Martin Luther King - But if Not - Full Sermon

  • Опубліковано 1 жов 2024
  • A sermon given by Martin Luther King, Jr. at the Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta on November 5, 1967. The title, "But if Not", comes from Daniel chapter 3, verse 18 in the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego.
    Audio is from the Internet Archive:
    Picture is from the Library of Congress via wikipedia: en.wikipedia.or...
    Full transcription available on my blog: notoriousbiggin...
    One great quote:
    I want to say to you this morning, my friends, that somewhere along the way you should discover something that's so dear, so precious to you, that is so eternally worthful, that you will never give it up. You ought to discover some principle, you ought to have some great faith that grips you so much that you will never give it up. Somehow you go on and say "I know that the God that I worship is able to deliver me, but if not, I'm going on anyhow, I'm going to stand up for it anyway." What does this mean? It means, in the final analysis, you do right not to avoid hell. If you're doing right merely to keep from going to something that traditional theology has called hell then you aren't doing right. If you do right merely to go to a condition that theologians have called heaven, you aren't doing right. If you are doing right to avoid pain and to achieve happiness and pleasure then you aren't doing right. Ultimately you must do right because it's right to do right. And you got to say "But if not." You must love ultimately because it's lovely to love. You must be just because it's right to be just. You must be honest because it's right to be honest. This is what this text is saying more than anything else. And finally, you must do it because it has gripped you so much that you are willing to die for it if necessary. And I say to you this morning, that if you have never found something so dear and so precious to you that you will die for it, then you aren't fit to live. You may be 38 years old as I happen to be, and one day some great opportunity stands before you and calls upon you to stand up for some great principle, some great issue, some great cause--and you refuse to do it because you are afraid; you refuse to do it because you want to live longer; you're afraid that you will lose your job, or you're afraid that you will be criticized or that you will lose your popularity or you're afraid that somebody will stab you or shoot at you or bomb your house, and so you refuse to take the stand. Well you may go on and live until you are 90, but you're just as dead at 38 as you would be at 90! And the cessation of breathing in your life is but the belated announcement of an earlier death of the spirit. You died when you refused to stand up for right, you died when you refused to stand up for truth, you died when you refused to stand up for justice.


  • @mathewsmotswi3566
    @mathewsmotswi3566 2 роки тому +28

    "You do right, because it is right to do right"
    "You must love ultimately, because it is lovely to love"
    "You must be just, because it is right to be just"
    "You must be honest, because it is right to be honest"

  • @ricardogondim3831
    @ricardogondim3831 9 років тому +302

    I would do anything to be in your Congregation just one time. Martin Luther King, you are a prophet of God. Your legacy lives on, my brother.

    • @anji123passion5
      @anji123passion5 9 років тому +3

      Me too ;-) ;-) ;-)

    • @rick4809
      @rick4809 8 років тому +7

      +Ricardo Gondim I love him and brother Malcolm. #MaximizingTheCross

    • @anji123passion5
      @anji123passion5 8 років тому +12

      ***** not an idol he's a icon, man to give hope and dreams to us all, just as Jesus put him on earth for

    • @anji123passion5
      @anji123passion5 8 років тому +2

      ***** 😊bless you sir

    • @williambernardbrown
      @williambernardbrown 7 років тому +12

      There so much work left to be done. His job is not finish although his assignment and his purpose to all Americans is not in vain.

  • @anonflowerdenmark
    @anonflowerdenmark 9 років тому +97

    I’ve seen the lightning flashing,
    And heard the thunder roll,
    I’ve felt sin’s breakers dashing,
    Trying to conquer my soul;
    I’ve heard the voice of my Savior,
    Telling me still to fight on,
    He promised never to leave me,
    Never to leave me alone.

  • @katright7230
    @katright7230 11 років тому +55

    Hes not preaching prosperity,,,check that out...hmmm...

    • @aaronconstantine2242
      @aaronconstantine2242 4 роки тому +1


    • @alkebulantv1304
      @alkebulantv1304 4 роки тому +1

      Sure not

    • @mylayouareagoodpersonto2864
      @mylayouareagoodpersonto2864 4 роки тому

      You are doing girl is everything

    • @williamlewis4045
      @williamlewis4045 3 роки тому +5

      I love Dr Martin Luther King Jr. And what he stood for, even though his passing was 2 years and 9 months before I was born. His life and words empact me greatly for the greater good
      His words greatly affect generations after . May his Soul rest in peace

    • @lucthomas7626
      @lucthomas7626 3 роки тому +2

      Amen ! Not like these folks nowadays. He is saying, " to not bow to evil."

  • @justbenice72
    @justbenice72 4 роки тому +60

    “One with God is the majority”.

  • @Arulraj-cz3ct
    @Arulraj-cz3ct 8 років тому +101

    To rejuvenate myself I listen to the sermons of Martin Luther King.

    • @CherylPHill
      @CherylPHill 7 років тому +6

      Arul raj....I do the same...often on my way to work also.

    • @beverlypatu3089
      @beverlypatu3089 7 років тому +1

      god bless America but he died

    • @rsmith4623
      @rsmith4623 4 роки тому +2

      Same here sir!

    • @tinaloyd929
      @tinaloyd929 4 роки тому +4

      I too when I need to get real with myself I listen to Dr.King he gave everything he had for peace and equality, your dream lives on

    • @jeremymagee2650
      @jeremymagee2650 3 роки тому +3


  • @anji123passion5
    @anji123passion5 9 років тому +31

    One of my favorite Books of the Bible (Daniel) and how the Very loyal men of God rather burn than bow before any Image or idol
    It speaks today to our loyalty or just going along to not Stand on Truth, Stand for God
    They rather be thrown in the furnace
    And were but.............

  • @ronaldturley6961
    @ronaldturley6961 10 років тому +17

    Only what you do for Christ will last

  • @deaconhenryharrington8052
    @deaconhenryharrington8052 9 років тому +83

    I needed a word today, and I by chance turned to this sermon. Thank You Lord for hearing the longing of my heart

    • @josueluna298
      @josueluna298 Рік тому +1

      Hang in there my brother. You are in the fight with us. No matter how it looks...Faith is the victor.

  • @fabianbaptiste1353
    @fabianbaptiste1353 10 років тому +165

    I have listened to this amazing sermon so many times of the last 10 years, when I need strength and a reminder that I must always do the right thing.
    Thank you for sharing this.

  • @TheMrboombostic
    @TheMrboombostic 6 років тому +16

    If only we had leadership like the kind that Dr. King gave us, this world would be a lot closer to way the Creator intended it to be.
    Do you think Dr. King is an easy life to emulate?
    I’d answer absolutely. Since our tragic loss of Dr. King, there has yet to be another come close to the example he set for us.
    I believe Dr. King had conquered himself (the flesh) and we lack leaders today in America that have truly conquered themselves. Instead of selfless leadership, we have selfish leadership. Instead of leadership that unites ALL people, we have leadership that divides us from our fellow brethren. Our nation longs for good, Godly men to lead. We have to be the change we wish to see. We must become the good & Godly leader for ourselves & our families. God Bless.

  • @JoeChrist-Kim
    @JoeChrist-Kim 9 років тому +22

    I do not judge you for your opinions. I respect you for not judging me on mine. What did JESUS do when he was persecuted by man? How did he act towards his friends that betrayed and turned their backs on him? What did he say to the men that we're stabbing him and whipping him????? If OUR LORD GOD came to this world in human form and set that perfect example of how we should live, what gives us the right or privilege to pass judgement or hate our enemies????? You do not have to love or accept the sin that is in the world. We do not have to love or accept satan. But we do have to love man. We have to understand that those men and women are not satan. They are being manipulated and controlled by the master manipulator and liar. Satan is a lie!!!! He wants us to judge and hate because he knows that if our hearts are filled with that negativity, it blocks the light of JESUS from entering our hearts and souls. It blocks us from ever being able to have true peace, joy, understanding, and LOVE in JESUS!!!!! We have to love our neighbors even if they don't live like we do or believe in the only living GOD like we THINK WE DO. I do not read my bible as much as I should but I know enough about the word to realize that we humans love to pick and choose which commandments we feel are important and which ones we feel we have a right to discard. We think we know so much but we know nothing!! We like to feel like we're so holy and righteous but we are not! We need to stop judging others and start looking at ourselves in the mirror and focus on OUR SIN!!!! The devil wants us to focus on everyone's else's sin so that we never get to the real heart of the problem which is the sin that resides in our hearts and minds. We love to judge others sins or ways of life because it makes us feel better about our sins and iniquities. It's all in the bible and its a lot easier to understand than we humans make it out to be! A sin is a sin. If you lust after it, you did it. If you judge, you will be judged for that. If you turn to food, drugs, alcohol, sex, power, money, fame, or ANYTHING ELSE of this world for comfort and strength besides JESUS, then you are worshipping idols. Idols aren't just voodoo dolls and golden calfs for crying out loud. Too many of us like to put JESUS in a box for safe keeping and use him and his grace and forgiveness when it's convenient or when we feel like we have enough time for him. We're pathetic!!! Us pretend Christians are worse off than non believers because we proclaim to the world to be sons and daughters of the lord and then we turn around and break the lords commandments. No wonder the world is so messed up. We are not part of the solution but actually the main part of the problem! We love to talk the talk instead of walk the walk that JESUS our lord walked. If he had to walk the path that he did for our sins, WHAT GIVES US RIGHT AS SINNERS TO WALK ON OUR OWN PATHS???!!!!! Have you ever seen those families that have been afflicted by satan and lost their loved ones due to his evil doing and found it in their hearts to forgive the person that satan used?? I used to always wonder how and why in the world these families found it in their hearts to forgive these men. Then it dawned on me why. It wasn't just because the lord told us to forgive one another. It wasn't just because they were being obedient. It wasn't just because they love and trust JESUS. It is because they were smart enough to realize that having hate and resentment towards man only truly hurts ourselves in the long run. Passing judgment and hating man is what the devil wants us to do my brothers and sisters! Can't you seeeeee!!! It is the sin that we were all born with that leads us into that trap. He knows that if we hate and judge others, that the hate we have in our hearts will prevent us from ever truly living like Christ did when he was here! He came here not just to pay the price on the cross....HE CAME TO GIVE US THE PERFECT EXAMPLE TO TRUE EVERLASTING SALVATION!!!!!! So none of us have an excuse when our bodies go back to dust and we sit in judgement in front of the father! We cannot say to him "well lord i didn't know!!!" We saw the perfect example and turned out backs to him....BECAUSE WE THOUGHT WE HAD THE RIGHT!!!!! WHEN IN SPIRITUAL ACTUALITY, WE HAVE THE RIGHT TO GO TO HELL WITH ALL THE REST OF THE SINNERS THAT WE PASSED JUDGEMENT UPON. WE ARE NOT GODS. WE ARE JUST MAN. WAKE UP AND LOOK AT YOURSELVES IN THE MIRRORS. ITS GOING TO TAKE A LIFETIME TO WORK THROUGH OUR OWN PROBLEMS AND SIN. STOP LOOKING AROUND AT PEOPLE AROUND THE WORLD OR PEOPLE IN OUR FAMILIES OR NEIGHBORS.....AND FOCUS ON THE MAN IN THE MIRROR. SATAN WANTS US TO FOCUS ON OTHER SINNERS BECAUSE WHEN WE DO, THE GATES OF HEAVEN CLOSE AND THE GATES OF HELL OPEN UP. ITS OUR CHOICE! IF WE END UP WITH SATAN IN HELL....SORRY TO SAY, BUT WE DESERVE IT. GOOD INTENTIONS IS THE PATHWAY TO HELL. BE HUMBLE MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS. DONT BE EVIL BUT DONT BECOME TO "HOLY" EITHER. JUST BECAUSE ONE CAN MEMORIZE THE WORD FROM START TO FINISH OR GO TO CHURCH EVERY SINGLE SUNDAY AND WEDS, DOES NOT MEAN WE EARNED OUR SPOT IN HEAVEN. ITS HOW WE CHOSE TO LIVE AND FEEL IN OUR HEARTS THAT TRULY MATTERS. I WILL BE PRAYING FOR ALL OF US. MAY THE LORD HAVE MERCY ON OUR SOULS. PRAISE JESUS!!!!!!
    Show less

    • @molerineefineri4879
      @molerineefineri4879 9 років тому +2

      Praise the lord indeed

    • @mizbit1
      @mizbit1 8 років тому +3

      Amen! I've come to realize we only recognize (and judge) in others the very things we are guilty of ourselves. And, IMHO, we only recognize what we know! Most of us never see it that way, or is it we just don't want to admit it? Peace in the name of Yeshua.

    • @JoeChrist-Kim
      @JoeChrist-Kim 8 років тому +5

      +mona burt soooo very true! I believe that one of the main components of a great leader/pastor in the church is having the ability and humility to see their own sin. I think the Holy Ghost reveals that to us if our hearts are in the right place. In a sense they aren't just preaching to the church, they're preaching to themselves too! You can't preach about what you haven't experienced in your own life. I agree with you though....many times we humans see what we want to see instead of what lies right in front of our very own eyes. Asking the Lord to show us what he wants us to see is a good first step. God bless you all!

    • @meralenaaida2316
      @meralenaaida2316 6 років тому

      Wow , GBU well said , I’m gonna print i and read it to myself everyday !!!

  • @defforestrobinson6948
    @defforestrobinson6948 8 років тому +33

    When King speaks, he'll make it plain!!

    • @EdwinG310
      @EdwinG310 8 років тому +2

      +Defforest Robinson You right Robinson. He tells it straight up! Litsening to King preach bruh, feels like I was right there men, seated on that pew back in 1962

  • @howardx2624
    @howardx2624 7 років тому +29

    Never Bow before the gods of evil.

  • @spiffykimmy
    @spiffykimmy 3 роки тому +11

    The comments on this sermon warm my heart. In God, love and truth is the tie that binds. Division is not caused by things that divide the world. I love my Brothers and Sisters in Christ.

    • @cherylfox2149
      @cherylfox2149 3 роки тому +1

      love you to Kim, peace and blessings to you
      A sister in christ

    • @brianlam1663
      @brianlam1663 2 роки тому

      They seek to divide us by race and color! But Dr. Kings words stand as testament to the love among ALL God's children!!!

  • @johnmuir2960
    @johnmuir2960 9 років тому +177

    I wish there were a million more men just like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. today!

    • @catherinefox5078
      @catherinefox5078 8 років тому +4

      +John Muir
      i do too!

    • @catherinefox5078
      @catherinefox5078 8 років тому +5

      killer cops never heard anything this righteous man said...these killer cops kill Martin Luther King over and over again..

    • @williambernardbrown
      @williambernardbrown 7 років тому +5

      If there were a million more, there would be a more level playing field in America and a more equal economic solution than the current status quo.

    • @williambernardbrown
      @williambernardbrown 7 років тому +6

      Sherry, what King is saying by using the example of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego is that it's worth it to stand with God and die for what you believe in. If there were more Dr. Martin Luther King's then there would be a lot less poverty, racial inequality, and racial impediments because those people would challenge the laws and the culture that accepts the inadequacies of our people and practices white privilege with impunity.

    • @caesarenricobandello
      @caesarenricobandello 7 років тому +5

      He said those things do not matter, e.g. material things/Job. What matters is your faith in God.

  • @kenyaosley3586
    @kenyaosley3586 9 років тому +25

    ~I Serve The God Of Abraham, The God Of Jacob~

  • @christophergardner1777
    @christophergardner1777 8 років тому +52

    I love MLK because of his leadership in the 50's and 60's He was the most powerful preacher of all time. I believe because he was right in the front line of what he was speaking on.

    • @AlwaysBelieveChrist112
      @AlwaysBelieveChrist112 5 років тому +4

      Mr Gardner its an honour to be listening to this powerful message with you. 😎😎

  • @dbothebeatman4191
    @dbothebeatman4191 10 років тому +37

    His sermons are so overlooked. We always look at him as a civil rights man. Smh

    • @aaronconstantine2242
      @aaronconstantine2242 4 роки тому +1


    • @lucthomas7626
      @lucthomas7626 3 роки тому +2

      Very true. That's actually the first time I hear his sermon, I usually hear his speech. He was a man of God before he was a civil right man.

    • @kodiak_9169
      @kodiak_9169 2 роки тому

      Well he used lots of God’s foundation in his civil rights speeches, the reason why we don’t here those speeches is because we live in a nation that lusts after a secular worldview that hates God and doesn’t want God, they want to form their own destiny and rebel in the process. They want the people to be the ultimate authority not God. MLK was one of our brothers that used God’s foundation to destroy an idol, God worked through him to burn down a tribalism idol

  • @carolinafire365
    @carolinafire365 10 років тому +11

    Oooooooooweeeeeee! I have been looking for this for. years thanks

  • @tomyoung8292
    @tomyoung8292 Рік тому +11

    He is God's vessel....u can hear the anointing in his words, his voice.....absolutely breathtaking.....Arguably the greatest speaker that ever lived....U have so much POWER in your words..

    • @normantomlinson
      @normantomlinson 4 місяці тому

      Please, l have a man of God ln my life

  • @marianaromero4858
    @marianaromero4858 6 місяців тому +4

    As a non-religious person but a person that studied the ways of discourse in college this is truly, truly a piece of art. From the way it was written to the way it was said. MLK is one of the people that understood what it takes to be a speaker and the importance of doing so. The way he says “because” multiple times during the speech, with the intonation changing so drastically is just so well done. A speaker of this caliber is only born every generation or so.

  • @LavMarie
    @LavMarie 7 років тому +34

    Wanted to play one of his videos in the school I work during Black history month . Was told that there was too much religion in this speech. For people especially in the left side of the political spectrum they don't understand that MLK's faith was so important to the make up of him as a leader. Without his faith in Jesus I don't think he could have accomplished what he did through out his life.

    • @attollo10
      @attollo10 4 роки тому

      It’s just too bad because the left isn’t wrong. This IS his religion. But you’re so right, that’s what it’s all about!

    • @alexkorwin7865
      @alexkorwin7865 3 роки тому +2

      I agree, it is only because of his faith in Jesus that He could accomplish what he did. As he said in this sermon “one with God is a majority”. It’s such a shame that the world has turned it’s back on God to the extent that it is no longer allowed to show things like this in schools. You just need to look at the Black Lives Matter organisation, it is nothing like the non-violent protests and civil disobedience that Martin Luther King was part of. We need to pray that the world will turn back to God and then they will understand.

  • @MrGman127
    @MrGman127 9 років тому +24

    This is a message that I was aware of as for the Bible goes...But I had never heard
    Dr. King, teach it...I am so glad that I found it today...

  • @EDalmidaLNL
    @EDalmidaLNL 9 років тому +14

    God's way is always the way we should choose when faced with life's many decissions.

    • @marvingayle9427
      @marvingayle9427 4 роки тому +1

      'God' is a title bro. All gods have a name. The God of the Hebrew boys who he speaking of who didn't bow to the first Babylonian king is Yah! The God of our fathers.

    • @kodiak_9169
      @kodiak_9169 2 роки тому

      @@marvingayle9427 God has many names, when we say “God” with a capital G it’s one of his names, Elgibor is another or “Mighty God”, there’s also Elohim “The God” or “The Living God”, Ego eimi “I am”

  • @martricebrown1910
    @martricebrown1910 9 років тому +8

    Today is a very good day.Today is Martin Luther king Jr day.Happy birthday to you.

  • @apriljohnson1073
    @apriljohnson1073 10 років тому +40

    This sermon still so powerful and so true.

  • @nancyanderson5310
    @nancyanderson5310 2 місяці тому +3

    It’s like a breathe of clean air for the soul to hear such sanity and wisdom, matched by actions, crowned by the supreme sacrifice. We are a blessed nation to have this voice preserved for us.

  • @tomevans3895
    @tomevans3895 8 років тому +6

    Jesus influenced Tolstoy Tolstoy. influenced Gandhi Gandhi influenced. MLK. ?

  • @meghanmiller1123
    @meghanmiller1123 9 років тому +27

    Thank you for posting this. It is a great encouragement, not just for then, but so applicable for today as well.
    God bless.

  • @iway6648
    @iway6648 10 років тому +28

    "There are times when a man made law is out of harmony with the moral law of the university. There are times when human laws are out of harmony with eternal and divine laws. And when that happens you have an obligation to break it. And I am happy that I have good company. I have Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego."

  • @Gatitdone
    @Gatitdone 5 років тому +6

    Is this the best sermon ever ? WOW

  • @iway6648
    @iway6648 10 років тому +7

    "In America in order to get free of the imperial British empire they shall practice civil disobedience."

  • @truetalk9154
    @truetalk9154 5 років тому +8

    Why does this reminds me of the American flag in the NFL protesting

  • @lucthomas7626
    @lucthomas7626 3 роки тому +7

    Thank God for Martin Luther King. We ought to raise our children to be like him. We ought to thrive to be like him. Amen.

  • @DrJohnWSHoward
    @DrJohnWSHoward 9 років тому +28

    Dr. King blends psychology, theology, and philosophy and brings it into a harmonious whole.

    • @crbaker923
      @crbaker923 8 років тому

      very well said. i concur

    • @kojotwumasipresents918
      @kojotwumasipresents918 8 років тому +1

      Thats what impresses me most about him. More than his oratorical ability, and civil rights activism, I am enamored by his penetrating critical thinking ability

    • @arnoldtinor443
      @arnoldtinor443 7 років тому

      John W.

    • @williambernardbrown
      @williambernardbrown 7 років тому +2

      2 Words: Economic Equality. That's why Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was killed for. He wasn't killed for no other reason. Civil Rights was signed years before his death. However, when the "Banksters (Rothschild, J P Morgan and etc)" seen that he was starting to challenge them and warn " WE THE PEOPLE" about how the Federal Reserve was ripping the people off, and how it was making 2 Americas, "A Prosperous America" and "The Other America" they killed him.
      They also killed John F. Kennedy for the same reason. Who signed an Executive Order that allowed America to print it's own currency to depart from the Federal Reserve. After they killed him his successor, Lyndon B. Johnson, reversed it.
      Yes, in order to change the country and the sentiment of racism and the laws that covertly cover them up we have to challenge the government that made the laws in the first place, concurrently being disliked by people all at once. I'm sure there where people who nudged Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego and told them to just bow. It's not worth it. There were people who called them crazy. There were people who wanted nothing to do with them. However, they understood the power of "OUR GOD" and had a "THOUGH FAITH" that defeated the enemy.
      I tried to make this short but I have so much to say.
      But how did we get like this today? Where we refuse to challenge the government about things that are ailing our people today and establishes laws that line up with the will of "OUR GOD"? From the mentality of people who made speeches like this to leadership that accepts and is totally okay with the status quo? Is 501C3 that important to the pastors today to not enforce GOD'S WILL on our government? The 501C3 was signed by LBJ too. SMH
      Take a stand!! Jesus First!!!!!

  • @ynikamciver2484
    @ynikamciver2484 8 років тому +4

    I love to listen to Dr. King's speeches, but his sermons were soul stirring!

  • @shantelelshabaz8006
    @shantelelshabaz8006 5 років тому +2

    But if Not 2020

  • @princemuchindu31
    @princemuchindu31 5 років тому +2

    every now and then i hear his voice and in accordance to his faith in GOD,the more i feel to continue where He left even here in Zambia.The problems faced and tackled by The Rev.DR MARTIN LUTHER KING JR are no different even today.We now have modernised problems which needs men and women with the spirit of DR KING,THE THREE HEBREW BOYS,THE PROPHETS OF GOD IN THE OLDEN TIMES,who fear nothing but GOD alone.We are still in need of Civil rights activists and Southern christian leadership conferences (SCLC).WE STILL NEED HIS COURAGE again and AGAIN

  • @moniquevamado
    @moniquevamado 3 роки тому +7

    "God grant that we will never bow before the gods of evil."

    • @USMoxi
      @USMoxi Рік тому

      And do not worship false prophets or material objects

  • @KellyKMinistry
    @KellyKMinistry 7 років тому +6

    Yes!!! Love it!!!

  • @catherinefox5078
    @catherinefox5078 4 роки тому +45

    This was a Real Man ! Godly wisdom beyond his years!

    • @lucthomas7626
      @lucthomas7626 3 роки тому +1

      Yeah, you could almost forget that he died so young.

    • @tyronnfields7945
      @tyronnfields7945 3 роки тому +1

      265 dislikes mmmmm! they must be trump supporters. 4real..

    • @kodiak_9169
      @kodiak_9169 2 роки тому

      @@tyronnfields7945 why do you bring politics to religion? Keep that out, if you make tribalism within the church you shouldn’t be following, repent bro, because we only come from two humans of wrath, we didn’t come from political parties nor do we come from colors of people. Deny yourself and pick up your cross and follow him. Not a political party nor a politician. All I can say is if you serve anyone that disobeys one thing of God says to obey you’re taking part in disobedience. Our brother MLK was a great brother, used God’s word and foundation to destroy discrimination and segregation, not a race, not a creed. We are here to do one thing, that’s to establish God’s law and teach the ones that are disobedient to God to obey his word and laws.

  • @stillwill2215
    @stillwill2215 10 років тому +50

    Martin Luther King was the greatest orator of our time, blessed and called by God for this very purpose, the deliverance of a people. i'm encouraged by this sermon right now in my personal life, looking for more church sermons by MLK; thankyou for posting.

    • @Jazminfields
      @Jazminfields 8 років тому +2

      although he did well in civil rights, this man was not called by God at all, he wasn't even a Christian in all actuality.

    • @jojochideme9220
      @jojochideme9220 6 років тому +1

      You fool.

    • @zacharyweeksthedorkofyouth2707
      @zacharyweeksthedorkofyouth2707 5 років тому +3

      @@Jazminfields He was a literal ordained minister dude

    • @Jazminfields
      @Jazminfields 5 років тому +1

      ...Youthshire, he was a heretic

    • @zacharyweeksthedorkofyouth2707
      @zacharyweeksthedorkofyouth2707 5 років тому +2

      @@Jazminfields I dont know where you got that from, but it is not true. If you are willing to back your claim, then please, post some facts that support it. But since you dont have any, how about you stop being a dunce?

  • @aaaduccs6667
    @aaaduccs6667 2 роки тому +7

    I am barely a Christian but this is one of my favourite speeches ever, and I will live by his words in this speech.

  • @duyeasmith2487
    @duyeasmith2487 5 років тому +5

    I heard this sermon for the 1st time around 3 years ago and a lot of so called Christians have the if fairh

  • @TheEve30
    @TheEve30 7 років тому +2

    I have never seen such a man filled with so much humility. LONG LIVE DR MARTIN LUTHER KING LEGACY!

  • @repentantpeople
    @repentantpeople 8 років тому +2

    I will walk into your fiery furnace, but I WILL NOT walk into Hell! Daniel chapter 3. Notice any similarities in how America (and the world) has created many idols for the masses -- sorrowfully the masses have yet to learn.

  • @creatorsprint1
    @creatorsprint1 7 років тому +2

    Gods ways is above mans ways as the heavens are above the earth and his thoughts are not our thoughts and his ways are not our ways. For man is like the grass of the field we are here today and cut down tomorrow. Blessed be my God who lives forever I shall put my trust in you O mighty God. Thou are worthy O God blessed be thy name my rock and my salvation.

  • @cmebans35
    @cmebans35 2 роки тому +6

    Jesus Christ is my Hope
    Jesus Christ is my Strength
    Faithful Jesus
    Thank You Jesus for blessing me with amazing children and prayer warriors ♥️♥️♥️
    November 20 2021

    • @matimus100
      @matimus100 Рік тому

      Never trust a hippy

    • @cmebans35
      @cmebans35 4 місяці тому

      Jesus is Almighty God

  • @jl1267
    @jl1267 11 років тому +1

    A great tribulation will happen, and we must be like they who said they will believe and love God, even if he lets us die. God said he had something better in store for us anyway. Jesus forgave his murderers, and if they killed Messiah, they will kill us too. Is a servant above their master?
    History repeats itself, and Rome persecuted Christians. The world hates the message, and so shoots the messenger... As if getting rid of us will stop God from doing his great and mighty works?

  • @ladymillionparmer8555
    @ladymillionparmer8555 4 роки тому +3


  • @Wash-xi7ze
    @Wash-xi7ze 3 роки тому +9

    Listening today, after yesterday's "but if not" moment. God is able to deliver us, but if not, we will keep on. We will keep our faith in Him. Not in a man or a government that has two systems of justice. We will keep on. We will keep fighting for equality. Climb the mountain.

  • @erichall8866
    @erichall8866 5 років тому +2

    Amen though/if faith, in the midst of innate communist racism...Yeah,though/if faith, in the midst of church and civil segregation...talking about if/though faith

  • @JusaintVu2014
    @JusaintVu2014 7 років тому +4

    Thank you " Austin Smith " for sharing this post. God Bless You.

  • @greatnessassuredshow7143
    @greatnessassuredshow7143 8 років тому +18

    What a message! Am greatly blessed by this message.

  • @isamuhammad5671
    @isamuhammad5671 5 років тому +1

    This is a message which resonates in the ether of history. MLK was a prophet and mercy to America,but have they and did they HEED the MESSAGE ?

  • @jamesmuhammad13
    @jamesmuhammad13 10 років тому +12

    They said that he was a dreamer, don't sound like it.

    • @nilacurry4230
      @nilacurry4230 10 років тому +10

      He was definitely a dreamer... a prophetic dreamer :D

    • @TKGaddy_4Yah
      @TKGaddy_4Yah 10 років тому +13

      He was a servant of God none the less. I don't know all about his dreams just on speech he gave but I do know that he died holding up the blood stain banner, for Christ Jesus

    • @writerteacher1
      @writerteacher1 9 років тому +2

      Re-read the second Isaiah and the Book of Amos. See also the Sermon on the Mount and Luke 4:16-21. That was his dream in a theological sense. That's what the beloved community was really about.

    • @bishopearlleebankston
      @bishopearlleebankston 7 років тому +2

      He was definitely a Dreamer and JEHOVAH GOD was with him Lord hym mercy !!!

    • @yaminahjeancy3945
      @yaminahjeancy3945 7 років тому +2

      James Muhammad same as in the bible you will know the most high prophets he did Gods Job and he knew and lived exactly what the bible says and God has been abd always will be . not no tupac

  • @HolyRan187
    @HolyRan187 3 роки тому +6

    I felt Gods strength within him. His courage in the face of fear caused evil to kill him but like he said though he's only 38 he has live past 90 because he's found something so precious. We all must find Jesus! Then fight righteously with love. There's no fear in love. Thank you so much MLK for your actions with your words. I must fight on

  • @thebestisyettocome7
    @thebestisyettocome7 11 років тому +25

    This is truly one of the best sermons I've ever heard.

  • @theperfectionofbeauty1443
    @theperfectionofbeauty1443 7 років тому +5

    Serve Yahweh and follow yahushua the savior!!

  • @decaturt-bird4142
    @decaturt-bird4142 7 років тому +6

    resetting my morals

  • @kamananiwiley4227
    @kamananiwiley4227 8 років тому +4

    i 2 have a dream 2 B a drum major between deaf and hard of hearing within the world

  • @momtilla
    @momtilla 12 років тому +2

    I learn so much from this man. He is the most inspiring minister I have ever listened to. I found something so dear and precious to me, civil rights for people who have disabilities and are segregated and discriminated against in public schools. My son was placed in total segregation when he entered high school in Cody wy. We will not stop fighting and praying for his rights to education.

  • @JudyChilds-fu4em
    @JudyChilds-fu4em 5 років тому +3

    Noone is perfect, they are gifted! 😍😊

  • @linaa2711
    @linaa2711 5 років тому +16

    I love this sermon and feel every word of it!
    I will do right because it’s right to do right!
    I will not bow, I have a commitment to my conscience!

  • @georgeikinya2779
    @georgeikinya2779 Рік тому +7

    This was no doubt the powerful voice of God speaking through this great man. It shakes your soul to core with enlightening thunder, it provokes your intellect and illuminates your moral path and defines your divine purpose and obligations as a human being. ✨.

    • @afkenvy
      @afkenvy Рік тому +1

      beautifully said.

  • @selah159
    @selah159 5 років тому +2

    I Will Not Bow...SELAH

    • @cmebans35
      @cmebans35 4 роки тому

      I will not bow
      In the name of Jesus

    @FASBLAQUE 11 років тому +2

    I'm glad Jesus wasn't a bargainer.

  • @wheredidileavemycell
    @wheredidileavemycell 5 років тому +1

    I pray that God would raise up more Shadrachs, Meshachs and Abed-negos

  • @alvinpasco3163
    @alvinpasco3163 9 років тому +8

    I love it """"" the best

  • @sthpac69
    @sthpac69 7 років тому +1

    If i had a church, i would have Martin Luther King jr. as a visiting pastor on more than just his birthday or his assassination . I would put up a giant screen in church and play some of his videos for Sunday service. I believe the parishioners would love that.

  • @karinaluis2862
    @karinaluis2862 4 роки тому +12

    I felt his presence in my heart, today. God bless his soul.

  • @change5141
    @change5141 2 роки тому +9

    “You do right, because it’s right to do right,” powerful!

    • @josueluna298
      @josueluna298 Рік тому

      Been doing right, doing my best. I lost my income, business, and now my health. Old, sick, and broke. I did the honest thing. I wonder if it was the wise thing. It doesn't matter now...

  • @bobbyfrison6628
    @bobbyfrison6628 3 роки тому +7

    I will be a member of his church this man was speaking truth.

  • @lazaruselungat7826
    @lazaruselungat7826 5 років тому +2

    Ideas that strengthen beyond Death point.
    Am in love with this. Revolutionary principles.

  • @walkerdrae
    @walkerdrae 10 років тому +10

    This message truly blessed my soul. But if not...mhhmm mhhmm mhmmm. Listen and be blessed saints of God

  • @ActiveServo12
    @ActiveServo12 3 роки тому +9

    but also can we appreciate that this is not a reconstruction of Kings voice, or someone reading a great long lost manuscript.
    this is THE KINGS voice. his actual, true, one and only, magnificent voice. every tremble, every roar, every perfectly orchestrated piece of silence. this is him.

  • @Agile3040
    @Agile3040 11 років тому +1

    MLK didn't "plagiarize" anything but you tell yourself he did because you just can't deal with the evil within your own heart.

  • @dastan3032
    @dastan3032 6 років тому +1

    Martin luther king is one of the greatest ever. At least for me. He was a true lider, he spoke fearlessly. Many people if not the whole world believes that justice is a human punishment. People judge with their heart, but true justice is fulfilled by judging with Gods heart. That is leadership. Give man power and you shall know who they truly are.

  • @abakadaega2
    @abakadaega2 6 років тому +7

    A man of substance.

  • @patrickbrown2769
    @patrickbrown2769 6 років тому +14

    What a powerful speaker, truly a gifted man.

  • @SirWilhelm777
    @SirWilhelm777 10 років тому +1

    Mahatma Ghandi: If they answer not thy call walk alone, if they do not hold up the light when the night is troubled with strong storm, with the thunder flame of pain, ignite thine own heart and let it burn alone.

  • @lorenzom8673
    @lorenzom8673 7 років тому +1

    Do you know how I can buy an audio copy of this sermon? where can I find it?

  • @233ninono
    @233ninono 12 років тому +2

    Thank you for sharing this video. I do thank you, we all need inspriration from time to time.

  • @johnkar2193
    @johnkar2193 7 років тому +5

    what a great mind, I can't stop listening to his speeches. I wasn't born when he was alive but I feel like I was alive whenever I listen to his speeches. which he was still alive. he was the real civil rights fighter not like some we have today.

  • @gracebridgeministries5195
    @gracebridgeministries5195 6 років тому +1

    You want to talk about an ability to deliver a passage. The ability to take a narrative and use the words in the narrative to bring people to their feet WITH that narrative....this man! I just put my pen down. Enough said !!! MLK jr. Wjr jr

  • @r.k.l.angbhuhang9850
    @r.k.l.angbhuhang9850 9 років тому +7

    Powerful message.......if not faith and though faith.....challenging today's ages...........

  • @traviswheeler495
    @traviswheeler495 5 років тому +1

    With, GOD......

  • @QueenJFeeder
    @QueenJFeeder 11 років тому +4

    I went to Ebenzer Church yesterday with my High School marching band as we were on our yearly band trip out of state to preform. At this church we visited the museum. Once we got into the sanctuary I didn't want to leave. It was really relaxing to his voice..

  • @meeruddin4139
    @meeruddin4139 9 років тому +2

    Martin Luther King - But it Not - FULL SHERMON.

  • @sunset8001
    @sunset8001 6 років тому +1

    Dr.MLK was an angel in human body a true messenger and a prophet of God only next in line to Jesus Christ Mohammed Krishna Budha Bahaullah Joseph Smith and others

  • @Johnjapaezisgmailcom
    @Johnjapaezisgmailcom 4 роки тому +5

    This is a NOW word if I have ever heard one..... MLK’s Legacy endures on the strength of Gods Living Word!!

  • @HaitianHelpingHands
    @HaitianHelpingHands 11 років тому +2

    Amen yes Amen !!!!!

  • @brotherleeroy7269
    @brotherleeroy7269 2 роки тому +1

    Amen all glory goes to king Jesus of Nazareth I do not need a but what if relationship with Jesus please Jesus help me too know you if do believe help me with my unbelief I receive these words in Jesus mighty name and activate these words in Jesus mighty name😇😇😇😇😇😇😇❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💯💯💯💯💯💯💯

  • @KingJLewis357
    @KingJLewis357 12 років тому +6

    This is epic, Dr. King's Legacy, awesome! Thanking God for such a legacy!!

  • @mauricegodfrey6408
    @mauricegodfrey6408 4 роки тому +1

    I like this speech as well as the speech somewhere I red

  • @rexschenk4844
    @rexschenk4844 7 років тому +1

    we must do right because it is right..and right doing is pleasing unto God!
    Also we must never bow to the gods of evil...

  • @kitawilliams9811
    @kitawilliams9811 9 років тому +10

    Dr. King is the Godly "voice of justice eternal". Regardless of time and place, anyone who truly hears his words are moved by them. We love you, Dr. King!

  • @sukhbhatti1554
    @sukhbhatti1554 10 років тому +3

    Amen brother!

  • @janistransbian
    @janistransbian 4 роки тому +1

    sadly christians like dr. king are extremely rare. most of today's christians resemble king nebuchadnezzar, demanding us to believe in jesus or burn.