Today's Bible July 2 Psalm 96-102 WEB

  • Опубліковано 6 жов 2024
  • *some links were removed when the video description was updated. I apologize if I promised a link that is no longer listed here.
    Dear Friend,
    Many people want to read their Bible all the way through, but do not. Their Bible sits barely touched while holding the keys that are needed to unlock the mysteries and the gold of their life. They will take in a movie, but not the Word of God. They may have an inkling that the Bible matters to their life, but still do not make the investment. I believe that is because they don't realize how easy and life changing it is.
    Now, I have made it even easier with this audio Bible reading and discussion. I know that there is an array of audio Bibles out there, but this one is a bit different with common sense commentary and other interesting tidbits that we mine from the Bible's fascinating depths. It has a little spice and food for thought about the daily segment, while still keeping the reading part short enough to listen to during daily tasks, such as traveling to work, working out, or sipping morning coffee. You will be hooked on this great habit! Click subscribe with the bell to receive new uploads.
    Thanks for listening!
    Sue Davies, BS, Interdisciplinary Studies
    ELEVEN MINUTES A DAY is all it takes to read your Bible in a year! That’s right. The 70 hours it takes to read the entire Bible divided by the 365 days of the year, comes out to about eleven minutes a day. Who knew??
    The One Year Bible makes this simple by dividing the Bible up by the days of the year. The reader simply opens to today’s date and starts to read. The OYB takes about 15 minutes a day to read.
    My OYB journey started in the late 80s when someone gave me a copy. Since then, I have read it, in multiple versions, every year for over 30 years. That is why I love to give them away. For a FREE ONE YEAR BIBLE (USA only. As supplies last), PayPal $5 S&H to
    If you would rather purchase a copy, click the Amazon link below. You will love it!! They make great gifts, as well. It is fun to have a family member, friend, or study group reading at the same time, either together or separate, so that discussions may be had. For years, my husband read it out loud to me at night. It was fabulous.
    One Year Bible Order Link:
    Comments or Questions?
    PO Box 217
    Ashford, AL 36312
    If you would like to help with Bible distribution, promotion of Bible literacy, and the proclamation of the Gospel, please use the links below. There can never be enough Bible knowledge in the world! Your generosity is appreciated. ❤
    BTC: bc1qgmwma9a3xqjwjyvv2crdufgq43sktfj99pf758
    PO Box 217
    Ashford, AL 36312
    Amazon Link for World English Bible:
    Johnson, M.P. (2000). World English Bible. Public Domain.
    Have you ever wondered if God is real, or if he can really be known? I vaguely wondered about this until my curiosity grew and something wonderful happened. I hope this story will touch your heart.
    At twenty years old, I longed to know the purpose of life. I searched for truth in new age and other philosophies, but that got me nowhere. To me, the story of Jesus was just another religion, but one day, out of desperation, I prayed, “God, if this thing about Jesus is real, if he really died for my sin, then show me yourself. Prove it to me. One person says this religion is true and someone else says another religion is true. Since I can’t rely on people for this answer, I need you to come in my life and show me for yourself”. Well, guess what? He did! My search for truth was over.
    It was almost forty years ago that I received the gift of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection. He came in my life by his Spirit, just as the Bible says. I gave myself completely to him. My life for his. It was like going from a world of black and white to living color. I began to understand things that I had been oblivious to. He taught me to trust him, to obey his word, and he helped me know my purpose for living. It has been an awesome forty-year journey, though not always easy.
    Friend, this is what we were born for. Our hearts desire a personal relationship with the living, loving, and just God. Christianity is experiential, not wishful thinking. We can KNOW him. Don’t take my word for it. Ask him yourself. Do it with humility. Repent for your sin and ask him to show himself true in your life. Do it now while there is time. Life is short and judgment is coming. We must have our sins forgiven.
    Romans 8:1-2: “So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus. And because you belong to him, the power of the life-giving Spirit has freed you from the power of sin that leads to death."