Star Wars: The Clone Wars 2x6 "Weapons Factory" Reaction ll

  • Опубліковано 16 січ 2025


  • @hehu4025
    @hehu4025 Рік тому +1

    I answer your question: Yes you can like Barriss :) Personally, she's my second favorite character.
    Barriss was wronged by the removal of arcs, and unfortunately, all the planned arcs for her were not created (thanks to Disney). However, her story is an integral part of Ahsoka's story, so we'll see something about her. Plus, second season of "Tales of the Jedi" have been announced, and Barriss is definitely a candidate. There's a lot to tell about her, so I'll provide more information in another comment.
    Luminara is literal example of the Jedi's downfall. She might have been a good Jedi before the war, but now she's nothing more than a must-win fanatic. Instead of searching for her apprentice who was buried alive, she prefers to give Anakin a lesson about emotions and attachment. If it weren't for Anakin, both Barriss and Ahsoka would have died because Luminara didn't want to look for them.
    If she truly cared about Barriss' life, why didn't she want to show it in such a crucial moment?
    It's not about showing whether you're attached to your apprentice or not; it's about saving lives, and Luminara didn't want to do that. Despite being highly emotional, Anakin handled the situation correctly.

  • @hehu4025
    @hehu4025 Рік тому +1

    Barriss Offee. There's a lot to say about her she is extremely important and complex so that's why I'll give her a full comment. These aren't spoilers. (As I wrote she will get the minimum of her story. She won't appear at all during the second year of the war, but she will appear in the last year)
    1. Let's start with something obvious. Relationship with Ahsoka.
    When it comes to her friendship with Ahsoka, they will sometimes treat each other like sisters. After their masters, they are each other's second most important persons.
    (One of the directors even said that there was an idea for a more romantic storyline between these two, but it was abandoned.)
    Barriss's influence on Ahsoka is obvious. Barriss will calm her impulsiveness. She's not an authority figure to Ahsoka, but rather a friend. If Ahsoka wants to prove something in a foolish way, Barriss will straightforwardly tell her that it doesn't impress her and she shouldn't do it.
    For example:
    Barriss and Ahsoka train together. Barriss has always been stronger and has won. Ahsoka was frustrated by this. When Barriss once again wins by using the Force push on Ahsoka, Tano throws something in Offee's face and leaps over her, placing her lightsaber at Barriss's neck to end the duel. Barriss tells her that in a real fight, that move would have weakened Ahsoka, and it was simply dishonorable. "That wasn't a good victory." Later, Ahsoka goes to her room and admits to herself that Barriss was right - she regretted doing that.
    What influence will Ahsoka have on Barriss?
    Barriss struggled with creativity. She learned to do exactly what Luminara told her. After getting to know Ahsoka, she will start improvising in many missions because she'll learn that plans always need to adapt to changing situations.
    It's also worth mentioning that Barriss became attached to Ahsoka. Mirialans hide their hair/head. The hood is a symbol of not getting attached. Barriss, knowing this, removed her hood next to Ahsoka and accepted that she had become attached.
    (During the Clone Wars, the Jedi isolate themselves from emotions and attachments, and in my opinion that's their mistake. They are so fearful of their own emotions that they've given the option of decision-making to "good politicians" and the Chancellor.
    They should accept emotions rather than isolate themselves from them. The only thing they should do is control emotions and embrace the potential loss. For example, in a dire situation where Ahsoka is forced to sacrifice herself, Barriss could look for other potential options, but she would accept her friend's sacrifice.
    Controlling emotions and isolating oneself from them is the difference. Isolation can be called fear of expressing them, and as Yoda said, "Fear is the path to the dark side.")
    2. Luminara chose Barriss mainly because Mirialans can only be trained by other Mirialans (it's their tradition)
    This relationship can be described as a mild conflict. Luminara prioritizes victory as her main objective, while Barriss values life and the well-being of others. It's not that they argue with each other. Barriss holds her master in high regard, but when it comes to wartime decisions, Barriss isn't always a fan of Luminara's decisions.
    The evacuation of a besieged city. The Separatist commander was Grievous, who proposed surrendering the city after his duel with Luminara a few days earlier. He promised safe passage for the Republic Army if they laid down their arms. (His aim was to persuade the local population to fight for the Separatists, portraying himself as an honorable warrior.) Luminara declined and initiated the evacuation using transports. With insufficient transports available, Luminara left behind some troops and civilians. Barriss wasn't pleased with this. She inquired whether there was an alternative solution, not exactly questioning Luminara's authority but demonstrating a desire to aid everyone. Barriss didn't see another choice herself and believed this decision was the best one.
    "We have to do this. Being a Jedi also means making tough decisions, my apprentice."
    "I don't want to make decisions when I know they are wrong. Master, you taught me that a Jedi is supposed to protect everyone even at the cost of his life. Why didn't you accept Grievous' offer?"
    "Our lives are very important to the Republic. Our experience will allow this war to end sooner. Grievous certainly lied. He is not an honorable fighter, but a Jedi killer. We had no guarantee that after accepting his offer, he would not kill us all. We had no choice"
    A few hours later, Barriss asked a difficult question
    "Would you leave me to die if the situation called for it?"
    Luminara didn't explicitly say Yes, but she wanted to prepare Barriss for such an event. This does not necessarily mean hypocrisy. Luminara really believed that this was a lie and her death would have been unnecessary because separatists would have attacked the city anyway.
    Barriss accepted this, as she prioritized the greater good and saving lives. If her own life hindered saving more lives, she would accept it and make the sacrifice. However, after the second battle on Geonosis, Barriss concluded that her master had made an mistake and distanced herself slightly. Which is not bad. Instead of exclusively spending time with Luminara, Barriss began to spend time with: Ahsoka, Plo, or Anakin.
    3. How talented is Barriss?
    This sentence might be unsettling: She's so talented that even Palpatine noticed her on several occasions (He even tested her, just like he tested Anakin).
    Luminara cares deeply for Barriss's life (at least before the war) and wanted to prepare her for absolutely anything, effectively creating a mini Spartan. She's a demanding teacher, but in this case, it's a good thing because without Luminara's training, Barriss likely would have died.
    (She and Anakin were the only Padawans to survive the Battle of Geonosis in Attack of the Clones.)
    Fighting style - Soresu, the most defensive (Kenobi style)
    She possesses the ability to isolate her presence in the Force (Force Stealth), and primarily due to this skill, she nearly defeated Anakin during a sparring session in the dark. (She disarmed him and landed a few kicks, the only thing that saved Anakin from a complete defeat was Force push. Anakin later admitted that the duel could be considered a draw.- It was evident that Anakin didn't employ his full strength in the duel, but Barriss definitely surprised him.)
    Additionally, during this time, Barriss will train in Force Heal and become one of the best healers.
    Barriss doesn't have a confirmed death during Order 66, so she would be on her own... I'm afraid Palpatine could get what he wanted, and after the fall of the Order, he might recruit her. (As an tidbit, I can mention that many fans believe that the masked character in Ahsoka's series might be Barriss.)
    4. What is Barriss's personality like?
    She's very dedicated to her culture (she even wore heels during that battle, lol).
    Barriss is very kind and empathetic towards everyone. She will help anyone in need. She also is very rule fallower.
    And where can one find Barriss if she's not in her room? - Library. She loves reading information from holocrons and expanding her knowledge.
    Barriss developed an intriguing perspective on the Force. Being a Mirialan, she inherently understands the concept differently. The light side of the Force represents the Jedi's side, the 'good ones,' while the dark side embodies the Sith, the 'bad ones.'
    However, both sides commit atrocities. Both sides engage in both good and bad deeds. What sets Dooku apart from Mundi or Windu?
    Barriss came to the conclusion that there isn't a distinct light or dark side. There is only the Force, and it depends on the user whether they use it for good or bad intentions.
    But I need to reveal 2 aspects that caught Sidious's interest.
    Imagine flying on a peaceful mission to Geonosis, and effect, you are in the arena and you see a Jedii massacre and all your friends die. Then, you're asked to go back to that planet. Yes... Barriss has war trauma. The 2nd Battle of Geonosis, as one can easily guess, doesn't help with that problem. It's worth saying that Barriss didn't want to go back there; she wanted to stay on Coruscant and help the injured.
    (Luminara might have taught her how to fight, but in my opinion, Barriss should have never been on the front lines because it simply isn't place for her.)
    The second trait is her compassion. - She empathizes with everyone. She doesn't even know if she did the right thing by blowing up the factory because it not only destroyed droids but also killed the Geonosians who lived beneath the factory.
    However, what protect Barriss from recruitment by Palpatine is her logic. She doesn't care about politicians. To her, the Chancellor is just some random who has absolutely no influence on her decisions. You can compare her logic to Qui-Gon's because it's similar.

    • @girlsavorscreen
      @girlsavorscreen  Рік тому +1

      I don't think Luminara gave up, if Ahsoka did do what she did they wouldn't have known where to start. In this situation I think she just more accepting of their deaths which is not great but understandable. I don't think the masked character is Barriss, it seems like a man just from the body, but that would be so tragic. I hope it's not her. Thanks for all the info you always give.