Increase Milk Supply Fast

  • Опубліковано 7 вер 2024


  • @erinwilliams3649
    @erinwilliams3649 5 років тому +9

    All great advice! I was able to create a (manageable) oversupply early on. I started pumping in the hospital because my baby was a preemie/in the NICU, but as he started nursing I continued to pump after 4 of our 8 feeds each day. By 6 weeks, that was over 500oz in the freezer! I slowly tapered off so I was down to 1-2 extra pumps a day by 6 weeks.
    I’ll also add: if you are trying to add a pump to your day, don’t be discouraged if you barely get a few drops at first. It took my body about a week to recognize what I was doing and create more milk. If you stick with it a few days, you’ll start seeing a few ounces!

  • @Narniaru
    @Narniaru 5 років тому +2

    I've not had the easiest breastfeeding experience but 8 weeks later we're still at it. a game changer for me really has been drinking water, it makes so much sense that you need more. definitely going to make myself that foam roller thing cause my calves have resulted in me not running anymore.

    • @monicarussell6004
      @monicarussell6004 5 років тому

      Yeah the semi circle foam roller... did you just saw in half an old foam roller? I have chronically tight calves and love this idea!

  • @laneabranch5785
    @laneabranch5785 Рік тому

    THANK YOU SO MUCH! I had no idea what was going on with my ankle and thanks to you I found out! 🙏🏽(plantar fasciitis)

  • @Legallytess4
    @Legallytess4 5 років тому +2

    Ashley, this is so incredibly helpful! I am expecting baby #2 in April and found that something I struggled with for the first baby was getting him enough food. Once he finally weened, I still wish I was able to give him my milk because of all the good things it has

    • @raniagarva
      @raniagarva 5 років тому

      Same exact story goes for me! Due in April, and feeling more confident this time around. So much gratitude for this community of mommas!

  • @sabrinaeartha246
    @sabrinaeartha246 5 років тому

    I drank tons of "Healthy nursing tea". I also ate a lot of oatmeal and increased my water intake. I was able to breastfeed my daughter, only supplementing 1.5 oz at night. I was diagnosed with IGT after my first son, so it’s an uphill battle for me to breastfeed but I managed it with these things!

  • @makebasnowden7559
    @makebasnowden7559 5 років тому +1

    Love your videos! I had my first baby 12/5/18 and have followed your prenatal fitness routines and the diastasis recti video. I’m returning to work in a few weeks and have been concerned about pumping enough for my daughter while I’m away. I look forward to the nursing smoothie video because I’m trying everything I can to ensure she’s has all she needs and I don’t have to resort to using formula.

    • @makebasnowden7559
      @makebasnowden7559 5 років тому

      Thanks! I’ll take a look now.

    • @sweetiegirlsam5432
      @sweetiegirlsam5432 5 років тому +2

      I pump every 2 and a half to 3 hours for at least 15 minutes while I’m away at work and so far I’ve maintained my supply! I also wake baby to feed her before I leave for work and I feed her again pretty much as soon as I get home! The first couple of weeks are difficult, but once you get your routine down you’ll be all good!

  • @LaiLaNahAr
    @LaiLaNahAr 5 років тому +3

    Do you have any nursing sports bra recommendations for if your baby needs to feed when you're in your workout clothes?

  • @Eveholstein
    @Eveholstein 5 років тому +1

    Do do have specific recommendations for an electric pump?
    I have "sporty boobs" and think that pumping/creating a surplus is the only way I'll produce enough!
    Thank you for your time and videos. Congratulations on your beautiful family ❤️

    • @Eveholstein
      @Eveholstein 5 років тому

      @@glowbodypt 😍 thank you!!

  • @caitlindavies4621
    @caitlindavies4621 5 років тому +1

    Great video! question: my daughter is 5 weeks old will be 6 weeks Sunday. She is still waking about every 1 hour 45 minutes at night to feed. I feel confident I have a good milk supply because I can hear her gulping and I occasionally use the Haaka on the other breast and collect between 1-3 oz during a feed. I watched your most recent video and saw that your daughter is almost sleeping through the night at 6 weeks. Any tips?!

  • @basalinas2005
    @basalinas2005 4 роки тому

    Hi Ashley. I was wondering where to buy the kind of bed/bassinet that you are using for your daughter. What is the brand? Where can I purchase it?

  • @LaiLaNahAr
    @LaiLaNahAr 5 років тому

    When do you end up using your stash - or do you just donate it all before it expires? I BF full-time, and I only pump for relief. I always have a hard time using up our stash since baby only gets left maybe once a month.

  • @lauriellejewson5650
    @lauriellejewson5650 3 роки тому

    When is a good time to start pumping? Can I pump now, I am currently 36 Weeks and scheduled to have a cesarean October 5th, that is 3 weeks and 2 days away I believe.

    • @glowbodypt
      @glowbodypt  3 роки тому

      100% wait til AFTER baby is born. Milk volume can be really high from days 3-10 so you don't want to create an over-supply issue accidentally. I wait to start pumping til 4 weeks postpartum when milk supply is fairly regulated, mastitis risk is reducing, and you can pump enough to have a little freezer supply you feel confident about in case any emergencies come up. Major congrats on expecting on October 5th, you'll have your baby about a week before I do!!

  • @brooklynjeffries6760
    @brooklynjeffries6760 5 років тому +1

    When you say you don't ever wake her up to feed her, do you mean even during the day? Or just at night? I am hoping baby no3 is gonna be a good sleeper cause my 2nd BF every hour to 1 1/2 all night (and about every 2-3 hours during the day, and I even tried keeping her awake most the day, talking during feeds, lights on, during day and opposite during night and nothing worked so I'll take any advice! Lol)

    • @brooklynjeffries6760
      @brooklynjeffries6760 5 років тому

      @@glowbodypt Thank you so much!!! I used to wake her up my 14 month old, every few hours during the day and feed her and get her to stay awake in hopes of her being more tired at night and sleeping at night but I feel like that just created a bad habbit of her getting up and eating more often and she has Gerd (which I wished on No One! ) So we kept her upright which helped but still she was up constantly waking up at night and during the day which was so exhausting so I'm definitely going to take your advice especially with not waking her during the day or night!(it's another girl 😁) you would think by baby no 3 I'd totally have it figured out haha I'm hoping this baby will be a good sleeper and these tips will work for her, Thank you!

  • @daliacarrillo8588
    @daliacarrillo8588 3 роки тому

    What changing Cushion do you use? I really like it

    • @glowbodypt
      @glowbodypt  3 роки тому

      I got it at BuyBuy Baby! For all my other favs, they are linked here to make it easy to find

  • @scarlettkurth8466
    @scarlettkurth8466 5 років тому

    So this is my question !! Where are those boys when your pumping and what are they doing? What time are you usually Waking up to start your day ? Because, the only reason i haven’t started pumping with this baby is because my toddler is waking at the same time as them and I feel like i don’t have enough time!! Please help :)

    • @Narniaru
      @Narniaru 5 років тому

      @@glowbodypt My baby takes an hour to feed. I think he likes marathons.
      I like the idea of that clock, thank you

    • @scarlettkurth8466
      @scarlettkurth8466 5 років тому

      Oh my goodness the independence of your boys is so awesome ! Love that you are working hard to not be child-centered ! Great advice thank you. My 2 year old is still in a crib so I can’t do exactly the same routine but it was encouraging to hear how you do it and think about how I can help him be more independent. I think I still do a lot of first baby syndrome with him and baby him too much with some things. I will check out the light as well sounds great !

  • @oliviac5538
    @oliviac5538 4 роки тому

    Hello, Im struggling with breast milk and each time I only get 40ml combined from both breasts and that's from pumping. Since I don't have much, Ill feed my son with formula so whenever I have one feed stored, usually it's now 100ml, then I feed him from bottle. My son is one month old. I don't know what to do to increase milk supply as he cries a lot since I don't have enough. I try to drink lots of water as well as taking fenugreek water as well, also eat oatmeal. Still struggling... 😭😭😭

    • @oliviac5538
      @oliviac5538 4 роки тому

      @@glowbodypt I'm pumping around 4 times a day and together for both of them sometimes 15 minutes or 30 minutes. BTW thank you so much for your reply.

    • @janego2018
      @janego2018 4 роки тому

      I had great troubles pumping too! But baby would get enough, I could tell, because a baby suckles differently than a pump does. In case you're still struggling, contact an IBCLC lactation consultant. Mine adviced me to pump every 2 hours for at least 10min, even and especially at night, until I reached the quantity needed.