Nature doesn't care are you rich or poor. We all go to the same place when it comes to the death. The same is with dying. If there is no cure, there is no cure. You might have trillions of dollars, or average salary.
@emmmanueeel It matters to you. To people. But nature doesn't care about quality of life. If the sea or weather would care about it, we wouldn't be here at all. I guess quality and quantity matter so much to us. Humans. Of course, it depends also how you define quality, or by all means, quantity. Humanly speaking.
The idea of a "global community" that we hear about in the media is just fancy talk. The truth is, it's all about countries and companies looking out for their own interests. We couldn't care less about the effects of CO2 and how it might harm people. Making profits is what really matters. Profits is also why solar energy can't compete against the interests of the Aramcos. It is dirt cheap and good for the environment but the problem is it doesn't bring in much profit.
You said it well. Profits. It explains why Overpopulation isn't presented as a problem that needs a solution. It would be very good for the environment and for the quality of life if only we encouraged people to have fewer kids or no kiss so that our population naturally can drop... But if we did, the rich wouldn't get more richer. For that reason we're promoting all solutions except the one solution that would help... To have fewer of ourselves. Fewer humans means less pollution and a Better planet would be here but it's not good for business
@@NzePriddie "are you implying Capitalism needs to end ?": You are asking the wrong question. Capitalism is going to come to an end, whether you like it or not. It is a system dependent upon infinite growth, but we live on a finite planet in a finite solar system with finite resources. It is unsustainable and every handful of years we have yet another massive crash.
@@grip2617 "Thanks to capitalism we are still developping.": It's "developing" and no: We are stagnating and in many places even regressing thanks to capitalism. Open your eyes! Everything is continuously getting more expensive and costs rise except for our paychecks. Those are the only thing not tied to inflation and every handful of years we lose the worth of our money thanks to the endless amounts of crashes caused by capitalists.
"planet Earth has suffered FAR worse than humans and will continue to suffer far worse long after humanity is extinct"-George Carlin. "all species EVOLVED into existence as conditions allowed ,thus will come back into existence as conditions eventually return after each event, as nature doesn't care about TIME."
@@cyberfunk3793 no system that we have rn is going to fix this. We have to build a system that’s sustainable and be able to lower our consumption to even begin to start
As usual, the video has lived up to the expectations of a DW genre. Extremely informative and stimulating right from the individual level to the Government level.
The oligarchs who rule the entire global economy refuse to end the " planned obsolescence" that have enslaved the collective. That alone could bring relief to the ecosystem of which we all depend.
Nothing enslaves more completely than Capitalism under the banner of “freedom”. It’s so effective, the slaves will fight to defend their chains. (That’s why even Russia and China use it on their population, yet claim to be 100% communist).
@@woozah8624 We can see how well the alternatives work, pushed by ignorant people that have no understanding of economics. Places like Venezuela where pets are cooked for dinner.
I believe most people are good. I also think most humans feel good about being part of something, helping others, and achieving positive goals. Unfortunately, there are major headwinds stopping this. Firstly, our media twists people's opinions of others. This makes everyone project their issues on others and think the worst of them. Secondly, those in power tend to be there for self-interest and have sociopathic tendencies. I think the people are ready. They would come together and feel good about it. We are just waiting for those in power
A bit late we going to extinct and all life on earth 70-100% will be wiped out is a scientific fact, it just say we will reach 2 C degree in other words. Please educated yourself better and stop talking of a future that does not exist for mankind or any other aerobe anymore.
I do not doubt human ingenuity and that it is in our means to solve the problems we create before it is too late. However, corporation greed and a lack of worldwide cooperation in terms of revelant measures to combat climate change will affect the final outcome. This documentary mentions a few interesting but so isolated projects in a few European countries. Some main players are missing. We have the power to change things but will not because we are too divided and brainwashed by moguls who only care about their bank accounts. That is what's really sad.
For 30 years, seen people talking about technology that would help the climate crisis. None have become mainstream and can be seen everywhere. In 30 years, all these "ideas" will still be ideas and NO carbon will be saved!
@@codered4422 The very poor with their 4 kids have no decision power. And the 'no skills' part translates into ignorance when it comes to electing officials that are supposed to represent them. Not that it matters since government officials are indebted to industries that have no interest to address climate change. So yeah, ultimately corporations prevent measures that could help the environment.
It's just ridiculous that so much water and energy is wasted just for artificially making snow, just because rich people think they are entitled to a ski holiday.
It is so very painful for me to see what we are doing to nearly every single species of wild animal and the habitat they depend on for survival. And at the same time it's shocking to see our apparent complete lack of concern for what we are doing. It really leads me to wonder if we actually think we can continue as we are without the changes affecting us, or if we know exactly what we're doing but just do not care as long as the money is still rolling in. I'm afraid that those of us who are in positions of power are in the later category. And in that case the name of the video instead of "A-verting Catastrophe" should have been "A Coming Catastrophe".
Yes, we know that C02 is a green house gas as is methane. However, the paleoclimatologists have NOT attributed the numerous rise and fall of earth's average global temperature to C02 and methane levels. If you look at earth's historical temperature cycle over the past 570 million years you will see numerous periods of when the earth's temperature rose with C02 levels remaining LOW whereas at other times the temperature remained 3-6 degrees celcius WARMER than present times with continuously falliing C02 levels. In essence, the historical data and facts are being manipulated by power mongers to gain more wealth by advocating global catastophe to the masses, and, making a profit from their activity while gaining more power. For example, why is Al Gore now worth approximately $300,000,000? By becoming a Climate Alarmist!!!! And goverment bureaucrats are seeing that they can maybe gain more power and wealth too by advocating Climate Alarmism.
You know what pains me the people pushing this green agenda this climate change Cult are just getting more rich more rich and more rich by the day more money in their pockets from me and you the taxpayer
There is no climate catastrophe. CO2 is not a pollutant. They are all lying in order to control us. They always say to plant trees, plant trees, plant trees… they take the CO2 out of the atmosphere. How much CO2 does each tree absorb? If you Google it, that number is 48lbs of CO2 per tree, per year, but some climate catastrophe zealots say only 29lbs per tree are all that are effective. Let’s use their low numbers. There are an estimated 3.4 Trillion trees on the planet. Google it. ** 29lbs x 3.4 Trillion = 98 Trillion lbs / 2000lbs (1 ton) = 49 Billion Tons of CO2 absorption per year from trees alone. How much CO2 do humans emit from all sources. According to Google, humans emit 37 Billion Tons of CO2 per year from all sources. You do the math. It’s all a hoax. Net Zero is nonsense. What does Net Zero mean? What’s the goal? How low do they want the emissions? If we emit 37 Billion Tons of CO2 and the trees alone absorb 48 Billion Tons… we’re already past Net Zero. We’re in the negative. That’s just the trees, don’t forget everything else that absorbs C02…Don’t fall for this nonsense. It’s all about power, money and control. DO NOT COMPLY!
The movie here does not show our mass extinction event at all, it is very down playing climate change , you got no Idea the Catastrophe is already here and it is deadly and very perverted extinct everything.
@@MyHMMWVaddictionyou know the difference between a short period of time and the climate. It's the average over 30 years it's called climate and this is changing
@@imtheeastgermanguy5431 Germany was covered by ice caps 12,000 years ago. global warming allowed humans to later begin FARMING in the middle east and then Europe.
@@DynamicSeq "What percentage was caused by humans ????" 34% of the CO2 in the atmosphere was put up there by humans and ~98% of net global warming since 1900 was caused by humans.
When I lived in southern Germany for three years, we were constantly under a thick cloud of industrial pollution from northern industry. If you drove to a higher point, you could see where you lived and the constant soup you lived under. This must change and hopefully all over the world, where this is the case there will be groups like this one who push for change. The answers are in our hands.
@@Kiwi-ICU-RN I saw a documentary about a farmer/guy who has planted a lot of trees and got almost a million euros every year which sounds very good to me. Don't get me wrong I do like the nature and I do like to make money in order to spend the money back into new and substantial things or in people like schools for children or free meals. A million every year can open a lot of doors✌️🌍🛠️🍚🍌🙏
You have to see “Climate: The Movie (The Cold Truth)”. Another outstanding watch filled with Nobel Prize winners, MIT and Harvard scientists, physicists and professors with tremendous irrefutable current and historical data that any child could understand about climate change propaganda and the false data pushed by political propagandists and the unfortunate misinformed and brainwashed. Children deserve better from us. Learn the truth and stop psychologically harming them. Let them grow up free and happy.
Tree plantation can help us to perpetuate our climate from being worsted, we should be more aware of planting trees and saplings! Every year there is a certain time comes when we can plant saplings and i think we should teach school students!!
Thats true. especially planting the correct tree for the correct environment. Some of the people I know try to plant non drought tolerant plants in a semi drought area and it 1) doesn’t do well 2) takes a lot of water.
@@christypham3386 Its important to note that CO2 is the most important tree fertilizer and a rich CO2 environment makes trees far more drought tolerant. Good point.
The ice age is still melting, the less ice left the faster it heats. We also need to focus on air quality and land restoration. We may have accelerated the global warming but it was accelerating itself anyhow. The best we can do now is to consume less, restore more land, change current mono crop farming techniques for permaculture farming across the planet. The problem is that there is little in the way of income in these fields of work. People are naturally competitive so it is not easy to expect people to become competitive in what they can do to fix what they have damaged because the entire reason they damaged it was to profit in the 1st place. People like the idea of doing something to repair the world but we tend to wait till after the problem has caused disaster and then we act, usually too late. Why do we have to wait till the event? Are we not intelligent enough to try to average out the curve of cycles such as these? Even if we were i highly doubt we could achieve what is needed to be done to make a big difference. However we should be trying harder. Personalty i don't have much faith in the people to do what is needed to make such an effort. I discuss similar scenarios in public and 95% of people are just not interested. We also need to consider the power of nationalism. All countries need to make this effort in unison so other countries do not take advantage of those that slow their economies to help the situation. Seriously! Is this ever going to become a reality? Not likely with current geopolitics and the way people behave. To minimise my impact i am happy to earn between €5k and €10k a year. Do you really think someone earning €500k a year is going to reduce their income to my level to contribute towards minimising their impact? FFS Apparently they are happy to breath in silver iodide every day, a form of particle pollution in order to help make rain nowadays.
Not me, I prefer to wait until the actual evidence is here. Too many global doomologists misuse data to suit their needs and push their agenda. Gas and oil companies do just as much as the doomologists. The truth lies somewhere in the middle. Fact is, usually when humans "act" before hand in efforts to "solve" a "problem" that doesn't yet exist, is that we tend to either be wrong about the problem and cause further harm trying to fix it, or we don't fully understand the problem and act the wrong way, wasting efforts for zero or negative results. As you said, man is likely incapable of figuring out how to fix a global problem, and by that same logic, man is so insignificant to the Earth's global climate that we likely have a minimal impact on what Mother Nature does. Sure we are releasing CO2 back into the atmosphere, but that very CO2 was once in the air initially, so we're not "adding" CO2 to the Earth, we are simply putting more back than would happen naturally. But who is to say that this is a problem in the first place? What if, 100 years from now, we find we don't have enough CO2 in the atmosphere and all plant life starts to die - if only we had studies all of the Earth's needs, not just our own desire to keep the climate the same and not have to adapt to the global cyclical changes that happen regardless of what we do, and if we had released more CO2 in the air for the last 100 years, we may have saved the planet... If that scenario does happen, how will you feel knowing you could be the one that doomed future generations because you were fighting the only solution that could have saved us? That might be a fantasy scenario, but you get the point - until we have complete studies that show ALL of the effects of everything that contributes to our climate change, we are simply pointing fingers at each other and saying "it's your fault because..." Nobody knows because nobody has done these studies. I've seen many studies that show small details of one specific thing, but none have tied them all together. Some say that the planet heats up BEFORE CO2 levels rise - if that's the case, then CO2 levels ARE rising naturally without man's input. The fact we are adding to it is a moot point - if it is part of the natural cycle, it is inevitable. We really can't stop CO2 emissions if man is only responsible for a small portion of what the planet belches out. You can't fight Mother Nature, you can only adapt. History shows many cities that had to be abandoned due to climate change, it is a natural event. Other places became inhabitable. Antarctica has forests under all that ice - at one point it was a nice place to live, and one day may become that way again - regardless of what we humans do. So live life to the fullest, do try to reduce, reuse and recycle - not because you will save the planet, but so that future generations can share in the treasures our planet has provided us with and have as good a life as we have.
Farming is unnatural, let's not be content with half-measures. We need to re-learn sustainable lifestyles. Making spears with saplings, deerskin clothing, throwing rocks is the ultimate in sustainability. Also burning bison dung makes a warm wigwam.
The permafrost will all melt. It's not just the greenhouse effect anymore. It is also the metabolic waste heat generated by the microbes degrading the previously trapped matter. Compost heaps have been known to combust from this heat. It will most certainly be delivering a double whammy for permafrost melting. There are places already in the middle of vast sheets of permafrost, under lakes, where there are melted columns going down kilometers. It WILL all melt now.
@@DG-ie5ip I have actually. It was 12 degrees Celsius that Christmas, which was unheard of for a place used to winter temperatures of around -12 to 7C.
@@Sq7Arno Temperatures have been some 15 degrees higher many times before and sea levels 150m higher before humans were even here. That cycle will likely repeat unless we become like gods and can actually control the climate and mother nature. I wouldn't bet on that and suspect we might only be able to slightly effect the speed of changes that will occur.
@@Sq7Arno Your comment is hidden or maybe you deleted it. As to caused by us isn't exactly settled science. Sure we are probably causing the climate heat up faster but how much is our effect and how much of it is due to normal cycle isn't clear. We are just getting out of an ice age, barely warming up on any longer time scale.
I don't get it why DW interpreting the Russian scientist, he just speaks English with a Russian accent. I seen DW not interpreting Indian, German, French, Indonesian, African and other accents, but first time I noticed with this Dimitry scientist, and he sound confident of what he say.
To summarize: businesses’ and consumers’ greed, arrogance, and complete foolishness got us here. I am constantly blaming corporations, but if people's behaviors don’t change as well, nothing will change.
I was planning to sell up and relocate to the Portuguese or Spanish South Coast in a few years. After this summers heatwave I fear for the lack of fresh water that will be available and whether much of that region will be habitable. It’s making me really depressed I have to say.
@@Cedawood I don’t know about you but I worry about it a lot. I’m 55 and am hoping for 20 more years most of which In retirement. Im not sure I’m going to get it. Anxiety amongst anyone in their 20’s, 30’s must be incredible
One of my ex-colleagues bought in Portugual and the government clim the land back without compensating him. I was surprised that being an EU country, it can’t be this lawless. So maybe you got lucky.
@@andymacgregor16me too. I am 52. I don’t think it won’t impact me. 1 hour drive away from my home has tornados last week. I am at the top of a hill. So flooding is not an issue. I just hope there is no landslide.
I am fairly sure we will start to see some serious issues by the time you are 60 for sure. Water scarcity and supplying enough food especially. I’m not so worried for me but for anyone with kids
The worst is already here for the poorest people on earth. it's as man made as climate change as it is also its cause , chronic wealth inequality and the very inaction to tackle it. Oil executives and politics are fighting exactly how tobacco used to. Even Slavery, colonial plantations. The power of capital
How can you make people change their habits? How can rich countries (EU, US ...) make the emerging countries (China, Brazil, India ... ) to stop emitting carbon? People don't like to change!
The climate and weather I've always been changing on earth since the beginning period did you know that the C02 levels have been as high as 19 times more than they are now and the temperature of the world have been higher in the magnitude of. 10 Celsius more than today and it seems like the polar bears.Survive that, please educate yourself and watch.The global waswindle documentary
The Earth's climate is not static it's dynamic , The climate has continued to change since the beginning of the planet earth ! And will continue to change till the end of time !
@@milesinnz no, solving overpopulation especially in developing countries will hardly put a dent in climate change. The drivers is and have always been developed countries. Climate change is only one enormous problem after the next, I’ll grant you that.
@@peterchui1964 really.. Africa going from 816 million in 1990 to potentially 5 billion by 2100.. and then we have all the things that are excluded in CO2 output, such as farming and even rice... there is a lot of BS propaganda out there to put a false onus on western countries.. yes, the industrial revolution and all that... yet the real increase in CO2 emissions wasn't until around 1950... so, 5 million people in NZ, putting out 10 times more than someone in Nigeria whose population is 44 times bigger is worse... ??? did you fail at maths.. I have a lot more data where this comes from.. so please don't do a runner like all the others in these sorts of forums..
@@SigFigNewton you want to give some facts ? Have you seen the birthrate and demographics from Africa... these are FACTS. Falling populations are worrisome for big industry and banks as they will not be able to maintain their perpetual growth. Now which bit did I get wrong ? and lets have your facts...
@@SigFigNewton "Global population will probably be in decline before year 2100" so now you say the world population decline starts somewhere before 2100.. ok.. like when... ? if the birth rates were falling at a catastrophic rate, why don't we have a declining population NOW ? of course what you have failed to address is why a declining population is so bad - please explain...?
The rich will survive for a few generations burrowed in artificially climatized sealed environments. It will be Marshall law lockdown under starvation for the rest of us. We need to hold the fossil fuel companies accountable now and stop the machine while we still have a chance.
Here in Bangladesh, The Monsoon flooding, Cyclone Just going Crazy... In Southern part of Bangladesh, People starting Agriculture in floating agriculture bed.😢
I think people get these figures wrong, and that the situation is far more critical than people realise, but also our ability to act is far more extensive than people are realising. Also, from a film I've seen, because of the Ukraine War, and Russia's invasion - despite everything CO2 emissions have fallen 2.5% last year across Europe!
@@Gigi-id7pm you do realize it has taken 20 years now to barely get to a 15-20% total electric car usage. There are so many statistics that prove the 2030 date is unrealistic. Do some research before saying something stupid.
na the 90ies would be a bit late, all transmissions to carbon free had to be completed about before 2008. The problem is known since the 30ties Keeling Curve , so about 100 years ago and the main problem of capitalistic increasing pollution will lead to is known since the early industrial revolution, its not a scientific proof for something but very clear due to the laws of nature.
That helicopter pilot has cast iron nuts flying and hoovering in and near the mountains and hills! His skill and experience should be commended; thus, great job helicopter 🚁 pilot!
Yup. Great point. Food shortages will hurt the poor. Money talks. There will be food wars (due to lack of crop viable lands) If we truly are not prepared, the poor will perish first. The poor are peasants/farmers. They could refuse to sell their crops and instead keep it for themselves. If they can do that without governments, state belligerent taking it by force, because if they do that, the rich countries will spare no expense ensuring the survival of their people. If they get away with keeping their land and crops, that's when the rich countries will feel it. Rich countries under threat, will take drastic measures at the expense of less fortunate others. Long story short, food wars, poor countries/people are screwed. Once the population is reduced, that may mean the reduced resources suffice to sustain those left (the rich). But then again, who will slave away to provide all the luxuries the rich enjoy. Who will dig coltan out of mines all day for a couple of bucks a day? AI and machines to the rescue.
We are going to extinct is the scientific fact, to call this just a problem is very stupid, but no one cares because there will be no one left who could care at all, because 70-100% of all life will be wiped out, specially all aerobe will extinct like mankind.
?? Really? Well soon is a very broad statement. However, it is obvious we are already having supply issues and disruptions. If you understand futures it is clear these problems are going to increase in 2024 and continue to struggle more and more. @@usdepartmentofthetreasury489
Humanity today: watching television in the living room with the whole house on fire. For the record: the current socioeconomic structures simply don't allow any real solutions or fundamental changes to be applied. Truth is: if the urgently necessary measures would be taken on both personal and collective level, the "economy" would instantly collapse. We're hopelessly stuck in our old and insane ways, while the nation state as a structure, the monetary system as a tool and trade as a concept should have been completely abolished by now. The bottom line tells us that we lack the mental-emotional maturity to ensure our survival. In the words of American biologist Edward O. Wilson: “The real problem of humanity is the following: We have Paleolithic emotions, medieval institutions and godlike technology. And it is terrifically dangerous, and it is now approaching a point of crisis overall.”
Germany is producing something like half of their energy from renewable sources and their economy is one of the strongest in Europe. So no, it's not as if we can't do anything or our economy would collapse.
I guess the ordinary people are going to pay the dire price in the end. Since politicians are not representing public but their own wealth, the responsible companies are rather distributing the burden than making up for their destruction in the ecosystem.
theyd do well to put the water in the ground before they put the trees in rather than on the surface of the ground after the tree is in. Aside from that, amazing documentary
java's coastal inundations are also caused by mangrove eradication (so shrimp can be farmed to make it affordable for a global mass market), and by the rate of groundwater extraction for an enormous population
Coastal inundation have taken place for billions of years. The are normal. Until people decided to settle in those areas. The most creative and intelligent people (like the Diutch) survived.
The Indonesian village has more of a problem with the amount of trash. Even if there were no sea rise - I wouldn't be happy on Happy Beach. The classrooms would probably smell a bit better also. Most ocean borne plastic comes from Indonesia, the Philippines and China. They may be being impacted by global warming but they are also highly responsible for much of the ocean pollution.
Hello DW documentary is it ok if I put your logo with full credits on my intro video on my channel for Climate Change I thought I would reach out to you about this and I feel like your channel would be a perfect opportunity to raise more awareness of Climate Change. If not that’s fine I just wanted to ask.
In the hottest July on record I'm afraid it's much too late. Scientists began warning us over 100 years ago. We refused to listen. I'm not a religious person but I pray for us all.
Permafrost has 2 times more co2 than in all of our atmosphere. And permafrost isn't the only tipping point. We also have methane clathrates, reduced albedo from polar ice melting.
Fine film! Except for one failing: electro-mechanical carbon dioxide capture and storage is way too expensive and the risks of the machinery and pipelines are too great. Waste less energy by gradually converting to modern heating and cooling technology, building more compact and better insulated homes and businesses. Manufacture locally to reduce transportation energy cost - its not just the vehicle fuel - cement and asphalt are huge energy wasters for every lane we build.😊😊
When I was a Kid,my hometown had always been snowing in winter in South-Mid main land, but now it's hardly to seen the white beauty.we need take action to protect the earth ASAP, such eat and travel with low CO2 action, reduce traveling by car.
It's not just greed IMHO - it's a huge amount of inertia in our industrialization - even if we want to reduce emissions it's going to be very difficult....we can do it but it'll take the entire world embarking on a Manhattan project scale endeavor...
Cut more tree and will get more land tax so i will continue doing .goverment see it as more land for people They get what they choose. .my life is more important than the world. They think i am rich? Because i have so much unused land
@@peterchui1964it’s still their fault for lobbying against the populace’s interest (oil companies lobbying against green energy, electric cars for decades) and the politicians’ fault for lying
This is a lie the movie is also lying about germanys emissions I am froim germany and yes germany did a lot of solar and wind BUT they did transfer their Emissions into other countries and do In and Export with a lot of Emissions and they did double their Emissions in the last years, this is very the opisite of fighting climate change, they even wanna make other countries guilty for their own emissions in these countrys by german companies. They do not wanbt to achive a goal at all, they just wannas fake they do something but increase emisions very intense is what they do. And since about 2014 we do not have a carbon budget anymore that is now 10 years ago with massive increase of emissions, this is why we will reach the level of a global extinction event because we are going up to 2 C degree in warming no matter what.
@@SigFigNewton Carbon Taxes are non sense , there is no carbon budget anymore since 2014, all emissions has to be forbidden and not been allowed as prevelidge of rich
The only solution is threatening the people in power by what they want which is profits. You hit them where they hurt and they will kneel. The problem is the people with the most influence have connections to keep the masses separated and infighting with each other with prejudice and racism. The socioeconomic powers the influenced rich have are the real problems here. The ignorant will continue to listen to them because they are rich and rich people must be intelligent to be rich....
Which recycling programs? Plastic from German recycling programs can be found shipped to other countries...sweeeping the problem under the rag elsewhere is not a solution.
To combat climate change these solutions that needed to be included: Investing in renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power. Reducing our reliance on fossil fuels. Improving energy efficiency in our homes and businesses. Planting trees and other vegetation. Reducing our consumption of meat and other animal products. Changing our transportation habits.
A bit late , we are going to extinct also you can not do this at all because we do not have a carbon budget anymore since about 2010 so you can not build something and not do something will cause Emissions and that was about 10 years ago
No it's only few percent of the energy production but high costs of maintenance and getting new "fuel" for it. Specially when this comes from Russia. Look at France when the dry rivers couldn't supply the nuclear power plants with cooling water.
This documentary should be watched by everyone n every corner. Government as well as we common people should contribute n saving our planet earth. It's time to save n it's now
Please explain to me how everyone can watch every video where someone says "this should be watched by everyone". The idea of Climate change is great for western countries, we are in prime position to look like white saviours while at the same time making lots of money to keep our countries wealthy, while those in poor countries sit on their hands and wonder to themselves, why hasn't anything improved for their country.
" I main solution to climate change is awareness & above all being aware of own true self & beyond where the main works starts after realisation i.e the real work starts after realisation both in & out, if one can understand what i truly mean by my words !" Thankyou ❤🙏
Thank you for this documentary.. hope everyone around the world make a brave move to save our environment in catastrophe.. being live in Philippines we're prone of this climate change.. many typhoon develop every year as the climate turn to hot in d pacific region
as we continue to cut forests (trees) for human consumption the climate is getting warmer and warmer when I was in school we never had an air conditioning machine in our house and we can sleep in summer peacefully but now after 20 yrs, the Indian heat is so severe that without AC we can't sleep
Our rivers and lakes here in Arkansas are boiling hot!! Im not kidding just went to the lake this weekend and I'm 6foot as far out in the lake was hot like a hot tub not even deep water was cool it was hot. How do fish live in that is beyond me..
We're all going to die at least us poor people there is no way our consumption society will change in any way. Also people will keep on denying the fact that we are heading for the absolute dystopia until they are facing the danger right in front of their doorstep.
It’s like they didn’t pay attention to the science fiction movies growing up. Rutcher Hauer movie Split Second touches on this stuff. People need to actually pay attention to make believe sometimes as they are lessons and warnings. Same with Metallica and Slayer.
Every year we said in our family that winters are not what it used to be, I remember beautiful winters full of snow. This year, it was cold for like a month or two, then we switched to shorts again. This year is the first year in my life I actually had to buy AC and run it 24/7, you can't open the window because the hot air make my flat unbearable. I don't take heat very well but this year is extreme even for me. I live in central Europe and it was about 40 degrees Celsius as a "normal" temperature. We are faster coming to an uninhabitable planet at this rate, even if we go green no matter the cost now, the effects of global warming will be catastrophic.
Thank You for coverage our region ...Indonesia. There were some coastal cities like Jakarta ...Purwokerto and Demak now has sank by sea water. Climate Change and global warning now showing the facts.
My work place of only 5 peoples and I’m the only person who recycles and eat meat only 1 or twice a month. In these climate change one person doesn’t make a difference but I still do what I can
@gregbors8364 I don't I just like to use gas in my boat or my 4 wheeler for fun and in Canada where I live gas prices so high its just a way to get more money from people because government can't spend money right
As the climate heads into greater extremes globally, how can we best deal with future climate crises? The short answer is that we cannot deal with them unless we take care of nature's inner balance. We live in a tightly-closed and interdependent system in which everything boomerangs back to us. While living in such a system, we need to reconsider what we want and think, and how we treat each other, because our human connections are the primary influence on how nature responds to us. It is common to think that climate is dependent on factors outside of us-whether it be balances between heat and cold in the environment, or the effects of various kinds of pollution we emit-because we lack a complete picture of how our attitudes to each other bring about the strongest responses from nature toward us. No creature distorts nature the way that we people do. And it is not simply a matter of switching to renewable energy sources, electric cars and the like; it is a matter of how we relate to each other. If we truly wish to witness more balance throughout nature and not have to deal with all kinds of cold waves and other natural disasters, then similarly to how we have electricity, water and gas meters in our homes, we should also have meters that count how much evil we emit into the world from our negative attitudes to each other. What I mean is that if we could feel the extent to which we emit negative forces into the world, which negatively ricochet back to us, then we would wish to change this negative driver within us. We would want to switch it to a drive that makes our human connections positive, and which harmonizes us with nature. In simple terms, when we get up in the morning, we should first and foremost consider what we need to do in order for all people to have it good. Developing such an attitude is not so simple, yet we will need to seriously work on it as we head into the future. A life of increasing blows from nature or a life of peace and harmony depends on the extent to which we impact a shift in our attitudes to each other-from negative to positive.
Stop talking such a non-sense, by science it is clear that we will extinct , so whats a bout that non sense of dealing with something in the future, we are going to extinct there is no dealing, just the global mass extinctioin event will wipe out 70-100% of all life on earth specially aerobs like humans.
its not true what you say. Firstly there isn't one climate as you seem to be maintaining. There are many different global climate systems. Secondly there is no evidence in support that extremes in weather events are greater today than in the past. But there is plenty of evidence to support that extreme weather events are less extreme and less frequent than in the past. Thirdly, don't confuse 'weather events' with 'climate'. They are chalk and cheese. Fourthly, there is no "balance" in the natural world as you suggest. You are not understanding how the real world works. It is never in a state of "balance". Its always moving between one systemic shock to the next.
In upper Himalayan area of state of uttarakhand, every day solid looking rock face is flaking and falling on traffic ,killing many commuters. The binding force of subzero water in soil is vanning due to increase of temp of air
Rich don’t suffer from climate change as much as Poor.
That’s how it’s supposed to be
Nature doesn't care are you rich or poor. We all go to the same place when it comes to the death. The same is with dying. If there is no cure, there is no cure. You might have trillions of dollars, or average salary.
@@ralf4kThey won't be rich for long because it's the end of capitalism as well.
@emmmanueeel It matters to you. To people. But nature doesn't care about quality of life. If the sea or weather would care about it, we wouldn't be here at all. I guess quality and quantity matter so much to us. Humans. Of course, it depends also how you define quality, or by all means, quantity. Humanly speaking.
@emmmanueeelfight injustice by having no other choice to go into work tomorrow
The idea of a "global community" that we hear about in the media is just fancy talk. The truth is, it's all about countries and companies looking out for their own interests. We couldn't care less about the effects of CO2 and how it might harm people. Making profits is what really matters. Profits is also why solar energy can't compete against the interests of the Aramcos. It is dirt cheap and good for the environment but the problem is it doesn't bring in much profit.
Couldn't agree more!
And who are those customers contributing to these profits ? humans of course. control birth rate and depopulate the earth is the only way now.
You said it well. Profits. It explains why Overpopulation isn't presented as a problem that needs a solution.
It would be very good for the environment and for the quality of life if only we encouraged people to have fewer kids or no kiss so that our population naturally can drop...
But if we did, the rich wouldn't get more richer. For that reason we're promoting all solutions except the one solution that would help... To have fewer of ourselves. Fewer humans means less pollution and a Better planet would be here but it's not good for business
Profit and free market ideology.
When we're not at the round table, we're on the menu.
We can imagine the end of the world before we can imagine the end of capitalism-Mark Fisher
End of Capitalism, are you implying Capitalism needs to end ?.
Thanks to capitalism we are still developping.
Stupid quote.if u can t cut it 7n this society u r a total loser.
@@NzePriddie "are you implying Capitalism needs to end ?": You are asking the wrong question. Capitalism is going to come to an end, whether you like it or not. It is a system dependent upon infinite growth, but we live on a finite planet in a finite solar system with finite resources. It is unsustainable and every handful of years we have yet another massive crash.
@@grip2617 "Thanks to capitalism we are still developping.": It's "developing" and no: We are stagnating and in many places even regressing thanks to capitalism. Open your eyes! Everything is continuously getting more expensive and costs rise except for our paychecks. Those are the only thing not tied to inflation and every handful of years we lose the worth of our money thanks to the endless amounts of crashes caused by capitalists.
Consumerism can't be stopped in this system. It's like oxygen. It will grow until breaks.
"planet Earth has suffered FAR worse than humans and will continue to suffer far worse long after humanity is extinct"-George Carlin.
"all species EVOLVED into existence as conditions allowed ,thus will come back into existence as conditions eventually return after each event, as nature doesn't care about TIME."
Keynesian FIAT money will break FIRST, from hyperinflation. Then no more government largess , including corporate welfare...
Huge respect and gratitude to these scientists and environmental activists!
Australia is helping to combat climate change by approving more and more new coal mines and gas fields. I'm all right, Jack, the donations roll in!
Yes and than look they got flooding, storms and drought /fire which costs billions
We have a climate change czar. Blackouts coming soon . Frozen seniors in unheated homes. Happy ?
@@downunda107are you actually reatrded?
The environment will collapse but some people will look back and think wow, we create so much value for the shareholders at one point.
That’s what some or many do now ! Which is why the environment will collapse
Straight out of the Eco Health alliance playbook 👌
@@kolohamala4748 And you believe to socialist countries without profit motive are somehow less polluted and better for the environment?
@@joblo4975:26 0000
@@cyberfunk3793 no system that we have rn is going to fix this. We have to build a system that’s sustainable and be able to lower our consumption to even begin to start
As usual, the video has lived up to the expectations of a DW genre. Extremely informative and stimulating right from the individual level to the Government level.
But a pack of lies...
Right complete ridiculous propaganda.. I actually thought it was satire til few min in and they are serious!! Crazy ….
@@allensmith9312 And you aren't a cop28-triggered troll at all, are you?!
i am afraid it lacks a little bit of islamophobia
lies... climate manipulation is going on.... not climate change....
The oligarchs who rule the entire global economy refuse to end the " planned obsolescence" that have enslaved the collective. That alone could bring relief to the ecosystem of which we all depend.
oh, and these oligarchs are also responsible for the population explosion in Africa.. now you have wet yourself and run for the exit.. ?
Nothing enslaves more completely than Capitalism under the banner of “freedom”. It’s so effective, the slaves will fight to defend their chains. (That’s why even Russia and China use it on their population, yet claim to be 100% communist).
it is called capitalism
@@woozah8624 you will be too ignorant to even know what capitalism is... get an education, it will be something new for you...
@@woozah8624 We can see how well the alternatives work, pushed by ignorant people that have no understanding of economics. Places like Venezuela where pets are cooked for dinner.
Good luck getting people to unite & work together,it sure looks like the opposite these days !!😶
I believe most people are good. I also think most humans feel good about being part of something, helping others, and achieving positive goals.
Unfortunately, there are major headwinds stopping this. Firstly, our media twists people's opinions of others. This makes everyone project their issues on others and think the worst of them.
Secondly, those in power tend to be there for self-interest and have sociopathic tendencies.
I think the people are ready. They would come together and feel good about it.
We are just waiting for those in power
@@user-vc5zt9ci12 I think indians are spreading enmity in the internet
@@user-vc5zt9ci12 Sounds like we need an eco fascist government ruled like the First French Republic.
Corporate-fascist rule here in the 21st century more like it
It’s running us into the dirt to make a profit
Give everybody chickens and land and stop still factory’s making products just for profit that are no good for the environment
Nature's gifts must be preserved well for our own long-term benefit. Nature's gifts must not destroy for short-term benefits 🙏🏼
A bit late we going to extinct and all life on earth 70-100% will be wiped out is a scientific fact, it just say we will reach 2 C degree in other words.
Please educated yourself better and stop talking of a future that does not exist for mankind or any other aerobe anymore.
I do not doubt human ingenuity and that it is in our means to solve the problems we create before it is too late. However, corporation greed and a lack of worldwide cooperation in terms of revelant measures to combat climate change will affect the final outcome. This documentary mentions a few interesting but so isolated projects in a few European countries. Some main players are missing. We have the power to change things but will not because we are too divided and brainwashed by moguls who only care about their bank accounts. That is what's really sad.
I think we're going extinct. Humans are too corrupt and stupid.
For 30 years, seen people talking about technology that would help the climate crisis. None have become mainstream and can be seen everywhere. In 30 years, all these "ideas" will still be ideas and NO carbon will be saved!
Ts not CORPORATE GREED. Corporations are a vehicle that we use for development.thats it and we will have development.
that is not corporate greed, but the short-sighted "we are poor with no skills, so let's make 10 kids" mindset is the main culprit
@@codered4422 The very poor with their 4 kids have no decision power. And the 'no skills' part translates into ignorance when it comes to electing officials that are supposed to represent them. Not that it matters since government officials are indebted to industries that have no interest to address climate change. So yeah, ultimately corporations prevent measures that could help the environment.
We're doomed and our future is a horror. From now on each year will be worse than the one before. Say it with me... _"Faster Than Expected!"_
folks dont seem to get the exponential function.
Collapse of civilization and mass unrest in inevitable. Hopefully, the oil lobbyists have good bunkers with hard to find air vents.
@@lorimason2288 nor the feedback loops problems
As more electric cars come out, I burn more and more garbage, leaves, and plastic in my back yard to make up for the lost pollution.
@@SigFigNewton how much will the tax bill be for the huge bon fire and all the plastic and garbage im going to burn in the back yard tonight?
How awesome is it that humanity started out as nomadic tribes and now thanks to global warming we will soon return to being a nomadic people 😊
It's just ridiculous that so much water and energy is wasted just for artificially making snow, just because rich people think they are entitled to a ski holiday.
Ya think
Matter cannot be created or destroyed so everything you just said is ridiculous
Should be "Global Warning". The current situation is dire, it's the current young that are going to suffer, god help them.☹️
People alive right now, including first world Boomers, are going to suffer from climate change within 10-20 years.
Yes I am but that period bears no reflection on what's happening today, people like you make me and the world sick.🤮
Delusional…especially your goD-No One Is Coming To Save You-you will be fine
It is so very painful for me to see what we are doing to nearly every single species of wild animal and the habitat they depend on for survival. And at the same time it's shocking to see our apparent complete lack of concern for what we are doing. It really leads me to wonder if we actually think we can continue as we are without the changes affecting us, or if we know exactly what we're doing but just do not care as long as the money is still rolling in. I'm afraid that those of us who are in positions of power are in the later category. And in that case the name of the video instead of "A-verting Catastrophe" should have been "A Coming Catastrophe".
Yes, we know that C02 is a green house gas as is methane. However, the paleoclimatologists have NOT attributed the numerous rise and fall of earth's average global temperature to C02 and methane levels. If you look at earth's historical temperature cycle over the past 570 million years you will see numerous periods of when the earth's temperature rose with C02 levels remaining LOW whereas at other times the temperature remained 3-6 degrees celcius WARMER than present times with continuously falliing C02 levels. In essence, the historical data and facts are being manipulated by power mongers to gain more wealth by advocating global catastophe to the masses, and, making a profit from their activity while gaining more power. For example, why is Al Gore now worth approximately $300,000,000? By becoming a Climate Alarmist!!!! And goverment bureaucrats are seeing that they can maybe gain more power and wealth too by advocating Climate Alarmism.
You know what pains me the people pushing this green agenda this climate change Cult are just getting more rich more rich and more rich by the day more money in their pockets from me and you the taxpayer
There is no climate catastrophe. CO2 is not a pollutant. They are all lying in order to control us. They always say to plant trees, plant trees, plant trees… they take the CO2 out of the atmosphere.
How much CO2 does each tree absorb?
If you Google it, that number is 48lbs of CO2 per tree, per year, but some climate catastrophe zealots say only 29lbs per tree are all that are effective.
Let’s use their low numbers.
There are an estimated 3.4 Trillion trees on the planet. Google it.
** 29lbs x 3.4 Trillion = 98 Trillion lbs / 2000lbs (1 ton) = 49 Billion Tons of CO2 absorption per year from trees alone.
How much CO2 do humans emit from all sources.
According to Google, humans emit 37 Billion Tons of CO2 per year from all sources.
You do the math. It’s all a hoax. Net Zero is nonsense.
What does Net Zero mean?
What’s the goal?
How low do they want the emissions?
If we emit 37 Billion Tons of CO2 and the trees alone absorb 48 Billion Tons…
we’re already past Net Zero.
We’re in the negative. That’s just the trees, don’t forget everything else that absorbs C02…Don’t fall for this nonsense.
It’s all about power, money and control. DO NOT COMPLY!
The movie here does not show our mass extinction event at all, it is very down playing climate change , you got no Idea the Catastrophe is already here and it is deadly and very perverted extinct everything.
It is painful to see to the 80 billion of land animals and trillions of fish every year. We directly kill them. Maybe you can watch Dominion
Looks like we are done ✅
Wish good luck 👍 to all from Buffalo New York USA 🇺🇸
Yeah, in '77-78' we were all about global cooling. Go figure.
@@MyHMMWVaddictionyou know the difference between a short period of time and the climate. It's the average over 30 years it's called climate and this is changing
@@imtheeastgermanguy5431 Germany was covered by ice caps 12,000 years ago. global warming allowed humans to later begin FARMING in the middle east and then Europe.
Took decades to get here and good luck with turning back time.
We are living in Highlander 2.
Especially when society has been built around it.
What percentage was caused by humans ????
@@DynamicSeq "What percentage was caused by humans ????" 34% of the CO2 in the atmosphere was put up there by humans and ~98% of net global warming since 1900 was caused by humans.
Luck is only with u
When I lived in southern Germany for three years, we were constantly under a thick cloud of industrial pollution from northern industry. If you drove to a higher point, you could see where you lived and the constant soup you lived under. This must change and hopefully all over the world, where this is the case there will be groups like this one who push for change. The answers are in our hands.
Which northern industry? When do you see this? Would be interesting for me.
I don't think they make much in Germany anymore, with the exception of BEVs of course, that could be the culprit
I haven’t finished watching yet, but they better come to New Zealand. Because we have every single one of these problems, happening at once.
I heard that in new Zealand there is a lot "carbon farming" going on.
I wouldn’t say a lot. We have a heap of pine forests planted for paper and milling, which also sequester carbon, so there’s a two for one!
@@Kiwi-ICU-RN I saw a documentary about a farmer/guy who has planted a lot of trees and got almost a million euros every year which sounds very good to me. Don't get me wrong I do like the nature and I do like to make money in order to spend the money back into new and substantial things or in people like schools for children or free meals. A million every year can open a lot of doors✌️🌍🛠️🍚🍌🙏
You have to see “Climate: The Movie (The Cold Truth)”. Another outstanding watch filled with Nobel Prize winners, MIT and Harvard scientists, physicists and professors with tremendous irrefutable current and historical data that any child could understand about climate change propaganda and the false data pushed by political propagandists and the unfortunate misinformed and brainwashed. Children deserve better from us. Learn the truth and stop psychologically harming them. Let them grow up free and happy.
Awesome documentary! Unfortunately, I don't have faith in humanity. We tend to destroy everything we touched.
Its not only that , its the fact that MONEY still RULES ALL.. In the end nothing will be left but bills blowing in the wind.
i have been around for 70 year ...........yes!!! mankind is the worst life from on the planet... nar lets make that the universe
Speak for yourself. not everyone is fooled by this "humans are bad" childish and simplistic propaganda and understand the sun is changing
Absolutely agree
The american consumerism has taken over the world completely, and the wealthy nations refuse to slow down and reduce their emissions :(
Tree plantation can help us to perpetuate our climate from being worsted, we should be more aware of planting trees and saplings!
Every year there is a certain time comes when we can plant saplings and i think we should teach school students!!
Thats true. especially planting the correct tree for the correct environment. Some of the people I know try to plant non drought tolerant plants in a semi drought area and it 1) doesn’t do well 2) takes a lot of water.
@@christypham3386 Its important to note that CO2 is the most important tree fertilizer and a rich CO2 environment makes trees far more drought tolerant. Good point.
The ice age is still melting, the less ice left the faster it heats. We also need to focus on air quality and land restoration. We may have accelerated the global warming but it was accelerating itself anyhow. The best we can do now is to consume less, restore more land, change current mono crop farming techniques for permaculture farming across the planet. The problem is that there is little in the way of income in these fields of work. People are naturally competitive so it is not easy to expect people to become competitive in what they can do to fix what they have damaged because the entire reason they damaged it was to profit in the 1st place. People like the idea of doing something to repair the world but we tend to wait till after the problem has caused disaster and then we act, usually too late. Why do we have to wait till the event? Are we not intelligent enough to try to average out the curve of cycles such as these? Even if we were i highly doubt we could achieve what is needed to be done to make a big difference. However we should be trying harder. Personalty i don't have much faith in the people to do what is needed to make such an effort. I discuss similar scenarios in public and 95% of people are just not interested. We also need to consider the power of nationalism. All countries need to make this effort in unison so other countries do not take advantage of those that slow their economies to help the situation. Seriously! Is this ever going to become a reality? Not likely with current geopolitics and the way people behave. To minimise my impact i am happy to earn between €5k and €10k a year. Do you really think someone earning €500k a year is going to reduce their income to my level to contribute towards minimising their impact? FFS
Apparently they are happy to breath in silver iodide every day, a form of particle pollution in order to help make rain nowadays.
Not me, I prefer to wait until the actual evidence is here. Too many global doomologists misuse data to suit their needs and push their agenda. Gas and oil companies do just as much as the doomologists. The truth lies somewhere in the middle. Fact is, usually when humans "act" before hand in efforts to "solve" a "problem" that doesn't yet exist, is that we tend to either be wrong about the problem and cause further harm trying to fix it, or we don't fully understand the problem and act the wrong way, wasting efforts for zero or negative results. As you said, man is likely incapable of figuring out how to fix a global problem, and by that same logic, man is so insignificant to the Earth's global climate that we likely have a minimal impact on what Mother Nature does. Sure we are releasing CO2 back into the atmosphere, but that very CO2 was once in the air initially, so we're not "adding" CO2 to the Earth, we are simply putting more back than would happen naturally. But who is to say that this is a problem in the first place? What if, 100 years from now, we find we don't have enough CO2 in the atmosphere and all plant life starts to die - if only we had studies all of the Earth's needs, not just our own desire to keep the climate the same and not have to adapt to the global cyclical changes that happen regardless of what we do, and if we had released more CO2 in the air for the last 100 years, we may have saved the planet... If that scenario does happen, how will you feel knowing you could be the one that doomed future generations because you were fighting the only solution that could have saved us? That might be a fantasy scenario, but you get the point - until we have complete studies that show ALL of the effects of everything that contributes to our climate change, we are simply pointing fingers at each other and saying "it's your fault because..." Nobody knows because nobody has done these studies. I've seen many studies that show small details of one specific thing, but none have tied them all together. Some say that the planet heats up BEFORE CO2 levels rise - if that's the case, then CO2 levels ARE rising naturally without man's input. The fact we are adding to it is a moot point - if it is part of the natural cycle, it is inevitable. We really can't stop CO2 emissions if man is only responsible for a small portion of what the planet belches out. You can't fight Mother Nature, you can only adapt. History shows many cities that had to be abandoned due to climate change, it is a natural event. Other places became inhabitable. Antarctica has forests under all that ice - at one point it was a nice place to live, and one day may become that way again - regardless of what we humans do. So live life to the fullest, do try to reduce, reuse and recycle - not because you will save the planet, but so that future generations can share in the treasures our planet has provided us with and have as good a life as we have.
Farming is unnatural, let's not be content with half-measures. We need to re-learn sustainable lifestyles. Making spears with saplings, deerskin clothing, throwing rocks is the ultimate in sustainability. Also burning bison dung makes a warm wigwam.
The permafrost will all melt. It's not just the greenhouse effect anymore. It is also the metabolic waste heat generated by the microbes degrading the previously trapped matter. Compost heaps have been known to combust from this heat. It will most certainly be delivering a double whammy for permafrost melting. There are places already in the middle of vast sheets of permafrost, under lakes, where there are melted columns going down kilometers. It WILL all melt now.
The feedback loops have been activated.
Your comment will make me catching up about permafrost.
@@DG-ie5ip I have actually. It was 12 degrees Celsius that Christmas, which was unheard of for a place used to winter temperatures of around -12 to 7C.
@@Sq7Arno Temperatures have been some 15 degrees higher many times before and sea levels 150m higher before humans were even here. That cycle will likely repeat unless we become like gods and can actually control the climate and mother nature. I wouldn't bet on that and suspect we might only be able to slightly effect the speed of changes that will occur.
@@Sq7Arno Your comment is hidden or maybe you deleted it. As to caused by us isn't exactly settled science. Sure we are probably causing the climate heat up faster but how much is our effect and how much of it is due to normal cycle isn't clear. We are just getting out of an ice age, barely warming up on any longer time scale.
I don't get it why DW interpreting the Russian scientist, he just speaks English with a Russian accent.
I seen DW not interpreting Indian, German, French, Indonesian, African and other accents, but first time I noticed with this Dimitry scientist, and he sound confident of what he say.
To summarize: businesses’ and consumers’ greed, arrogance, and complete foolishness got us here. I am constantly blaming corporations, but if people's behaviors don’t change as well, nothing will change.
I had this reality check about 20 years ago... The only thing that changed is the speed at which we're heading for the wall.
I was planning to sell up and relocate to the Portuguese or Spanish South Coast in a few years. After this summers heatwave I fear for the lack of fresh water that will be available and whether much of that region will be habitable. It’s making me really depressed I have to say.
I will soon be gone, but my/ our children...what awaits really worries me 😮
@@Cedawood I don’t know about you but I worry about it a lot. I’m 55 and am hoping for 20 more years most of which In retirement. Im not sure I’m going to get it. Anxiety amongst anyone in their 20’s, 30’s must be incredible
One of my ex-colleagues bought in Portugual and the government clim the land back without compensating him. I was surprised that being an EU country, it can’t be this lawless. So maybe you got lucky.
@@andymacgregor16me too. I am 52. I don’t think it won’t impact me. 1 hour drive away from my home has tornados last week. I am at the top of a hill. So flooding is not an issue. I just hope there is no landslide.
I am fairly sure we will start to see some serious issues by the time you are 60 for sure. Water scarcity and supplying enough food especially. I’m not so worried for me but for anyone with kids
It's wild that you can watch the permafrost in real-time melt so fast
Yep, every spring for hundreds of thousands of years . Nothing has changed
@@Badkitty17 the 'active layer', the top part of the soil which thaws every year, is growing as the climate warms. the genie is out of the bottle.
@@Badkitty17not true at it’s melting at an unprecedented rate
@@Muddslinger0415 Each Ice Age was followed by dramatic warming . modern Humans wouldn't be here without a warming period
So, we just stop doing anything to allow our own extinction so ants can become masters of the world?
Got it! 🙄
The worst is already here for the poorest people on earth. it's as man made as climate change as it is also its cause , chronic wealth inequality and the very inaction to tackle it.
Oil executives and politics are fighting exactly how tobacco used to. Even Slavery, colonial plantations.
The power of capital
share this with every person you know. We need every person on planet to see this. The faster we act the better off we will be.
How can you make people change their habits? How can rich countries (EU, US ...) make the emerging countries (China, Brazil, India ... ) to stop emitting carbon? People don't like to change!
Have a strong coffee, wake up guys
The climate and weather I've always been changing on earth since the beginning period did you know that the C02 levels have been as high as 19 times more than they are now and the temperature of the world have been higher in the magnitude of. 10 Celsius more than today and it seems like the polar bears.Survive that, please educate yourself and watch.The global waswindle documentary
The Earth's climate is not static it's dynamic , The climate has continued to change since the beginning of the planet earth ! And will continue to change till the end of time !
Very clever. 😁
We are driving straight into a tree, without changing direction fast enough, and some people arguing the tree is fake.
DW is pointing out a small tree, and not telling of the biggest tree.. population explosions
@@milesinnz no, solving overpopulation especially in developing countries will hardly put a dent in climate change. The drivers is and have always been developed countries.
Climate change is only one enormous problem after the next, I’ll grant you that.
@@peterchui1964 really.. Africa going from 816 million in 1990 to potentially 5 billion by 2100.. and then we have all the things that are excluded in CO2 output, such as farming and even rice... there is a lot of BS propaganda out there to put a false onus on western countries.. yes, the industrial revolution and all that... yet the real increase in CO2 emissions wasn't until around 1950... so, 5 million people in NZ, putting out 10 times more than someone in Nigeria whose population is 44 times bigger is worse... ??? did you fail at maths.. I have a lot more data where this comes from.. so please don't do a runner like all the others in these sorts of forums..
@@SigFigNewton you want to give some facts ? Have you seen the birthrate and demographics from Africa... these are FACTS. Falling populations are worrisome for big industry and banks as they will not be able to maintain their perpetual growth. Now which bit did I get wrong ? and lets have your facts...
@@SigFigNewton "Global population will probably be in decline before year 2100" so now you say the world population decline starts somewhere before 2100.. ok.. like when... ? if the birth rates were falling at a catastrophic rate, why don't we have a declining population NOW ? of course what you have failed to address is why a declining population is so bad - please explain...?
the positive side of all this is, it will kill off all the corruption in this world also.
You mean everyone?
They are now thinking of going to Mars 😂.. the rich will still survive
The rich will survive for a few generations burrowed in artificially climatized sealed environments.
It will be Marshall law lockdown under starvation for the rest of us.
We need to hold the fossil fuel companies accountable now and stop the machine while we still have a chance.
They've already built doomsday bunkers. They will come up from the ashes to rebuild.
@@livelife8130you think? There is no "rich" in the future, only survivors of hunger, war, storms and illness. If anyone survives
I keep hearing about how much cheaper wind and solar are but for some reason my electric bill doubled? Weird...
It's all part of the biggest con in human history!
@@stevehewitt1151 just another tax break for the super wealthy
@@Colonel__Ingus69 the funny part is they act like it’s not massive pollution
Absolutely amazing photography.
Here in Bangladesh, The Monsoon flooding, Cyclone Just going Crazy... In Southern part of Bangladesh, People starting Agriculture in floating agriculture bed.😢
That is a technique millenia old used in South America 😮
Bang Ladies ? whao whao, chill my dude, what u saying
Lies. You must be some weird tree hugger.
@@pcoristiso true
Finally a straight answer from a reliable Swiss News source
How can we talk about dealing with the climate crisis when we can’t even achieve peace?
Great point. It's like they want to save the climate for war?🥴🥴🥴😵💫
The ones pushing this climate change agenda and making people poorer because of it are the ones waging wars!
Well peace is never an option when imperialistic countries want to extract more resources from their occupied territories.
Its a good question.
@@seese9456Developed countries dont exploit developing countries
They buy resources at a fair price
I think people get these figures wrong, and that the situation is far more critical than people realise, but also our ability to act is far more extensive than people are realising.
Also, from a film I've seen, because of the Ukraine War, and Russia's invasion - despite everything CO2 emissions have fallen 2.5% last year across Europe!
What happened to the ozone layer acid rain or sea level flooding the world these are lies to keep you scared and worried and it's working
lmao less industry in war not more
European industry is moving to the US
@@koneko6225 No they are not, as the markets are here and if you want cheaper productions US isn't the place where you would go to.
I only wish you were right, but no.
Nature always wins. Nature is IMPOSSIBLE to beat no matter what. Just like the COSMOS, you cannot beat it
We don't have governments that can be trusted with power or wealth. I am not willing to increase the size of governments.
Absolutely no way that happens by 2030.
We truly are doomed one way or another
This change should have started in the 90s at the latest
@@Gigi-id7pm you do realize it has taken 20 years now to barely get to a 15-20% total electric car usage. There are so many statistics that prove the 2030 date is unrealistic. Do some research before saying something stupid.
na the 90ies would be a bit late, all transmissions to carbon free had to be completed about before 2008.
The problem is known since the 30ties Keeling Curve , so about 100 years ago and the main problem of capitalistic increasing pollution will lead to is known since the early industrial revolution, its not a scientific proof for something but very clear due to the laws of nature.
Nice Explain full video watching without skipping want to know more about Global warming.
Thanks you D.w. documentary and all Team members.
That helicopter pilot has cast iron nuts flying and hoovering in and near the mountains and hills! His skill and experience should be commended; thus, great job helicopter 🚁 pilot!
Climate change is a problem, however scarcity of resources is going to be devastating!
Yup. Great point. Food shortages will hurt the poor. Money talks. There will be food wars (due to lack of crop viable lands) If we truly are not prepared, the poor will perish first. The poor are peasants/farmers. They could refuse to sell their crops and instead keep it for themselves. If they can do that without governments, state belligerent taking it by force, because if they do that, the rich countries will spare no expense ensuring the survival of their people. If they get away with keeping their land and crops, that's when the rich countries will feel it. Rich countries under threat, will take drastic measures at the expense of less fortunate others. Long story short, food wars, poor countries/people are screwed. Once the population is reduced, that may mean the reduced resources suffice to sustain those left (the rich). But then again, who will slave away to provide all the luxuries the rich enjoy. Who will dig coltan out of mines all day for a couple of bucks a day? AI and machines to the rescue.
Even the changes in the weather and the seasons are a problem for some idiots.
We are going to extinct is the scientific fact, to call this just a problem is very stupid,
but no one cares because there will be no one left who could care at all, because 70-100% of all life will be wiped out, specially all aerobe will extinct like mankind.
That won’t happen anytime soon
?? Really? Well soon is a very broad statement. However, it is obvious we are already having supply issues and disruptions. If you understand futures it is clear these problems are going to increase in 2024 and continue to struggle more and more. @@usdepartmentofthetreasury489
💎🏆 Great insightful & fruitful video 🏆💎
लोकः समस्ताः सुखिनो भवन्तु
( May all beings lead prosperous life across Globe 🌍 )
Humanity today: watching television in the living room with the whole house on fire.
For the record: the current socioeconomic structures simply don't allow any real solutions or fundamental changes to be applied. Truth is: if the urgently necessary measures would be taken on both personal and collective level, the "economy" would instantly collapse. We're hopelessly stuck in our old and insane ways, while the nation state as a structure, the monetary system as a tool and trade as a concept should have been completely abolished by now. The bottom line tells us that we lack the mental-emotional maturity to ensure our survival. In the words of American biologist Edward O. Wilson: “The real problem of humanity is the following: We have Paleolithic emotions, medieval institutions and godlike technology. And it is terrifically dangerous, and it is now approaching a point of crisis overall.”
Agreed. Humans are an unsustainable species. Big brains are a problem.
Germany is producing something like half of their energy from renewable sources and their economy is one of the strongest in Europe. So no, it's not as if we can't do anything or our economy would collapse.
I guess the ordinary people are going to pay the dire price in the end. Since politicians are not representing public but their own wealth, the responsible companies are rather distributing the burden than making up for their destruction in the ecosystem.
theyd do well to put the water in the ground before they put the trees in rather than on the surface of the ground after the tree is in. Aside from that, amazing documentary
This propaganda was made for you and other stupid people who believe anything they are told
java's coastal inundations are also caused by mangrove eradication (so shrimp can be farmed to make it affordable for a global mass market), and by the rate of groundwater extraction for an enormous population
Coastal inundation have taken place for billions of years. The are normal. Until people decided to settle in those areas. The most creative and intelligent people (like the Diutch) survived.
The Indonesian village has more of a problem with the amount of trash. Even if there were no sea rise - I wouldn't be happy on Happy Beach. The classrooms would probably smell a bit better also. Most ocean borne plastic comes from Indonesia, the Philippines and China. They may be being impacted by global warming but they are also highly responsible for much of the ocean pollution.
A lot of the plastic waste are exported from western countries.
Just saying.
Hello DW documentary is it ok if I put your logo with full credits on my intro video on my channel for Climate Change I thought I would reach out to you about this and I feel like your channel would be a perfect opportunity to raise more awareness of Climate Change. If not that’s fine I just wanted to ask.
In the hottest July on record I'm afraid it's much too late. Scientists began warning us over 100 years ago. We refused to listen. I'm not a religious person but I pray for us all.
Its scary to think that what would be release if perma frost is gone.
Permafrost has 2 times more co2 than in all of our atmosphere. And permafrost isn't the only tipping point. We also have methane clathrates, reduced albedo from polar ice melting.
brake release, then whistles playing
Fine film! Except for one failing: electro-mechanical carbon dioxide capture and storage is way too expensive and the risks of the machinery and pipelines are too great.
Waste less energy by gradually converting to modern heating and cooling technology, building more compact and better insulated homes and businesses. Manufacture locally to reduce transportation energy cost - its not just the vehicle fuel - cement and asphalt are huge energy wasters for every lane we build.😊😊
A doubling of the population in the past 50 years hasn't helped 😕
Population isn’t growing! It’s actually decreasing
Uhm, No.
Not yet.
When I was a Kid,my hometown had always been snowing in winter in South-Mid main land, but now it's hardly to seen the white beauty.we need take action to protect the earth ASAP, such eat and travel with low CO2 action, reduce traveling by car.
Politicians need to stop flying all over the world for starters. We have this glorious thing called the internet.
My spirit will be most amused to return to earth within the next 300 years to see New York City streets covered by the ocean.
there is no averting when the world is run by greed
You mean greens? Green terrorism.
It's not just greed IMHO - it's a huge amount of inertia in our industrialization - even if we want to reduce emissions it's going to be very difficult....we can do it but it'll take the entire world embarking on a Manhattan project scale endeavor...
Cut more tree and will get more land tax so i will continue doing .goverment see it as more land for people
They get what they choose. .my life is more important than the world.
They think i am rich? Because i have so much unused land
@@SodDeemak-zf1ltvery short sighted
Mad treasure chest face
Not all heroes wear caps. Each action, no matter how small, contributes to positive change.
Nope. Not going to work. Either make billionaires pay up, or the rest of us suffers.
@@Shini1984 I tend to agree. Then again, who are the ones buying from amazon? Who’s spending energy from fossil fuels? Who’s using google? Etc etc
@@peterchui1964it’s still their fault for lobbying against the populace’s interest (oil companies lobbying against green energy, electric cars for decades) and the politicians’ fault for lying
Ha ha, you're precious.
Remarkable video ❤
I always hear they are setting goals to cut emissions. It's nice if they do, but they should also achieve these goals...
This is a lie
the movie is also lying about germanys emissions
I am froim germany and yes germany did a lot of solar and wind
BUT they did transfer their Emissions into other countries and do In and Export with a lot of Emissions and they did double their Emissions in the last years,
this is very the opisite of fighting climate change, they even wanna make other countries guilty for their own emissions in these countrys by german companies.
They do not wanbt to achive a goal at all, they just wannas fake they do something but increase emisions very intense is what they do.
And since about 2014 we do not have a carbon budget anymore that is now 10 years ago with massive increase of emissions,
this is why we will reach the level of a global extinction event because we are going up to 2 C degree in warming no matter what.
@@SigFigNewton Carbon Taxes are non sense , there is no carbon budget anymore since 2014, all emissions has to be forbidden and not been allowed as prevelidge of rich
Amazibg documentary, I just wish more people cared..
I would be prepping.
Thank you DW for this documentary.
Thanks for watching and taking the time to comment.
@@DWDocumentary It was some good science fiction.
Knowing how we humans are, there is no solution. We are doomed.
You're probably right.
The only solution is threatening the people in power by what they want which is profits. You hit them where they hurt and they will kneel. The problem is the people with the most influence have connections to keep the masses separated and infighting with each other with prejudice and racism. The socioeconomic powers the influenced rich have are the real problems here. The ignorant will continue to listen to them because they are rich and rich people must be intelligent to be rich....
20 20 VISION..
Composting is an easy way to reduce methane emissions from rotting food. More cities should partake in composting and recycling programs
They should plant berries, nut trees, and fruit trees where the homeless Hangout. Then playing him everywhere else 💐
Which recycling programs? Plastic from German recycling programs can be found shipped to other countries...sweeeping the problem under the rag elsewhere is not a solution.
To combat climate change these solutions that needed to be included:
Investing in renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power.
Reducing our reliance on fossil fuels.
Improving energy efficiency in our homes and businesses.
Planting trees and other vegetation.
Reducing our consumption of meat and other animal products.
Changing our transportation habits.
A bit late , we are going to extinct
also you can not do this at all because we do not have a carbon budget anymore since about 2010
so you can not build something and not do something will cause Emissions and that was about 10 years ago
we had the chance to live in the golden age. Take care people . 🤗
Germany in my opinion made a huge mistake by closing its nuclear power plants.
And by sabotaging the French one. Cheap, on-demand, very low CO2 vs. Gaz backed intermitent renewable energy.
It's not just your opinion, it's objective fact. A tragic misstep based off of irrational fears, and the world's poorest will suffer the consequences.
Power bulb
No it's only few percent of the energy production but high costs of maintenance and getting new "fuel" for it. Specially when this comes from Russia. Look at France when the dry rivers couldn't supply the nuclear power plants with cooling water.
Amazing Documentary ❤️❤️❤️. (Please save the Earth🙏🙏🙏) (कृपया पृथ्वी को बचाएं🙏🙏🙏).
This documentary should be watched by everyone n every corner. Government as well as we common people should contribute n saving our planet earth. It's time to save n it's now
@@rpalmer274 😂 got him
Please explain to me how everyone can watch every video where someone says "this should be watched by everyone".
The idea of Climate change is great for western countries, we are in prime position to look like white saviours while at the same time making lots of money to keep our countries wealthy, while those in poor countries sit on their hands and wonder to themselves, why hasn't anything improved for their country.
This documentary should also be heavily critisized by people with common sense and independent.
As more electric cars come out, I burn more and more garbage, leaves, and plastic in my back yard to make up for the lost pollution.
" I main solution to climate change is awareness & above all being aware of own true self & beyond where the main works starts after realisation i.e the real work starts after realisation both in & out, if one can understand what i truly mean by my words !"
Thankyou ❤🙏
One of the best and most informative documentaries I have ever seen. Thank you.
See this😢
It's a great time to be old and childless.
75 next birthday, no children. I thought I would be long gone before the end of our planet now it terrifies me that I might still be around.
Discover the cover lights spinning around
an eye opener to the world....what the future may bring if we are not going back to basics.
Al gore said in his documentary that the polar ice would be melted by now... Fearmongering to make you pay carbon tax....
Thank you for this documentary.. hope everyone around the world make a brave move to save our environment in catastrophe.. being live in Philippines we're prone of this climate change.. many typhoon develop every year as the climate turn to hot in d pacific region
Thanks for watching and taking the time to comment.
County like Bangladesh suffers more from this climate change 😢😢😢
as we continue to cut forests (trees) for human consumption the climate is getting warmer and warmer
when I was in school we never had an air conditioning machine in our house and we can sleep in summer peacefully
but now after 20 yrs, the Indian heat is so severe that without AC we can't sleep
Nature's gifts must be preserved well for our own long-term benefit. Nature's gifts must not destroy for short-term benefits
How many trees have Ecosia already planted, I am skeptical of commercial promises
We would need to plant 200 trillion trees to stop global warming within the next 100 years. We only have 6 trillion on Earth. Trees will not save us.
Every able bodied human can make a difference.
I would vote against a carbon tax.
Vote against war
Saving the world with huge herds of animals.👍👍👍
How ironic right!
Our rivers and lakes here in Arkansas are boiling hot!! Im not kidding just went to the lake this weekend and I'm 6foot as far out in the lake was hot like a hot tub not even deep water was cool it was hot. How do fish live in that is beyond me..
Thank you for opening our eyes. Tubigon islands in the Philippines are the first victim of this climate change.
Apabida na naman ang Pilipino😀
How much emissions does tourism create?
Nobody will spare from nature's wrath.
We're all going to die at least us poor people there is no way our consumption society will change in any way. Also people will keep on denying the fact that we are heading for the absolute dystopia until they are facing the danger right in front of their doorstep.
It’s like they didn’t pay attention to the science fiction movies growing up. Rutcher Hauer movie Split Second touches on this stuff. People need to actually pay attention to make believe sometimes as they are lessons and warnings. Same with Metallica and Slayer.
We're not going to die we are going to suffer
Your fear is dimming your mind.
Why not put a reflective blanket over the glacier for the summer months?
A drop in the ocean, so to speak.
This needs to be shone to all school children, and everyone who is not a believer in climate change. 2nd time I watched this. God Bless this Man
Every year we said in our family that winters are not what it used to be, I remember beautiful winters full of snow. This year, it was cold for like a month or two, then we switched to shorts again. This year is the first year in my life I actually had to buy AC and run it 24/7, you can't open the window because the hot air make my flat unbearable. I don't take heat very well but this year is extreme even for me. I live in central Europe and it was about 40 degrees Celsius as a "normal" temperature. We are faster coming to an uninhabitable planet at this rate, even if we go green no matter the cost now, the effects of global warming will be catastrophic.
What's done is done, there is no going back, that is it !
Thank You for coverage our region ...Indonesia. There were some coastal cities like Jakarta ...Purwokerto and Demak now has sank by sea water. Climate Change and global warning now showing the facts.
My work place of only 5 peoples and I’m the only person who recycles and eat meat only 1 or twice a month. In these climate change one person doesn’t make a difference but I still do what I can
Another amazing documentary by DW regarding climate change.Keep it up 👍.
Terrible documentary it's all lies
@@rpalmer274Which oil company do you work for? 🤔
@gregbors8364 I don't I just like to use gas in my boat or my 4 wheeler for fun and in Canada where I live gas prices so high its just a way to get more money from people because government can't spend money right
@@rpalmer274 Oh, global warming doesn’t exist - because you like to use gas and it’s expensive. Well, I can’t argue with that “logic” lol
man kommt aus dem staunen nicht raus. so ist das im wunderland 🤣
As the climate heads into greater extremes globally, how can we best deal with future climate crises?
The short answer is that we cannot deal with them unless we take care of nature's inner balance.
We live in a tightly-closed and interdependent system in which everything boomerangs back to us. While living in such a system, we need to reconsider what we want and think, and how we treat each other, because our human connections are the primary influence on how nature responds to us.
It is common to think that climate is dependent on factors outside of us-whether it be balances between heat and cold in the environment, or the effects of various kinds of pollution we emit-because we lack a complete picture of how our attitudes to each other bring about the strongest responses from nature toward us.
No creature distorts nature the way that we people do. And it is not simply a matter of switching to renewable energy sources, electric cars and the like; it is a matter of how we relate to each other.
If we truly wish to witness more balance throughout nature and not have to deal with all kinds of cold waves and other natural disasters, then similarly to how we have electricity, water and gas meters in our homes, we should also have meters that count how much evil we emit into the world from our negative attitudes to each other. What I mean is that if we could feel the extent to which we emit negative forces into the world, which negatively ricochet back to us, then we would wish to change this negative driver within us. We would want to switch it to a drive that makes our human connections positive, and which harmonizes us with nature.
In simple terms, when we get up in the morning, we should first and foremost consider what we need to do in order for all people to have it good. Developing such an attitude is not so simple, yet we will need to seriously work on it as we head into the future. A life of increasing blows from nature or a life of peace and harmony depends on the extent to which we impact a shift in our attitudes to each other-from negative to positive.
Stop talking such a non-sense, by science it is clear that we will extinct , so whats a bout that non sense of dealing with something in the future, we are going to extinct there is no dealing, just the global mass extinctioin event will wipe out 70-100% of all life on earth specially aerobs like humans.
its not true what you say.
Firstly there isn't one climate as you seem to be maintaining. There are many different global climate systems.
Secondly there is no evidence in support that extremes in weather events are greater today than in the past. But there is plenty of evidence to support that extreme weather events are less extreme and less frequent than in the past.
Thirdly, don't confuse 'weather events' with 'climate'. They are chalk and cheese.
Fourthly, there is no "balance" in the natural world as you suggest. You are not understanding how the real world works. It is never in a state of "balance". Its always moving between one systemic shock to the next.
Thank you for such informative documentary..
Thank you for watching!
Surely DW can afford a proof reader for the title of this video!
In upper Himalayan area of state of uttarakhand, every day solid looking rock face is flaking and falling on traffic ,killing many commuters. The binding force of subzero water in soil is vanning due to increase of temp of air
Plant more trees and shrubs and cover the bare soil with more plants. It will retain water and stop erosion!
It will be water, water everywhere, but not a drop to drink