I've become much less sympathetic to the homeless after seeing every place that they congregate turn into a trash dump because they can't be bothered to throw anything in a garbage can.
Correct, open camping with tents and a clean campground could have been tolerated. It's the trash that is unacceptable. Also, the thieving. These people go through the neighborhoods at night stealing anything they can. Almost every night we have them on our cameras checking our vehicles.
@B12 Deficient The root cause is that they have no discipline (aka laziness) and no sense of responsibility. I don't see any homeless illegals. Homelessness, like welfare, is an addiction. Once you are hooked, it is hard to escape.
Austin used to be weird.. now it is just becoming another Seattle. Really miss the state of the city 10+ years ago and my favorite restaurants like Huts and Bacon. It is incredibly annoying seeing this happen to one of my favorite places.
I’m from Southern California-and our homeless crisis in Los Angeles and San Diego are truly of apocalyptic measure. I thought Austin was doing well with Community First Village?
@@dennisgraham9444 That’s a shame. It’s my understanding that Community First Village will be adding an additional 1,400 homes by 2022/3...that should have a significant impact on the homeless crisis in Austin!
@@dennisgraham9444 I'm a lifelong Austinite and at 65yrs you are Absolutely right! They don't have a plan and never had any intentions of getting or making a plan to correct this problem or help the homeless in Austin. Because of their liberal rhetoric and political policies this is the end results and its all about the Monies with them and its been that way for years. They All need to be Recalled and Fired especially that Incompetent Mayor and most of the city council! It'll only get Worse with them in office!
There are actual piles of human feces and abandoned needles on the ground. Daily. I used to work down there. I would leave my office with a knife, and headphones in because the homeless were extremely aggressive especially if you’re a woman walking alone to get food. I’ve been called a c*** and stuck up b**** just because I refused to give them money or go in an alley to “talk to” them
@@jamesdaugherty7138 Hi James. Some people are so broken from life that they lose their way and don't know what they want. Some people are strong and NOTHING can break them but for those who are not strong....prayers and positive actions do help. Everybody cannot be strong like you are. God bless you and your family always 💞
You may or may not know of the man Alan Graham, he leads an incredible out reach program to help these people. They ALL know of him and organizations like him because Alan and these other organizations CONSTANTLY reach out to them. Alan will help you get cleaned up and on your feet, but you have to be willing. These people stay out there on the streets because they ARE NOT willing to accept help and get cleaned up. Look up Austin mlf.org, Mobil Loaves and Fishes. This the answer. Alan Graham has the solution, but our city council and mayor will not get behind him because it is a Christian based organization. There are other mi is tries like his here in Austin as well. The help is there for these people, they have to accept it and put in the work.
Mayor Steve Adler’s legacy. He, Tovo, Kitchen, Ellis, Renteria, Casar, Flanagan, Poole will never be free of the destruction they’ve imposed on a formerly clean, safe city. It’s a shame.
I live one county over from this town... where I live it is illegal to panhandle it is illegal to camp in public it is basically illegal to be homeless where I live I used to drive into Austin to spend hard-earned money on food groceries and go shopping but seeing those tent cities makes me not want to go there anymore ... I think the city is starting to realize that it's going to start hurting or it has hurt tourism and hopefully they can find a solution to this it's so sad what the politicians have let snowball into what's going on now....
Well hopefully the homeless will bring the real-estate prices way down. So it can be affordable for everybody who wants a fair shot at buying affordable home. Plus the banks need to raise the interest rates up to 8% when it comes to borrowing money for a home. Real estate shouldn't be just for a certain group of people with deep pockets only either. Because that is class warfare against low income people and the so called middle class.
@@brycewilli92 it's not about taking economic class. Just because you taken economic class doesn't make you a Mr. know it all on the economy either. It's about being conservative and living with your means, plus using some commonsense which people lack these days. Living on a credit card and spending money you don't have is most dumbest thing to do. Real conservatives don't do those sort of things. Nobody in their right mind who has commonsense wouldn't buy a house right now. Unless your a stupid mindless Liberal rich guy with money to waste. I'm right about prices needing to come way down. Because it's not a sustainable future for everybody else in the country. It will not last for ever. There will be a housing bubble within a year i predict. The ones that paid the dumb high prices for houses will get whipped out in the long run. Bitcoin will die too. I look forward to economic clasp. It's the only to way for things to correct itself.
@@charleschenhua there shouldn't be any taxes on homes at all. Because it penalizes real ownership of homes, It takes away your ability to have independent financial freedom, plus property taxes is theft. I don't want big daddy authoritarian government telling me what i can and can't have, no thanks. There needs to be way less government involvement in peoples lives, not more government meddling. If you want that type of country then go move to China or North Korea then, enjoy having a big daddy government.
The entire country is in a state of degradation. Hollywood has lead the charge through actions and teachings of immorality. They, and Liberals in general, have taken being a free society way too far. They have destroyed what was the North star for so many people, Christianity and have replaced it with their vial teachings by way of entertainment programs, music, fake news, manipulated big tech censorship, movies and TV. We are now living through a degraded state quickly heading downward as a result of these vast immoral teachings. Everywhere you look you have kids ignoring authority (police), you have nasty vial entertainment, you see filth everywhere. It's not getting better and quickly getting worse. And now you have an administration that is trying to buy their way with our money to have full control from here on out. Old America is gone, New America is nothing to be proud of.
How the city deny a meeting with the person in charge of the problem. How is that acceptable? Maybe I should just deny the city my property tax? I bet they wouldn’t allow that!
I agree, I don't approve of how they are wasting my tax dollars, so I say we stop giving it to them. That would be awesome. I've had this thought for so long. Not only is the city just trashed out, but now there is graffiti everywhere. The whole city is like a trash dump. Austin back in the 80s and 90s was literally litter free. The city was clean. We had pride in the city, now it's the pits. Progressive leadership is what gets you this.
Austin was once a great place. It's now a place of filth and garbage lead by big hearted with horrible ideas Progressives. Graffiti and trash everyhwere. The city has turned into an embarrassment and a disgrace.
As someone who live in Austin. Call me heartless or cold, but don’t play the victim. Just because you are without a place doesn’t mean you have to be aggressive to people and litter you the place, also don’t use the pandemic as an excuse. Regardless of how you feel we’ve all made decisions in life that have helped put us in the situations we are in.
go watch your tv shows. go to ur air conditioned room. go to ur home with locks and security systems. please, what ur experiencing, the hostility and the uneasiness is only a fraction of what homeless people live on a daily basis. take those experiences and focus it on not putting a bandaid on a symptom but rather putting a remedy on the real issue.
I don’t run down there anymore. After approaching a tight corner on the Roy Ann Butler trail and seeing a tent, hearing a guy trying to get my attention from the trees to “come here” I just run on my own property now. No thanks. It was a good few years I had there before things went to hell.
Im in Austi right now for the first time and I'm perplexed at the amount of homeless ppl in the streets. It seems to be more of a mental health issue than anything else. Sad. 😔
The people vote left and and then throw their hands up in the air in question of why this has happened. Covid may have amped it up some but it was inevitable.
There’s homeless folks who lost their way who genuinely want help and don’t want to be on the streets. Then there’s the hardcore addicts and vagrants who don’t want to be bothered. I empathize with anyone wanting to better their life. It’s the others I don’t see a clear solution for.
You’re living in a lie so that you can be comfortable with yourself and not be held accountable. You really think that people without homes don’t want to be helped? Even if they are addicted due to the psychological warfare that they’ve had to endure and to the neglect that people like you give them? Please. These are people who are needlessly suffering. People with addictions can be helped. No one wants to live without home. Don’t make it seem like that.
@@alexmathewmendoza 1. That is not at all what I’m advocating for 2. I would 100% if it meant that it would fix this homelessness problem but it won’t. I am not going to fight your straw man argument. Everyone knows that that is not reasonable. What is reasonable is locating money away from a few, creating affordable housing, and creating a program that helps bounce back people without homes back into society. Now that I will let you hold me accountable to
Progressives have big hearts and horrible ideas derived from those big hearts. You HAVE to have tough love when you design policies, something Liberals don't understand except when it comes to bashing Conservatives.
He needs to accept the help by the ministries that have already contacted him and accept their help. These people won't because progresives in Austin are enabling their lifestyle. And these people do not want to get clean. You most likely are not aware of the man, but Alan Graham leads an incredible out reach program to help these people. They ALL know of him and organizations like him because Alan and these other organizations CONSTANTLY reach out to them. Alan will help you get cleaned up and on your feet, but you have to be willing. These people stay out there because they ARE NOT willing to accept help and get cleaned up.
Austin: Where do we go from here? We passed prop B on 5/2 and...nothing. In my mind our votes meant nothing. Zero. Zip. Nada. We’re all at a loss democratically. I guess we must get used to it and recognize that this is our Austin now. And our voices and votes don’t mean a thing. A sad damn day.
Experiencing homelessness is the dumbest phrase.. Most hobos like the way they live.. My brother is homeless and he enjoys it because there are no rules and he gets enough free money from the government to eat and live..
100% true. Most of these people do not want TRUE help, sure they will take handouts, but tgey don't wajt to help themseves. You may or may not know of the man, but Alan Graham leads an incredible out reach program to help these people. They ALL know of him and organizations like him because Alan and these other organizations CONSTANTLY reach out to them. Alan will help them get cleaned up and on their feet, but they have to be willing to get clean. These people stay out there because they ARE NOT willing to accept help and get cleaned up. They are choosing the homeless path they are on. Is it not the wrong thing to support them while going down this homeless path? Support them if they want help, but not so they can stay out there and litter and rape our city.
@@yolanda-mmakidsatx , very well said and explained.. I wish more people understood that letting them "do as they please" will never solve anything. I'm for welfare also but that is misused along with the kindness of other people. The root of this is human frailty to me.. Humans have a lot of faults and some are worse than others..
It's been maybe 2 years since I've been downtown. But I could see over the last 2 or 3 years tents popping up under the 1st street bridge, underpasses on 71 going east, underpasses on 183 in the north. Can't image what downtown and the lake is like. CA is trying hard to clean it up and I think any charity draws the overflow from there. It was nothing like this when I first came to Austin in 1998, or even in recent years.
There are solutions. You most likely are not aware of the man, but Alan Graham leads an incredible out reach program to help these people. They ALL know of him and organizations like him because Alan and these other organizations CONSTANTLY reach out to them. Alan will help you get cleaned up and on your feet, but you have to be willing. These people stay on the streets because they ARE NOT willing to accept help and get cleaned up. Housing is not the answer. Giving the homeless housing without help will lead to managing costly slums. The Progressive city council and mayor will not financially support local ministries like Alan's because they are Christian based. Let these ministries solve the problem, they can handle it. Give them that $240 million you are getting from Biden without ANY restrictions and I guarantee you they will solve the problem. Check them out at mlf.org Mobile Loaves and Fishes
You don't see recent immigrants, legal or illegal, being homeless, yet you see people who have been here all their lives being homeless. Something is not kosher.
@B12 Deficient Personally, I think that they have no work ethics or discipline to work from 9 to 5 each working day. They can subsist with the freebies available in this country.
@@johnvictor3176 Everyone doesn't have the same options available to them in society. Because when we don't take care of people who had hard time it will eventually back around to harm you. You take care of the most vulnerable and it makes life easier for everyone. Kids of rich parents don't work for what they have yet will have more than we could ever imagine so its not true that people get what they put in work for.
@@activistarts7722 You don't know what you're talking about. I didn't have rich parents. I have a law degree that I worked for and paid for on my own. Nobody put a gun to the head of a drug addict and made him/her start taking drugs. There is no such thing as a free lunch.
I understand the actual homeless. But I went a few days ago and there are MANY people that I saw that were on some type of drug. Its crazy! I saw a man with his hospialtal gown no shoes walking and talking too himself. another one was right infrojy of a bar fighting withhimself , then a female who had scabs all on her looking for something on the floor and so many other things. It was crazy!!!
I believe the state should reform a dying Texas town into a HUGE rehabilitation campus for these people. Teach them to become part of society again and get them off the booze and drugs. Initiate a statewide camping ban and give those that want help a place to get it. Have jobs off all kinds, call centers, packaging facilities all kinds of jobs at the campus to help these people regain a sense of worth. And treat the sick there, don't let them run wild. It's insane that that is what these Libetal Demicrat controlled cities are doing. Just letting the sick run wild. It's nuts.
The more you trash the homeless the more they will trash your cities. They are people with feelings. Until you know real struggle you won't know anything. Try loosing everything and sleeping in 20 degree cold. Maybe you be nice and stop calling them names. Sometimes a meal or that dollar or beer is giving a person hope to go another day.
Exactly. People are not understanding the psychological aspects that come with being homeless. All I’m hearing is rich people bitching because they are experiencing what homeless people experience; insecurity, unsafe, and more.
They are mostly all thieves that burnt bridges with anyone who cares and have tried to help them. Alan Graham wrote a great book all about this. He has the answer, but the vagrants have to want to help themselves. Thinking otherwise is simply enabling them don't fool yourself.
They have a new playground close to lady bird lake and there’s tons of homeless people around. I went last weekend and some man walked passed my dog, and I yelling. Thankfully my dog is huge, and very alert so he stood by me, and the dude didn’t come too close. My son was with his dad but I don’t feel safe going to the playground with my son on my own, and that’s sad. There’s quite a few that are aggressive with the yelling, and what not. Most are ok but some of those guys are completely out of it and it’s worrisome.
The homeless are growing because of the rising rents, not mental deficiencies. Take it from someone who has been homeless, it takes 3 minimum wage jobs just to get an efficiency apartment. Many of these homeless have disabilities like one I met in dallas who lost his leg in Iraq. Disability cant cover the cost of rent anywhere because its become so expensive to rent let alone buy that people with full time jobs are being forced to sleep in their cars.
Thank God. All those people living for free and partying all day under I-35 was seriously getting out of hand. I drove by one afternoon during the week and they're all hanging out, having a good old time drinking while the rest of us are at work.
with the state owning so much unused land, why dont they just create a safe homeless camp for them to goto and they can have their tent city miles away from the city , that way they are not at the parks or hanging around stores and down town areas. Seems like a very easy solution for texas to fix.
that dude used to buy weed from me on 7th and pleasant valley...... he was doing really good working and had his own place but something in Austin has caused a rise and fall of many people........
I think if we can adapt what the homeless people do in Japan might be helpful to improve the problem. But I doubt with the new craziness and woke culture in our country. Japanese homeless can only camp at designated area for the night and must dismantle and clean the area early in the morning in order not to bother the public. There are only about 20,000 homeless in Japan. There’s no way that they can trash or destroy a community.
🙏😨🤔I would hope you would take into Consideration, suggesting to the City, they purchase a Plot of Land and make A Fenced Tiny Home Community with Community room, Washers & Dryer, before the issue gets like California, WA State, ETC. I'm forced Homeless 21 yrs, I'm age 63 with 2 Degrees, Victim of a Hate Crime, They claimed my Trust Funds of $2.5 Mil in 2010, across 7 States. I Agree, I've been around the worst of the worst, different, but not all. May you suggest a RESOLVE, it only took $6.1 Mil from private donations in San Jose, CALI 2022, to build 78 Tiny homes Community for HOMELESS. 🙏Hope all comes Together 🤠 for Community and Homeless in Austin. Sincerely, Patricia Sue Chandler-Lindquist age 63 held Homeless in Maryland 10 yrs
The homeless people are due entirely to criminal wages and the hopeless conditions that are cultivated. The minimum wage act definition is"" not a transient wage""" . The landlord expects 4 times the rent for one bedroom apartment local commute and this is the minimum wage act wage. You can pay more for the skills but you have to everyone at least 4 times the rent for one bedroom apartment local commute. This standard is a living what ever a person may do every hour of work is a living local. This is the solution 17 the century and 1939 and the solution is the same today low wages are the real criminals. The greater crime is criminal wages.
The mayor of Austin is a Democrat. The Democratic Party hold 9 of 10 seats of the city council. The AG is a Republican. The DA is a Democrat. The police chief is appointed by city leadership. The issues Austin is having are the fault of the Democratic Party. The most recent Republican mayor of Austin served from 1988-1991.
Why don't you buy them a farm and rededicate them from being on drugs to being farmers , alot of them have mental illness they just might love the animals instead of drugs And planting food for themselves Or make them go to rehab centers for free , once they are off of drugs they can go to the farm house for homeless people where they will all have to work to eat .instead of treating them like they are nothing they have a soul in need of help
take the money these women get to do their job doing nothing and buy actual building products so homeless can have a house, it would be good business for building products companies
What costs is privacy. Privlage of priv-ecy as the British say. The rich get all they want of this precious commodity. It means being able to retreat from public, not always being in the public view, and on display go all to gawk at, having your own space and no one peering at you. The rich live on hilltops and look down on those below. The homeless may be encamped on the river there but they live in constant fear of other humans, other homeless, others out walking who may want to injure them or take their stuff, and the government too. Let poor people have privacy and they will find their dignity. Rent costs too much 150 percent up to 200 percent up from 2012 is not normal. No reason bit greedy rich pigs who line their coffers live in their spacious homes and are able to send their children to best colleges all without ever lifting one of their fingers but their slave workers break their backs in order for their masters 5o live in comfert. Pay with their blood sweat and tears to line the lazy ones pockets. pay them inflated rent as indentured servents and suffer under their fuedel rule.
@@tibbyjoys I wish I knew, Tiffany. I’m asking myself the same question: where do we go from here? It’s above my pay grade, I’m afraid. However, it certainly should be on the pay grade for our elected officials. After all, this is precisely why Austinites originally voted for them. To problem solve (particularly when said problems were self-induced)!! After two years and with *zero* anticipatory issue awareness one would have thought there might have been a smidge or random solitary epiphany of problem-solving. Nope. So now my conclusion is that it’s also above the pay grade of our Mayor and City Council.
A year ago stayed at the JW Marriott. A homeless man walked into the hotel restaurant past our table with his pants down and pecker out. We were screamed at by a person on drugs. We had to pass naked people bathing in the river and hanging out on the trail . Why move to Austin?
You people really dont care about the homeless. You have a not in my backyard mentality. Until its you in that situation, youll never know. May i suggest you contact the city if San Antonio and ask them for advice on how to help the homeless. Sad that you call yourselves humans..when there is nothing human about you towards you fellow man and woman who fell on hard times. Remember, until you're in that situation, youll never know whats its like to have no one that cares.
Of course I don't care about the homeless, they clearly don't care about themselves. These aren't people who are just "down on their luck" or bad with money, they are perpetually homeless due to deep seated mental and psychological flaws in their character.
I worked hard to help a homeless man get free housing and social worker helped him for disability. Guess what? He is homeless s as gain because he uses drug every day and was kicked out because he was aggressive. I don’t need to be homeless to understand them, just like I don’t need to be a bacteria but understand well. I am not scared of them because it’s my job.
@@beardedbandittheroadwarrio5066 I work and pay taxes. They don't and receive a free pass from the government to setup tents in the streets and parks my tax dollars are spent on maintaining. The government also offers them benefits that they often refuse because they'd rather live in a tent and get high.
@@kingkaga898 understood. Many valid points made. Not every homeless person falls in the category that you mention. There are thousands of working homeless people who sleep in tents & cars. They also pay taxes. So because you live in a home, & they dont, you think you better than them? You fail to realize that you can not label all of them as a whole.
They don't want free housing because it's usually conditional on them getting a job or giving up drugs. Theyd rather get high while homeless than be sheltered and sober.
If they don’t fix the homeless problem and the crime problem in Austin, then businesses will move to another city probably nearby like San Antonio or Dallas. San Antonio can actually change demographics and more business people move in and completely change the city. Dallas might actually get all of the luck since law-enforcement there is tougher than Austin. Or businesses can move to a whole Nother city like Raleigh North Carolina for example. It’s so sad and heartbreaking because Austin is such a wonderful city and I have good memories of Austin and I’m just down the road in San Antonio. You do not see any of that in San Antonio.
@F Judentube I don’t know what you’re talking about because I live in San Antonio and what I was referring to was the businesses. Not the homeless people. Read.
I've become much less sympathetic to the homeless after seeing every place that they congregate turn into a trash dump because they can't be bothered to throw anything in a garbage can.
Correct, open camping with tents and a clean campground could have been tolerated. It's the trash that is unacceptable. Also, the thieving. These people go through the neighborhoods at night stealing anything they can. Almost every night we have them on our cameras checking our vehicles.
That is why they are homeless, no discipline and no sense of responsibility. If I had my way, I would humanely put them to sleep.
Yes, even when the city places trash cans for them they just can’t dump it inside.
@B12 Deficient The root cause is that they have no discipline (aka laziness) and no sense of responsibility. I don't see any homeless illegals. Homelessness, like welfare, is an addiction. Once you are hooked, it is hard to escape.
@B12 Deficient I guess half of us has mental problems.
Austin used to be weird.. now it is just becoming another Seattle. Really miss the state of the city 10+ years ago and my favorite restaurants like Huts and Bacon. It is incredibly annoying seeing this happen to one of my favorite places.
Our awful city council and spineless mayor just keep making things worse.
I’m from Southern California-and our homeless crisis in Los Angeles and San Diego are truly of apocalyptic measure. I thought Austin was doing well with Community First Village?
@@indigill4417 city council won't support or adopt the great work they are doing...
@@dennisgraham9444 That’s a shame. It’s my understanding that Community First Village will be adding an additional 1,400 homes by 2022/3...that should have a significant impact on the homeless crisis in Austin!
You can't build your way out of homelessness. The mayor ignored it, and now it's mushroomed beyond control.
@@dennisgraham9444 I'm a lifelong Austinite and at 65yrs you are Absolutely right! They don't have a plan and never had any intentions of getting or making a plan to correct this problem or help the homeless in Austin. Because of their liberal rhetoric and political policies this is the end results and its all about the Monies with them and its been that way for years. They All need to be Recalled and Fired especially that Incompetent Mayor and most of the city council! It'll only get Worse with them in office!
We haven’t been downtown since the tents went up
How long have the tents been there?
Nor have we. 30-year Austinites. Sad as hell what has become of home town.
2 years now.
There are actual piles of human feces and abandoned needles on the ground. Daily.
I used to work down there. I would leave my office with a knife, and headphones in because the homeless were extremely aggressive especially if you’re a woman walking alone to get food. I’ve been called a c*** and stuck up b**** just because I refused to give them money or go in an alley to “talk to” them
My God, I’m so sorry. Austin used to be so clean and safe. Please take care.
Prayers to the man in the video for spiritual, mental and physical healing 🙏
He doesn't want "healing". Don't you get it??!
@@jamesdaugherty7138 Hi James. Some people are so broken from life that they lose their way and don't know what they want. Some people are strong and NOTHING can break them but for those who are not strong....prayers and positive actions do help. Everybody cannot be strong like you are. God bless you and your family always 💞
You may or may not know of the man Alan Graham, he leads an incredible out reach program to help these people. They ALL know of him and organizations like him because Alan and these other organizations CONSTANTLY reach out to them. Alan will help you get cleaned up and on your feet, but you have to be willing. These people stay out there on the streets because they ARE NOT willing to accept help and get cleaned up. Look up Austin mlf.org, Mobil Loaves and Fishes. This the answer. Alan Graham has the solution, but our city council and mayor will not get behind him because it is a Christian based organization. There are other mi is tries like his here in Austin as well. The help is there for these people, they have to accept it and put in the work.
Praying he gets off his ass and gets a job!
This is the leadership you voted for, Austin voters. You created this. Reap it.
Mayor Steve Adler’s legacy. He, Tovo, Kitchen, Ellis, Renteria, Casar, Flanagan, Poole will never be free of the destruction they’ve imposed on a formerly clean, safe city. It’s a shame.
They are voted in by the people... next vote? Dont do the same as California voters.
I live one county over from this town... where I live it is illegal to panhandle it is illegal to camp in public it is basically illegal to be homeless where I live I used to drive into Austin to spend hard-earned money on food groceries and go shopping but seeing those tent cities makes me not want to go there anymore ... I think the city is starting to realize that it's going to start hurting or it has hurt tourism and hopefully they can find a solution to this it's so sad what the politicians have let snowball into what's going on now....
Democraps should be hung
@@damienwilliams6004 I'm a Dem and I deplore the homeless crap. We voted it out on May 1. This is not a party issue.
@@jeffj2495 oh, it's a party issue
@@damienwilliams6004 You take Ex-lax
@@gotch09 you eat rat bait
Riverfront property is free for addicts and super expensive for hard working Texans. Let that sink in.
Well hopefully the homeless will bring the real-estate prices way down. So it can be affordable for everybody who wants a fair shot at buying affordable home. Plus the banks need to raise the interest rates up to 8% when it comes to borrowing money for a home. Real estate shouldn't be just for a certain group of people with deep pockets only either. Because that is class warfare against low income people and the so called middle class.
@@TiredOfImbecileLibtards I don't think you've ever taken an economics class
@@brycewilli92 it's not about taking economic class. Just because you taken economic class doesn't make you a Mr. know it all on the economy either. It's about being conservative and living with your means, plus using some commonsense which people lack these days. Living on a credit card and spending money you don't have is most dumbest thing to do. Real conservatives don't do those sort of things. Nobody in their right mind who has commonsense wouldn't buy a house right now. Unless your a stupid mindless Liberal rich guy with money to waste. I'm right about prices needing to come way down. Because it's not a sustainable future for everybody else in the country. It will not last for ever. There will be a housing bubble within a year i predict. The ones that paid the dumb high prices for houses will get whipped out in the long run. Bitcoin will die too. I look forward to economic clasp. It's the only to way for things to correct itself.
Mandate property tax on the tents and confiscate if they don’t pay. That’s only fair, government do that to all of us home owners.
@@charleschenhua there shouldn't be any taxes on homes at all. Because it penalizes real ownership of homes, It takes away your ability to have independent financial freedom, plus property taxes is theft. I don't want big daddy authoritarian government telling me what i can and can't have, no thanks. There needs to be way less government involvement in peoples lives, not more government meddling. If you want that type of country then go move to China or North Korea then, enjoy having a big daddy government.
Sanctuary cities or decriminalising homelessness is a degenerative solution.
The entire country is in a state of degradation. Hollywood has lead the charge through actions and teachings of immorality. They, and Liberals in general, have taken being a free society way too far. They have destroyed what was the North star for so many people, Christianity and have replaced it with their vial teachings by way of entertainment programs, music, fake news, manipulated big tech censorship, movies and TV. We are now living through a degraded state quickly heading downward as a result of these vast immoral teachings. Everywhere you look you have kids ignoring authority (police), you have nasty vial entertainment, you see filth everywhere. It's not getting better and quickly getting worse. And now you have an administration that is trying to buy their way with our money to have full control from here on out. Old America is gone, New America is nothing to be proud of.
@B12 Deficient good response but i have a question, are you a carnivore or a vegan.
How the city deny a meeting with the person in charge of the problem. How is that acceptable? Maybe I should just deny the city my property tax? I bet they wouldn’t allow that!
Because they're clueless cowards and laughingstocks. Idk how Austin keeps electing total clowns like these.
I agree, I don't approve of how they are wasting my tax dollars, so I say we stop giving it to them. That would be awesome. I've had this thought for so long. Not only is the city just trashed out, but now there is graffiti everywhere. The whole city is like a trash dump. Austin back in the 80s and 90s was literally litter free. The city was clean. We had pride in the city, now it's the pits. Progressive leadership is what gets you this.
City council has failed us. Think about what you’re doing before you do it.
Austin was once a great place. It's now a place of filth and garbage lead by big hearted with horrible ideas Progressives. Graffiti and trash everyhwere. The city has turned into an embarrassment and a disgrace.
@@yolanda-mmakidsatx Proposition B just passed. It wasn’t even close. Now, it’s time to clean up streets! Thank god!
Lol at the city declining an interview. Incompetent, clueless and cowardly is a bad combo.
As someone who live in Austin. Call me heartless or cold, but don’t play the victim. Just because you are without a place doesn’t mean you have to be aggressive to people and litter you the place, also don’t use the pandemic as an excuse. Regardless of how you feel we’ve all made decisions in life that have helped put us in the situations we are in.
Well when you go without sleep and deal with stuck up people yeah they want to poop on you
okay. heartless and cold.
go watch your tv shows. go to ur air conditioned room. go to ur home with locks and security systems. please, what ur experiencing, the hostility and the uneasiness is only a fraction of what homeless people live on a daily basis. take those experiences and focus it on not putting a bandaid on a symptom but rather putting a remedy on the real issue.
Agree, we all make decisions that got us where we are. Ruining Austin’s image is not going to solve homeless problems.
I don’t run down there anymore. After approaching a tight corner on the Roy Ann Butler trail and seeing a tent, hearing a guy trying to get my attention from the trees to “come here” I just run on my own property now.
No thanks. It was a good few years I had there before things went to hell.
Im in Austi right now for the first time and I'm perplexed at the amount of homeless ppl in the streets. It seems to be more of a mental health issue than anything else. Sad. 😔
Do you have any idea how many Americans are 1 mishap or accident away from the streets?
Family, dawg.
The people vote left and and then throw their hands up in the air in question of why this has happened. Covid may have amped it up some but it was inevitable.
When wages don’t go up but housing does, over and over, what do you expect?
@@Mockduck2020 You don't know what you're talking about.
No, she doesn’t. She’s the poster child for the destruction of Austin.
There’s homeless folks who lost their way who genuinely want help and don’t want to be on the streets. Then there’s the hardcore addicts and vagrants who don’t want to be bothered. I empathize with anyone wanting to better their life. It’s the others I don’t see a clear solution for.
You’re living in a lie so that you can be comfortable with yourself and not be held accountable. You really think that people without homes don’t want to be helped? Even if they are addicted due to the psychological warfare that they’ve had to endure and to the neglect that people like you give them? Please. These are people who are needlessly suffering. People with addictions can be helped. No one wants to live without home. Don’t make it seem like that.
Just shows how heartless you are. No one deserves to die in a gutter.
@@KingImi here comes that trite altruistic argument. If that's the case then why don't you open up your home and house these folks?
@@isaac-ne4ox I completely agree with you.
@@alexmathewmendoza 1. That is not at all what I’m advocating for 2. I would 100% if it meant that it would fix this homelessness problem but it won’t. I am not going to fight your straw man argument. Everyone knows that that is not reasonable. What is reasonable is locating money away from a few, creating affordable housing, and creating a program that helps bounce back people without homes back into society. Now that I will let you hold me accountable to
Austin has gone downhill big time. Now it’s not even safe to run 🏃🏻♀️ around Town Lake. It’s not safe anywhere!
A liberal said ," my humainity goes away a little at a time every time I have to clean human feces off my property."
Progressives have big hearts and horrible ideas derived from those big hearts. You HAVE to have tough love when you design policies, something Liberals don't understand except when it comes to bashing Conservatives.
Lord bless that man, help him please
He needs to accept the help by the ministries that have already contacted him and accept their help.
These people won't because progresives in Austin are enabling their lifestyle. And these people do not want to get clean. You most likely are not aware of the man, but Alan Graham leads an incredible out reach program to help these people. They ALL know of him and organizations like him because Alan and these other organizations CONSTANTLY reach out to them. Alan will help you get cleaned up and on your feet, but you have to be willing. These people stay out there because they ARE NOT willing to accept help and get cleaned up.
If we all stop shopping downtown maybe tell actually do something!!
"Keep Austin Weird" was once the motto, yeah right. I think the new city motto should be "Please Make Austin Safe Again".
Austin: Where do we go from here? We passed prop B on 5/2 and...nothing. In my mind our votes meant nothing. Zero. Zip. Nada.
We’re all at a loss democratically. I guess we must get used to it and recognize that this is our Austin now. And our voices and votes don’t mean a thing. A sad damn day.
The homeless gentleman looked brocken, i could see love and tears in his eyes ...bless you mr
But he Looks pretty Healty to be working and get out of that miserable situation.
Experiencing homelessness is the dumbest phrase.. Most hobos like the way they live.. My brother is homeless and he enjoys it because there are no rules and he gets enough free money from the government to eat and live..
100% true. Most of these people do not want TRUE help, sure they will take handouts, but tgey don't wajt to help themseves. You may or may not know of the man, but Alan Graham leads an incredible out reach program to help these people. They ALL know of him and organizations like him because Alan and these other organizations CONSTANTLY reach out to them. Alan will help them get cleaned up and on their feet, but they have to be willing to get clean. These people stay out there because they ARE NOT willing to accept help and get cleaned up. They are choosing the homeless path they are on. Is it not the wrong thing to support them while going down this homeless path? Support them if they want help, but not so they can stay out there and litter and rape our city.
@@yolanda-mmakidsatx , very well said and explained.. I wish more people understood that letting them "do as they please" will never solve anything. I'm for welfare also but that is misused along with the kindness of other people. The root of this is human frailty to me.. Humans have a lot of faults and some are worse than others..
It's been maybe 2 years since I've been downtown. But I could see over the last 2 or 3 years tents popping up under the 1st street bridge, underpasses on 71 going east, underpasses on 183 in the north. Can't image what downtown and the lake is like. CA is trying hard to clean it up and I think any charity draws the overflow from there. It was nothing like this when I first came to Austin in 1998, or even in recent years.
I hope they come up with a humane and kind solution that works for everyone.
@Thought Criminal lol is that sarcasm?
Yeah ship them to LA.
Someone has a great solution but city council loves wasting taxpayers money more than actually finding a solution...
There are solutions. You most likely are not aware of the man, but Alan Graham leads an incredible out reach program to help these people. They ALL know of him and organizations like him because Alan and these other organizations CONSTANTLY reach out to them. Alan will help you get cleaned up and on your feet, but you have to be willing. These people stay on the streets because they ARE NOT willing to accept help and get cleaned up. Housing is not the answer. Giving the homeless housing without help will lead to managing costly slums.
The Progressive city council and mayor will not financially support local ministries like Alan's because they are Christian based. Let these ministries solve the problem, they can handle it. Give them that $240 million you are getting from Biden without ANY restrictions and I guarantee you they will solve the problem. Check them out at mlf.org Mobile Loaves and Fishes
Ever see a homeless deer? Civilization is the cause , that and the politicians we keep making rich
Austin is no longer a special place. It's just like every other city.
Tents everywhere verboten by City Hall. Thank goodness for the plastic straw ban.
You don't see recent immigrants, legal or illegal, being homeless, yet you see people who have been here all their lives being homeless. Something is not kosher.
@B12 Deficient Personally, I think that they have no work ethics or discipline to work from 9 to 5 each working day. They can subsist with the freebies available in this country.
Housing market crisis is out of control making more people to become homeless!😥
BS. Get a job, get roommates. That’s such a red herring. Idiocy.
Don't get roommates, it sucks. Live alone, way better
Was hoping this would actually go below the surface.
only addressing the symptoms and not looking at the causes of homelessness.
People would rather leave them out to dry or house them prison than just giving them a designated spot to camp, or build tiny homes or more shelters.
Why do you think they should get something for free when I had to pay for mine? They must work for what they get.
@@johnvictor3176 Everyone doesn't have the same options available to them in society. Because when we don't take care of people who had hard time it will eventually back around to harm you. You take care of the most vulnerable and it makes life easier for everyone. Kids of rich parents don't work for what they have yet will have more than we could ever imagine so its not true that people get what they put in work for.
@@activistarts7722 You don't know what you're talking about. I didn't have rich parents. I have a law degree that I worked for and paid for on my own. Nobody put a gun to the head of a drug addict and made him/her start taking drugs. There is no such thing as a free lunch.
@@johnvictor3176 Sure I do, I work with the homeless and I know their stories. You lack understanding on these issues. You need to educate yourself.
@F Judentube when rent is 2k for a one bedroom you are forced to be homeless.
That is terrible! They have to be out of public places. Put them on unpopulated areas.
I understand the actual homeless. But I went a few days ago and there are MANY people that I saw that were on some type of drug. Its crazy! I saw a man with his hospialtal gown no shoes walking and talking too himself. another one was right infrojy of a bar fighting withhimself , then a female who had scabs all on her looking for something on the floor and so many other things. It was crazy!!!
I believe the state should reform a dying Texas town into a HUGE rehabilitation campus for these people. Teach them to become part of society again and get them off the booze and drugs. Initiate a statewide camping ban and give those that want help a place to get it. Have jobs off all kinds, call centers, packaging facilities all kinds of jobs at the campus to help these people regain a sense of worth. And treat the sick there, don't let them run wild. It's insane that that is what these Libetal Demicrat controlled cities are doing. Just letting the sick run wild. It's nuts.
My God. Which town would you inflict that upon? Seriously??
Liberal Austin Texas voted for this lmao. Even the liberals don't want this lmao
I think a more honest way of assessing our crisis is that Austin voters have learned a great deal about the importance of voting in local elections.
The more you trash the homeless the more they will trash your cities. They are people with feelings. Until you know real struggle you won't know anything. Try loosing everything and sleeping in 20 degree cold. Maybe you be nice and stop calling them names. Sometimes a meal or that dollar or beer is giving a person hope to go another day.
Exactly. People are not understanding the psychological aspects that come with being homeless. All I’m hearing is rich people bitching because they are experiencing what homeless people experience; insecurity, unsafe, and more.
Most a drug addicts. They will trash the city no matter what we do. Take one into your home if you’re so virtuous.
I let homeless people shit in my yard everyday. Am I good now?
They are mostly all thieves that burnt bridges with anyone who cares and have tried to help them. Alan Graham wrote a great book all about this. He has the answer, but the vagrants have to want to help themselves. Thinking otherwise is simply enabling them don't fool yourself.
@@neilcanfield7555 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣❤️❤️❤️❤️
Some of the people who are in this situation are having some serious issues with their spiritual health, but they will get better if they seek help.
We should all be living on the woods. This is what happens when you cram everyone into these pathetic cities
Not going back to downtown Austin again. Was constantly aggressively harassed by homeless for money.
"They decriminalized homelessness"? How can you even consider being homeless a crime? Where is the compassion?
Does anybody think that open borders will create more homelessness? Somebody gotta pay the medical bills for the illegal/legals.
And those people coming here not to make this country beautiful and strong but take advantage with everything free.
What a sad situation for everyone.
More services, more will come. I bet most of these homeless are from other states.
They have a new playground close to lady bird lake and there’s tons of homeless people around. I went last weekend and some man walked passed my dog, and I yelling. Thankfully my dog is huge, and very alert so he stood by me, and the dude didn’t come too close. My son was with his dad but I don’t feel safe going to the playground with my son on my own, and that’s sad. There’s quite a few that are aggressive with the yelling, and what not. Most are ok but some of those guys are completely out of it and it’s worrisome.
It's better do something than do nothing about it.
The homeless are growing because of the rising rents, not mental deficiencies. Take it from someone who has been homeless, it takes 3 minimum wage jobs just to get an efficiency apartment. Many of these homeless have disabilities like one I met in dallas who lost his leg in Iraq. Disability cant cover the cost of rent anywhere because its become so expensive to rent let alone buy that people with full time jobs are being forced to sleep in their cars.
Thank God. All those people living for free and partying all day under I-35 was seriously getting out of hand. I drove by one afternoon during the week and they're all hanging out, having a good old time drinking while the rest of us are at work.
2 min mark: per fauci vaccines are safe and readily available
with the state owning so much unused land, why dont they just create a safe homeless camp for them to goto and they can have their tent city miles away from the city , that way they are not at the parks or hanging around stores and down town areas. Seems like a very easy solution for texas to fix.
If people with homes don't care for the homeless then don't expect the homeless to care for you or your localities. Vote for people with rent control.
Is mess, trash everywhere, and people everywhere asking for money. they had their chance to be clean.
Homelessness can happen to anyone
Ship them to California, Governor Newsom can't get enough of them.
😆 no joke
Most of them come from california anyway lol.
that dude used to buy weed from me on 7th and pleasant valley...... he was doing really good working and had his own place but something in Austin has caused a rise and fall of many people........
Vote RED Austin!
At least balance the city council out so Progressives don't run through all of their bad ideas.
It's everywhere
I think if we can adapt what the homeless people do in Japan might be helpful to improve the problem. But I doubt with the new craziness and woke culture in our country. Japanese homeless can only camp at designated area for the night and must dismantle and clean the area early in the morning in order not to bother the public. There are only about 20,000 homeless in Japan. There’s no way that they can trash or destroy a community.
Hire a special garbage crew to clean parks and have police ride bikes through park all day to make it safe. Stay positive everyone.
I thought Austin also defund the police...
Yo can have the hottest real estate market in the country or you can have Transient Town, but yo can`t have both...
You thank the Californians moving here for this.
Yep. Thanks for coming and voting for the same policies that trashed California..smh
for years.....
🙏😨🤔I would hope you would take into Consideration, suggesting to the City, they purchase a Plot of Land and make A Fenced Tiny Home Community with Community room, Washers & Dryer, before the issue gets like California, WA State, ETC. I'm forced Homeless 21 yrs, I'm age 63 with 2 Degrees, Victim of a Hate Crime, They claimed my Trust Funds of $2.5 Mil in 2010, across 7 States. I Agree, I've been around the worst of the worst, different, but not all.
May you suggest a RESOLVE, it only took $6.1 Mil from private donations in San Jose, CALI 2022, to build 78 Tiny homes Community for HOMELESS.
🙏Hope all comes Together 🤠 for Community and Homeless in Austin.
Sincerely, Patricia Sue Chandler-Lindquist age 63 held Homeless in Maryland 10 yrs
The homeless people are due entirely to criminal wages and the hopeless conditions that are cultivated. The minimum wage act definition is"" not a transient wage""" . The landlord expects 4 times the rent for one bedroom apartment local commute and this is the minimum wage act wage. You can pay more for the skills but you have to everyone at least 4 times the rent for one bedroom apartment local commute. This standard is a living what ever a person may do every hour of work is a living local. This is the solution 17 the century and 1939 and the solution is the same today low wages are the real criminals. The greater crime is criminal wages.
The mayor of Austin is a Democrat. The Democratic Party hold 9 of 10 seats of the city council. The AG is a Republican. The DA is a Democrat. The police chief is appointed by city leadership. The issues Austin is having are the fault of the Democratic Party.
The most recent Republican mayor of Austin served from 1988-1991.
Nasty just nasty
Why don't you buy them a farm and rededicate them from being on drugs to being farmers , alot of them have mental illness they just might love the animals instead of drugs
And planting food for themselves
Or make them go to rehab centers for free , once they are off of drugs they can go to the farm house for homeless people where they will all have to work to eat .instead of treating them like they are nothing they have a soul in need of help
take the money these women get to do their job doing nothing and buy actual building products so homeless can have a house, it would be good business for building products companies
The problem will never get fixed because the people are FULL of hate 🤣
What costs is privacy. Privlage of priv-ecy as the British say. The rich get all they want of this precious commodity. It means being able to retreat from public, not always being in the public view, and on display go all to gawk at, having your own space and no one peering at you. The rich live on hilltops and look down on those below. The homeless may be encamped on the river there but they live in constant fear of other humans, other homeless, others out walking who may want to injure them or take their stuff, and the government too. Let poor people have privacy and they will find their dignity. Rent costs too much 150 percent up to 200 percent up from 2012 is not normal. No reason bit greedy rich pigs who line their coffers live in their spacious homes and are able to send their children to best colleges all without ever lifting one of their fingers but their slave workers break their backs in order for their masters 5o live in comfert. Pay with their blood sweat and tears to line the lazy ones pockets. pay them inflated rent as indentured servents and suffer under their fuedel rule.
I am fine with the tents it is the trash and open drug use I want gone.
Tiffany, do you believe we can have ubiquitous tents w/no trash or open drug use? No. They are part and parcel of the same thing.
In point of fact the drug use is first, then the trash and finally discarded needles and feces.The last is the tent.
@@kathycaldwell7126 very true. What is the solution though? How do we help people and make it safer for everyone.
I wish I knew, Tiffany. I’m asking myself the same question: where do we go from here?
It’s above my pay grade, I’m afraid. However, it certainly should be on the pay grade for our elected officials. After all, this is precisely why Austinites originally voted for them. To problem solve (particularly when said problems were self-induced)!! After two years and with *zero* anticipatory issue awareness one would have thought there might have been a smidge or random solitary epiphany of problem-solving.
So now my conclusion is that it’s also above the pay grade of our Mayor and City Council.
Blockbusting using the homeless.
I swear this lady is overreacting. I been around these homeless people they are not asking you to pay their bills. Geez lady chill out get a life .
The end of the World is coming soon
A year ago stayed at the JW Marriott. A homeless man walked into the hotel restaurant past our table with his pants down and pecker out. We were screamed at by a person on drugs. We had to pass naked people bathing in the river and hanging out on the trail . Why move to Austin?
You people really dont care about the homeless. You have a not in my backyard mentality. Until its you in that situation, youll never know. May i suggest you contact the city if San Antonio and ask them for advice on how to help the homeless. Sad that you call yourselves humans..when there is nothing human about you towards you fellow man and woman who fell on hard times. Remember, until you're in that situation, youll never know whats its like to have no one that cares.
You’re naive. Grow up.
You could volunteer to have some live with you to show us how much you care.
Of course I don't care about the homeless, they clearly don't care about themselves. These aren't people who are just "down on their luck" or bad with money, they are perpetually homeless due to deep seated mental and psychological flaws in their character.
I worked hard to help a homeless man get free housing and social worker helped him for disability. Guess what? He is homeless s as gain because he uses drug every day and was kicked out because he was aggressive. I don’t need to be homeless to understand them, just like I don’t need to be a bacteria but understand well. I am not scared of them because it’s my job.
Y'all wanted to "keep it weird"....now enjoy!
Too bad the plight of the homeless is inconvenient to your fucking jog. People are ridiculous.
People who work and want to live in a decent society shouldn't be forced to interact with and subsidize the livelihoods of people who refuse to do so.
@@kingkaga898 what percentage of the homeless are you basing your argument on? How is your livelihood subsidized by the homeless?
@@beardedbandittheroadwarrio5066 I work and pay taxes. They don't and receive a free pass from the government to setup tents in the streets and parks my tax dollars are spent on maintaining. The government also offers them benefits that they often refuse because they'd rather live in a tent and get high.
@@kingkaga898 understood. Many valid points made. Not every homeless person falls in the category that you mention. There are thousands of working homeless people who sleep in tents & cars. They also pay taxes. So because you live in a home, & they dont, you think you better than them? You fail to realize that you can not label all of them as a whole.
I am U 😇
That's your BLM..
Lol selfish kooks mind your business
Free housing is the only solution. Or else we are heartless monsters who would see our fellow Texans die in the gutter.
They don't want free housing because it's usually conditional on them getting a job or giving up drugs. Theyd rather get high while homeless than be sheltered and sober.
If they don’t fix the homeless problem and the crime problem in Austin, then businesses will move to another city probably nearby like San Antonio or Dallas. San Antonio can actually change demographics and more business people move in and completely change the city. Dallas might actually get all of the luck since law-enforcement there is tougher than Austin. Or businesses can move to a whole Nother city like Raleigh North Carolina for example. It’s so sad and heartbreaking because Austin is such a wonderful city and I have good memories of Austin and I’m just down the road in San Antonio. You do not see any of that in San Antonio.
@F Judentube I don’t know what you’re talking about because I live in San Antonio and what I was referring to was the businesses. Not the homeless people. Read.
@F Judentube No sweetie I’m talking about the businesses I mean like corporations not homeless people. Why do you want to send jobs to Mexico?