Phil, as you cover so well, there is a ton of negativity in the air already. Listening to your pods is a welcome breath and safe haven for positivity. Thanks for all you do!
This and the Red Riding Hood Episode were two of my favorite episodes. I really wish there were complete full episodes available for sale. R.I.P. Bob Einstein a.k.a. Super One!
These get funnier the more I watch em .... What makes them even better is the incredible budget they have - which I have no idea how they pulled it off ha...
*Finding Super Dave on TV at my house* Kids: Yay! Dad: Yay! Grandpa: Yay! Grandma: *quiet* Mom: UGGGGGGHHHHHH!!! (Yet Mom got excited when she recognized Super Dave in Ocean's 13.)
As a teen in the 1980s we did parody songs, even got on Dr. Demento couple times, I did a character something like SD. Host; Your music sucks, no one wants to listen to it or hear about it so just sit there and shut up. *long pause* Me; I can see That! SD was an inspiration, he knew when it was more funny to say nothing than something at times...
Has anyone here heard of the Mandela effect? This episode is around 30 years old. It mentions Ed McMahon and Publishers Clearing House. Many people, including myself, remember Ed McMahon and his affiliation with Publishers Clearing House, but now history says that he never worked for them. But this segment confirms that he did! Fragments like this pop up all the time. Research the Mandela Effect!!!!
The only reason Fuji kept his job is because the part of Super Dave’s brain responsible for firing people was damaged and was replaced by Genuine Saskatchewan Seal Skin™️.
I recall at age 14 me and my cousins crowded into one of those stupid paddle boats and it had "style" notches in the worst places water flooded into us, and we sunk the damned thing with all our weight distributed to the right.
When I was 10 I waited for my parents to crash and i secretly watched his show on Showtime, then the skin flix that came after his show lol. R.I.P Super Dave 👍 btw...what happened to the announcer and Mr. Fuji? I got some google searching to do.
I met a guy a few years ago who used to play poker at the casino with Fuji for a few hours like every day. Apparently thats what he does or did like all day in the greater Toronto area at least at the time
Ok not one of the better episodes but did you watch all of the other Super Dave stuff? Uh the body of work speaks for itself. Comedy without the political garbage and ripping on celebrities and so on like they do today. Comedy needs to return to some wholesome stuff just as the world does. What people call progress I call ruining the world.
Man this stuff is funny, I only discovered super Dave last week and I've been watching all the videos constantly
I think it ran on pay tv so I only saw him on David Letterman at the time. He was great.
Ray Pellerin Yes. Showtime on cable TV back in the 80’s
You could not even get cable in many parts of the country back then
He has a movie to
Same here I love watching this a legend of comedy
I love Fuji. He is the comedic foil to SD and made the whole gag work.
Was anyone else a kid when this originally aired, and wanted to go to Super Dave’s complex?
No, i think the 1980s were the only decade without kids.
@@hipnotyq I just knew there would be a crash
@@deadliestvice5356 Ha, I was 5 in 1986, so being a kid in the 80's i can confirm that we were not kids...we were invisible.
I always love you can hear Super Dave’s voice in the background during the intro. Nice touch.
Super Dave was so far ahead of his time that he even predicted the Tiny House craze. =)
What makes the whole thing funny is these ideas even with the whole thing going wrong, are genuinely good ideas.
I watched Super Dave many years ago. I miss him. Rip
Phil, as you cover so well, there is a ton of negativity in the air already. Listening to your pods is a welcome breath and safe haven for positivity. Thanks for all you do!
When Fuji goes “Jehovah Witnesses” I always lose it!
I had to stop the video. I was in tears laughing for at least 5 minutes at that!
I love how you can hear him talking before you can see him. Just funny stuff.
RIP, Super Dave, and thanks for the laughs!
Pubrisher's Crearing House, ROR!
R.I.P Super Dave 1/2/19
This and the Red Riding Hood Episode were two of my favorite episodes. I really wish there were complete full episodes available for sale. R.I.P. Bob Einstein a.k.a. Super One!
One of my fav's RIP Super, you will indeed be missed...:(
These get funnier the more I watch em ....
What makes them even better is the incredible budget they have - which I have no idea how they pulled it off ha...
Super Dave was part of my childhood, thanks for uploading these. I linked my 2 favourites on a playlist.
5:33 Jehovah's Witness to funny. R.I.P. Super Dave, Thanks for all the fun. You will be missed !!
Fooj & Supah ....
Great job ! I loved these in the 80s as a kid. All of us kiddos did.
Jimmy Walker said it best "Dynamite" I know he enjoining the by far. REST IN PEACE Super Dave. You will be miss for sure.
I was a teen, he started on night shows, then got his own show on cable
Pubrisher's Crearing House! LMAO!
Mike’s trousers are an understated delight in this sketch.
Yeah. I'm watching this on my mobile phone. What kind of design is on those pajama bottom looking pants?
Gotta binge watch Dave occasionally
Pubrashah’s Crearinghouse 😂
*Finding Super Dave on TV at my house*
Kids: Yay!
Dad: Yay!
Grandpa: Yay!
Grandma: *quiet*
(Yet Mom got excited when she recognized Super Dave in Ocean's 13.)
Fuji is priceless...
I miss talking to Bob
Thanks, I forgot how funny Super Dave is.
Did Super Dave ever realize that he really needs to fire Fuji. He's a little incompetent.
Really. How did Mr. Fuji keep his job?
A rittle incopertant
R.I.P Super Dave the Canadian super hero.
I love how SuperDave always happens to show up when Mike Walden is talking to the camera.
One of the all time best!
"How you gonna blow down my brick house, huh(?)" "WITH A DY-NA-MITE!" ".....uh oh!" ROFLOL XD
1,2,3, YOO HOO.
When I hear Dynamite in 2021 I think BTS!
RIP Fuji.
How long did it take Super Dave to realize that his friend Fuji was actively trying to kill him? Or did he ever realize?
Fuji was a maniac!
This might be the funniest super Dave sketch ive ever seen
My favorite storybookland episode is the little red riding hood skit. classic. Murphy wall !
Super Dave!!!
Super would make a good cop " get it a piggy " 🤣🤣🤣
My idol super Dave..the most amazing stuntman to ever live..amazing stunts.. 😂
So funny
Always Super
I'm going to Storybookland!
#RIP Super Dave
500 acre compound... LOL!
I’ll never forget his golf tee hitting me in the crotch
The grueling repetition of this one is giving me flashbacks of Gallagher and his Sledge-o-matic.
Greatest dare Devil of this generation, although he sometimes messed up a little.
' 9 9o
Take Detour just a little.
As a teen in the 1980s we did parody songs, even got on Dr. Demento couple times, I did a character something like SD.
Host; Your music sucks, no one wants to listen to it or hear about it so just sit there and shut up.
*long pause*
Me; I can see That!
SD was an inspiration, he knew when it was more funny to say nothing than something at times...
Might be my favorite one… lol
Has anyone here heard of the Mandela effect? This episode is around 30 years old. It mentions Ed McMahon and Publishers Clearing House. Many people, including myself, remember Ed McMahon and his affiliation with Publishers Clearing House, but now history says that he never worked for them. But this segment confirms that he did! Fragments like this pop up all the time. Research the Mandela Effect!!!!
we live in God's simulator look up Trey Smith's 'theory of everything' God in a nutshell project
you will be amazed
5:32 ROTFLMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That fucking Fugi kicks ASS!
Dream come true
Mmm BBQ pork. Lol
Already gone over to the Jack and the Beanstalk area lmao
Fuji for president
Where was "Crazy Harry" when you need him?
Comedy gold!
bye superdave
Bob is the man
Publishers Clearing House 🏠
The only reason Fuji kept his job is because the part of Super Dave’s brain responsible for firing people was damaged and was replaced by Genuine Saskatchewan Seal Skin™️.
Hippoboat, nice LOL!
Thanks for calling me the doctor
Long time before Dave land's ah ?
Why hasn't any urban explorer done the super Dave compound?
Cry laughing
Where does Mike Walden get his pants?
Do you have the Wild West stunt?
I recall at age 14 me and my cousins crowded into one of those stupid paddle boats and it had "style" notches in the worst places water flooded into us, and we sunk the damned thing with all our weight distributed to the right.
Once Upon a YAHOO!
Me too, I barely found out about Super Dave and I'm from the 70s. What gives.
Knock knock.........whose there?........Pubwishers Qweering House. LOL!!!!!!!!!
That compound must’ve been more than 500 hectares
00 sd.....shaken ,not stirred....
He he he dynamite
FYI Ed McMahan dont do Publisher's Clearing House
That's one of those Mandela Effect things.
jehovah's witness. hahaha
When I was 10 I waited for my parents to crash and i secretly watched his show on Showtime, then the skin flix that came after his show lol. R.I.P Super Dave 👍 btw...what happened to the announcer and Mr. Fuji? I got some google searching to do.
@Kabal Mike passed away too :( I'm not sure about the guy who played Fuji.
@@crazyfvck, Art Irizawa lives in Vancouver or Arizona, still acting I have heard.
Dude I did too!!
I met a guy a few years ago who used to play poker at the casino with Fuji for a few hours like every day. Apparently thats what he does or did like all day in the greater Toronto area at least at the time
5:33 "Jehovah's witness" hahaahahahaaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaahahaaaahhahaa
the only funny show on TV
on UA-cam
That was silly.
That wasn't in the story...... LOL
So dumb but so funny!
Would be so much better without the laugh track.
Sadly, this will be labeled racist and cancelled very soon...enjoy while you can. RIP SD, you'll always be a true American hero...
Jesus that was painful. It is the first time in my life Bob Einstein was not funny. I hope the show was canceled soon after this.
+ greg - HA HA HA!
You are lame. This was hysterical
Ok not one of the better episodes but did you watch all of the other Super Dave stuff? Uh the body of work speaks for itself. Comedy without the political garbage and ripping on celebrities and so on like they do today. Comedy needs to return to some wholesome stuff just as the world does. What people call progress I call ruining the world.
I thought this skit was hilarious! And Fuji's lines were classic!
Sorry to hear you didn't like it. It's from the 80s...we laughed a lot more easily back then.