The Easiest Way to Start a Fire?! / Mr. Denjiro's Happy Energy!

  • Опубліковано 10 вер 2024
  • DENJIRO: Out of all the different ways to start a fire that exist around the world, I’m going to show you the easiest. First, let’s give it a try. I’m going to hold this piece of wood and push it against the other piece. Now I rub the wood together.
    GIRL: You started a fire just by rubbing wood!
    DENJIRO: I’ve started a fire. I’m going to transfer the ember to tinder, wrap it up, and blow on it.
    It’s burning now. This is called a fire plough and is a method that has been used in areas like Polynesia from long ago. It may seem like you need lots of power and stamina, but the most important factor is choosing material. The wood you use to rub can be just about anything, but what’s important is the wood on the bottom that you rub against. What I used was a piece of year-old bamboo, which has soft fibers. First, rub with force in order to warm up the bamboo. Once the shavings become black, start rubbing faster so it doesn’t cool down. The key here is to gather the shavings into one spot to store heat. This will start a fire.
    Let’s try it with different material. This is the stem of a plant called giant ragweed. Both the year-old bamboo and giant ragweed have soft fibers that run vertically. It is thought that this plays a part in these plants catching fire easily, but in truth, it’s still a mystery.
    NARRATOR: All across the world you can find many ways of starting a fire. There’s so much to it!
    DENJIRO: I hope energy will bring you all happiness. Our magic word is "Happy Energy!"