As a support (Seraphine) main, here are some tips that apply all roles and players, 1. Don’t force fights in early game. 2. Don’t get cocky when your support isn’t around you, ambush is inevitable. 3. Wait for supports or tanks to initiate first, don’t be the first to engage or else you’ll be the first and main focus 4. Prioritize turrets than kills, remember, turrets are the main objective. 5. Place wards around your lane or in the jungle for vision, this will help you counter gank enemies successfully. 6. For mana-hungry champions, buy Tear of Goddess as soon as you can afford it to participate in team fights more often. 7. When playing supports like Seraphine, Sona, and Janna, put their skills to advantage and harass the enemy as much as possible, it doesn’t matter if you don’t kill them. What matters is that you harassed the enemies to make them go back to base which is still a victory. 8. Make use of each champions’ passive. Wow, didnt expect these likes
Also a Seraphine main, and I really wish that the adc's know when to attack and when to retreat since the most important thing in the early game is to defend the turret in whatever lane your in (except for junglers because they can change the tide of battles). Like I keep getting adc's like Jinx and Ezreal and freaking Kai'Sa (who is what I also main and is a good adc in mid and late game imo) keeps on charging fighting the enemies and ends up having low health at the very start or just dead which leaves me alone to defend our turrets in the Dragon Lane or that they'll blame you for not supporting them even though that they are still squishy and decided to have a 1 v 3 or 1 v 4 on the enemy side of the battlefield like bruh, seriously? Anyways, as a support main and rarely adc main here are some things that I want peeps to understand: 1. Stick with your support or tanks always. They'll help you escape or kill the enemies with their skills (in Seraphine's case, she can root the enemy in place by using her E/3rd skill boosted by one of her passives "Echo" which repeats the 3rd skill casted every time and her E/3rd skill can slow enemies if hit, if already slowed then they are rooted instead, and if already rooted they are stunned instead. This and followed by her W/2nd skill which grants a shield and 20% movement speed if I recall correctly, and can also heal 5% of any of the allies' missing health around her(boosted by 50% for every ally) if she already has a shield from a Dragon buff or if she casted her W/2nd skill boosted with "Echo") 2. Don't immediately charge and act like Solomon Grundy tryna feed and give the enemies the upper hand. Let the minions act as your shield to protect yourself while attacking the enemies 3. Only fight as much as you can, don't chase enemies unless you can kill them in one shot without having them kill you in return or having the enemy turret execute you 4. Listen to our signals such as where to retreat, attack, group and such. It'll keep you alive for a while longer 5. Don't trashtalk us if you keep getting killed because of your reckless abandon mindset 6. Only go to the jungle if there's a jungler nearby or when there are no enemies in the vicinity (as shown by the wards place) 7. Place your wards as well on every chokepoints or open areas to reduce the chances of the enemies trapping and killing us 8. Push as much as possible whenever you/we get the opportunity to in order to give pressure to the enemy 9. Only try to push the other turrets if there are no enemies nearby and retreat as soon as they try to chase you out kill you, giving us a disadvantage 10. Try to get as much gold as possible from killing minions, jungle monsters, enemies, and by destroying the enemy turret so that you can buy more items which will greatly increase your overall stats I wish I can say more but meh, this is too much for a lowly ML player who already understood how most of the things in Wild Rift work (except for the terms such as gank, snowball .etc. so please enlighten me on those words) but all I'm trying to say is, and don't get too cocky thinking that you are invisible then blame your teammates for making us lose even though you aren't cooperating with us at all
I know right. Like when the team are losing, the emerald one blamed the gold player suddenly. Blamed the poor matchmaking system, not the low tier player.
@kenovde i think the match making is the one to blame for matching emerald with gold but yeah cuz when im losing i blame everything and question my existence
@@overall2898 we've been complaining about it since season 3 and lo and behold it's 2020 and matchmaking in solo queue is still not fixed lmao they ported that part correctly at least
@@NatalieRath ezreal and vayne yes but not xinzhao, I'm in Emerald rank I rarely see enemy xinzhao jg or me myself whose xz is 65% win rate I dont even play him anymore
That painful feeling when you win your lane but your whole team is losing theirs. Especially dragon lane it's a freaking nightmare if the enemy Ezreal gets fed
QOTD: Ezreal. Insane poke potential in lane. Mana cost is redundant and can spam almost indefinitely. He can go BR lane, ADC, Mid, and JG. Has a dash, has objective strong skills (DR, BR, Towers with very strong potential to steal as well. ) Has crazy poke potential in Clash, unbelievable burst damage, and even very strong 1v1 potential. The crazy thing is he's one of the best in any and all the roles and specific aspects that I dictated. He's nerfed last patch and still insanely strong.
guys please share this to your wildrift regional fb pages, to make the newbies, ML player and non moba players trying out the game and make them learn and be aware. It will benefit us all. :)
QOTD: Ziggs. All his skills are poke based that hurts and annoy enemies in lane, can zone and has good wave clear. His passive destroys towers like crazy. Also has valuable escape tools when done right.
QOTD : Akali. no doubt. even when youre winning at first she will pull a uno reverse card once hit lv5, so you better hoping your teammates will help you.
@@gledsonway That only happens if his team carried his ass. Thats what happened in a normal PvP game with 1on1 Zed mid. My team lost their lane whil I tried to cut off the enemy Zed from making it worse. I killed him 2 times. But when their Camille noticed that hes losing he always rotated Mid. While our jungler farmed without ganking any lanes😑
Qotd: -For Baron I guess its the player but singed is super annoying to face. -In mid Lane its either orianna or yasuo -In jungle I think every junglers somewhat annoying but lee sin takes it. -For marksman i think ez and vayne are the most annoying -And for supp its definitely a good lux
QOTD: Akali, bar none. She's a flexible solo laner which, in itself, is great for drafting. Dominant lane bully, wins most matchups both pre and post 6. When she snowballs, she's practically unstoppable. If it's not her then it's Ezreal- champ's busted for how mobile and surprisingly tanky he can be.
I play support solo ranked and now reach emerald 4. Now I spamming Sona because she is really good at 5v5, at laning phase she is bit weak because her poke and heal not really that good, all you need at early game is survive and don't die more than 2 until game end. She is really shine in mid and late when 5v5 started. And from my experience, silver to gold was the hardest tier as support main. Once you reach platinum, most of your teammates know how to play and it much easier to play as support. I've reach emerald 4 from platinum 4 only in 3 days (10 hours per day)
What about Mundo? Unfortunately for Vayne, Mundo always counter almost every ADC top laner, he has a ton of health pool, ton of tenacity, Ult move speed, and deals a ton of damage Vayne is OP when she is ahead on level, peels every champ including Mundo, but I doubt that she can do that to a solo Laner Mundo if her opponent knows the dos and donts against her
@Ohm Mygod He was underrated, many people find him very simple and boring that don't wanna use him, his appearance was meant to look like that, much like old urgot, they were the jokes in League, what do you exoect a madman who is a masochist, a saddist, someone who finds pleasure out of his own and other's pain, and someone who loves eating toenails, he's getting reworked real soon so I recommend you playing him to just try him out
QOTD: For me it Ahri in the mid especialy against melee champions (ex. Zed, Yasuo, Akali) its not because you can cancel their combos but its the range advantage. One major tip I can give to Ahri players is to early clear your wave and once the honey fruit of the enemy is on try to destroy it to waste their heal (I know its a bit risky so only do this if you minion wave is near or under the enemy tower) This will be very helpful if you cant poke your enemy so better of to negate their healing so if you get into a trade you can get your heal but your enemy laner can't
Qotd: Ezreal in Dragon/Bot lane, like seriously I am suffering becoming a support user and having to protect my adc from this dude, it's really frustrating
QOTD: Personaly i think its gragas , he can be flexed(mid, top, jungle, even support). His basic combo+electrocute proc, is devastating even on early game. And he can deal with ranged matchups pretty good by cs-ing/shoving with his first skill. Not to mention he can pretty much kill anyone except tanks on late game in one combo.
As a support main, I cannot stress this enough, do NOT engage early on as an ADC without your support. ADC players often engage and poke at the enemy, which is a horrible idea early game as first, you are very vulnerable early game and the support might not be there to help you, clear the minion wave and then start poking along side with the support. Second, you might feed the opponent if you die early on which could lead to an extremely fed ADC. Clear waves first before engaging, to get items. Once you get items and get to level 6, that’s the time to engage. However, there are exceptions like Braum + Vayne, they have decent CC early game and can get kills fairly easy if you know what you’re doing. Braum has his 3rd skill, great for defending your ADC and reducing damage. His passive is also very useful, a combo with Vayne’s knockback and stun is almost a guarantee kill. Notable combos are Braum and Vayne, Blitzcrank and Jinx, Seraphine and Jinx etc. Also Jinx is broken.
@@acerotto6658 Zed's actually a good match up for Akali since his poke isn't as effective. As for @Cherry, that just makes it so Akali can push the lane further if it's a melee MU, it's true for ranged champs tho.
Qotd : Currently a fiora one trick, using grasp with regen and manaflow band on her makes ranged top laners easy to fight, just trads when the empowered aa is up and then q, also strong against yasuo, zed, xin etc.
you should probably build a slow push if you are a ranged champ, poke her everytime she goes for cs you have to make her health like below 70% i guess before she reaches level 3
@@kewalshah6448 also when akalis level 3 and you failed to drain akalis health and you crashed your big wave, play passive and stay under your tower until the next wave arrives
Depends on rank but i think : 1.baron lane: Jax ,Vayne ,Fiora and the noxos hand Darius when it cones to wild rift in december; 2.jungle: Jax, Xin Zhao, Shivana or graves for early game and late game: master yi; 3.mid lane: Zed, Oriana, Yassuo; 4.dragon lane: Ezreal, Jhin, Vayne, Kaysa and the executioner Draven when it comes to wild rift in december; 5.supports: Blitscrank, Seraphine, Janna. And one trick: i tryed manamune on Ashe ans Miss Fortune and it works great(take manaflow bland on them, take long sword, at the first recal get tear and get your next item after manamune(wich with Miss is Infinity age and with Ashe is BORK) and when you stacked full the tier upgraded to manamune wich turns in muramana wich will give you an insanne mid game power spike.
Qotd: one trick Zed's. Good Zed mains knows how when to engaged, avoiding trades in early and as soon as they hit lvl 3 they become more aggressive. They have good prioritization ( if they see mage as a threat in a teamfight than the adc, mage is their prio ) and can assassinate squishies easily if they have the advantage.
qotd: akali, extremely good at trading in the early game. You can abuse the living shit out of your passive while denying the opponent cs just by scaring it with Qs range Edit: melee opponent in particular in mid or top
actually there is way more broken champion and it has s tier too in sr i remember, and it was fizz. with the new item called infinity orb which make his skill deal crit even without skill he already deal crit on his auto attack. and with his basic combo he can wiped a full item nasus.
QOOTD: Definitely Evelynn especially Evelynn top I've been using it recently and the lane poking is insane Tips: Initiate level 1 with Evelynn no matter who your enemy is because Evelynn can't lose 1v1 when lvl 1 NO MATTER WHAT
Qotd I main both top and jungle however if i were to choose 1 champion that is super annoying to deal with, it has to be fiora on top. Her poke, mobility, and sustain is for me, really annoying to fight against.
QOTD: zed ,if you just play passive until you have your first three abilities its almost impossible to lose. You just poke them by using your 2nd , 3rd then 1st ability and if they get to close you just press the 2nd ability again and ignite and they're most likely dead. Once you have your ultimate death mark its over.
Qotd: for me its ezreal when he is fed in the early, vayne for lategame you can counter them by getting them stun or root or cc (crowd control), but it depends on the user and the knowledge he/she learned through experience by playing
So I have an Iphone 10 I can't play this game? Is the only way I can play is to get Iphone 12 or is it gonna release on everything eventually. Really wish I could play it.
Qotd: Fiora cuz she can duel anyone early mid to late game... Btw there is also a way to track junglers in wild rift gold earn by the enemy can be seen so try paying attention to it and also the items
QOTD : Jungle : Lee, why? Red > roam > get kill > fk ur enemy Lane : gragas, he can take mid, baron, even jungle.. He has a meat, big deffense.. Underated : TF, Aurelion : If enemy use TF dont ever get offside on your lane, Aurelion late game auto comeback..
For me Mid : ahri (one of my main in pc) Baron : Camille (I'm decent at it) Jungle: Evelyn (u need to work very hard early game to be strong late game) Dragon : if adc - ashe, ezreal Support: sona,nami , seraphine (sera if I hv no option) I can't tank yeah that's a fact
QOTD: Yasuo and his wind wall is the bane of every mage, support, and marksman/adc (whatever terms you call them coz I don't really know). Any ranged attacks can be blocked by that wall and I hate it, especially in team fights.... oh and also that he dashes a lot as well
Fun fact If you're going to hit a champion with AOE together with any minion, you won't take minion aggro by damaging that champion. Example of which is yasuo's third-first combo, or his first skill alone can hit champion together with minion simultaneously.
For me honestly the real problem is the queueing if im to give a rough estimate with my svp and mvp would be around 85% meaning if i want to win i just need better team
thanks man i've been playing league in pc for 5 years and i still can't understand why i lose so many games on wildrift. now i know what i've been doing wrong... "it's not understanding that wildrift and lol are different."
QOTD: It'd be Vayne and Zed. Coming in WR i thought the op ones would be Lux and Yasuo since they always are, anyways. Overpowered-pay-to-win skin is Seraphine's All Out KDA skin. The skills are so hard to see and im at optimized graphic setting lmao.
Hey, Is the wave management in wildrift and pc different? can you make a tutorial that shows right wave management so we can learn about minions and stuff's
This is great. Just a question, should I pick a champion, and 1 counter, to OTP for each role? Because most of the time the champ I want to spam gets picked before I can lock them :(
I think the most broken hero is Teemo and he's not even in the game yet. Also, what's with the Pad gameplay settings where all the bottom right buttons are so small?
QOTD: before the update back then Ezrael was so broken, but now I think vayne mostly if your jungler won't harass him in early and mid game, expect it's power in late game with full items.
As a support (Seraphine) main, here are some tips that apply all roles and players,
1. Don’t force fights in early game.
2. Don’t get cocky when your support isn’t around you, ambush is inevitable.
3. Wait for supports or tanks to initiate first, don’t be the first to engage or else you’ll be the first and main focus
4. Prioritize turrets than kills, remember, turrets are the main objective.
5. Place wards around your lane or in the jungle for vision, this will help you counter gank enemies successfully.
6. For mana-hungry champions, buy Tear of Goddess as soon as you can afford it to participate in team fights more often.
7. When playing supports like Seraphine, Sona, and Janna, put their skills to advantage and harass the enemy as much as possible, it doesn’t matter if you don’t kill them. What matters is that you harassed the enemies to make them go back to base which is still a victory.
8. Make use of each champions’ passive.
Wow, didnt expect these likes
Also a Seraphine main, and I really wish that the adc's know when to attack and when to retreat since the most important thing in the early game is to defend the turret in whatever lane your in (except for junglers because they can change the tide of battles). Like I keep getting adc's like Jinx and Ezreal and freaking Kai'Sa (who is what I also main and is a good adc in mid and late game imo) keeps on charging fighting the enemies and ends up having low health at the very start or just dead which leaves me alone to defend our turrets in the Dragon Lane or that they'll blame you for not supporting them even though that they are still squishy and decided to have a 1 v 3 or 1 v 4 on the enemy side of the battlefield like bruh, seriously?
Anyways, as a support main and rarely adc main here are some things that I want peeps to understand:
1. Stick with your support or tanks always. They'll help you escape or kill the enemies with their skills (in Seraphine's case, she can root the enemy in place by using her E/3rd skill boosted by one of her passives "Echo" which repeats the 3rd skill casted every time and her E/3rd skill can slow enemies if hit, if already slowed then they are rooted instead, and if already rooted they are stunned instead. This and followed by her W/2nd skill which grants a shield and 20% movement speed if I recall correctly, and can also heal 5% of any of the allies' missing health around her(boosted by 50% for every ally) if she already has a shield from a Dragon buff or if she casted her W/2nd skill boosted with "Echo")
2. Don't immediately charge and act like Solomon Grundy tryna feed and give the enemies the upper hand. Let the minions act as your shield to protect yourself while attacking the enemies
3. Only fight as much as you can, don't chase enemies unless you can kill them in one shot without having them kill you in return or having the enemy turret execute you
4. Listen to our signals such as where to retreat, attack, group and such. It'll keep you alive for a while longer
5. Don't trashtalk us if you keep getting killed because of your reckless abandon mindset
6. Only go to the jungle if there's a jungler nearby or when there are no enemies in the vicinity (as shown by the wards place)
7. Place your wards as well on every chokepoints or open areas to reduce the chances of the enemies trapping and killing us
8. Push as much as possible whenever you/we get the opportunity to in order to give pressure to the enemy
9. Only try to push the other turrets if there are no enemies nearby and retreat as soon as they try to chase you out kill you, giving us a disadvantage
10. Try to get as much gold as possible from killing minions, jungle monsters, enemies, and by destroying the enemy turret so that you can buy more items which will greatly increase your overall stats
I wish I can say more but meh, this is too much for a lowly ML player who already understood how most of the things in Wild Rift work (except for the terms such as gank, snowball .etc. so please enlighten me on those words) but all I'm trying to say is, and don't get too cocky thinking that you are invisible then blame your teammates for making us lose even though you aren't cooperating with us at all
Seraphine 2nd item is tear of goddess then spam skills to win. Every 6 sec shield and heal
Sorry for the team members.Watch Highlight Montage LOL here:
I've been lacking most of these 😳 thanks man
@@yurikokaoru3730 this nigga really just copy pasted the bible
Moonton: “Write that down! write that down!”
So original comment!
@@brohighvlady3809 yeah just like Moonton
Then get another lawsuit
@@ProGuidesWildRift what emulator do you use? and how do you not get banned?
The most broken thing is that when u matched with emerald player in rank while your still at gold🙂
I know right. Like when the team are losing, the emerald one blamed the gold player suddenly. Blamed the poor matchmaking system, not the low tier player.
They ported the real League PC experience to mobile what did you expect 🙂
@kenovde i think the match making is the one to blame for matching emerald with gold but yeah cuz when im losing i blame everything and question my existence
@@Gigi-zr6hp so your ok with that??
@@overall2898 we've been complaining about it since season 3 and lo and behold it's 2020 and matchmaking in solo queue is still not fixed lmao they ported that part correctly at least
QOTD: whatever my lane opponent is playing.
Wtf hahhahha
legit 😵
Hi! I m doing a KDA skin giveaway
Qotd : depends on the user but i think its vayne
Ah yes, Rolling Bitch
High damage high mobility
Top lane, yes.
Bottom lane.. probably not op(?)
With good support any adc can be broken
@@ahriiiwr9414 damn bots
I may have won my lane but i dont think my teammates would win theirs
I ❤️ your name
@@irfansahrum6544 simp
Exactly bro
bro , i just had this today. i won mine but my team feeds.
Sooo true
"i personally love reading comments and responding to you guys"
me:are you sure about that?
ok maybe he is sure
@@jhinkhadavirtuoso5221 mayyyyyyybe.......
Baron lane: Vayne
Jungle: Xin Zhao
Dragon lane(adc) : Ezreal
those champion alr got nerf especially Xinzhao please be updated
Those 3 got nerfed
Still powerful
@@NatalieRath ezreal and vayne yes but not xinzhao, I'm in Emerald rank I rarely see enemy xinzhao jg or me myself whose xz is 65% win rate I dont even play him anymore
Wait for darius in baron🙌
QOTD: It has to be Oriana in the mid lane
She will literally poke her enemies like crazy
Yeah she got cc, self defense abilty and a lot of damage
Nah, windwall solve anything
@@NormalWeeb. that make sense since Yasuo is lane bullier in early
@@wiraraditya2001 the self defense ability is fine, the problem is her 1st ability
yasuo will be the most broken mid laner lol
orianna can be bullied when you go greedy and really bully the champion lol
That painful feeling when you win your lane but your whole team is losing theirs. Especially dragon lane it's a freaking nightmare if the enemy Ezreal gets fed
At least u win ur lane ahahhaha
they should really nerf ez
@@ayetsuhikari4940 they will do second nerf to ezreal
QOTD: Ezreal. Insane poke potential in lane. Mana cost is redundant and can spam almost indefinitely.
He can go BR lane, ADC, Mid, and JG. Has a dash, has objective strong skills (DR, BR, Towers with very strong potential to steal as well. )
Has crazy poke potential in Clash, unbelievable burst damage, and even very strong 1v1 potential.
The crazy thing is he's one of the best in any and all the roles and specific aspects that I dictated.
He's nerfed last patch and still insanely strong.
Ezreal main here, I agree. Got to Gold with him, even after nerf.
@@zesty3369 when was the nerf?
@@giancarreon3812 It was mentioned in a Twitter post I think.. they needed Manamune as well.
guys please share this to your wildrift regional fb pages, to make the newbies, ML player and non moba players trying out the game and make them learn and be aware. It will benefit us all. :)
ML players shouldn't even be allowed to play wr. They're cancerous af lmao
@@builtbetter1278 well not all of them. You can’t just say that _all_ ML players are toxic.
@@Hextec when did I say they were toxic? I said they were cancerous.
Naahh .. they will only rate WR 2 star the worst thing people would ever done
@@yakushingotas5759 it's a good thing if they don't like this . I don't want them to force their nub strategies on wild rift players
Thats fkin true
lmao! But true...
I felt that
Brooo in mlbb nobody plays as a tank its so familiar 💀💀💀
still, the weirdest part of these videos is they're playing wild rift using a computer
Yea wtf they could've just played LoL pc LMAO
lmao Wildrift in EU is not yet available so they're using emulator to make videos
@@Roy-ti8tp and the complaints of retarded ml players wants LoLWR champions move faster
Sbb region dorang tak keluar lagi syg
Does anyone know which emulator they're using? thanks
QOTD: Ziggs. All his skills are poke based that hurts and annoy enemies in lane, can zone and has good wave clear. His passive destroys towers like crazy. Also has valuable escape tools when done right.
Zed and akali does fuck ziggs real bad or any champs who have good gap closer
Slayer as a ziggs and akali main, I second this
QOTD : Akali.
no doubt. even when youre winning at first she will pull a uno reverse card once hit lv5, so you better hoping your teammates will help you.
Akali easy counter ahri every single game my akali gets dominated by a dashing fox! I always miss my skillshots but nice answer though well explained😁
QoTD: it's Ezreal, he's the most broken adc in every game. Even a gold division player can still play like a diamond by using Ezreal.
@roxaswise the same aplies to zed. Even a bronze can play like a pro
Not anymore
@@gledsonway That only happens if his team carried his ass. Thats what happened in a normal PvP game with 1on1 Zed mid. My team lost their lane whil I tried to cut off the enemy Zed from making it worse. I killed him 2 times. But when their Camille noticed that hes losing he always rotated Mid. While our jungler farmed without ganking any lanes😑
If ur Zed is a pro at Bronze, you definitely know his smurfing
Qotd: Olaf, he's so oppressive in lane and he's so strong in early game.
QotD: its ezreal that damn maggot runs and hide to his teammates like a dog then biting you back when your running
lmao so true
The problem is that my enemy also wAtched this
Lol yep 👍
ohhh shhhhhh
QOTD: Lee sin of course so broken.
bro i swear they need to nerf him asap, literally picked almost every game, also gragas too
lee is not really broken imo, he really need some mikro skills to get good with
@@minzy093 i can kinda Understand lee but what's with gragas?
@@riz3778 gragas has high damage, tanky af, has cc, can play multiple roles (ie: baron, support, jungler). He's basically quite op.
@@inurface6342 Flexibility is not really OP. Gragas is weak early so you easily counter him with strong early champ. Wait till you see darius in wr.
-For Baron I guess its the player but singed is super annoying to face.
-In mid Lane its either orianna or yasuo
-In jungle I think every junglers somewhat annoying but lee sin takes it.
-For marksman i think ez and vayne are the most annoying
-And for supp its definitely a good lux
Also aggressive seraphine as support is hella annoying because of her q damage and e with passive
In my rank, mid is mostly akali (for some reason)
I rarely see a orianna in mid in my rank
@@inurface6342 yeah i rarely see akali in baron even tho that's her main lane
@@i_am_kaede isn't it mid her main lane?
Fiora (my main) she very good at harassing in the early, thanks to her passive. She always can do a good trade to enemy champ.
She's top tier rn in S5 alongside renekton and Darius
QOTD: Akali, bar none. She's a flexible solo laner which, in itself, is great for drafting. Dominant lane bully, wins most matchups both pre and post 6. When she snowballs, she's practically unstoppable. If it's not her then it's Ezreal- champ's busted for how mobile and surprisingly tanky he can be.
QOTD: it's either Yasuo or Zed since they are bursty and high outplay potential in the mid lane
I play support solo ranked and now reach emerald 4. Now I spamming Sona because she is really good at 5v5, at laning phase she is bit weak because her poke and heal not really that good, all you need at early game is survive and don't die more than 2 until game end. She is really shine in mid and late when 5v5 started. And from my experience, silver to gold was the hardest tier as support main. Once you reach platinum, most of your teammates know how to play and it much easier to play as support. I've reach emerald 4 from platinum 4 only in 3 days (10 hours per day)
QOTD: Vayne on baron lane I mean who doesnt wanna counter a first pick garen?
What about Mundo?
Unfortunately for Vayne, Mundo always counter almost every ADC top laner, he has a ton of health pool, ton of tenacity, Ult move speed, and deals a ton of damage
Vayne is OP when she is ahead on level, peels every champ including Mundo, but I doubt that she can do that to a solo Laner Mundo if her opponent knows the dos and donts against her
@Ohm Mygod He was underrated, many people find him very simple and boring that don't wanna use him, his appearance was meant to look like that, much like old urgot, they were the jokes in League, what do you exoect a madman who is a masochist, a saddist, someone who finds pleasure out of his own and other's pain, and someone who loves eating toenails, he's getting reworked real soon so I recommend you playing him to just try him out
QOTD: For me it Ahri in the mid especialy against melee champions (ex. Zed, Yasuo, Akali) its not because you can cancel their combos but its the range advantage.
One major tip I can give to Ahri players is to early clear your wave and once the honey fruit of the enemy is on try to destroy it to waste their heal (I know its a bit risky so only do this if you minion wave is near or under the enemy tower)
This will be very helpful if you cant poke your enemy so better of to negate their healing so if you get into a trade you can get your heal but your enemy laner can't
Qotd: Ezreal in Dragon/Bot lane, like seriously I am suffering becoming a support user and having to protect my adc from this dude, it's really frustrating
Where else would you play an ADC? Ez can go mid lane, but gets pushed out easily.
Him serap/lux are the worst to lane againts
@@niverall5657I'd say lux and ez combo is also broken
QOTD: vayne and ezreal when fed
Darius ult cd is op too
Jax soloing turret as well
Qord: camille with shield,heal, true damge , escape tool and her ult
QOTD: Personaly i think its gragas , he can be flexed(mid, top, jungle, even support). His basic combo+electrocute proc, is devastating even on early game. And he can deal with ranged matchups pretty good by cs-ing/shoving with his first skill. Not to mention he can pretty much kill anyone except tanks on late game in one combo.
QOTD: Vayne, especially when she's on Baron lane. Fucking bully on tanks.
As a support main, I cannot stress this enough, do NOT engage early on as an ADC without your support. ADC players often engage and poke at the enemy, which is a horrible idea early game as first, you are very vulnerable early game and the support might not be there to help you, clear the minion wave and then start poking along side with the support. Second, you might feed the opponent if you die early on which could lead to an extremely fed ADC. Clear waves first before engaging, to get items. Once you get items and get to level 6, that’s the time to engage. However, there are exceptions like Braum + Vayne, they have decent CC early game and can get kills fairly easy if you know what you’re doing. Braum has his 3rd skill, great for defending your ADC and reducing damage. His passive is also very useful, a combo with Vayne’s knockback and stun is almost a guarantee kill. Notable combos are Braum and Vayne, Blitzcrank and Jinx, Seraphine and Jinx etc. Also Jinx is broken.
QOTD: For me Akali I mean the burst early game is just so much if used well.
I agree. I'm an Akali main and I even get shocked when killing whoever my mid opponent is at level 2 or 3. Heck I agree.
@@tristaniromeguinto3274 yeah I agree, but zed is a counter to akali if you don’t have smoke
Why you think akali is broken just make sure you have distance she can't damage you untill she get closer to you or you go to her she is not broken
Well that's true tho.. sad hehe
@@acerotto6658 Zed's actually a good match up for Akali since his poke isn't as effective. As for @Cherry, that just makes it so Akali can push the lane further if it's a melee MU, it's true for ranged champs tho.
I had question !!
Not about making but about stat
Is there any max stats for like atk spd ?
Qotd: I think akali when the enemy is a melee champ
the fact that akali's bug on passive by buying Gunblade and Bloodthirster which activates her passive even at minions is definitely broken.
Theres no gunblade in wild rift tho
@@itsgonnabeokay9341 hextech gunblade I think
QOTD: Literally Vayne in baron lane. Safe kits and scale well.
Akali counter her hard
Qotd : Currently a fiora one trick, using grasp with regen and manaflow band on her makes ranged top laners easy to fight, just trads when the empowered aa is up and then q, also strong against yasuo, zed, xin etc.
QOTD: Server, ping spikes when there are a lot of players 😂. We do need separate servers for each country.
Ye.... you're right.
make a video about what is the right time to take baron and dragon, its just my opinion.
This is the guide I wanted to destroy in mid lane as Akali...
Answer - I think Akali.
you should probably build a slow push
if you are a ranged champ, poke her everytime she goes for cs
you have to make her health like below 70% i guess before she reaches level 3
@@bruhwtf2662 thanks bro, as I'm new to moba games, so these types of comments and help from the community really helps 🤗
@@kewalshah6448 also when akalis level 3 and you failed to drain akalis health and you crashed your big wave, play passive and stay under your tower until the next wave arrives
@@bruhwtf2662 thanks bro
What is cs?
Depends on rank but i think :
1.baron lane: Jax ,Vayne ,Fiora and the noxos hand Darius when it cones to wild rift in december;
2.jungle: Jax, Xin Zhao, Shivana or graves for early game and late game: master yi;
3.mid lane: Zed, Oriana, Yassuo;
4.dragon lane: Ezreal, Jhin, Vayne, Kaysa and the executioner Draven when it comes to wild rift in december;
5.supports: Blitscrank, Seraphine, Janna.
And one trick: i tryed manamune on Ashe ans Miss Fortune and it works great(take manaflow bland on them, take long sword, at the first recal get tear and get your next item after manamune(wich with Miss is Infinity age and with Ashe is BORK) and when you stacked full the tier upgraded to manamune wich turns in muramana wich will give you an insanne mid game power spike.
QOTD: Yasuo, Vayne, Fiora (but Fiora isn't that broken it just depends on the player)
Big true
Man! AP Malph for me is OP.He has a low mobility if you build him AP but when you use it right he's clappin everyone.
QOTD: Ezreal is really broken despite getting nerf and if super feeded can really 1 vs 9 everyone in the lane.
The champs that can 1v1 a fed ezreal are very few, fiora, yi, olaf, any other carry that can sustain and tank the damage or mitigate it.
@@ruiK774 but they don't have range and easy escape skill that let ezreal stay in the backline and follow up when u run.
@@ruiK774 vayne can 1v1 Ez tho. Ezreal's main damage comes from his kit so dodging can do the trick.
@@ramirez9660 yeah i just didn't include her.
Qotd: one trick Zed's.
Good Zed mains knows how when to engaged, avoiding trades in early and as soon as they hit lvl 3 they become more aggressive. They have good prioritization ( if they see mage as a threat in a teamfight than the adc, mage is their prio ) and can assassinate squishies easily if they have the advantage.
It's ezreal and lee sin. So broken that their pick rate is 90% i think
Hi can you guys tell how i should chang the setting to show me how damage i deal to tagets?
qotd: akali, extremely good at trading in the early game. You can abuse the living shit out of your passive while denying the opponent cs just by scaring it with Qs range
Edit: melee opponent in particular in mid or top
not to mention the bug on akali Gunblade + Bloodthirster which activates her passive even at minions.
actually, her Q is short range so if you are a ranged champ, you can poke her when she tries to cs, I am talking about mid lane here
if you see people pick akali just play orianna,watch them rage quit
@@hunster1625 ikr, but sometimes some orianna users suck
actually there is way more broken champion and it has s tier too in sr i remember, and it was fizz. with the new item called infinity orb which make his skill deal crit even without skill he already deal crit on his auto attack. and with his basic combo he can wiped a full item nasus.
Mid: Probably Aurelion or Zed
Jgle: Master Yi
Dragon: Vayne, Ezreal(pls die)
Support:Lux, Blitz, Seraphine, or Sona
QOOTD: Definitely Evelynn especially Evelynn top
I've been using it recently and the lane poking is insane
Tips: Initiate level 1 with Evelynn no matter who your enemy is because Evelynn can't lose 1v1 when lvl 1 NO MATTER WHAT
How about Fiora HAHAAHAHAH
I main both top and jungle however if i were to choose 1 champion that is super annoying to deal with, it has to be fiora on top. Her poke, mobility, and sustain is for me, really annoying to fight against.
Guys just for my satisfaction whats your rank answer honestly! 🥺🥺
Mine is silver 1
Plat 3 but I got up to Plat 1 promo ro Emerald and then failed it and losing streak. GG
Silver ll
Emerald 3
@@zefanyaraysanevadalaput7371 dam
QOTD: zed ,if you just play passive until you have your first three abilities its almost impossible to lose. You just poke them by using your 2nd , 3rd then 1st ability and if they get to close you just press the 2nd ability again and ignite and they're most likely dead. Once you have your ultimate death mark its over.
It's definitely Ziggs. My bane when I play Akali.
what software are u using to play in pc
Chinese people i recommended this to y'all
Mlbb players too
to everyone
Qotd: for me its ezreal when he is fed in the early, vayne for lategame you can counter them by getting them stun or root or cc (crowd control), but it depends on the user and the knowledge he/she learned through experience by playing
QOTD:EZREAL its so OP even its nerfed
Not to mention ap ezreal
@@cunny9500 Yup
Guys, do you have any tips on ranking up? Im stuck at silver I. I would prefer some hero recommendations for solo queue.
So I have an Iphone 10 I can't play this game? Is the only way I can play is to get Iphone 12 or is it gonna release on everything eventually. Really wish I could play it.
I think Jinx is pretty broken up until now but i have not played a lot yet.
How are you playing with a mouse?
6:46 proves that wether your a pro or a noob we all make mistakes
whqt emulator do you use in pc?
0:42 Ahri cant be bought in the shop. She's free champ
Qotd: Fiora cuz she can duel anyone early mid to late game...
Btw there is also a way to track junglers in wild rift gold earn by the enemy can be seen so try paying attention to it and also the items
QOTD : Jungle : Lee, why? Red > roam > get kill > fk ur enemy
Lane : gragas, he can take mid, baron, even jungle.. He has a meat, big deffense..
Underated : TF, Aurelion : If enemy use TF dont ever get offside on your lane, Aurelion late game auto comeback..
Sorry for bad English
QOTD: Lee sin, his w is a better version of flash. More range and like 10 to 7 seconds cooldown.
Baron lane: Nasus
Jungle: Amumu
Mid: Akali
Adc: Vayne
Support: Blitz or lux
Qotd: Duo lane is Vayne since theres no long range punisher yet.
Mid lane is orianna.
Top lane is gragas.
QOTD: Here is mine in every role.
Tank: Tryndamere
Support: Lux
Top: Vayne
Bot: Ezreal
Jungle: Jax
Sorry bro, I don't think tryndamere is a tank. You might want to verify it..
For me
Mid : ahri (one of my main in pc)
Baron : Camille (I'm decent at it)
Jungle: Evelyn (u need to work very hard early game to be strong late game)
Dragon : if adc - ashe, ezreal
Support: sona,nami , seraphine (sera if I hv no option)
I can't tank yeah that's a fact
QOTD: Yasuo and his wind wall is the bane of every mage, support, and marksman/adc (whatever terms you call them coz I don't really know). Any ranged attacks can be blocked by that wall and I hate it, especially in team fights.... oh and also that he dashes a lot as well
Fun fact
If you're going to hit a champion with AOE together with any minion, you won't take minion aggro by damaging that champion.
Example of which is yasuo's third-first combo, or his first skill alone can hit champion together with minion simultaneously.
For me honestly the real problem is the queueing if im to give a rough estimate with my svp and mvp would be around 85% meaning if i want to win i just need better team
thanks man i've been playing league in pc for 5 years and i still can't understand why i lose so many games on wildrift. now i know what i've been doing wrong... "it's not understanding that wildrift and lol are different."
QOTD: It'd be Vayne and Zed.
Coming in WR i thought the op ones would be Lux and Yasuo since they always are, anyways. Overpowered-pay-to-win skin is Seraphine's All Out KDA skin. The skills are so hard to see and im at optimized graphic setting lmao.
Zed or Ez. They have power spikes very early. They can poke you, close in on you and having escaping abilities at only level 3
Hey, Is the wave management in wildrift and pc different? can you make a tutorial that shows right wave management so we can learn about minions and stuff's
It's very different because of the amount of minions and you could literally die from a minion wave in lol pc
What events would come to Wildrift now that December is coming?? Can someone enlighten me pls??
Most probably a Christmas event
Did you aim with mouse click?
I want a guide on how to win when all your teammates roam around without pushing turrets
now i need a guide about how to get a proper teammate
Qotd : blitzcrank. less minion, smaller lane, the same hook range, probably even bigger hitbox.
What do you use in playing? why is there cursor on screen and it seems like you are controlling the game by mouse and keyboard controls like in PC?
He's playing on Emu lol
are u playing with a mouse ?
what emulator are you using?
When's it s coming out
When you first pick garen and The enemy team picks vayne. She owns the baron lane
This is great. Just a question, should I pick a champion, and 1 counter, to OTP for each role? Because most of the time the champ I want to spam gets picked before I can lock them :(
Video about this coming out soon :^) stay tuned
Vayne, lee sin, ezreal, yasuo (wind wall ofc)
I think the most broken hero is Teemo and he's not even in the game yet.
Also, what's with the Pad gameplay settings where all the bottom right buttons are so small?
Qotd: gragas and vayne is very broken in lane, vayne with u having melee v ranged matchup and grags with poke and burst and really fast wave clear
QOTD: I guess "Garen" top lane is just super irritates me when I match up with him in lane. he's ult can one shot u when low HP. And he's so tanky.
QOTD: before the update back then Ezrael was so broken, but now I think vayne mostly if your jungler won't harass him in early and mid game, expect it's power in late game with full items.
Can you make a guide on wave control? Such as freezing, crashing, etc
Yo guys I have a question, what emulator do you use for wildrift?