming God has no problem with abortion, they are in every Ward . Our youth deserve to know the truth and then choose for themselves who they will follow . We as parents and grandparents need to stand by the Proclamation .

  • @miketemple7686
    @miketemple7686 2 роки тому +2

    There are probably more individuals be it members or nonmembers, who are living together outside the sacred law of marriage that are having children. Society has started tearing down the Proclamation of the Family long before the gender issue arrived. Each of these principles is under attack.

  • @nataliemckay
    @nataliemckay 2 роки тому +2

    I will also defend the doctrine of the family.

  • @siumanspringer2014
    @siumanspringer2014 2 роки тому +1

    Amen 🙏 thank you 🙏

  • @kathleennewton6270
    @kathleennewton6270 2 роки тому +6

    Great presentation! I often wonder how many men-hating, bitter, angry women had a loving daddy who read them bedtime stories. I would guess about zero. Most social problems would disappear if the family were intact.

    • @natandjoec
      @natandjoec 2 роки тому

      I personally think the media has played a larger role in creating angry bitter women, than men who were not present

  • @EJJohnson-cj4qn
    @EJJohnson-cj4qn 2 роки тому +1

    Thank you.

  • @louisbilledeaux3188
    @louisbilledeaux3188 2 роки тому +1

    We have the proclamation on the family on the wall of our living room. I am a retired physician with 15 years of college and residency training. So, I am well educated. We have a higher than average income, so the comments of that one critic of the Church is untrue in our case. I also have seen it on the walls of the homes of a number of homes of well educated, well off families in our Ward, further contradicting that statement.

    • @CwicShow
      @CwicShow  2 роки тому

      It was a bizarre, elitist statement

  • @kt8851
    @kt8851 2 роки тому

    The 5th commandment given to Moses was 'Honor thy father and mother'. I think that's really straight -forward. It doesn't say 'honor thy parents'. I don't understand the degradation of the PF, I find it bizarre. People in the name of compassion will willingly give up their traditions and belief system in order to 'not hurt ppl's feelings', because they didn't grow up that way. The PF is incredible because it is the roadmap to having a successful family, and while not all families look like this- My mom was a single mom and I grew up with a garbage abusive father, this document has been a road map for me in guiding my own family. We should always have a standard.

  • @brentgerrard8331
    @brentgerrard8331 2 роки тому +1

    Very well done.

  • @MTB214
    @MTB214 2 роки тому +1

    Thanks for the great lesson! I’ve seen sometimes those who have same sex attraction had been abused as children, so that may play a role.

  • @scottbrandon6244
    @scottbrandon6244 2 роки тому +4

    When the proclamation came out the roles for LDS women and men were more clear. Women were the caregivers of children and often housewives (stay-at-home Moms). Men were the breadwinners. It was common at general conference to hear counsel for women to become housewives after childbirth even if they had the education and career. Today you never hear that in general conference. Some wording sounds out of place today. the proclamation holds merit even in today's world. It clarifies the importance of marriage between a man and woman. It speaks of children having the right to be born. The role of men versus women in a family is defined. One of the sticking points I find with LDS women in 2021 is they don't like the fact men are the spiritual leaders of the home. They also don't like the idea of woman submitting to the man. The proclamation talks of equal life partners in marriage and sharing the child care duties. Men still hold the priesthood and are the spiritual leaders of the home. Social media discussions on this matter show too many women by default are the spiritual leaders because men have shrugged their responsibilities. Men are to step up to the plate an be leaders in family home evening, family prayer, family revelation, spiritual nurturing of their individual children, scripture study, Come Follow Me, seminary and preparation for missionary service.
    What makes the proclamation even more important today is the non traditional family forces are even stronger. Social justice warriors, LGBTQ activists, pro-common law marriage people, same sex marriage proponents, transgender activists, and others would like us to believe all is okay. A family can look like different colors. God's plan however is eternal. Marriage is a God ordained institution between man and woman, gender is biological, and traditional family based societies have higher degrees of happiness. They have well adjusted children and fewer juvenile crime. Families also lower mental health problems, and lead to better societies. The proclamation therefore can teach us how to live eternal principles set out in the plan of heavenly father.

  • @suominainen707
    @suominainen707 2 роки тому +1

    The Proclamation reiterates doctrine that God has proclaimed since the beginning of time.
    We would do well to heed God's warnings

  • @paulmero1127
    @paulmero1127 Рік тому

    Nice job, Greg.

  • @terrilisonbee3258
    @terrilisonbee3258 2 роки тому


  • @ladyjade6446
    @ladyjade6446 Рік тому

    These are the last days for sure.

  • @lynneb.2357
    @lynneb.2357 2 роки тому +5

    The Proclamation on the Family is doctrine. Given to the World from a living Prophet of God. The ENTIRE WORLD. Just as Prophets of old proclaimed and taught of the Savior, this proclamation declare clearly and precisely what God intends for all of his children to follow.As usual, agency is for all, to choose whether or not they heed it.

    @UAINTKIDDN 2 роки тому +1

    Greg, do you have a sense for how wide this sentiment is throughout the church as a whole? I live in W Washington and I've really only had one close family get swallowed up with this stuff and that started years ago when they lived in Cali, go figure. I don't hear about it other than when a group of conservatives get to talking about politics and such.

    • @CwicShow
      @CwicShow  2 роки тому

      Which sentiment?

    • @sistermarch660
      @sistermarch660 2 роки тому +5

      Also in the same LDS homeschooling group I mentioned, there was a lot of discussion about letting trans people serve in the temple and what side (male or female) they should serve in the temple. I also had this discussion with some acquaintances and one, an active member, said a trans person should be able to choose if they want to do work for a male or female. This person also said that she should be able to do temple work for men as well. That it doesn't matter. It was again, an eye opening conversation at how members are being deceived. Beating around the bush and sugarcoating things in efforts to not offend and to be politically correct are poisoning the minds of many within the church.

      @UAINTKIDDN 2 роки тому

      @@CwicShow the leftist sentiment

    • @markwilde2391
      @markwilde2391 2 роки тому +1

      Move to the treasure valley in idaho. It has crept in quite a bit. My sister who lives in the Sugar House section of SLC is surrounded by it.

      @UAINTKIDDN 2 роки тому

      @@markwilde2391 I'm curious if this is stuff that's being spread during church or is this in private convos?

  • @couragecoachsam
    @couragecoachsam 2 роки тому +3

    I had a woman claim the FP needed to be rescinded as it placed women as unequal to men because “preside” acknowledges hierarchy. The kingdom of God is patriarchal in the best way 🤷‍♂️

    • @albertatundra
      @albertatundra 2 роки тому +1

      She has no idea what it means to preside then. The principle of sustaining and unrighteous dominion shows that anyone who dictates, isn't presiding. Presiding means to lead and set an example.

  • @kolbybrown7722
    @kolbybrown7722 2 роки тому

    The Proclamation is the most ant-LGBT document the church has.

  • @boysrus61
    @boysrus61 2 роки тому

    Was the church told in Hawaii that they didn't have standing in the Gay Marriage issue so they couldn't voice their opinion legally? Wasn't the proclamation then put together quickly (according to Elder Ballard) so it could be presented during the Women's session of General Conference? (The church can now say they had doctrine against same sex marriage) Isn't it true that the General Relief Society Presidency was blindsided by the announcement that this would be presented (according to recorded video of 2 in the Presidency stating so). This document was written by lawyers, approved by the 15 and cheered on by the members.

  • @jerhill13
    @jerhill13 2 роки тому +1

    In a generation of entitled young adults, it's interesting to note that many do not have the entitlements declared by this proclamation: "Children are entitled to birth within the bonds of matrimony and to be reared by a father and a mother who honor marital vows with complete fidelity."

  • @chrisinidaho4569
    @chrisinidaho4569 2 роки тому

    The Proc was written by a committee and after a few revisions, it was accepted by the GBH who then presented it to the 12. It was prompted by the Same Sex Marriage (SSM) campaigns in Alaska and Hawaii at the time. The Church was actually caught donating money to the anti-SSM campaign in Hawaii in violation of the law. The Proc was meant as a rallying cry for members to vote against those initiatives. Since it was not sustained via Common Consent, it is not considered scripture and therefore not official doctrine. The vast majority of it is supported by other scriptures, but it is not scripture itself.
    The last paragraph calls on Saints to promote laws supporting the content of the Proclamation. This is where the problem lies. D&C 134:4 and 1 Cor. 10:29 denounce the idea of people using their morals/religion as justification to infringe upon the rights and liberties of others. If a secular government wants to give secular rights to it's citizens, including SSM, those who use their religion as motivation to infringe upon those rights violate the previously mention scriptures. Wasn't it Satan who proposed using force to get people to live righteously? Wasn't it also the Father who told Adam that he could choose for himself because it was given unto him despite the Father wanting him to choose another choice? The Gospel is about Agency, the ability to live as you choose and accept the natural, non manmade penalties of those choices as long as those choice do not objectively harm or infringe upon the rights and liberties of others. Christ also spoke of rendering unto Caesar (government) that which pertains to Caesar (Matt. 22:21). The granting of secular rights by a secular government clearly falls under that and not under the Church.
    Homosexual behavior is clearly contrary to scripture, but so is imposing laws forbidding SSM as the Church tried to do in California. It tried to steady the ark and because of the Church's efforts in CA, the law was taken to the Courts and now SSM is the law of the land.
    The bottom line is that even though the Proc does teach doctrinal truths about the family, it is really a political document asking the Saints to violate scripture.

    • @dfre102
      @dfre102 2 роки тому +11

      The United States of America was a country founded for a moral people, specifically a Christian people. The constitution and the base values this country was founded on cannot work for a non-religious people. God Himself said through scripture that the constitution was inspired through Him. By your logic, if the church of Satan wanted to perform child sacrifice (which it already does through abortion) are we as Christians meant to sit back and do nothing? When you consider what same sex marriage does to children, should we as Christians sit back and do nothing? Yes, we believe in agency. But there are limits, there are lines we cannot cross both personally and in what we stand for on the grander scale including politically.

    • @jmjm4860
      @jmjm4860 2 роки тому +10

      I'm sorry... you lost me. So you believe we should ignore religious values when voting in a democracy?

    • @carlatamanczyk3891
      @carlatamanczyk3891 2 роки тому +4

      @@dfre102 Well explained response to that lengthy twisted rationalizstion. Thank you.

    • @chrisinidaho4569
      @chrisinidaho4569 2 роки тому

      @@dfre102 The country, per D&C 101:77-80 was founded to promote individual Agency, whether the people are religious or not. I stated above, "The Gospel is about Agency, the ability to live as you choose and accept the natural, non manmade penalties of those choices as long as those choice do not objectively harm or infringe upon the rights and liberties of others." Child sacrifice (and abortion) objectively infringes upon the rights of the child so your example is specious. I agree that SSM is a less than ideal situation for kids, but so is being raised by a single parent or being raised in a home where they smoke. If a same-sex couple had kids and one of the parents stayed home and maybe even home schooled their kids and they went to Church every Sunday and had scripture study, I'd say those kids would be in an environment at least on par with most LDS families.
      We don't have to sit back and do nothing, but we can't use force as Satan proposed. We have to use god's plan of using kindness, gentleness, meekness, and love unfeigned to persuade people to live righteously. We mustn't follow Satan and use force / steady the ark.

    • @chrisinidaho4569
      @chrisinidaho4569 2 роки тому

      @@jmjm4860 We should vote for those people/laws that promote Agency. Scripture denounces using your morals as justification/motivation to infringe upon the rights and liberties of others. We must avoid this. It promotes Satan's plan of making people live righteously via force.