I truly believe everyone can make these albums. You just need to take a deep breath and go step by step. Start with a very easy one and just expect that it will not be perfect. But when you are done only you will notice the imperfections. I just had in my hands the very first one I made. I see all the things I would have done differently. But it was from a family trip that had such great meaning to me and to me- it is perfect.
This is a great album. I really love the addition of the plastic pocket pages.
Thank you. I had my mother in law in mind when I made it and how she would use it. Thanks for watching!
Oh how I wish could make albums as great! as this! TYFS! 🤓💖💖💖
I truly believe everyone can make these albums. You just need to take a deep breath and go step by step. Start with a very easy one and just expect that it will not be perfect. But when you are done only you will notice the imperfections. I just had in my hands the very first one I made. I see all the things I would have done differently. But it was from a family trip that had such great meaning to me and to me- it is perfect.
This is so versatile and so many different ways of storing our recipes.I love it and can't wait to try to make it.
Oh thank you so much Sharon! TFW!
Thank you Diann! TFW!
Love this ❤️❤️❤️
Thank you for watching, Chris!