I looked at that one and decided against it for two reasons. On sale it is over $60 and it does not do as many types of tuners. I read the instructions on theirs and it is pretty much the same except for they say it is okay to use a power tool. One other reason I chose the one I got was the StewMac one provided drill bits and to buy the depth sleeves was extra.
I don't know. It sure tore up my hands. Can't imagine doing all six tuners. The little drill bits fit in a hand drill perfectly and there is not a chance of over drilling.
Similar products: elmerguitar.com/products/tuner-pin-drill-locator?variant=44321686978813¤cy=USD&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwpZWzBhC0ARIsACvjWRMbGcxcQ1xoaxYP96re2h82NWp-7jCSHZ-k-7OxbaTZ3dkO3HO5t4oaAr5MEALw_wcB
yeah I'm gonna look at this one, thx. i know stew mac has one so I'll look at that one too.,
I looked at that one and decided against it for two reasons. On sale it is over $60 and it does not do as many types of tuners. I read the instructions on theirs and it is pretty much the same except for they say it is okay to use a power tool. One other reason I chose the one I got was the StewMac one provided drill bits and to buy the depth sleeves was extra.
wonder if the hand drill is just to get the hole started so it limits any tear-out around the holes perhaps? i bought a hand drill...
I don't know. It sure tore up my hands. Can't imagine doing all six tuners. The little drill bits fit in a hand drill perfectly and there is not a chance of over drilling.
Hi there! Very interesting. How can I install Fender Bass Tuners with pins ? Thanks!
Similar products: elmerguitar.com/products/tuner-pin-drill-locator?variant=44321686978813¤cy=USD&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwpZWzBhC0ARIsACvjWRMbGcxcQ1xoaxYP96re2h82NWp-7jCSHZ-k-7OxbaTZ3dkO3HO5t4oaAr5MEALw_wcB