Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons - Greatest Hits | Best of Frankie Valli Playlist

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 1,6 тис.

  • @rhino
    @rhino  3 роки тому +681

    Want to know more about the iconic 1960s rock group The Four Seasons? The story of their trials and triumphs, accompanied by their unforgettable songs that influenced a generation, is told in the Tony Award-winning musical Jersey Boys 🎙️

    • @restymervinponio4026
      @restymervinponio4026 3 роки тому +22

      Yes,but the movie was a miss.

    • @kimberlylundberg1596
      @kimberlylundberg1596 3 роки тому +30

      Frankie Vallt is NOT a rock group! Led Zepplin is a rock group. Frankie Vallie comes out of the 50's Doo-wop days. With roots in Accapella, ok?

    • @kimberlylundberg1596
      @kimberlylundberg1596 3 роки тому +19

      Meant to type Valli. If you know music, you know Frankie Valli is maybe Pop. I grew up with this music, 50's 60's 70's, and 80's. Get the facts straight, please.

    • @sharoneasley9717
      @sharoneasley9717 3 роки тому +16

      RHINO, I went to go see The Jersey Boys in 2008. It was money well spent. 👍

    • @danniestravis2085
      @danniestravis2085 3 роки тому +12

      @@kimberlylundberg1596 I was saying goodbye to a young man going to Okinawa as an Air Force choice to enlist vs being drafted and sent to Viet Nam. We are still in touch; unrequited love........

  • @russellconaway2318
    @russellconaway2318 2 роки тому +1182

    I’m 67 years suffering from a rare and incurable form of cancer. When I listen to the Four Seasons I close my eyes and go back to a time when I was in my 68 Camero cruising the local drag with my friends. For a few hours I can escape the harsh reality and relive some the best memories

    • @charlottemoreau1957
      @charlottemoreau1957 Рік тому +41

      Oh so sorry 😢 for your sickness . Hope you got better . My husband is in hospital right now . He’s on contract in Alabama . I’m in Canada 🇨🇦 he’s worried I’d be scared of his weather . So he send me back to Ontario 😢

    • @charlottemoreau1957
      @charlottemoreau1957 Рік тому +27

      Yes he owned a 71 Duster would race the 1/4 Mile in 11 seconds all was fun in those days . 🙏🙏🙏your better 😢

    • @RamblinJer
      @RamblinJer Рік тому +27

      God Bless you!

    • @RamblinJer
      @RamblinJer Рік тому +46

      Hey Russell, you have nothing to fear, and I know this from experience. I accidentally killed myself 2 years ago and was resuscitated after about 10 minutes. You're not facing the end, but the beginning. You're going to be ok, I promise.

    • @shailagriggs2832
      @shailagriggs2832 Рік тому +14

      Suggestions listen to bethel music 🎶 and you shall be healed!!!! Jenn Johnson bethel Church music 🎶❤️💯🙏😎

  • @cieprichard7
    @cieprichard7 2 роки тому +47

    A coworker of mine just sent me a picture of him and Frankie Valli at the Philadelphia Airport..... 88 years old and still touring.....God Bless him

  • @danielricci8034
    @danielricci8034 9 місяців тому +14

    I can remember seeing them in my early teens at the Latin Casino in New Jersey, my mom took me , my girl , 2sisters and few close friends, when I hear this album it brings back to a time, That No Longer exists , What A Night, Good Times , I'm 65 and I can still remember that night like it was yesterday, my girl passed away a couple of years after that night, I can't say in words how I Feel when I hear these song….

    • @lindadee2053
      @lindadee2053 2 місяці тому +3

      The Latin Casino was about 5 miles from where I grew up. Used to be a fantastic show place in the old days.

    • @irishpatti2736
      @irishpatti2736 Місяць тому

      We went to Latin Casino a lot! Great Dinner Theater! My 1st time seeing them was at Steel Pier in Atlantic City! Then at the Latin….
      We moved from South Philly, to Barrington, NJ in 1967

  • @benitabylicki-marzion3198
    @benitabylicki-marzion3198 3 роки тому +1488

    I am 62 in a wheelchair but I hear Frankie Vallie close my eyes and I can sing and dance once more and remember! God bless you Frankie Vallie!

    • @igem8471
      @igem8471 3 роки тому +36

      heck yea man.

    • @theresachabla8938
      @theresachabla8938 3 роки тому +40

      That's awesome, God bless you. I love to listen to this beautiful music

    • @smashypeople
      @smashypeople 3 роки тому +30

      23 and at work, but I like your jive

    • @MrKurtj123
      @MrKurtj123 3 роки тому +57

      I'm 67, a former Rock n Roller and I've discovered Country that makes sense after living this long but, this album reminds me of my 1st love, High School, having to enlist during Viet Nam, losing my 1st love to another and finding my way through life. VERY HAPPY MEMORIES!

    • @buddhacook1087
      @buddhacook1087 3 роки тому +44

      My husband went into a wheelchair too just before our wedding & he misses our being able to dance anymore. I understand how hard it is.

  • @lindaalvarez8855
    @lindaalvarez8855 Рік тому +78

    I suffer from severe mental illness & listening to Frankie Valley & the 4 Seasons helps me deal with some tough times.

    • @donnakoster4685
      @donnakoster4685 7 місяців тому +5

      God Bless You. These songs really do bring back happy times.😊

    • @adrianmonk4440
      @adrianmonk4440 4 місяці тому +3

      If Laughter is the Best Medicine, Music is a Close Second Therapeutic.

    • @lindaalvarez8855
      @lindaalvarez8855 4 місяці тому

      @@adrianmonk4440 I totally agree with you, Adrian & a lot cheaper than therapy, too!

  • @johnstonpierre-antoine9251
    @johnstonpierre-antoine9251 2 роки тому +514

    I'm a 19yr black kid from Brockton Massachusetts and I found these guys back in 2014 when the movie came out and I've been hooked ever since. I hope I can see Frankie in person this year because he isn't getting any younger. God bless him and God bless good music.💯☝🏿

    • @LadyCoco45
      @LadyCoco45 2 роки тому +18

      He’s on tour, try planing a trip to see this amazing singer, I’m seeing him in NJ at the Hardrock…. seeing the artist live beats a video any day and they’re worth it enjoy and I’m 70 and still singing and rapping The Four Seasons songs♥️🧑🏾♥️

    • @mddell58
      @mddell58 2 роки тому +7

      Sadly, according to MANY who have seen Frankie live, he has been lip syncing for quite a while now. 😪

    • @TheHolyMongolEmpire
      @TheHolyMongolEmpire 2 роки тому +18

      Glad people are still finding Frankie Valli. There’s always loads of good music; you just have to dig to find it. It’s just all been junk on the top 100 since the mid 90s. To think, this used to be pop music. Way better than the junk over the past 25 years.

    • @terryrollins1973
      @terryrollins1973 2 роки тому +9

      Just got tickets to see him in Indy September 2022🥳🥳🥳🥳

    • @rustygg1
      @rustygg1 2 роки тому +23

      Happy to hear that a 19 year old is listening to Frankie Valli. He has this amazing high pitched voice! Try get into some 60's music you won't be disappointed I grew up listening in the 60's and to this day I still listen

  • @stevewhewell6190
    @stevewhewell6190 2 роки тому +27

    Remember dancing with my late wife Rainy to so many of these songs. 39 years together will never be long enough. See you in Heaven someday baby..

  • @mr.blue7357
    @mr.blue7357 Рік тому +172

    It’s beautiful to see people of all generations and backgrounds be connected by the legendary Frankie Valli!

  • @imbluesage
    @imbluesage Рік тому +92

    starting as a kid listening to them all through the years and now I'm 72. Every song is memorable.

    • @LeftofWestSdeDavid
      @LeftofWestSdeDavid Рік тому +2

      I am 73. i remember these songs from high school. Many of these songs still run through my mind, especially Opus Seventeen,

    • @evapavlasova2125
      @evapavlasova2125 Рік тому +1

      Taky je miluji.... Je mi 67 let... ❤

    • @lanalorenzen
      @lanalorenzen 3 місяці тому +1

      73 year old woman born and raised near Portland, Maine. What an era!

  • @floydflowers1673
    @floydflowers1673 3 роки тому +405

    Been listening to the Four Seasons since I was 12. I'm 73 now and still listen to them everyday. I have all there albums and 45's. When I was younger I could hit the high notes like Frankie but not anymore. When I listen to them it takes me back to the 60's and a better time. Wish music today would sound like the 60's. But never less our memories will always takes us back to those times listening to our favorite records on a record player. " An oldie, oldie lover til I die"!

    • @harryjames9050
      @harryjames9050 3 роки тому +12

      I got Frankie's autograph on subway ride in Boston. He suffers 50 percent hearing loss in his right ear

    • @floydflowers1673
      @floydflowers1673 3 роки тому +6

      @@harryjames9050 Wow! That is so cool. I have a bootleg copy of an album by them from Italy. Never opened!

    • @Heather16768
      @Heather16768 3 роки тому +6


    • @noeledghill1553
      @noeledghill1553 3 роки тому +8

      I am 70 and love their music when it was played on the Southern Command Network, SCN, in the Panamá Canal Zone. Still love it!

    • @phunkidruma
      @phunkidruma 2 роки тому +9

      PREACH BROTHER PREACH!!! Records and vinyl were my comic books!

  • @andywilliams1681
    @andywilliams1681 3 роки тому +258

    I am now 75 years old and remember the four seasons when I was in San Fernando High. Sweet and innocent times.

    • @JesusChrist_IsTruth-LoveForALL
      @JesusChrist_IsTruth-LoveForALL 3 роки тому +2

      I'm 35 in the SFV 👏🏻😎

    • @darrickcurrier8256
      @darrickcurrier8256 3 роки тому +3

      Much better times

    • @maryomnes9445
      @maryomnes9445 3 роки тому +6

      I am 75 years old also. And I just bought my ticket 🎟 to see Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons in person. They will be in San Jose in December 16th. I am so excited because this is my first time I will see them in person.

    • @kdegraa
      @kdegraa 3 роки тому +3

      What would happen if Sherry was allowed out?

    • @cherylolsen9645
      @cherylolsen9645 3 роки тому +3

      Best of Times! At 72, nothing compares to those great years if health & freedom. 🐎🍂

  • @mbolyard1966
    @mbolyard1966 2 роки тому +67

    My mother absolutely loved Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons, especially the song Sherry ( her name was Sharon). I grew up listening to this music and my kids have as well.
    Mom died in August of 2015 and this is what we listen to when we miss her.

  • @richl9623
    @richl9623 2 роки тому +47

    I'm 62 years old and like many of you been listening to Frankie and the Four Seasons since I heard them on my mom and dad's Grundig stereo radio. Mowed a bunch of yards and bought their 2 album Story. I've still got it to this day. These guys were legends and still are. Used to be the only kid on the block cranking their tunes out. All these years later I'm a big kid still the only one on the block kicking out these jams.

  • @rayvendryes8107
    @rayvendryes8107 2 роки тому +77

    At 76 yrs., these Four Seasons’ songs touch on memories buried in my past. And this happens to everyone and every memory is different. The older you get, the more memories you have. So younger folks, make your memories good ones.

    • @rayvendryes8107
      @rayvendryes8107 2 роки тому +8

      Saw Jersey Boys in Baltimore with my wife. Enjoyed the show and the music. When “Can’t Take My Eyes Off You” came on, wife touched my hand and all was right in the world.

    • @jzmun
      @jzmun 2 роки тому +5

      very good advice

  • @nadiasanchez3855
    @nadiasanchez3855 2 роки тому +30

    A 27 year old Latina here, a Jersey Boys concert saved my high school from closing, I was a sophomore. Been hooked ever since finally going to a concert this year.

  • @jaxworld4490
    @jaxworld4490 2 роки тому +28

    My uncle Len introduced me to Frankie Valli in 1974,i was 14 and he passed me his album and said have you heard of these? give them a listening to, so i did, didn't think much of them the first time, i was loving Queen, Bowie, Black Sab etc, the second time it got me I couldn't stop dancing around the house and today I'm still dancing around the house a bit slower than I use to though, took me right back to 1974! 🤩

  • @MikeMastalerz
    @MikeMastalerz Місяць тому +5

    I love Frankie Valli's music! It is just so catchy and soothing

  • @luvhangova
    @luvhangova 3 роки тому +194

    “Sherry” was the very first record I owned as a kid. At 67 I STILL love it !!!!!!

    • @rickiejosen
      @rickiejosen 3 роки тому +3

      It's my earliest musical memory - takes me back to myprimary school playground for some reason!

    • @nr1NPC
      @nr1NPC 3 роки тому +2

      Im 30 years of age. I love old music, always done (probably thanks to my maternal grandma)

    • @williamchapman2371
      @williamchapman2371 3 роки тому +3

      what is a record?

    • @criscoleman
      @criscoleman 3 роки тому +3

      @@williamchapman2371 I assume you're kidding, but vinyl is making a comeback, as are cassettes, of all things.

    • @Heather16768
      @Heather16768 3 роки тому +3


  • @wallymcelfresh
    @wallymcelfresh 2 місяці тому +6

    I am almost 80 years old and remember all the Four Seasons songs from my high school and college days. Those were the good old days never to be had again. Don't make music like that anymore and who can forget that Motown sound.

  • @rockycross6993
    @rockycross6993 2 роки тому +16

    My first daughter was named Sherry. She is gone now and i miss her dearly. My son is named Sonny Valli. He loves his first and middle name. When questioned about his middle name he just explains his daddy was a Frankie freak and now I am. These guys walked me through some very difficult times in the 60s and the rest of my life. When i lived in Az in the 70s, a girl i adored was wanting to not be here because of her abusive father. Any man can father a child, not all can be a daddy. Anyway, she listened to my favorite song with me, WHO LOVES YOU. If listening to this song does not touch you, there might be something missing from your soul. After all these years Sharon is alive and well in AZ because the SEASONS walked someone else through hard times. Thank you Mr Valli.

    • @brianniegemann4788
      @brianniegemann4788 Рік тому +2

      Bless you for that wonderful story

    • @debrabaron1909
      @debrabaron1909 6 місяців тому +2

      It's amazing how many hearts, souls, and lives Frankie Valli and the 4 Seasons have touched. ❤😊.

  • @cleanslate2004
    @cleanslate2004 Рік тому +22

    When talking about prolific song catalogs we often hear, Bob Dylan, Paul Simon, Stevie Wonder, Michael Jackson, The Beatle, etc., but The Four Seasons catalog is right up there with the best of them & since their era when they flooded the airways, I can't imagine they didn't have more top Ten hits than anybody. I hadn't heard them in a long time, until today while watching Grease. Afterwords I took my dogs for a walk & listened to their best hits along the way. There wasn't a single song that fell short. It felt like everyone of them could be a # 1 hit, unbelievable ! On top of that my mind flooded with sense memories I hadn't thought of for decades. Great trip !

  • @dubyredburndarling6334
    @dubyredburndarling6334 2 роки тому +46

    I remember my brothers playing these songs when I was 4 yrs old. I've been a lifelong fan. Great music never dies.

  • @kingsports0961
    @kingsports0961 Рік тому +38

    I'ma 26 year old man but this music is beauty to the ears

  • @itswherethecomedycomesin8864
    @itswherethecomedycomesin8864 Рік тому +117

    Im 18, soon to go off to college, and this album continues to be one of my favorite collections of music of all time. I love the sound of the four seasons so much, I'm so glad I can have the ability to listen to them whenever I want!

    • @britaincoulter41
      @britaincoulter41 Рік тому +4

      Lol I’m also heading off to college soon

    • @livinthedreamlol9258
      @livinthedreamlol9258 Рік тому +5

      I’m 30, not as young but I agree!! I wish todays music could lift a mood like these ❤️

    • @gustavogonzalez6184
      @gustavogonzalez6184 Рік тому +6

      Congratulatios for your good taste in Music! I`m 60 and still listening to Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons, and many more from that Era. Cheers!

    • @XxMrFrijolesxX
      @XxMrFrijolesxX Рік тому +5

      young and you have great taste in music... fresking awesome... kudos

    • @ronniebishop2496
      @ronniebishop2496 Рік тому

      They have been going to college, to war and to work with young people for over 60 years, and now they go with you. Grab the world by the tail and hang on. God bless America.

  • @wokkie1999
    @wokkie1999 2 роки тому +147

    Sitting here in hospice with my dying father and playing the 4 seasons for him. He is so at peace with this music.

    • @harrisonburn3600
      @harrisonburn3600 2 роки тому +13

      Hope he has recovered , if not u are in my prayers.

    • @wokkie1999
      @wokkie1999 2 роки тому +13

      @@harrisonburn3600 thank you. My father did pass. I appreciate your thoughts my friend.

    • @harrisonburn3600
      @harrisonburn3600 2 роки тому +5

      @@wokkie1999 love from Scotland x

    • @MinimalistOutdoors
      @MinimalistOutdoors Рік тому +2


    • @rebeccaallensworth5106
      @rebeccaallensworth5106 Рік тому +2

      So thoughtful and kind to consider his journey and walk with...

  • @breid1966
    @breid1966 Рік тому +36

    Frankie Vallie is what I grew up on. So pure of a sound. Here I am now, knocking hard on 60 and it's still some of the best.

  • @kimberlybryant9284
    @kimberlybryant9284 2 роки тому +104

    My father recently passed away. Frankie Valli and the four seasons was one of his favorite bands. Listening to these songs brings him closer to me. Thank you for posting them.

    • @kimberlybryant9284
      @kimberlybryant9284 2 роки тому +2

      @James I'm doing ok, thanks for asking. Father's Day was difficult, but I just take it one day at a time. How are you?

    • @stfitness1069
      @stfitness1069 2 роки тому +3

      I'm the same Kimberly, i also lost my dad and he loved Frankie Valli, these songs remind me of my dad, when I was a kid listening to them in my dad's car.

    • @kimberlybryant9284
      @kimberlybryant9284 2 роки тому +2

      @@stfitness1069 Yes, I can too. I can remember him driving and when certain songs come on the radio, he would start moving his hand to the beat. It would make him happy and thinking of those memories puts a smile on my face. I'm sorry for your loss, I know its difficult.

    • @donenriquesolorzano4237
      @donenriquesolorzano4237 2 роки тому +2


    • @marycallender5200
      @marycallender5200 Рік тому +3

      My condolences to you and family. Keep him in your heart and listen to The Four Seasons until you join your father. Be safe.

  • @jesusosornio3738
    @jesusosornio3738 2 роки тому +18

    I'm 73, l was a teenage at that time, listening that pretty music of Four Season. This collection is unic, love them all.

  • @richardciccone1360
    @richardciccone1360 2 роки тому +27

    My mom went to school with frankie,she told me he always said I'm gonna make it one day,my mom's name was Antoinette del nagano

  • @mddell58
    @mddell58 2 роки тому +24

    Wow! This hour-long
    'gift' will take anyone back in time, to an easier time, & happier time & place.
    Just close your eyes, & hopefully, you'll be in a quiet room, & then be 'transported' to a wonderful place & era the majority of us would love to be in ...... again. ♥️

    • @jl5528
      @jl5528 8 місяців тому

      You are sooooo matter what was going on back then, these songs gave us hope, happy days and life's lessons through music..would love to turn back time

    • @amilcar7214
      @amilcar7214 5 місяців тому

      Claro Yo siiiiii me pegó una buena quemada con María Juana y me transportó a mi Cadillac mi calle principal y veo en vivo a éstos brother 😅

  • @aliciasena417
    @aliciasena417 2 роки тому +28

    I'm 51 years old and I love Frankie Valle and the four seasons. Great music and its timeless!!

  • @aztecwarrior1421
    @aztecwarrior1421 Місяць тому +2

    Chicano from Oxnard California, i am 70 now, but back in the day, my brother and I used to spend hours in our gargae on a Friday night listen to these oldies with our friends.

  • @stephainekomlos983
    @stephainekomlos983 Рік тому +21

    Listening to these songs brings back memories... I'm 68 years old. I remember the first time I heard them on American Bandstand....... My husband is in heaven now, but I remember when we saw them in person.... thanks for all of the memories ❤️

  • @sharpkissxvii
    @sharpkissxvii 2 роки тому +33

    My mother was a caregiver for Bob Crewe in his later years. She and my sister both sang for him. He stood up from his wheelchair, clapped and said "that was good". 😲 My mom and sister are both so honored by that compliment. My mother said he also used to quote from Dr Seuss's "One fish, two fish". What a goofball.

  • @Randy-cv2sx
    @Randy-cv2sx 7 місяців тому +44

    I was blessed to have grown up in the 50s and 60s listening to the Four Seasons and other great groups. Nothing compares.

  • @rebeccaallensworth5106
    @rebeccaallensworth5106 Рік тому +49

    I started dancing to Franky Valley and the 4 Seasons with my mother and her friends when I was 3 years old. I am 66. Can't dance as well, but this music makes it impossible to not! Love it

  • @georgegriendlingjr3218
    @georgegriendlingjr3218 Рік тому +48

    Frankie Vaili and Four Seasons, what a terrific catalog of music.

  • @Bob-yl9pm
    @Bob-yl9pm 3 роки тому +34

    Ten+ years ago I blew a head gasket (aneurysm) I'm so grateful to still be alive! Thank You!

    • @catholiccrusader5328
      @catholiccrusader5328 2 роки тому +2

      Glad you're still with us, Bob. GOD willing I hope you live in good health until you're 100 and beyond. Stay tough!

    • @joeyhernandez2050
      @joeyhernandez2050 7 місяців тому +1

      So happy you survived😅

    • @phildickson9171
      @phildickson9171 4 місяці тому +1

      I had an aortic aneurysm and was expected to die. Welcome to a very exclusive club my friend!

  • @dianesanders1566
    @dianesanders1566 3 роки тому +29

    I had the privilege of seeing Frankie Valli in a small supper club in a tiny Kansas town years ago. He was amazing.

  • @tombante6934
    @tombante6934 3 роки тому +38

    I got to see them in Australia of all places in 1977..... he had the audience in the palm of his hand. To top it off when he came back out for the encore he had security bring a gal from about the 5th row up onto the stage where he put his scarf around her neck (she damn near fainted) and proceeded to sing MY EYES ADORED YOU while standing 3feet in front of her and looking her in the eyes for the entire song. The audience LOVED it!!!! I'm sure she still has that scarf and has told that story a million times since that unforgettable night.

  • @RoySATX
    @RoySATX 2 роки тому +83

    Legends. In a hundred years no one will know I ever lived, but the world will still be enjoying the Four Seasons.

    • @RaptorFromWeegee
      @RaptorFromWeegee Рік тому +9

      If you think you'll never be remembered in a hundred years, write down your story. If its too personal you can always dictate, in your will, that your story'll not get released until you die. And it can be posted in a FB memorial that'll survive for all time as long as FB survives.
      Future generations, yet to be born, may learn from whatever your final conclusive thoughts may be. Just remember, every time an old person dies we lose a giant library of knowledge and wisdom.

  • @thomasterrell437
    @thomasterrell437 3 роки тому +78

    77 years old. Just got out of high school when this came out. Love their music and songs. It don't GIT no better. Can't dance like l used to, but l pat my foot real good. 😎😎

  • @RoMaMa923
    @RoMaMa923 3 місяці тому +5

    My mom introduced me to Frankie Valli and the four seasons. She had several of his albums. She introduced me to all the oldie but goodies & Motown hits. Thank you, Mama RIP. I'm 60 and enjoy all the good clean music from the 50 and 60s. I just saw the Frankie is 90 and very much alive, and still touring. He sure must be in great health to be putting on concerts. I'd love to see him.

    • @tyronewright2524
      @tyronewright2524 3 місяці тому +1

      I Was Introduced 2 Franki By Heading The Song BEGGING Through The Radio

  • @heidibarrett6400
    @heidibarrett6400 28 днів тому +2

    My Dad is also a NJ Italian. He was born in 1950, and grew up in Union. He loves the Four Seasons! I grew up listening to this kind of music!!

  • @marydepasquale3874
    @marydepasquale3874 2 роки тому +15

    Have followed this group. Saw them many times
    I had a great life. Music kept me going. I loved to dance. Can't beat this music.

  • @michaelkida1759
    @michaelkida1759 2 роки тому +19

    I am 67 and I saw The Four Seasons about 3 or 4 times at the Steel Pier in Atlantic City. Back in the 60s. That's when music was good. The singers had talent and we loved them. I know I did and still do. Unfortunately, those times are gone.

    • @dhickman4570
      @dhickman4570 9 місяців тому +2

      These guys probably never knew 60 something yrs later people would still sing and love their music.

    • @jl5528
      @jl5528 8 місяців тому +2

      Yes..those were the best times growing up and the music we had back then was the real b.s. just life first love and music all summer long..we're the lucky generation!

  • @wjblllb
    @wjblllb 2 роки тому +16

    Taking my 16yr old Granddaughter to see them in Nashville this month. She loves this era of music. It is going to be awesome! She is sooooo excited.

    • @francescostephencastellucc591
      @francescostephencastellucc591 2 роки тому

      Thanks for liking, watching and listening to my songs, Thanks for your love ♥️and moral support. I hope you have been well entertained over the years?

    • @jonburrows2684
      @jonburrows2684 Рік тому +1

      And didn't take me. Shame shame, everybody knows your name

    • @DiceHunt
      @DiceHunt 7 місяців тому

      Loved them. Graduated in 1963.

  • @gc4282
    @gc4282 3 роки тому +319

    This is real music, not the crap they make today. I'm 65 and remember all of the words just like it was yesterday. One of the best groups of all time!

    • @riodavies3043
      @riodavies3043 3 роки тому +13

      I'm 16 I wish I lived in this time

    • @HRHG9
      @HRHG9 3 роки тому +8

      I grew up listening to this music and I was born in the 80's. Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons is one of my top favs! I have two of their cd's. I can listen to them and close my eyes, I'm back at my grandparent's house listening to Olde's 99.9 while reading library books I took out that day. I truly miss those days!!

    • @andyl7174
      @andyl7174 3 роки тому +11

      I'm 65 listening to this I shut my eyes and just go back to when life was good.

    • @BitsyBee
      @BitsyBee 3 роки тому +17

      Haha don't forget, our parents thought this music was crap, too! ;)

    • @BitsyBee
      @BitsyBee 3 роки тому +9

      @@riodavies3043 Nah, you might've been drafted! Thanks to tech, we can go back to the best of times through music, and leave the rest behind.

  • @tonyrobichaud
    @tonyrobichaud Рік тому +14

    I came to America (New York City) in 1955 and soon picked up on the popular rock & roll songs which helped me learn English. I'll never forget buying an album years later called something like Four Seasons versus Beatles. It opened up like a book with a 78 rpm speed record encased on both sides. It featured a list of all the songs from both groups with an empty square where the buyer could put a check mark on the song preferred. Then there was a tally taken so that the buyer could express the better group by simply adding the check marks. I lost that album long ago and have wished I still had many times.

    • @georgecullen759
      @georgecullen759 3 місяці тому +2

      That album could pay off many debts if you still had it.

  • @captainc0rgi
    @captainc0rgi 2 роки тому +4

    all of these old people in the comments lol. here I am 17 having been captivated at a young age by Frankie Vali's music from Jersey Boys.

  • @joemiranda6765
    @joemiranda6765 3 роки тому +6

    I am 71, I remember when I was 12and it came on the radio? Cherry and that night I found out the name. “The four Seasons” it was 1962, and every decade after that they had a hit. So as soon as Jersey Boys came to Broadway I was there. I was mad at my husband for spending the kind of money 💰 he spent. After, I was
    kissing him all night. It was worth every penny. Then the following year my husband found out where Frankie was performing in our area. It was economical and so worth it. I couldn’t believe it, he sounded wonderful, he hit the high note’s. In his 70’s and still sounded great.👍

  • @raraya2004
    @raraya2004 2 роки тому +36

    I am 57 years old and when I was in high school, I studied with that music and I don't know why, but I always concentrated and got good grades.

    • @donnakoster9795
      @donnakoster9795 Рік тому +1

      Me, too.

    • @yootoober2009
      @yootoober2009 Рік тому +3

      I'm 74 now, started playing in a band outside a big US Naval Base in 1966 and one of the groups we covered were The Four Seasons. Today, 27 January 2023, I'm still listening to them and still getting excited like I did then...

  • @Shook-run-Q
    @Shook-run-Q 2 роки тому +31

    I have to say that Rag Doll is my favorite, brings me to tears when I hear it, but I love almost all of these songs…..thanks Frankie!

    • @darlenetisdale1641
      @darlenetisdale1641 Рік тому +3

      Rag Doll still touches my inner soul for over fifty years.

  • @dannysinclair5323
    @dannysinclair5323 2 роки тому +6

    I love the four seasons. when the came out with Sherry I was dating a girl by the name Sherry. I bought my first 45 and wore it out. Beautiful music back in those days. Nothing like today's music.

  • @jamoflys
    @jamoflys 2 роки тому +13

    I'm 45, grew up listening to mostly hip-hop, rock and R&B. Somehow I know most of these songs, all the words too, it's weird.

    • @ralphmillard4649
      @ralphmillard4649 11 місяців тому +1

      Back when we used to all listen to the radio

  • @goldfighter1677
    @goldfighter1677 3 роки тому +47

    I am probably the only 16 year old that loves Frankie valli. My grandma would always play it when we were on our way to church.

    • @ravexakimbo1067
      @ravexakimbo1067 2 роки тому


    • @Bewwenforp
      @Bewwenforp 2 роки тому +8

      Rest assured you are not the only 16 old in the entire world who likes frankie there's like at least 3 other people in this comment section stating the same thing. Including me lol.

    • @BuilditupButtercup
      @BuilditupButtercup 2 роки тому +4

      I’m sure that’s not entirely true! I am 13 and listen to them! My grandparents introduced me to their music when we were on a cruise when I was 5! Their music is amazing! I am sad they are not very popular nowadays as they were back then!

    • @menavillegas694
      @menavillegas694 2 роки тому +3

      The 17 year old in the family love this guy's music too!

    • @hayley5633
      @hayley5633 2 роки тому +3

      I'm 15 and I love them!!

  • @mommapuff9541
    @mommapuff9541 Рік тому +45

    I am 27 and grew up listening to Frankie Valli and absolutely love his vocal range. His songs are very relatable too!

    • @terrytari1891
      @terrytari1891 Рік тому +3

      Did you hear the song that Barry Gibb (leader singer of the BeeGees) wrote for Frankie & 4 Seasons was a hit. The Bee Gees were the Austrian/UK version of Frankie & the 4 Seasons. They both a have good falsettos & plenty of hits!

  • @lizmiller8406
    @lizmiller8406 3 роки тому +97

    Am 59 and in the Midwest but born in NY and Italian - these songs bring me home to mom & dad who passed 19 years ago. Sweet tender words ‘My eyes adored you but I never laid a hand on you’ - what a different world we grew up in than the vulgar selfish cardi b porn world of today.

    • @brucejohnson411
      @brucejohnson411 3 роки тому +2

      Oh man I love it you said the right thing you said you's the right word your sarcasm is much appreciated beside that it's the truth

    • @brucejohnson411
      @brucejohnson411 3 роки тому +5

      shallow empty yeah this new generation have the depth of a puddle Maybe

    • @leslieschmidt4744
      @leslieschmidt4744 3 роки тому +2

      Ain't that the truth!

    • @dannysunay4386
      @dannysunay4386 3 роки тому +1

      There is great r&b music being made today.

    • @dorothygagliardi8905
      @dorothygagliardi8905 2 роки тому +6

      Disgusting vulgarity isn't my thing. These classics hold me down with good memories & nostalgic thoughts. Old school is the best school..xx

  • @ronniebishop2496
    @ronniebishop2496 Рік тому +49

    Still listening 12-5-23, who’s with me? Love you all and I hope you’re lives are where you want them to be. God bless America.

  • @kylepatton3055
    @kylepatton3055 3 роки тому +165

    32, and I'm a huge fan of these guys! Listening to them through the years is fascinating to me! Every Era is great to me.

    • @leslieschmidt4744
      @leslieschmidt4744 3 роки тому +2

      Kyle, stay cool!

    • @crystaldixonrivers4701
      @crystaldixonrivers4701 3 роки тому +3

      I agree each era has brought uniqueness to music an each era has really put a great spin on music

    • @derekhaberman1805
      @derekhaberman1805 2 роки тому +2

      Bro 33 here and got the pleasure of seeing Frankie live a couple years back. Crazy thing is he not only sounds the same but he did a rap for us... just crazy

    • @kylepatton3055
      @kylepatton3055 2 роки тому +1

      @@derekhaberman1805 that's awesome! I'd love to see Frankie!

    • @johncostello7502
      @johncostello7502 2 роки тому +1

      You have good taste in music

  • @bobbycravens6853
    @bobbycravens6853 2 роки тому +18

    This was the first album I asked my dad for when I was 12 in 1998 at age 10 I heard "Big girls don’t cry" at a car show in Oklahoma and was hooked on the 60s ever since from the music to the cars to the drive in movies to the car hops at the old dinner’s that to me screamed true American times. Thanks dad for all the music you showed me.

  • @worldview730
    @worldview730 Місяць тому +6

    I was born in 1954 so you can imagine what these classic sounds mean to someone like me from this era

  • @stfitness1069
    @stfitness1069 2 роки тому +57

    My dad used to play Frankie Valli songs in the car when I was young. My dad is no longer here anymore, but the memories and music take me right back to sitting in the back of car and singing along x

    • @marycallender5200
      @marycallender5200 Рік тому +1

      My condolences to you and family regardless when your father entered the pearly gates of heaven. He will always remain in your heart, the same as this music. Be safe and enjoy your life.

  • @suestine9459
    @suestine9459 Місяць тому +2

    My husband and I Jersey Boys when it came to our city and just lived it. We would see it again if we get a chance.

  • @SJQuirke
    @SJQuirke Рік тому +9

    Classic classic sounds - thanks guys

  • @rayjayxx
    @rayjayxx 2 роки тому +8

    So I’ve just scattered some of my late mothers ashes on the island of Rhodes, Greece.
    She was always a huge fan of Frankie Valli and the four seasons and I was brought up on their music.
    I even took her to see the tribute shows.
    I’m listening to this after saying goodbye and remembering the memories of my beautiful mum.
    Rest in peace Hazel Jones. You will always live on in me and our lovely memories. I love you xxxxxxxxxxxx

  • @gordonwood2087
    @gordonwood2087 Рік тому +10

    The only time I saw them live was at the Canadian National Exebition when they sang from the CHUM radio remote site. They sang Sherry and I can still hear it in my mind. Their music is timeless and this album brings back great memories.

  • @Tedd-ue6gc
    @Tedd-ue6gc 25 днів тому +1

    “Rag Doll” just has me in tears , I’m 78 years’s old, dammit! The memories just flood back …Thanks so much.

  • @Pumpkylive
    @Pumpkylive 2 роки тому +34

    My Papa passed away a month ago and while going through his stuff I found some old cassette tapes with these guys on them 💜 can't stop listening now

    • @marycallender5200
      @marycallender5200 Рік тому +1

      My condolences to you and family. Cherish those memories always. Be safe and enjoy life.

  • @christinemynahbird7647
    @christinemynahbird7647 2 роки тому +3

    The show came to Hawaii and all the shows were sold out and I was fortunate enough to go if it would have been possible I would have gone again. The show was amazing !!!!! I have always loved their music and see their story was awesome!

  • @mariaegonzalez4232
    @mariaegonzalez4232 2 роки тому +9

    Yeah! Wonderful music that make us feel young and happy again! I’m 77!. Thank you for these memories.!

  • @RoySATX
    @RoySATX 2 роки тому +40

    Just finished listening to all 20 songs, what a trip. Absolutely brilliant. You see the title and you think you remember the song, then it plays and the memories come rushing back in a current so strong for a while it washes away all the tears and all the years. What a great place to visit before I forget where it all went.

  • @kengrew2616
    @kengrew2616 Рік тому +20

    If one is ever down or blue then this album will change the mood quickly and one will be singing and dancing like crazy.

    • @pattygranados2029
      @pattygranados2029 7 місяців тому +1

      You're rigth! ❤

    • @kengrew2616
      @kengrew2616 7 місяців тому

      @@pattygranados2029 Which song by the Four Seasons is your favorite?

    • @pattygranados2029
      @pattygranados2029 7 місяців тому +2

      My fav is 'My eyes adored you"

  • @shinermatos7164
    @shinermatos7164 2 роки тому +5

    I first heard this driving south on the Panamerican highway in Peru, driving to a little beach town called Pucusana. I was maybe 7? What a summer.

  • @kaelanmarriner2871
    @kaelanmarriner2871 2 роки тому +78

    I'm only 16, but I recently had a flashback to my Mum and Dad playing an album with all of these songs on a CD in the car on a road trip when i was younger! All came back to me and I realised how much these songs have been ingrained within my memory...
    *P.S: Since I was so young and was in love with the Tom & Jerry show, I genuinly used to imagine the song "Sherry" was actually saying "Jerry come out to play", who would've thought something I haven't thought about in many years has been hiding in some corner of my mind waiting to be remembered.

    • @mumydear1
      @mumydear1 2 роки тому +6

      That's what Great Music does.. It stays with you 👍❤

    • @rockycross6993
      @rockycross6993 2 роки тому +3

      Keep listening to them dude. My first daughter who is gone now was named Sherry. Allow these guys to safely assist when jamming and having difficulties. Be blessed young man.

    • @elbmcook
      @elbmcook 2 роки тому +3

      "Jerry". . that's too funny! Thinking I'll always remember this when I hear "Sherry." Thanks for the chuckle.

    • @kaelanmarriner2871
      @kaelanmarriner2871 2 роки тому +3

      @@elbmcook no problem at all! gave me a chuckle too thinking about it! Amazing what this kind of of music used to do for me it really was great

    • @kaelanmarriner2871
      @kaelanmarriner2871 2 роки тому

      @@rockycross6993 I’m so sorry to hear that, i wish you well in future and appreciate the comment i will certainly keep listening to these legends. Thank you truly have a great rest of your day :)

  • @timneff1928
    @timneff1928 3 роки тому +37

    The start of "Rag Doll", with that harmony, still gives me chills....even after all those years...

  • @abrakadabrah3031
    @abrakadabrah3031 3 роки тому +25

    Just got a portable mini stepper
    Determined to keep on walking
    Fighting off
    .... strengthen my
    Legs and arms ----
    Recommend any type of movement, no matter how slight....
    This music is invigorating and uplifting💖💪🙏🎶
    Better then doctors
    Or dangerous meds....

    • @christilehman-starr4428
      @christilehman-starr4428 6 місяців тому

      Movement is life. Keep it up dear one 🦋

    • @barbaram5787
      @barbaram5787 4 місяці тому

      I hope you are still moving and keeping those ailments at bay.
      I'm 62 and started a routine this early spring when I started having hip issues. Mostly walking crisscross sideways and backwards on my daily walks. It is working.
      I grew up listening to this music. I had an 8 track tape of this I listened to constantly.

  • @GoldenClays1
    @GoldenClays1 2 роки тому +11

    Simpler beautiful music for much simpler times. They were so very good. Their music is timeless.

  • @2015Zoe
    @2015Zoe 2 роки тому +19

    I learned how to roller skate to the early records of these guys in mid 60's , Still love them today. IT'S CANDY TO THIS 70 YEAR OLD EARS !!!

    • @RaptorFromWeegee
      @RaptorFromWeegee Рік тому +1

      Why'd they stop roller skating rinks? They sound like so much fun.

  • @michaelfontessr5805
    @michaelfontessr5805 2 роки тому +6

    I was in born 1963 and this is the first Boy Band. All Boy Bands since are still trying to live up to their greatness.

  • @michaelhofer9149
    @michaelhofer9149 2 роки тому +15

    A time when the world was changing at full throttle and yet music like this made the world make sense. Born in 1958 I’m in that forgotten generation but I got to live WITH MUSIC from the 30s to today’s music, and I get to share it with my sons. At times like this I can come back, listen to HARMONIZED MUSIC, and all of a sudden the problems of day to day life don’t seem quite as powerful.

    • @susandevoss5539
      @susandevoss5539 2 роки тому +2

      i was born in '58 also. my mom used to listen to these guys constantly & consequently i did too. mom passed away in 2018 but i'm still listening 😍😘❤

  • @jacquie58
    @jacquie58 5 місяців тому +13

    I’m 66. Struggling with chronic pain and fatigue. This music always lifts my spirits.

  • @jbess_the.ningen2685
    @jbess_the.ningen2685 Місяць тому +2

    Ronnie is my fave 💪🏾 I’m a 27 y/o guy from NYC and I was introduced to Frankie from his song “Can’t take my eyes off you”. Back in 2017. And I love to hit all the notes. Much love Frankie

  • @petertrifilo521
    @petertrifilo521 2 місяці тому +2

    Just saw Frankie Vallli in Worcester, Ma September 24’ What an amazing production. Fabulous. Frankie at 90 is still killing it. What a show ❤❤

  • @roha8993
    @roha8993 Рік тому +9

    I seen Frankie in mid 90s at a small venue, Chesaning show boat in mid Michigan. Best concert I have ever seen. To this day nothing even comes close. Conservation with the crowd leading up to songs, and full orchestra accomping his act was amazing.

  • @bellezzam2007
    @bellezzam2007 2 роки тому +3

    I can still remember them when I was 5-6 years old, it was I think 1960-61; they were wearing white cardigans, this was in Keansburg, New Jersey; they were singing at a beach venue-I think it was Sheehan's; I can still remember our family's friend, Mary LoBello making them sauteed veal and pepper sandwiches on Italian hoagie rolls-this is my first and best recollection --I've loved them ever since-I think this is right before they broke out into national fame; yes, it was a beautiful life growing up on the Jersey Shore!

  • @Cesar-pq2ck
    @Cesar-pq2ck Рік тому +4

    I was born in ‘77 but this music moves me. My wife and I saw him live right before COVID and will see him again in January 2024; can’t wait!

  • @marianchacon5289
    @marianchacon5289 Рік тому +10


  • @raymccranie7872
    @raymccranie7872 11 місяців тому +7

    Ever since I was a kid, Ive loved The 4 Seasons! What talent!! I saw Frankie Valli on TV recently and he still has it. Just Wonderful!!!❤❤❤❤😮😅😊

  • @btrideordie123
    @btrideordie123 3 роки тому +9

    49 and literally the best ! Era for music !!!! My mom n dad listened to it religiously and it must of embedded in my soul because it's my favorite music by far. Music today should take a lesson. Good fun , innocent great hit after hit !!!!! No one on earth can listen to any of this and not move around n sing .... unless they r a corpse ........ 50,s 60,s live on every day !!! Great music all the time ...

  • @hernanroldan4789
    @hernanroldan4789 Рік тому +19

    Creo que no me equivoco sí digo que ésta es la MEJOR música del planeta. Gracias muchachos por hacer y darnos la mejor música del Mundo.

  • @user-fangflyer1
    @user-fangflyer1 2 місяці тому +2

    Timeless and enduring into eternity! Thank you for amazing harmony!

  • @eagtle54
    @eagtle54 Рік тому +9

    I saw them at the Michigan state fair in 1966. Their music brings back the few joys I had in my early years. I love his voice!

  • @colleenmelton1558
    @colleenmelton1558 Рік тому +2

    Thanks for the fun times to remember the good olde days...we danced up a free.....Dance your troubles away...keep save younger generation......Keep SMART......

  • @harryodell9497
    @harryodell9497 2 роки тому +16

    Me 2 cousins and a friend sang four seasons songs at a party one night. We got in trouble til my uncle heard us. He was impressed. Wish i still had that voice

  • @OmarGarcia-qh6ux
    @OmarGarcia-qh6ux 9 місяців тому +2

    At 70 and still grooving to the 60's with great music from our youth. Remember, God should always be first in our life.

  • @tomasclaude1518
    @tomasclaude1518 2 роки тому +6

    I am from Panama the country of the canal and this music is awesome I love the rythms and the combnation black people and white people did different things in the music business.

  • @CNadz12
    @CNadz12 2 роки тому +14

    I’m 28 and Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons remind me of my grandma. She passed of dementia in 2019 ❤

  • @marianchacon5289
    @marianchacon5289 Рік тому +10


    • @richardwalker9826
      @richardwalker9826 Рік тому +1

      nobody can sing the high notes in Sherry so effortlessly like Frankie Valli could.
      an immortal voice!

    • @marianchacon5289
      @marianchacon5289 Рік тому +1

      DAY!!! 😊