  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024


  • @joewalker3105
    @joewalker3105 Рік тому +2

    Under His wing, you will be shielded by the morality, ethics, and the choices you make😊

  • @shirlspark_stardust
    @shirlspark_stardust Рік тому +4

    Praise God for His protection hallelujah 🙌🙌🙌 worthy forever.

  • @anjalilydia3134
    @anjalilydia3134 Рік тому

    20:10 If that isnt confirmation, I dont know what is. Hallelujah! He who controls the thunder and seas, the moon and the trees. Praise be to the Most High God in Jesus's name. Amen! 🤍💙💜🩷🧡💛⚡️

  • @ahavashalom4093
    @ahavashalom4093 Рік тому +4

    All praise to The Most High for these beloved brethren!
    On point dear brothers!

  • @ramthian
    @ramthian 8 місяців тому

    ❤❤ Hallelujah xx

  • @christmanlotsigadspirit5583
    @christmanlotsigadspirit5583 Рік тому +1

    I got a song i recently created for myself.... I love singing. It says....
    Ahayahman a come with the High Voltage x 3
    Blood of Jesus is a High Voltage x 3
    Power of God is a High Voltage x 3
    Demons dem a flee from the High Voltage
    Satan Him a run from the High Voltage
    So that's just a glimpse of how my lyrics go but the tone and the Riddim merges very good when i sing. I'm still learning but slowly but surely ill get there. I wanna produce my own music one day and i still wanna visit you guys there in Jamaica. And on the music part.... When a Nazarite sing...... It is actually Roaring..... A Nazarite is a Lion of God. So when we sing we are Roaring. And a other thing i call my music Eternal Sounds.... The meaning of that is i wanna Produce Music here in Earth that can also be Played in Heaven. There is Music that can't enter Heaven.... There is Music that can't be played in Heaven. So i want my music to Enter Heaven and it must be able to be put on a Replay in Heaven. Only one wrong lyric or word in your Song can let your Song be Rejected in Heaven. And it will still be a song in Earth but it won't qualify to enter Heaven. So I'm gathering Riches for myself and storing them in Heaven.... The Most High will store them for me and keep them safe until i get there.

  • @mishiebless8727
    @mishiebless8727 Рік тому +6

    Thank you heavenly father for this beautiful message that you sent through my brothers blessing

  • @shirlspark_stardust
    @shirlspark_stardust Рік тому +4

    Psalm 34verse19 The righteous person may have many troubles, but the LORD delivers him from them all.

  • @lovesoinfinite2679
    @lovesoinfinite2679 Рік тому +5

    Blessed day ❤

  • @stacy-annsmall3503
    @stacy-annsmall3503 Рік тому +4

    Hello my wonderful Brother’s

  • @service_gamez1111
    @service_gamez1111 Рік тому +4

    Back to back, i love watching your sermons brother. Perfect love 🙏🏾 May god continue to bless you so that you may bless others. Currently applying for my passport to come visit. Bless 🙏🏾

  • @christmanlotsigadspirit5583
    @christmanlotsigadspirit5583 Рік тому +2

    Big Prophecies coming out..... I don't have words to explain how much such Prophecies mean to me. Perfect Love brothers.... I'm still at work and I'm gonna view the video. The Title already takes me to a other level. I told them Selah Media is on Fire these days..... Selah Media is Extreme. Perfect Love my two brothers and friends in the spirit.

  • @cdyann
    @cdyann Рік тому +2

    Thank you for a beautiful, timely and important message. I've listened and watched this video twice, no doubt I will revisit it often.

  • @andreaashley4265
    @andreaashley4265 Рік тому +3

    Amen praise almighty God ❤

  • @twinpyramid5985
    @twinpyramid5985 Рік тому +2

    Blessings brothers Jerome and Ramon 💯🔥🔥🔥 Perfect ❤Love

  • @shirlspark_stardust
    @shirlspark_stardust Рік тому +1

    Greetings brother in the name of our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ aka Yeshua Hamashiac perfect love in spirit and truth 😊🙏❤💛💚

  • @shirlspark_stardust
    @shirlspark_stardust Рік тому +1

    Psalm 46:1 - God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.

  • @MTortillaKitt
    @MTortillaKitt Рік тому +2

    Thank you brothers ❤❤

  • @fyabryte4023
    @fyabryte4023 Рік тому +2

    Brothers in Christ Jesus am in a battle all now As youll speak but am holding on to the power of the Most High Jah chrisrlis for i Amen

  • @alishmaalexander7339
    @alishmaalexander7339 Рік тому +1

    Much respect Uncles
    All praise to The Most High

  • @jordanlionofjudah3904
    @jordanlionofjudah3904 Рік тому +1

    Greeting and shout out to my brothers
    The Great Owl and High Priest Rastafari
    We're talking about the end times
    You got it right you're feeling it right 👍
    Hopefully the struggle is not too tough
    But one thing is sure I'm staying close to The Lord ! Yeah I'm staying close to the Lord 🤜🤛 yeah close to Jesus Christ
    You can sing it with the opening beat 😉
    Yeah we're taking to the streets
    Were fighting for Jesus Crhist
    We're trying to get it right
    We ask for guidance and grace day and night 🙏

  • @wendyhamilton1347
    @wendyhamilton1347 Рік тому +1

    The word is a lamp to guide our stes

  • @goldiesteph76
    @goldiesteph76 Рік тому +1

    Love and respect ❤

  • @GodSpeaksInMath
    @GodSpeaksInMath Рік тому +1

    Excellent build...

  • @LivForYahuah
    @LivForYahuah 11 місяців тому

    Trials, tribulations and persecutions will come but we are victorious in TMH. In these end times people may die fighting for their belief in Messiah, but that death isn’t a death of loss but a death of victory.
    But let us remain wise and guided by TMH to not fall into the entrapments of the enemy by allowing discernment and the Set-Apart Spirit to guide us in all things.

  • @shaneeksteen4138
    @shaneeksteen4138 Рік тому +1


  • @alishmaalexander7339
    @alishmaalexander7339 Рік тому

    Bredren the Thunder was impressive

  • @ImmortalFoods9
    @ImmortalFoods9 Рік тому

    PSALMS 91 yeah man

  • @trunobelsentertainment
    @trunobelsentertainment 11 місяців тому

    I Am the 144 like 👍🏾

  • @onlythereal6067
    @onlythereal6067 Рік тому


  • @rtee4086
    @rtee4086 Рік тому

    Again, before you can claim that your God exist, you need to prove that your God actually
    exists, you have to demonstrate that your God actually exists, claiming that your God exist,
    does not prove that your God exists, The Judeo-Christian God only exists on the pages of
    The Jewish Old Testament Bible, and on the pages of the Christian New Testament Bible,
    And that Biblical God, acknowledge that there are other God ( s ), read ( Exodus 20:3 &
    Deuteronomy 5:7 etc., ) and throughout human history hundreds of God's were worshiped
    by humankind, Why is your God the one true God ? The term '' God '' is a metaphysical term
    Or utterance, and if God is a metaphysical term, Then it cannot be even probable that a God
    exists, for someone to say that god exists is to make a metaphysical utterance, which cannot
    be either true or false. The only things we humankind have proven to exist are matter, energy,
    Gravity and physics, such as heat, light, electricity, magnetism and the structure of the Atoms,
    and space and time, from which everything is made of,
    Knowledge is crucially different from a mere belief, but not all belief involves true belief, and
    Not all true belief constitutes knowledge, for believers to maintain that they know god exists,
    such a statement is made on unproven grounds, The Theists continually make this claim, Yet
    They consistently fail to produce the evidence, if your God really exists, and he loves people,
    and he wants them to know him and follow him, Then he would reveal himself to everyone,
    Claiming that you are having conversations with this God of yours, if God reveals himself to you,
    if this God talks to you, That does me no good, Neither does it do any good to those of us who
    God doesn't talk to, beside, claiming that some god talk to you, is just hearsay, How do we prove
    The Truthfulness or Falseness of such a claim ? it is not what you claim to know, it is what you
    can prove, I cannot change your mind with logic, if the conclusion you comes to did not involved
    logic to begin with, In fiction everything is possible, if The Bible was inspired by God, Why for
    example does it have two creation accounts one in Genesis 1:1--31, and another creation account
    in Genesis 2:4--25 ?
    If someone begins to read the Old Testament carefully, it probably won't take them long to realise
    That Genesis chapter 1:1to 31,sounds quite different from Genesis chapter 2:4 to 25, if they are
    paying close attention to the narrative, chapter two seems to tell the creation story for a second
    time, for example, when was man created ? In Genesis 1:26--27, God created humanity on the sixth
    day ( The end of the creation period ), and he created male and female at the same time ( 1:27 ),
    And God created humanity in his image, In the image of God he created them, male and female,
    But what do we see in Genesis chapter 2:7 ? And God formed the man with dust from the ground,
    and he blew into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being, In contrast, woman
    is his final creation after the garden and vegetation, ( 2:22 ), And where was humanity supposed to live
    in Genesis 1: 1--28--29, There was no garden in Genesis chapter 1, God's work was done on the sixth
    Day, in chapter 1, yet God only remember to create the garden in the second creation story in Genesis
    chapter 2, again there are many other problems that could be discussed between these two accounts
    But these will suffice .

    • @joeryan1160
      @joeryan1160 Рік тому

      Your every breath utters HIS name. Your not listening for HIS response.

    • @rtee4086
      @rtee4086 Рік тому

      Again, Pure Faith refers to basing your beliefs solely on tradition, hearsay, or just speculation,
      That is, Faith in this sense is trusting what you were told, Or what you want to be true,
      without requiring any proof, Faith and belief is the central characteristic of a Christian
      because, '' Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life '' ( John 3:36 ), This quotation
      Show one of the ways Christianity uses the concept of FAITH, as a substitute for evidence,
      and also as a credential for admittance to heaven, Christianity is not mainly about What
      Jesus may or may not have said, It is mainly about what happened to him, and what other
      people said it meant, Paul's epistles ( letters ), written circa 50--60 CE., are the earliest
      surviving Christian writings, and his arguments formed the foundation upon which much of
      Christian theology was gradually erected, Saul was his Jewish name and Paul, his Roman
      name, But Paul never had a meeting or a conversation with the living Jesus. and he claimed
      To have persecuted Jesus's early followers.
      Then suddenly, he underwent a dramatic conversion and became a follower himself, Like
      Jesus, he was an apocalypticist, preaching the general resurrection and judgment were
      near, Time is short, This world in its present form is passing away see ( 1st Corinthians
      7:29--31 ), Paul himself may have expected to see it in his lifetime; For the Lord himself
      will come down from heaven, and we who are still alive and are left will be caught up
      Together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air ( 1st Thessalonians 4:16--17 ),
      But Paul's most important contribution was the doctrine of salvation by Faith, What
      evidence supports Paul's teachings ? How did he come to possess the idea that would
      prove so revolutionary ? Paul himself tells us, first, he claimed to have had personal
      revelation, second, he received oral tradition, and Third, Scriptural reinterpretation,
      The most remarkable of his sources, was personal revelation, Paul never said how many
      he had, but it appears to have been quite a few, in this respect, he resembles Mohammed,
      Who is also said to have received multiple revelations over a period of years, Paul's celebrated
      Conversion on the road to Damascus involves some sort of revelatory vision of Jesus,
      he claims that his understanding of the gospel came directly from Jesus, he said, '' I did
      not receive it from any man, Nor was I Taught it, rather I received it by revelation from Jesus
      Christ, read this in ( Galatians 1:12 ), he informs us that he even ascended to heaven on
      one occasion, There, he heard and saw inexpressible things, Things that no one is permitted
      to tell, ( 2nd Corinthians 12:1--6 ),

  • @tlp1015
    @tlp1015 Рік тому +1

    Give Thanks🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
    Promising and comforting WORD🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
    🔯Ababa Jahni Live🔯

  • @ninjaguy3
    @ninjaguy3 Рік тому

    So you are the great owl now 🤣🤣🤣🤣 man guh siddung.....wonder is which god dream yuh...Moloch?? Stop trick di ppl rastaman