Hearthstone Challenges- ALL OF THE 80 Special Interactions in Trial by Felfire Challenges
- Опубліковано 26 січ 2025
- Trial by Felfire
Ashes of Outland T
Ashes of Outland's single-player content.
"(Rusted Legion, FORWARD!) Can you hear the thunder in the distance? Time to roll, Rusted Legion, ho! Cannot run, cannot hide, say goodbye to your existence. Join the army of flesh and chrome! (Here we go, here we roam, this is our world!) Will you bend your mortal knees? (Yes, you will! Yes, you will!) To Mecha-Jaraxxus, your new king? (Yes, you will! Yes, you will!) His upgraded abs are undefeated, merciless, so alpha demon, no one can defeat this team, Legion let me hear you scream! Our enemies fall in the crimson sand, they'll have no choice but to join our band, serve Mecha-Jaraxxus's evil plan, Rusted Legion sowing ashes in Outland!"
Trial by Felfire is a single-player game mode added with the Ashes of Outland expansion. The missions were released on June 17th, 2020 while the challenge mode was released on June 24th. They are also a part of celebration during the Felfire Festival.
Trial by Felfire uses a classic linear adventure format, featuring a total of 26 bosses across two sub-modes that the player can play: Story and Challenges. Trial by Felfire is completely free to play and available to everyone.
The Story mode is about following Aranna Starseeker on a journey of self-exploration, taking up arms with the Demon Hunters and teaming up with Illidan Stormrage to take on the twisted architect of the Rusted Legion itself: Mecha-Jaraxxus. Meanwhile, the Challenges mode is where the player can build a deck and take on some of Outland's biggest and baddest raid bosses.
1 Structure
1.1 Story
1.1.1 Boss encounters
1.1.2 Player characters
1.2 Challenges
2 Rewards
3 Trailers
4 Dialogue
5 Lore
6 Gallery
7 Patch changes
8 References
For general information on adventures, see Adventure.
Trial by Felfire comprises 26 boss encounters in total.
The adventure is split into two different modes: Story and Challenges.
In Story mode, the player is given pre-made deck for each boss encounter, controls a special hero with their corresponding Hero Power, and gets special interactions between their hero and boss. Completing the Story will award a special card back. (see below)
In Heroic mode, the player needs to use their own deck. Defeating all Heroic bosses will award a golden Kael'thas Sunstrider.
Released on June 16, 2020, Trial by Felfire Story features 17 bosses, divided into five chapters. Most of time, the player gets to control Aranna Starseeker, the protagonist. She also encounters new friends that accompany together on her journey to discover herself. They can be played as cards with a special Outcast effect.
Below are the lists of boss encounters and lists of player characters of the Story.
Boss encounters
Chapters Bosses
Chapter 1:
A World in Ruin Inquisitor Dakrel(211254).png
Zixor, Apex Predator(211259).png
Chapter 2:
To the Black Temple Kanrethad Prime(211264).png
Burgrak Cruelchain(211266).png
Felstorm Run(211269).png
Mother Shahraz(211279).png
Chapter 3:
To be a Demon Hunter Shalja, Outcast(211281).png
Karnuk, Outcast(211283).png
Magtheridon Prime(211292).png
Chapter 4:
Battle for Outland Gok'amok(211296).png
Baduu Prime(211303).png
Chapter 5:
The Final Test Illidan Stormrage(211310).png
Player characters
Aranna Starseeker(211234).png
Shalja, Outcast(211243).png
Sklibb, Outcast(211239).png
Karnuk, Outcast(211241).png
Baduu, Outcast(211238).png
Stolen Demolisher(211270).png
Aranna in Training(211253).png
Sklibb, Outcast(211284).png
Shalja, Demon Hunter(211244).png
Sklibb, Demon Hunter(211240).png
Karnuk, Demon Hunter(211242).png
Aranna, Unleashed(211236).png
Released on June 24, 2020, Trial by Felfire Challenges features 9 bosses, divided into two chapters. It's where the player faces off against some of Outland's most famous bosses.
Below is the list all the bosses respectively.
Chapters Bosses
The Big
and the Bad Doom Lord Kazzak(211312).png
Gruul the Dragonkiller(211314).png
Teron Gorefiend(211412).png
The Slithery
and the Surly Mother Shahraz(211416).png
Lady Vashj(211418).png
Kael'thas Sunstrider(211421).png
Illidan Stormrage(211427).png
There are two rewards that the can player can claim upon completing the content: Rusted Legion, a card back, and a golden Kael'thas Sunstrider.
Rusted Legion Golden Kael'thas Sunstrider
Card back-Rusted Legion.png Kael'thas Sunstrider(210656) Gold.png
Acquired by successfully completing Trial by Felfire in Story mode.
It crackles with fel energy and the mechanical whir of forbidden upgrades. Complete this campaign in Challenges Mode to earn this reward!
Descent of Dragons was merely a set back!
Ashes of Outland
"You cant just counter my spells, that isnt fair!" - Kaelthas
"Haha secret go brrrrrrrrrrrrrr" - Jaina
I always wanted to defeat Lady Vashj as Lady Vashj using Lady Vashj.
Lol dream come true
Yazeed mazen hearthstone NightKnight?
this video cost me 6400 dust to craft the missing cards enjoy ^_^
You are god himself then...
3:54 when the AI gets more lurker below value than any constructed deck
the Kazzak Paladin interaction was a refrence to the paladin who one shotted Kazzak in vanilla WoW? Just thinking
Wooo reckoning bomb
3:39 Lady Vashj playing Lady Vashj against Lady Vashj
1:46 wow you making him over think things
idk who more evil one here
he is questioning his life decisions lol
I'm surprised there was no guldan reaction with Teron gorefiend
Can't believe they forgot Tyrande for Illidan.
ikr they are getting lazy
3:16 Did she just roasted herself?
So glad they’ve kept the same Illidan voice. Sad it’s not the same Kael’thas though.
Didn't notice that
Wait is the comment from Kazzak about paladin tricks not working a refference of him being oneshotted in WOW by a paladin because of a super exploitable skill?
No interaction between Teron Gorefiend and Gul'dan?
thank you hearthstone for not making ANOTHER interaction where kael is a creepy asshole towards jaina/is mad at arthas because of jaina. all his interactions are so cute :P
Hmm what does Magtheridon say to Garrison though?
Nothing sadly
2:28, Lady Vashj plays Lady Vashj against Lady Vashj
the ultimate dream
I finished it! I am so happy for a moment and that is gone cuz i can't sell Kael'Tas...
I legitimately sat there playing 14 hours without stop to complete it. I feel your pain brother
Hahaha Blizzard and dust from free cards
11:11 Deja Vu
Lol that one slip
Illidan vs malfurion?
Ladu Vazhj vs Lady Vazhj
*use Lady Vazhj card*
Visible confusion
Kaelthas needs to be a hero in HS :(
Shouldve shown kazzuk vs paladin