This song was written by Dr Surjya Hazarika, present president of Asom Sahitya Sabha. Composed and sung by Bhupen Hazarika for the album 'Osto Mukuta' during the 90's where 8 songs written by Surjya Hazarika were included. The songs were composed and sung by Bhupen Hazarika himself
Bapekor zabar song
This song was written by Dr Surjya Hazarika, present president of Asom Sahitya Sabha. Composed and sung by Bhupen Hazarika for the album 'Osto Mukuta' during the 90's where 8 songs written by Surjya Hazarika were included. The songs were composed and sung by Bhupen Hazarika himself
Very very nice 👍👍 kipitup grow #ganesh_gogoi_vlog love 💕💕✌️ from Bokakhat