The Science of Vegan Pets | Sci Guys Podcast

  • Опубліковано 10 вер 2024


  • @deadlymelody27
    @deadlymelody27 Рік тому +7

    On the "you cant feed a dog a burger" thing, if a dog has a lot of rich, high fat food it can cause acute pancreatitis. So if your dog grabs an entire meat joint off the side or something very high fat then it can cause issues and you will need to take them to the vet and its very painful for them. So yeah, just be careful of high fat rich foods. Yes they will eat everything, but it doesnt mean they should.

  • @nastassjaselow4344
    @nastassjaselow4344 Рік тому +11

    Been vegan for 5 years and feeling better than ever. Don't even need to think much about it. Sending everyone doing veganuary lots of strength! You can do it! Good job!!🥰

  • @LemonTeri
    @LemonTeri Рік тому +9

    I had a lovely chameleon that sadly passed away a week ago. His name was Mango and he was the loveliest boy in the world. Chameleons are cater for used as insectivores, but can eat fruits and veggies as a snack just for fun but doesn’t much nutrition from it. Big thing to note is that chameleons eat only LIVE INSECTS, and will not consume dead ones so it is quite the hassle to maintain those. One pet with the add on of 30 other tiny friends that will get brutally eaten

  • @deadlymelody27
    @deadlymelody27 Рік тому +2

    Oh also dogs do need some grains in their diet so if you see places saying grain free food for dogs, avoid it. Vets discourage this as it can cause heart issues. Basically if in doubt, speak to your vet. They do know more than the place that is trying to sell you boujie food for your pets or raw food etc. They have done the studies etc. And no they dont get kickbacks for suggesting certain foods unless you buy directly at the vets but they will always suggest one you can buy in the shops.
    Edited to add: cats do need grain free from what i know. Thats just about dog food. Essentially with both cats and dogs, trust vets. They really do care about the wellbeing of your animal.

  • @ookamiblade6318
    @ookamiblade6318 Рік тому +1

    Onions would probably be the concern with dogs and burgers as minced onions are often mixed in burger patties and are toxic to dogs

  • @pokemonfanthings4444
    @pokemonfanthings4444 Рік тому +28

    I’m vegan, but I hope the only vegan pets you’re gonna talk about are natural herbivores…though I’m aware some people try to put cats on a diet of salad unfortunately

    • @abcdefgh6951
      @abcdefgh6951 Рік тому +5

      It's not a diet of salad, it's special cat food that is supposed to have all necessary nutrients, not saying it's safe I don't know, I was just looking into that recently but I am not convinced either way, but it's not a diet of salad. Every reasonable person will tell you never to try feeding cats at home vegan diet unlike with dogs you can never get all the nutrients it's unsafe, well more unsafe compared to produced vegan cat food, atleast I was told that looking into it

    • @ookamiblade6318
      @ookamiblade6318 Рік тому

      @@abcdefgh6951 yeah it’s not safe cats will die in around 6 months without a sufficient meat diet due to heart failure. Dogs can also experience this, but theirs seems to be most likely due to protein sourced from legumes. The disease is called diet related cardiomyopathy, but essentially you risk heart failure if you force your pets to go vegan.

  • @kuuderepanda4207
    @kuuderepanda4207 Рік тому +2

    I have four cats technically. It's funny because my dad used to "hate" cats, talking about how their only use is to become snake food. Then he started letting a stray into the house... And now he basically lives here... And then my brother and I each got a cat... And now my dad has a cat...

  • @starbunnie5
    @starbunnie5 Рік тому +3

    I have a vegan pet, he is a rabbit and nothing really makes me quite as happy as him and him also being vegan adds to my joy as I think about how cruel humanity is and vegans can also participate in animal cruelty even if we by definition think of ourselves as being beyond that

  • @nastassjaselow4344
    @nastassjaselow4344 Рік тому +2

    I think one should generally take care of what your pets diet is, regardless of type of diet. Same with humans.

  • @UnofficialMarsBar
    @UnofficialMarsBar Рік тому +9

    luke: i’ve been feeding my cat spinach
    corry: *stares*
    luke since i watched popeye
    corry: *disappointed silence *
    this is what i choose to spend my time on and i’m about 5 minutes in

  • @zapdog_
    @zapdog_ Рік тому +24

    “My cat is a vegan by choice”
    _The cat coming to eat your corpse when you die:_

    • @ookamiblade6318
      @ookamiblade6318 Рік тому

      Nah unfortunately for the cat it would die in about 6 months from diet related cardiomyopathy without sufficient meat in their diet so they're more likely to haunt you for life with a deeply seated grudge.

  • @idaeigenstetter3874
    @idaeigenstetter3874 Рік тому +2

    Could you do an episode on the science of vegan children and babies?

  • @christywillis1707
    @christywillis1707 Рік тому +2

    Great episode! Really appreciated how you approached the topic and the examples you gave. I thought the but about pandas eat really interesting especially.

  • @Wowowowwoowow
    @Wowowowwoowow Рік тому +2

    Big big fan! Buttttt...please don't feed dogs burgers- garlic and onions are both toxic to dogs. Not to mention the calorific intake in huge! I'm a dog trainer and it's something that really gets to me ha
    Edit: coming from Spotify btw

  • @saichmcauley4675
    @saichmcauley4675 Рік тому +2

    i have two pet ferrets and a beautiful sighthound (who i send a lot of pictures of in the discord server lmao)!! all my pets absolutely need meat to live a decent quality of life so we happily provide that for them even though me and my dad are vegan

  • @superdrwholock
    @superdrwholock Рік тому +5

    I have 5 pets who are not vegan and 2 who are because they are herbivores naturally. Also I recently lost my chinchilla and I really miss him.
    As an autistic guy with a very restricted diet I sometimes get a lot of stick when I talk to people who are vegan about food. Not all of them though some are very understanding and will stick up for me if someone says I’m a terrible person for eating animal products but I do wonder if there’s a lot of ableism or ignorance about sensory issues in the vegan community. I really admire people who can be vegan and I’ve tried it before but I would throw up the fake chicken and the fake cheese and I just wasn’t eating properly and became ill so I had to go back to before. And people will say that I can’t love animals if I eat animal products but I really do love animals and I still feel really bad about it and people sometimes assume that I have not tried properly. Having allergies is just another added problem that I won’t go in to

    • @superdrwholock
      @superdrwholock Рік тому +1

      But if anyone has any tips for me to be less reliant on animal products and be able to deal with different food let me know please thank you

    • @snarfulhusocks1688
      @snarfulhusocks1688 Рік тому +2

      I'm pretty much in the same position. I would love to go vegan or vegetarian, but I barely get enough calories to survive as it is because food is such a constant struggle with autism. I don't think a lot of people understand just how hard it is for a lot of autistic people to simply eat. Sorry people aren't understanding of you. Those people, to me, just sound mean and not like great vegans anyways

    • @christywillis1707
      @christywillis1707 Рік тому +1

      I don't think you should feel bad about eating food that fuels your body to keep you healthy. I'm autistic too, and eating a healthy diet can be so difficult. I am really sensitive to bitter flavors and to certain textures. As a child a lot of vegetables triggered my gag reflex and if I couldn't eat animal products I wouldn't have been able to be healthy. I've learned how to prepare more vegetables in ways that don't trigger my gag reflex, and I'm really proud of myself but it's still really hard. Some things like kale, caramel and fish literally make my mouth hurt for hours after I eat them and it's hard to even describe what that is like to a lot of people. And since I am allergic to eggs I already to have to restrict my diet a lot as it is. Sometimes the only thing I can eat is cheese because I'm too overwhelmed and I just need some food that isn't all sugary.
      I think it sounds like you've made a lot of effort to try and eat responsibly - I do that too as much as I can.

    • @superdrwholock
      @superdrwholock Рік тому +1

      @@christywillis1707 thank you for sharing your experiences I appreciate your insight :)

    • @superdrwholock
      @superdrwholock Рік тому

      @@snarfulhusocks1688 Thank you, and I know right it's so hard to try to expand on what you eat and not just eat your safe foods

  • @GABIGABES_9053
    @GABIGABES_9053 Рік тому +1


  • @Robb3636
    @Robb3636 Рік тому +1

    I have a lovely corn snake at present, and I hope to keep more reptiles in the future!

  • @Luis-gb3ru
    @Luis-gb3ru Рік тому +1

    Can you guys make an episode elaborating on the best way to eat on a vegan diet?

  • @terrylynn7936
    @terrylynn7936 Рік тому

    tbh when I read "vegan pets" the first thought that popped into my head was "pets that aren't made out of or drom animals?"

  • @missnomer2442
    @missnomer2442 Рік тому +1

    I have 8 or 9 chickens, I forgot to count them.

  • @eethvamp
    @eethvamp Рік тому

    I have 2 cats. A Bombay kitty named Ari (technically my mom's), and (mine) Cindy (short for Cinderheart), a gray tabby

  • @chrisstanley4405
    @chrisstanley4405 Рік тому

    I have four cats atm but have had hens, ducks, hamsters in the past.

  • @Jamie-pp5gt
    @Jamie-pp5gt Рік тому +1

    You probs won’t but if you haven’t done it already could you do an episode on the vipeholm experiment

  • @CamCamCamCamCamCamCamCamCammmm

    PSA for anyone who is lactose intolerant (I mean do your own research and try to see how you react and what not first): Hard cheeses have so little lactose in them that they qualify as „lactose free“ so you might be depriving yourself unnecessarily. (I believe this doesn‘t apply to soft cheeses, but hard cheeses are amazing too!)

    • @cold_knees
      @cold_knees Рік тому +1

      This has generally been true for me - regular old cheddar is usually fine, vs mozzarella will usually make me unwell

  • @navareeves8976
    @navareeves8976 Рік тому +2

    I have two cats who are Not vegan.

  • @louisboon77
    @louisboon77 Рік тому

    i once went to a talk at the hay festival where they said that the whole world could never be vegan because growing that many plants would be terrible for the soil and i have found that the oddest thing anyone has ever said to me

    • @saggguy7
      @saggguy7 Рік тому +2

      they might be correct, i’m certainly no expert, and I don’t necessarily need to see the whole world be vegan personally. but this doesn’t ring true for me. The animals we eat also eat plants most of the time, and factory farming means we raise far, far more farm animals than we actually need for food. which means in our current non-vegan world we’re using up more plants *and* animals than we would be in a vegan world.

    • @joe-q2n
      @joe-q2n Рік тому

      If I were being generous to the speaker I'd assume that they were suggesting the soil would be deprived of nutrients because there would be no animal fertilizer or grazing. But why those things wouldn't be done is a mystery to me, I assume in a vegan world animals still exist to graze on unplanted fields and make fertilizer.

  • @simplybet8104
    @simplybet8104 Рік тому

    I have a leopard gecko, he eats live insects, dusted with vitamins

  • @Luis-gb3ru
    @Luis-gb3ru Рік тому +1

    I think actually you probably shouldn‘t feed a burger to a dog because it‘s so fatty, so it might get diarrhea or something 😅

  • @nastassjaselow4344
    @nastassjaselow4344 Рік тому +1

    This is a great in depth video on vegan dog diets. it is in German, if you can understand it, but you can put on translated English subtitles. Definitely worth watching

    • @annalundquist7247
      @annalundquist7247 Рік тому +1

      There are good brands of vegan dog food out there. We have tried a few for our dog that we adopted when he was 7 years old. He was overweight and very tired, because of bad nutrition while he was inbetween homes (he was with someone loving, but unaware of the fact that dogs do not need food every time they beg for it...). We got him checked by veterinarians and we slowly transitioned him over to vegan food. He gets a kibble that has scientifically balanced nutrition and that he loves. He soon started to improve in health and energy and seemed like a puppy in comparison. We now also give him supplements for older dogs, since he has become an old gentleman of 14 years. They contain msm and some other things that are good for his joints etc. He is calmer than when he was seven, but that is expected, otherwise he seems healthy. His stomach seems much more in order as well.

  • @lobaetoile8440
    @lobaetoile8440 Рік тому +1

    I didn't know this was a thing... 😅

  • @aratinatophat1072
    @aratinatophat1072 Рік тому

    Oh no my cats love cheese, sometimes I accidentally leave my plates out and they start licking the cheese 😭😭 I’m sorry my poor lactose intolerant babies. I was eating my tea just now and one of them kept trying to get to my cheesy pasta! Oh no.

  • @Finnnnywinny
    @Finnnnywinny Рік тому +2

    I dont think pets should be vegan or necessarily on raw diets (excluding reptiles and other pets that need to be) i think that produced food while may seem boring is best for the pet as long as they live happy lives

  • @breeanneosuileabhain2036
    @breeanneosuileabhain2036 Рік тому

    I have 2 cats and a dog.

  • @Elientjepientje.
    @Elientjepientje. Рік тому +4

    If it's important to you that your pet is also vegan just get a herbivore as a pet. If you want a cat or a dog accept that it needs a certain diet and make sure they also get food they enjoy. I like to enjoy my food why withhold that from your pet just because you want your dog to be vegetarian. Thats weird to me

    • @haxicle5378
      @haxicle5378 Рік тому +1

      To be fair, you are framing their intentions wrong. It’s not that they just want their pet to be vegetarian like it’s some quirk, usually it’s because they don’t want to contribute to animal suffering for their pets. But I do agree, if vegans want a pet they should probably get a herbivore. But ofc, many vegans also have pets before they go vegan. Thus, if it’s possible to feed them a plant-based diet in a healthy way, I think that’s fine.

  • @darasimpson1539
    @darasimpson1539 Рік тому

    I hope everyone listened to the last second, I definitely learned something new 👀

  • @spudmadethis
    @spudmadethis Рік тому +3

    There’s a huge gulf between people who eat a plant based diet and vegans. I’m vegan and my ethics say I dont use or enslave animals, so I don’t have pets. People who just eat plant based food aren’t a vegan cos it’s not a diet, it’s an ethos and moral code.

    • @Robb3636
      @Robb3636 Рік тому +1

      I think you're drawing an arbitrary divide between two things. Being vegan and eating plant based are the same thing, there's no point pretending they mean different things in order to feel superior. Having a pet isn't enslaving an animal. I agree that it's immoral to breed animals for pets, what I do believe in is giving animals that already exist as full a life as possible, so adopting animals that need homes and wouldn't survive in the wild. Acknowledging that many animals need to live with humans to survive is uncomfortable, but it's a necessity.

    • @spudmadethis
      @spudmadethis Рік тому +3

      @@Robb3636 it’s not about superiority, it’s about one is a lifestyle that includes morals values and diet, the other is just a way of eating.
      Helping animals is an honourable pastime, caging animals is not. But that’s why there’s a difference between an animal lover and a vegan, there is a moral line we cross. It’s not just about the food I eat, it’s how I conduct my whole life.

  • @Kaltag2278
    @Kaltag2278 Рік тому

    2 dogs 2 cats

  • @saggguy7
    @saggguy7 Рік тому

    i have two children, one is dog shaped and the other is cat shaped

  • @danawork3904
    @danawork3904 Рік тому

    Two cats and a human partner

  • @Launi.
    @Launi. Рік тому

    i used to be vegan but never thought i would make my cats vegan too... i feel its just simple science knowing what animals need.

  • @haxicle5378
    @haxicle5378 Рік тому +2

    Can’t help but feel that Corry seemed very biased at the end there. He did admit to his bias when he said that he wanted the answer to be no, but he also seemed to contradict himself a bit like when he claimed how it was odd that people tend to pair dogs and cats together with this question despite them being very different, then seems to do just that near the end. Even his admission that dogs can probably be vegetarian just fine seemed to pain him.
    And then in general the critique of vegans wanting to make their pets vegan didn’t seem too thought out. You two didn’t seem to consider that some people may have had pets before they went vegan, and also called vegans hypocritical for maybe not doing something that’s in the best interest of their pet when I think it would actually be consistent because as you two said, (1) it’s possible, and (2) more animals would suffer in the other scenario.
    Still really enjoyed the podcast overall though.

    • @SciGuys
      @SciGuys  Рік тому +2

      It’s odd that people pair cats and dogs together, yeah - but I did so at the end because it was the scope of the episode. It wasn’t easy to say that dogs /can/ be vegetarian because I know there’s every chance that could be someone’s only take away from the episode - which could put a dog at risk if not done properly. It’s not the information that’s painful, it’s the potential interpretation & outcome of sharing said information.
      It’s irrelevant when someone went vegan. If they own a pet & then come to realise that their values don’t necessarily align with the needs of their pet, they can give the pet to someone else or suck it up until the pet dies. Changing the diet of the pet to one that aligns with their values displays a level of selfishness that comes off as inconsistent with veganism to me. The basic point is that there’s an element of risk there; while it’s possible, that doesn’t mean it’s as reliable or easy as the alternative. It also doesn’t mean it’s the healthiest option. It’s inconsistent because you’re putting your pet’s health at risk for the sake of your own values.
      Veganism isn’t just about a utilitarian-esque equation of suffering. Animal suffering isn’t inherently wrong, it’s necessary for life on earth. Trying to avoid it at all costs is fruitless & a poor mindset to have imo.

    • @alicesshelter9719
      @alicesshelter9719 8 місяців тому

      ​@@SciGuysisn't avoiding the Potential dog suffering a fruitless and poor mindset also?
      You could also argue that the dogs suffering isn't "inherently wrong".
      And how's putting the value of one's pet well being over the value of other animals well being not contradictory to the vegan mindset? One could argue that it's actually selfish to prioritize the well being of one pet over the well being of hundreds of animals.
      Maybe it'll be seen as a poor analogy but... if one had a vampire baby that was under one's care, would it be consistent with humanist views to feed them a synthetic diet with the nutrients they need instead of feeding them other humans? Because technically that baby is a human and by denying them the natural food one is forcing one's ideology onto the baby and since the baby can't consent it's against human rights.