
  • Опубліковано 22 чер 2024
  • 加拿大共產黨員白求恩醫生,懷著對中國人民解放事業的無私奉獻,遠赴中國支援抗日戰爭。他的國際主義和共產主義精神激勵著每一位中國共產黨員,要與全世界無產階級團結一致,共同反對帝國主義。白求恩醫生對工作的極端負責和對人民的深情關懷,體現了一個真正共產主義者的精神。他在八路軍醫療系統中的醫術卓越,為技術精進樹立了榜樣。白求恩的精神和奉獻,是我們所有人學習的典范,提醒我們要摒棄自私,為人民的利益而生活。
    Dr. Norman Bethune, a Canadian Communist Party member, dedicated his life to aiding China's war against Japanese aggression. Despite being over fifty, he journeyed to China, driven by a selfless commitment to the Chinese people's liberation. His spirit of internationalism and communism inspired every Chinese Communist Party member to embrace the global struggle against imperialism. Bethune's devotion was evident in his responsible work ethic and profound enthusiasm for his comrades and the people. His medical expertise significantly contributed to the Eighth Route Army's medical system. Bethune's legacy is a testament to the pure communist spirit, urging all to adopt a selfless attitude for the greater good of humanity.
    Hello everyone! Welcome to 'Su Weilang Reads'. 'Su Weilang Reads' recites classic prose, poetry, and songs from both ancient and modern times, and from home and abroad, for you every day. We share works of famous authors and outstanding writers from all eras and all over the world, looking forward to growing with you in the ocean of literary knowledge.
    近期优秀作品(Recent Outstanding Works):
    If a person over 70 can still do these three things, they are truly a winner in life! I hope you are too
    • 人過70,還能做到這3件事,才是真正的人生贏...
    Behind Xu Jiayin's collapse: A large number of the newly rich return to poverty, and in the future, only one kind of person will be able to make money!
    • 許家印坍塌背后:大量暴富者返貧,未來只有一種...
    Liu Yuxi was demoted to Hezhou, where he wrote an 81-character eternal masterpiece, which was included in textbooks and has influenced countless people!
    • 刘禹锡被贬和州,写下81字千古名篇,选入课本...
    The 'Zizhi Tongjian' contains eight golden maxims that impart wisdom on how to conduct oneself and handle affairs, benefiting you immensely
    • 《資治通鑒》八句金玉良言,教你做人做事的智慧...


  • @ahhuagan1271
    @ahhuagan1271 22 дні тому

    Thank you

    • @suwei
      @suwei  22 дні тому


  • @anasu4729
    @anasu4729 22 дні тому


    • @suwei
      @suwei  22 дні тому
