Great day at the track! Cars looking good and getting dialed in. Natalie is doing a fantastic job at getting good shots with the outside camera. She composes the shots well. It's a pleasure to watch her work and your car!
A long long time ago I used to race a '71 Cuda . My car had a 340 Edelbrock heads, Crower solid lift Cam 324/502 grind. B&M Automatic with a 10" 3800 stall. I ran 4.90s in the rear and that car would scoot. Watching you brings back a lot of great memories. Enjoy yourself. You got a great car there.
Thanks for the converter videos. I have enjoyed them and you have a sweet hot rod. I want to go with a higher stall than my 2500, and you have convinced me that I need the 3500 at least. My 2500 is tight, actually stalling at 19-2000. So 3500 should be plenty for my ride..
Wow, those old MCI's come up quick at the end. You guys must have great brakes to bring those cars down quick. You should get an award for 0-100-0 times! Scary track. Hope you all stay safe and thanks again for sharing your passion with us all.
Hi from down under, new to your channel only came across it two days ago , really love your Dart looks , sounds and performs amazing , been into Mopar for40 years now , loved this
Always good people behind the people. Looks like that torque converter did just what you wanted. It’s great to watch you switch one thing at a time so that I can understand the impact - total step by step
That so great that you have a girl that shares your passion for cars and is willing to help out! Hold on tight to her.... I tell all my friends they are out there you just got to find them......just like cars LOL!.... Great film work.
Great to see the car heading in the right direction and showing consistency... It makes it easier for the driver to settle in and start perfecting his routine when he knows the car is consistent..Your girl does an awesome job with the camera 🎥 nice and steady and great shots👌
You got a great lady there Joe! She seems to enjoy the same things you do, she's a keeper! Great job Natalie (hope that's spelled correctly) with the camera angles & smooth operation of the camera! If you're driving on the street, you may want to leave the sway bar on the car & disconnect the link ends on track day, this will help a lot with weight transfer. Removing the sway bar will make it handle like a go-cart on the street, that's one of the reasons my friend took out my neighbors mailbox & post. Ya didn't show it on the video but I wonder if you're checking the air pressure before you make a pass. You can't beat a car that's dialed in like that Malibu, man he's got great weight transfer, hangs the hoops & cuts lights like that. I would be proud that he beat me!! That was a nice GTX & S-10 that you run against, Fastback Mustang also. I guess I'll go watch the other video now, still trying to catch up from the past 3 or 4 weeks of being ill & not able to watch videos. It's 6:30AM here & I haven't had my coffee yet. I guess I'll make a giant cup first.😎
Love your car and your enthusiasm I just started watching your channel . Your car is hitting a good lick I love your dart it’s a beautiful car Sound mean and it’s definitely consistent On the times Look forward to seeing more of your videos in the future Thanks for the great entertainment
Very nice car, I'ma Ford guy now but When I was younger I had a 67 Cuda 340 6 pack 4 speed car from Grand Spalding Dodge, Chicago. That thing got me in trouble a lot I hit the like button, Good Luck
wow you're running a small block i don't know why i just assumed it was a 383 gts or a 440 transplant but then i saw the way you walked away from that big block B body off the line and it brought back memories of a couple of 340's that used to give me hell back in my day, aren't mopars great!!!!
Super Day at the track Guys! Love your Dart! And both of you... What a team! Been following you from the start... I'm a Big Dart/ A-Body guy myself... Have a few rusty relics to work on! Do me a BIG favor, Please! Remove interior rear view mirror and tighten it up so the pivot won't let the g-force move it! You have built such a beautiful '68 Dart. Is that an original mix on that burgundy paint? It really lights up in the sun! I have a weathered/rusted original paint burgundy '68, and never imagined it looked that beautiful once a long time ago... Can't wait for the next video. Thanks! Frank Parks in Summerville Ga. USA.
Thanks for watching, yes I’ve been meaning to fix the rear view mirror, been too busy swapping converters! Colour is dodge inferno red with a bit more candy in it.
Really nice little street car. Runs good. Alot of guys thinking this is 1/8 mile, but that car ain't running any 5.2x in the eighth. Probably mid to low 7's in the eighth if I had to guess based on your 1/4 mile estimate. So I'm guessing 330 ft race, maybe 500? You run what you have though. Still a great way to collect data and dial the car in without getting arrested. Lol. Keep after it, she's coming along real nice. Edit: I see you have answered this many times. Lol. 385 ft. It's a circle track. That's pretty wild man. It would suck to have the throttle stick open and try to make that left turn at the end of the straight! Make sure you have two throttle return springs on that bad boy!
Too cool! Glad to see your times improve. Remember what I said last video about a cage? 😆 I bet you will fix the slight traction issue when you move the battery and remove the sway bar. Great to see a car guy that finds a car girl. 🤗 Ya'll keep having fun, I always enjoy your videos. 👍
Nice guy, nice girl, and nice car. Raced motorcycles many years so I can relate. Some of my best friends I met racing. I like your approach, small changes and you cut a 1/10 here and there, then before you know it you’re going guick👍
I'm a new subscriber I just found this channel yesterday and I'm already hooked that's because the very first car I ever owned was a 68 Dart GTS 383 4 speed that was back in the late 70s and I wish I never sold that thing
Dude there still out there , I'm an empty nester and started looking bout gave up and my wife says honey what about this car, and shows me my 68 dart! On Facebook
That is one BEAUTIFUL DART !!! Love that you Drive it to the track. That track on the other hand looks Scary as F@@K !!!! Hopefully the owners can make some improvements... Be Safe.
I would have to see a 1/4 mile time to trust the 11s would be there. We were just at the track with my Duster last Friday and did an 11.81 at 113.5 and 4.85 with a 1.7 60" in the 330". Definitely valve control issues near the top of the track or maybe the rev limiter set a bit too low? That has to be hurting you some. Thanks so much for sharing. Wonderful seeing a nice mopar at the track!
my 75 Duster 360 ran a 1.629 60 ft with a 4.703 330'...and it clicked off a 11.56 @ 115.66.....With a DA 6500 ft....and slight head he would be in the mid 11s with it..
@@tony52ssss Yeah.. mine is a 408 Stroker with Trickflow heads and big Howards solid cam. e realyl felt it should have had more. I almost think it could have been falling off near the end. It was in Woodburn Oregon so DA that day was around 1500.
@@kevmay21 That Duster has run 11.19 @ 118.56 in Vegas with DA 3400 ft.....Taking it to Bakersfield the end of Sept to run a 10.90s....and it is the slowest of 4 cars..
First of all great content and beautiful car looks like you reached your goal of an 11.50 capable car. Not sure what your next goals are for the combination but theres probably a few more .10s in it with some tweaking and tuning yet. Depending on what direction you want to go. If you can raise your SSHood 2 or 3 inches to gain some more hood clearence you could probably run a 2 inch supersucker spacer for some additional hp , build a sealed airpan that seals to the scoop which will isolate the carb to outside air and will give a cooler flow entry into the carb. Not sure if your running a 727 or a 904 but building a 904 with a 2.74 planitary with similar converter will shave off 1.5 tenths at least. If you have a shop nearby looking at getting the intake manifold plenum and runners and a good port match would be worth a.10th or more as well. Mopars love CFM so even if you think a 750 or an 850 is more than enough almost every engine ive worked with has always made more power with a bigger carb. There is probably a bit more power to be had with a bigger carb. 904 w/ 2.74 planitary 1.5ths Fully ported manifold 10th SSHOOD raise + seal scoop+2inch spacer 1.3tenths Custom holley 950 10th Results may very, but some ideas for additional content for the car If your looking for a good custom carb i would look at getting into contact with Dominic "Thumper" on facebook, does custom 4150/4500 BLP carburetors for racers all over the u.s and canada. He can whip you up a real nice carb.
Hey there thanks for feed back you should check out my dyno vid for sure. I have a super sucker on it and will get a taller on if I have clearance. I will be porting the intake an doing kore mods to it over winter, stay tuned for that and as for air cleaner I am working on something for that right now! On dyno we tryed bigger carbs but the 750 was just a good as a 950! And I will retain some more street ability with the 750. I know of Dominic thumper and even chatted with him briefly. Thanks for watching, Lots to do still!
New to the channel. Man, that is one of the funkiest looking strips I’ve ever seen and I’m an old dude. Bleachers right up super close to the left lane and no barriers on a good portion of the right lane. Really looks odd from the drivers seat. Shutdown area also looks really short.
5:24 ET converts to an 11:52? How long is the track? Is it a metric length? I am in USA and have never heard of an ET conversion like you mentioned. Obviously it is shorter than 1/8th mile. Thanks.
Hey there. Track is the front straightaway of an oval track. Oldest in western Canada. It’s only 385 feet but it’s the only track around so it’s all we got. Thanks for watching.
How long is the track , sure seems short when you lift before 3rd gear ? what rear gears and is the trans a std first gear , or does it have the lower first gear done to it ? If it doesn't have a low first gear , like a 2.77 first . that may be something to add to launch quicker also . I am thinking that car will leave better flashing the converter from like 1500 , it should work great . I have done many race cars and never foot braked them that hard on the converter , I only did that on trans brake cars . Just wondering on the gears etc . Also , try lower rpm shifts , it can change a lot
Great video. You're lucky to have a woman who wants to be involved with your racing. My wife has come to the track once an once only and it did not go well, lol. One thing I noticed is that all the cars are doing the burnout in the water box. Is that a track rule? I never do that because I don't want any water to get flung up into the wheelwells and then drip down onto the tires causing me to lose traction.
Awesome Joe&Nat《☆》Congrats on meeting the goals🤓👍🏾Sounds like a roll cage may be necessary if you keep getting faster :*: Greetings from⛾Florida🤳my friends🤓🗣🔊☮✌👍🏾
HellYeah buddy.great at alberta/Saskatchewan border.its nice to see some Canadian content.sub'd.btw I love that original steering wheel haha awesome.Car makes consistent licks for sure
JESUS!!!! What track is that?? I don't think I have ever seen a track with such a short shut down... Looks like you have to stop and back up to return!!! Gotta get Natalie to move in closer to catch the lights AND the tires and launch. Definitely keep the lady and the converter..
I heard that too. Just about 1/2 sec when it reaches top rpm (rev limiter?) Would really show up if on a 1/4 mile. Might need a little tweak there. Runnin" great!
@@haydenspence6952 The problem is, the convertor flashes to about 5500-5800 after brake release. There is no RPM range for the motor to work with if it's signing off at 6500. You have a convertor for a combination that should be something like 5500-8000rpm range. His combo sounds more like it's a 3000-6500 rpm setup. I think there is a better combo there for this nice Mopar.
Joe, are the 1.560 valve springs still at the TFS installed height of 2.00 with the XR286R and 1.6 Harland Sharp rockers? You should do a video on your Morel solid roller lifters next time you check them. There is so much confusion/speculation regarding solid rollers in LA blocks. Car a looking good!
@@SimpsonsSpeedShop Ask your engine guy what part number Morel lifters you are using! Wondering for my 360 build and really interested because of your success!
I believe they are #4723. Take a look on there site, they have a few options for sure but these are race not the pro race, those require edition work to bushing I believe.
Wow what an unusual track: 385’ and a non-standard start beam. They must be starting the timing on the green rather than .400 before (pro tree) or .500 before (sportsman tree). What is your mph in 385’?
It’s a weird track. The bump coming through what would be turn 1 (going the other way) and the gradual bend at the end of the left lane is weird. Street cars 70-80 mph pro cars up to 100 (seen the altered cars go up to 105)
Some food for thought... your car is very nice and runs good. Have you tried not pushing it so hard on the starting line at the track? You should try only loading it lightly. Say, push it to maybe 3500 on the line and let the converter flash to 4500 and let your chassis react to the launch. It may or may not help your ET or 60 ft times. Based on what it sounds like in your videos, and I may be wrong, but I would also try shifting a little earlier than you have been. It sounds like you over-rev the 1-2 shift at the track. Just some constructive criticism that may or may not help. I like watching your videos and your car is awesome.
Hey thanks for checking the vids. Ya I didn’t flash the converter I. This race day. Old converter was better when loaded vs flashing it. Next trace I will try to flash, and yes I bang the limiter at 6600 engine makes most power up top check out my dyno vid! Thanks for watching more to come soon!
@@SimpsonsSpeedShop another trick is to go to a smaller diameter slick. An inch or two shorter tire would give you another quarter to half point of rear gearing without having to deal with too low of a gear on the street...will drive those 60 ft times even lower
Glad the high stall speed converter worked as planned. You were right. Assuming the car weighs about 3100#, an 11.5 time equates to 500 hp, or 400 hp at the wheel. So you are finally seeing results that match those from the dyno.
Although were dealing with a street car in the above video, keep in mind A NHRA D/SA 340 demon runs @ around 3100 pounds, and runs 10.40 average with less than 530 crankshaft HP, probably just under 500, typically 1.36 60. I think Simpson could benefit from taking a look at this type of car, can only help with his racing program. Any one know the altitude at this track?
@@VORTECPRO Mr. Simpson doesn't want to put a roll cage in his stock interior. That's why he's happy to be at 11.52 sec 1/4 m equivalent . just over the 11.5 threshold mandating a roll cage. A Demon running 10.4 would need one. Like this one: btw , my calculator says 3100# @10.40 requires. 625 hp.
I was trying to watch your tire spin off the line. It looked like you would spin at least 10 feet maybe more. But if you could cut that in half, your spin off the line with a little taller and little wider tire, you could really be pulling your best traction off the line, just a thought.
Great looking and running. My 408 needs to come out of the van and into the Barracuda. Thanks and keep up the good work.
I love the fact that you're DRIVING TO the track and then racing.
Old time!
Yes no trailer queen here. Street car life. Thanks for watching.
Natalie's a definite keeper, and the Dart is really coming along good!👍👍
Ya I think I’ll keep both! Thanks for watching
Great day at the track! Cars looking good and getting dialed in. Natalie is doing a fantastic job at getting good shots with the outside camera. She composes the shots well. It's a pleasure to watch her work and your car!
Right on thanks! Glad you like the videos! Thanks for watching
A long long time ago I used to race a '71 Cuda . My car had a 340 Edelbrock heads, Crower solid lift Cam
324/502 grind. B&M Automatic with a 10"
3800 stall.
I ran 4.90s in the rear and that car would scoot.
Watching you brings back a lot of great memories.
Enjoy yourself.
You got a great car there.
Thanks so much! Sub and follow along!
Well now there are two things smokin on your channel bud. Love the vids, appreciate you sharing!
Left tire and right tire?
Fantastic Joe, you worked out the suspension and the car is launching great! She's a magic missile now. Nice runs.
That lady looks way too good to be behind the camera, maybe she needs to drive and you crew chief!?!?! Great video and good luck!!!
She may get promoted to crew chief.
You need to get laid lol
I concur!
Oh yeah... also great man! Sweet car glad to see you and yours enjoying it. Mopar!
Thanks for the converter videos. I have enjoyed them and you have a sweet hot rod. I want to go with a higher stall than my 2500, and you have convinced me that I need the 3500 at least. My 2500 is tight, actually stalling at 19-2000. So 3500 should be plenty for my ride..
That is quite possibly the scariest track I've ever seen!
You should try it!
Got some soft bushes to help stop the car on the left side. 😂
I love old school mopars. I love your Dart.
Thanks for watching! Lots more on the channel!
Wow, those old MCI's come up quick at the end. You guys must have great brakes to bring those cars down quick. You should get an award for 0-100-0 times! Scary track. Hope you all stay safe and thanks again for sharing your passion with us all.
Hahha this true. Thanks for watching more to come soon!
Hi from down under, new to your channel only came across it two days ago , really love your Dart looks , sounds and performs amazing , been into Mopar for40 years now , loved this
Your dialling your Dodge in nicely, big improvement on your first day at the track👍, I absolutely love your car and can’t wait for you next video.
Thanks bro!
Always good people behind the people. Looks like that torque converter did just what you wanted. It’s great to watch you switch one thing at a time so that I can understand the impact - total step by step
Now your getting to the good stuff!
I love your Dart! Looks tight and consistent. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for watching
Your giving this old dude plenty to smile about. Thanks!
Thanks for watching! Subscribe to not miss my next video.
That so great that you have a girl that shares your passion for cars and is willing to help out! Hold on tight to her.... I tell all my friends they are out there you just got to find them......just like cars LOL!.... Great film work.
Almost got a wheel up! Awesome! Good luck, and wonderful pit crew as well. Take care
Next goal wheel up! Thanks for watching more to come soon
Great to see the car heading in the right direction and showing consistency... It makes it easier for the driver to settle in and start perfecting his routine when he knows the car is consistent..Your girl does an awesome job with the camera 🎥 nice and steady and great shots👌
Right on thanks bro!
Chevy guy here, but that is a sweet Mopar. Keep it up. Would love to see a full quarter.
Thanks man! 1/4 next year when Covid is over
Of my pit crew looked that good I would never get anything done.
Blessed man!
She’s a doll.
Good Job Dude ! I've been thru a few A bodies . I have to say, pit crews have changed greatly in the past 25 years. Keep Rockin !
Thanks bro!
Good times! That's quite a car. Good for you. From CT, USA
Thanks bro!
Really nice little hot rod you have there...the car is nice too.
Hahha good one. Stay tuned for more. Of the car. Maybe Nat.
Every driver should have a super cute pit crew like yours!
Spoke too sir. Good job
Good job both of y'all have fun
Love those early Darts. Natalie is great too!
Glad the new converter worked out well for you. Should prove to be a winner when bracket racing. Go get 'em ! Great camera work as well !
Right on! Thanks for watching more to come soon
Pretty soon we'll be seeing daylight under those front tires !!
That’s the plan!
Great job by the crew. Hard to do without the help.
Good driving. Wheeling that bad boy!
Haha ya she is getting more and more ott it of hand! Thanks for watching. More to come soon
Great video, your 68 is running awesome. You can tell how happy you are about it.
Thanks for watching! Subscribe to not miss my next video.
You got a great lady there Joe! She seems to enjoy the same things you do, she's a keeper! Great job Natalie (hope that's spelled correctly) with the camera angles & smooth operation of the camera!
If you're driving on the street, you may want to leave the sway bar on the car & disconnect the link ends on track day, this will help a lot with weight transfer. Removing the sway bar will make it handle like a go-cart on the street, that's one of the reasons my friend took out my neighbors mailbox & post.
Ya didn't show it on the video but I wonder if you're checking the air pressure before you make a pass. You can't beat a car that's dialed in like that Malibu, man he's got great weight transfer, hangs the hoops & cuts lights like that. I would be proud that he beat me!! That was a nice GTX & S-10 that you run against, Fastback Mustang also.
I guess I'll go watch the other video now, still trying to catch up from the past 3 or 4 weeks of being ill & not able to watch videos. It's 6:30AM here & I haven't had my coffee yet. I guess I'll make a giant cup first.😎
Love your car and your enthusiasm I just started watching your channel .
Your car is hitting a good lick I love your dart it’s a beautiful car
Sound mean and it’s definitely consistent
On the times
Look forward to seeing more of your videos in the future
Thanks for the great entertainment
Right on bro glad you like the vids! Lots on the channel to check out 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
Very nice car, I'ma Ford guy now but When I was younger I had a 67 Cuda 340 6 pack 4 speed car from Grand Spalding Dodge, Chicago. That thing got me in trouble a lot I hit the like button, Good Luck
Awesome you bought one from grand Spaulding! Thanks for watching. Lots more on the channel!
4500 stall is working nicely👍 Beautiful car and pit crew lol!
Thanks for watching! More to come soon
Crazy how these were looked over for so long. Hate seeing the prices going up but nice seeing them get appreciated. Great car congrats
My rear view mirror flops around like that too. I stuck a tiny piece of emery cloth in it and now it stays put. Sweet ride!
Nice! Thanks for watching
Awsum videos man keep it up
Will do! Thanks for watching
That mustang had some power. Great video
Yea she fast. I’ll get her this year
Best vid yet guys 👍👍👍🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦
That is one beauty of a car I love the 68 Dart. I had one with a 340 she would run great.
I bet! Thanks for watching
Natalie, nice film, at the line. 🤩
Thanks for watching! More to come!
wow you're running a small block i don't know why i just assumed it was a 383 gts or a 440 transplant but then i saw the way you walked away from that big block B body off the line and it brought back memories of a couple of 340's that used to give me hell back in my day, aren't mopars great!!!!
Hell ya brother! Thanks for watching. Lots more on the channel!
Awesome!! Well done bro!
👍🏻 thanks bro
Super Day at the track Guys! Love your Dart! And both of you... What a team! Been following you from the start... I'm a Big Dart/ A-Body guy myself... Have a few rusty relics to work on! Do me a BIG favor, Please! Remove interior rear view mirror and tighten it up so the pivot won't let the g-force move it! You have built such a beautiful '68 Dart. Is that an original mix on that burgundy paint? It really lights up in the sun! I have a weathered/rusted original paint burgundy '68, and never imagined it looked that beautiful once a long time ago... Can't wait for the next video. Thanks! Frank Parks in Summerville Ga. USA.
Thanks for watching, yes I’ve been meaning to fix the rear view mirror, been too busy swapping converters! Colour is dodge inferno red with a bit more candy in it.
Your a lucky guy. You got the car, the girl I mean living the dream. Enjoy every second of it.
Thanks bro! Appreciate it. Sub to follow along!
An AMC friend told me us MOPAR lovers have to have thick skin . Glad I'm MOPAR
Dart is really getting it now looks and runs great
Very nice set up. Take care of it all
Nice runs. Good consistent times.
At the rpms you turn I would be worried about that "widow maker" cooling fan. They are ugly when they fly apart.
Wow love the videos , great content I've already been through all of them can't wait for more !
Right on bro! More to come soon!
Really nice little street car. Runs good. Alot of guys thinking this is 1/8 mile, but that car ain't running any 5.2x in the eighth. Probably mid to low 7's in the eighth if I had to guess based on your 1/4 mile estimate. So I'm guessing 330 ft race, maybe 500? You run what you have though. Still a great way to collect data and dial the car in without getting arrested. Lol. Keep after it, she's coming along real nice. Edit: I see you have answered this many times. Lol. 385 ft. It's a circle track. That's pretty wild man. It would suck to have the throttle stick open and try to make that left turn at the end of the straight! Make sure you have two throttle return springs on that bad boy!
Ya you get. Only track around. I have multiple return springs. Hahaha thanks for watching
Too cool! Glad to see your times improve. Remember what I said last video about a cage? 😆 I bet you will fix the slight traction issue when you move the battery and remove the sway bar.
Great to see a car guy that finds a car girl. 🤗 Ya'll keep having fun, I always enjoy your videos. 👍
Yep you got it! 👍🏻
Mighty fine looking car
Thanks dude!
Sweet video man, I enjoyed it!
Excellent racing,good car tune setting on rear shocks,girlfriend is amazingly good support,😎beautiful also.
Thanks bro! Stay tuned for more!
Love your car Bud, had a 69 GTS years ago 340 4 speed crappy brakes. That Mustang's got your number! LOL
👍🏻 he is fast. But he red lit on the first one
Sweet fu##@@%n Dart! Nice set up, love it!
Nice guy, nice girl, and nice car. Raced motorcycles many years so I can relate. Some of my best friends I met racing. I like your approach, small changes and you cut a 1/10 here and there, then before you know it you’re going guick👍
You know it bud! Thanks for watching. Lots more on the channel!
Nice work and great videos ...keep it up !!
Right on! Thanks for watching
Awesome car. Good to see you have it dialed in. Just subbed to your channel keep up the great work. 🏁MoPar or no car🏁
Hell ya brother!
My favorite combo hemi dart. Then it's at my hometown track. Nice!
Edit, that Dave in the mustang?
one mopar guy to another super nice car and a even nice girl friend/ camera girl.
Thanks for watching! Subscribe to not miss my next video.
I'm a new subscriber I just found this channel yesterday and I'm already hooked that's because the very first car I ever owned was a 68 Dart GTS 383 4 speed that was back in the late 70s and I wish I never sold that thing
Right on man! Welcome! Never sell them!
Dude there still out there , I'm an empty nester and started looking bout gave up and my wife says honey what about this car, and shows me my 68 dart! On Facebook
Good job fam
Hahah thanks dooood
Thats one fine dart , also very surprised at how quick that mustang was.
Thanks bud! Ya that stant is fast. Lots more on the channel thanks for watching!
Try this at the tree; focus on the last amber and try to leave right as the last amber lights up. Worked for me.
Man that is a beautiful beast. Love the color. And I’m not a fan of red but that is gorgeous
👍🏻 thanks for watching
What color is that? What brand is it?
Dodge inferno red, with a bit more candy in it.
That is one BEAUTIFUL DART !!! Love that you Drive it to the track. That track on the other hand looks Scary as F@@K !!!! Hopefully the owners can make some improvements... Be Safe.
Thanks! Driver in driver home! Thanks for watching more to come soon
I would have to see a 1/4 mile time to trust the 11s would be there. We were just at the track with my Duster last Friday and did an 11.81 at 113.5 and 4.85 with a 1.7 60" in the 330". Definitely valve control issues near the top of the track or maybe the rev limiter set a bit too low? That has to be hurting you some.
Thanks so much for sharing. Wonderful seeing a nice mopar at the track!
Rev limiter. 6600. Check my dyno vid.
my 75 Duster 360 ran a 1.629 60 ft with a 4.703 330'...and it clicked off a 11.56 @ 115.66.....With a DA 6500 ft....and slight head he would be in the mid 11s with it..
@@tony52ssss Yeah.. mine is a 408 Stroker with Trickflow heads and big Howards solid cam. e realyl felt it should have had more. I almost think it could have been falling off near the end. It was in Woodburn Oregon so DA that day was around 1500.
@@kevmay21 That Duster has run 11.19 @ 118.56 in Vegas with DA 3400 ft.....Taking it to Bakersfield the end of Sept to run a 10.90s....and it is the slowest of 4 cars..
tony santos When are you gonna go in September? I might have to go watch!
Did you beat the Malibu? You guys are doing great job ,keeps me coming back to see progress . Would love to see 1/4 mile,
I would live to run 1/4 mile maybe next year. Thank for watching
Good video, and nice car!
Such a killer car ... I love it 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Hell ya bro! Thanks for watching
First of all great content and beautiful car looks like you reached your goal of an 11.50 capable car. Not sure what your next goals are for the combination but theres probably a few more .10s in it with some tweaking and tuning yet. Depending on what direction you want to go. If you can raise your SSHood 2 or 3 inches to gain some more hood clearence you could probably run a 2 inch supersucker spacer for some additional hp , build a sealed airpan that seals to the scoop which will isolate the carb to outside air and will give a cooler flow entry into the carb. Not sure if your running a 727 or a 904 but building a 904 with a 2.74 planitary with similar converter will shave off 1.5 tenths at least. If you have a shop nearby looking at getting the intake manifold plenum and runners and a good port match would be worth a.10th or more as well. Mopars love CFM so even if you think a 750 or an 850 is more than enough almost every engine ive worked with has always made more power with a bigger carb. There is probably a bit more power to be had with a bigger carb.
904 w/ 2.74 planitary 1.5ths
Fully ported manifold 10th
SSHOOD raise + seal scoop+2inch spacer 1.3tenths
Custom holley 950 10th
Results may very, but some ideas for additional content for the car
If your looking for a good custom carb i would look at getting into contact with Dominic "Thumper" on facebook, does custom 4150/4500 BLP carburetors for racers all over the u.s and canada. He can whip you up a real nice carb.
Hey there thanks for feed back you should check out my dyno vid for sure. I have a super sucker on it and will get a taller on if I have clearance. I will be porting the intake an doing kore mods to it over winter, stay tuned for that and as for air cleaner I am working on something for that right now! On dyno we tryed bigger carbs but the 750 was just a good as a 950! And I will retain some more street ability with the 750. I know of Dominic thumper and even chatted with him briefly. Thanks for watching, Lots to do still!
New to the channel. Man, that is one of the funkiest looking strips I’ve ever seen and I’m an old dude. Bleachers right up super close to the left lane and no barriers on a good portion of the right lane. Really looks odd from the drivers seat. Shutdown area also looks really short.
5:24 ET converts to an 11:52? How long is the track? Is it a metric length? I am in USA and have never heard of an ET conversion like you mentioned. Obviously it is shorter than 1/8th mile. Thanks.
Hey there. Track is the front straightaway of an oval track. Oldest in western Canada. It’s only 385 feet but it’s the only track around so it’s all we got. Thanks for watching.
Never seen a drag strip with a chicane at the end before. Interesting.
Luv the dart and nat is pretty cool also
Nice shirt , bro 👊🏼
How long is the track , sure seems short when you lift before 3rd gear ? what rear gears and is the trans a std first gear , or does it have the lower first gear done to it ? If it doesn't have a low first gear , like a 2.77 first . that may be something to add to launch quicker also . I am thinking that car will leave better flashing the converter from like 1500 , it should work great . I have done many race cars and never foot braked them that hard on the converter , I only did that on trans brake cars . Just wondering on the gears etc . Also , try lower rpm shifts , it can change a lot
A great vid well done Nat .. there’s not much breaking area 😩😩
👍🏻 ya short shut down for sure but ya got work with what you got. Thanks for watching
Great video. You're lucky to have a woman who wants to be involved with your racing. My wife has come to the track once an once only and it did not go well, lol. One thing I noticed is that all the cars are doing the burnout in the water box. Is that a track rule? I never do that because I don't want any water to get flung up into the wheelwells and then drip down onto the tires causing me to lose traction.
Track rule. They put you in and tell you were to burn out
Awesome Joe&Nat《☆》Congrats on meeting the goals🤓👍🏾Sounds like a roll cage may be necessary if you keep getting faster :*: Greetings from⛾Florida🤳my friends🤓🗣🔊☮✌👍🏾
Hell ya bro. Thanks for watching!
Man, I don’t wanna sound silly but I’d love for my Yukon to sound and drive like that 😂
HellYeah buddy.great at alberta/Saskatchewan border.its nice to see some Canadian content.sub'd.btw I love that original steering wheel haha awesome.Car makes consistent licks for sure
Right on bro 🇨🇦 thanks for watching
JESUS!!!! What track is that?? I don't think I have ever seen a track with such a short shut down... Looks like you have to stop and back up to return!!! Gotta get Natalie to move in closer to catch the lights AND the tires and launch. Definitely keep the lady and the converter..
Mate, are you just stalling it up on the brakes then going? No trans brake? 727?? Love the car, love the in car street footage, sounds awesome!!!
No trans brake. Foot braking to 4500. Will try flashing the converter next race day. 727 trans. Thanks for watching more to come soon!
She's cool, looks like y'all had a good time. 😇
Hell ya brother! Thanks for watching
Sounds like she needs some valve springs. Or is that the rev limiter on the top of 1st gear and 2nd gear?
I heard that too. Just about 1/2 sec when it reaches top rpm (rev limiter?) Would really show up if on a 1/4 mile. Might need a little tweak there. Runnin" great!
Rev limiter boys. Watch dyno vid. Springs are good.
@@SimpsonsSpeedShop then your shifting too late my friend lol
@@haydenspence6952 The problem is, the convertor flashes to about 5500-5800 after brake release. There is no RPM range for the motor to work with if it's signing off at 6500. You have a convertor for a combination that should be something like 5500-8000rpm range.
His combo sounds more like it's a 3000-6500 rpm setup.
I think there is a better combo there for this nice Mopar.
The Truth about Africa hurts
If a driver is shifter AFTER the rev limiter engages, that is clearly too late. Lol!
Thanks for sharing man. Now work on those lights and let's go a few more rounds next time! :)
First round was good! Hahha thanks for watching
Nice car man!
Thanks bro! Lots more on the channel!
Your reaction was good last pass
Joe, are the 1.560 valve springs still at the TFS installed height of 2.00 with the XR286R and 1.6 Harland Sharp rockers?
You should do a video on your Morel solid roller lifters next time you check them. There is so much confusion/speculation regarding solid rollers in LA blocks. Car a looking good!
Good idea! I next lash job I will film and try to show everyone what I’m working with. You won’t see lifters, winter I’ll prob have intake off tho.
@@SimpsonsSpeedShop Ask your engine guy what part number Morel lifters you are using! Wondering for my 360 build and really interested because of your success!
I believe they are #4723. Take a look on there site, they have a few options for sure but these are race not the pro race, those require edition work to bushing I believe.
Wow what an unusual track: 385’ and a non-standard start beam. They must be starting the timing on the green rather than .400 before (pro tree) or .500 before (sportsman tree). What is your mph in 385’?
It’s a weird track. The bump coming through what would be turn 1 (going the other way) and the gradual bend at the end of the left lane is weird. Street cars 70-80 mph pro cars up to 100 (seen the altered cars go up to 105)
What is your mph at this track?
On your timing slips, what do you show for e.t. and mph at 330’?
@@Mattyhacks71 Seriously, what is your mph at that track, and does it show an incremental e.t./mph for 330'
Some food for thought... your car is very nice and runs good. Have you tried not pushing it so hard on the starting line at the track? You should try only loading it lightly. Say, push it to maybe 3500 on the line and let the converter flash to 4500 and let your chassis react to the launch. It may or may not help your ET or 60 ft times. Based on what it sounds like in your videos, and I may be wrong, but I would also try shifting a little earlier than you have been. It sounds like you over-rev the 1-2 shift at the track. Just some constructive criticism that may or may not help. I like watching your videos and your car is awesome.
Hey thanks for checking the vids. Ya I didn’t flash the converter I. This race day. Old converter was better when loaded vs flashing it. Next trace I will try to flash, and yes I bang the limiter at 6600 engine makes most power up top check out my dyno vid! Thanks for watching more to come soon!
@@SimpsonsSpeedShop another trick is to go to a smaller diameter slick. An inch or two shorter tire would give you another quarter to half point of rear gearing without having to deal with too low of a gear on the street...will drive those 60 ft times even lower
But I like big tires!
Glad the high stall speed converter worked as planned. You were right. Assuming the car weighs about 3100#, an 11.5 time equates to 500 hp, or 400 hp at the wheel. So you are finally seeing results that match those from the dyno.
You are bang on my friend! Thanks for watching
Although were dealing with a street car in the above video, keep in mind A NHRA D/SA 340 demon runs @ around 3100 pounds, and runs 10.40 average with less than 530 crankshaft HP, probably just under 500, typically 1.36 60. I think Simpson could benefit from taking a look at this type of car, can only help with his racing program. Any one know the altitude at this track?
@@VORTECPRO Mr. Simpson doesn't want to put a roll cage in his stock interior. That's why he's happy to be at 11.52 sec 1/4 m equivalent . just over the 11.5 threshold mandating a roll cage. A Demon running 10.4 would need one. Like this one:
btw , my calculator says 3100# @10.40 requires. 625 hp.
I was trying to watch your tire spin off the line. It looked like you would spin at least 10 feet maybe more. But if you could cut that in half, your spin off the line with a little taller and little wider tire, you could really be pulling your best traction off the line, just a thought.
She shows up more then a few times in the video lol sounds nice and looks like you are moving
Yes she does. Getting better thanks for watching
Great job with the edits.
Thanks! Getting better ever vid!