good song . good technique. good voice. good lyrics but AWFUL stage performance. I like Tori Amos. and i don't think that he plays her style well in fact that is DISGUSTING on him he HAS potential i hope he can find his own style. stop that stupid copying.
神曲.......... 歌詞寫得太精.....
我很喜歡 Tori Amos哩,看到藍奕邦的演出確實有點她的影子哩,但藍奕邦是個很有實力的歌手,相信他必定能將從Tori那裡領悟到的東西 轉化做 更優美的和更有個人風格的成份。加油喔!
埋怨世界太冷 埋怨每個過錯 還說你碰著太多不幸
埋怨這個那個 埋怨到喪失知覺 還滔滔不絕每天質問
出色不等於染橙色頭髮 膽色不等於掟爛幾支結他
一心想乞討大眾的憐憫 偏偏反而惹起公憤
* 所有問題徹底歸咎他人 雙眼閉著投入地去憎恨
巴不得當一世憤怒青年 孤單的過下半生 *
殘缺要挽救 才會算得長進 而你卻繼續有心毀壞
誰發奮去建設 而你卻那麼賭氣 來抗拒責任永不長大
不小心識穿你假裝強悍 執起手槍卻又流著冷汗
通通都只不過無病呻吟 聽者反而掉以輕心
假使將所有都歸咎他人 天都不可以平伏你的恨
假使可當一世憤怒青年 怎麼可普渡眾生
誰也會有過錯 你過去會否出錯 如你怕答我都不問
i know tori amos is his idol, but does he have to imitate her style of performing live so closely....?
唔知點解佢越黎越女人型= ="歌越黎越好聽,人越黎越女人你睇佢同時睇兩個琴時係咁un un下
good song . good technique. good voice. good lyrics
but AWFUL stage performance.
I like Tori Amos.
and i don't think that he plays her style well
in fact that is DISGUSTING on him
he HAS potential
i hope he can find his own style.
stop that stupid copying.