★★가수 '소향(So hyang)'의 비긴어게인(begin again Korea) 출연 이야기! - "평생 하나님의 사랑을 노래할래요"

  • Опубліковано 8 лют 2025
  • [CTS TV 내가매일기쁘게 가수 소향(So hyang)편]
    교회를 넘어 세상에서
    하나님을 찬양하는 가수 "소향"
    비긴어게인 코리아에 출연한 소향의 노래를 통해서
    많은 사람들이 힘을 얻었다고 말합니다.
    어렵고 힘든 현재 상황에 놓은 수많은 사람들에게,
    포기를 포기하게 만드는 힘을 주는 소향의 노래!
    그 힘의 원천은 어디에서 나오는 걸까요?
    "소향"의 비긴어게인 코리아 출연 이야기!
    지금 시작합니다^^
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  • @양덕환-i7r
    @양덕환-i7r 3 роки тому +3

    소향님 노래 듣고 감동하는건 우연이 아니었구만 마음으로 전하는데 마음이 움직일수 밖에 ㅠㅠ

  • @jslee8737
    @jslee8737 4 роки тому +16

    CTS 관계자님 소향님 외국 팬이 많아서 영어자막도 달아주시면 좋겠습니다.~~

    • @kimeisei
      @kimeisei 3 роки тому +1

      이쪽은.. 정말. 이런게 안되네요. ㅋㅋㅋ

  • @성도가서로교통하는것
    @성도가서로교통하는것 4 роки тому +4

    귀한 간증 나눔 감사합니다.

  • @wannabedavid7919
    @wannabedavid7919 4 роки тому +4

    Many feel the presence of the Holy Spirit through her performances even if she doesn't sing gospel songs.

  • @Lightwinsdark
    @Lightwinsdark 3 роки тому +1


  • @paulheaven6047
    @paulheaven6047 2 роки тому +1

    저도 목사이고 아프리카 선교사인데 소향님 을 보면 정말 귀한 하나님의 딸임을 느끼고 또한 새로운 도전이 됩니다. 목사나 장로나 기타 직분이 중요한것이 아닙니다. 하나님과 동행하는 사람이냐 아니냐가 중요합니다. 소항님의 간증과 마라나타책을 통하여 더 많은 깨달음을 얻게 되니 감사할 뿐입니다. 요한 계시록은 하나님이 지금까지 문을 안 열어 주셔서 목사들도 피해가던 분야이거나 사사로이 풀다가 이단이 되어버린 오메가인데. 마지막중에서도 마지막이 다가오니 하나님이 귀한 소향님을 통하여 풀어주시는 것으로 생각합니다. 목사, 장로 박사등 세상에서 얻은 허명, 껍데기를 다 버리고 진리의 말씀을 겸손하게 받아들이고 마라나타책을 통하여 각자에게 더 하여 주시는 깨달음을 얻었으면 합니다. 하나님아버지 소향님을 이 땅에 보내셔서 귀한 도구로 쓰시고 아프고 상처받은 영혼들을 위로해 주시고 아버지께로 인도하는 통로로 사용하시고 저같은 자에게도 자극을 주시니 감사드립니다. 귀한 소향님을 한국땅에 보내주셔서 감사드립니다. 모든 영광 홀로 받으시옵소서.^^

  • @sohyangpos
    @sohyangpos 4 роки тому +5


  • @yukuolee3740
    @yukuolee3740 4 роки тому +5

    Can someone provide the conversation for international fans?

    • @silver-Iining
      @silver-Iining 4 роки тому +14

      (Sorry that it's not the abridged version)
      S : Sohyang F : female host M : male host
      F : Recently I saw our dear Sohyang on the TV music program featuring busking performances.
      S : Yes, right.
      M : You mean the TV show which took place in an ice-rink and so on, right? I watched it, too.
      F : You also performed at the airport and in many other places.
      I guess you've heard people saying that after having watched it,
      of course wearing masks and abiding by social-distancing rules,
      they were really touched and took great comfort, right?
      S : Yeah right. That's why it was a really rewarding experience for me to sing in the program.
      In fact, the schedules were so tight, so so demanding... But, nevertheless..
      F : You even went to.. where was it.. the place that makes ships, hahaha.
      S : Yes, I went to POSCO(POhang Iron & Steel COmpany)
      I heard that it was the first time since POSCO had been built, that singers performed on the site.
      F : I saw the performance taking place right by a ship.
      S : Right. It was a really fun experience for me, and I was lucky to visit many other interesting places.
      M : Anyway, you were saying it had been really hard for you...
      S : Yes, it was really hard.. but still through the hard time..
      well.. I sometimes have a look at the comments from people
      and I find even non-christians saying that they felt the God's grace upon them,
      saying that they might come to believe in Jesus if they keep listening to her song,
      or saying that.. you know, so many people are going through this hard time because of Corona.. they were so exhausted and thinking of giving up..
      that they felt some power in her song that makes them give up on giving up.
      M : Well, our dear sister Sohyang, you are sort of a minister of music, right?
      At the same time, you are a pop singer.
      And you sing many songs of different genres in non-christian TV programs.
      Then, why is it that these songs sound like a song of praise?
      F : Right, whether it be western or local pop music.
      M : Is it just me? I don't think so.
      S : Strangely enough, when I was on not only this TV show but also some other programs like King of Masked Singer, the producers said...
      I remember one producer(of 'King of Masked Singer') saying, FYI, he's not a christian, "When you are in a rehearsal, I just think that you are really good and That's all.
      But, whenever your actual performance begins, I can just feel what it's like if the holy spirit comes upon me.
      F : Whenever you performed?
      S : Yes. Whenever I performed..
      So, hearing what he said, I thought that..
      you know.. I'm the one who's to sing. So when I'm on the stage, I pray so hard in my heart.
      "God help me. Please help me to reveal the glory of You."
      And, I lack confidence, tremble, and get nervous. So I pray so hard, like "I can't do it without You Lord. Please.."
      Well, I feel that way(feel the communication with God). Then the people who's watching my performance...
      M : feel the same way?
      S : Yes, they seem to feel what I feel.
      M : The busking places you mentioned earlier, POSCO, etc., including ice-rink..
      It must have been so hard.
      What was your physical condition compared to your usual form.
      S : I wasn't in very good shape.
      M : Then, how would you assess your vocal condition at that time on a percentage scale.
      S : If I usually show 100% of my vocal ability, I could use only 30% at that time.
      M : Did you just say thirty percent??
      F : No way, I didn't notice anything wrong about your voice.
      S : Well, my close friends by my side do notice if I'm struggling vocally.
      But, thank you Lord, when I was at 100 percent, there was not enough space for God to take up in the performances.
      That is, when I could sing 100 percent, it seems that I was more inclined to resort to my technique, skills and my vocal ability.
      But, now that I was at no more than 30 percent, I had no choice but to turn to the Lord and say "O Lord I really can't do this without you doing it for me.
      M : Amen.
      S : Father, I can't do it on my own."
      To my surprise, rather than when I did it perfectly all by myself, many people seems to better sense the presence of God taking up much space in my performance.
      And, like this way, I mean, thinking that this is hard means that I'm really feeling the difficulty.
      If I had not had that hard time, it would not have been possible for me to fully communicate with people.
      M : I think I know what you mean.
      S : "You are going through difficult times, and so am I." Since I have been there, too, now I can fully convey the story on behalf of the people in pain.
      That is, it's like I'm saying, "it's so hard for me to sing this song, it's so hard."
      For instance, preparing a western song called 'I Won't Give Up,'
      I doubted whether I was right to have chosen this song.
      Because, whereas the title translates into "I will never give up", the song was so hard as to make me give up.
      So, I told myself I shouldn't have chosen the song.
      But, while singing, I realized why the Lord made me sing this song.
      Because.. the answer is to shout that I won't give up this song even though it forces me to.
      F : You cried out loud singing the song.
      S : Yes, I did. I cried, "Lord I really can't give it up, because you are with me."
      Well, you know, only when we go deep down where we really want to give up, only then should our will to hold on arise.
      M : Amen
      S : And most people in this time of pandemic are living with this kind of mindset.
      They are holding up just because it's the only choice left except for giving up.. giving up on life.
      Given this, if I wasn't able to empathize with them and relate to them, how could I tell a story to them?

      M : What is your top priority when choosing a song?
      S : It's lyrics.
      M : Lyrics?
      S : Yes. I ask myself whether the lyrics are telling a story about dreams and hopes, and a positive message of love.
      M : No wonder even when you sing pop music, it sounds like a hymn.
      S : Now I realize that my Lord has trained me to do this for 20 years.
      M : Amen.
      F : The Lord has tempered and forged you...
      The new song titled 'Stay' has been released. And for a popular song, this song also has a holy feel to it.
      M : Could you give us the lyrics, Stay?
      S : Where did your memories go
      Your breath has come full circle..
      And I stand at the secret memories together with you.
      For so long~ So long~
      S : It's sung like this.
      F : By the way, many people made comments on 'Stay'.
      M : What did they say?
      F : 'My mind gets warm and cosy.'
      'Her music is really like a gift.'
      'Her song is like a comfort and a shelter for me.'
      By the way, I guess you felt God's grace upon you a lot, while preparing this kind of new song?
      M : I guess you had an experience that you can tell us as a testimony, while preparing the new song?
      S : Well, all the time I prepare a song, I just sense that the Lord is intervening in and concerning himself with my work.
      So, though I actually don't have a knack for writing a song, I just try to put the story of my heart into the song.
      And, whenever I watch TV dramas or listen to korean or western pop music in which there is a love story,
      I think that these love stories look similar to those between the Lord and us.
      M : Right, right.
      S : I feel that way a lot.
      Actually, our Lord and we are dating each other, right?
      M : Right. We are dating.
      S : We are dating, right?
      As the Bible says, it's like a relationship between a bride and groom.
      M : It's longing for each other.
      S : It's longing for and missing each other,
      wanting to meet again even while continually meeting each other,
      wanting to call again even after talking to each other on the phone several hours a day...
      In fact, these normal stories of love are the very thing that our Lord wants to share with us.
      So, I always try to write a song with the same heart and feelings as mentioned earlier.
      M : Amen.

    • @yukuolee3740
      @yukuolee3740 4 роки тому +5

      @@silver-Iining My goodness. I didn't expect a full account of the exchange and would've be thrilled for a summary of the discussion. Thank you very much for taking the trouble to provide the full conversation.
      It's amazing to find out what Sohyang said about her condition in Begin Again Korea. She is the most convincing testimony of her faith I've seen. Again my hats off to you. Really appreciate this.

    • @silver-Iining
      @silver-Iining 4 роки тому +1

      @@yukuolee3740 My pleasure dear friend~ Sorry that I couldn't have the time to make a summary. Have a great week and see you soon :)

    • @sushisin377
      @sushisin377 4 роки тому +2

      @@silver-Iining thank you so much for translation.

  • @비토-q7w
    @비토-q7w 2 роки тому +2

    소향님 ccm가수로서 차별금지법을 위한, 성 소수자를 위한, 영화로 알려진 위대한 쇼맨 ost naver enough를 알고서 부르신거지 궁금합니다!!
    그 영화를 한번이라도 보고라도,
    아니면 그 노래를 부르기전에 그 영화가 어떤 저의로 만들어졌는지 알고서 그 노래를 부르셔야 하지 않으셨을까요!!
    기독교 인이라면 우리가 세상을 판단할 권리가 있고 분별할 줄 아는 지혜가 있어야 하는데, 어떻게 그런 노래를 그 성소수자를 상징하는 무지개 빛 나는 의자에 앉아 그 노래를 부르셨는가요!!!
    그런 하나님이 주신 목소리의 은사를 가수로서의 명성만 올리려 하는 소향에게 충고하고 싶습니다. 기독교 인으로서 세상 미디어를 아예 끊을 수는 없다는것도 알고 있습니다!!!
    크리스찬으로써 우리는 우리에게 주신 하나님의 은사를 세상에 전파하고 문화적인것도 정복해야 함은 이 세상 끝날때까지 나타내야 하는 분명합니다.
    그런데 요새 소향님보다 하나님보다 자신이 높아지려는 그 유혹에 빠지지 않았나 자신을 바라보시길 바랍니다! 요새 미디어에 보이는 소향님을 보면 참 기막히고 속이 상할때가 많아요!!!
    하나님을 찬양하는 대표적인 ccm가수로서 어찌 세상의 그런 가치관을 전하는 내용의 노래를 부르셨는지요. 정말 소향님의 간증이 하나님의 은혜가 느껴지지 않네요.
    그 목소리가 하나님이 주신것이 아니었던가요!!
    그렇다면 왜 자신이 하나님의 영광에 자리에 오르시려고 하시는지요.
    CCM가수도 세상음악 부를 수 있습니다!!!
    그러나 세상이 악해진 만큼
    우리 기독교인이 처한 이 나라가 처한 상황이
    점점 점입가경으로 가고 있는 상황에서
    차별금지법을 막으려는 영적투쟁과 영적 전쟁이 있는 상황에도 소망의 하나님을 바라보며 더욱더 기도하고 있는 이 시점에서...
    너무 애통하고 기막혀 댓글을 남깁니다.
    이 세상을 사랑하면 그 마음에 하나님보다 세상의 권세와 부귀 하나님보다 높아지려는것이 차지하는 것이지요.
    소향님 팬인 기독교인들도 소향을 지지하는것만이 아닌 소향님이 하나님앞에 재대로 서 있는지 판단해주시지요.
    물론 판단은 하나님이 하시는거지만 이런 모습을 보고 하나님의 이름으로 판단할 권리는 우리에게 있는것입니다.
    본인이 음악으로 하나님을 나타내고자
    하나님께 영광을 돌리고자 한다면
    이 노래를 부른것을 부끄러워 하시고
    하나님께 다윗같이 회개하시기를 바라고
    지금 자신의 모습이 하나님앞에 어떠한 모습인지 점검하시기를 바랍니다!!!
    얼마든지 세상음악 아니고도 하나님이 높여주십니다.
    지금 하나님이 높여주시는것과
    사단이 영광의 자리를 내어주는것을 구분하십시요.
    예수님도 그 영광버리고 우리를 위해 십자가를 지셨으니까요.
    때가 악하고 분별이 절실히 필요한 때입니다!!!