Using genuine cam but it provides very good response. It reaches to set boost pressure before 4000rpm and lasts to rev limit. I expect 500-550ps. I know some article says G30-770 provides more response than GTX3576! Should be good turbo.
I am just now researching these turbos. I'm learning that the G30-770 is comparable to the previous Garrett 3076 and to the EFR 7163. So for similar boost response to the G30-770, one should look to the EFR 7163. The EFR 7670 is comparable to the G35 series and the previous Garrett 35 series like the 3576.
Awesome video
how's the response ? how much hp are you putting out (cams ?)? I'm looking at either EFR7670 or G30-770
Using genuine cam but it provides very good response. It reaches to set boost pressure before 4000rpm and lasts to rev limit. I expect 500-550ps. I know some article says G30-770 provides more response than GTX3576! Should be good turbo.
I am just now researching these turbos. I'm learning that the G30-770 is comparable to the previous Garrett 3076 and to the EFR 7163. So for similar boost response to the G30-770, one should look to the EFR 7163.
The EFR 7670 is comparable to the G35 series and the previous Garrett 35 series like the 3576.
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