The Path of the Initiate: Religion’s Best-Kept Secret | رحلة الارتقاء: السر الأكثر خفاءاً في الدين
- Опубліковано 28 січ 2025
- In today’s episode of The School of Divine Mysteries, Aba Al-Sadiq (FHIP) delves into the profound concept of a hidden "Mystery School" within religion-a sacred path marked by a series of stages or "rings" that disciples must transcend to uncover deeper, concealed truths. This notion of an inner journey contrasts sharply with conventional religious beliefs held by many, who may see religion as a straightforward doctrine without layered, mystical knowledge.
But why is this understanding of mystery and initiation not known by most? Could it be that these individuals are simply uninitiated, unaware of the veiled wisdom hidden within their own faith? Aba Al-Sadiq explores this question in depth, guiding viewers through the ancient idea of spiritual initiation and proving the existence of these mysteries within the divine teachings. Watch this episode to uncover what lies beyond the familiar and into the inner sanctums of sacred knowledge.
"The Goal of the Wise" & "The Mahdi's Manifesto" by the Qaim Aba Al-Sadiq Abdullah Hashem are available for free download on our website: theahmadirelig...
Join our "Members-only" exclusive page, where the Qaim Aba al-Sadiq will be sharing behind-the-scenes footage from the School of Divine Mysteries & members will have access to exclusive posts & content. We would like to thank all of our members currently who have been showing their support over the last year and looking forward to a mind-bending 2025.
the only lucky one is whom you choose to enter your divine school and be your disciple
اللهم اجعلنا منهم
كل من تبع هدا الدجال الزنديق هاشم ابن الامريكية والله مصيره مدرسة السجناء
اللهم اجعلكم من اتباع ابليس وذريته كرم هاشم
@@MuhajerAalAlMahdi ان شاء الله انت والشيطان هاشم في جهنم
I'm not a believer yet, and I don't know why I love you more than myself, Aba Alsadiq!
Masha'Allah May God bless you 🤲🏼
your soul believes your body still refuses...
انت كذاب والله انت مارق انت تحب الشياطين والزندقة والفاحشة ابوك الكذاب هاشم
قال تعالى : (وألقيت عليك محبة مني) ٠ وجاء في الحديث : قلوب الظالمين بأيدينا نقلبها كيف نشاء .
@@MohamedAhmed-g4w1b هل هده الاية الكريمة نزلت على كرم هاشم الزنديق حشى لله لا تحرف كتاب الله وانت تحمل اسم النبي الحبيب هده الاية نزلت على سيدنا موسى عليه السلام عندما قال الله تعالى ياخده عدو لي وعدو له يعني فرعون واكمل الاية ...............الاية ياخده عدولي وعدو له والقيت عليك محبة مني ولتصنع على عيني
For centuries, people have awaited the Mahdi, yet many fail to recognize him when he appears. The books and teachings of Aba Al-Sadiq are filled with proofs for anyone truly seeking knowledge and guidance
This is one of the most comprehensive lectures about religion ever put on social media
All the fake so called gurus cant come even close
Thank you Aba Sadiq a.s. for teaching us these valuable lessons
I can't believe how eye and heart-opening these episodes are.
السلام عليك يا سيدي بوجودك وطاعتك يا أبتي سوف نتخلص من جميع الصفات السيئه
"To make the spirit stronger and to gain control over an individual self, it requires the oppression/control/weakening over the flesh." - So simple and yet effective.
This episode is truly inspiring. I sincerely hope to gain a deeper understanding of the wisdom shared by Aba Al-Sadiq a.s. My heartfelt gratitude to Aba Al-Sadiq a.s. for such enlightening guidance.
My dear Aba al Sadaq I will be anxiously awaiting the future episodes to lean more about the mystery schools especially this secret society existing behind the curtains of mainstream Islam .... May God bless you my spiritual guide 💝❤💝
Each episode is a wake up call, a blessing, and God talking to us
Thankyou Aba Al Sadiq as❤️
Thanks ❤❤❤
وفي السِّرِّ أٓسْرارٌ دِقَاقٌ لَطِيفَةٌ❤
تُرَاقُ دِمَاؤُنَا جَهْرةً إِنْ بِهَا بُحْنَا
Ma shaa ALLAH all thanks is due to allah the ultimate creator who has sent us abduallah hashem our father with the knowledge of allah of how to conqueror the self and the body......thank you father forever and always ❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥
Truly amazing!!
With you my father ❤️
...speachless 🕊 only blessings come for the riser of the family of prophet Mohammed as.
Thank You Father 🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿 Labayk ya Aba Al Sadiq as
Jabir narrates from Abi Jaa’far (pbuh): Jabir says: I asked him (pbuh) about this verse:
{And for every nation is a messenger. So when their messenger comes, it will be judged between them in justice, and they will not be wronged}
[Surah 10:47].
He (pbuh) said:
"Its inner /esoteric interpretation is that for every century of this nation there shall be a messenger from the family of Muhammad who will come out to them in their century. and they are the preferred ones and they are the messengers. And as for the saying of Allah swt,..
{So when their messenger comes it will be judged between them in justice}...its meaning is that the messengers judge with justice and they do not oppress/do not commit injustice as Allah swt said.
- Tafsir Al-‘Ayashi, volume 2, page 123. Hadith 23, and Al Majlisi narrated it in Al-Bihar Al Anwar.
Alhamdulillah. Thank you Aba Sadiq for giving us the insight of the hidden 🙏🏻
Another highly anticipated and well received wisdom. Thank you Father and the ansar behind you. ❤
You are very welcome
نحن متشوقون سيدي لمعرفه المزيد عن الله تعالى والكشف عن هذه الأسرار ومتشوقون لدخول هذه المدرسه العظيمة وهذا العلم العظيم ونشكرك كثيرا على هذا الشرح الجميل والبسيط شكراً سيدي نحبك كثيراً ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Peace be upon the true ruler, Qaim of the family of Muhammad, Abdullah Hashim, Abu al-Sadiq, peace be upon him.
السلام على الحاكم الحق، قائم آل محمد، عبد الله هاشم، أبا الصادق، عليه السلام.
I have never heard someone so well versed in a universal all-encompassing perception of religions, the unification of secrets and gnosis, with the tradition of purity + morality.
The qaim fhip is bringing and revealing 27 letters of the knowledge and the true meaning of the entire religion
القائم الزنديق الكذاب الاشر يقوم باحضالر الارواح الشريرة افيقوا يا جهلاء
Oh minion of satan we are not interested in your disbelief.
الم ترى كيف فعل ربك باصحاب الفيل وجعل كيدهم في تضليل وارسل عليهم طير اببيل ترميهم بحجارة من سجيل وجعلهم كعصف ماكول..... صدق الله العطيم ايها المشركون المنافقون اتحدى قائمك الشيطاني ابوكم الكاذب هاشم ان يفسر لنا الحروف النورانية في القران الكريم وهي 14 حرفا عوضا 27
حلقة رائعة جدا شكرا لك ابتي الغالي على تعبك لأجل هداية الناس لنور الحق ❤
هذه حلقة مذهلة جعلتني أتفكر أين وصلت في طريقي
أسأل الله تعالى القوة والثبات لجميع المؤمنين والمؤمنات للوصول إلى الدرجة العاشرة
حلقة عظيمة متشوقين لنكون من التلاميذ المجتهدين والحاملين للعلم والاسرار الإلهية 👼🏼
شكرا سيدي ابا الصادق منك السلام ❤
Glory to God how much time I have wasted. Thank you for this beautiful clear speech Father fyip. You made me laugh at the end. God bless you Aba Al Sadiq fhip and the believers there with you addressing the world. Thank you all so much. All praise and thanks and glory to the God
Thank you for sharing these tools for humanity today! Really excited for the upcoming episode!
I've seen so many lectures by Aba Al-Sadiq FHIP and while they're all amazing, this one is by far my absolute favorite. How miraculous, God Bless the Qaim FHIP ❤❤❤❤
يامعلم خذ بأيدينا قال الإمام أحمد الحسن منه السلام اعينوني على أنفسكم وانت السبيل
Thank you for teaching us about the soul. This was a beautiful episode, thank you for blessing us with this divine information. 🏴✊️
ويسئلونك عن الروح قل الروح من امرربي هدا قول الله وليس قول الشيطان هاشم ايها المشركون المنافقون
والله تشركون بالله عن قصد ومشروعكم هدا والله صهيوني وهدا الزنديق الشيطاني العميل لبريطانيا سوف يتحمل مسؤوليته عند الله
Move along minion of satan.
@@mohammedelarji8444لعنه الله على كل منكر مشرك منافق
ويقول ومااوتيتم من العلم الا قليلا
العلم عند محمد وال محمد وكل منكر هو الشيطان الاخرس
@@basharyaakoob9458 العالم يضحك على جهلكم وغبائكم ايها المنكرون المنافقون والله فضحكم الله وفضح الله مهديكم الشيطان الكذاب المهاجر المتشرد في دروب بريطانيا مهديكم العميل كرم هاشم الزنديق يا اغبياء والله مهديكم الشيطاني الافسق الكذاب يسترزق بكم ويتسول بكم وابحثوا عنه والى اين تمشي الاموال التبرعات والتسول يا جهلاء يا ايها التبع
Merci beaucoup mon Père pour cette apprentissage ❤
El hamdoulillah chokro li l Allah labayk ya Qaim Al Mohamed
Meditation and Its Benefits
The Qaim Aba al Sadiq (fhip) said:
"There are three things that can bring the believer closer to God:
1, Eating healthier
2, Exercising
3, Meditating.
Aba al Sadiq (fhip) informed us that we have to remove the fear, the doubt, jealousies, hatred, and attachments of this world from our hearts. We have to free our mind and purify our hearts.
He (fhip) also said that, Dhikr (remembrance of Allah) by saying Subhan Allah repetitively, meaning 'Glory be to God', is one of the best ways to achieve focus and a meditative state, in addition he informed us that in the future doctors are going to prescribe meditation to their patients, as commonly as they prescribe medication today..
حلقة رائعة يُبين حقيقة الدين هو ذاك الرجل الذي يحمل في داخله روح القدس و هو الوعي الكلي الذي يحمل الحقائق و الجواهر الذي كل من تقرب اليه و قبله و تحمل ذاته يُدردر بالجواهر و الحِكَم الذي لا احد يعرفه في زمانه الا هو ❤شكرا ابا الصادق ع
🌹 امام کاظم ع 🌹
پرچمی که سرش در مغرب است و اصلش در مشرق استوار می گردد
📚 شرح الاخبار، ج ٣، ص ٣۶۴
شكرا شكرا لك سيدي حلقة مميزة كنت انتظر هذه المعاني كلنا نشعر ان الجسد سجن يكاد يخنقفنا وانا انتظر ما تنورنا من هذه الكلمات بفارغ الصبر ارجوان لا تتأخر الحلقة القادمة وكيف يعرف الفرد ان قد اشرقت الروح فيه كيف يعرف انه قد وصل للغاية التي خلقنا لاجلها
You are wonderful father ❤
مأعظم علوم الله التي تأتينا من حجة الله شكرا مولاي العظيم ..
علوم السحر والشعودة من كتاب غاية الجهل والفسق لابوك ابا الكذاب الاشر الزنديق
Absolute rubbish 🗑 Your just like the evil enemies of Rasool Allah (pbuhaf) who accused him of sorcery- magic. You really are the spawn of satan.
I'm looking forward to viewing this after work!
Merci Mon Père bien aimé pour toutes ces vérités ❤❤
İt is great explanation..
A very important episode. A lot of lessons to learn. Thank you dear Aba Sadiq a.s for your pearls of wisdom to Humanity.
شكرا سيدي
Thank you father aba al sadiq LPSCE for being here God protect you from the enemy
Wisdom flows through You, Master...
I don’t know what to make of this but this makes so much sense to me and shows a way to channel our true soul to shine through these tools given to us
Allahumme Salli Ela Muhammed ve Ali Muhammed El Eimme vel Mehdiyyin ve sellim teslima
What ablessing
Thank you for everything my lord aAba Alsadiq❤
Thank you for your holy words, dear father 🙏
Lebbeyk Eba Sadık as ❤️
Amazing topic! Valuable knowledge we all can apply to ourselves. I am amazed by Aba Sadiq as always, thank you, ya qa’im ale Muhammad as. Eagerly awaiting part 2 inshallah ❤
هههههههههههههههههه الشيطان يضحك عليكم ويستحمركم ويسترزق بكم يا جهلاء هاشم والله ثم والله الا عميل زنديق لبريطانيا
We seek refuge in Allah from satan the accursed. Move along minion of satan.
It is, as usual, a very wonderful and amazing episode. I was amazed by the information in it. Thank you, Sir Aba Al-Sadiq ❤
اللهم صل على محمد وآل محمد الادأئمة والمهديين وسلم تسليما السلام على روح الله
Thank You Father Labayk Ya Aba Al Sadiq
This a mind blowing episode!
Thank you so much Aba Alsadiq.
I think the most interesting topic is Philosophy of religion.
Thank you Aba Al-Sadiq fyip for your enlightening guidance and wisdom. 🌹🌿🏴
Thank you Allah for blessing us to witness your proof and the spirit you created oh Allah and to witness the Imam of the time. ❤❤❤❤Abduallah Hashem ❤❤❤❤❤
هاشم ابوكم الكذاب النصاب الدجال الاعور لا تفلحوا ابدا والله كذب في كذب في ضلال
We are not interested in deviant speech and disbelief, your following in the footsteps of your father satan the accursed.
السلام عليك يا مولاي ياقائم ال محمد منك السلام وإليك التسليم
The mischief maker always be the one to attack
موضوع عظيم جدا ، لمن لهم قلوب يفقهون بها❤❤❤❤
Don't the Muslim nation know that the Prophet of Allah has said that in the end time there would remain nothing from Islam except its name nor from quran except its writing? So what do they stick to in their religion? Only a name and a writing without knowing the meaning of it
In the name of the Lord of lords, the extremely merciful Allah! Purify my brothers, sisters and I, make us worthy of serving you! thank you Aba-Sadiq for illuminating the path to Allah for us!! May the peace and blessings of Allah follow Muhammad, the Imams and the Mahdis!! Thank you lord for leading me out of chaos into guidance, give me your strength to be as I should be and not as I am, if I am to suffer lord let me suffer for you and in service for you and in obedience to you Amen…
thank you for the enlightening knowledge of soul and body
Soubhana Allah is a great and amazing episode, thank you for everything Father (as)
Absolutely crucial information for anyone who has a desire to raise their soul closer to God. All who truly and sincerely seek to become closer to God must examine these words and recognise that only The Holy Spirit of God can speak with such clarity and authority on all matters pertaining to the soul and separation from the flesh of this material world.
Eternal gratitude and submission to The Most High, The Almighty Allah Who speaks to us through His Holy Spirit sent forth to guide mankind in every day and age.
Alhamdulillah Rab il'alameen.
بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ قُلْ يَا أَيُّهَا الْكَافِرُونَ
لَا أَعْبُدُ مَا تَعْبُدُونَ
وَلَا أَنْتُمْ عَابِدُونَ مَا أَعْبُدُ
وَلَا أَنَا عَابِدٌ مَا عَبَدْتُمْ
وَلَا أَنْتُمْ عَابِدُونَ مَا أَعْبُدُ
لَكُمْ دِينُكُمْ وَلِيَ دِينِ
My Master you are true☝️🏴
Thank you so much Farher Aba Sadiq fhip for this great mystery only a caliph of God can explain 🙏🙏🙏
Waa assalamu aleikoum mohamotulahi barakatuh thank you so much my dear father ❤ as
Subhan"Allah, Thank you Aba Al Sadiq (fhip)
assalamualaikum Imam.. blessings to you.
I love you from the bottom of my heart, my Lord and generous shepherd. My prayers for you are peace, love and safety. May you always be the source of pride and honor for the people of love and peace. Love n peace 🕊️ love n peace ✌️ ABA Al-Sadiq ABA Al-Sadiq 🤍🤍
Especially the ones who call Sunni believed it
Wow I cannot wait for part 2! I have a lot to think about tonight
ههههههههههههههههههههههههه الشياطين تضحك عليك والله هاشم عميل لبريطانيا ويسترزق بكم افيقوا يا جهلاء
Sadly for you your laughing at your own ignorance and perilous situation.
@@hannahahmed3352 مع الاسف تتبعون الشيطان الدجال الاعور سحركم باذن الله سبطل من كتابكم غاية الجهل والغباء
You're the one eyed Antichrist serving satan the accursed.
مولاي انت السلام ومنك السلام واليك التسليم
الحمد لله شكرا سيدي الروح القدس
Why are so many scholars silent about the will of Prophet Muhammad (PBUHAP) that names Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan? What are they afraid of you discovering?
Thank you very much Father FYIP for teaching us and make our soul shines more and more. You are the Holy Spirit whom strengthen us to overcome our fleshy bodies that Jesus Christ FHIP said that it is a carcass.
هذه العلوم لاول مرة نسمعها ولم يسبق احد ذكرها هذا اثبات ع الامامة واحقيتها له
Great words and a wonderful episode, thank you sir and my lord Aba Al Sadiq 🙏🏻❤️👑 Peace, mercy and light from you🙏🏻
لبیک یا ابا صادق❤❤❤
الحمدلله اللهم صل على محمد وال محمد الائمه والمهنيين وسلم تسليما كثيرا حتي لا يبقي من صلاتك وسلامك وبركاتك شيء يا قرة عين اختك زينب وحده وحده علمنا كيف نكون ثقوب في ناي يمر من خلالنا هذه الدرر أبي لاتغيب علينا عند غياب الشمس نشعر بالبر د والجوع يارب أفطر معاك رمضان هذا العام أنا وكل مسلم سلم الناس من لسانه ويده علي أرض مصر ان شاء الله اللهم أرزقنا الإخلاص في الدعاء استودعكم الله احبتي في الله
ههههههههههههههههههههههه الشيطان يضحكم عليكم ويستحمركم يا اغبياء والله هاشم الزنديق الا عميل
الشرح الحقيقي لدين الله الاصلي ❤❤
The 10 Degree Ends at The Throne. Etc Eternity has no End.. Allahumme salli Ala Mohammed wa Ali Mohammed wa Mahdiin wa Tasliman kathira ❤
اللهم صل على محمد وآل محمد الائمة و المهديين وسلم تسليما
Thank you dear father for this knowledge i love you ❤️
اللهم صل على محمد وآل محمد الائمة والمهديين وسلم تسليما. ❤❤❤
Thank you so much father ❤❤
Thank you, Father 🙏
Thank you so much for the incredible episode 🙏❤️
Salam father and sister it was honor to sit down in front of our father ❤❤❤you all
thank You aba AlSadiq for letting us know the truth