anger & rage There is always hope. Without hope people wouldn’t have progressed to the stage we were at and died off long ago. Even though they are currently poor that doesn’t mean they are unhappy. Some of the poorest can be the happiest with the little they have.
The ladies' voices sound so elegant and feminine. What beautiful sounds!!! What a beautiful and heartwarming reception for our First Family. Thank you Liberia. We love you, and may God bless you.❤🙏
My Liberia People, bliv me am so glad for you; seeing doors opening and blessings of sir Jah pooring your way.. Al hamdulilahi, praises be to God. Comparing when I was there MMU and now, alot has changed. You are heading to your future dreams. I will see you soon Liberia. Lots of Love from myself and Kenya.
This should have been titled the rich meet the rich- pomp and circumstance. I would love to see everyday people, all over the world greet and get to know one another. And vow to live in peace, boys & girls, man & woman.
I really love this video for the First Lady of America visiting my country (Liberia). May God bless this great nation among many great nations today in world and I wish Liberia a speedy recovery after fourteen years of civil conflict
Je suis actuellement France dans le troisième arrodisemt de Marseille bouches du Rhône à la résidence William Booth Armée du salut Félix pyat je vous aimes très bien tant que frère adoptif... de votre mari.
Coming make no changes dear they are our enemy . They don't want betterment of Africa as own this is trick. Nothing real here. Is just a script stop all this your worship talk. Like God bless wish family 🙄 if you say yours family Amen to that 🙏.. fvk Obama rip 🙏 🕊 gaddafi
It is good to see the First lady visiting mama Liberia. I think her visit will help our young women to be more determined academically. thank you madam Obama.
Am from nigeria am samuel by name also a singer. I luv Africa my country liberia will rise again. S in everywhere both here in nigeria we are crying despite how big nigeria is even all our money still bad govement put us in to suffer) now nigeria my big country is now a mocking country to all over the world. I luv liberia one 💕 my African God bless u all my pride
I'm black and I think so too. The african nations are strange. Why haven't they given dual citizenship to black Americans? Considering black Americans are the richest blacks on earth with a trillion dollars on spending power. Africa should have tried to forge ties long ago. Only Ghana has.
+simaubrey all people can help but that hasn't been the history. White and non black nations have always sought to exploit black Africa. Their help is not true help. It's come with strings that were harmful to Africa. Just like the loans the American dominated world bank gave Africa with predatory interest and when Africa could not pay them back they were forced to open up their markets to American firms to exploit without just compensation. Really evil stuff. So white men went over there and became billionaires.
Beautiful absolutely! So coincidental that Malia & Sasha's grandfather is from Africa, which also their African ancestry were former Slaves(1600-1865) in America, to now succeed as a Leader of the United States! Wow, how times and change has come....😊☺💯💖 #firstfamilyoftheUSA
MarCor you do know it was muslims who traded with the tribal elders to capture the less fortunate from other tribes don't You?The white man has always been blamed but actually it was white men who ended slavery in the west.The only slavers now are people of color and predominantly muslim. Anyway even the good people there were saying,,,daaaaamn that's a big guy.Standing barefoot big mike towered over all of them.
B. Berya that's where you're wrong.If you believe,then you know the man is the head of the house.I don't mean to offend but you brought it up.Peace,love and good health to you and yours.
Beautiful. Well done Liberia. It is good to have Woman as President in Liberia. Men hadn't done great job over the last Century In Africa. It's time for women to take over Africa.
Princess Adetola H. Paraizo I support this movement as a men we need our women to be self sufficient, smart and independent. Women are good at multitasking which is a good skill for a president to have
Solicito la comunicacion de ustedes (las sectas) a la lidereza de las bandas de secuestradores de latinoamérica: MARTHA COLMENARES y el grupo 11 (11 caudillos raciales de latinoamérica) como tambien al grupo mundial G 400 (400 caudillos raciales del mundo) y a los colectivos de presos políticos mundiales (bandas de secuestradores locales del mundo), la siguiente informacion: ESTIMADOS HERMANOS Solicito una investigacion popular sobre mi oprobio sexual con Guatemala porque ya esclarecí a las regiones involucradas en la calumnia de prevaricador y en la calumnia de violador sexual parafílico por mis impostores surrealistas de los vórtices virtuales que me exploran esotéricamente desde el año de 1,992 para especularme apologalmente con actuales cómplices de mi colonia actual quienes tambien me calumnian de la ultima calumnia para improvisar a la gente. Notifiquenlo en las redes sociales y a la organizacion de las naciones unidas como tambien a la organizacion de los estados americanos y a los canales de television nacionales e internacionales del mundo incluyendo radiales nacionales e internacionales del mundo. Investiguen a las siguientes regiones esclarecidas recientemente por razones de sub-áreas omitidas de la controversia regional de cada region: Valle Dorado y sector C-1 zona 8 del municipio de Mixco del departamento de Guatemala, San Lucas Sacatepéquez del departamento de Sacatepéquez, Antigua Guatemala del departamento de Sacatepéquez, Amatitlán del departamento de Guatemala, Ciudad de Guatemala del departamento de Guatemala y San José Pinula del departamento de Guatemala. Tambien soy la encarnacion divina y demoníaca de los siguientes Dioses y demonios nacionales de Guatemala e internacionales del mundo como tambien extraterrestres del cosmos: GUATEMALA: Dios maya Gucumatz, Dios quichelense Nahualá, Dios mam Pawahtún, San Simón Maximón, el Diablo, demonio maya Vucub-Caquix que incluye a todos los Dioses guatemaltecos de las restantes tribus de Guatemala como tambien garífuna. EXTRATERRESTRES: Arcángel Metatrón, arcángeles de la muerte Orifiel y Samael, demonio pleydiano Nabiru, Dios pleydiano Nidra, Dios reptiliano, Dios marciano, Dios alien, Dios depredador, Dios katchina pleydiano Kulkulkan, Dios siriano, Dios cielo divino Idumea, Dios universal extraterrestre Celsius, núcleo del Dios universal extraterrestre Estratos, Mundo híbrido. INTERNACIONALES DEL MUNDO: Clan zulú, clan chaman hopi, dorado apache, Dios padre celestial yoruba de los Dioses yorubas Olodúmare, Olofi y Oloru, Dios oboma, Dios masai, Dioses egipcios Ammón-Rá, Anubis y Seth, Dios vikingo Odín, Dioses griegos Cronos y Hades, demonio griego Medusa, Dioses romanos Vulcano y Neptuno, Dios asirio Baal-Peor, Dios chorotega nicaragüense Tláloc, Dios pipil nicaragüense, Dios papúa Kanaroa, demonio papúa Potoyán, Dios filisteo Aton, Dioses hindúes Vedamantra Gayatri e Indra como tambien Brahma y Namasté Bhagatam Bhagavan que incluye a Manú y a Ganesha como tambien a Gaura Purnima, Dios del shamballa hindú Kalkí, Shangri-lá tibetano, Dios Buda del río (Buda indonesio, Buda hawaiano, Buda tibetano, Buda blanco, Buda negro, Buda rojo y Buda azul), Dios hawaiano Honolulu, Dios confucianista Pangú, Dios taoísta de la larga vida de los 8 inmortales, Dios sintoísta Izanagui, Dios azteca Ometecuhtlí, Dios inca Viracocha, Tata Santiago quechúa, Dios amazona Amazonia, Dios chibcha Chibchacúm, Dios mapuche Mapudungun, Dios caribe Amalivaka, demonio hindú Ravana, Santa muerte hindú Jagganatha, demonio amazona Nugkui. Dioses cristianos: Elohim, Dios Espíritu Santo, Arcángel San Miguel, Arcángel San Gabriel, Santa muerte de Toluca, Niña blanca de Toluca, Santa muerte roja, demonios: Luzbel y Azazel. Atentamente: Jorge Vinicio Santos Gonzalez, Documento de identificacion personal: 1999-01058-0101 Guatemala, Cédula de Vecindad: ORDEN: A-1, REGISTRO: 825,466, Ciudadano de Guatemala de la América Central.
Sophia Amuzie Solicito la comunicacion de ustedes (las sectas) a la lidereza de las bandas de secuestradores de latinoamérica: MARTHA COLMENARES y el grupo 11 (11 caudillos raciales de latinoamérica) como tambien al grupo mundial G 400 (400 caudillos raciales del mundo) y a los colectivos de presos políticos mundiales (bandas de secuestradores locales del mundo), la siguiente informacion: ESTIMADOS HERMANOS Solicito una investigacion popular sobre mi oprobio sexual con Guatemala porque ya esclarecí a las regiones involucradas en la calumnia de prevaricador y en la calumnia de violador sexual parafílico por mis impostores surrealistas de los vórtices virtuales que me exploran esotéricamente desde el año de 1,992 para especularme apologalmente con actuales cómplices de mi colonia actual quienes tambien me calumnian de la ultima calumnia para improvisar a la gente. Notifiquenlo en las redes sociales y a la organizacion de las naciones unidas como tambien a la organizacion de los estados americanos y a los canales de television nacionales e internacionales del mundo incluyendo radiales nacionales e internacionales del mundo. Investiguen a las siguientes regiones esclarecidas recientemente por razones de sub-áreas omitidas de la controversia regional de cada region: Valle Dorado y sector C-1 zona 8 del municipio de Mixco del departamento de Guatemala, San Lucas Sacatepéquez del departamento de Sacatepéquez, Antigua Guatemala del departamento de Sacatepéquez, Amatitlán del departamento de Guatemala, Ciudad de Guatemala del departamento de Guatemala y San José Pinula del departamento de Guatemala. Tambien soy la encarnacion divina y demoníaca de los siguientes Dioses y demonios nacionales de Guatemala e internacionales del mundo como tambien extraterrestres del cosmos: GUATEMALA: Dios maya Gucumatz, Dios quichelense Nahualá, Dios mam Pawahtún, San Simón Maximón, el Diablo, demonio maya Vucub-Caquix que incluye a todos los Dioses guatemaltecos de las restantes tribus de Guatemala como tambien garífuna. EXTRATERRESTRES: Arcángel Metatrón, arcángeles de la muerte Orifiel y Samael, demonio pleydiano Nabiru, Dios pleydiano Nidra, Dios reptiliano, Dios marciano, Dios alien, Dios depredador, Dios katchina pleydiano Kulkulkan, Dios siriano, Dios cielo divino Idumea, Dios universal extraterrestre Celsius, núcleo del Dios universal extraterrestre Estratos, Mundo híbrido. INTERNACIONALES DEL MUNDO: Clan zulú, clan chaman hopi, dorado apache, Dios padre celestial yoruba de los Dioses yorubas Olodúmare, Olofi y Oloru, Dios oboma, Dios masai, Dioses egipcios Ammón-Rá, Anubis y Seth, Dios vikingo Odín, Dioses griegos Cronos y Hades, demonio griego Medusa, Dioses romanos Vulcano y Neptuno, Dios asirio Baal-Peor, Dios chorotega nicaragüense Tláloc, Dios pipil nicaragüense, Dios papúa Kanaroa, demonio papúa Potoyán, Dios filisteo Aton, Dioses hindúes Vedamantra Gayatri e Indra como tambien Brahma y Namasté Bhagatam Bhagavan que incluye a Manú y a Ganesha como tambien a Gaura Purnima, Dios del shamballa hindú Kalkí, Shangri-lá tibetano, Dios Buda del río (Buda indonesio, Buda hawaiano, Buda tibetano, Buda blanco, Buda negro, Buda rojo y Buda azul), Dios hawaiano Honolulu, Dios confucianista Pangú, Dios taoísta de la larga vida de los 8 inmortales, Dios sintoísta Izanagui, Dios azteca Ometecuhtlí, Dios inca Viracocha, Tata Santiago quechúa, Dios amazona Amazonia, Dios chibcha Chibchacúm, Dios mapuche Mapudungun, Dios caribe Amalivaka, demonio hindú Ravana, Santa muerte hindú Jagganatha, demonio amazona Nugkui. Dioses cristianos: Elohim, Dios Espíritu Santo, Arcángel San Miguel, Arcángel San Gabriel, Santa muerte de Toluca, Niña blanca de Toluca, Santa muerte roja, demonios: Luzbel y Azazel. Atentamente: Jorge Vinicio Santos Gonzalez, Documento de identificacion personal: 1999-01058-0101 Guatemala, Cédula de Vecindad: ORDEN: A-1, REGISTRO: 825,466, Ciudadano de Guatemala de la América Central.
I love and will always look up to a lady like Mrs Michel Obama for the constant work for the most vulnerable . Her love that. She shares for all girls is remarkable . Thank you . God will always bless you . Love you Mrs Obama
Wow. I never knew Obama did so much for Liberia and Africa during Ebola. It's nice to see world leaders at peace. Obama has mended broken relationships between the middle east and cuba as well. The Obamas love Africa and it was great to see American leaders invest in Africa.
This has made me emotional. I did not realise her mom travelled with them. Can you imagine Michelle's ancestors looking down to earth from heaven and saying we have done well. The ancestors left in bond age and forced into slavery and now their daughter lands as a queen. Beautiful.
We need to improve our countries mang. When our people like Michelle return home they should be excited. Look at the airport. Corruption is truly a curse.
What's wrong with the airport? It looked very clean, the runway had no potholes. When the aircraft was touching down all I could see was how green the country looks. This airport looks clean to me and the reception was organised, entertainers were great, charming and respectful and did not drag on some other countries I know. This was a perfect reception considering what the country had just gone through. I don't see any thing that Liberia did wrong. Please let us know. I think the Liberian have come off as welcoming, respectful and very polite graceful speaking people. They are Dignity itself. Dignity that is Liberia.
Elizabeth B. All presidents take their families on trips and vacation. Where was your outrage when other presidents and 1st Ladies did the same things? Maybe your problem was that they went to Africa or that the Obamas are Black?
Cette famille dont nous Africains resteront éternellement fière ,incarne beaucoup d'humilité et d'intelligence. Longue vie au grand Président Obama. Nous vous aimons bien
I don’t know why each time I hear about Liberia I get scared,it’s one of those countries that I feel even though there is a lot of money I wouldn’t go,but I see good people everywhere friendly and jovial
We celebrate the effort to build the bridges between well-meaning and genuine people of the world. Former First Lady, Michelle Robinson Obama, we love you. Welcome to Africa 🌍
I am Ghanaian but I strongly believe Liberia will come back to it Feet . they are very beautiful people
Tema boy thanks, brother. Let's unite!
Tema boy
+Keita Mamadpu why don't u shut up ur big mouth, leave OBAMA A LONE
anger & rage There is always hope. Without hope people wouldn’t have progressed to the stage we were at and died off long ago. Even though they are currently poor that doesn’t mean they are unhappy. Some of the poorest can be the happiest with the little they have.
Thanks my brother for post
The ladies' voices sound so elegant and feminine. What beautiful sounds!!! What a beautiful and heartwarming reception for our First Family. Thank you Liberia. We love you, and may God bless you.❤🙏
our issues are not who visits our land, but what are we doing to change things around us?
You want them to change things for us? We must change things for ourselves
He is there running from secret indictments in America looking for a place for him and his husband to hide
My Liberia People, bliv me am so glad for you; seeing doors opening and blessings of sir Jah pooring your way.. Al hamdulilahi, praises be to God. Comparing when I was there MMU and now, alot has changed. You are heading to your future dreams. I will see you soon Liberia. Lots of Love from myself and Kenya.
This should have been titled the rich meet the rich- pomp and circumstance. I would love to see everyday people, all over the world greet and get to know one another. And vow to live in peace, boys & girls, man & woman.
It happens often! Had a chance to go fellowship with people in South Africa in the villages and do music - one of the best experiences of my life!
I really love this video for the First Lady of America visiting my country (Liberia). May God bless this great nation among many great nations today in world and I wish Liberia a speedy recovery after fourteen years of civil conflict
Je suis actuellement France dans le troisième arrodisemt de Marseille bouches du Rhône à la résidence William Booth Armée du salut Félix pyat je vous aimes très bien tant que frère adoptif... de votre mari.
Vous êtes bien arrivés à destination elles sont toutes et tous gentil s...
Thanks you for
@@fouadimadimze8328 volumlup
Coming make no changes dear they are our enemy . They don't want betterment of Africa as own this is trick. Nothing real here. Is just a script stop all this your worship talk. Like God bless wish family 🙄 if you say yours family Amen to that 🙏.. fvk Obama rip 🙏 🕊 gaddafi
The body guards shouldn't worry trust me Michelle is very safe she's at home.
A great First Lady.
It is good to see the First lady visiting mama Liberia. I think her visit will help our young women to be more determined academically. thank you madam Obama.
Am from nigeria am samuel by name also a singer. I luv Africa my country liberia will rise again. S in everywhere both here in nigeria we are crying despite how big nigeria is even all our money still bad govement put us in to suffer) now nigeria my big country is now a mocking country to all over the world. I luv liberia one 💕 my African God bless u all my pride
best American First Lady ever, Oh yes!
Her real name is Michael
You're very disrespectful!
First Lady Michelle, Sasha and Malia are such a great inspiration, Michelle is such a sage!
Beautiful..God Bless Africa
Amazing she took her time to talk to people it's so lovely as compared to other first ladies they are ignorant
Yes she is not in power, but she is still reaching people in her very humble way. Great lady she is!
Michelle, Sasha and Malia, all look very lovely!!!!
We Liberian are very good welcoming stranger we are not good welcoming development
I believe that black people the world over should help support the African Nations,
+last bencher hello, Africa is personal for black peoples.
+simaubrey you are very right my dear
I'm black and I think so too. The african nations are strange. Why haven't they given dual citizenship to black Americans? Considering black Americans are the richest blacks on earth with a trillion dollars on spending power. Africa should have tried to forge ties long ago. Only Ghana has.
+simaubrey all people can help but that hasn't been the history. White and non black nations have always sought to exploit black Africa. Their help is not true help. It's come with strings that were harmful to Africa. Just like the loans the American dominated world bank gave Africa with predatory interest and when Africa could not pay them back they were forced to open up their markets to American firms to exploit without just compensation. Really evil stuff. So white men went over there and became billionaires.
No. Africa doesn't need support.
Beautiful absolutely! So coincidental that Malia & Sasha's grandfather is from Africa, which also their African ancestry were former Slaves(1600-1865) in America, to now succeed as a Leader of the United States! Wow, how times and change has come....😊☺💯💖 #firstfamilyoftheUSA
Obama's father is Kenyan and Michelle's father is American. None of their family is from Liberia. Stop your bullshit lies.
Kimberly Copeland where did Marcor say they were from Liberia? He said "slaves" and "Africa".
MarCor you do know it was muslims who traded with the tribal elders to capture the less fortunate from other tribes don't You?The white man has always been blamed but actually it was white men who ended slavery in the west.The only slavers now are people of color and predominantly muslim. Anyway even the good people there were saying,,,daaaaamn that's a big guy.Standing barefoot big mike towered over all of them.
God has miracles....and show that nobody should try to be on top of the other.
B. Berya that's where you're wrong.If you believe,then you know the man is the head of the house.I don't mean to offend but you brought it up.Peace,love and good health to you and yours.
Beautiful. Well done Liberia. It is good to have Woman as President in Liberia. Men hadn't done great job over the last Century In Africa. It's time for women to take over Africa.
Princess Adetola H. Paraizo Michelle's real name is Michael and you know it's really a man he pees when he stand up
Princess Adetola H. Paraizo fu to
Princess Adetola H. Paraizo I support this movement as a men we need our women to be self sufficient, smart and independent. Women are good at multitasking which is a good skill for a president to have
Obama dog bo
Pss Mrs Obama's mother is a silent but strong presence in the room🥰❤️🖤💚
may god continue to give first lady mrs Obama wisdom we admire you
Belize central America sending love to 🇱🇷 & 🇺🇸!!✌🙏🌎💖🤗💯🇧🇿
You can never please all the people all the time. No matter what good you do.
may God bless Liberia
patricia Brooks yes.
Solicito la comunicacion de ustedes (las sectas) a la lidereza de las bandas de secuestradores de latinoamérica: MARTHA COLMENARES y el grupo 11 (11 caudillos raciales de latinoamérica) como tambien al grupo mundial G 400 (400 caudillos raciales del mundo) y a los colectivos de presos políticos mundiales (bandas de secuestradores locales del mundo), la siguiente informacion:
Solicito una investigacion popular sobre mi oprobio sexual con Guatemala porque ya esclarecí a las regiones involucradas en la calumnia de prevaricador y en la calumnia de violador sexual parafílico por mis impostores surrealistas de los vórtices virtuales que me exploran esotéricamente desde el año de 1,992 para especularme apologalmente con actuales cómplices de mi colonia actual quienes tambien me calumnian de la ultima calumnia para improvisar a la gente. Notifiquenlo en las redes sociales y a la organizacion de las naciones unidas como tambien a la organizacion de los estados americanos y a los canales de television nacionales e internacionales del mundo incluyendo radiales nacionales e internacionales del mundo. Investiguen a las siguientes regiones esclarecidas recientemente por razones de sub-áreas omitidas de la controversia regional de cada region:
Valle Dorado y sector C-1 zona 8 del municipio de Mixco del departamento de Guatemala, San Lucas Sacatepéquez del departamento de Sacatepéquez, Antigua Guatemala del departamento de Sacatepéquez, Amatitlán del departamento de Guatemala, Ciudad de Guatemala del departamento de Guatemala y San José Pinula del departamento de Guatemala. Tambien soy la encarnacion divina y demoníaca de los siguientes Dioses y demonios nacionales de Guatemala e internacionales del mundo como tambien extraterrestres del cosmos:
Dios maya Gucumatz, Dios quichelense Nahualá, Dios mam Pawahtún, San Simón Maximón, el Diablo, demonio maya Vucub-Caquix que incluye a todos los Dioses guatemaltecos de las restantes tribus de Guatemala como tambien garífuna.
Arcángel Metatrón, arcángeles de la muerte Orifiel y Samael, demonio pleydiano Nabiru, Dios pleydiano Nidra, Dios reptiliano, Dios marciano, Dios alien, Dios depredador, Dios katchina pleydiano Kulkulkan, Dios siriano, Dios cielo divino Idumea, Dios universal extraterrestre Celsius, núcleo del Dios universal extraterrestre Estratos, Mundo híbrido.
Clan zulú, clan chaman hopi, dorado apache, Dios padre celestial yoruba de los Dioses yorubas Olodúmare, Olofi y Oloru, Dios oboma, Dios masai, Dioses egipcios Ammón-Rá, Anubis y Seth, Dios vikingo Odín, Dioses griegos Cronos y Hades, demonio griego Medusa, Dioses romanos Vulcano y Neptuno, Dios asirio Baal-Peor, Dios chorotega nicaragüense Tláloc, Dios pipil nicaragüense, Dios papúa Kanaroa, demonio papúa Potoyán, Dios filisteo Aton, Dioses hindúes Vedamantra Gayatri e Indra como tambien Brahma y Namasté Bhagatam Bhagavan que incluye a Manú y a Ganesha como tambien a Gaura Purnima, Dios del shamballa hindú Kalkí, Shangri-lá tibetano, Dios Buda del río (Buda indonesio, Buda hawaiano, Buda tibetano, Buda blanco, Buda negro, Buda rojo y Buda azul), Dios hawaiano Honolulu, Dios confucianista Pangú, Dios taoísta de la larga vida de los 8 inmortales, Dios sintoísta Izanagui, Dios azteca Ometecuhtlí, Dios inca Viracocha, Tata Santiago quechúa, Dios amazona Amazonia, Dios chibcha Chibchacúm, Dios mapuche Mapudungun, Dios caribe Amalivaka, demonio hindú Ravana, Santa muerte hindú Jagganatha, demonio amazona Nugkui.
Dioses cristianos: Elohim, Dios Espíritu Santo, Arcángel San Miguel, Arcángel San Gabriel, Santa muerte de Toluca, Niña blanca de Toluca, Santa muerte roja, demonios: Luzbel y Azazel.
Jorge Vinicio Santos Gonzalez,
Documento de identificacion personal:
1999-01058-0101 Guatemala,
Cédula de Vecindad:
ORDEN: A-1, REGISTRO: 825,466,
Ciudadano de Guatemala de la América Central.
Sophia Amuzie Solicito la comunicacion de ustedes (las sectas) a la lidereza de las bandas de secuestradores de latinoamérica: MARTHA COLMENARES y el grupo 11 (11 caudillos raciales de latinoamérica) como tambien al grupo mundial G 400 (400 caudillos raciales del mundo) y a los colectivos de presos políticos mundiales (bandas de secuestradores locales del mundo), la siguiente informacion:
Solicito una investigacion popular sobre mi oprobio sexual con Guatemala porque ya esclarecí a las regiones involucradas en la calumnia de prevaricador y en la calumnia de violador sexual parafílico por mis impostores surrealistas de los vórtices virtuales que me exploran esotéricamente desde el año de 1,992 para especularme apologalmente con actuales cómplices de mi colonia actual quienes tambien me calumnian de la ultima calumnia para improvisar a la gente. Notifiquenlo en las redes sociales y a la organizacion de las naciones unidas como tambien a la organizacion de los estados americanos y a los canales de television nacionales e internacionales del mundo incluyendo radiales nacionales e internacionales del mundo. Investiguen a las siguientes regiones esclarecidas recientemente por razones de sub-áreas omitidas de la controversia regional de cada region:
Valle Dorado y sector C-1 zona 8 del municipio de Mixco del departamento de Guatemala, San Lucas Sacatepéquez del departamento de Sacatepéquez, Antigua Guatemala del departamento de Sacatepéquez, Amatitlán del departamento de Guatemala, Ciudad de Guatemala del departamento de Guatemala y San José Pinula del departamento de Guatemala. Tambien soy la encarnacion divina y demoníaca de los siguientes Dioses y demonios nacionales de Guatemala e internacionales del mundo como tambien extraterrestres del cosmos:
Dios maya Gucumatz, Dios quichelense Nahualá, Dios mam Pawahtún, San Simón Maximón, el Diablo, demonio maya Vucub-Caquix que incluye a todos los Dioses guatemaltecos de las restantes tribus de Guatemala como tambien garífuna.
Arcángel Metatrón, arcángeles de la muerte Orifiel y Samael, demonio pleydiano Nabiru, Dios pleydiano Nidra, Dios reptiliano, Dios marciano, Dios alien, Dios depredador, Dios katchina pleydiano Kulkulkan, Dios siriano, Dios cielo divino Idumea, Dios universal extraterrestre Celsius, núcleo del Dios universal extraterrestre Estratos, Mundo híbrido.
Clan zulú, clan chaman hopi, dorado apache, Dios padre celestial yoruba de los Dioses yorubas Olodúmare, Olofi y Oloru, Dios oboma, Dios masai, Dioses egipcios Ammón-Rá, Anubis y Seth, Dios vikingo Odín, Dioses griegos Cronos y Hades, demonio griego Medusa, Dioses romanos Vulcano y Neptuno, Dios asirio Baal-Peor, Dios chorotega nicaragüense Tláloc, Dios pipil nicaragüense, Dios papúa Kanaroa, demonio papúa Potoyán, Dios filisteo Aton, Dioses hindúes Vedamantra Gayatri e Indra como tambien Brahma y Namasté Bhagatam Bhagavan que incluye a Manú y a Ganesha como tambien a Gaura Purnima, Dios del shamballa hindú Kalkí, Shangri-lá tibetano, Dios Buda del río (Buda indonesio, Buda hawaiano, Buda tibetano, Buda blanco, Buda negro, Buda rojo y Buda azul), Dios hawaiano Honolulu, Dios confucianista Pangú, Dios taoísta de la larga vida de los 8 inmortales, Dios sintoísta Izanagui, Dios azteca Ometecuhtlí, Dios inca Viracocha, Tata Santiago quechúa, Dios amazona Amazonia, Dios chibcha Chibchacúm, Dios mapuche Mapudungun, Dios caribe Amalivaka, demonio hindú Ravana, Santa muerte hindú Jagganatha, demonio amazona Nugkui.
Dioses cristianos: Elohim, Dios Espíritu Santo, Arcángel San Miguel, Arcángel San Gabriel, Santa muerte de Toluca, Niña blanca de Toluca, Santa muerte roja, demonios: Luzbel y Azazel.
Jorge Vinicio Santos Gonzalez,
Documento de identificacion personal:
1999-01058-0101 Guatemala,
Cédula de Vecindad:
ORDEN: A-1, REGISTRO: 825,466,
Ciudadano de Guatemala de la América Central.
patricia Brooks Michael Obama has not done anything any good but two children that it's okay to get a sex change
May God bless you and your families with long life
president Obama.
This is a very powerful video for everyone, especially young black girls,
+John Williams fuck you nigga
even though sometimes they act crazy, women are a blessing to the world
@Turner Rex I don't care so will not search
I am still interested in studying Masters in International law at Stetson Univerity. I am on the waiting list.
The Obama's is an awesome family!!
God's bless mama Liberia👍👍👍❤❤
Liberia dont need blessings, it need Liberian whith Guts and brains to go there and invest!!
I can't wait to be watching Mrs Obama on 2020 I'm so excited. 😇🙌🏾👏🏾👌🏾👍🏾💯😘💗💗💗
What a mile stone in our history... Welcome Michelle Obama to Liberia
I love and will always look up to a lady like Mrs Michel Obama for the constant work for the most vulnerable . Her love that. She shares for all girls is remarkable . Thank you . God will always bless you . Love you Mrs Obama
Rubish Kkkk....after that they killed Kadafi. Big shame
Mrs. Michelle Obama is very beautiful, educated and brilliant First Lady!
Wow. I never knew Obama did so much for Liberia and Africa during Ebola. It's nice to see world leaders at peace. Obama has mended broken relationships between the middle east and cuba as well. The Obamas love Africa and it was great to see American leaders invest in Africa.
s lw
s lw
s lw
I just love this first lady an her family. they are the best.
This is what we need from our African leaders to react with one another to lift African countries up
Good mornigue you Liberia vous devez prenez soin d'elle et son mari
Vive la république Liberia merci beaucoup pour votre réactivité bonne réception cordialement valider
Y comprise Malia Obama and Sacha Obama
Je ne comprends pas ce que vous parliez votre langue 👅 est actuellement difficile
I'm grateful to have witness this moment.
very beautiful. good job Michelle. may God continue to blessed you and is to short we need to reunite.
Thanks 👍👍👍 for your patience in Liberia Monrovia
The Christian is majority in Liberia, i love Liberia (West Africa)
Michael Keshi Our strong faith is the mean reason I strongly love Liberia. I love any country with Christian background .
Im Bataknese Christian, Indonesian.
Not any more, muslims are.
Our First Lady ya'll best believe that!
Scottie Barnett
Scottie Barnett Michelle Obama AKA Michael Obama he is a man he pees when he stands up he pees out of urinal
The Joker Bush was President during Katrina!!
On my birthday 🎂🎉🎂🎉 Amen 💕🤔
God blessed Liberia and God blessed Michelle Obama she is a hard working woman and such a beautiful example for women n young women😘😘😍😍👏👏👏
Elisa Jackson
- تستنوظنلؤي
'انا 5863 /.'"
+Brenda Nansukusa hello
E J Michelle Obama is a man his real name is Michael you know it go ahead and admit it
Leberty has. Made history Amen 🙏💞
Excellent Liberia!!!! Greeting the first lady Michelle Obama from the United States.
Bro juggling the hats was solid !!!
Look at favor and simplicity. I connect myself.
Blessing mum ! our God is soo good with this Lady
God please bless liberia
Thanks for coming to Liberia 🇱🇷 enjoy the warm climate of Liberia Beutiful.
I love presedent Ellen.
God's Bless your for Remembering my country LIB🔵⚪🔴
Very nice music,,,song name please😟😟😟
Hesbon Osike Thank you👌
Kent Kekelwa
Woww i like it that, OBAMA in heir Family want peace all over the World and preched reconciliation.
Matelots Home ENTERTAINMENT Figaro
This has made me emotional. I did not realise her mom travelled with them. Can you imagine Michelle's ancestors looking down to earth from heaven and saying we have done well. The ancestors left in bond age and forced into slavery and now their daughter lands as a queen. Beautiful.
Love the background music,name plz
Cuando un hogar, es formado con dos pilares que caminan a un mismo fin. Se siente y vive en todo momento. Me encantó esta familia en la Casa Blanca.
Thanks you Verimat cool beauty ...
So I'm watching this on 2020
What I like about the Flag of Liberia is that has the similarities of the U.S flag. :)
thanks liberia.this wonderful welcome...i realy love de song....God bless ua country
We need to improve our countries mang. When our people like Michelle return home they should be excited. Look at the airport. Corruption is truly a curse.
What's wrong with the airport? It looked very clean, the runway had no potholes. When the aircraft was touching down all I could see was how green the country looks. This airport looks clean to me and the reception was organised, entertainers were great, charming and respectful and did not drag on some other countries I know. This was a perfect reception considering what the country had just gone through. I don't see any thing that Liberia did wrong. Please let us know. I think the Liberian have come off as welcoming, respectful and very polite graceful speaking people. They are Dignity itself. Dignity that is Liberia.
c'est magnifique comme vidéo; ceci montre l'originalité africaine.
Lovely enjoy it
It is good to African American first lady in Liberia!
They always bring smiles to the faces of people
such lovely country Liberia 💕
jmizzo. com
God please help our country mama Liberia
Beautiful background music.girl power makes sense.Liberian have done a lot for Liberia.
"....she was so happy and INCITED."
You meant excited.
Welcome Liberia beautiful land of liberated
Beautiful First -lady.
Effe Sam u got a Facebook
Welcome to you our first lady
Elizabeth B. All presidents take their families on trips and vacation. Where was your outrage when other presidents and 1st Ladies did the same things? Maybe your problem was that they went to Africa or that the Obamas are Black?
Good mornigue you président Barack Obama and Michelle Obama and Malia Obama and Sacha Obama
Vous etes bien acceuillir Je suis content de vous voir Pour la suite ils elles sont trop genti genille
Wonderful and greatful Day to see the Day that Black people can rise up in the world 🌎 nowadays thanks be to God
Such beautiful people of the African continent. Can't wait to visit Mother Africa!
Wonderful what a humility to relate with every of her lineage..... GOD richly blessed the Obama family
Cette famille dont nous Africains resteront éternellement fière ,incarne beaucoup d'humilité et d'intelligence. Longue vie au grand Président Obama. Nous vous aimons bien
I think Michelle is a classy black lady, who I am proud of! Politics are dirty!
I'm from the US to all and Liberian born give some Insight to country plan on visiting in 2023
The best Frirt Lady ever with are beautiful family.
Bravissima tesoro mio 👍👏👏👏👏
Liberian must be good people
@George Barnett nothing! Just like them
I don’t know why each time I hear about Liberia I get scared,it’s one of those countries that I feel even though there is a lot of money I wouldn’t go,but I see good people everywhere friendly and jovial
Heureusement que vous allez tous très bien merci beaucoup pour votre réactivité pour moi c'est ok
Mama Michelle Obama i love u and ur husband so much may the Lord bless u and ur family
Liberian, you're good at welcoming but you should know who are you in time with European
Liberia will rise again by the grace of God 🙏🙏
Mama Liberia 🇱🇷 will rise again 🙏🙏🙏
We celebrate the effort to build the bridges between well-meaning and genuine people of the world.
Former First Lady, Michelle Robinson Obama, we love you. Welcome to Africa 🌍
Sisters greeting sisters I love it🥰❤️🖤💚
I wonder if the former US slaves who settled in Liberia in 1822, imagined this event happening one day?
E.C. Alexander
Never , thank you !
I love Ms Obama and I like the USA plane also
Tanglat Jam...
You should see Big one !
Liberia was founded by ex slaves from America. For those who didn't know.
Da Phetdala so they then have tried to feel what was the feeling to be slaves ‘s masters ??? In Motherland 😢😢crazy people !!
I miss you honourable Pelham
Good morning you Liberia and Mon AM i e Michelle Obama's
Good that Michelle Obama visited Liberia Africa.
Usa forever❤️🇱🇷