My god, this is stellar. I wish every GP; internist; neurologist; migraineur; medical science writer; and concerned friend, family member, and employer of a migraineur would see this video. Thank you so very much for creating and posting it.
What is their explanation of the cause and mechanism of migraines? Would you be able to sum it up briefly? I can't hear anything in this video. I need to know so I can try to prevent this hell.
I am not a scientist or a doctor. I have had migraines small, medium and occassionally large for one and half years. I have suffered from sinus infections and what I thought were allergy related issues (turns out I have no allergies). I have had MRIs, CT scans, seen a variety of doctors etc., etc. I have done my fair share of internet research. I work in a library. I love research. This might be the best explanation of migraine I have watched. Thank you!
All of what you have explained in this video resonates with the development of my weekly childhood migraines to chronic migraines and the added debilitating experience of sleep disorder, blocked sinuses, depression and decreased mobility that comes with this disease. Thank you for this information.
I really don't even know how to thank you for creating this. It is profoundly well done - and even more impressive is you managed to simplify your message to make it understandable to anyone. I personally have had to live with the bullying that is often imposed on anyone with a "weird" illness. When you are not believed - it can make you insane. As if wrongly convicted of a crime - that has no DNA to support your story. Thank you so much - for creating this very clever presentation.
True that! It's ever so extremely frustrating when people cannot see or understand the pain that you're in. And it's not even just the pain, it's everything that comes along with it. I try to tell my family it's like my whole central nervous system has gone haywire on top of feeling like you're having a brain aneurysm in between vomiting, spinning shaking. Then try explaining to them the hangover after it's finally gone 😰😰😰
Or explaining to doctors that you are not feeling well at all when you have been diagnosed with anxiety previously. So they do all the MRIs and tests and find nothing. They diagnose you with nothing and treat you like a hypocondriac. Nurse yesterday: "You are not confused now! You are not out of balance, because you can stand and walk! And you can move your arm so it is not numb! Why are you in A&E?" Because she has seen me before and made her own diagnosis that I am just hypochondriac. She nearly threw me out of A&E, because of it. I went as I am not diagnosed yet with chronic migraine and my left arm and side of face went numb. And I had considerable confusion, slurred my words and talked bullshit. I was alone in home. It could been a stroke. Glad that it wasn't. And I dearly wish that I do not need to go to that A&E ever again.
Understandable only to those who can hear, because they have just refused to add captions after I put in a complaint to youtube. I don't matter, because I cannot hear. Only hearing people deserve to have this information.
This is a beautiful and profoundly informative video which I use to teach my osteopathy students about migraine. I would hug its creator if I could, just for the sheer quality of it.
My migraines started very specifically - when I worked 14-hr “plus” days in a very moldy building in the USAF from 9/11 onward for almost 3 yrs. many others in my bldg had the exact same symptoms - and dose-related (more hours in the bldg = worse ssx). I think the mycotoxins themselves were a big factor, but also the chronic inflammation caused by that constant high-dose long-term exposure. When I even smell staccybotrys and aspergillus now it almost instantly triggers a migraine - just the *smell*. It’s probably almost like a food aversion, but it’s my brain that’s reacting, not my stomach. The sinusitis and rhinitis also caused me to have severe sleep apnea that went undiagnosed (untreated) for several years. CPAP has helped a lot in terms of improving my fatigue, but the migraines are still relentless. I feel like I have brain damage from the mold itself and the hypoxia due to the 6yrs of untreated sleep apnea. It sucks!!! But all the neuro pathways, neurotransmitters, ganglia, etc discussed and modeled in this video sounds very accurate - it rings true very much - at least in terms of my migraine “pathogenesis”.
🥺 so sorry you went through that. Mine didn’t start until I inhaled galvanized fumes while working the robot welder. Now when there is any unhealthy chemical around I get instant migraine. The only relief I get is when I take excedrine migraine. It leaves body totally exhausted 😩
What a great presentation! Thank you so much. I am glad I found this video. And thank gods, I found yoga therapy that helped me get rid of a chronic migraine that was enjoying its stay with me for almost 30years.
I've sent this to all my care providers and people who love me. Got feedback from those who love me. It SO EXPLAINS all the symptoms I've had...and those my Grandmother had (chronic sinusitis) that didn't respond to treatments.
Thank you for this very informative Video with a soothing voice. I am a migraine sufferer ... sometimes getting 19 migraines a month. I feel like it’s a forgotten disease More research and help need to be done It’s a devastating disease that affects your ability to live life
Thank you for mentioning every symptom i have had with migraine. I had the first when i was 18, i will never forget it. Since getting, C19 vac, mine have incresed so much and if you ever thought they could, have become worse. I speak back to front, can't write properly all of a sudden, get nausea, sometimes vomiting, cramps and diarrhea. I was diagnosed by GP. Wasted annual leave, so i didn't lose my job. They affect my whole body. Awful, just awful and most people think they are just headaches. No one explained to me that it was as diabolical as it felt. Until i seen this. Thank you so much. It is a life stealing condition.
I’m a MIGRAINE Prisoner. I’m held captive by this pain from HELL. It’s debilitating! One day someone told me to mediate for the migraine to go away. I wanted to bitch slap him!!! I take prescription pills now and I’ll be taking an EEG next month. Often I think death is a relief from migraine. I know it’s extreme, but migraine suffers know what I’m taking about 😨😓😰😖
Yup, that's why I don't allow guns in the house (rural life). Locked up outside building in locked case to which I do NOT have a key. I know what suicide does to people, even at my worst I couldn't do it to my family...most of the time.
Have you tried Sumatriptan? I owe my life to it. I used to only be able to eat applesauce during a migraine. I took one code in during the night to sleep. (Too many and the migraine would last 3 instead of 2 days!)
Not casual mindfullness, no. But deep focused meditation where you focus directly on the pain with wavering. Allow the pain to fill your senses, to occupy your entire awareness. Really work your way into the visceral feeling of the pain. For me I find some of the actual pain comes from attempting to block out the pain and embracing entirely brings some relief. Ignore the woo and give it a go.
@@TheMarcusrobbins - That is great if you are moreso a beta intellectual type. However, many of us are not and meditation, phoney esoteric gurus, etc. do not work. It's how we are designed.
I realize your comment is from 4 years ago, but in the off-chance you see this, any chance you might feel kind enough or find the time to provide a couple key takeaways of what the cause and mechanism is? I can't hear a thing in this video. They have refused to enable captions. Everyone is commenting how great the information is and how none of their doctors told them any of this stuff. Really need some help with my migraine hell.
Being subjected to migraine throughout my adult life, I found this video fascinating. Episodes can be impossible to describe to none sufferers including 'medics'. I've often wondered if there is a correlation to's the evidence! Clearly this is a complex issue; widely misunderstood. Indeed the more it is understood, the more overwhelming any hope of a 'cure' is. It would appear migraine sufferers have drawn a short straw. One other aspect not touched here (just a hunch) is the possible increased incidence in individuals who were born premature. Like others, I found this presentation to be the only useful information describing this affliction that makes sense to me.
I was only diagnosed last year even though j have had them almost all my life. I am 18 and have had them from about 6 years but I never knew that it wa migraine because I practically always had them and at 6 they were not very bad. It is so good now to know that I am not going mad when I feel like I have a head cold and nausea with the headaches
Hey. Sorry you have been diagnosed with these killer headaches. They are terrible. Your comment is 1 year old- how are you doing now and what ways did you uncover to help? Ever hear of Excedrin? Its a combination of Acetaminophen, aspirin, and caffeine. Its DEFINITELY helps migraine headaches.
@@rdallas81 Hey thanks yes I heard of it but I never actually tried it. I am meanig to though because I use vasograin and recently the pharmacist told me that too much use of it can cause spontaneous abortion in the future when trying to get pregnant. Currently I am trying to stay away from tablets so even though I still have almost daily migraines I don't take them unless I really cannot function. Thank God though that they are more or less bearable these days so before Sunday I didn't take any in like 2 weeks
@@rdallas81 Mainly what I did was to change my diet and to completely avoid my dietary triggers like gluten, diary, MSG and a few others so that has been working well along with eating breakfast before 8 o clock and lunch and dinner on time next I have to woork on my stress levels.
@@ariellebrowne God be with you Arielle! I pray for your health and vitality! I have suffered with migraine for years. I still get them but learned to live with them. I had one yesterday and got sick to my stomach with nausea. Excedrin help a LOT. Its a medicine that does not need a prescription and hundreds of times stopped my migraine headaches and allowed me to carry on with my day.. Have a good and blessed day sweetheart!
Excellent educational tool! I need my Neurologist and her staff to study this video. Those of us with chronic and unusual migraine types should have access to FMRI and stop being treated like we are just crazy and need to take a deep breath. They could actually see why I drop into paralysis at the drop of a hat if they used the right tools to look for it! Anyone you know that has to deal with you while in distress should be required to watch and understand!
A person with a migraine cannot function. Do you try to stay on a strict sleep schedule? The best day of my life was when I took a shot of Imitrex in 2000. Why doesn’t it work for everyone?
nice presentation but could not understand underlying phenomenon of one sided pain. why the trigeminal neuralgia causes one sided headache rather then bilateral
Every mentioned instance here of "cytokinin" should be corrected to "cytokine". As far as I can tell, "cytokinin" is a plant cell growth hormone, while cytokine is a pro-inflammatory substance, e.g. TNF, Interferon, etc.
The people who say it's just a headache need to actually experience one. Migraines are NOT just a headache. A migraine is much worse than any headache. The fact that the pain of a migraine can be compared to child birth shows you how painful they can be . By the way here are some great treatment options for migraines and headaches: www.ZootHead. xyz
I have chrionic migraines. I can feel the spreading wave sometimes. from the back of the brain it feels like an electrical wave-odd feeling little bit like a seizure coming on or so I would imagine.
That is extremely high informative video, amazing. Thank you for it. I was diagnosed recently with migraine with aura and good to know what is exactly am facing. How can someone born with it.? The graph of brain as made the presentation is also fantastic .
This is an excellent video!!! You even mentioned "cutaneous allodynia" in this video...which is what I experience before I actually get my migraine. I actually wear sunglasses in my home when having the migraine because of the light sensitivity. I am in my 60's and have suffered with migraines for years. Was diagnosed in my late 20's. I had Scarlet Fever at age you happen to know if this could have caused the neurological disorder??? Again, thank you for this video.
I never had so much as a headache until age 30. Now I'm a chronic migraineur with severe menstrual migraines that outlast my periods. I don't understand how they can just "start" suddenly out of nowhere. Seems like something you'd have to be born with or develop in adolescence. So bizarre. If it as many men suffered from this condition as women, we'd know more. Ditto for endometriosis (which I also have as do 1 in 10 women, yet the cause is completely unknown). Yep. I'm bitter.
How interesting. I came here seeking more knowledge about another person's symptoms but the effects of central sensitization works incredibly well at explaining some of my own symptoms. My inflammation went unchecked for nearly 15 years and was gastrointestinal in nature so the source is different but many of the effects are very similar. I was going to call my symptomology something along the lines of a "cascade inflammatory syndrome" but as I look into more and more of these nebulous, difficult to diagnose painful diseases, I find even more similarity. The origin may be different but the symptomology ends up being the same... I am trying right now to get a doctorate of pharmacology so hopefully when I get it, I can start doing research into exactly what is going on here. Thank you though for this informative video, I know this likely took years of compiling studies and animating accurately. It is a hell of a lot easier to digest when you don't have to read a hundred and fifty different papers to construct a basic mental image of the pathology
I had someone tell me (at age 13) that I couldn't possibly have a headache EvErYdAy, I'm just addicted to pain meds. Pppfffft. They were giving me regular/normal strength Tylenol and refused to give me any stronger dose or any more. Well, we'll see what my MRI I had yesterday says...
I'm sorry they did that. People that don't get migraines just don't understand what we go through! What did your mri say, and do you still get migraines?
I have what is referred to as a common migraine without an aura. I don't throw up I am only bothered at severe time by light sensitivity and noise. When it is real bad I don't want to be around people at all and cry because of the pain and frustration that their is no cure for this disease that has been inherited from both sides of family. Have had migraines for 19 years.
Wow, those sound oddly similar to mine. I rarely have aura, but when the migraine is at full force I just want to be alone. How have you coped for 19 years!?
I have coped with both migraines and CH for little under 24 years ! You build mental resistance and a "world inside yourself" to retreat. Today I am 100% painfree since 1 year.
Yes, stellar! I am very curious to know what you mean by "modal thinking" at 10:45, mentioned with the list of symptoms of cortical spreading depression? This particular symptom is spoken, but not written in text (the others are all listed in text).
When I have a migraine first thing I do is get into a very hot bath and keep entremly still but relaxed, this brings the pain level down. I may stay in a hot bath for half hour or more until i feel like its may be going away or sometimes gone. I dont know why it helps. Maybe you can tell me.
My trigger is not getting enough water, the back of my eyes start to tingle, after 10 minutes i have a hard time focusing of people, after 30 min my eyes hurt and I have a blind spot in the canter, then my temples begin to hurt and 1 hour after it started I can not think and I am unaware of where I am, I am also unable o from short sentences and usually throw up.
Awesome video!! Thanks for sharing :) Just at (4:32) the chemical structures of serotonin and glutamate are that's what happens when a Biochemistry nerd goes on YT...hehe
Well, I learned a lot more about the mechanism...I just wish I knew what my trigger is. I started getting them as a 14 year old in 1980 and have never nailed down the cause.
mine is cinnamon and it was really hard to nail down. it's in so much stuff, i'm still surprised i figured it out. if you've never tried it, sometimes logging all of your food and daily activities and such can help you spot a pattern of what is occurring before a migraine happens. good luck man
@@cherylarnold7291 Agreed! I have at least a half dozen true triggers that I steer clear away from! Too bad I couldn't steer clear away from the "hormone" trigger, which happens to cause me my most long and painful migraines!
I'm currently having a migraine, it's Day 3. I think I've been stuck in the attack stage bcoz my head is still getting hammered with every sudden move. Before this I had it for 24 hours (Jan 1)then after my meds, it disappeared... I had a day's rest but came back stronger( Jan 4). Both with Auras first. Tylenol isn't working anymore, the massage helps but it comes back after 15 mins. This isn't worth going to the doctor, I've had migraines since I was 10 years old, and I am familiar with them. So now I am just scouring the internet for some way to just relieve or understand the pain
1:05 those freaking big things on the back of the head under the occipital bone are on fire for me right now. Feels like everything is flared up the most there. It's putting pain in my ear, back of my throat, and all over the top of my skull. Going on 72 hours now.
Wait until you're in the migraine suffering mode. You'll appreciate this voice and the flushing consistent background noise. I'll rewatch when this migraine clears but I'm not sure I could absorb this information without the gentle component to it. I couldn't help my daughter with 5th grade math yesterday.
I know it sounds ridiculous. Over the decades I realised that picking my nose, especially my right nostril would induce a migraine the next day. I stopped the habit and a good third of my migraines stopped .
Why does getting in a very hot bath help reduce my migraine pain? This is absolutely mandatory that i do when i get a migraine. Ill stay in the hot water for sometimes an hour.
Tbh even though it's bad I am used to it because for most of my life I have had a bad migraine at least once a week a around exam times and my period it's like everyday so I am accustomed to the pain. It's not that it's not bad it is just like getting used to period pain. I have had migraine since I am about 6
Looks like I've found that part of youtube again that holds secret life-changing knowledge from the gods on high. I love when I find videos like this. I feel like an adventurer who's traveled to a dusty old library and pulled out a magic book. Why don't my doctors tell me this stuff??????
They didn't explain much to me either. My doctor told me I had allergies my whole life and wouldn't look into it more when I complained about head and facial pain. Went to an allergist and learned that I don't have allergies, I have migraines. Took 25 years and someone who specializes in a different area to tell me that.
Thank you for this very great video I wish you could translate it into german. My english is not so good and I understand it not completely😢 We had a lot of same informations in Germany but also a lot of different informations
Hello & thank you for this great video. Please please, make a translation in German!! Ill people in Germany need this information to! ( sorry is my English isn't good enough and I didn't understand the details in the video)😢😢
Please is there anyone who can translate it in german😢😢 I suffer nearly every day under bad migraine. This video is so interesting but I understand only the half.😦
One comment - the fact that 20 genes are involved tells me it’s NOT really genetic - its environmentally triggered, with perhaps 20+ (genetic) susceptibility factors. Those genes don’t destine is to migraines, they just tilt things in that direction if we happen to be exposed to the right environmental inputs
The audio quality of this video is poor. The other explanation is that the narrator thought he was speaking in a closet to two of his closest friends. Otherwise the content is very good. Please replace the narrator.
Was just informed by UA-cam that instead of enabling captions for this video you have instead said that are not required to do so. Is that really what you want to be doing in this situation? Making your content unavailable for people who cannot hear? You think that's fine, to say to a person, "who cares, tough luck, it's your problem, it doesn't matter if you can't learn this information on your migraines. Only hearing people matter." You're OK with that messaging?
what a load of b.s.. if you understood it, you'd know the cause and how to correct it. i've never seen anyone who didn't stop having them after getting their upper neck specifically corrected by a qualified upper cervical specific chiropractor.
Sometimes you.know migraine disease only in retrospect. I had intestinal migraine until I turned 30 (I realized looking back.) It suddenly vanished. I was overjoyed until it showed up as classic migraine in my head instead. Fortunately a cure came on the market in 2000 - Imitrex.
This is the most comprehensive explanation of migraines I have ever seen. Thank you for posting.
I agree. Very good.
My god, this is stellar.
I wish every GP; internist; neurologist; migraineur; medical science writer; and concerned friend, family member, and employer of a migraineur would see this video. Thank you so very much for creating and posting it.
Absolutely amazing, i agree.
Well said Hypatia! I agree !
People need to know that a person with a migraine cannot function.
Me too. Because they act like all of the symptoms are unrelated
What is their explanation of the cause and mechanism of migraines? Would you be able to sum it up briefly? I can't hear anything in this video. I need to know so I can try to prevent this hell.
I am not a scientist or a doctor. I have had migraines small, medium and occassionally large for one and half years. I have suffered from sinus infections and what I thought were allergy related issues (turns out I have no allergies). I have had MRIs, CT scans, seen a variety of doctors etc., etc. I have done my fair share of internet research. I work in a library. I love research. This might be the best explanation of migraine I have watched. Thank you!
Same here
The problem is - though it sounds like your sinuses are all right after all - any kind of pain can trigger a migraine!
All of what you have explained in this video resonates with the development of my weekly childhood migraines to chronic migraines and the added debilitating experience of sleep disorder, blocked sinuses, depression and decreased mobility that comes with this disease. Thank you for this information.
I really don't even know how to thank you for creating this. It is profoundly well done - and even more impressive is you managed to simplify your message to make it understandable to anyone.
I personally have had to live with the bullying that is often imposed on anyone with a "weird" illness. When you are not believed - it can make you insane. As if wrongly convicted of a crime - that has no DNA to support your story.
Thank you so much - for creating this very clever presentation.
True that! It's ever so extremely frustrating when people cannot see or understand the pain that you're in. And it's not even just the pain, it's everything that comes along with it. I try to tell my family it's like my whole central nervous system has gone haywire on top of feeling like you're having a brain aneurysm in between vomiting, spinning shaking. Then try explaining to them the hangover after it's finally gone 😰😰😰
Or explaining to doctors that you are not feeling well at all when you have been diagnosed with anxiety previously. So they do all the MRIs and tests and find nothing. They diagnose you with nothing and treat you like a hypocondriac.
Nurse yesterday:
"You are not confused now! You are not out of balance, because you can stand and walk! And you can move your arm so it is not numb! Why are you in A&E?"
Because she has seen me before and made her own diagnosis that I am just hypochondriac. She nearly threw me out of A&E, because of it. I went as I am not diagnosed yet with chronic migraine and my left arm and side of face went numb. And I had considerable confusion, slurred my words and talked bullshit. I was alone in home. It could been a stroke. Glad that it wasn't. And I dearly wish that I do not need to go to that A&E ever again.
Understandable only to those who can hear, because they have just refused to add captions after I put in a complaint to youtube. I don't matter, because I cannot hear. Only hearing people deserve to have this information.
This is a beautiful and profoundly informative video which I use to teach my osteopathy students about migraine. I would hug its creator if I could, just for the sheer quality of it.
My migraines started very specifically - when I worked 14-hr “plus” days in a very moldy building in the USAF from 9/11 onward for almost 3 yrs. many others in my bldg had the exact same symptoms - and dose-related (more hours in the bldg = worse ssx).
I think the mycotoxins themselves were a big factor, but also the chronic inflammation caused by that constant high-dose long-term exposure. When I even smell staccybotrys and aspergillus now it almost instantly triggers a migraine - just the *smell*. It’s probably almost like a food aversion, but it’s my brain that’s reacting, not my stomach.
The sinusitis and rhinitis also caused me to have severe sleep apnea that went undiagnosed (untreated) for several years.
CPAP has helped a lot in terms of improving my fatigue, but the migraines are still relentless. I feel like I have brain damage from the mold itself and the hypoxia due to the 6yrs of untreated sleep apnea. It sucks!!!
But all the neuro pathways, neurotransmitters, ganglia, etc discussed and modeled in this video sounds very accurate - it rings true very much - at least in terms of my migraine “pathogenesis”.
🥺 so sorry you went through that. Mine didn’t start until I inhaled galvanized fumes while working the robot welder. Now when there is any unhealthy chemical around I get instant migraine. The only relief I get is when I take excedrine migraine. It leaves body totally exhausted 😩
What a great presentation! Thank you so much. I am glad I found this video. And thank gods, I found yoga therapy that helped me get rid of a chronic migraine that was enjoying its stay with me for almost 30years.
What kind of yoga therapy you do for migraine???? I am, suffering from chronic migraine and canT attend school
Please, share that kind of information!!!!! At least nudge us to the right direction!!!
this video told me a lot more about migraines than neurologists i go to have told me. explained a lot and now i have a better understanding. thank you
Any chance you can sum up the main takeways from what has been said? I can't hear the audio. I need to try to prevent or help the migraine hell.
I've sent this to all my care providers and people who love me. Got feedback from those who love me. It SO EXPLAINS all the symptoms I've had...and those my Grandmother had (chronic sinusitis) that didn't respond to treatments.
Thank you for this very informative
Video with a soothing voice. I am a migraine sufferer ... sometimes getting 19 migraines a month. I feel like it’s a forgotten disease More research and help need to be done
It’s a devastating disease that affects your ability to live life
Thank you for mentioning every symptom i have had with migraine. I had the first when i was 18, i will never forget it. Since getting, C19 vac, mine have incresed so much and if you ever thought they could, have become worse. I speak back to front, can't write properly all of a sudden, get nausea, sometimes vomiting, cramps and diarrhea. I was diagnosed by GP. Wasted annual leave, so i didn't lose my job. They affect my whole body. Awful, just awful and most people think they are just headaches. No one explained to me that it was as diabolical as it felt. Until i seen this. Thank you so much. It is a life stealing condition.
I’m a MIGRAINE Prisoner. I’m held captive by this pain from HELL. It’s debilitating! One day someone told me to mediate for the migraine to go away. I wanted to bitch slap him!!! I take prescription pills now and I’ll be taking an EEG next month. Often I think death is a relief from migraine. I know it’s extreme, but migraine suffers know what I’m taking about 😨😓😰😖
Yup, that's why I don't allow guns in the house (rural life). Locked up outside building in locked case to which I do NOT have a key. I know what suicide does to people, even at my worst I couldn't do it to my family...most of the time.
Have you tried Sumatriptan? I owe my life to it. I used to only be able to eat applesauce during a migraine. I took one code in during the night to sleep. (Too many and the migraine would last 3 instead of 2 days!)
Not casual mindfullness, no. But deep focused meditation where you focus directly on the pain with wavering. Allow the pain to fill your senses, to occupy your entire awareness. Really work your way into the visceral feeling of the pain. For me I find some of the actual pain comes from attempting to block out the pain and embracing entirely brings some relief. Ignore the woo and give it a go.
How did you heal your migraines
@@TheMarcusrobbins - That is great if you are moreso a beta intellectual type. However, many of us are not and meditation, phoney esoteric gurus, etc. do not work. It's how we are designed.
voice is very refreshing, Calming! really helpful right now!
Only someone currently suffering a migraine (like me) would wish everyone could talk like this.
my migraines are always come along with anxiety and depression
it's the same to me
To me also
What treatment are you taking
@@lisakarg6831 I am also suffered for 6 years
Me toooo😣😣
This is such a great video. No medical specialist has explained any of this to me.
This is amazing! I've been looking for a visual and thorough explanation like this for years!
this was the most thorough medical educational video i've ever seen. thank you!
I realize your comment is from 4 years ago, but in the off-chance you see this, any chance you might feel kind enough or find the time to provide a couple key takeaways of what the cause and mechanism is? I can't hear a thing in this video. They have refused to enable captions. Everyone is commenting how great the information is and how none of their doctors told them any of this stuff. Really need some help with my migraine hell.
Your relaxing voice is actually helping me relax during this migraine attack, thanks :)
Me too...........
This is the best video on migraines yet, that I know of! Remarkable! Very informative and interesting, though quite nerve wracking!
Being subjected to migraine throughout my adult life, I found this video fascinating. Episodes can be impossible to describe to none sufferers including 'medics'. I've often wondered if there is a correlation to's the evidence! Clearly this is a complex issue; widely misunderstood. Indeed the more it is understood, the more overwhelming any hope of a 'cure' is. It would appear migraine sufferers have drawn a short straw. One other aspect not touched here (just a hunch) is the possible increased incidence in individuals who were born premature. Like others, I found this presentation to be the only useful information describing this affliction that makes sense to me.
interesting you mention premature, so maybe among twins one of them can have it as I am a twin and was born premature and I have migraine.
Thank you for this. Such a complicated disease. No wonder it is taking forever to figure them out!
I was only diagnosed last year even though j have had them almost all my life. I am 18 and have had them from about 6 years but I never knew that it wa migraine because I practically always had them and at 6 they were not very bad. It is so good now to know that I am not going mad when I feel like I have a head cold and nausea with the headaches
Sorry you have been diagnosed with these killer headaches. They are terrible.
Your comment is 1 year old- how are you doing now and what ways did you uncover to help?
Ever hear of Excedrin? Its a combination of Acetaminophen, aspirin, and caffeine.
Its DEFINITELY helps migraine headaches.
@@rdallas81 Hey thanks yes I heard of it but I never actually tried it. I am meanig to though because I use vasograin and recently the pharmacist told me that too much use of it can cause spontaneous abortion in the future when trying to get pregnant. Currently I am trying to stay away from tablets so even though I still have almost daily migraines I don't take them unless I really cannot function. Thank God though that they are more or less bearable these days so before Sunday I didn't take any in like 2 weeks
@@rdallas81 Mainly what I did was to change my diet and to completely avoid my dietary triggers like gluten, diary, MSG and a few others so that has been working well along with eating breakfast before 8 o clock and lunch and dinner on time next I have to woork on my stress levels.
@@ariellebrowne God be with you Arielle!
I pray for your health and vitality!
I have suffered with migraine for years. I still get them but learned to live with them.
I had one yesterday and got sick to my stomach with nausea. Excedrin help a LOT. Its a medicine that does not need a prescription and hundreds of times stopped my migraine headaches and allowed me to carry on with my day..
Have a good and blessed day sweetheart!
@@ariellebrowne Stress is a real problem.
I deal with stress through prayer and even fasting.
Excellent educational tool! I need my Neurologist and her staff to study this video. Those of us with chronic and unusual migraine types should have access to FMRI and stop being treated like we are just crazy and need to take a deep breath. They could actually see why I drop into paralysis at the drop of a hat if they used the right tools to look for it! Anyone you know that has to deal with you while in distress should be required to watch and understand!
A person with a migraine cannot function. Do you try to stay on a strict sleep schedule? The best day of my life was when I took a shot of Imitrex in 2000. Why doesn’t it work for everyone?
Idk why but I really enjoy the way the narrator’s voice sounds
Everything you mentioned, as well as the sense of smell is a huge trigger.
Wonderful I've seen.
Explain complex topics with visual aids is great. Thanks so much for these videos!
Great explanation! Thank you very much! Good luck!
Very good, I liked them too
After 22 years finally a detailed explanation!!!
nice presentation but could not understand underlying phenomenon of one sided pain. why the trigeminal neuralgia causes one sided headache rather then bilateral
All the way from Republic of Ireland Filipino. Thanks a million.
brilliant explanation of the mechanisms of migrane and very helpful for me as an osteopathy student. Thank you very much!
Every mentioned instance here of "cytokinin" should be corrected to "cytokine". As far as I can tell, "cytokinin" is a plant cell growth hormone, while cytokine is a pro-inflammatory substance, e.g. TNF, Interferon, etc.
The people who say it's just a headache need to actually experience one. Migraines are NOT just a headache. A migraine is much worse than any headache. The fact that the pain of a migraine can be compared to child birth shows you how painful they can be
By the way here are some great treatment options for migraines and headaches: www.ZootHead. xyz
Amazing video l have had migraine all my life
Greatest summary I've seen.
Great video for a medical student on a neurology rotation!
I have chrionic migraines. I can feel the spreading wave sometimes. from the back of the brain it feels like an electrical wave-odd feeling little bit like a seizure coming on or so I would imagine.
That is extremely high informative video, amazing. Thank you for it. I was diagnosed recently with migraine with aura and good to know what is exactly am facing. How can someone born with it.? The graph of brain as made the presentation is also fantastic .
How does Sumatriptan work so totally, so quickly, and for any type of headache? I think a Nobel Prize is in order.
It constricts the blood vessels, and reversesthe vasodilation, which is at the heart of various neurotransmitters
This is an excellent video!!! You even mentioned "cutaneous allodynia" in this video...which is what I experience before I actually get my migraine. I actually wear sunglasses in my home when having the migraine because of the light sensitivity. I am in my 60's and have suffered with migraines for years. Was diagnosed in my late 20's. I had Scarlet Fever at age you happen to know if this could have caused the neurological disorder??? Again, thank you for this video.
I never had so much as a headache until age 30. Now I'm a chronic migraineur with severe menstrual migraines that outlast my periods. I don't understand how they can just "start" suddenly out of nowhere. Seems like something you'd have to be born with or develop in adolescence. So bizarre. If it as many men suffered from this condition as women, we'd know more. Ditto for endometriosis (which I also have as do 1 in 10 women, yet the cause is completely unknown). Yep. I'm bitter.
They found out that bacteria causes endo. Look into it.
How interesting. I came here seeking more knowledge about another person's symptoms but the effects of central sensitization works incredibly well at explaining some of my own symptoms. My inflammation went unchecked for nearly 15 years and was gastrointestinal in nature so the source is different but many of the effects are very similar. I was going to call my symptomology something along the lines of a "cascade inflammatory syndrome" but as I look into more and more of these nebulous, difficult to diagnose painful diseases, I find even more similarity.
The origin may be different but the symptomology ends up being the same... I am trying right now to get a doctorate of pharmacology so hopefully when I get it, I can start doing research into exactly what is going on here. Thank you though for this informative video, I know this likely took years of compiling studies and animating accurately. It is a hell of a lot easier to digest when you don't have to read a hundred and fifty different papers to construct a basic mental image of the pathology
I had someone tell me (at age 13) that I couldn't possibly have a headache EvErYdAy, I'm just addicted to pain meds.
Pppfffft. They were giving me regular/normal strength Tylenol and refused to give me any stronger dose or any more.
Well, we'll see what my MRI I had yesterday says...
I'm sorry they did that. People that don't get migraines just don't understand what we go through! What did your mri say, and do you still get migraines?
I have what is referred to as a common migraine without an aura. I don't throw up I am only bothered at severe time by light sensitivity and noise. When it is real bad I don't want to be around people at all and cry because of the pain and frustration that their is no cure for this disease that has been inherited from both sides of family. Have had migraines for 19 years.
Wow, those sound oddly similar to mine. I rarely have aura, but when the migraine is at full force I just want to be alone. How have you coped for 19 years!?
I have coped with both migraines and CH for little under 24 years ! You build mental resistance and a "world inside yourself" to retreat. Today I am 100% painfree since 1 year.
Congratulations to you!! What stopped them?
Yes, stellar! I am very curious to know what you mean by "modal thinking" at 10:45, mentioned with the list of symptoms of cortical spreading depression? This particular symptom is spoken, but not written in text (the others are all listed in text).
He said “muddled thinking.”
Here in is found the best explanation of the mechanism of migraine. Thanks mahn😊
What is the explanation of it? They have refused to put captions on and so I can't decipher what is being said.
When I have a migraine first thing I do is get into a very hot bath and keep entremly still but relaxed, this brings the pain level down. I may stay in a hot bath for half hour or more until i feel like its may be going away or sometimes gone. I dont know why it helps. Maybe you can tell me.
Very good idea. That's what I do also. Along with sumatriptan or whatever meds I decide to take. Followed by rest in a dark room if I can get it
amazing video!
My trigger is not getting enough water, the back of my eyes start to tingle, after 10 minutes i have a hard time focusing of people, after 30 min my eyes hurt and I have a blind spot in the canter, then my temples begin to hurt and 1 hour after it started I can not think and I am unaware of where I am, I am also unable o from short sentences and usually throw up.
Adventure Film Production same here
I hope you get better.
Awesome video!! Thanks for sharing :)
Just at (4:32) the chemical structures of serotonin and glutamate are that's what happens when a Biochemistry nerd goes on YT...hehe
I was about to post the same thing.
Wow. I was born with a defective nervous system.... sad but makes sense.
That what I was shocked about how can born with such a thing.
Well, I learned a lot more about the mechanism...I just wish I knew what my trigger is. I started getting them as a 14 year old in 1980 and have never nailed down the cause.
mine is cinnamon and it was really hard to nail down. it's in so much stuff, i'm still surprised i figured it out. if you've never tried it, sometimes logging all of your food and daily activities and such can help you spot a pattern of what is occurring before a migraine happens. good luck man
It is most likely more than one trigger. I have many!
Agreed! I have at least a half dozen true triggers that I steer clear away from! Too bad I couldn't steer clear away from the "hormone" trigger, which happens to cause me my most long and painful migraines!
Mine trigger is caffeinated coffee, dark chocolate and cola... the coco bean is not my friend
Suffered from these Migraines since age 5.
A solution is here without medicine and exercise. My name is healer_a2zee
On Instagram
@@Healer_a2zee what's on Instagram?
@@Healer_a2zee I exercise
@@rdallas81 what exercise ??
I'm currently having a migraine, it's Day 3. I think I've been stuck in the attack stage bcoz my head is still getting hammered with every sudden move. Before this I had it for 24 hours (Jan 1)then after my meds, it disappeared... I had a day's rest but came back stronger( Jan 4). Both with Auras first. Tylenol isn't working anymore, the massage helps but it comes back after 15 mins. This isn't worth going to the doctor, I've had migraines since I was 10 years old, and I am familiar with them. So now I am just scouring the internet for some way to just relieve or understand the pain
Take Excedrin.
Try Fasting.
I get migraines too. Terrible. Sorry.
My trigger point is chocolate,potato and unsudden weather change ... Firstly jaw and tooth starts to pain then half head after 30mins..
I felt this happening Saturday by Wednesday the migraine was debilitating
Mine trigger is caffeinated coffee, dark chocolate and cola... the coco bean is not my friend
It seems like you’ve described me. My neurologist hasn’t been able.
1:05 those freaking big things on the back of the head under the occipital bone are on fire for me right now. Feels like everything is flared up the most there. It's putting pain in my ear, back of my throat, and all over the top of my skull. Going on 72 hours now.
Sorry bt there is some problem with the voice..its not clear..and there is some background noise which again makes it difficult to hear properly😞
Wait until you're in the migraine suffering mode. You'll appreciate this voice and the flushing consistent background noise. I'll rewatch when this migraine clears but I'm not sure I could absorb this information without the gentle component to it. I couldn't help my daughter with 5th grade math yesterday.
I know it sounds ridiculous. Over the decades I realised that picking my nose, especially my right nostril would induce a migraine the next day. I stopped the habit and a good third of my migraines stopped .
thank you more than what i can say
May i have any treatment or therapy for migraine pain please?
Yes. But what can we do about it if we have it every single day? It's messing with my eyes all day long :(
I'd go see a GP, they can give you a short course of preventative medication (usually beta blockers) and that might help you clear them up. Good luck
The nature of migraine changes as time passes. What does your ob/gyn say?
@stevenMcneill have you found relief is it any better i have same problem
Why does getting in a very hot bath help reduce my migraine pain? This is absolutely mandatory that i do when i get a migraine. Ill stay in the hot water for sometimes an hour.
Soooo informative!
...the people that a viewing this through a filter of intense pain are only interested in what can stop it..
Tbh even though it's bad I am used to it because for most of my life I have had a bad migraine at least once a week a around exam times and my period it's like everyday so I am accustomed to the pain. It's not that it's not bad it is just like getting used to period pain. I have had migraine since I am about 6
Don’t you get queasy?
This is brilliant
great work !
wonderful indo ..detailed one...thanks a lot
Looks like I've found that part of youtube again that holds secret life-changing knowledge from the gods on high. I love when I find videos like this. I feel like an adventurer who's traveled to a dusty old library and pulled out a magic book.
Why don't my doctors tell me this stuff??????
They didn't explain much to me either. My doctor told me I had allergies my whole life and wouldn't look into it more when I complained about head and facial pain. Went to an allergist and learned that I don't have allergies, I have migraines. Took 25 years and someone who specializes in a different area to tell me that.
Thank you for this very great video I wish you could translate it into german. My english is not so good and I understand it not completely😢
We had a lot of same informations in Germany but also a lot of different informations
This is me for how many years.Migraine sucks!!😔😔😔😔😔😔
It's okay
This video gives a lot of good information, but the audio quality and the vocal presentation leave much to be desired.
Is it just me, or is the audio too faint to hear? As the video progresses, the speaker appears to diminish in volume.
Hello & thank you for this great video.
Please please, make a translation in German!! Ill people in Germany need this information to! ( sorry is my English isn't good enough and I didn't understand the details in the video)😢😢
Hold a smart phone up to the little speaker and let it translate a little at a time. 🤔 Might work!
Please is there anyone who can translate it in german😢😢
I suffer nearly every day under bad migraine.
This video is so interesting but I understand only the half.😦
Well explained🙌
One comment - the fact that 20 genes are involved tells me it’s NOT really genetic - its environmentally triggered, with perhaps 20+ (genetic) susceptibility factors. Those genes don’t destine is to migraines, they just tilt things in that direction if we happen to be exposed to the right environmental inputs
Nope. They’re genetic. All the women in my family get them.
My trigger is caffeinated coffee, dark chocolate and cola... the coco bean is not my friend
My own is flour, cheese, msg, 🤦🏾♀️
Caffeine can be very effective at treating migraine pain.
Try Excedrin. I PROMISE it helps.
Good images, bad narration. The quality of sound is weak. What a pity :(
The audio quality of this video is poor. The other explanation is that the narrator thought he was speaking in a closet to two of his closest friends. Otherwise the content is very good. Please replace the narrator.
And they have refused to put captions on this video, after a complaint I placed to UA-cam.
So happy I
Was just informed by UA-cam that instead of enabling captions for this video you have instead said that are not required to do so. Is that really what you want to be doing in this situation? Making your content unavailable for people who cannot hear? You think that's fine, to say to a person, "who cares, tough luck, it's your problem, it doesn't matter if you can't learn this information on your migraines. Only hearing people matter." You're OK with that messaging?
Gives me a migraine that there are no captions.
the structures of glutamate and serotonin are mislabelled!
God bless, why can't you speak a bit louder.
There's no escaping them sarks, my first day in bed😔😔😔
what a load of b.s.. if you understood it, you'd know the cause and how to correct it. i've never seen anyone who didn't stop having them after getting their upper neck specifically corrected by a qualified upper cervical specific chiropractor.
That's great! But it did not stop, change or slow my migraines at all??
Sometimes you.know migraine disease only in retrospect. I had intestinal migraine until I turned 30 (I realized looking back.) It suddenly vanished. I was overjoyed until it showed up as classic migraine in my head instead. Fortunately a cure came on the market in 2000 - Imitrex.
Are you still getting migraines?
Is imitrex still effectively helping?