this is music to my ears, the bible is all that makes sense to me. it is where i can find peace in this corrupt world. Jesus is our only way, repent and be baptised all in the Name of Yeshua, for He is our only hope. peace and love to you all.
This is without doubt the single most amazing piece of musical poetry ever composed in the history of life is forever changed because of this song...i wish I could express how much I love this, but there are not enough words 😢😢😢
It can be tough to feel the peace at times, but even if you may not feel it God cares about you and what you are dealing with. In fact you may be closer to Him then ever before.
I just read this chapter as a prayer because I had strayed from God! It is so special to me now and I decided to look it up on youtube to see what videos there were about it. This is amazing, thank you so much! My life has been changed, praise the Lord!
When it is hard to forgive the hard heart sinners, I usually depend on this Psalm 51 and its a true experience to hear the Sonst of Korah reciting it. Such a wonderful experience! May God Bless!
Surely you desire truth, truth in the inward parts; And you teach me wisdom, wisdom in the innermost place. With hyssop make me clean, wash me whiter than snow. Let me hear joy and gladness; let the bones you have crushed rejoice. And ide your face from my sins, blot out all my iniquity. Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.
Father I have failed you again. I repent and am sorry for my sin. Please forgive me. This is the Psalm I always turn to when I fall in my Christian walk. Thank you Sons of Korah for this beautiful version of the Psalm.
Have mercy on me, O God, according to your unfailing love; according to your great compassion blot out my transgressions. Wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from all my sin. For I know my transgressions, and my sin is always before me. Against you only have I sinned and done what is evil in your sight, so that you are proved right when you speak and justified when you judge. Surely I was sinful at birth Surely I was sinful at birth.
Open up my lips, and I will declare your praise. You do not delight in sacrifices, or surely I would bring it; you do not take pleasure in offerings, O LORD but the sacrifices of God are a broken spirit and a contrite heart. The LORD will never despise a broken spirit and a contrite heart. In your good pleasure make Zion prosper; build up the walls of Jerusalem. Then there will be righteous sacrifices, whole burnt offerings to delight you; then bulls will be offered on your altar.
This is so beautiful. We too come to a place before the Lord when our sin overwhelms us and we throw ourselves upon the mercy of God, just as David has done here. We too also know that no Other can blot out our iniquity and we crave His cleansing and His restoration and joy of His salvation. No sweeter sound than that of the Lord saying, "Come unto Me, my child, you are forgiven". Nothing can cause us to worship God more than knowing we are truly forgiven and truly His. Thanks and bless you.
Thanks so much for singing this great, great heart warming psalm! The Lord is wonderful and surely His love never ends. The Lord bless you and keep you singing and worshipping Him with a pure are the glorious saints whom many delight greatly....amen.
the sinners prayer God have mercy on me a sinner psalm 51 davids sin with murder and adultery, brought his repentance and acceptance with God, but a curse remained
The word of God spoken or sung lifts our mortal life to a heavenly realm as we remember God. God desires all men everywhere to lift up holy hands in prayer and praise to Him. and when we humble ourselves he lifts us up. Can we ask any more of our creator than this, He forgives us all our wickedness and remembers them no more, and He loves us
Mr. Mike Clock, thanks for reminding me of the timing of the writing of this Psalm. My Church starts every prayer with this Psalm, I happen to be Coptic Orthodox :) God Bless you All for ever and ever. Tears and Love to all Best,
Such a great video that brings me to my knees in repentance.This psalm should be read and medtitated on daily.O we need His forgiveness tru THE HOLY BLOOD OF jESUS.
Chelsea I met you one day, in Inglewiid you gave me your amazing salad and song....What a wonderou k be is this oh my soul! I hope you remember me. I have never forgotten you....God is turning it all around your favor, get ready the pain is what it took!
TEHILLIM / PSALM 34:18...........broken heart..... crushed spirit. Amein. Thank You, YAHSHUWAH ben David, for Your lovingkindness and tendermercies. Amein.
💝🔹💠🔹👍👍🔹💠🔹💝 " Thanks, Alby Koster, for sharing this song , PSALM 51, sung by Sons of Korah, with your viewers. God bless you, and yours, in Jesus' mighty name. Amen ! "
This song is based on words from Psalm 51 A Contrite Sinner's Prayer for Pardon. A Psalm of David, when Nathan the prophet came to him, after he had gone in to Bathsheba求主赦免 诗篇 51
My prayer my cry at this very moment is that my brother Matthew has not been blinded by money. Listen my dear friends cut the tail off the Y in the word money and spell it backwards.....venom. I pray most high glorious prince of peace , everlasting Father , wonder counselor....great physician. Protect Matthew and keep him and show him , his brother loves his music 🎵🎶
Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from your presence, O LORD and take not your Holy Spirit from me. Restore unto me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me. Then I will teach transgressors you ways and sinners will turn back to you. Save me from the guilt upon me, LORD who saves me, and my tongue will sing of your righteousness O LORD the God who saves me.
1. Au maître-chantre. Psaume de David; 2. Lorsque Nathan le prophète vint à lui, après que David fut allé vers Bath-Shéba. 3. O Dieu, aie pitié de moi, selon ta miséricorde! Selon la grandeur de tes compassions, efface mes forfaits! 4. Lave-moi parfaitement de mon iniquité, et nettoie-moi de mon péché! 5. Car je connais mes transgressions, et mon péché est toujours devant moi. 6. J`ai péché contre toi, contre toi seul, et j`ai fait ce qui est mal à tes yeux, de sorte que tu seras juste quand tu parleras, et sans reproche quand tu jugeras. 7. Voilà, j`ai été formé dans l`iniquité, et ma mère m`a conçu dans le péché. 8. Voilà, tu aimes la vérité dans le cœur, tu m`as fait connaître la sagesse au-dedans de moi. 9. Purifie-moi de mon péché avec l`hysope, et je serai net; lave-moi et je serai plus blanc que la neige. 10. Fais-moi entendre la joie et l`allégresse; que les os que tu as brisés, se réjouissent! 11. Détourne ta face de mes péchés; efface toutes mes iniquités! 12. O Dieu, crée en moi un cœur pur, et renouvelle en moi un esprit droit! 13. Ne me rejette pas loin de ta face, et ne m`ôte pas ton esprit saint! 14. Rends-moi la joie de ton salut, et que l`esprit de bonne volonté me soutienne! 15. J`enseignerai tes voies aux transgresseurs, et les pécheurs se convertiront à toi. 16. Délivre-moi du sang versé, ô Dieu, Dieu de mon salut! Ma langue chantera hautement ta justice. 17. Seigneur, ouvre mes lèvres, et ma bouche publiera ta louange. 18. Car tu ne prends pas plaisir aux sacrifices, autrement j`en donnerais; l`holocauste ne t`est point agréable. 19. Le sacrifice agréable à Dieu, c`est un esprit brisé; ô Dieu, tu ne méprises pas le cœur contrit et brisé. 20. Fais du bien à Sion dans ta bienveillance; édifie les murs de Jérusalem. 21. Alors tu prendras plaisir aux sacrifices de justice, à l`holocauste et à la victime entière; alors on offrira de jeunes taureaux sur ton autel. (Psaumes, 51)
+Toni Colyer I found this which seems to be close I just ignore the positioning of the chords at this link and go by the chords themselves, which are quite easy. If you played it in standard tuning it would be the positions of Am Em C D G Bm. Really standard stuff just tuned down a half step.
Hey I have one question. I am trying to get theyr CDs but there is no shop where I can get it. I have found only Australian shop, but it is soooo expensive for me to ship it to czech republic :( . Can someone tell me how to get it cheaper ? or where I can download it .... they are awesome ...and I want theyr CDs please :) thx .
I love this ... becouse it is YHVHs word - and the truth ... All Glory / Kavod to His namse, and to His Sons name; Yeshua the Messiah ! My heart repent / make teshuva / return to Elohim, my Father, my Roch and my Redeemer, my Salvations ... Baruch haShem ! Baruch haba b’shem YAH ! Shema Yisrael, YAH Eloheinu, YAH echad: hear o Israel: Yahweh our God is One ! Oh come, oh come Emmanuel Yeshuah .. and r the captive Israel .. save us from the pit, and destructions ... save us from the death... into Your h Kingdom...please: blot out my trangressions; my sins...and restore unto me (us) the joy of my Salvation.... For You Yahweh my Elohim, is all I have...from my childhood: You allways h been my great joy, love, peace, and happines...please forgive more time...a new ..
the melody in the middle part of the psalm that says "create in me a clean heart..." is ripped from an old praise chorus. Are they giving credit to the original author, who might have been Mike Hudson...I think it was his..?
The original author was David who wrote this after confessing his adultery with Bathsheba (see Psalm 51, verse 10 is what you referenced) The group Sons of Korah have written music to many of the psalms found in the Bible. They do give credit to the author and honor God by performing these beautiful tunes.
Alana is right! Although I grew up listening to Keith Green sing it. I think it is a nice nod to earlier settings of this text and am sure that Sons of Korah did it on purpose.
exactly. If you ever hear this in liturgy (Orthodox Church) or in some other form, the author is ALWAYS David, and the Holy Spirit, Who inspired him. Not any contemporary writer.
Keith Green wrote a song based on Psalm 51 “Create in me a clean heart” back in the 70’s (he passed away many years ago). This chorus’ melody is a copy of the first verse of Keith’s song. I do hope the authors of this song credit him in their work.
And all his sins were forgiven by GOD ALONE. No jesus was needed for King David to be forgiven. jesus died in vain since no man can die for the sins of another. Only YAHWEH HIMSELF forgives sins.
I'm sorry, what part of this video was supposed to convince me the supernatural exists? I don't see what magic has anything to do with forgiveness. Or was I to be so wracked with guilt that I forgot that 'supernatural' is SYNONYMOUS with 'magic'? Seriously grab a thesaurus and check it out. While there look up the term 'extortion'. I'm sure this comment will go unheeded, if not expectantly deleted.
God's love for you is so super natural that he actually died for your sins. God cares for us but people run like scared adults, thinking God is going to hurt us. God wants a loving relationship but people are hiding when they make the slightest mistake... God had to show his love for us by dying for us, yet people still hate God. How so? Their love for their own sin. God cant force his love and relationship on you because he respects our free will. God is super natural because he knows the consquences of sin. All sins lead to death. As humans we want to live. God proved himself to be true by dying for our sins out of love for the lost. Overcoming death the 3rd day and rising up to heaven! Yah, the only true loving, living, righteous judge, allmighty creator, supernatural being! HalleluYah :) I praise him for a reason, because he gave me a reason! May you find the way, the truth and the life! Shalom.
Choneni Elohim...Extend my LIFE,my seed, my heir Elohim.
this is music to my ears, the bible is all that makes sense to me. it is where i can find peace in this corrupt world. Jesus is our only way, repent and be baptised all in the Name of Yeshua, for He is our only hope. peace and love to you all.
Tooi Barnard Amen brother
amen my dear brother
Amen God bless you
Eesh, indoctrination bit you guys hard have to read The Living Waters, of ISAIAH 1:18-20, 53:1-12. Amein.
Every human being needs God.
The Lord is my salvation! ❤
This is without doubt the single most amazing piece of musical poetry ever composed in the history of life is forever changed because of this song...i wish I could express how much I love this, but there are not enough words 😢😢😢
It can be tough to feel the peace at times, but even if you may not feel it God cares about you and what you are dealing with. In fact you may be closer to Him then ever before.
I just read this chapter as a prayer because I had strayed from God! It is so special to me now and I decided to look it up on youtube to see what videos there were about it. This is amazing, thank you so much! My life has been changed, praise the Lord!
My favorite psalm , I played this song everyday when I was sick and God healed me. Praise The Lord !! ❤💪🏽
Bless the Sons of Korah Group For the Great Job thay do . Love it when it has the Lyrics .
Daily food for peaceful heart, thank you Jesus Christ.
When it is hard to forgive the hard heart sinners, I usually depend on this Psalm 51 and its a true experience to hear the Sonst of Korah reciting it.
Such a wonderful experience!
May God Bless!
Shocky George yes, good thing the sons of Korah backed out of the rebellion towards Moses or none of these beautiful psalms would be enjoyed!!!
@@LOVE-JC777 I think these are Korah's other sons.
Psalm 51 is still the best "sinner's prayer" ever! Thank G-d for HIS mercy and HIS grace! ^_^
Hallelujah to the King!! God is awesome, he is great.
Surely you desire truth, truth in the inward parts;
And you teach me wisdom,
wisdom in the innermost place.
With hyssop make me clean,
wash me whiter than snow.
Let me hear joy and gladness;
let the bones you have crushed rejoice.
And ide your face from my sins,
blot out all my iniquity.
Create in me a clean heart, O God,
and renew a steadfast spirit within me.
i needed to hear this, the prodigal daughter. thank you Jesus, for Your great mercy and patience
+texxylady - There is always room in the heart of Christ. Thanks be to God.
Father I have failed you again. I repent and am sorry for my sin. Please forgive me.
This is the Psalm I always turn to when I fall in my Christian walk. Thank you Sons of Korah for this beautiful version of the Psalm.
Have mercy on me, O God,
according to your unfailing love;
according to your great compassion
blot out my transgressions.
Wash away all my iniquity
and cleanse me from all my sin.
For I know my transgressions,
and my sin is always before me.
Against you only have I sinned
and done what is evil in your sight,
so that you are proved right when you speak
and justified when you judge.
Surely I was sinful at birth
Surely I was sinful at birth.
Open up my lips,
and I will declare your praise.
You do not delight in sacrifices,
or surely I would bring it;
you do not take pleasure in offerings, O LORD
but the sacrifices of God are a
broken spirit and a contrite heart.
The LORD will never despise a broken spirit
and a contrite heart.
In your good pleasure make Zion prosper;
build up the walls of Jerusalem.
Then there will be righteous sacrifices,
whole burnt offerings to delight you;
then bulls will be offered on your altar.
💜✝️📖👉 " Let every thing that has breath praise the LORD ! Praise the LORD ! "
PSALM 150:6 👈📖✝️💜
This is so beautiful.
We too come to a place before the Lord when our sin overwhelms us and we throw ourselves upon the mercy of God, just as David has done here. We too also know that no Other can blot out our iniquity and we crave His cleansing and His restoration and joy of His salvation. No sweeter sound than that of the Lord saying, "Come unto Me, my child, you are forgiven". Nothing can cause us to worship God more than knowing we are truly forgiven and truly His.
Thanks and bless you.
Yup , this is the gem and its my favorite.It describes what I was and what I need from God `create in me a clean heart........... Very uplifting
Praise Be to the Most High!!!! Beautiful!! Aman!!
Love hearing the word in song 🎵 😇💙
Such a Holy Spirit filled song , thank you father 🙏
Thanks so much for singing this great, great heart warming psalm! The Lord is wonderful and surely His love never ends. The Lord bless you and keep you singing and worshipping Him with a pure are the glorious saints whom many delight greatly....amen.
What a beautiful song I praise the Lord Yeshua with you all
the sinners prayer
God have mercy on me a sinner
psalm 51 davids sin with murder and adultery, brought his repentance and acceptance with God, but a curse remained
my most favorite. God bless
The word of God spoken or sung lifts our mortal life to a heavenly realm as we remember God.
God desires all men everywhere to lift up holy hands in prayer and praise to Him. and when we humble ourselves he lifts us up.
Can we ask any more of our creator than this, He forgives us all our wickedness and remembers them no more, and He loves us
Absolutely beautiful. Just utter praise to the Lord for this wonderful spiritual collaboration.
A broken spirit and a contrite heart o Lord you will not despise....what an amazing amazing amazing statement 😢😢😢
Thank You! I praise Him that I found this music. King David writing with the pen of God! Hallelujah, He is merciful Thank You Jesus!
This song is awesome- very powerful
this is what I needed. Dr and Mrs Tennent, sing every day a psalm and they encouraged us to do the same. This is a great help.
🧡Awesome Psalm!
Create in me a clean heart, oh God! I believe!!!!
I love this song!
Great song.Hallelujah to the King!! God is awesome, he is great
so great and very compelling song! one of my favorite Scripture song which I listen to it everyday.Thank you for Sharing it in UA-cam
Jabin Jacob
The gold medal song...!!!! simply amazing...
Best song ever!
Il est bon de louer Dieu et ces cantiques font du bien à mon âme.
Mr. Mike Clock, thanks for reminding me of the timing of the writing of this Psalm.
My Church starts every prayer with this Psalm, I happen to be Coptic Orthodox :)
God Bless you All for ever and ever.
Tears and Love to all
Love this song 😍
A beautiful psalm thank you for sharing God bless
Such a great video that brings me to my knees in repentance.This psalm should be read and medtitated on daily.O we need His forgiveness tru THE HOLY BLOOD OF jESUS.
"The sure mercies of David, O Lord my God bestow them upon me in Jesus name"
Thank u
Chelsea I met you one day, in Inglewiid you gave me your amazing salad and song....What a wonderou k be is this oh my soul!
I hope you remember me.
I have never forgotten you....God is turning it all around your favor, get ready the pain is what it took!
TEHILLIM / PSALM 34:18...........broken heart..... crushed spirit. Amein. Thank You, YAHSHUWAH ben David, for Your lovingkindness and tendermercies. Amein.
" Thanks, Alby Koster, for sharing this song , PSALM 51, sung by Sons of Korah, with your viewers. God bless you, and yours, in Jesus' mighty name. Amen ! "
Great video mate (and brother) words fail me at times.. this is one of those times
I hear every morning
This song is based on words from Psalm 51 A Contrite Sinner's Prayer for Pardon. A Psalm of David, when Nathan the prophet came to him, after he had gone in to Bathsheba求主赦免 诗篇 51
Such a beautiful song and video.Very moving,i was touched by it.5 stars and a fav.
I love Jesus!
Thank you for this video it was great!
If ya have "Tears in your Ears", you're looking the right direction...........
Hour of Grace
Wim, bedankt, deze info is een bemoediging. Wat een rijkdom dat ik dagelijks ook voor jullie mag en kan bidden.Gr.Carel Verschoor
what an outstanding song-it really hits the heart
Beautiful, the back to a relationship with God.
According to Your great compassion Father remember im just Dust
Glory be to Jehovah almighty amen
What do you hear God saying to you personally? Psalm 51...beautiful!
This is a really great song!
great song, truly amazing
Awesome Song!!!!!
Yes! God bless you my friend!
great song.
My prayer my cry at this very moment is that my brother Matthew has not been blinded by money. Listen my dear friends cut the tail off the Y in the word money and spell it backwards.....venom.
I pray most high glorious prince of peace , everlasting Father , wonder counselor....great physician. Protect Matthew and keep him and show him , his brother loves his music 🎵🎶
Create in me a clean heart, O God,
and renew a right spirit within me.
Cast me not away from your presence, O LORD
and take not your Holy Spirit from me.
Restore unto me the joy of your salvation
and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.
Then I will teach transgressors you ways
and sinners will turn back to you.
Save me from the guilt upon me,
LORD who saves me,
and my tongue will sing of your righteousness
O LORD the God who saves me.
oh ilove this song...god bless u bro
Loved this. Thank you.
Amen xxx
soo beautiful...wonderful video!!
Thanks for creating this.
It's beautiful!
Wonderful - Thank you !
so Beautiful :'(
Thnk you for this
1. Au maître-chantre. Psaume de David;
2. Lorsque Nathan le prophète vint à lui, après que David fut allé vers Bath-Shéba.
3. O Dieu, aie pitié de moi, selon ta miséricorde! Selon la grandeur de tes compassions, efface mes forfaits!
4. Lave-moi parfaitement de mon iniquité, et nettoie-moi de mon péché!
5. Car je connais mes transgressions, et mon péché est toujours devant moi.
6. J`ai péché contre toi, contre toi seul, et j`ai fait ce qui est mal à tes yeux, de sorte que tu seras juste quand tu parleras, et sans reproche quand tu jugeras.
7. Voilà, j`ai été formé dans l`iniquité, et ma mère m`a conçu dans le péché.
8. Voilà, tu aimes la vérité dans le cœur, tu m`as fait connaître la sagesse au-dedans de moi.
9. Purifie-moi de mon péché avec l`hysope, et je serai net; lave-moi et je serai plus blanc que la neige.
10. Fais-moi entendre la joie et l`allégresse; que les os que tu as brisés, se réjouissent!
11. Détourne ta face de mes péchés; efface toutes mes iniquités!
12. O Dieu, crée en moi un cœur pur, et renouvelle en moi un esprit droit!
13. Ne me rejette pas loin de ta face, et ne m`ôte pas ton esprit saint!
14. Rends-moi la joie de ton salut, et que l`esprit de bonne volonté me soutienne!
15. J`enseignerai tes voies aux transgresseurs, et les pécheurs se convertiront à toi.
16. Délivre-moi du sang versé, ô Dieu, Dieu de mon salut! Ma langue chantera hautement ta justice.
17. Seigneur, ouvre mes lèvres, et ma bouche publiera ta louange.
18. Car tu ne prends pas plaisir aux sacrifices, autrement j`en donnerais; l`holocauste ne t`est point agréable.
19. Le sacrifice agréable à Dieu, c`est un esprit brisé; ô Dieu, tu ne méprises pas le cœur contrit et brisé.
20. Fais du bien à Sion dans ta bienveillance; édifie les murs de Jérusalem.
21. Alors tu prendras plaisir aux sacrifices de justice, à l`holocauste et à la victime entière; alors on offrira de jeunes taureaux sur ton autel.
(Psaumes, 51)
Get ready for the overflow!!!!!
Thnkuou great vid x
Its al about Jesus
OK :) I will try it thx a lot :)
I am sorry. I wish I knew. Their songs are on American iTunes. Does the Czech Republic have something like iTunes?
Does anyone have the Chords to this beautiful song?
+Toni Colyer I've been trying to figure it out but I think it's in a non-standard tuning.
+Toni Colyer I found this which seems to be close
I just ignore the positioning of the chords at this link and go by the chords themselves, which are quite easy. If you played it in standard tuning it would be the positions of Am Em C D G Bm. Really standard stuff just tuned down a half step.
Thank you George Young
@Kalerkaler- check google for youtube vdo converters to way to download songs
How can I get this exact song on my phone?
Hey I have one question. I am trying to get theyr CDs but there is no shop where I can get it. I have found only Australian shop, but it is soooo expensive for me to ship it to czech republic :( . Can someone tell me how to get it cheaper ? or where I can download it .... they are awesome ...and I want theyr CDs please :) thx .
You still want this music ? There is an app you can get on your phone pretty sure it would work where you live ?
I love this ... becouse it is YHVHs word - and the truth ... All Glory / Kavod to His namse, and to His Sons name; Yeshua the Messiah !
My heart repent / make teshuva / return to Elohim, my Father, my Roch and my Redeemer, my Salvations ... Baruch haShem !
Baruch haba b’shem YAH !
Shema Yisrael, YAH Eloheinu, YAH echad: hear o Israel: Yahweh our God is One !
Oh come, oh come Emmanuel Yeshuah .. and r the captive Israel .. save us from the pit, and destructions ... save us from the death... into Your h Kingdom...please: blot out my trangressions; my sins...and restore unto me (us) the joy of my Salvation....
For You Yahweh my Elohim, is all I have...from my childhood: You allways h been my great joy, love, peace, and happines...please forgive more time...a new ..
good IDEA :-D ...but I dont have CREDIT CARD :-D ..yet :-D
the melody in the middle part of the psalm that says "create in me a clean heart..." is ripped from an old praise chorus. Are they giving credit to the original author, who might have been Mike Hudson...I think it was his..?
The original author was David who wrote this after confessing his adultery with Bathsheba (see Psalm 51, verse 10 is what you referenced)
The group Sons of Korah have written music to many of the psalms found in the Bible. They do give credit to the author and honor God by performing these beautiful tunes.
Alana is right! Although I grew up listening to Keith Green sing it. I think it is a nice nod to earlier settings of this text and am sure that Sons of Korah did it on purpose.
exactly. If you ever hear this in liturgy (Orthodox Church) or in some other form, the author is ALWAYS David, and the Holy Spirit, Who inspired him. Not any contemporary writer.
Keith Green wrote a song based on Psalm 51 “Create in me a clean heart” back in the 70’s (he passed away many years ago). This chorus’ melody is a copy of the first verse of Keith’s song. I do hope the authors of this song credit him in their work.
@@msm2u940 he passed away when I was one day old - he died on 28/07/1982 soo sad 😔
lower still...
And all his sins were forgiven by GOD ALONE. No jesus was needed for King David to be forgiven. jesus died in vain since no man can die for the sins of another. Only YAHWEH HIMSELF forgives sins.
I'm sorry, what part of this video was supposed to convince me the supernatural exists? I don't see what magic has anything to do with forgiveness.
Or was I to be so wracked with guilt that I forgot that 'supernatural' is SYNONYMOUS with 'magic'? Seriously grab a thesaurus and check it out. While there look up the term 'extortion'.
I'm sure this comment will go unheeded, if not expectantly deleted.
God's love for you is so super natural that he actually died for your sins. God cares for us but people run like scared adults, thinking God is going to hurt us. God wants a loving relationship but people are hiding when they make the slightest mistake... God had to show his love for us by dying for us, yet people still hate God. How so? Their love for their own sin. God cant force his love and relationship on you because he respects our free will. God is super natural because he knows the consquences of sin. All sins lead to death. As humans we want to live. God proved himself to be true by dying for our sins out of love for the lost. Overcoming death the 3rd day and rising up to heaven! Yah, the only true loving, living, righteous judge, allmighty creator, supernatural being! HalleluYah :) I praise him for a reason, because he gave me a reason! May you find the way, the truth and the life! Shalom.