Here is the last video in the Season 3 zords. If you want to see the Ultrazord combinations, let me know. This is the Shogun Megazord, very cool indeed! Enjoy!
Good review on the two megazords ffrom season 3 mighty morphin power rangers (and originally from kaiku rangers) and I would like to see the ultrazord for the two megazords to.
In mmpr the alien rangers never owned the shogun zords. The rangers hijacked them from lord zedd who found them and used the rangers to pilot them and do his bidding
@BlackWithEvil if you ask me they fucked up the whole series. the ninja megazord and the shogun megazord should have just been one, kinda what they did with the Rescue Zords, where they would go from vehicle mode to fighter mode to megazord mode.
Good review on the two megazords ffrom season 3 mighty morphin power rangers (and originally from kaiku rangers) and I would like to see the ultrazord for the two megazords to.
i use to have these god this brings bck memerys
I can understand why the Falconzord combines with the Shogun Megazord as seen in the video. It's probably too heavy to fly.
is the helmet sturdy after its clipped on? mine seems like its barely held on to the red zord.
My favorite megazord if only they had a white one
one thing about sword on shogun magzord is use in the power ranger moive for Ninja
magzord plus as that real lord zedd find shogun megzord
Three toys are together at 9:21.
nice again
Actuelly, you got it backwards, the Power Rangers got the Shogun Megazord first, then they let the Alien Rangers use him.
In mmpr the alien rangers never owned the shogun zords. The rangers hijacked them from lord zedd who found them and used the rangers to pilot them and do his bidding
they look like buildings what turned in to robots lol
@NERFHERDER76 lol yeah who dident
@BlackWithEvil if you ask me they fucked up the whole series. the ninja megazord and the shogun megazord should have just been one, kinda what they did with the Rescue Zords, where they would go from vehicle mode to fighter mode to megazord mode.
Lol, look, it looks like an old Japanese building.